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This Integration is part of the MISP Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 5.5.0 and later.

Malware information sharing platform and threat sharing.

Some changes have been made that might affect your existing content. If you are upgrading from a previous version of this integration, see Breaking Changes.

Configure MISP V3 in Cortex#

MISP server URL (e.g.,
API KeyFalse
Client CertificateFalse
Private KeyFalse
Use IDS flagThis is to enable checking the boolean flag to_ids. The flag allows you to indicate if an attribute should be actionable or not.False
ORG names to use for reputation checksComma-separated list of allowed TI providers (orgc in MISP events).False
Use system proxy settingsFalse
Trust any certificate (not secure)False
Malicious tag IDsComma-separated list of event's or attribute's malicious tag IDs. Malicious tags are stronger than suspicious tags.False
Suspicious tag IDsComma-separated list of event's or attribute's suspicious tag IDs. Malicious tags are stronger than suspicious tags.False
Benign tag IDsComma-separated list of event's or attribute's benign tag IDs. Malicious and suspicious tags are stronger than benign tags.False
Search warninglistsShould the warninglists be considered when searching for an attribute.`False
Source ReliabilityReliability of the source providing the intelligence data.True
Maximum attributes to be returnedThis field limits the number of attributes that will be written to the context for every reputation command. Raising the number of attributes may result in high memory and disk usage.False


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Search for events in MISP. This search command will return only information about the matched events. To get information about attributes, use the misp-search-attributes command.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
typeSearch for events that include the specified attribute type. Use any valid MISP attribute type. For example: "md5", "sha1", "email", "url".Optional
valueSearch for events that include the specified attribute value. For example: "" (and other IP addresses), "" (and other domains), "" (and other URLs).Optional
categorySearch for events that include the specified attribute category. Use any valid MISP attribute category. For example: "Other", "Person", "Attribution", "Payload type".Optional
orgSearch by creator organization by supplying the organization ID.Optional
tagsA comma-separated list of tags to include in the results. To exclude a tag, prefix the tag name with "!". Can be: "AND", "OR", and "NOT" followed by ":". To chain logical operators use ";". For example, "AND:tag1,tag2;OR:tag3".Optional
fromEvent search start date in the format yyyy-mm-dd. For example, 2015-02-15. This date refers to the event creation date.Optional
toEvent search end date in the format yyyy-mm-dd. For example, 2015-02-15. This date refers to the event creation date.Optional
lastEvents published within the last "x" amount of time. Valid time values are days, hours, and minutes. For example, "5d", "12h", "30m". This filter uses the published timestamp of the event.Optional
event_idA comma-separated list of event IDs to be returned by the search.Optional
uuidThe event UUID to be returned by the search. For example, 59523300-4be8-4fa6-8867-0037ac110002.Optional
pageIf a limit is set, sets the page to be returned. For example, page 3, limit 100 will return records 201->300. Default is 1.Optional
limitLimit the number of events returned. Default is 50.Optional
include_feed_correlationsWhether to return the event related feeds. Possible values are: true, false. Note: Only if this argument set to "true" the response will include attributes' feed hits values.Optional

Context Output#

MISP.Event.IDstringMISP event ID.
MISP.Event.DistributionstringMISP event distribution.
MISP.Event.ThreatLevelIDstringThreat level of the MISP event (1 High, 2 Medium, 3 Low, 4 Undefined).
MISP.Event.PublishTimestampnumberTimestamp of the publish time (if published).
MISP.Event.EventCreatorEmailstringEmail address of the event creator.
MISP.Event.InfostringEvent name.
MISP.Event.AttributeCountstringNumber of attributes of the event.
MISP.Event.OrganizationIDstringEvent organization ID.
MISP.Event.CreationDatedateEvent creation date.
MISP.Event.LockedbooleanIs the event locked.
MISP.Event.Organization.IDnumberOrganization ID.
MISP.Event.Organization.NamestringOrganization name.
MISP.Event.Organization.UUIDstringOrganization UUID.
MISP.Event.Organization.localbooleanIs the organization local.
MISP.Event.OwnerOrganization.IDnumberOwner organization ID.
MISP.Event.OwnerOrganization.NamestringOwner organization name.
MISP.Event.OwnerOrganization.UUIDstringOwner organization UUID.
MISP.Event.OwnerOrganization.localbooleanIs the owner organization local.
MISP.Event.ProposalEmailLockbooleanIs email lock proposed.
MISP.Event.LastChangeddateLast change event timestamp.
MISP.Event.Galaxy.DescriptionstringEvent's galaxy description.
MISP.Event.Galaxy.NamestringGalaxy name.
MISP.Event.Galaxy.TypestringGalaxy type.
MISP.Event.PublishedbooleanIs the event published.
MISP.Event.DisableCorrelationbooleanIs correlation disabled.
MISP.Event.UUIDstringEvent UUID.
MISP.Event.AnalysisstringEvent analysis (0 Initial, 1 Ongoing, 2 Completed).
MISP.Event.SharingGroupIDstringEvent sharing group ID.
MISP.Event.Tag.NamestringAll tag names in the event.
MISP.Event.Tag.is_galaxybooleanIs the tag galaxy.
MISP.Event.Object.NameStringName of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.DescriptionStringDescription of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.IDNumberID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.UUIDStringUUID of the object.
MISP.Event.Feed.IDStringFeed id.
MISP.Event.Feed.NameStringFeed name.
MISP.Event.Feed.ProviderStringFeed provider.
MISP.Event.Feed.SourceFormatStringFeed source format (MISP for example).
MISP.Event.Feed.URLStringFeed url.
MISP.Event.Feed.EventUUIDSUnknownList of event uuids include the feed.
MISP.Event.Attribute.Feed.IDStringAttribute feed id.
MISP.Event.Attribute.Feed.NameStringAttribute feed name.
MISP.Event.Attribute.Feed.ProviderStringAttribute feed provider.
MISP.Event.Attribute.Feed.SourceFormatStringAttribute feed source format (MISP for example).
MISP.Event.Attribute.Feed.URLStringAttribute feed url.
MISP.Event.Attribute.Feed.EventUUIDSUnknownList of event uuids include the attribute feed.
MISP.Event.Attribute.IDStringMISP attribute ID.
MISP.Event.Attribute.ValueStringMISP attribute value.

Command Example#

!misp-search-events category="Other" limit=3 page=1

Context Example#

"MISP": {
"Event": [
"Analysis": "2",
"AttributeCount": "147",
"CreationDate": "2019-03-18",
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "1",
"Galaxy": [],
"ID": "238",
"Info": "New Targets Enterprise Wireless Presentation & Display Systems",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-18T13:10:09Z",
"Locked": false,
"Object": [
"Description": "url object describes an url along with its normalized field (like extracted using faup parsing library) and its metadata.",
"ID": "16142",
"Name": "url",
"UUID": "c139891b-ba75-469f-b814-bda63942003c"
"Description": "A domain/hostname and IP address seen as a tuple in a specific time frame.",
"ID": "16341",
"Name": "domain-ip",
"UUID": "a9e1a62c-9a61-4edc-b097-d15f7d000c06"
"Description": "url object describes an url along with its normalized field (like extracted using faup parsing library) and its metadata.",
"ID": "16348",
"Name": "url",
"UUID": "8a6021bd-ff01-43e2-9057-2e4df06440af"
"Description": "An IP address (or domain or hostname) and a port seen as a tuple (or as a triple) in a specific time frame.",
"ID": "16374",
"Name": "ip-port",
"UUID": "76db4ff4-f808-442a-a029-ec4d568d6427"
"Description": "Vehicle object template to describe a vehicle information and registration",
"ID": "16381",
"Name": "vehicle",
"UUID": "9e5d6801-6c7d-41f3-aace-734bcefed248"
"Description": "File object describing a file with meta-information",
"ID": "16403",
"Name": "file",
"UUID": "26be8488-3fa0-45d7-a95e-96045d4d2dc7"
"Organization": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002",
"local": true
"OrganizationID": "1",
"OwnerOrganization": {
"ID": "7",
"Name": "CUDESO",
"UUID": "56c42374-fdb8-4544-a218-41ffc0a8ab16",
"local": false
"OwnerOrganization.ID": "7",
"ProposalEmailLock": false,
"PublishTimestamp": "2021-06-23T13:50:21Z",
"Published": false,
"RelatedEvent": [],
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"Tag": [
"Name": "tlp:white",
"is_galaxy": false
"ThreatLevelID": "3",
"UUID": "5c93d7f7-7de4-4548-ae4c-403ec0a8ab16"
"Analysis": "2",
"AttributeCount": "9",
"CreationDate": "2020-04-06",
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "1",
"Galaxy": [],
"ID": "239",
"Info": "New RedLine Stealer Distributed Using Coronavirus-themed Email Campaign",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-01T12:34:41Z",
"Locked": false,
"Object": [
"Description": "url object describes an url along with its normalized field (like extracted using faup parsing library) and its metadata.",
"ID": "16141",
"Name": "url",
"UUID": "a7ed8921-e22b-450e-bc84-8fd8932d2a32"
"Organization": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002",
"local": true
"OrganizationID": "1",
"OwnerOrganization": {
"ID": "7",
"Name": "CUDESO",
"UUID": "56c42374-fdb8-4544-a218-41ffc0a8ab16",
"local": false
"OwnerOrganization.ID": "7",
"ProposalEmailLock": false,
"PublishTimestamp": "2021-06-23T13:50:22Z",
"Published": false,
"RelatedEvent": [],
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"Tag": [
"Name": "tlp:white",
"is_galaxy": false
"ThreatLevelID": "2",
"UUID": "5e8b8ba5-df0c-4e7b-bfb4-b27ec0a8ab16"
"Analysis": "2",
"AttributeCount": "22",
"CreationDate": "2021-04-17",
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "1",
"Galaxy": [],
"ID": "241",
"Info": "Detecting and Preventing Malicious Domains Proactively with DNS Security",
"LastChanged": "2021-05-04T18:49:48Z",
"Locked": false,
"Object": [
"Description": "JA3 is a new technique for creating SSL client fingerprints that are easy to produce.",
"ID": "11131",
"Name": "ja3",
"UUID": "f95b8b4f-d31a-4b41-b30f-5f0bfe9ae788"
"Organization": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002",
"local": true
"OrganizationID": "1",
"OwnerOrganization": {
"ID": "7",
"Name": "CUDESO",
"UUID": "56c42374-fdb8-4544-a218-41ffc0a8ab16",
"local": false
"OwnerOrganization.ID": "7",
"ProposalEmailLock": false,
"PublishTimestamp": "2021-06-23T13:50:23Z",
"Published": true,
"RelatedEvent": [],
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"Tag": [
"Name": "tlp:white",
"is_galaxy": false
"ThreatLevelID": "3",
"UUID": "e74cba52-0314-43c2-9958-43a55619fcf5"

Human Readable Output#

MISP search-events returned 3 events.#

Current page size: 3 Showing page 1 out others that may exist |Event Distribution|Event ID|Event Info|Event Objects|Event Org ID|Event Orgc ID|Event Tags|Event UUID|Publish Timestamp| |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | 1 | 238 | New Targets Enterprise Wireless Presentation & Display Systems | 16142,
16403 | 1 | 7 | tlp:white | 5c93d7f7-7de4-4548-ae4c-403ec0a8ab16 | 2021-06-23T13:50:21Z | | 1 | 239 | New RedLine Stealer Distributed Using Coronavirus-themed Email Campaign | 16141 | 1 | 7 | tlp:white | 5e8b8ba5-df0c-4e7b-bfb4-b27ec0a8ab16 | 2021-06-23T13:50:22Z | | 1 | 241 | Detecting and Preventing Malicious Domains Proactively with DNS Security | 11131 | 1 | 7 | tlp:white | e74cba52-0314-43c2-9958-43a55619fcf5 | 2021-06-23T13:50:23Z |


Checks the reputation of the given domain.

Notice: Submitting indicators using this command might make the indicator data publicly available. See the vendor’s documentation for more details.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
domainDomain to search.Required

Context Output#

Domain.NameStringThe domain of the indicator.
DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator that was tested.
DBotScore.TypeStringThe indicator type.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.
DBotScore.ScoreNumberThe actual score.
DBotScore.ReliabilityStringReliability of the source providing the intelligence data.
MISP.Attribute.DistributionstringAttribute distribution.
MISP.Attribute.ValuestringAttribute value.
MISP.Attribute.EventIDstringAttribute event ID.
MISP.Attribute.last_seenstringAttribute last_seen timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.first_seenstringAttribute first_seen timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.LastChangeddateAttribute last changed timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.ObjectIDstringAttribute object ID.
MISP.Attribute.DeletedbooleanIs the attribute deleted.
MISP.Attribute.DisableCorrelationbooleanIs attribute correlation disabled.
MISP.Attribute.TypestringAttribute type.
MISP.Attribute.IDstringAttribute ID.
MISP.Attribute.UUIDstringAttribute UUID.
MISP.Attribute.ToIDsbooleanIs the Intrusion Detection System flag set.
MISP.Attribute.CategorystringAttribute category.
MISP.Attribute.SharingGroupIDstringAttribute sharing group ID.
MISP.Attribute.CommentstringAttribute comment.
MISP.Attribute.Event.IDstringMISP event ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.DistributionstringMISP event distribution.
MISP.Attribute.Event.InfostringMISP event name.
MISP.Attribute.Event.LastChangedstringLast change event timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.Event.PublishedbooleanIs the event published.
MISP.Attribute.Event.CreationDatedateEvent creation date.
MISP.Attribute.Event.ThreatLevelIDstringThreat level of the MISP event (1 High, 2 Medium, 3 Low, 4 Undefined).
MISP.Attribute.Event.PublishTimestampstringTimestamp of the publish time (if published).
MISP.Attribute.Event.OrganizationIDstringMISP event organization ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.IDstringOwner organization ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.NamestringOwner organization name.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.UUIDstringOwner organization UUID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.localbooleanIs owner organization local.
MISP.Attribute.Event.UUIDstringMISP event UUID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.AnalysisstringEvent analysis (0 Initial, 1 Ongoing, 2 Completed).
MISP.Attribute.Event.SharingGroupIDstringEvent sharing group ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.Tag.NamestringEvent tag name.
MISP.Attribute.Event.Tag.IDstringEvent tag ID.
MISP.Attribute.Tag.NamestringAttribute tag name.
MISP.Attribute.Tag.IDstringAttribute tag ID.
MISP.Attribute.Sighting.TypestringAttribute's sighting type.

Command Example#


Context Example#

"DBotScore": {
"Indicator": "",
"Reliability": "B - Usually reliable",
"Score": 3,
"Type": "domain",
"Vendor": "MISP V3"
"Domain": {
"Malicious": {
"Description": "Match found in MISP",
"Vendor": "MISP V3"
"Name": ""
"MISP": {
"Attribute": {
"Category": "Network activity",
"Comment": "",
"DecayScore": [
"DecayingModel": {
"ID": "3",
"Name": "test3"
"base_score": 0,
"decayed": true,
"score": 0
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "5",
"Event": {
"Analysis": "2",
"CreationDate": "2014-11-13",
"Distribution": "1",
"ID": "1208",
"Info": "OSINT Expansion on campaign",
"LastChanged": "2014-11-13T14:32:53Z",
"OrganizationID": "1",
"OwnerOrganization": {
"ID": "3",
"Name": "",
"UUID": "55f6ea5f-fd34-43b8-ac1d-40cb950d210f",
"local": false
"OwnerOrganization.ID": "3",
"PublishTimestamp": "2021-07-20T08:18:45Z",
"Published": true,
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"Tag": [
"ID": "5",
"Name": "type:OSINT"
"ID": "3",
"Name": "tlp:green"
"ThreatLevelID": "2",
"UUID": "5464bf96-1f14-43f1-af86-08ce950d210b",
"extends_uuid": ""
"EventID": "1208",
"ID": "111718",
"LastChanged": "2014-11-13T14:30:17Z",
"ObjectID": "0",
"ObjectRelation": null,
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"Sighting": [],
"Tag": [
"ID": "5",
"Name": "type:OSINT"
"ID": "3",
"Name": "tlp:green"
"ToIDs": true,
"Type": "domain",
"UUID": "5464c079-3a08-4195-8bc9-491c950d210b",
"Value": "",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null

Human Readable Output#

Results found in MISP for value:

Attribute CategoryAttribute TypeAttribute ValueDbot Score
Network activitydomainahaaa0.com3

Related events#

Event IDEvent NameThreat Level ID
1208OSINT Expansion on Rotten Tomato campaign2


Checks the reputation of the given email address.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
emailEmail address to search.Required

Context Output#

Email.AddressStringThe email address of the indicator.
DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator that was tested.
DBotScore.TypeStringThe indicator type.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.
DBotScore.ScoreNumberThe actual score.
DBotScore.ReliabilityStringReliability of the source providing the intelligence data.
MISP.Attribute.DistributionstringAttribute distribution.
MISP.Attribute.ValuestringAttribute value.
MISP.Attribute.EventIDstringAttribute event ID.
MISP.Attribute.last_seenstringAttribute last_seen timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.first_seenstringAttribute first_seen timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.LastChangeddateAttribute last changed timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.ObjectIDstringAttribute object ID.
MISP.Attribute.DeletedbooleanIs the attribute deleted.
MISP.Attribute.DisableCorrelationbooleanIs attribute correlation disabled.
MISP.Attribute.TypestringAttribute type.
MISP.Attribute.IDstringAttribute ID.
MISP.Attribute.UUIDstringAttribute UUID.
MISP.Attribute.ToIDsbooleanIs the Intrusion Detection System flag set.
MISP.Attribute.CategorystringAttribute category.
MISP.Attribute.SharingGroupIDstringAttribute sharing group ID.
MISP.Attribute.CommentstringAttribute comment.
MISP.Attribute.Event.IDstringMISP event ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.DistributionstringMISP event distribution.
MISP.Attribute.Event.InfostringMISP event name.
MISP.Attribute.Event.LastChangedstringLast change event timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.Event.PublishedbooleanIs the event published.
MISP.Attribute.Event.CreationDatedateEvent creation date.
MISP.Attribute.Event.ThreatLevelIDstringThreat level of the MISP event (1 High, 2 Medium, 3 Low, 4 Undefined).
MISP.Attribute.Event.PublishTimestampstringTimestamp of the publish time (if published).
MISP.Attribute.Event.OrganizationIDstringMISP event organization ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.IDstringOwner organization ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.NamestringOwner organization name.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.UUIDstringOwner organization UUID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.localbooleanIs owner organization local.
MISP.Attribute.Event.UUIDstringMISP event UUID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.AnalysisstringEvent analysis (0 Initial, 1 Ongoing, 2 Completed).
MISP.Attribute.Event.SharingGroupIDstringEvent sharing group ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.Tag.NamestringEvent tag name.
MISP.Attribute.Event.Tag.IDstringEvent tag ID.
MISP.Attribute.Tag.NamestringAttribute tag name.
MISP.Attribute.Tag.IDstringAttribute tag ID.
MISP.Attribute.Sighting.TypestringAttribute's sighting type.

Command Example#


Context Example#

"DBotScore": {
"Indicator": "",
"Reliability": "B - Usually reliable",
"Score": 3,
"Type": "email",
"Vendor": "MISP V3"
"Email": {
"Address": ""
"MISP": {
"Attribute": {
"Category": "Network activity",
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "5",
"Event": {
"Analysis": "0",
"CreationDate": "2021-07-29",
"Distribution": "1",
"ID": "1655",
"Info": "TestEvent",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:57:06Z",
"OrganizationID": "1",
"OwnerOrganization": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002",
"local": true
"OwnerOrganization.ID": "1",
"PublishTimestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"Published": false,
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"Tag": [],
"ThreatLevelID": "1",
"UUID": "ce083018-0b85-430b-a202-f60bbffcd26b",
"extends_uuid": ""
"EventID": "1655",
"ID": "116534",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:56:53Z",
"ObjectID": "0",
"ObjectRelation": null,
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"Sighting": [
"EventID": "1655",
"ID": "1895",
"Organisation": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002"
"OrganizationID": "1",
"Type": "1",
"UUID": "77491938-9024-4eb4-8d29-dbc6dd866c1e",
"attribute_id": "116534",
"attribute_uuid": "c286a1f8-441e-479b-b10d-b10add2b6739",
"date_sighting": "1627567009",
"source": ""
"ToIDs": false,
"Type": "email",
"UUID": "c286a1f8-441e-479b-b10d-b10add2b6739",
"Value": "",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null

Human Readable Output#

Results found in MISP for value:

Attribute CategoryAttribute TypeAttribute ValueDbot Score
Network activityemailexample@gmail.com3

Related events#

Event IDEvent NameThreat Level ID


Checks the file reputation of the given hash.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
fileHash of the file to query. Supports MD5, SHA-1, and SHA-256.Required

Context Output#

File.SHA1StringThe SHA1 hash of the file.
File.SHA256StringThe SHA256 hash of the file.
File.MD5StringThe MD5 hash of the file.
DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator that was tested.
DBotScore.TypeStringThe indicator type.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.
DBotScore.ScoreNumberThe actual score.
DBotScore.ReliabilityStringReliability of the source providing the intelligence data.
MISP.Attribute.DistributionstringAttribute distribution.
MISP.Attribute.ValuestringAttribute value.
MISP.Attribute.EventIDstringAttribute event ID.
MISP.Attribute.last_seenstringAttribute last_seen timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.first_seenstringAttribute first_seen timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.LastChangeddateAttribute last changed timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.ObjectIDstringAttribute object ID.
MISP.Attribute.DeletedbooleanIs the attribute deleted.
MISP.Attribute.DisableCorrelationbooleanIs attribute correlation disabled.
MISP.Attribute.TypestringAttribute type.
MISP.Attribute.IDstringAttribute ID.
MISP.Attribute.UUIDstringAttribute UUID.
MISP.Attribute.ToIDsbooleanIs the Intrusion Detection System flag set.
MISP.Attribute.CategorystringAttribute category.
MISP.Attribute.SharingGroupIDstringAttribute sharing group ID.
MISP.Attribute.CommentstringAttribute comment.
MISP.Attribute.Event.IDstringMISP event ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.DistributionstringMISP event distribution.
MISP.Attribute.Event.InfostringMISP event name.
MISP.Attribute.Event.LastChangedstringLast change event timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.Event.PublishedbooleanIs the event published.
MISP.Attribute.Event.CreationDatedateEvent creation date.
MISP.Attribute.Event.ThreatLevelIDstringThreat level of the MISP event (1 High, 2 Medium, 3 Low, 4 Undefined).
MISP.Attribute.Event.PublishTimestampstringTimestamp of the publish time (if published).
MISP.Attribute.Event.OrganizationIDstringMISP event organization ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.IDstringOwner organization ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.NamestringOwner organization name.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.UUIDstringOwner organization UUID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.localbooleanIs owner organization local.
MISP.Attribute.Event.UUIDstringMISP event UUID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.AnalysisstringEvent analysis (0 Initial, 1 Ongoing, 2 Completed).
MISP.Attribute.Event.SharingGroupIDstringEvent sharing group ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.Tag.NamestringEvent tag name.
MISP.Attribute.Event.Tag.IDstringEvent tag ID.
MISP.Attribute.Tag.NamestringAttribute tag name.
MISP.Attribute.Tag.IDstringAttribute tag ID.
MISP.Attribute.Sighting.TypestringAttribute's sighting type.

Command Example#

!file file=6c73d338ec64e0e44bd54ea61b6988b2

Context Example#

"DBotScore": {
"Indicator": "6c73d338ec64e0e44bd54ea61b6988b2",
"Reliability": "B - Usually reliable",
"Score": 3,
"Type": "file",
"Vendor": "MISP V3"
"File": {
"MD5": "6c73d338ec64e0e44bd54ea61b6988b2",
"Malicious": {
"Description": "Match found in MISP",
"Vendor": "MISP V3"
"MISP": {
"Attribute": [
"Category": "Payload delivery",
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "5",
"Event": {
"Analysis": "0",
"CreationDate": "2020-03-13",
"Distribution": "3",
"ID": "149",
"Info": "Capitalizing on Coronavirus Panic, Threat Actors Target Victims Worldwide",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-20T11:50:07Z",
"OrganizationID": "1",
"OwnerOrganization": {
"ID": "8",
"Name": "",
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"PublishTimestamp": "2021-07-19T14:10:30Z",
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"Tag": [
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"ID": "124",
"Name": "Phishing"
"ID": "125",
"Name": "misp-galaxy:target-information=\"United States\""
"ID": "128",
"Name": "misp-galaxy:target-information=\"China\""
"ID": "129",
"Name": "misp-galaxy:target-information=\"Iran\""
"ID": "130",
"Name": "misp-galaxy:target-information=\"Italy\""
"ID": "131",
"Name": "misp-galaxy:target-information=\"Ukraine\""
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"UUID": "5e6b322a-9f80-4e2f-9f2a-3cab0a3b4631",
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"ID": "70942",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-18T08:06:40Z",
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"Sighting": [
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"ID": "130",
"Name": "misp-galaxy:target-information=\"Italy\""
"ID": "131",
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"Tag": [
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"Info": "Snake: Coming soon in Mac OS X flavour",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-14T08:20:25Z",
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"UUID": "590c76a9-0bac-4d1e-b8af-416ac0a8ab16",
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"Tag": [
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Human Readable Output#

Results found in MISP for value: 6c73d338ec64e0e44bd54ea61b6988b2#

Attribute CategoryAttribute TypeAttribute ValueDbot ScoreEvents with the scored tagScored Tag IDScored Tag Name
Payload deliverymd56c73d338ec64e0e44bd54ea61b6988b23{'Event_ID': '145', 'Event_Name': 'DDOS.TF'},
{'Event_ID': '144', 'Event_Name': 'Snake: Coming soon in Mac OS X flavour'}

Related events#

Event IDEvent NameThreat Level ID
149Capitalizing on Coronavirus Panic, Threat Actors Target Victims Worldwide1
144Snake: Coming soon in Mac OS X flavour3


Checks the reputation of the given URL.

Notice: Submitting indicators using this command might make the indicator data publicly available. See the vendor’s documentation for more details.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
urlURL to check.Required

Context Output#

URL.DataStringThe URL of the indicator.
DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator that was tested.
DBotScore.TypeStringThe indicator type.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.
DBotScore.ScoreNumberThe actual score.
DBotScore.ReliabilityStringReliability of the source providing the intelligence data.
MISP.Attribute.DistributionstringAttribute distribution.
MISP.Attribute.ValuestringAttribute value.
MISP.Attribute.EventIDstringAttribute event ID.
MISP.Attribute.last_seenstringAttribute last_seen timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.first_seenstringAttribute first_seen timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.LastChangeddateAttribute last changed timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.ObjectIDstringAttribute object ID.
MISP.Attribute.DeletedbooleanIs the attribute deleted.
MISP.Attribute.DisableCorrelationbooleanIs attribute correlation disabled.
MISP.Attribute.TypestringAttribute type.
MISP.Attribute.IDstringAttribute ID.
MISP.Attribute.UUIDstringAttribute UUID.
MISP.Attribute.ToIDsbooleanIs the Intrusion Detection System flag set.
MISP.Attribute.CategorystringAttribute category.
MISP.Attribute.SharingGroupIDstringAttribute sharing group ID.
MISP.Attribute.CommentstringAttribute comment.
MISP.Attribute.Event.IDstringMISP event ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.DistributionstringMISP event distribution.
MISP.Attribute.Event.InfostringMISP event name.
MISP.Attribute.Event.LastChangedstringLast change event timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.Event.PublishedbooleanIs the event published.
MISP.Attribute.Event.CreationDatedateEvent creation date.
MISP.Attribute.Event.ThreatLevelIDstringThreat level of the MISP event (1 High, 2 Medium, 3 Low, 4 Undefined).
MISP.Attribute.Event.PublishTimestampstringTimestamp of the publish time (if published).
MISP.Attribute.Event.OrganizationIDstringMISP event organization ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.IDstringOwner organization ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.NamestringOwner organization name.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.UUIDstringOwner organization UUID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.localbooleanIs owner organization local.
MISP.Attribute.Event.UUIDstringMISP event UUID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.AnalysisstringEvent analysis (0 Initial, 1 Ongoing, 2 Completed).
MISP.Attribute.Event.SharingGroupIDstringEvent sharing group ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.Tag.NamestringEvent tag name.
MISP.Attribute.Event.Tag.IDstringEvent tag ID.
MISP.Attribute.Tag.NamestringAttribute tag name.
MISP.Attribute.Tag.IDstringAttribute tag ID.
MISP.Attribute.Sighting.TypestringAttribute's sighting type.

Command Example#


Context Example#

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"Name": "tlp:white"
"ToIDs": false,
"Type": "text",
"UUID": "cc4a2000-b453-412e-8bdd-e5c562d15c78",
"Value": "",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null
"URL": {
"Data": "",
"Malicious": {
"Description": "Match found in MISP",
"Vendor": "MISP V3"

Human Readable Output#

Results found in MISP for value:

Attribute CategoryAttribute TypeAttribute ValueDbot Score
Network activityurlwww.example.com3

Related events#

Event IDEvent NameThreat Level ID
238New Targets Enterprise Wireless Presentation & Display Systems3


Checks the reputation of an IP address.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ipIP address to check.Required

Context Output#

IP.AddressStringThe IP address.
DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator that was tested.
DBotScore.TypeStringThe indicator type.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.
DBotScore.ScoreNumberThe actual score.
DBotScore.ReliabilityStringReliability of the source providing the intelligence data.
MISP.Attribute.DistributionstringAttribute distribution.
MISP.Attribute.ValuestringAttribute value.
MISP.Attribute.EventIDstringAttribute event ID.
MISP.Attribute.last_seenstringAttribute last_seen timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.first_seenstringAttribute first_seen timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.LastChangeddateAttribute last changed timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.ObjectIDstringAttribute object ID.
MISP.Attribute.DeletedbooleanIs the attribute deleted.
MISP.Attribute.DisableCorrelationbooleanIs attribute correlation disabled.
MISP.Attribute.TypestringAttribute type.
MISP.Attribute.IDstringAttribute ID.
MISP.Attribute.UUIDstringAttribute UUID.
MISP.Attribute.ToIDsbooleanIs the Intrusion Detection System flag set.
MISP.Attribute.CategorystringAttribute category.
MISP.Attribute.SharingGroupIDstringAttribute sharing group ID.
MISP.Attribute.CommentstringAttribute comment.
MISP.Attribute.Event.IDstringMISP event ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.DistributionstringMISP event distribution.
MISP.Attribute.Event.InfostringMISP event name.
MISP.Attribute.Event.LastChangedstringLast change event timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.Event.PublishedbooleanIs the event published.
MISP.Attribute.Event.CreationDatedateEvent creation date.
MISP.Attribute.Event.ThreatLevelIDstringThreat level of the MISP event (1 High, 2 Medium, 3 Low, 4 Undefined).
MISP.Attribute.Event.PublishTimestampstringTimestamp of the publish time (if published).
MISP.Attribute.Event.OrganizationIDstringMISP event organization ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.IDstringOwner organization ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.NamestringOwner organization name.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.UUIDstringOwner organization UUID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.localbooleanIs owner organization local.
MISP.Attribute.Event.UUIDstringMISP event UUID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.AnalysisstringEvent analysis (0 Initial, 1 Ongoing, 2 Completed).
MISP.Attribute.Event.SharingGroupIDstringEvent sharing group ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.Tag.NamestringEvent tag name.
MISP.Attribute.Event.Tag.IDstringEvent tag ID.
MISP.Attribute.Tag.NamestringAttribute tag name.
MISP.Attribute.Tag.IDstringAttribute tag ID.
MISP.Attribute.Sighting.TypestringAttribute's sighting type.

Command Example#

!ip ip=

Context Example#

"DBotScore": {
"Indicator": "",
"Reliability": "B - Usually reliable",
"Score": 3,
"Type": "ip",
"Vendor": "MISP V3"
"IP": {
"Address": "",
"Malicious": {
"Description": "Match found in MISP",
"Vendor": "MISP V3"
"MISP": {
"Attribute": [
"Category": "External analysis",
"Comment": "adda",
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "5",
"Event": {
"Analysis": "1",
"CreationDate": "2021-06-29",
"Distribution": "2",
"ID": "488",
"Info": "final create test",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-18T13:05:31Z",
"OrganizationID": "1",
"OwnerOrganization": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002",
"local": true
"OwnerOrganization.ID": "1",
"PublishTimestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"Published": false,
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"Tag": [
"ID": "283",
"Name": "test234"
"ID": "284",
"Name": "test2345"
"ThreatLevelID": "3",
"UUID": "2bf3a888-f2e0-40e9-944c-e87590b637b9",
"extends_uuid": ""
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "80040",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-18T13:05:31Z",
"ObjectID": "0",
"ObjectRelation": null,
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"Sighting": [
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "387",
"Organisation": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002"
"OrganizationID": "1",
"Type": "0",
"UUID": "b7f5e0d2-6436-4609-b19d-2cee79239e61",
"attribute_id": "80040",
"attribute_uuid": "f8d0501b-1c59-444a-be0c-52af8815a304",
"date_sighting": "1624966956",
"source": ""
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "616",
"Organisation": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002"
"OrganizationID": "1",
"Type": "0",
"UUID": "92f032a5-f696-4065-aed7-eb9a1c9adabd",
"attribute_id": "80040",
"attribute_uuid": "f8d0501b-1c59-444a-be0c-52af8815a304",
"date_sighting": "1625496709",
"source": ""
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "638",
"Organisation": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002"
"OrganizationID": "1",
"Type": "0",
"UUID": "ebe00dbf-10d6-40e6-ac3c-575cdd0ad917",
"attribute_id": "80040",
"attribute_uuid": "f8d0501b-1c59-444a-be0c-52af8815a304",
"date_sighting": "1625559050",
"source": ""
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "660",
"Organisation": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002"
"OrganizationID": "1",
"Type": "0",
"UUID": "69b77f1c-41c7-4fbf-80e2-4af131ae0ac0",
"attribute_id": "80040",
"attribute_uuid": "f8d0501b-1c59-444a-be0c-52af8815a304",
"date_sighting": "1625562799",
"source": ""
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "669",
"Organisation": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002"
"OrganizationID": "1",
"Type": "0",
"UUID": "354cd85a-8bb7-4c9d-80e1-d2bfff499b28",
"attribute_id": "80040",
"attribute_uuid": "f8d0501b-1c59-444a-be0c-52af8815a304",
"date_sighting": "1625562959",
"source": ""
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "687",
"Organisation": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002"
"OrganizationID": "1",
"Type": "0",
"UUID": "107a0b06-1ced-4a09-a9aa-de033f28683b",
"attribute_id": "80040",
"attribute_uuid": "f8d0501b-1c59-444a-be0c-52af8815a304",
"date_sighting": "1625563256",
"source": ""
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "698",
"Organisation": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002"
"OrganizationID": "1",
"Type": "0",
"UUID": "99ea6831-3f4b-4907-8a99-08ad259d30ba",
"attribute_id": "80040",
"attribute_uuid": "f8d0501b-1c59-444a-be0c-52af8815a304",
"date_sighting": "1625565095",
"source": ""
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "703",
"Organisation": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002"
"OrganizationID": "1",
"Type": "0",
"UUID": "dbbd4b5d-7122-43c5-9db7-caaa9d8b6d47",
"attribute_id": "80040",
"attribute_uuid": "f8d0501b-1c59-444a-be0c-52af8815a304",
"date_sighting": "1625565220",
"source": ""
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "713",
"Organisation": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002"
"OrganizationID": "1",
"Type": "0",
"UUID": "a11dc840-30c4-4eb6-b469-1f2f1db2c044",
"attribute_id": "80040",
"attribute_uuid": "f8d0501b-1c59-444a-be0c-52af8815a304",
"date_sighting": "1625565618",
"source": ""
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "729",
"Organisation": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002"
"OrganizationID": "1",
"Type": "0",
"UUID": "3058290e-bbff-4748-9ca7-55c3ef6a6fe4",
"attribute_id": "80040",
"attribute_uuid": "f8d0501b-1c59-444a-be0c-52af8815a304",
"date_sighting": "1625565779",
"source": ""
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "738",
"Organisation": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002"
"OrganizationID": "1",
"Type": "0",
"UUID": "a049c84a-de5b-4996-b149-45fd5075a387",
"attribute_id": "80040",
"attribute_uuid": "f8d0501b-1c59-444a-be0c-52af8815a304",
"date_sighting": "1625565824",
"source": ""
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "750",
"Organisation": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002"
"OrganizationID": "1",
"Type": "0",
"UUID": "190f829a-16fa-4985-8154-39c754ced744",
"attribute_id": "80040",
"attribute_uuid": "f8d0501b-1c59-444a-be0c-52af8815a304",
"date_sighting": "1625570192",
"source": ""
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "1168",
"Organisation": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002"
"OrganizationID": "1",
"Type": "0",
"UUID": "bfd5b4de-c2df-482c-95cf-375ac5998815",
"attribute_id": "80040",
"attribute_uuid": "f8d0501b-1c59-444a-be0c-52af8815a304",
"date_sighting": "1626268114",
"source": ""
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "1181",
"Organisation": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002"
"OrganizationID": "1",
"Type": "0",
"UUID": "3e6b84c4-ff5e-4012-9845-13bdc511b929",
"attribute_id": "80040",
"attribute_uuid": "f8d0501b-1c59-444a-be0c-52af8815a304",
"date_sighting": "1626268276",
"source": ""
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "1267",
"Organisation": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002"
"OrganizationID": "1",
"Type": "0",
"UUID": "99b904f8-cbb2-4626-a1c5-3d8f6aaa2887",
"attribute_id": "80040",
"attribute_uuid": "f8d0501b-1c59-444a-be0c-52af8815a304",
"date_sighting": "1626331820",
"source": ""
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "1282",
"Organisation": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002"
"OrganizationID": "1",
"Type": "0",
"UUID": "ba3be4ba-e228-4358-ba27-382484049460",
"attribute_id": "80040",
"attribute_uuid": "f8d0501b-1c59-444a-be0c-52af8815a304",
"date_sighting": "1626332445",
"source": ""
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "1289",
"Organisation": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002"
"OrganizationID": "1",
"Type": "0",
"UUID": "b117864b-cee5-4396-b140-198464adf3ed",
"attribute_id": "80040",
"attribute_uuid": "f8d0501b-1c59-444a-be0c-52af8815a304",
"date_sighting": "1626332522",
"source": ""
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "1308",
"Organisation": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002"
"OrganizationID": "1",
"Type": "0",
"UUID": "06a08a98-4a09-4085-a1fe-15f95719c53d",
"attribute_id": "80040",
"attribute_uuid": "f8d0501b-1c59-444a-be0c-52af8815a304",
"date_sighting": "1626332919",
"source": ""
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "1401",
"Organisation": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002"
"OrganizationID": "1",
"Type": "0",
"UUID": "4e69267d-6625-4792-999b-d90f24dc30c3",
"attribute_id": "80040",
"attribute_uuid": "f8d0501b-1c59-444a-be0c-52af8815a304",
"date_sighting": "1626613339",
"source": ""
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "1415",
"Organisation": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002"
"OrganizationID": "1",
"Type": "0",
"UUID": "f58a95cc-21ea-496c-b87f-bc4a4de2ed4c",
"attribute_id": "80040",
"attribute_uuid": "f8d0501b-1c59-444a-be0c-52af8815a304",
"date_sighting": "1626613442",
"source": ""
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "1422",
"Organisation": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002"
"OrganizationID": "1",
"Type": "0",
"UUID": "dda6512b-a373-4ad0-b198-2813e96f67a1",
"attribute_id": "80040",
"attribute_uuid": "f8d0501b-1c59-444a-be0c-52af8815a304",
"date_sighting": "1626613534",
"source": ""
"Tag": [
"ID": "283",
"Name": "test234"
"ID": "285",
"Name": "test222"
"ID": "80",
"Name": "certsi:critical-sector=\"energy\""
"ID": "283",
"Name": "test234"
"ID": "284",
"Name": "test2345"
"ToIDs": false,
"Type": "other",
"UUID": "f8d0501b-1c59-444a-be0c-52af8815a304",
"Value": "",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null
"Category": "Network activity",
"Comment": "",
"DecayScore": [
"DecayingModel": {
"ID": "2",
"Name": "test2"
"base_score": 0,
"decayed": true,
"score": 0
"DecayingModel": {
"ID": "3",
"Name": "test3"
"base_score": 0,
"decayed": true,
"score": 0
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "5",
"Event": {
"Analysis": "1",
"CreationDate": "2021-06-29",
"Distribution": "2",
"ID": "488",
"Info": "final create test",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-18T13:05:31Z",
"OrganizationID": "1",
"OwnerOrganization": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002",
"local": true
"OwnerOrganization.ID": "1",
"PublishTimestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"Published": false,
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"Tag": [
"ID": "283",
"Name": "test234"
"ID": "284",
"Name": "test2345"
"ThreatLevelID": "3",
"UUID": "2bf3a888-f2e0-40e9-944c-e87590b637b9",
"extends_uuid": ""
"EventID": "488",
"ID": "104119",
"LastChanged": "2021-06-30T07:37:32Z",
"Object": {
"Distribution": "5",
"ID": "16035",
"SharingGroupID": "0"
"ObjectID": "16035",
"ObjectRelation": "ip",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"Sighting": [],
"Tag": [
"ID": "283",
"Name": "test234"
"ID": "284",
"Name": "test2345"
"ToIDs": true,
"Type": "ip-dst",
"UUID": "d777a0f6-5aa7-4798-b193-bd7da635dc42",
"Value": "",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null

Human Readable Output#

Results found in MISP for value:

Attribute CategoryAttribute TypeAttribute ValueDbot Score
External analysisother1.2.3.43

Related events#

Event IDEvent NameThreat Level ID
488final create test3


Creates a new MISP event.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
typeAttribute type to be created as part of the new event. For example: "md5", "sha1", "email", "url". Default is other.Optional
categoryAttribute category to be created as part of the new event. For example: "Other", "Person", "Attribution", "Payload type". Default is External analysis.Optional
to_idsWhether to create the event's attribute with the Intrusion Detection System flag. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true.Optional
distributionWhere to distribute the event. Possible values: "Your_organization_only", "This_community_only", "Connected_communities", "All_communities", "Sharing_group" and "Inherit_event". Possible values are: Your_organization_only, This_community_only, Connected_communities, All_communities, Sharing_group, Inherit_event. Default is Your_organization_only.Optional
commentAttribute comment to be created as part of the new event.Optional
valueAttribute value to be created as part of the new event. For example: "" (and other IP addresses), "" (and other domains), "" (and other URLs).Required
infoEvent name.Required
publishedWhether to publish the event. Possible values: "false" and "true". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
threat_level_idMISP Threat level ID. Possible values: "High", "Medium", "Low", and "Unknown". Possible values are: High, Medium, Low, Unknown. Default is High.Optional
analysisThe analysis event level. Possible values: "initial", "ongoing", and "completed". Possible values are: initial, ongoing, completed. Default is initial.Optional
sharing_group_idSharing group ID. Mandatory when Sharing_group distribution is set.Optional
creation_dateSet the creation date for the event in the format YYYY-MM-DD.Optional

Context Output#

MISP.Event.IDstringMISP event ID.
MISP.Event.DistributionstringMISP event distribution.
MISP.Event.ThreatLevelIDstringThreat level of the MISP event (1 High, 2 Medium, 3 Low, 4 Undefined).
MISP.Event.PublishTimestampnumberTimestamp of the publish time (if published).
MISP.Event.EventCreatorEmailstringEmail address of the event creator.
MISP.Event.InfostringEvent name.
MISP.Event.AttributeCountstringNumber of attributes of the event.
MISP.Event.OrganizationIDstringEvent organization ID.
MISP.Event.CreationDatedateEvent creation date.
MISP.Event.LockedbooleanIs the event locked.
MISP.Event.Organization.IDnumberOrganization ID.
MISP.Event.Organization.NamestringOrganization name.
MISP.Event.Organization.UUIDstringOrganization UUID.
MISP.Event.Organization.localbooleanIs the organization local.
MISP.Event.OwnerOrganization.IDnumberOwner organization ID.
MISP.Event.OwnerOrganization.NamestringOwner organization name.
MISP.Event.OwnerOrganization.UUIDstringOwner organization UUID.
MISP.Event.OwnerOrganization.localbooleanIs the owner organization local.
MISP.Event.ProposalEmailLockbooleanIf email lock is proposed.
MISP.Event.LastChangeddateLast change event timestamp.
MISP.Event.Galaxy.DescriptionstringEvent's galaxy description.
MISP.Event.Galaxy.NamestringGalaxy name.
MISP.Event.Galaxy.TypestringGalaxy type.
MISP.Event.PublishedbooleanIs the event published.
MISP.Event.DisableCorrelationbooleanIs correlation disabled.
MISP.Event.UUIDstringEvent UUID.
MISP.Event.AnalysisstringEvent analysis (0 Initial, 1 Ongoing, 2 Completed).
MISP.Event.SharingGroupIDstringEvent sharing group ID.
MISP.Event.Tag.NamestringAll tag names in the event.
MISP.Event.Tag.is_galaxybooleanIs the tag galaxy.
MISP.Event.Object.NameStringName of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.DescriptionStringDescription of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.IDNumberID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.UUIDStringUUID of the object.

Command Example#

!misp-create-event info="New Event"

Context Example#

"MISP": {
"Event": {
"Analysis": "0",
"AttributeCount": "1",
"CreationDate": "2021-07-29",
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "0",
"EventCreatorEmail": "admin@admin.test",
"Galaxy": [],
"ID": "1656",
"Info": "New Event",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:56:45Z",
"Locked": false,
"Object": [],
"Organization": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002",
"local": true
"OrganizationID": "1",
"OwnerOrganization": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002",
"local": true
"OwnerOrganization.ID": "1",
"ProposalEmailLock": false,
"PublishTimestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"Published": false,
"RelatedEvent": [],
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ThreatLevelID": "1",
"UUID": "0298d272-d1a1-4375-85fd-a7fe87d6aef2"

Human Readable Output#

MISP create event#

New event with ID: 1656 has been successfully created.


Adds an attribute to an existing MISP event.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
event_idMISP event ID.Required
typeAttribute type. For example: "md5", "sha1", "email", "url". Default is other.Optional
categoryAttribute category. For example: "Other", "Person", "Attribution", "Payload type". Default is External analysis.Optional
to_idsWhether to create the attribute with the Intrusion Detection System flag. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true.Optional
distributionWhere to distribute the event. Possible values: "Your_organization_only", "This_community_only", "Connected_communities", "Sharing_group", "All_communities", and "Inherit_event". Possible values are: Your_organization_only, This_community_only, Connected_communities, All_communities, Sharing_group, Inherit_event. Default is Inherit_event.Optional
commentComment for the attribute.Optional
valueAttribute value. For example: "" (and other IP addresses), "" (and other domains), "" (and other URLs).Required
sharing_group_idSharing group ID. Mandatory when Sharing_group distribution is set.Optional

Context Output#

MISP.Attribute.DistributionstringAttribute distribution.
MISP.Attribute.ValuestringAttribute value.
MISP.Attribute.EventIDstringAttribute event ID.
MISP.Attribute.last_seenstringAttribute last_seen timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.first_seenstringAttribute first_seen timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.LastChangeddateAttribute last changed timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.DeletedbooleanIs the attribute deleted.
MISP.Attribute.DisableCorrelationbooleanIs attribute correlation disabled.
MISP.Attribute.TypestringAttribute type.
MISP.Attribute.IDstringAttribute ID.
MISP.Attribute.UUIDstringAttribute UUID.
MISP.Attribute.ToIDsbooleanIs the Intrusion Detection System flag set.
MISP.Attribute.CategorystringAttribute category.
MISP.Attribute.SharingGroupIDstringAttribute sharing group ID.
MISP.Attribute.CommentstringAttribute comment.
MISP.Attribute.Event.IDstringMISP event ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.DistributionstringMISP event distribution.
MISP.Attribute.Event.InfostringMISP event name.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OrganizationIDstringMISP event organization ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.IDstringEvent owner organization ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.UUIDstringMISP event UUID.

Command Example#

!misp-add-attribute event_id=1655 value= distribution=All_communities comment=test

Context Example#

"MISP": {
"Attribute": {
"Category": "External analysis",
"Comment": "test",
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "3",
"Event": {
"Distribution": "1",
"ID": "1655",
"Info": "TestEvent",
"OrganizationID": "1",
"OwnerOrganization.ID": "1",
"UUID": "ce083018-0b85-430b-a202-f60bbffcd26b"
"EventID": "1655",
"ID": "116536",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:56:47Z",
"ObjectID": "0",
"ObjectRelation": null,
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ToIDs": true,
"Type": "other",
"UUID": "188bfa6a-eca7-4ea1-a37b-5fe86b6f38fd",
"Value": "",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null

Human Readable Output#

MISP add attribute#

New attribute: was added to event id 1655.


Deletes an event according to the given event ID.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
event_idEvent ID to delete.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!misp-delete-event event_id=1655

Human Readable Output#

Event 1655 has been deleted


Removes a tag from the given UUID event .

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
uuidUUID of the event. For example, 59575300-4be8-4ff6-8767-0037ac110032.Required
tagTag to remove from the event.Required

Context Output#

MISP.Event.IDstringMISP event ID.
MISP.Event.DistributionstringMISP event distribution.
MISP.Event.ThreatLevelIDstringThreat level of the MISP event (1 High, 2 Medium, 3 Low, 4 Undefined).
MISP.Event.PublishTimestampnumberTimestamp of the publish time (if published).
MISP.Event.EventCreatorEmailstringEmail address of the event creator.
MISP.Event.InfostringEvent name.
MISP.Event.AttributeCountstringNumber of attributes of the event.
MISP.Event.OrganizationIDstringEvent organization ID.
MISP.Event.CreationDatedateEvent creation date.
MISP.Event.LockedbooleanIs the event locked.
MISP.Event.Organization.IDnumberOrganization ID.
MISP.Event.Organization.NamestringOrganization name.
MISP.Event.Organization.UUIDstringOrganization UUID.
MISP.Event.Organization.localbooleanIs the organization local.
MISP.Event.OwnerOrganization.IDnumberOwner organization ID.
MISP.Event.OwnerOrganization.NamestringOwner organization name.
MISP.Event.OwnerOrganization.UUIDstringOwner organization UUID.
MISP.Event.OwnerOrganization.localbooleanIs the owner organization local.
MISP.Event.ProposalEmailLockbooleanIf email lock proposed.
MISP.Event.LastChangeddateLast change event timestamp.
MISP.Event.Galaxy.DescriptionstringEvent's galaxy description.
MISP.Event.Galaxy.NamestringGalaxy name.
MISP.Event.Galaxy.TypestringGalaxy type.
MISP.Event.PublishedbooleanIs the event published.
MISP.Event.DisableCorrelationbooleanIs correlation disabled.
MISP.Event.UUIDstringEvent UUID.
MISP.Event.AnalysisstringEvent analysis (0 Initial, 1 Ongoing, 2 Completed).
MISP.Event.SharingGroupIDstringEvent sharing group ID.
MISP.Event.Tag.NamestringAll tag names in the event.
MISP.Event.Tag.is_galaxybooleanIs the tag galaxy.
MISP.Event.Object.NameStringName of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.DescriptionStringDescription of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.IDNumberID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.UUIDStringUUID of the object.

Command Example#

!misp-remove-tag-from-event tag="test" uuid="ce083018-0b85-430b-a202-f60bbffcd26b"

Context Example#

"MISP": {
"Event": {
"Analysis": "0",
"AttributeCount": "2",
"CreationDate": "2021-07-29",
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "1",
"EventCreatorEmail": "admin@admin.test",
"Galaxy": [],
"ID": "1655",
"Info": "TestEvent",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:56:50Z",
"Locked": false,
"Object": [],
"Organization": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002",
"local": true
"OrganizationID": "1",
"OwnerOrganization": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002",
"local": true
"OwnerOrganization.ID": "1",
"ProposalEmailLock": false,
"PublishTimestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"Published": false,
"RelatedEvent": [],
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ThreatLevelID": "1",
"UUID": "ce083018-0b85-430b-a202-f60bbffcd26b"

Human Readable Output#

Tag test has been successfully removed from the event ce083018-0b85-430b-a202-f60bbffcd26b


Adds a tag to the given UUID event .

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
uuidUUID of the event. For example, 59575300-4be8-4ff6-8767-0037ac110032.Required
tagTag to add to the event.Required
is_localWhether to add the tag as a local tag.Optional

Context Output#

MISP.Event.IDstringMISP event ID.
MISP.Event.DistributionstringMISP event distribution.
MISP.Event.ThreatLevelIDstringThreat level of the MISP event (1 High, 2 Medium, 3 Low, 4 Undefined).
MISP.Event.PublishTimestampnumberTimestamp of the publish time (if published).
MISP.Event.EventCreatorEmailstringEmail address of the event creator.
MISP.Event.InfostringEvent name.
MISP.Event.AttributeCountstringNumber of attributes of the event.
MISP.Event.OrganizationIDstringEvent organization ID.
MISP.Event.CreationDatedateEvent creation date.
MISP.Event.LockedbooleanIs the event locked.
MISP.Event.Organization.IDnumberOrganization ID.
MISP.Event.Organization.NamestringOrganization name.
MISP.Event.Organization.UUIDstringOrganization UUID.
MISP.Event.Organization.localbooleanIs the organization local.
MISP.Event.OwnerOrganization.IDnumberOwner organization ID.
MISP.Event.OwnerOrganization.NamestringOwner organization name.
MISP.Event.OwnerOrganization.UUIDstringOwner organization UUID.
MISP.Event.OwnerOrganization.localbooleanIs the owner organization local.
MISP.Event.ProposalEmailLockbooleanIf email lock proposed.
MISP.Event.LastChangeddateLast change event timestamp.
MISP.Event.Galaxy.DescriptionstringEvent's galaxy description.
MISP.Event.Galaxy.NamestringGalaxy name.
MISP.Event.Galaxy.TypestringGalaxy type.
MISP.Event.PublishedbooleanIs the event published.
MISP.Event.DisableCorrelationbooleanIs correlation disabled.
MISP.Event.UUIDstringEvent UUID.
MISP.Event.AnalysisstringEvent analysis (0 Initial, 1 Ongoing, 2 Completed).
MISP.Event.SharingGroupIDstringEvent sharing group ID.
MISP.Event.Tag.NamestringAll tag names in the event.
MISP.Event.Tag.is_galaxybooleanIs the tag galaxy.
MISP.Event.Object.NameStringName of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.DescriptionStringDescription of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.IDNumberID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.UUIDStringUUID of the object.

Command Example#

!misp-add-tag-to-event uuid="ce083018-0b85-430b-a202-f60bbffcd26b" tag="test"

Context Example#

"MISP": {
"Event": {
"Analysis": "0",
"AttributeCount": "2",
"CreationDate": "2021-07-29",
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "1",
"EventCreatorEmail": "admin@admin.test",
"Galaxy": [],
"ID": "1655",
"Info": "TestEvent",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:56:50Z",
"Locked": false,
"Object": [],
"Organization": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002",
"local": true
"OrganizationID": "1",
"OwnerOrganization": {
"ID": "1",
"Name": "ORGNAME",
"UUID": "5ce29ac4-3b54-459e-a6ee-00acac110002",
"local": true
"OwnerOrganization.ID": "1",
"ProposalEmailLock": false,
"PublishTimestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"Published": false,
"RelatedEvent": [],
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"Tag": [
"Name": "test",
"is_galaxy": false
"ThreatLevelID": "1",
"UUID": "ce083018-0b85-430b-a202-f60bbffcd26b"

Human Readable Output#

Tag test has been successfully added to event ce083018-0b85-430b-a202-f60bbffcd26b


Adds a tag to the given UUID attribute.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
uuidUUID of the attribute. For example, 59575300-4be8-4ff6-8767-0037ac110032.Required
tagTag to add to the attribute.Required
is_localWhether to add the tag as a local tag.Optional

Context Output#

MISP.Attribute.DistributionstringAttribute distribution.
MISP.Attribute.ValuestringAttribute value.
MISP.Attribute.EventIDstringAttribute event ID.
MISP.Attribute.last_seenstringAttribute last_seen timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.first_seenstringAttribute first_seen timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.LastChangeddateAttribute last changed timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.ObjectIDstringAttribute object ID.
MISP.Attribute.DeletedbooleanIs the attribute deleted.
MISP.Attribute.DisableCorrelationbooleanIs attribute correlation disabled.
MISP.Attribute.TypestringAttribute type.
MISP.Attribute.IDstringAttribute ID.
MISP.Attribute.UUIDstringAttribute UUID.
MISP.Attribute.ToIDsbooleanIs the Intrusion Detection System flag set.
MISP.Attribute.CategorystringAttribute category.
MISP.Attribute.SharingGroupIDstringAttribute sharing group ID.
MISP.Attribute.CommentstringAttribute comment.
MISP.Attribute.Event.IDstringMISP event ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.DistributionstringMISP event distribution.
MISP.Attribute.Event.InfostringMISP event name.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OrganizationIDstringMISP event organization ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.IDstringEvent owner organization ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.UUIDstringMISP event UUID.
MISP.Attribute.Tag.NamestringAttribute tag name.
MISP.Attribute.Tag.is_galaxystringIs the tag galaxy.

Command Example#

!misp-add-tag-to-attribute tag=test uuid="c286a1f8-441e-479b-b10d-b10add2b6739"

Context Example#

"MISP": {
"Attribute": {
"Category": "Network activity",
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "5",
"Event": {
"Distribution": "1",
"ID": "1655",
"Info": "TestEvent",
"OrganizationID": "1",
"OwnerOrganization.ID": "1",
"UUID": "ce083018-0b85-430b-a202-f60bbffcd26b"
"EventID": "1655",
"ID": "116534",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:56:53Z",
"ObjectID": "0",
"ObjectRelation": null,
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"Tag": [
"Name": "test",
"is_galaxy": null
"ToIDs": false,
"Type": "email",
"UUID": "c286a1f8-441e-479b-b10d-b10add2b6739",
"Value": "",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null

Human Readable Output#

Tag test has been successfully added to attribute c286a1f8-441e-479b-b10d-b10add2b6739


Removes a tag from the given UUID attribute.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
uuidUUID of the attribute. For example, 59575300-4be8-4ff6-8767-0037ac110032.Required
tagTag to remove from the attribute.Required

Context Output#

MISP.Attribute.DistributionstringAttribute distribution.
MISP.Attribute.ValuestringAttribute value.
MISP.Attribute.EventIDstringAttribute event ID.
MISP.Attribute.last_seenstringAttribute last_seen timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.first_seenstringAttribute first_seen timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.LastChangeddateAttribute last changed timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.ObjectIDstringAttribute object ID.
MISP.Attribute.DeletedbooleanIs the attribute deleted.
MISP.Attribute.DisableCorrelationbooleanIs attribute correlation disabled.
MISP.Attribute.TypestringAttribute type.
MISP.Attribute.IDstringAttribute ID.
MISP.Attribute.UUIDstringAttribute UUID.
MISP.Attribute.ToIDsbooleanIs the Intrusion Detection System flag set.
MISP.Attribute.CategorystringAttribute category.
MISP.Attribute.SharingGroupIDstringAttribute sharing group ID.
MISP.Attribute.CommentstringAttribute comment.
MISP.Attribute.Event.IDstringMISP event ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.DistributionstringMISP event distribution.
MISP.Attribute.Event.InfostringMISP event name.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OrganizationIDstringMISP event organization ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.IDstringEvent owner organization ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.UUIDstringMISP event UUID.
MISP.Attribute.Tag.NamestringAttribute tag name.
MISP.Attribute.Tag.is_galaxystringIs the tag galaxy.

Command Example#

!misp-remove-tag-from-attribute tag=test uuid="c286a1f8-441e-479b-b10d-b10add2b6739"

Context Example#

"MISP": {
"Attribute": {
"Category": "Network activity",
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "5",
"Event": {
"Distribution": "1",
"ID": "1655",
"Info": "TestEvent",
"OrganizationID": "1",
"OwnerOrganization.ID": "1",
"UUID": "ce083018-0b85-430b-a202-f60bbffcd26b"
"EventID": "1655",
"ID": "116534",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:56:53Z",
"ObjectID": "0",
"ObjectRelation": null,
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ToIDs": false,
"Type": "email",
"UUID": "c286a1f8-441e-479b-b10d-b10add2b6739",
"Value": "",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null

Human Readable Output#

Tag test has been successfully removed from the attribute c286a1f8-441e-479b-b10d-b10add2b6739


Add sighting to an attribute.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
typeType of sighting to add. Possible values: "sighting", "false_positive", and "expiration". Possible values are: sighting, false_positive, expiration.Required
idID of attribute to add sighting to (Must be filled if UUID is empty). Can be retrieved from the misp-search commands.Optional
uuidUUID of the attribute to add sighting to (Must be filled if ID is empty). Can be retrieved from the misp-search commands.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!misp-add-sighting uuid="c286a1f8-441e-479b-b10d-b10add2b6739" type=false_positive

Human Readable Output#

Sighting 'false_positive' has been successfully added to attribute c286a1f8-441e-479b-b10d-b10add2b6739


Adds an OSINT feed. Only feeds from format misp are allowed (i.e have manifest.json).

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
feedURL of the feed to add. Possible values are: CIRCL,
limitMaximum number of files to add. Default is 2.Optional

Context Output#

MISP.Event.IDstringIDs of newly created events.

Command Example#

!misp-add-events-from-feed limit=1

Human Readable Output#

Total of 0 events was added to MISP.#

No entries.


Adds an file object to the specified event ID.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
entry_idEntry ID of the file.Required
event_idEvent ID to which add object to.Required

Context Output#

MISP.Event.IDnumberMISP event ID.
MISP.Event.Object.MetaCategoryStringObject meta category.
MISP.Event.Object.DistributionNumberDistribution of object.
MISP.Event.Object.NameStringName of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.TemplateVersionNumberTemplate version of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.EventIDNumberID of the event in which the object was first created.
MISP.Event.Object.TemplateUUIDStringUUID of the template.
MISP.Event.Object.LastChangedStringTimestamp when the object was created.
MISP.Event.Object.DeletedBooleanWhether the object was deleted.
MISP.Event.Object.IDNumberID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.UUIDStringUUID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ValueStringValue of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.EventIDNumberID of the first event from which the object originated.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.LastChangedDateTimestamp when the object was created.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.DeletedBooleanWhether the object was deleted.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ObjectIDNumberID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.DisableCorrelationBooleanWhether correlation is disabled.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.IDUnknownID of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ObjectRelationStringRelation of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.TypeStringObject type.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.UUIDStringUUID of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ToIDsBooleanWhether the to_ids flag is on.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.CategoryStringCategory of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.SharingGroupIDNumberID of the sharing group.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.CommentStringComment of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.DescriptionStringDescription of the object.

Command Example#

!misp-add-file-object entry_id=${File.EntryID} event_id=1655

Human Readable Output#

Object has been added to MISP event ID 1655


Adds a domain object to MISP.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
event_idID of an MISP event.Required
nameThe domain name. For example, "".Required
ipA comma-separated list of IP addresses resolved by DNS.Required
textA description of the domain.Optional

Context Output#

MISP.Event.IDnumberMISP event ID.
MISP.Event.Object.MetaCategoryStringObject meta category.
MISP.Event.Object.DistributionNumberDistribution of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.NameStringName of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.TemplateVersionNumberTemplate version of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.EventIDNumberID of the event in which the object was first created.
MISP.Event.Object.TemplateUUIDStringUUID of the template.
MISP.Event.Object.LastChangedStringTimestamp when the object was last changed.
MISP.Event.Object.DeletedBooleanWhether the object was deleted.
MISP.Event.Object.IDNumberID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.UUIDStringUUID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ValueStringValue of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.EventIDNumberID of the first event from which the object originated.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.LastChangedDateAttribute last changed timestamp.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.DeletedBooleanWhether the object was deleted.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ObjectIDNumberID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.DisableCorrelationBooleanWhether correlation is disabled.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.IDUnknownID of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ObjectRelationStringRelation of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.TypeStringObject type.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.UUIDStringUUID of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ToIDsBooleanWhether the to_ids flag is on.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.CategoryStringCategory of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.SharingGroupIDNumberID of the sharing group.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.CommentStringComment of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.DescriptionStringDescription of the object.

Command Example#

!misp-add-domain-object ip="" event_id=1655 text=new

Context Example#

"MISP": {
"Event": {
"ID": "1655",
"Object": {
"Attribute": [
"Category": "Network activity",
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "5",
"EventID": "1655",
"ID": "116537",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:57:00Z",
"ObjectID": "18091",
"ObjectRelation": "ip",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ToIDs": true,
"Type": "ip-dst",
"UUID": "ec8bd634-b428-41cf-b26f-f3fd5d640b73",
"Value": "",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null,
"value1": "",
"value2": ""
"Category": "Network activity",
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "5",
"EventID": "1655",
"ID": "116538",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:57:00Z",
"ObjectID": "18091",
"ObjectRelation": "domain",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ToIDs": true,
"Type": "domain",
"UUID": "dc21f4c9-c167-4de8-a25b-1d2519b1e826",
"Value": "",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null,
"value1": "",
"value2": ""
"Category": "Other",
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": true,
"Distribution": "5",
"EventID": "1655",
"ID": "116539",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:57:00Z",
"ObjectID": "18091",
"ObjectRelation": "text",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ToIDs": false,
"Type": "text",
"UUID": "1c787478-7c67-4e29-996b-5ee1d8fe9ee2",
"Value": "new",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null,
"value1": "new",
"value2": ""
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"Description": "A domain/hostname and IP address seen as a tuple in a specific time frame.",
"Distribution": "5",
"EventID": "1655",
"ID": "18091",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:57:00Z",
"MetaCategory": "network",
"Name": "domain-ip",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"TemplateUUID": "43b3b146-77eb-4931-b4cc-b66c60f28734",
"TemplateVersion": "9",
"UUID": "29a96e5b-beb6-4fa2-9b19-4d1bc4e651d9",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null

Human Readable Output#

Object has been added to MISP event ID 1655


Adds an email object to MISP.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
event_idID of an MISP event.Required
entry_idEntry ID of the email (only supports .eml files).Required

Context Output#

MISP.Event.IDnumberMISP event ID.
MISP.Event.Object.MetaCategoryStringObject meta category.
MISP.Event.Object.DistributionNumberDistribution of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.NameStringName of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.TemplateVersionNumberTemplate version of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.EventIDNumberID of the event in which the object was first created.
MISP.Event.Object.TemplateUUIDStringUUID of the template.
MISP.Event.Object.LastChangedStringTimestamp when the object was last changed.
MISP.Event.Object.DeletedBooleanWhether the object was deleted.
MISP.Event.Object.IDNumberID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.UUIDStringUUID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ValueStringValue of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.EventIDNumberID of the first event from which the object originated.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.LastChangedDateAttribute last changed date.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.DeletedBooleanWhether the object was deleted.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ObjectIDNumberID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.DisableCorrelationBooleanWhether correlation is disabled.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.IDUnknownID of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ObjectRelationStringRelation of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.TypeStringObject type.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.UUIDStringUUID of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ToIDsBooleanWhether the to_ids flag is on.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.CategoryStringCategory of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.SharingGroupIDNumberID of the sharing group.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.CommentStringComment of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.DescriptionStringDescription of the object.

Command Example#

!misp-add-email-object ip="678@6" event_id=743

Context Example#

"MISP.Event": {
"ID": "743",
"Object": {
"Attribute": [
"Category": "External analysis",
"Comment": "",
"UUID": "52d1d881-a1fb-4a2c-b5bc-047fb0073c2f",
"ObjectID": "3231",
"Deleted": false,
"LastChanged": "2022-07-07T13:50:06Z",
"ToIDs": false,
"Value": "Full email.eml",
"ID": "26175",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ObjectRelation": "eml",
"EventID": "743",
"value1": "Full email.eml",
"DisableCorrelation": true,
"Type": "attachment",
"Distribution": "5",
"value2": ""
"Category": "Payload delivery",
"Comment": "",
"UUID": "5ddaae1c-ce54-4191-9d61-907d2c101103",
"ObjectID": "3231",
"Deleted": false,
"LastChanged": "2022-07-07T13:50:06Z",
"ToIDs": false,
"Value": "<>",
"ID": "26177",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ObjectRelation": "message-id",
"EventID": "743",
"value1": "<>",
"DisableCorrelation": true,
"Type": "email-message-id",
"Distribution": "5",
"value2": ""
"Category": "Network activity",
"Comment": "",
"UUID": "26daac8a-730e-4951-bad1-d8134feba2cb",
"ObjectID": "3231",
"Deleted": false,
"LastChanged": "2022-07-07T13:50:06Z",
"ToIDs": true,
"Value": "\"Example Demisto (ca)\" <>",
"ID": "26178",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ObjectRelation": "to",
"EventID": "743",
"value1": "\"Example Demisto (ca)\" <example.>",
"DisableCorrelation": true,
"Type": "email-dst",
"Distribution": "5",
"value2": ""
"Category": "Payload delivery",
"Comment": "",
"UUID": "d6ca6b5f-edba-4d46-9a9f-15fec4f6bd2b",
"ObjectID": "3231",
"Deleted": false,
"LastChanged": "2022-07-07T13:50:06Z",
"ToIDs": false,
"ID": "26179",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ObjectRelation": "subject",
"EventID": "743",
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Type": "email-subject",
"Distribution": "5",
"value2": ""
"Category": "Payload delivery",
"Comment": "",
"UUID": "983eaba4-a94e-49ab-ae18-40151778a9ba",
"ObjectID": "3231",
"Deleted": false,
"LastChanged": "2022-07-07T13:50:06Z",
"ToIDs": true,
"Value": "\"Example Demisto (ca)\" <>",
"ID": "26180",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ObjectRelation": "from",
"EventID": "743",
"value1": "\"Example Demisto (ca)\" <>",
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Type": "email-src",
"Distribution": "5",
"value2": ""
"Category": "Payload delivery",
"Comment": "",
"UUID": "c432d6c7-5d34-4b64-a6b4-5813d1874bd2",
"ObjectID": "3231",
"Deleted": false,
"LastChanged": "2022-07-07T13:50:06Z",
"ToIDs": true,
"Value": "",
"ID": "26181",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ObjectRelation": "return-path",
"EventID": "743",
"value1": "",
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Type": "email-src",
"Distribution": "5",
"value2": ""
"Comment": "",
"EventID": "743",
"LastChanged": "2022-07-07T13:50:06Z",
"Description": "Email object describing an email with meta-information",
"UUID": "e00e6a2c-682b-48b3-bb01-aee21832ebf0",
"Deleted": false,
"TemplateUUID": "a0c666e0-fc65-4be8-b48f-3423d788b552",
"TemplateVersion": "12",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"MetaCategory": "network",
"Distribution": "5",
"ID": "3231",
"Name": "email",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null

Human Readable Output#

Object has been added to MISP event ID 743


Adds a URL object to an MISP event.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
urlFull URL to add to the event.Required
first_seenDate that this URL was first seen. For example, 2019-02-03.Optional
textDescription of the URL.Optional
last_seenDate that this URL was last seen. For example, 2019-02-03.Optional
event_idID of a MISP event.Required

Context Output#

MISP.Event.IDnumberMISP event ID.
MISP.Event.Object.MetaCategoryStringObject meta category.
MISP.Event.Object.DistributionNumberDistribution of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.NameStringName of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.TemplateVersionNumberTemplate version of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.EventIDNumberID of the event in which the object was first created.
MISP.Event.Object.TemplateUUIDStringUUID of the template.
MISP.Event.Object.LastChangedStringTimestamp when the object was last changed.
MISP.Event.Object.DeletedBooleanWhether the object was deleted.
MISP.Event.Object.IDNumberID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.UUIDStringUUID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ValueStringValue of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.EventIDNumberID of the first event from which the object originated.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.LastChangedDateAttribute last changed timestamp.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.DeletedBooleanWhether the object was deleted.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ObjectIDNumberID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.DisableCorrelationBooleanWhether correlation is disabled.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.IDUnknownID of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ObjectRelationStringRelation of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.TypeStringObject type.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.UUIDStringUUID of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ToIDsBooleanWhether the to_ids flag is on.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.CategoryStringCategory of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.SharingGroupIDNumberID of the sharing group.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.CommentStringComment of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.DescriptionStringDescription of the object.

Command Example#

!misp-add-url-object event_id=1655

Context Example#

"MISP": {
"Event": {
"ID": "1655",
"Object": {
"Attribute": [
"Category": "Network activity",
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "5",
"EventID": "1655",
"ID": "116545",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:57:04Z",
"ObjectID": "18093",
"ObjectRelation": "url",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ToIDs": true,
"Type": "url",
"UUID": "b684192d-9285-49ec-b74b-8ab8ec40b71f",
"Value": "",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null,
"value1": "",
"value2": ""
"Category": "Other",
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "5",
"EventID": "1655",
"ID": "116546",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:57:04Z",
"ObjectID": "18093",
"ObjectRelation": "resource_path",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ToIDs": false,
"Type": "text",
"UUID": "0f82e991-25f8-40df-bd8c-13d285f39ea4",
"Value": "",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null,
"value1": "",
"value2": ""
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"Description": "url object describes an url along with its normalized field (like extracted using faup parsing library) and its metadata.",
"Distribution": "5",
"EventID": "1655",
"ID": "18093",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:57:04Z",
"MetaCategory": "network",
"Name": "url",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"TemplateUUID": "60efb77b-40b5-4c46-871b-ed1ed999fce5",
"TemplateVersion": "9",
"UUID": "ab5d001f-8832-4078-8e96-97cf7e83e536",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null

Human Readable Output#

Object has been added to MISP event ID 1655


Adds any other object to MISP.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
event_idID of the event to add the object to.Required
templateTemplate name. (Can be found at For example, 'vehicle'.Required
attributesAttributes. For example, {"description": "Manager Ferrari", "make": "Ferrari", "model": "308 GTS"}.Required

Context Output#

MISP.Event.IDnumberMISP event ID.
MISP.Event.Object.MetaCategoryStringObject meta category.
MISP.Event.Object.DistributionNumberDistribution of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.NameStringName of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.TemplateVersionNumberTemplate version of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.EventIDNumberID of the event in which the object was first created.
MISP.Event.Object.TemplateUUIDStringUUID of the template.
MISP.Event.Object.LastChangedStringTimestamp when the object was last changed.
MISP.Event.Object.DeletedBooleanWhether the object was deleted.
MISP.Event.Object.IDNumberID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.UUIDStringUUID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ValueStringValue of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.EventIDNumberID of the first event from which the object originated.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.LastChangedDateAttribute last changed timestamp.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.DeletedBooleanWhether the object was deleted?
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ObjectIDNumberID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.DisableCorrelationBooleanWhether correlation is disabled.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.IDUnknownID of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ObjectRelationStringRelation of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.TypeStringObject type.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.UUIDStringUUID of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ToIDsBooleanWhether the to_ids flag is on.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.CategoryStringCategory of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.SharingGroupIDNumberID of the sharing group.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.CommentStringComment of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.DescriptionStringDescription of the object.

Command Example#

!misp-add-object attributes="{'description':'Manager','make': 'Test', 'model': '308 GTS'}" template=vehicle event_id=1655

Context Example#

"MISP": {
"Event": {
"ID": "1655",
"Object": {
"Attribute": [
"Category": "Other",
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": true,
"Distribution": "5",
"EventID": "1655",
"ID": "116547",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:57:06Z",
"ObjectID": "18094",
"ObjectRelation": "description",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ToIDs": false,
"Type": "text",
"UUID": "d000b825-4610-4fe7-82c4-57cd93d87081",
"Value": "Manager",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null,
"value1": "Manager",
"value2": ""
"Category": "Other",
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": true,
"Distribution": "5",
"EventID": "1655",
"ID": "116548",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:57:06Z",
"ObjectID": "18094",
"ObjectRelation": "make",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ToIDs": false,
"Type": "text",
"UUID": "172df931-af26-4644-976b-c442ca0ae002",
"Value": "Test",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null,
"value1": "Test",
"value2": ""
"Category": "Other",
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": true,
"Distribution": "5",
"EventID": "1655",
"ID": "116549",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:57:06Z",
"ObjectID": "18094",
"ObjectRelation": "model",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ToIDs": false,
"Type": "text",
"UUID": "539cd3a0-9c34-48d6-97f8-cba7b3955947",
"Value": "308 GTS",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null,
"value1": "308 GTS",
"value2": ""
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"Description": "Vehicle object template to describe a vehicle information and registration",
"Distribution": "5",
"EventID": "1655",
"ID": "18094",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:57:06Z",
"MetaCategory": "misc",
"Name": "vehicle",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"TemplateUUID": "683c076c-f695-4ff2-8efa-e98a418049f4",
"TemplateVersion": "3",
"UUID": "10d9d305-1518-4712-a1e6-385d546e2b27",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null

Human Readable Output#

Object has been added to MISP event ID 1655


Adds custom objects to MISP.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
event_idID of the event to add the object to.Required
templateCustom Template name.Required
attributesAttributes. For example, {"description": "Manager Ferrari", "make": "Ferrari", "model": "308 GTS"}.Required

Context Output#

MISP.Event.IDnumberMISP event ID.
MISP.Event.Object.MetaCategoryStringObject meta category.
MISP.Event.Object.DistributionNumberDistribution of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.NameStringName of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.TemplateVersionNumberTemplate version of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.EventIDNumberID of the event in which the object was first created.
MISP.Event.Object.TemplateUUIDStringUUID of the template.
MISP.Event.Object.LastChangedStringTimestamp when the object was last changed.
MISP.Event.Object.DeletedBooleanWhether the object was deleted.
MISP.Event.Object.IDNumberID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.UUIDStringUUID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ValueStringValue of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.EventIDNumberID of the first event from which the object originated.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.LastChangedDateAttribute last changed timestamp.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.DeletedBooleanWhether the object was deleted?.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ObjectIDNumberID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.DisableCorrelationBooleanWhether correlation is disabled.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.IDUnknownID of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ObjectRelationStringRelation of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.TypeStringObject type.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.UUIDStringUUID of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ToIDsBooleanWhether the to_ids flag is on.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.CategoryStringCategory of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.SharingGroupIDNumberID of the sharing group.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.CommentStringComment of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.DescriptionStringDescription of the object.

Command Example#

!misp-add-custom-object event_id="1572" template="corporate-asset" attributes="{\"asset-type\":\"Server\",\"asset-id\":\"12\",\"text\":\"Asset Details\"}"


Adds an IP object to the MISP event. The following arguments are optional, but at least one must be supplied for the command to run successfully: "ip", "dst_port", "src_port", "domain", "hostname", "ip_src", and "ip_dst".

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
event_idID of a MISP event.Required
ipA comma-separated list of IP addresses.Optional
dst_portDestination port number.Optional
src_portSource port number.Optional
domainDomain name.Optional
hostnameHostname. For example, ''.Optional
ip_srcIP source address.Optional
ip_dstIP destination address.Optional
first_seenDate when the IP address was first seen. For example, 2019-02-03.Optional
last_seenDate when the IP address was last seen. For example, 2019-02-03.Optional
commentDescription of the object to be set as a text attribute.Optional

Context Output#

MISP.Event.IDnumberMISP event ID.
MISP.Event.Object.MetaCategoryStringObject meta category.
MISP.Event.Object.DistributionNumberDistribution of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.NameStringName of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.TemplateVersionNumberTemplate version of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.EventIDNumberID of the event in which the object was first created.
MISP.Event.Object.TemplateUUIDStringUUID of the template.
MISP.Event.Object.LastChangedStringTimestamp when the object was last changed.
MISP.Event.Object.DeletedBooleanWhether the object was deleted.
MISP.Event.Object.IDNumberID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.UUIDStringUUID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ValueStringValue of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.EventIDNumberID of the first event from which the object originated.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.LastChangedDateAttribute last changed timestamp.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.DeletedBooleanWhether the object was deleted.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ObjectIDNumberID of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.DisableCorrelationBooleanWhether correlation is disabled.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.IDUnknownID of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ObjectRelationStringRelation of the object.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.TypeStringObject type.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.UUIDStringUUID of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.ToIDsBooleanWhether the to_ids flag is on.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.CategoryStringCategory of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.SharingGroupIDNumberID of the sharing group.
MISP.Event.Object.Attribute.CommentStringComment of the attribute.
MISP.Event.Object.DescriptionStringDescription of the object.

Command Example#

!misp-add-ip-object event_id=1655 dst_port=4545 ip_src= ip_dst= src_port=1001 comment=nice

Context Example#

"MISP": {
"Event": {
"ID": "1655",
"Object": {
"Attribute": [
"Category": "Network activity",
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": true,
"Distribution": "5",
"EventID": "1655",
"ID": "116540",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:57:02Z",
"ObjectID": "18092",
"ObjectRelation": "dst-port",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ToIDs": false,
"Type": "port",
"UUID": "81128f06-1691-4674-bfe2-ffc5f91e4757",
"Value": "4545",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null,
"value1": "4545",
"value2": ""
"Category": "Network activity",
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "5",
"EventID": "1655",
"ID": "116541",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:57:02Z",
"ObjectID": "18092",
"ObjectRelation": "src-port",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ToIDs": false,
"Type": "port",
"UUID": "02845721-f842-4df8-9513-17ecb2b95c08",
"Value": "1001",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null,
"value1": "1001",
"value2": ""
"Category": "Network activity",
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "5",
"EventID": "1655",
"ID": "116542",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:57:02Z",
"ObjectID": "18092",
"ObjectRelation": "ip-src",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ToIDs": true,
"Type": "ip-src",
"UUID": "4656d257-3ee9-417b-89bd-443fb6b61071",
"Value": "",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null,
"value1": "",
"value2": ""
"Category": "Network activity",
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "5",
"EventID": "1655",
"ID": "116543",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:57:02Z",
"ObjectID": "18092",
"ObjectRelation": "ip-dst",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ToIDs": true,
"Type": "ip-dst",
"UUID": "bc64f4e0-1f16-4c74-b629-bd3df8b10bea",
"Value": "",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null,
"value1": "",
"value2": ""
"Category": "Other",
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": true,
"Distribution": "5",
"EventID": "1655",
"ID": "116544",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:57:02Z",
"ObjectID": "18092",
"ObjectRelation": "text",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"ToIDs": false,
"Type": "text",
"UUID": "32c161c2-075c-4eff-9b42-c9dce44334f8",
"Value": "nice",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null,
"value1": "nice",
"value2": ""
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"Description": "An IP address (or domain or hostname) and a port seen as a tuple (or as a triple) in a specific time frame.",
"Distribution": "5",
"EventID": "1655",
"ID": "18092",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-29T13:57:02Z",
"MetaCategory": "network",
"Name": "ip-port",
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"TemplateUUID": "9f8cea74-16fe-4968-a2b4-026676949ac6",
"TemplateVersion": "8",
"UUID": "f42d7ca9-de2e-4e62-8814-d95f1e6efa94",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null

Human Readable Output#

Object has been added to MISP event ID 1655


Add a new user to MISP.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
emailThe email address of the new user to be added.Required
org_idID number indicating which organization the new user will be added to. In order to get the org_id, use the command misp-get-organization-info.Required
role_idRole of the new user to be added. In order to get the role_id, use the command misp-get-role-info.Required
passwordA password for the new user. Ensure that the password is at least 12 characters long, contains at least one upper-case, includes a digit or a special character, and at least one lower-case character.Required

Context Output#

MISP.User.idstringMISP user ID.
MISP.User.passwordstringMISP user password.
MISP.User.org_idstringMISP user organisation ID.
MISP.User.server_idstringMISP user server ID.
MISP.User.emailstringMISP user email.
MISP.User.autoalertbooleanMISP user auto alert.
MISP.User.authkeystringMISP User auth key.
MISP.User.invited_bystringMISP user invited by.
MISP.User.gpgkeystringMISP user GPG key.
MISP.User.certif_publicstringMISP User public certificate.
MISP.User.nids_sidstringMISP user Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) Signature ID (SID).
MISP.User.termsacceptedbooleanWhether MISP user terms were accepted.
MISP.User.newsreadstringMISP user news read.
MISP.User.role_idstringMISP user role ID.
MISP.User.change_pwbooleanWhether the MISP user password was changed.
MISP.User.contactalertbooleanMISP user contact alert.
MISP.User.disabledbooleanWhether the MISP user was disabled.
MISP.User.expirationstringMISP user expiration.
MISP.User.current_loginstringMISP user current login.
MISP.User.last_loginstringMISP user last login.
MISP.User.force_logoutbooleanMISP user force logout.
MISP.User.date_createdstringMISP user created date.
MISP.User.date_modifiedstringMISP user modified date.


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
emailThe email address of the new user to be addedRequired
org_idID number indicating which organization the new user will be added to.Required
role_idRole of the new user to be added.Required
passwordA password for the new userRequired

Context Output#

MISP.User.emailstringMISP User Email.

Command Example#

!misp-add-user email="" org_id=1 role_id=1 password=123456789++Qq!

Human Readable Output#

MISP add user New user was added to MISP.


Search for attributes in MISP.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
typeThe attribute type. Use any valid MISP attribute type. For example: "md5", "sha1", "email", "url".Optional
valueSearch for the specified value in the attribute's value field. For example: "" (and other IP addresses), "" (and other domains), "" (and other URLs).Optional
categoryThe attribute category. Use any valid MISP attribute category. For example: "Other", "Person", "Attribution", "Payload type".Optional
uuidReturn attributes with the given UUID. Alternatively, return all the attributes that are part of the given UUID's event. For example, 59523300-4be8-4fa6-8867-0037ac110002.Optional
to_idsWhether to return only the attributes set with the "to_ids" flag. The default is to return all attributes with and with out to_ids flag. Possible values are: true, false.Optional
lastSearch attributes of events published within the last "x" amount of time. Valid time values are days, hours, and minutes. For example, "5d", "12h", "30m". This filter uses the published timestamp of the event.Optional
include_decay_scoreWhether to return the decay score at the attribute level. Possible values are: true, false.Optional
orgSearch by the creator organization by supplying the organization identifier.Optional
tagsA comma-separated list of tags to include in the results. To exclude a tag, prefix the tag name with "!". Can be: "AND", "OR", and "NOT" followed by ":". To chain logical operators use ";". For example, "AND:tag1,tag2;OR:tag3".Optional
fromEvents with the date set to a date after the one specified. This filter will use the date of the event.Optional
toEvents with the date set to a date before the one specified. This filter will use the date of the event.Optional
event_idA comma-separated list of event IDs. Returns the attributes that are part of the given event IDs.Optional
include_sightingsWhether to include the the sightings of the matching attributes. Default is false. Possible values are: true, false.Optional
include_correlationsWhether to include the full correlations of the matching attributes. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional
pageIf a limit is set, sets the page to be returned. For example, page 3, limit 100 will return records 201->300. Default is 1.Optional
limitLimit the number of attributes returned. Default is 50. Default is 50.Optional
enforceWarninglistWhether to return only the values that are not on the warninglists. Possible values are: true, false.Optional
compactWhether to return only the attribute's values that match the search query. In case you want to get the full attributes data, set this argument to false. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional
with_attachmentsWhether to download attachments from MISP. Possible values are: true, false. Default "false".Optional

Context Output#

MISP.Attribute.DistributionstringAttribute distribution.
MISP.Attribute.last_seenstringAttribute last_seen timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.first_seenstringAttribute first_seen timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.ValuestringAttribute value.
MISP.Attribute.EventIDstringAttribute event ID.
MISP.Attribute.LastChangeddateAttribute last changed timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.DeletedbooleanIs the attribute deleted.
MISP.Attribute.DisableCorrelationbooleanIs attribute correlation disabled.
MISP.Attribute.TypestringAttribute type.
MISP.Attribute.ObjectIDstringAttribute's object ID.
MISP.Attribute.IDstringAttribute ID.
MISP.Attribute.UUIDstringAttribute UUID.
MISP.Attribute.ObjectRelationstringAttribute's object relation.
MISP.Attribute.ShadowAttributeUnknownAttribute shadow attribute.
MISP.Attribute.ToIDsbooleanIs the Intrusion Detection System flag set.
MISP.Attribute.CategorystringAttribute category.
MISP.Attribute.SharingGroupIDnumberAttribute sharing group ID.
MISP.Attribute.CommentstringAttribute comment.
MISP.Attribute.Event.IDstringMISP event ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.DistributionstringMISP event distribution.
MISP.Attribute.Event.InfostringMISP event name.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OrganizationIDstringMISP event organization ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.OwnerOrganization.IDstringMISP event owner organization ID.
MISP.Attribute.Event.UUIDstringEvent UUID.
MISP.Attribute.Object.DistributionNumberDistribution of object.
MISP.Attribute.Object.IDNumberID of the object.
MISP.Attribute.Object.SharingGroupIDStringObject sharing group ID.
MISP.Attribute.Tag.NamestringAll tag names in the attribute.
MISP.Attribute.Tag.is_galaxyBooleanIs the tag is a galaxy.
MISP.Attribute.Sighting.TypeStringSighting type.

Command Example#

!misp-search-attributes tags="COVID-19"

Context Example#

"MISP": {
"Attribute": [
"Category": "Payload delivery",
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "5",
"Event": {
"Distribution": "3",
"ID": "149",
"Info": "Capitalizing on Coronavirus Panic, Threat Actors Target Victims Worldwide",
"OrganizationID": "1",
"OwnerOrganization.ID": "8",
"UUID": "5e6b322a-9f80-4e2f-9f2a-3cab0a3b4631"
"EventID": "149",
"ID": "71703",
"LastChanged": "2021-07-19T12:44:27Z",
"ObjectID": "0",
"ObjectRelation": null,
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"Tag": [
"Name": "COVID-19",
"is_galaxy": null
"Name": "misp-galaxy:financial-fraud=\"Cash Recovery Scam\"",
"is_galaxy": null
"ToIDs": true,
"Type": "sha256",
"UUID": "7f78d940-c1f1-4a75-87a5-11b0fcd61e53",
"Value": "c8466c386261facf38ce62e75a8c6414affbfaed439e91fa00e515e079702fe0",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null
"Category": "Network activity",
"Comment": "",
"Deleted": false,
"DisableCorrelation": false,
"Distribution": "5",
"Event": {
"Distribution": "1",
"ID": "143",
"Info": "Recent Qakbot (Qbot) activity",
"OrganizationID": "1",
"OwnerOrganization.ID": "7",
"UUID": "5fd0c599-ab6c-4ba1-a69a-df9ec0a8ab16"
"EventID": "143",
"ID": "71740",
"LastChanged": "2021-06-21T12:35:10Z",
"ObjectID": "0",
"ObjectRelation": null,
"SharingGroupID": "0",
"Tag": [
"Name": "COVID-19",
"is_galaxy": null
"Name": "misp-galaxy:financial-fraud=\"Compromised Personally Identifiable Information (PII)\"",
"is_galaxy": null
"ToIDs": true,
"Type": "ip-dst",
"UUID": "de95a690-97b9-491c-bd94-1ab7ee885622",
"Value": "",
"first_seen": null,
"last_seen": null

Human Readable Output#

MISP search-attributes returned 2 attributes#

Current page size: 50 Showing page 1 |Attribute Category|Attribute ID|Attribute Tags|Attribute Type|Attribute Value|Event Distribution|Event ID|Event Info|Event Organization ID|Event UUID|To IDs| |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | Payload delivery | 71703 | COVID-19,
misp-galaxy:financial-fraud="Cash Recovery Scam" | sha256 | c8466c386261facf38ce62e75a8c6414affbfaed439e91fa00e515e079702fe0 | 3 | 149 | Capitalizing on Coronavirus Panic, Threat Actors Target Victims Worldwide | 1 | 5e6b322a-9f80-4e2f-9f2a-3cab0a3b4631 | true | | Network activity | 71740 | COVID-19,
misp-galaxy:financial-fraud="Compromised Personally Identifiable Information (PII)" | ip-dst | | 1 | 143 | Recent Qakbot (Qbot) activity | 1 | 5fd0c599-ab6c-4ba1-a69a-df9ec0a8ab16 | true |

Breaking changes from the previous version of this integration - MISP v3#

Reputation commands#

The main change in this version is that searching indicators (reputation commands) is implemented with search-attributes (and not with search-events as in previous version). Please see the new commands (ip, file, url...) context output for details.


The following commands were removed in this version:#

  • misp-add-tag - replaced by both misp-add-tag-to-event and misp-add-tag-to-attribute.
  • misp-download-sample - removed as download sample is not supported by the new PYMISP version.
  • misp-upload-sample - removed as upload sample is not supported by the new PYMISP version.


The following arguments were removed in this version:#

  • In the misp-create-event command, the id argument was replaced by event_id.

  • In the misp-add-domain-object command, the dns argument was replaced by ip.

The behavior of the following arguments was changed:#

  • In the misp-add-events-from-feed command:

    • feed - is now required.
    • limit - the default value was changed from '0' to '2'.
  • In the misp-create-event command, the default value of the to_ids argument was changed from 'false' to 'true'.

Additional Considerations for this version#

Indicator Scoring#

In MISP V3, indicator scoring is calculated depending on MISP's tags. In case no tags were found, the score is calculated by the event's threat level ID.

  • Indicators of attributes and events that have tags that are configured as malicious will be scored 3 (i.e., malicious).
  • Indicators of attributes and events that have tags that are configured as suspicious will be scored 2 (i.e., suspicious).
  • Indicators of attributes and events that have tags that are configured as benign will be scored 1 (i.e., benign).
  • Indicators of attributes and events that don't have any tags that are configured as suspicious nor malicious will be scored by their events' threat level ID.
  • Threat level ID with a value of 1, 2, or 3 will be scored 3 (i.e., malicious).
  • Threat level ID with a value of 4 will be scored 0 (i.e., unknown).

When configuring an instance, you should set:

  • Malicious tag IDs with tag IDs that would be calculated as malicious.
  • Suspicious tag IDs with tag IDs that would be calculated as suspicious.
  • Benign tag IDs with tag IDs that would be calculated as benign.


Update an attribute of an existing MISP event.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
attribute_uuidUUID of the attribute to be updated.Required
typeAttribute type. For example: "md5", "sha1", "email", "url".Optional
categoryAttribute category. For example: "Other", "Person", "Attribution", "Payload type".Optional
distributionWhere to distribute the event. Possible values: "Your_organization_only", "This_community_only", "Connected_communities", "All_communities", and "Inherit_event". Possible values are: Your_organization_only, This_community_only, Connected_communities, All_communities, Inherit_event.Optional
commentComment for the attribute.Optional
valueAttribute value. For example: "" (and other IP addresses), "" (and other domains), "" (and other URLs).Optional
first_seenUpdated date when the attribute was first seen. For example, 2019-02-03.Optional
last_seenUpdated date when the attribute was last seen. For example, 2019-02-03.Optional

Context Output#

MISP.Attribute.DistributionstringAttribute distribution.
MISP.Attribute.ValuestringAttribute value.
MISP.Attribute.EventIDstringAttribute event ID.
MISP.Attribute.last_seenstringAttribute last_seen timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.first_seenstringAttribute first_seen timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.LastChangeddateAttribute last changed timestamp.
MISP.Attribute.DeletedbooleanIs the attribute deleted.
MISP.Attribute.DisableCorrelationbooleanIs attribute correlation disabled.
MISP.Attribute.TypestringAttribute type.
MISP.Attribute.IDstringAttribute ID.
MISP.Attribute.UUIDstringAttribute UUID.
MISP.Attribute.ToIDsbooleanIs the Intrusion Detection System flag set.
MISP.Attribute.CategorystringAttribute category.
MISP.Attribute.SharingGroupIDstringAttribute sharing group ID.
MISP.Attribute.CommentstringAttribute comment.

Command Example#

!misp-update-attribute attribute_uuid=c0ba7147-d99a-418a-a23a-d9be62590c33 category=Other

Human Readable Output#

MISP update attribute#

Attribute: c0ba7147-d99a-418a-a23a-d9be62590c33 was updated.


Delete an attribute according to the given attribute ID.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
attribute_idAttribute ID to delete.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!misp-delete-attribute attribute_id=3f5917b3-100c-4e21-91c3-48b265337232

Human Readable Output#

Attribute 3f5917b3-100c-4e21-91c3-48b265337232 has been deleted


Publish an event.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
event_idEvent ID to be published.Required
alertWhether to send an email. The default is to not send a mail. Possible values are: true, false.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!misp-publish-event event_id=20536

Human Readable Output#

Event 20536 has been published


Set event attributes according to the given attributes data.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
event_idEvent ID to set attributes for.Required
attribute_dataAdjust current attributes of an event to match the given attribute data. Has to be json formated list with attributes that should be part of the event. E.g.: [{"type":"domain","value":"target.domain"},{"type":"ip-dst","value":""}].Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Check a list of indicator values against the MISP warninglist.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
valueIndicator values to check against the MISP warninglist.Required

Context Output#

MISP.Warninglist.CountnumberCount on how many warninglists the value was found.
MISP.Warninglist.ValuestringValue checked.
MISP.Warninglist.ListsstringName of warninglists where the value was found.


Display the organization IDs and names.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired

Context Output#

MISP.Organization.org_idstringMISP organization ID.
MISP.Organization.org_namestringMISP organization name.


Display role names and role ids.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired

Context Output#

MISP.Role.role_idstringMISP role ID.
MISP.Role.role_namestringMISP role name.

Command Example#


Human Readable Output#

MISP Roles#
