Mimecast v2
Mimecast Pack.#
This Integration is part of theMimecast unified email management offers cloud email services for email security, continuity and archiving emails. Please read detailed instructions in order to understand how to set the integration's parameters.
Rate Limitinghttps://developer.services.mimecast.com/api-overview#rate-limiting Mimecast uses quotas per period of time (i.e. rate limits) that apply to every API function, per registered App. A typical quota is a number of API calls per unit of time (but could also be expressed as the size of data returned, etc.). When the quota has been exhausted, further requests will fail until the new time period restarts the count of API calls. The rate limit reset value is the length of time in milliseconds before a minimum of 1 API will be permitted.
Configure Mimecast v2 in CortexParameter | Required |
BaseUrl - API url including region, For example https://api.services.mimecast.com | True |
Client ID | False |
Client Secret | False |
App ID | False |
User Email Address (Use for auto token refresh) | False |
Password | False |
App key | False |
AccessKey | False |
SecretKey | False |
Trust any certificate (not secure) | False |
Use system proxy settings | False |
Fetch incidents | False |
Fetch URL incidents | False |
Fetch attachment incidents | False |
Fetch impersonation incidents | False |
Incident type | False |
Hours before first fetch to retrieve incidents | False |
Incident type | False |
Fetch incidents | False |
Incident type | False |
Fetch incidents | False |
Incident type | False |
Fetch incidents | False |
Incidents Fetch Interval | False |
Note: The fields
User Email Address (Use for auto token refresh)
are not mandatory fields. You will only need them if you have expiry set on the auth of the user account you use to create the API keys. They will be used to auto refresh the API key once it expires.
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
mimecast-queryQuery Mimecast emails. This is an archive search command.
Base Commandmimecast-query
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
queryXml | The query string xml for the search using Mimecast Unified Search Experience (MUSE) - read more on https://community.mimecast.com/docs/DOC-2262, using this will override other query arguments. | Optional |
text | Search for this text in messages. | Optional |
dryRun | Will not execute the query, but just return the query string built. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false. | Optional |
date | Search in specific dates only. Possible values are: today, yesterday, last_week, last_month, last_year. | Optional |
dateFrom | Search emails from date, format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SZ (e.g. 2015-09-21T23:00:00Z). | Optional |
dateTo | Search emails to date, format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SZ (e.g. 2015-09-21T23:00:00Z). | Optional |
sentTo | Filter on messages to a specific address. | Optional |
sentFrom | Filter on messages from a specific address. | Optional |
subject | Search email by subject, will override the text argument. | Optional |
attachmentType | These are the attachment types available: optional - messages with and without attachments any - messages with any attachment documents - messages with doc, dot, docx, docm, dotx, dotm, pdf, rtf, html attachments spreadsheets - messages with xls, xlt, xlsx, xlsm, xltx, xltm, xlsb, xlam, csv attachments presentations - messages with ppt, pptx, pptm, potx, potm, ppam, ppsx, ppsm, sldx, sldm, thms, pps attachments text - messages with txt, text, html, log attachments images - messages with jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, gif, psd, tif, tiff attachments media - messages with mp3, mp4, m4a, mpg, mpeg, avi, wav, aac, wma, mov attachments zips - messages with zip, rar, cab, gz, gzip, 7z attachments none - No attachments are to be present in the results. Possible values are: optional, any, documents, spreadsheets, presentations, text, images, media, zips, none. | Optional |
attachmentText | Search for text in attachments. | Optional |
body | Search email by text in body, will override the text and subject arguments. | Optional |
page_size | Number of results per page to display. Possible values are: . | Optional |
startRow | This parameter is ignored, use the pagination parameters instead. Possible values are: . | Optional |
active | Defines if the search should query recently received messages that are not fully processed yet (default false). You can search by mailbox and date time across active messages. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of results to return. Possible values are: . Default is 100. | Optional |
page | Page number you would like to view. Each page contains page_size values. Must be used along with page_size. Possible values are: . | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.Message.ID | string | Message ID |
Mimecast.Message.Subject | string | Message subject |
Mimecast.Message.Sender | string | Message sender address |
Mimecast.Message.Recipient | string | Message recipient address |
Mimecast.Message.RecievedDate | date | Message received date |
Mimecast.Message.Size | number | The size of the message in bytes |
Mimecast.Message.AttachmentCount | number | Message attachments count |
Mimecast.Message.Status | string | Message status |
mimecast-list-blocked-sender-policiesDeprecate - use mimecast-list-policies instead
Base Commandmimecast-list-blocked-sender-policies
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.Policy.ID | string | Policy ID |
Mimecast.Policy.Sender.Address | string | Block Sender by email address |
Mimecast.Policy.Sender.Domain | string | Block Sender by domain |
Mimecast.Policy.Sender.Group | string | Block Sender by group |
Mimecast.Policy.Bidirectional | boolean | Blocked policy is bidirectional or not |
Mimecast.Policy.Receiver.Address | string | Block emails to receiver type address |
Mimecast.Policy.Receiver.Domain | string | Block emails to receiver type domain |
Mimecast.Policy.Receiver.Group | string | Block emails to receiver type group |
Mimecast.Policy.FromDate | date | Policy validation start date |
Mimecast.Policy.ToDate | date | Policy expiration date |
Mimecast.Policy.Sender.Type | string | Block emails to sender type |
Mimecast.Policy.Receiver.Type | string | Block emails to receiver type |
mimecast-get-policyGet a policy by ID.
Base Commandmimecast-get-policy
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
policyID | Policy ID. The policy ID can be retrieved from the data.id field using the mimecast-list-policies command. For type address-alteration provide the folderId from the data.addressAlterationSetId field. | Required |
policyType | Policy type. Possible values are: blockedsenders, antispoofing-bypass, address-alteration. Default is blockedsenders. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.Policy.ID | string | Policy ID. |
Mimecast.Policy.Sender.Address | string | Block Sender by email address. |
Mimecast.Policy.Sender.Domain | string | Block Sender by domain. |
Mimecast.Policy.Sender.Group | string | Block Sender by group. |
Mimecast.Policy.Bidirectional | boolean | Blocked policy is bidirectional or not. |
Mimecast.Policy.Receiver.Address | string | Block emails to receiver type address. |
Mimecast.Policy.Receiver.Domain | string | Block emails to receiver type domain. |
Mimecast.Policy.Receiver.Group | string | Block emails to receiver type group. |
Mimecast.Policy.Fromdate | date | Policy validation start date. |
Mimecast.Policy.Todate | date | Policy expiration date. |
Mimecast.Blockedsenders.ID | string | Policy ID. |
Mimecast.Blockedsenders.Sender.Address | string | Block Sender by email address. |
Mimecast.Blockedsenders.Sender.Domain | string | Block Sender by domain. |
Mimecast.Blockedsenders.Sender.Group | string | Block Sender by group. |
Mimecast.Blockedsenders.Bidirectional | boolean | Blocked policy is bidirectional or not. |
Mimecast.Blockedsenders.Receiver.Address | string | Block emails to receiver type address. |
Mimecast.Blockedsenders.Receiver.Domain | string | Block emails to receiver type domain. |
Mimecast.Blockedsenders.Receiver.Group | string | Block emails to receiver type group. |
Mimecast.Blockedsenders.Fromdate | date | Policy validation start date. |
Mimecast.Blockedsenders.Todate | date | Policy expiration date. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.ID | string | Policy ID. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.Sender.Address | string | Block Sender by email address. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.Sender.Domain | string | Block Sender by domain. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.Sender.Group | string | Block Sender by group. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.Bidirectional | boolean | Blocked policy is bidirectional or not. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.Receiver.Address | string | Block emails to receiver type address. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.Receiver.Domain | string | Block emails to receiver type domain. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.Receiver.Group | string | Block emails to receiver type group. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.Fromdate | date | Policy validation start date. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.Todate | date | Policy expiration date. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.ID | string | Policy ID. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.Sender.Address | string | Block Sender by email address. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.Sender.Domain | string | Block Sender by domain. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.Sender.Group | string | Block Sender by group. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.Bidirectional | boolean | Blocked policy is bidirectional or not. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.Receiver.Address | string | Block emails to receiver type address. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.Receiver.Domain | string | Block emails to receiver type domain. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.Receiver.Group | string | Block emails to receiver type group. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.Fromdate | date | Policy validation start date. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.Todate | date | Policy expiration date. |
Command example!mimecast-get-policy policyType=blockedsenders policyID=eNo1jkkOgjAAAP_Sqx4KLbgkHoggEjdcsOIN24p1odACBo1_Fw_eZzLzBprTSnHBwBAE_SZeTf0O0Q6rB0VaL_U8NNeEBta194xKFCrL1RSGkbsnXnCSaTTLEtw3jbt6XI4oiVO-K-TUIqVYJ_lz4KPsihcFxucNqpb7mzh4L7aZzNViBLogl3dBm1_ZwHbP7gJa6VI-uKKS8XZnHG0dA5qOieyWrrnSQmYt_Dd3Tc6Dnw0hhp8vdftBPg
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Mimecast Get blockedsenders Policy
Policy ID Sender Reciever Bidirectional Start End eNo1jkkOgjAAAP_Sqx4KLbgkHoggEjdcsOIN24p1odACBo1_Fw_eZzLzBprTSnHBwBAE_SZeTf0O0Q6rB0VaL_U8NNeEBta194xKFCrL1RSGkbsnXnCSaTTLEtw3jbt6XI4oiVO-K-TUIqVYJ_lz4KPsihcFxucNqpb7mzh4L7aZzNViBLogl3dBm1_ZwHbP7gJa6VI-uKKS8XZnHG0dA5qOieyWrrnSQmYt_Dd3Tc6Dnw0hhp8vdftBPg Group: null
Email Address: null
Domain: null
Type: everyoneGroup: null
Email Address: null
Domain: null
Type: everyonefalse 1900-01-01T00:00:00+0000 2100-01-01T23:59:59+0000
Command example!mimecast-get-policy policyType="address-alteration" policyID=eNoVjr0OgjAYAN-lKw5QoAqJQ5H4AwZQUBM2hKJV5IutFcX47uJ8yd19kGSlEoxXyEXqLNMl8frQfnVci4Mrk8XFwunCq09G3h5MvVknETV4crYK_6htaTaZZw7gFXO4jTecxHcVBTYmmh4WqnprPQ1Fv4jpdkxMv4Z83wDsu3QGUzRCpZIPuDFRQsWG-myXUkPHFJtkgE8mJIcWucYI1dBUTPwXiWUN9u8P87s5UQ
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Mimecast Get address-alteration Policy
Policy ID Sender Reciever Bidirectional Start End eNoVzs2OgjAUQOF3uVtY0IKdkcRFxfiHgwqIhh3S4tRU70wrGjS--zD7k5zvBVbWrZFKQAiHMrrbtMvPQUy_dLSaJx0lC5rNxs2JlNe97-nVJuFEbb6DanJ0Up5_TvMh0oUcqgHdKrb-bZPlgDLHi6tWdM6Tx-Y5W_P0g_mTBstCIxaPLMIRuKBF9QNhU2krXahbe8OLNDUK2VOiXcaJRzn1WV_epbEKrxASFxrUQpp_LwuCfvX-A6m-PQc Group: null
Email Address: null
Domain: null
Type: nullGroup: null
Email Address: null
Domain: null
Type: null
mimecast-create-policyDeprecated. Please use mimecast-create-block-sender-policy
Base Commandmimecast-create-policy
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
description | Policy description. | Required |
fromPart | Addresses based on. Possible values are: envelope_from, header_from, both. Default is envelope_from. | Optional |
fromType | Blocked Sender type. Possible values are: everyone, internal_addresses, external_addresses, email_domain, profile_group, individual_email_address. | Required |
fromValue | Required if fromType is one of email domain, profile group, individual email address. Expected values: If fromType is email_domain, a domain name without the @ symbol. If fromType is profile_group, the ID of the profile group. If fromType is individual_email_address, an email address. | Optional |
toType | Receiver type. Possible values are: everyone, internal_addresses, external_addresses, email_domain, profile_group, address_attribute_value, individual_email_address, free_mail_domains, header_display_name. | Required |
toValue | Required if fromType is one of email domain, profile group, individual email address. Expected values: If toType is email_domain, a domain name without the @ symbol. If toType is profile_group, the ID of the profile group. If toType is individual_email_address, an email address. | Optional |
option | The block option, must be one of: no_action, block_sender. Possible values are: no_action, block_sender. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.Policy.ID | string | Policy ID |
Mimecast.Policy.Sender.Address | string | Block Sender by email address |
Mimecast.Policy.Sender.Domain | string | Block Sender by domain |
Mimecast.Policy.Sender.Group | string | Block Sender by group |
Mimecast.Policy.Bidirectional | boolean | Blocked policy is Bidirectional or not |
Mimecast.Policy.Receiver.Address | string | Block emails to receiver type address |
Mimecast.Policy.Receiver.Domain | string | Block emails to receiver type domain |
Mimecast.Policy.Receiver.Group | string | Block emails to receiver type group |
Mimecast.Policy.Fromdate | date | Policy validation start date |
Mimecast.Policy.Todate | date | Policy expiration date |
Mimecast.Policy.Sender.Type | String | The sender type |
Mimecast.Policy.Receiver.Type | String | The receiver type |
mimecast-delete-policyDelete a Blocked Sender Policy.
Base Commandmimecast-delete-policy
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
policyID | Policy ID. The policy ID can be retrieved from the data.id field using the mimecast-list-policies command. | Required |
policyType | The type of policy to delete. Possible values are: antispoofing-bypass, address-alteration, blockedsenders. Default is blockedsenders. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.Policy.ID | string | Policy ID. |
Mimecast.Blockedsenders.ID | string | Policy ID. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.ID | string | Policy ID. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.ID | string | Policy ID. |
mimecast-manage-senderPermit or block a specific sender
Base Commandmimecast-manage-sender
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
sender | The email address of sender to permit or block. | Required |
recipient | The email address of recipient to permit or block. | Required |
action | Choose to either "permit" (to bypass spam checks) or "block" (to reject the email). Possible values are: permit, block. | Required |
limit | The maximum number of results to return. Possible values are: . Default is 100. | Optional |
page | Page number you would like to view. Each page contains page_size values. Must be used along with page_size. Possible values are: . | Optional |
page_size | Number of results per page to display. Possible values are: . | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.Managed.Sender | string | The email address of the sender |
Mimecast.Managed.Recipient | string | The email address of the recipient |
Mimecast.Managed.Action | string | Chosen action |
Mimecast.Managed.ID | string | The Mimecast secure ID of the managed sender object. |
mimecast-list-managed-urlGet a list of all managed URLs
Base Commandmimecast-list-managed-url
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
url | Filter results by specific URL. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.URL.Domain | string | The managed domain |
Mimecast.URL.Disablelogclick | boolean | If logging of user clicks on the URL is disabled |
Mimecast.URL.Action | string | Either block of permit |
Mimecast.URL.Path | string | The path of the managed URL |
Mimecast.URL.matchType | string | Either explicit - applies to the full URL or domain - applies to all URL values in the domain |
Mimecast.URL.ID | string | The Mimecast secure ID of the managed URL |
Mimecast.URL.disableRewrite | boolean | If rewriting of this URL in emails is disabled |
mimecast-create-managed-urlCreate a managed URL on Mimecast
Base Commandmimecast-create-managed-url
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
url | The URL to block or permit. Do not include a fragment (#). | Required |
action | Set to "block" to block list the URL, "permit" to add to allow list. Possible values are: block, permit. | Required |
matchType | Set to "explicit" to block or permit only instances of the full URL. Set to "domain" to block or permit any URL with the same domain. Possible values are: explicit, domain. Default is explicit. | Optional |
disableRewrite | Disable rewriting of this URL in emails. Applies only if action = "permit". Default false. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false. | Optional |
comment | Add a comment about the managed URL. | Optional |
disableUserAwareness | Disable User Awareness challenges for this URL. Applies only if action = "permit". Default false. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false. | Optional |
disableLogClick | Disable logging of user clicks on the URL. Default is false. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.URL.Domain | string | The managed domain |
Mimecast.URL.Action | string | Either block of permit |
Mimecast.URL.disableLogClick | string | If logging of user clicks on the URL is disabled |
Mimecast.URL.matchType | string | Either explicit - applies to the full URL or domain - applies to all URL values in the domain |
Mimecast.URL.ID | string | The Mimecast secure ID of the managed URL |
Mimecast.URL.disableRewrite | boolean | If rewriting of this URL in emails is disabled |
mimecast-list-messagesGet a list of messages for a given user. This is an archive search command. Required Permissions The following permissions are required for this command.
- Mimecast administrator with at least one of the following permissions: Archive/Search/Read.
- or Mimecast user with delegate permissions to address or user.
Base Commandmimecast-list-messages
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
mailbox | The email address to return the message list for | Optional |
startTime | The start date of messages to return, in the following format, 2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000. Default is the last calendar month | Optional |
endTime | The end date of messages to return, in the following format, 2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000. Default is the end of the current day | Optional |
view | The message list type, must be one of: inbox or sent, default is inbox | Optional |
subject | Filter by message subject | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of results to return. Default is 100. | Optional |
page | Page number you would like to view. Each page contains page_size values. Must be used along with page_size. | Optional |
page_size | Number of results per page to display. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.Message.Subject | string | Message Subject |
Mimecast.Message.ID | string | Message ID |
Mimecast.Message.Size | number | The size of the message in bytes |
Mimecast.Message.RecievedDate | date | The date the message was received |
Mimecast.Message.From | string | The mail Sender |
Mimecast.Message.AttachmentCount | string | The number of attachments on the message |
mimecast-get-attachment-logsReturns Attachment Protect logs for a Mimecast customer account
Base Commandmimecast-get-attachment-logs
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
resultsNumber | This parameter is ignored, use the 'limit' parameter instead. Possible values are: . | Optional |
fromDate | Start date of logs to return in the following format 2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000. Default is the start of the current day. | Optional |
toDate | End date of logs to return in the following format 2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000. Default is time of request. | Optional |
resultType | Filters logs by scan result, default is malicious. Possible values are: safe, malicious, timeout, error, unsafe, all. Default is malicious. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of results to return. Default is 100. | Optional |
page | Page number you would like to view. Each page contains page_size values. Must be used along with page_size. | Optional |
page_size | Number of results per page to display. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.AttachmentLog.Result | string | The result of the attachment analysis: clean, malicious, unknown, or timeout |
Mimecast.AttachmentLog.Date | date | The time at which the attachment was released from the sandbox |
Mimecast.AttachmentLog.Sender | string | The sender of the attachment |
Mimecast.AttachmentLog.FileName | string | The file name of the original attachment |
Mimecast.AttachmentLog.Action | string | The action triggered for the attachment |
Mimecast.AttachmentLog.Recipient | string | The address of the user that received the attachment |
Mimecast.AttachmentLog.FileType | string | The file type of the attachment |
Mimecast.AttachmentLog.Route | string | The route of the original email containing the attachment, either: inbound, outbound, internal, or external |
mimecast-get-url-logsReturns URL protect logs for a Mimecast customer account. Default value of scanResult as malicious
Base Commandmimecast-get-url-logs
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
resultsNumber | The number of results to request. Default is all | Optional |
fromDate | Start date of logs to return in the following format 2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000. Default is the start of the current day. | Optional |
toDate | End date of logs to return in the following format 2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000. Default is time of request. | Optional |
resultType | Filters logs by scan result, default is all | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of results to return. Default is 100. | Optional |
page | Page number you would like to view. Each page contains page_size values. Must be used along with page_size. | Optional |
page_size | Number of results per page to display. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.UrlLog.Category | string | The category of the URL clicked |
Mimecast.UrlLog.UserAddress | string | The email address of the user who clicked the link |
Mimecast.UrlLog.URL | string | The url clicked |
Mimecast.UrlLog.Awareness | string | The action taken by the user if user awareness was applied |
Mimecast.UrlLog.AdminOverride | string | The action defined by the administrator for the URL |
Mimecast.UrlLog.Date | date | The date that the URL was clicked |
Mimecast.UrlLog.Result | string | The result of the URL scan |
Mimecast.UrlLog.Action | string | The action that was taken for the click |
Mimecast.UrlLog.Route | string | The route of the original email containing the attachment, either: inbound, outbound, internal, or external |
Mimecast.UrlLog. userOverride | string | The action requested by the user. |
mimecast-get-impersonation-logsReturns Impersonation Protect logs for a Mimecast customer account
Base Commandmimecast-get-impersonation-logs
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
resultsNumber | This parameter is ignored, use the 'limit' parameter instead. Possible values are: . | Optional |
taggedMalicious | Filters for messages tagged malicious (true) or not tagged malicious (false). Omit for no tag filtering. Default is true. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Optional |
searchField | The field to search,Defaults is all (meaning all of the preceding fields). Possible values are: senderAddress, recipientAddress, subject, policy, all. | Optional |
query | Required if searchField exists. A character string to search for in the logs. | Optional |
identifiers | Filters logs by identifiers, can include any of newly_observed_domain, internal_user_name, repy_address_mismatch, and targeted_threat_dictionary. you can choose more then one identifier separated by comma. Possible values are: newly_observed_domain, internal_user_name, repy_address_mismatch, targeted_threat_dictionary. | Optional |
fromDate | Start date of logs to return in the following format 2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000. Default is the start of the current day. | Optional |
toDate | End date of logs to return in the following format 2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000. Default is time of request. | Optional |
actions | Filters logs by action, you can choose more then one action separated by comma. Possible values are: delete, hold, bounce, smart_folder, disable_smart_folder, content_expire, meta_expire, stationery, gcc, secure_delivery, delivery_route, document_policy, disable_document_policy, attach_set_policy, remove_email. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of results to return. Default is 100. | Optional |
page | Page number you would like to view. Each page contains page_size values. Must be used along with page_size. Possible values are: . | Optional |
page_size | Number of results per page to display. Possible values are: . | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.Impersonation.ResultCount | number | The total number of IMPERSONATION log lines found for the request |
Mimecast.Impersonation.Hits | number | The number of identifiers that the message triggered |
Mimecast.Impersonation.Malicious | boolean | Whether the message was tagged as malicious |
Mimecast.Impersonation.SenderIP | string | The source IP address of the message |
Mimecast.Impersonation.SenderAddress | string | The email address of the sender of the message |
Mimecast.Impersonation.Subject | string | The subject of the email |
Mimecast.Impersonation.Identifiers | string | The properties of the message that triggered the action: similar_internal_domain, newly_observed_domain, internal_user_name, reply_address_mismatch, and/or targeted_threat_dictionary |
Mimecast.Impersonation.Date | date | The time at which the log was recorded |
Mimecast.Impersonation.Action | string | The action triggered by the email |
Mimecast.Impersonation.Policy | string | The name of the policy definition that triggered the log |
Mimecast.Impersonation.ID | string | Impersonation Log ID |
Mimecast.Impersonation.RecipientAddress | string | The email address of the recipient of the email |
Mimecast.Impersonation.External | boolean | Whether the message was tagged as coming from an external address |
mimecast-url-decodeDecodes a given url from mimecast
Base Commandmimecast-url-decode
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
url | URL to decode. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
URL.Data | string | The encoded url to parse |
URL.Mimecast.DecodedURL | string | Parsed url |
mimecast-discoverdiscover authentication types that are supported for your account and which base URL to use for the requesting user. only for API 1.0 users.
Base Commandmimecast-discover
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.Authentication.AuthenticationTypes | string | List of authentication types available to the user |
Mimecast.Authentication.EmailAddress | string | Email address of the request sender |
Mimecast.Authentication.EmailToken | string | Email token of the request sender |
mimecast-refresh-tokenRefresh access key validity only for API 1.0 users
Base Commandmimecast-refresh-token
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
mimecast-loginLogin to generate Access Key and Secret Key only for API 1.0 users
Base Commandmimecast-login
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
mimecast-get-messageGet the contents or metadata of a given message. This is an archive search command.
Required PermissionsThe following permissions are required for this command.
- Mimecast administrator with at least one of the following permissions: Archive/Search Content View.
- or Mimecast user with delegate permissions to address or user.
Base Commandmimecast-get-message
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
messageID | Message ID | Required |
context | Defines which copy of the message part to return, must be one of: "delivered" the copy that has been processed by the Mimecast MTA with policies such as URL rewriting applied, OR "received" - the copy of the message that Mimecast originally received. (Only relevant for part argument = message or all) | Required |
type | The message type to return. (Only relevant for part argument = message or all) | Optional |
part | Define what message part to return - download message, get metadata or both. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.Message.ID | string | Message ID |
Mimecast.Message.Subject | string | The message subject. |
Mimecast.Message.HeaderDate | date | The date of the message as defined in the message headers. |
Mimecast.Message.Size | number | The message size. |
Mimecast.Message.From | string | Sender of the message as defined in the message header. |
Mimecast.Message.To.EmailAddress | string | Recipient of the message. |
Mimecast.Message.ReplyTo | string | The value of the Reply-To header. |
Mimecast.Message.CC.EmailAddress | string | Each CC recipient of the message. |
Mimecast.Message.EnvelopeFrom | string | Sender of the message as defined in the message envelope. |
Mimecast.Message.Headers.Name | string | Header's name. |
Mimecast.Message.Headers.Values | string | Header's value. |
Mimecast.Message.Attachments.FileName | string | Message attachment's file name. |
Mimecast.Message.Attachments.SHA256 | string | Message attachment's SHA256. |
Mimecast.Message.Attachments.ID | string | Message attachment's ID. |
Mimecast.Message.Attachments.Size | number | Message attachment's file size. |
Mimecast.Message.Attachments.Extension | boolean | Message attachment's file extension. |
Mimecast.Message.Processed | date | The date the message was processed by Mimecast in ISO 8601 format. |
Mimecast.Message.HasHtmlBody | boolean | If the message has an HTML body part. |
File.Size | number | File size |
File.SHA1 | string | SHA1 hash of the file |
File.SHA256 | string | SHA256 hash of the file |
File.Name | string | The sample name |
File.SSDeep | string | SSDeep hash of the file |
File.EntryID | string | War-Room Entry ID of the file |
File.Info | string | Basic information of the file |
File.Type | string | File type e.g. "PE" |
File.MD5 | string | MD5 hash of the file |
File.Extension | string | The extension of the file. |
mimecast-download-attachmentsDownload attachments from a specified message. This is an archive search command.
Required PermissionsThe following permissions are required for this command.
- Mimecast administrator with at least one of the following permissions: Archive/Search Content View.
- or Mimecast user with delegate permissions to address or user.
Base Commandmimecast-download-attachments
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
attachmentID | The Mimecast ID of the message attachment to return. (Can be retrieved from mimecast-get-message) | Required |
attachmentName | The Mimecast attachment name, use this argument in order for the extension value to be included in the context data. (Can be retrieved from mimecast-get-message). | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
File.Size | number | File Size |
File.SHA1 | string | SHA1 hash of the file |
File.SHA256 | string | SHA256 hash of the file |
File.Name | string | The sample name |
File.SSDeep | string | SSDeep hash of the file |
File.EntryID | string | War-Room Entry ID of the file |
File.Info | string | Basic information of the file |
File.Type | string | File type e.g., "PE" |
File.MD5 | string | MD5 hash of the file |
File.Extension | string | The extension of the file. |
mimecast-find-groupsReturns the list of groups according to the specified query.
Base Commandmimecast-find-groups
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
query_string | The string to query. | Optional |
query_source | The group source by which to filter. Possible values are: cloud, ldap. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of results to return. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.Group.Name | String | The name of the group. |
Mimecast.Group.Source | String | The source of the group. |
Mimecast.Group.ID | String | The Mimecast ID of the group. |
Mimecast.Group.NumberOfUsers | Number | The number of members in the group. |
Mimecast.Group.ParentID | String | The Mimecast ID of the group's parent. |
Mimecast.Group.NumberOfChildGroups | Number | The number of child groups. |
mimecast-get-group-membersReturns the members list for the specified group.
Base Commandmimecast-get-group-members
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
group_id | The Mimecast ID of the group to return. | Required |
limit | The maximum number of results to return. | Optional |
all_results | Whether to retrieve all results. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.Group.Users.Name | String | The user's display name. |
Mimecast.Group.Users.EmailAddress | String | The user's email address. |
Mimecast.Group.Users.Domain | String | The domain name of the user's email address. |
Mimecast.Group.Users.Type | String | The user type. |
Mimecast.Group.Users.InternalUser | Boolean | Whether the user is internal. |
Mimecast.Group.Users.IsRemoved | Boolean | Whether the user is part of the group. |
Mimecast.Group.Users.Notes | unknown | The notes linked to the group. |
mimecast-add-group-memberAdds a user to a group. The email_address and domain_address arguments are optional, but one of them must be supplied.
Base Commandmimecast-add-group-member
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
group_id | The Mimecast ID of the group to add the user to. | Required |
email_address | The email address of the user to add to a group. | Optional |
domain_address | A domain to add to a group. | Optional |
notes | The notes for the entry. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.Group.Users.EmailAddress | String | The user's email address. |
Mimecast.Group.Users.IsRemoved | Boolean | Whether the user is part of the group. |
mimecast-remove-group-memberRemoves a user from a group. The email_address and domain_address arguments are optional, but one of them must be supplied.
Base Commandmimecast-remove-group-member
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
group_id | The Mimecast ID of the group from which to remove the user. | Required |
email_address | The email address of the user to remove from the group. | Optional |
domain_address | A domain of the user to remove from a group. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.Group.Users.EmailAddress | String | The user's email address. |
Mimecast.Group.Users.IsRemoved | Boolean | Whether the user part of the group. |
mimecast-create-groupCreates a new Mimecast group.
Base Commandmimecast-create-group
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
group_name | The name of the new group. | Required |
parent_id | The Mimecast ID of the new group's parent. Default will be root level. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.Group.Name | String | The name of the group. |
Mimecast.Group.Source | String | The source of the group. |
Mimecast.Group.ID | String | The Mimecast ID of the group. |
Mimecast.Group.NumberOfUsers | Number | The number of members in the group. |
Mimecast.Group.ParentID | String | The Mimecast ID of the group's parent. |
Mimecast.Group.NumberOfChildGroups | Number | The number of child groups. |
mimecast-update-groupUpdates an existing Mimecast group.
Base Commandmimecast-update-group
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
group_name | The new name for the group. | Optional |
group_id | The Mimecast ID of the group to update. | Required |
parent_id | The new parent group. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.Group.Name | String | The name of the group. |
Mimecast.Group.ID | String | The Mimecast ID of the group. |
Mimecast.Group.ParentID | String | The Mimecast ID of the group's parent. |
mimecast-create-remediation-incidentCreates a new Mimecast remediation incident.
Base Commandmimecast-create-remediation-incident
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
hash_message_id | The file hash or messageId value. | Required |
reason | The reason for creating the remediation incident. | Required |
search_by | The message component by which to search. Default is "hash". Possible values are: hash, messageId. | Optional |
start_date | The start date of messages to remediate. Default value is the previous month. (Format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+0000). | Optional |
end_date | The end date of messages to remediate. Default value is the end of the current day. (Format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+0000). | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.Incident.ID | String | The secure Mimecast remediation ID. |
Mimecast.Incident.Code | String | The incident code generated at creation. |
Mimecast.Incident.Type | String | The incident type. |
Mimecast.Incident.Reason | String | The reason provided at the creation of the remediation incident. |
Mimecast.Incident.IdentifiedMessages | Number | The number of messages identified based on the search criteria. |
Mimecast.Incident.SuccessfullyRemediatedMessages | Number | The number successfully remediated messages. |
Mimecast.Incident.FailedRemediatedMessages | Number | The number of messages that failed to remediate. |
Mimecast.Incident.MessagesRestored | Number | The number of messages that were restored from the incident. |
Mimecast.Incident.LastModified | String | The date and time that the incident was last modified. |
Mimecast.Incident.SearchCriteria.From | String | The sender email address or domain. |
Mimecast.Incident.SearchCriteria.To | String | The recipient email address or domain. |
Mimecast.Incident.SearchCriteria.MessageID | String | The message ID used when creating the remediation incident. |
Mimecast.Incident.SearchCriteria.FileHash | String | The file hash used when creating the remediation incident. |
Mimecast.Incident.SearchCriteria.StartDate | String | The start date of included messages. |
Mimecast.Incident.SearchCriteria.EndDate | String | The end date of included messages. |
mimecast-get-remediation-incidentReturns a Mimecast remediation incident.
Base Commandmimecast-get-remediation-incident
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
incident_id | The Mimecast ID for a remediation incident. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.Incident.ID | String | The secure Mimecast remediation ID. |
Mimecast.Incident.Code | String | The incident code generated at creation. |
Mimecast.Incident.Type | String | The incident type. |
Mimecast.Incident.Reason | String | The reason provided when the remediation incident was created. |
Mimecast.Incident.IdentifiedMessages | Number | The number of messages identified based on the search criteria. |
Mimecast.Incident.SuccessfullyRemediatedMessages | Number | The number of successfully remediated messages. |
Mimecast.Incident.FailedRemediatedMessages | Number | The number of messages that failed to remediate. |
Mimecast.Incident.MessagesRestored | Number | The number of messages that were restored from the incident. |
Mimecast.Incident.LastModified | String | The date and time that the incident was last modified. |
Mimecast.Incident.SearchCriteria.From | String | The sender email address or domain. |
Mimecast.Incident.SearchCriteria.To | String | The recipient email address or domain. |
Mimecast.Incident.SearchCriteria.MessageID | String | The message ID used when creating the remediation incident. |
Mimecast.Incident.SearchCriteria.FileHash | String | The file hash used when creating the remediation incident. |
Mimecast.Incident.SearchCriteria.StartDate | String | The start date of included messages. |
Mimecast.Incident.SearchCriteria.EndDate | String | The end date of included messages. |
mimecast-search-file-hashSearches for one or more file hashes in the account. Maximum is 100.
Base Commandmimecast-search-file-hash
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
hashes_to_search | List of file hashes to check if they were seen in an account. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.Hash.HashValue | String | The file hash value. |
Mimecast.Hash.Detected | Boolean | Whether the hash was found in the account. |
mimecast-update-policyUpdates the specified policy.
Base Commandmimecast-update-policy
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
policy_id | The ID of the policy to update. | Required |
description | A new description for the policy. | Optional |
fromType | The sender type by which to block senders in the policy. This argument must match the fromValue argument. For example, if you specify email_domain, the fromValue must be an email domain. Possible values are: everyone, internal_addresses, external_addresses, email_domain, profile_group, address_attribute_value, individual_email_address, free_mail_domains, header_display_name. | Optional |
toType | The blocked receiver type by which to block receivers in the policy. This argument must match the toValue argument. For example, if you specify email_domain, the fromType must be an email domain. Possible values are: everyone, internal_addresses, external_addresses, email_domain, profile_group, individual_email_address. | Optional |
option | The block action. Possible values are: no_action, block_sender. | Optional |
fromValue | The value of the fromType argument. For example, if you specify email_domain for fromType, the fromValue must be an email domain. | Optional |
toValue | The value of the toType argument. For example, if you specify email_domain for toType, the toValue must be an email domain. | Optional |
fromPart | The part from where addresses are pulled. Possible values are: envelope_from, header_from, both. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.Policy.ID | string | Policy ID. |
Mimecast.Policy.Sender.Address | string | Block sender by email address value. |
Mimecast.Policy.Sender.Domain | string | Block sender by domain value. |
Mimecast.Policy.Sender.Group | string | Block sender by group value. |
Mimecast.Policy.Bidirectional | boolean | Whether the blocked policy is bidirectional. |
Mimecast.Policy.Receiver.Address | string | Block emails to receiver type address. |
Mimecast.Policy.Receiver.Domain | string | Block emails to receiver type domain. |
Mimecast.Policy.Receiver.Group | string | Block emails to receiver type group. |
Mimecast.Policy.Fromdate | date | The policy validation start date. |
Mimecast.Policy.Todate | date | The policy expiration date. |
Mimecast.Policy.Sender.Type | String | The sender type. |
Mimecast.Policy.Receiver.Type | String | The receiver type. |
mimecast-search-messageSearches a message
Base Commandmimecast-search-message
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
search_reason | Reason for tracking the email. Possible values are: . | Optional |
from_date | API start parameter. Datetime format is ISO 8601. Possible values are: . | Optional |
to_date | API end parameter Datetime format ISO 8601. Possible values are: . | Optional |
message_id | The internet message id of the message to track. Possible values are: . | Optional |
from | Part of advancedTrackAndTraceOptions object: The sending email address or domain of the messages to track. Possible values are: . | Optional |
to | Part of advancedTrackAndTraceOptions object: The recipient email address or domain of the messages to track. Possible values are: . | Optional |
subject | Part of advancedTrackAndTraceOptions object: The subject of the messages to track. Possible values are: . | Optional |
sender_IP | Part of advancedTrackAndTraceOptions object: The source IP address of the messages to track. Possible values are: . | Optional |
route | An array of routes to filter by. Possible values are internal, outbound and inbound. Possible values are: . | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.SearchMessage.info | String | Info regarding the message. |
Mimecast.SearchMessage.id | String | The Mimecast ID of the message. Used to load more information about the message. |
Mimecast.SearchMessage.status | String | The status of the message. |
Mimecast.SearchMessage.fromEnv.emailAddress | String | The email address of the sender. |
Mimecast.SearchMessage.fromHdr.displayableName | String | The display name of the recipient. |
Mimecast.SearchMessage.fromHdr.emailAddress | String | The email address of the recipient. |
Mimecast.SearchMessage.to.displayableName | String | The display name of the recipient. |
Mimecast.SearchMessage.to.emailAddress | String | The email address of the recipient. |
Mimecast.SearchMessage.received | Date | The date and time the message was received by Mimecast. |
Mimecast.SearchMessage.subject | String | The subject of the message. |
Mimecast.SearchMessage.senderIP | String | The source IP address of the message. |
Mimecast.SearchMessage.attachments | Boolean | If the message has attachments. |
Mimecast.SearchMessage.route | String | The route of the message. |
Mimecast.SearchMessage.sent | Date | The date and time that the message was sent / processed by Mimecast. |
Mimecast.SearchMessage.spamScore | Number | Spam score of the email. |
Mimecast.SearchMessage.detectionLevel | String | Detection level of the email. |
mimecast-get-message-infoRetrieves detailed information about a specific message.
Base Commandmimecast-get-message-info
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
ids | The Mimecast ID of the message to load. This is returned by the /api/message-finder/search endpoint. (mimecast-search-message command). Possible values are: . | Required |
show_recipient_info | Default value is true. When argument is true all data from recipientInfo object is presented at command response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Optional |
show_delivered_message | default value is false .When argument is true all data from deliveredMessage object is presented at command response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false. | Optional |
show_retention_info | Default value is true.When argument is true all data from retentionInfo object is presented at command response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Optional |
show_spam_info | Default value is true.When argument is true all spamInfo block is presented at command response. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.deliveryMetaInfo.components.extension | String | Component extension type. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.deliveryMetaInfo.components.hash | String | Component hash. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.deliveryMetaInfo.components.mimeType | String | Component MIME type. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.deliveryMetaInfo.components.name | String | Component name. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.deliveryMetaInfo.components.size | Number | Component size. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.deliveryMetaInfo.components.type | String | Component type. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.deliveryMetaInfo.deliveryEvent | String | Description of delivery event. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.deliveryMetaInfo.emailAddress | String | Email address of recipient. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.deliveryMetaInfo.encryptionInfo | String | Encryption type. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.deliveryMetaInfo.messageExpiresIn | Number | Expiration time of message. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.deliveryMetaInfo.processingServer | String | Processing server address. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.deliveryMetaInfo.receiptAcknowledgement | String | Recipient acknowledgement. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.deliveryMetaInfo.remoteHost | String | Remote host address. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.deliveryMetaInfo.remoteIp | String | Remote IP address. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.deliveryMetaInfo.remoteServerGreeting | String | Remote server greeting. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.deliveryMetaInfo.transmissionEnd | Date | Transmission end date. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.deliveryMetaInfo.transmissionSize | Number | Transmission size. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.deliveryMetaInfo.transmissionStart | Date | Transmission start date. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.messageInfo.fromEnvelope | String | Sender mail. (From envelope) |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.messageInfo.fromHeader | String | Sender mail. (From header) |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.messageInfo.processed | Date | Processed time and date. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.messageInfo.route | String | Message route. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.messageInfo.sent | Date | Message sent time and date. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.messageInfo.subject | String | Message subject. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.messageInfo.to | String | Recipients info. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.messageInfo.transmissionInfo | String | Transmission info. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.policyInfo.inherited | Boolean | Whether policy is inherited. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.policyInfo.policyName | String | Policy name. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.deliveredMessage.policyInfo.policyType | String | Policy type. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.id | String | Message ID. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.binaryEmailSize | Number | Email size. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.components.extension | String | Component extension type. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.components.hash | String | Component hash. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.components.mimeType | String | Component MIME type. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.components.name | String | Component name. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.components.size | Number | Component size. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.components.type | String | Component type. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.encryptionInfo | String | Encryption information. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.fromEnvelope | String | The routable email address (From envelope). |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.fromHeader | String | The routable email address (From header). |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.messageExpiresIn | Number | Expiry time of message. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.processed | Date | Message processed time. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.processingServer | String | Message processing server. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.receiptAcknowledgement | String | Recipient acknowledgement. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.receiptEvent | String | Receipt event name. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.remoteHost | String | Remote host address. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.remoteIp | String | Remote IP address. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.remoteServerGreeting | String | Remote server greeting. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.sent | Date | Message send time and date. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.spamEvent | String | Spam event name. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.subject | String | Message subject. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.to | String | Recipient info. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.transmissionEnd | Date | Transmission end date. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.transmissionInfo | String | Transmission info. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.transmissionSize | Number | Transmission size. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.messageInfo.transmissionStart | Date | Transmission start date. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.recipientMetaInfo.binaryEmailSize | Number | Email size |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.recipientMetaInfo.components.extension | String | Component extension type. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.recipientMetaInfo.components.hash | String | Component hash type. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.recipientMetaInfo.components.mimeType | String | Component MIME type. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.recipientMetaInfo.components.name | String | Component name. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.recipientMetaInfo.components.size | Number | Component size. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.recipientMetaInfo.components.type | String | Component type. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.recipientMetaInfo.encryptionInfo | String | Encryption information. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.recipientMetaInfo.messageExpiresIn | Number | Expiration time of message. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.recipientMetaInfo.processingServer | String | Processing server address. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.recipientMetaInfo.receiptAcknowledgement | String | Recipient acknowledgement. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.recipientMetaInfo.receiptEvent | String | Receipt event name. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.recipientMetaInfo.remoteHost | String | Remote host address. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.recipientMetaInfo.remoteIp | String | Remote IP address. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.recipientMetaInfo.remoteServerGreeting | String | Remote server greeting. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.recipientMetaInfo.spamEvent | String | Spam event name. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.recipientMetaInfo.transmissionEnd | Date | Transmission end date. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.recipientMetaInfo.transmissionSize | Number | Transmission size. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.recipientInfo.recipientMetaInfo.transmissionStart | Date | Transmission start date. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.retentionInfo.currentPurgeDate | Date | Current purge date and time. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.retentionInfo.originalPurgeDate | Date | Original purge date and time. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.retentionInfo.purgeBasedOn | String | Value that purge is based on. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.retentionInfo.retentionAdjustmentDays | Number | Retention adjustment days. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.spamInfo.detectionLevel | String | Spam detection level. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.spamInfo.dkim.allow | Boolean | Is DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) allowed. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.spamInfo.dkim.info | String | DKIM info. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.spamInfo.dmarc.allow | Boolean | Is Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC) allowed. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.spamInfo.dmarc.info | String | DMARC info. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.spamInfo.greyEmail | Boolean | Is grey email allowed. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.spamInfo.managedSender.allow | Boolean | Is Managed Sender allowed. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.spamInfo.managedSender.info | String | Managed Sender info. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.spamInfo.permittedSender.allow | Boolean | Is Permitted Sender allowed. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.spamInfo.permittedSender.info | String | Permitted Sender info. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.spamInfo.rbl.allow | Boolean | Is Real-time blackhole list (RBL) allowed. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.spamInfo.rbl.info | String | RBL info. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.spamInfo.spamScore | Number | Spam score. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.spamInfo.spf.allow | Boolean | Is Sender Policy Framework (SPF) allowed. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.spamInfo.spf.info | String | SPF info. |
Mimecast.MessageInfo.status | String | Message status. |
mimecast-list-held-messageGet information about held messages, including the reason, hold level, sender and recipients
Base Commandmimecast-list-held-message
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
admin | Whether only results for the currently authenticated user will be returned. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false. | Optional |
from_date | Datetime format ISO 8601. Possible values are: . | Optional |
to_date | Datetime format ISO 8601. Possible values are: . | Optional |
value | Free text to filter results by. Possible values are: . | Optional |
field_name | Message fields to filter based on. Possible values are: all, subject, sender, recipient, reason_code. | Optional |
page_size | Number of results per page to display. Possible values are: . | Optional |
page | Page number you would like to view. Each page contains page_size values. Must be used along with page_size. Possible values are: . | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of results to return. Possible values are: . | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.HeldMessage.dateReceived | Date | The timestamp of the message transmission. |
Mimecast.HeldMessage.from.displayableName | String | The sender name. |
Mimecast.HeldMessage.from.emailAddress | String | The sender email. |
Mimecast.HeldMessage.fromHeader.displayableName | String | The display name of the sender (From header). |
Mimecast.HeldMessage.fromHeader.emailAddress | String | The email address of the sender (From header). |
Mimecast.HeldMessage.hasAttachments | Boolean | Returns true if the message contains attachments. False indicates no attachments. |
Mimecast.HeldMessage.id | String | The Mimecast secure ID for a message. |
Mimecast.HeldMessage.policyInfo | String | Information or definition name triggering the message hold action. |
Mimecast.HeldMessage.reason | String | The summary reason for holding the message. |
Mimecast.HeldMessage.reasonCode | String | Reason code for holding the message. |
Mimecast.HeldMessage.reasonId | String | Mirrors the reason field, formatted without spaces. However, reasonCode should be used instead. |
Mimecast.HeldMessage.route | String | Direction of message being held. Possible values are: INBOUND, OUTBOUND, INTERNAL, EXTERNAL. |
Mimecast.HeldMessage.size | Number | The size of the message in bytes. |
Mimecast.HeldMessage.subject | String | The message subject. |
Mimecast.HeldMessage.to.displayableName | String | The display name of the recipient. |
Mimecast.HeldMessage.to.emailAddress | String | The email address of the recipient. |
mimecast-held-message-summaryGet counts of currently held messages for each hold reason.
Base Commandmimecast-held-message-summary
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.HeldMessageSummary.numberOfItems | Number | The number of messages currently held for this reason. |
Mimecast.HeldMessageSummary.policyInfo | String | The name of the policy or definition that held a message. |
mimecast-reject-held-messageReject a currently held message.
Base Commandmimecast-reject-held-message
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
ids | An array of Mimecast secure IDs IDs are extracted from the mimecast-list-held-message command. Possible values are: . | Required |
message | Rejection message to be returned to the sender. Possible values are: . | Optional |
notify | Whether to deliver rejection notificationd. Possible values are: true, false. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!mimecast-reject-emessage ids="1234" message="MESSAGE CONTAINS UNDESIRABLE CONTENT" reason_type="MESSAGE CONTAINS UNDESIRABLE CONTENT" notify="True"
Human Readable OutputHeld messages were rejected successfully
mimecast-release-held-messageRelease a currently held message.
Base Commandmimecast-release-held-message
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
id | Mimecast secure id: ID can be extracted from following command : mimecast-list-held-message. Possible values are: . | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!mimecast-release-held-message id="1234-test""
Human Readable OutputHeld message with id 1234_test was released successfully
mimecast-search-processing-messageReturn messages currently being processed by Mimecast. Note that most of the time, no results are returned.
Base Commandmimecast-search-processing-message
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
sort_order | The method used to sort the messages. Possible values are: asc, desc. | Optional |
from_date | Datetime format ISO 8601. Possible values are: . | Optional |
to_date | Datetime format ISO 8601. Possible values are: . | Optional |
value | The search value to be used. Possible values are: . | Optional |
field_name | The field to be searched. Possible values are: ALL, fromAddress, toAddress, subject, info, remoteIp. | Optional |
attachments | Whether there is an attachment in the message. Possible values are: . | Optional |
route | The message route. Possible values are: all, internal, outbound, inbound, external. | Optional |
page_size | Number of results per page to display. Possible values are: . | Optional |
page | Page number you would like to view. Each page contains page_size values. Must be used along with page_size. Possible values are: . | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of results to return. Possible values are: . | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.ProcessingMessage.messages.id | String | The Mimecast secure ID of the message. |
Mimecast.ProcessingMessage.messages.fromEnv.emailAddress | String | The routable email address (From evelope). |
Mimecast.ProcessingMessage.messages.fromHeader.emailAddress | String | The routable email address (From header). |
Mimecast.ProcessingMessage.messages.to.emailAddress | String | The routable email address. |
Mimecast.ProcessingMessage.messages.subject | String | The message subject. |
Mimecast.ProcessingMessage.messages.attachment | Boolean | The presence of an attachment in the message. |
Mimecast.ProcessingMessage.messages.routing | String | The directional route of the message. Possible values are internal, outbound, inbound or external. |
Mimecast.ProcessingMessage.messages.size | Number | The size of the message in bytes. |
Mimecast.ProcessingMessage.messages.remoteIp | String | The connecting IP address. |
Mimecast.ProcessingMessage.messages.attempts | Number | The number of processing attempts of the message. |
Mimecast.ProcessingMessage.messages.nextAttempt | Date | The date of the next process attempt for the message. |
Mimecast.ProcessingMessage.messages.created | Date | The date of the processing request creation. |
Mimecast.ProcessingMessage.messages.info | String | Current processing status of the message. |
Mimecast.ProcessingMessage.messages.priority | String | Message proirity. |
mimecast-list-email-queuesGet the count of the inbound and outbound email queues at specified times.
Base Commandmimecast-list-email-queues
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
from_date | Datetime format ISO 8601. Possible values are: . | Required |
to_date | Datetime format ISO 8601. Possible values are: . | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.EmailQueue.inboundEmailQueue.count | Number | The number of inbound messages currently queued. |
Mimecast.EmailQueue.inboundEmailQueue.date | Date | The date for the displayed number of messages. |
Mimecast.EmailQueue.outboundEmailQueue.count | Number | The number of outbound messages currently queued. |
Mimecast.EmailQueue.outboundEmailQueue.date | Date | The date for the displayed number of messages. |
Command example!mimecast-list-email-queues from_date="2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000" to_date="2022-11-16T14:49:18+0000"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Inbound Email Queue
Inbound Email Queue Count Inbound Email Queue Date 2 2022-07-19T08:10:00+0000 4 2022-07-19T08:20:00+0000 4 2022-07-19T08:30:00+0000 4 2022-07-19T08:40:00+0000
mimecast-get-archive-search-logsRetrieves archived search logs.
Base Commandmimecast-get-archive-search-logs
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
query | Text to search within the logs, which can contain email addresses. | Optional |
page | Page number for pagination. | Optional |
page_size | Number of items per page for pagination. Default value is '50'. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of items to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.ArchiveSearchLog.logs.createTime | Date | The time that the search was executed. |
Mimecast.ArchiveSearchLog.logs.emailAddr | String | The email address of the user who performed the search. |
Mimecast.ArchiveSearchLog.logs.source | String | The source of the search. |
Mimecast.ArchiveSearchLog.logs.searchText | String | The text used in the search. |
Mimecast.ArchiveSearchLog.logs.searchReason | String | The reason for the search. |
Mimecast.ArchiveSearchLog.logs.description | String | The description of the search if any. |
Command example!mimecast-get-archive-search-logs query="Message Tracking Search" limit=1
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
createTime description emailAddr searchReason searchText source 2024-03-20T11:39:36+0000 Message Tracking Search example@test.com eNo1jrs12345 archive
mimecast-get-search-logsRetrieves the search logs.
Base Commandmimecast-get-search-logs
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
query | Text to search within the logs, which can contain email addresses. | Optional |
start | The earliest search log to return in the following format 2017-09-16T14:49:18+0000. Defaults to the start of the current day. Default is now. | Optional |
end | The latest search log to return in the following format 2017-09-16T14:49:18+0000. Defaults to the end of the current day. Default is now. | Optional |
page | Page number for pagination. | Optional |
page_size | Number of items per page for pagination. Default value is '50'. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of items to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.SearchLog.meta.pagination.pageSize | Number | The number of results per page. |
Mimecast.SearchLog.meta.pagination.totalCount | Number | The total number of search results. |
Mimecast.SearchLog.meta.pagination.next | String | A link to the next page of search results. |
Mimecast.SearchLog.meta.status | Number | The status code of the search operation. |
Mimecast.SearchLog.createTime | Date | The time that the search was executed. |
Mimecast.SearchLog.emailAddr | String | The email address of the user who performed the search. |
Mimecast.SearchLog.source | String | The source context of the search. |
Mimecast.SearchLog.searchText | String | The text used in the search. |
Mimecast.SearchLog.searchPath | String | The search path used in the search. |
Mimecast.SearchLog.searchReason | String | The reason entered when the search was executed. |
Mimecast.SearchLog.isAdmin | Boolean | Indicates if the search was an admin search or not. |
Mimecast.SearchLog.museQuery | String | (Deprecated) The Mimecast search query used, if any. |
Mimecast.SearchLog.description | String | The description of the search, if any. |
Command example!mimecast-get-search-logs start="1 year" limit=1 end=now query="Message Tracking Search"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
createTime description emailAddr searchReason searchText source 2024-03-20T11:39:36+0000 Message Tracking Search mime.integration.com eNo1jrs12345 archive
mimecast-get-view-logsRetrieves the email view logs.
Base Commandmimecast-get-view-logs
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
query | Text to search within the logs, which can contain email addresses. | Optional |
start | The earliest search log to return in the following format 2017-09-16T14:49:18+0000. Defaults to the start of the current day. Default is now. | Optional |
end | The latest search log to return in the following format 2017-09-16T14:49:18+0000. Defaults to the end of the current day. Default is now. | Optional |
page | Page number for pagination. | Optional |
page_size | Number of items per page for pagination. Default value is '50'. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of items to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.ViewLog.viewer | String | The email address of the user who viewed the message. |
Mimecast.ViewLog.source | String | The source of the message. |
Mimecast.ViewLog.viewed | Date | The date and time that the message was viewed. |
Mimecast.ViewLog.from | String | The sender of the viewed message. |
Mimecast.ViewLog.to | String | The recipient of the viewed message. |
Mimecast.ViewLog.subject | String | The subject of the viewed message. |
Mimecast.ViewLog.messageDate | Date | The date and time that the message was received. |
Mimecast.ViewLog.contentViewed | Boolean | Indicates if the message content was viewed or not. |
Mimecast.ViewLog.discoveryCase | Boolean | Indicates if the viewed message is a part of an existing discovery case. |
Command example!mimecast-get-view-logs limit=1 start="1 year" end=now
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
contentViewed discoveryCase from messageDate source subject to viewed viewer false false example@test.com 2023-08-03T10:59:31+0000 Message Tracking Re example@test.com.mime.integration.com 2023-08-03T12:06:01+0000 example@test.com
mimecast-list-accountThis endpoint returns the summary details for an account in Mimecast.
Base Commandmimecast-list-account
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
account_name | The account name. | Optional |
account_code | The unique Mimecast account code for the customer. | Optional |
admin_email | The email address of the first administrator created on the account. | Optional |
region | The region where the account is hosted. | Optional |
user_count | The number of user licenses on the account. | Optional |
page | Page number for pagination. | Optional |
page_size | Number of items per page for pagination. Default value is '50'. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of items to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.Account.region | String | The region where the account is hosted. |
Mimecast.Account.archive | Boolean | If archiving features are enabled on the account. |
Mimecast.Account.gateway | Boolean | If gateway features are enabled on the account. |
Mimecast.Account.passphrase | String | The passphrase set on the account, used by Mimecast Support when verifying callers during support calls. |
Mimecast.Account.supportCode | String | The support code. |
Mimecast.Account.maxRetention | Number | The maximum retention in days configured for the account. |
Mimecast.Account.maxRetentionConfirmed | Boolean | If the maximum retention value on the account has been confirmed. |
Mimecast.Account.minRetentionEnabled | Boolean | If minimum retention is enabled on the account. |
Mimecast.Account.automatedSegmentPurge | Boolean | If purging of expired storage segments is enabled on the account. |
Mimecast.Account.type | String | The type of account. |
Mimecast.Account.policyInheritance | Boolean | If policy inheritance is enabled on the account. |
Mimecast.Account.databaseCode | String | The database code. |
Mimecast.Account.searchReason | Boolean | The search reason. |
Mimecast.Account.contentAdministratorDefaultView | String | The content administrator default view. |
Mimecast.Account.adminSessionTimeout | Number | The admin session timeout. |
Mimecast.Account.exportApi | Boolean | If the export API is enabled. |
Mimecast.Account.exgestAllowQuery | Boolean | If the exgest allows queries. |
Mimecast.Account.exgestAllowExtraction | Boolean | If the exgest allows extraction. |
Mimecast.Account.expressAccount | Boolean | If the account is an express account. |
Mimecast.Account.cybergraphV2Enabled | Boolean | If Cybergraph v2 is enabled. |
Mimecast.Account.accountCode | String | The unique Mimecast account code for the customer. |
Mimecast.Account.accountName | String | The account name. |
Mimecast.Account.adminEmail | String | The email address of the first administrator created on the account. |
Mimecast.Account.contactEmail | String | The contact email address. |
Mimecast.Account.domain | String | The temporary domain name added to the account. This name is generated by Mimecast and is only used for initial access to the account. It should not be used for email routing. |
Mimecast.Account.userCount | Number | The number of user licenses on the account. |
Mimecast.Account.mimecastId | String | The unique Mimecast ID of the account. |
Mimecast.Account.contactName | String | The contact name. |
Mimecast.Account.telephone | Date | The telephone number. |
Mimecast.Account.packages | String | An array of packages enabled on the customer account. |
Command example!mimecast-list-account limit=1
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
accountCode accountName adminEmail adminSessionTimeout archive automatedSegmentPurge contactEmail contactName contentAdministratorDefaultView cybergraphV2Enabled databaseCode domain exgestAllowExtraction exgestAllowQuery exportApi expressAccount gateway maxRetention maxRetentionConfirmed mimecastId minRetentionEnabled packages passphrase policyInheritance region searchReason supportCode telephone type userCount CUSA102A236 API Alliance - Palo Alto Networks 60 false true example@test.com.com Adnan Kharuf Metadata false usterm13 true false false false true 30 true 01-0102-00236 false Attachment Management (Site) [1004],
Attachment Protection (Site) [1056],
Threat Remediation [1075],
Journal Services [1053],
Mimecast Platform [1033],
Internal Email Protect [1064],
Desktop Apps - Outlook (Pro) [1016],
Desktop Apps - Mac (Pro) [1051],
BYO: Threat Intelligence [1089],
Enhanced Logging [1061],
Message Recovery Service - User [1058],
Branding [1003],
Mobile Apps (Pro) [1036],
Content Control and Data Leak Prevention (Site) [1013],
Advanced MTA (Site) [1002],
Email Encryption and Privacy (Site) [1023],
Metadata Track and Trace (Site) [1032],
Configuration Backup & Restore [1106],
Attachment Protection (Pro) [1059],
Stationery 1.0 (Site) [1042],
URL Protection (Site) [1043],
Secure Email Gateway (Site) [1039],
Content Control and Data Leak Prevention (Pro) [1015],
Impersonation Protection [1060],
Auto Responders (Site) [1005],
Message Recovery Service (Site) [1031],
Mimecast Mobile Pro (Pro) [1055],
Analysis and Response [1110]false us false D7F8 4088307584 full 10
mimecast-list-policiesList all existing Mimecast blocked sender policies.
Base Commandmimecast-list-policies
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
policyType | According to this argument an endpoint is selected. Possible values are: blockedsenders, antispoofing-bypass, address-alteration. Default is blockedsenders. | Optional |
page | Page number you would like to view. Each page contains page_size values. Must be used along with page_size. | Optional |
page_size | Sets the result to start returning results. Default value is '50'. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of results to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.ID | string | Policy ID. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.meta.status | Number | The status of the Address Alteration policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.addressAlterationSetId | String | The Mimecast secure ID of the Address Alteration Set (folder) that will be applied by this policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.id | String | The Mimecast secure ID of the Address Alteration policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.description | String | The description for the Address Alteration policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.fromPart | String | Should the sender address be considered based on the envelope, header, or either address. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.from.type | String | The type of sender address considered by the Address Alteration policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.to.type | String | The type of recipient address considered by the Address Alteration policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.fromType | String | The sender address type considered by the Address Alteration policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.toType | String | The recipient address type considered by the Address Alteration policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.fromEternal | Boolean | Should the policy start to apply, regardless of the current date and time, for the sender address. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.toEternal | Boolean | Should the policy start to apply, regardless of the current date and time, for the recipient address. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.fromDate | String | The start date that the policy should begin to apply. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.toDate | String | The end date that the policy should cease to apply. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.override | Boolean | Should the policy be considered for application, and apply if conditions are met, prior to other policies of the same type. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.bidirectional | Boolean | Should the policy also apply in reverse email flow. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.conditions | Unknown | Conditions of the sending platform to determine if the policy should be considered. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.enabled | Boolean | Should the policy be considered for emails processing through Mimecast. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.enforced | Boolean | Is the policy enforced. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.createTime | String | The creation timestamp of the policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.lastUpdated | string | Block emails to receiver type. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.option | String | The option for the blocked sender policy. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.id | String | The unique identifier for the blocked sender policy. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.policy.description | String | A description of the blocked sender policy. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.policy.fromPart | String | The part of the email address or domain from which the policy is applied. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.policy.from.type | String | The type of sender address or domain for the policy. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.policy.to.type | String | The type of recipient address or domain for the policy. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.policy.fromType | String | The type of sender for the policy. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.policy.toType | String | The type of recipient for the policy. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.policy.fromEternal | Boolean | Indicates whether the policy applies indefinitely to the sender. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.policy.toEternal | Boolean | Indicates whether the policy applies indefinitely to the recipient. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.policy.fromDate | Date | The start date from which the policy is effective. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.policy.toDate | Date | The end date until which the policy is effective. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.policy.override | Boolean | Indicates whether the policy overrides other policies. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.policy.bidirectional | Boolean | Indicates whether the policy applies in both directions. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.policy.conditions | Unknown | The conditions under which the policy is applied. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.policy.enabled | Boolean | Indicates whether the policy is enabled. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.policy.enforced | Boolean | Indicates whether the policy is enforced. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.policy.createTime | Date | The date and time when the policy was created. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.policy.lastUpdated | Date | The date and time when the policy was last updated. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.option | String | The option for the antispoofing bypass policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.id | String | The unique identifier for the antispoofing bypass policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.description | String | A description of the antispoofing bypass policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.fromPart | String | The part of the email address or domain from which the policy is applied. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.from.type | String | The type of sender address or domain for the policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.from.emailDomain | String | The email domain of the sender for the policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.to.type | String | The type of recipient address or domain for the policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.to.emailDomain | String | The email domain of the recipient for the policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.fromType | String | The type of sender for the policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.fromValue | String | The value of the sender for the policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.toType | String | The type of recipient for the policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.toValue | String | The value of the recipient for the policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.fromEternal | Boolean | Indicates whether the policy applies indefinitely to the sender. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.toEternal | Boolean | Indicates whether the policy applies indefinitely to the recipient. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.fromDate | Date | The start date from which the policy is effective. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.toDate | Date | The end date until which the policy is effective. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.override | Boolean | Indicates whether the policy overrides other policies. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.bidirectional | Boolean | Indicates whether the policy applies in both directions. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.conditions.spfDomains | String | The SPF domains condition for the policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.enabled | Boolean | Indicates whether the policy is enabled. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.enforced | Boolean | Indicates whether the policy is enforced. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.createTime | Date | The date and time when the policy was created. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.lastUpdated | Date | The date and time when the policy was last updated. |
Command example!mimecast-list-policies policyType=blockedsenders limit=1
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Mimecast list antispoofing-bypass policies:These are the existing antispoofing-bypass Policies: |Policy ID|Sender|Reciever|Bidirectional|Start|End| |---|---|---|---|---|---| | eNo1jksOgjAUAO_SNYmFFn-JCyN-iEJERNS4wfKEIlAsIEHj3cWF-5nMvFEJrJbAQzRGR4OAHvEmcy89C-w4SZzn5uQ7PjP1ZNB4FdlK3SgZ3nrGwZ-bVxF56zygQ01NZRafSXCKYP8QK92vuBMUzWhJ8oRaD0pvO1Lbhzs_zl_hbrGR1gQpqBApZ-0vrVKCiYJYXVYiA8lECN3PzHOnKtamGul39BNkyUXewX9z3xZg_myMsfr5AuuvQdE | Group: null
Email Address: null
Domain: google.com
Type: email_domain | Group: null
Email Address: null
Domain: amazon.com
Type: email_domain | false | 1900-01-01T00:00:00+0000 | 2100-01-01T23:59:59+0000 |
Command example!mimecast-list-policies policyType="address-alteration" limit=1
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Mimecast list address-alteration policies:These are the existing address-alteration Policies: |Policy ID|Sender|Reciever|Bidirectional|Start|End| |---|---|---|---|---|---| | eNo1jk0TgUAAQP_Lns3Y2l1hxsEo5CPCCuOSbWWptrbSxPjvcnB_b957g5yzUnERgD6gzsyI2crn1ITntnMIXTuLUOx6zCZ3o6IFWiti5gyuqbn3LPsiQzpPfNzVtUjFtxPyjyHfZXJKvEK4flr1Jii542WG8XWDSmf_EAfrFWzGC7UcgBZIZSRY_UtrGBPSAqzMCxlzxWTAm58R3Q41qA911GnoJ1e5kEkD_81dnXL7Z0Mdws8XmjlBYQ | Group: null
Email Address: null
Domain: google.com
Type: email_domain | Group: null
Email Address: null
Domain: google.com
Type: email_domain | true | 1900-01-01T00:00:00+0000 | 2100-01-01T23:59:59+0000 |
mimecast-create-block-sender-policyCreate a Blocked Sender Policy.
Base Commandmimecast-create-block-sender-policy
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
description | Policy description. | Required |
fromPart | Addresses based on. Possible values are: envelope_from, header_from, both. Default is envelope_from. | Optional |
fromType | Blocked sender type. Possible values are: everyone, internal_addresses, external_addresses, email_domain, profile_group, individual_email_address. | Required |
fromValue | Required if fromType is one of email_domain, profile_group, individual_email_address. Expected values: If fromType is email_domain, a domain name without the @ symbol. If fromType is profile_group, the ID of the profile group. If fromType is individual_email_address, an email address. | Optional |
toType | Receiver type. Possible values are: everyone, internal_addresses, external_addresses, email_domain, profile_group, address_attribute_value, individual_email_address, free_mail_domains, header_display_name. | Required |
toValue | Required if fromType is one of email_domain, profile_group, individual_email_address. Expected values: If toType is email_domain, a domain name without the @ symbol. If toType is profile_group, the ID of the profile group. If toType is individual_email_address, an email address. | Optional |
option | The block option. Possible values are: no_action, block_sender. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.ID | string | Policy ID. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.Sender.Address | string | Block sender by email address. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.Sender.Domain | string | Block sender by domain. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.Sender.Group | string | Block sender by group. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.Bidirectional | boolean | Blocked policy is bidirectional or not. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.Receiver.Address | string | Block emails to receiver type address. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.Receiver.Domain | string | Block emails to receiver type domain. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.Receiver.Group | string | Block emails to receiver type group. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.Fromdate | date | Policy validation start date. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.Todate | date | Policy expiration date. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.Sender.Type | String | The sender type. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.Receiver.Type | String | The receiver type. |
Command example!mimecast-create-block-sender-policy description=test fromType=everyone option=block_sender toType=everyone
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Mimecast Create block sender Policy:Policy Was Created Successfully! |Policy ID|Description|Sender|Receiver|Bidirectional|Start|End| |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | eNo1jrsOgjAAAP-l1234 | test | Group: null
Email Address: null
Domain: null
Type: everyone | Group: null
Email Address: null
Domain: null
Type: everyone | false | 1900-01-01T00:00:00+0000 | 2100-01-01T23:59:59+0000 |
mimecast-update-block-sender-policyUpdates the specified policy.
Base Commandmimecast-update-block-sender-policy
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
policy_id | The ID of the policy to update. | Required |
description | A new description for the policy. | Optional |
fromType | The sender type by which to block senders in the policy. This argument must match the fromValue argument. For example, if you specify email_domain, the fromValue must be an email_domain. Possible values are: everyone, internal_addresses, external_addresses, email_domain, profile_group, address_attribute_value, individual_email_address, free_mail_domains, header_display_name. | Optional |
toType | The blocked receiver type by which to block receivers in the policy. This argument must match the toValue argument. For example, if you specify email_domain, the fromType must be an email_domain. Possible values are: everyone, internal_addresses, external_addresses, email_domain, profile_group, individual_email_address. | Optional |
option | The block action. Possible values are: no_action, block_sender. | Optional |
fromValue | The value of the fromType argument. For example, if you specify email_domain for fromType, the fromValue must be an email_domain. | Optional |
toValue | The value of the toType argument. For example, if you specify email_domain for toType, the toValue must be an email_domain. | Optional |
fromPart | The part from where addresses are pulled. Possible values are: envelope_from, header_from, both. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.ID | string | Policy ID. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.Sender.Address | string | Block sender by email address value. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.Sender.Domain | string | Block sender by domain value. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.Sender.Group | string | Block sender by group value. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.Bidirectional | boolean | Whether the blocked policy is bidirectional. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.Receiver.Address | string | Block emails to receiver type address. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.Receiver.Domain | string | Block emails to receiver type domain. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.Receiver.Group | string | Block emails to receiver type group. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.Fromdate | date | The policy validation start date. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.Todate | date | The policy expiration date. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.Sender.Type | String | The sender type. |
Mimecast.BlockedSendersPolicy.Receiver.Type | String | The receiver type. |
Command example!mimecast-update-block-sender-policy policy_id=eNo1jrsOgjAAAP-1234 description=test fromPart=both fromType=email_domain fromValue=google.com option=block_sender toType=everyone
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Mimecast Update Policy:Policy Was Updated Successfully! |Policy ID|Description|Sender|Receiver|Bidirectional|Start|End| |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | eNo1jrsOgjAAAP-1234 | test | Group: null
Email Address: null
Domain: google.com
Type: email_domain | Group: null
Email Address: null
Domain: null
Type: everyone | false | 1900-01-01T00:00:00+0000 | 2100-01-01T23:59:59+0000 |
mimecast-create-antispoofing-bypass-policyCreate a new Anti-Spoofing SPF based Bypass policy.
Base Commandmimecast-create-antispoofing-bypass-policy
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
option | The policy action to be taken. Possible values are: disable_bypass, enable_bypass. | Required |
bidirectional | Determines if the policy should apply in both email directions, where the sender and recipient configurations are reversed. Possible values are: yes, no. | Optional |
comment | Comment about the policy. This field is not visible within the Administration Console. | Optional |
spf_domain | Source IP ranges for a policy. It will only apply when the source IP address used to transmit the email data falls inside/matches the range(s) configured. IP ranges should be entered in CIDR notation. | Required |
description | Narrative to describe the policy for future reference. | Required |
enabled | Determines if the policy should be enabled to process messages. Possible values are: yes, no. Default is yes. | Optional |
enforced | Determines if the policy enforcement option is enabled. Possible values are: yes, no. Default is no. | Optional |
from_attribute_id | The secure ID of the address attribute. | Optional |
from_attribute_name | Name of address attribute. | Optional |
from_attribute_value | Value to which the address attribute is equal to. | Optional |
from_date | Specifies the date a policy should go into effect, in ISO 8601 format (e.g., 2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000) or a relative time such as "3 days ago". When specified, this will override the fromEternal value to false. | Optional |
from_eternal | Specifies if the policy should have no start date. Possible values are: yes, no. Default is yes. | Optional |
from_part | Policy from part. Possible values are: envelope_from, header_from, both. | Optional |
to_date | Specifies the expiration date of a policy in ISO 8601 format (e.g., 2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000) or a relative time such as "3 days". When specified, this will override the toEternal value to false. | Optional |
to_eternal | Specifies if the policy should have no expiration date. Possible values are: yes, no. Default is yes. | Optional |
override | Specifies if the policy should be set as an override. To be considered prior to equally-specific policies. Possible values are: yes, no. | Optional |
from_type | The scope for which the policy should should be applied. Possible values are: everyone, internal_addresses, external_addresses, email_domain, profile_group, address_attribute_value, individual_email_address. | Required |
from_value | Required if fromType is one of email_domain, profile_group, individual_email_address. Expected values: If toType is email_domain, a domain name without the @ symbol. If toType is profile_group, the ID of the profile group. If toType is individual_email_address, an email address. | Optional |
to_type | The type of applies on. Possible values are: everyone, internal_addresses, external_addresses, email_domain, profile_group, address_attribute_value, individual_email_address. | Required |
to_value | Required if fromType is one of email_domain, profile_group, individual_email_address. Expected values :If toType is email_domain, a domain name without the @ symbol. If toType is profile_group, the ID of the profile group. If toType is individual_email_address, an email address. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.data.option | String | The action taken by the Antispoofing Bypass policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.id | String | The ID of the Antispoofing Bypass policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.description | String | The description of the Antispoofing Bypass policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.fromPart | String | The part of the email message considered for the sender address by the Antispoofing Bypass policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.from.type | String | The type of the sender address considered by the Antispoofing Bypass policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.to.type | String | The type of the recipient address considered by the Antispoofing Bypass policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.fromType | String | The sender address type considered by the Antispoofing Bypass policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.toType | String | The recipient address type considered by the Antispoofing Bypass policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.fromEternal | Boolean | Indicates if the sender address should always be considered, regardless of the current date and time, by the Antispoofing Bypass policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.toEternal | Boolean | Indicates if the recipient address should always be considered, regardless of the current date and time, by the Antispoofing Bypass policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.fromDate | String | The start date from which the Antispoofing Bypass policy should begin to apply. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.toDate | String | The end date until which the Antispoofing Bypass policy should apply. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.override | Boolean | Indicates if the Antispoofing Bypass policy should be applied prior to other policies of the same type, if conditions are met. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.bidirectional | Boolean | Indicates if the Antispoofing Bypass policy should also apply in reverse email flow. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.conditions.spfDomains | String | The SPF domains considered by the Antispoofing Bypass policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.enabled | Boolean | Indicates if the Antispoofing Bypass policy should be considered for emails processing through Mimecast. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.enforced | Boolean | Indicates if the Antispoofing Bypass policy is enforced. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.createTime | String | The creation timestamp of the Antispoofing Bypass policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.lastUpdated | String | The most recent modification timestamp of the Antispoofing Bypass policy. |
Command example!mimecast-create-antispoofing-bypass-policy description=test from_type=email_domain from_value=mail.google.com option=disable_bypass to_type=everyone spf_domain=google.com bidirectional=no comment=test
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputAnti-Spoofing Bypass policy eNo1jjEOgjAAAP_SVYa12345 was created successfully
mimecast-update-antispoofing-bypass-policyUpdate an existing Anti-Spoofing SPF based Bypass policy.
Base Commandmimecast-update-antispoofing-bypass-policy
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
description | Narrative to describe the policy for future reference. | Optional |
policy_id | The Mimecast secure ID of an existing policy. Use /api/policy/antispoofing-bypass/get-policy to obtain the ID. | Required |
enabled | Determines if the policy should be enabled to process messages. Possible values are: yes, no. Default is yes. | Optional |
from_date | (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ) Specifies the date a policy should go into effect, in ISO 8601 format (e.g., 2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000) or a relative time such as "3 days". When specified, this will override the fromEternal value to false. | Optional |
from_eternal | Specifies if the policy should have no start date. Possible values are: yes, no. Default is yes. | Optional |
from_part | Policy from part. Possible values are: envelope_from, header_from, both. | Optional |
to_date | Specifies the expiration date of a policy in ISO 8601 format (e.g., 2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000) or a relative time such as "3 days ago". When specified, this will override the toEternal value to false. | Optional |
to_eternal | Specifies if the policy should have no expiration date. Possible values are: yes, no. Default is yes. | Optional |
bidirectional | Determines if the policy should apply in both email directions, where the sender and recipient configurations are reversed. Possible values are: yes, no. | Optional |
option | The policy action to be taken. Possible values are: disable_bypass, enable_bypass. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.meta.status | Number | The status of the Mimecast Antispoofing Bypass policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.data.option | String | The action taken by the Mimecast Antispoofing Bypass policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.id | String | The Mimecast secure ID of the Address Alteration Set (folder) applied by the policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.description | String | The description for the Mimecast Antispoofing Bypass policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.fromPart | String | The part of the sender's address considered by the policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.from.type | String | The sender address type (envelope or header). |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.to.type | String | The recipient address type (envelope or header). |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.fromType | String | The sender address type used by the policy (envelope_from, header_from, or both). |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.toType | String | The recipient address component scoped by the policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.fromEternal | Boolean | Determines if the policy applies regardless of the current date and time. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.toEternal | Boolean | Determines if the policy continues to apply regardless of the current date and time. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.fromDate | Date | The start date for the policy to apply. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.toDate | Date | The end date for the policy to cease application. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.override | Boolean | Determines if the policy applies and takes precedence over other policies of the same type. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.bidirectional | Boolean | Determines if the policy applies to reverse email flow. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.conditions | Unknown | Conditions used to determine if the policy should be considered. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.enabled | Boolean | Determines if the policy is considered for emails processing through Mimecast. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.enforced | Boolean | Determines if the policy is enforced. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.createTime | Date | The creation timestamp of the policy. |
Mimecast.AntispoofingBypassPolicy.policy.lastUpdated | Date | The most recent modification timestamp of the policy. |
Command example!mimecast-update-antispoofing-bypass-policy option=disable_bypass policy_id=eNo1jrs12345 bidirectional=no description=test enabled=no from_date="3 year" from_eternal=no from_part=both to_date=now to_eternal=no
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputPolicy ID- eNo1jrs12345 has been updated successfully.
mimecast-create-address-alteration-policyThis API endpoint can be used to create a new Address Alteration policy to apply an alteration definition based on sender and recipient values.
Base Commandmimecast-create-address-alteration-policy
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
folder_id | The Mimecast secure ID of the Address Alteration Set (folder) that will be applied by this policy. To provide this, run the mimecast-list-policies command and use the value from the Mimecast.Policies.addressAlterationSetId field. | Required |
policy_description | A description of the policies for future reference. | Required |
bidirectional | Determines if the policy should apply in both directions, where the from and to configurations are reversed. Possible values are: yes, no. | Optional |
comment | Comment about the policy. This field is not visible within the Administration Console. | Optional |
conditions | Source IP ranges for a policy. It will only apply when the source IP address used to transmit the email data falls inside/matches the range(s) configured. IP ranges should be entered in CIDR notation. | Optional |
enabled | Determines if the policy should be enabled to process messages. Possible values are: yes, no. Default is yes. | Optional |
enforced | Determines if the policy enforcement option is enabled. Possible values are: yes, no. Default is no. | Optional |
from_date | string (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ) Specifies the date a policy should go into effect, in ISO 8601 format (e.g., 2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000) or a relative time such as "3 days". When specified, this will override the fromEternal value to false. | Optional |
from_eternal | Specifies if the policy should have no start date. Possible values are: yes, no. Default is yes. | Optional |
from_part | Policy from part. Possible values are: envelope_from, header_from, both. | Optional |
to_date | Specifies the expiration date of a policy in ISO 8601 format (e.g., 2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000) or a relative time such as "3 days". When specified, this will override the toEternal value to false. | Optional |
to_eternal | Specifies if the policy should have no expiration date. Possible values are: yes, no. Default is yes. | Optional |
override | Specifies if the policy should be set as an override. To be considered prior to equally-specific policies. Possible values are: yes, no. | Optional |
from_type | The type of applies on. Possible values are: everyone, internal_addresses, external_addresses, email_domain, profile_group, address_attribute_value, individual_email_address. | Required |
to_type | The type of applies on. Possible values are: everyone, internal_addresses, external_addresses, email_domain, profile_group, address_attribute_value, individual_email_address. | Required |
from_value | Required if fromType is one of email_domain, profile_group, individual_email_address. Expected values: If fromType is email_domain, a domain name without the @ symbol. If fromType is profile_group, the ID of the profile group. If fromType is individual_email_address, an email address. | Optional |
to_value | Required if toType is one of email_domain, profile_group, individual_email_address. Expected values: If toType is email_domain, a domain name without the @ symbol. If toType is profile_group, the ID of the profile group. If toType is individual_email_address, an email address. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.meta.status | Number | The status of the Address Alteration policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.addressAlterationSetId | String | The Mimecast secure ID of the Address Alteration Set (folder) that will be applied by this policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.id | String | The Mimecast secure ID of the Address Alteration policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.description | String | The description for the Address Alteration policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.fromPart | String | Should the sender address be considered based on the envelope, header, or either address. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.from.type | String | The type of sender address considered by the Address Alteration policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.to.type | String | The type of recipient address considered by the Address Alteration policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.fromType | String | The sender address type considered by the Address Alteration policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.toType | String | The recipient address type considered by the Address Alteration policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.fromEternal | Boolean | Should the policy start to apply, regardless of the current date and time, for the sender address. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.toEternal | Boolean | Should the policy start to apply, regardless of the current date and time, for the recipient address. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.fromDate | String | The start date that the policy should begin to apply. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.toDate | String | The end date that the policy should cease to apply. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.override | Boolean | Should the policy be considered for application, and apply if conditions are met, prior to other policies of the same type. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.bidirectional | Boolean | Should the policy also apply in reverse email flow. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.conditions | Unknown | Conditions of the sending platform to determine if the policy should be considered. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.enabled | Boolean | Should the policy be considered for emails processing through Mimecast. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.enforced | Boolean | Is the policy enforced. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.createTime | String | The creation timestamp of the policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.lastUpdated | String | The most recent modification timestamp of the policy. |
Command example!mimecast-create-address-alteration-policy folder_id=eNo1jrs12345 from_type=everyone to_type=everyone policy_description=test
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputAddress Alteration policy was created successfully
mimecast-update-address-alteration-policyUpdate an existing Address Alteration policy.
Base Commandmimecast-update-address-alteration-policy
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
policy_id | The Mimecast secure ID of the Address Alteration policy to be modified. | Required |
policy_description | A description of the policies for future reference. | Optional |
bidirectional | Determines if the policy should apply in both directions, where the from and to configurations are reversed. Possible values are: yes, no. | Optional |
comment | Comment about the policy. This field is not visible within the Administration Console. | Optional |
conditions | Source IP ranges for a policy. It will only apply when the source IP address used to transmit the email data falls inside/matches the range(s) configured. IP ranges should be entered in CIDR notation. | Optional |
enabled | Determines if the policy should be enabled to process messages. Possible values are: yes, no. Default is yes. | Optional |
enforced | Determines if the policy enforcement option is enabled. Possible values are: yes, no. Default is no. | Optional |
from_date | string (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ) Specifies the date a policy should go into effect, in ISO 8601 format (e.g., 2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000) or a relative time such as "3 days ago". When specified, this will override the fromEternal value to false. | Optional |
from_eternal | Specifies if the policy should have no start date. Possible values are: yes, no. Default is yes. | Optional |
from_part | Policy from part. Possible values are: envelope_from, header_from, both. | Optional |
to_date | Specifies the expiration date of a policy in ISO 8601 format (e.g., 2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000) or a relative time such as "3 days ago". When specified, this will override the toEternal value to false. | Optional |
to_eternal | Specifies if the policy should have no expiration date. Possible values are: yes, no. Default is yes. | Optional |
override | Specifies if the policy should be set as an override. To be considered prior to equally-specific policies. Possible values are: yes, no. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.meta.status | Number | The status of the Address Alteration policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.id | String | The Mimecast secure ID of the Address Alteration policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.description | String | The description for the Address Alteration policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.fromPart | String | Should the sender address be considered based on the envelope, header, or either address. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.from.type | String | The type of sender address considered by the Address Alteration policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.to.type | String | The type of recipient address considered by the Address Alteration policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.fromType | String | The sender address type considered by the Address Alteration policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.toType | String | The recipient address type considered by the Address Alteration policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.fromEternal | Boolean | Should the policy start to apply, regardless of the current date and time, for the sender address. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.toEternal | Boolean | Should the policy start to apply, regardless of the current date and time, for the recipient address. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.fromDate | String | The start date that the policy should begin to apply. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.toDate | String | The end date that the policy should cease to apply. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.override | Boolean | Should the policy be considered for application, and apply if conditions are met, prior to other policies of the same type. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.bidirectional | Boolean | Should the policy also apply in reverse email flow. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.conditions | Unknown | Conditions of the sending platform to determine if the policy should be considered. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.enabled | Boolean | Should the policy be considered for emails processing through Mimecast. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.enforced | Boolean | Is the policy enforced. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.createTime | String | The creation timestamp of the policy. |
Mimecast.AddressAlterationPolicy.policy.lastUpdated | String | The most recent modification timestamp of the policy. |
Command example!mimecast-update-address-alteration-policy policy_id=eNo1jrs12345 bidirectional=no comment=test conditions= enabled=no enforced=no from_date="3 year" from_eternal=no from_part=both override=no policy_description=test to_date=now to_eternal=no
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputeNo1jrs12345 has been updated successfully