Nessus Pack.#
This Integration is part of the#
nessus-list-scansReturns the scan list
Base Commandnessus-list-scans
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
foldersHeaders | The table's headers to be shown by order. | Optional |
scansHeaders | The table's headers to be shown by order. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
NessusScan.UUID | unknown | The uuid for the scan. |
NessusScan.Name | unknown | The name of the scan. |
NessusScan.Status | unknown | The status of the scan. |
NessusScan.FolderID | unknown | The unique id of the folder housing the scan. |
NessusScan.ID | unknown | The unique id of the scan. |
NessusScan.UserPermissions | unknown | The sharing permissions for the scan. |
NessusScan.CreationDate | unknown | The creation date for the scan in unixtime. |
NessusScan.LastModificationDate | unknown | The last modification date for the scan in unixtime. |
NessusScan.Type | unknown | The type of scan (local, remote, or agent). |
NessusScan.Policy | unknown | The policy if the scan. |
NessusFolder.UnreadCount | unknown | The number of unread scans in the folder. |
NessusFolder.Custom | unknown | The custom status of the folder (1 or 0). |
NessusFolder.DefaultTag | unknown | Whether or not the folder is the default (1 or 0). |
NessusFolder.Type | unknown | The type of the folder (main, trash, custom). |
NessusFolder.Name | unknown | The name of the folder. |
NessusFolder.ID | unknown | The unique id of the folder. |
nessus-launch-scanLaunches a new vulnerability scan
Base Commandnessus-launch-scan
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
scanId | The Scan ID (use command list-scans to get possible scan ID's). | Required |
targets | If specified, these targets will be scanned instead of the default. Value can be single host or of comma separated targets. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
ScanUUID | unknown | The uuid of the launched scan. |
nessus-scan-detailsReturns details for the given scan
Base Commandnessus-scan-details
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
scanId | The Scan ID (use command list-scans to get possible scan ID's). | Required |
historyId | The history_id of the historical data that should be returned. | Optional |
tables | The tables to be shown by order. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
NessusScan.UUID | unknown | The uuid for the scan. |
NessusScan.Name | unknown | The name of the scan. |
NessusScan.Status | unknown | The status of the scan. |
NessusScan.FolderID | unknown | The unique id of the folder housing the scan. |
NessusScan.ID | unknown | The unique id of the scan. |
NessusScan.UserPermissions | unknown | The sharing permissions for the scan. |
NessusScan.CreationDate | unknown | The creation date for the scan in unixtime. |
NessusScan.LastModificationDate | unknown | The last modification date for the scan in unixtime. |
NessusScan.Type | unknown | The type of scan (local, remote, or agent). |
NessusScan.Policy | unknown | The policy if the scan. |
NessusScan.Endpoint.ID | unknown | The unique id of the host. |
NessusScan.Endpoint.Index | unknown | The index for the host. |
NessusScan.Endpoint.Hostname | unknown | The overall severity rating of the host. |
NessusScan.Endpoint.Progress | unknown | The scan progress of the host. |
NessusScan.Endpoint.Critical | unknown | The percentage of critical findings on the host. |
NessusScan.Endpoint.High | unknown | The percentage of high findings on the host. |
NessusScan.Endpoint.Medium | unknown | The percentage of medium findings on the host. |
NessusScan.Endpoint.Low | unknown | The percentage of low findings on the host. |
NessusScan.Endpoint.Info | unknown | The percentage of info findings on the host. |
NessusScan.Endpoint.TotalChecksConsidered | unknown | The total number of checks considered on the host. |
NessusScan.Endpoint.NumChecksConsidered | unknown | The number of checks considered on the host. |
NessusScan.Endpoint.ScanProgressTotal | unknown | The total scan progress for the host. |
NessusScan.Endpoint.ScanProgressCurrent | unknown | The current scan progress for the host. |
NessusScan.Endpoint.Score | unknown | The overall score for the host. |
NessusScan.Vulnerability.PluginID | unknown | The unique id of the vulnerability plugin. |
NessusScan.Vulnerability.PluginName | unknown | The name of the vulnerability plugin. |
NessusScan.Vulnerability.PluginFamily | unknown | The parent family of the vulnerability plugin. |
NessusScan.Vulnerability.Count | unknown | The number of vulnerabilities found. |
NessusScan.Vulnerability.VulnerabilityIndex | unknown | The index of the vulnerability plugin. |
NessusScan.Vulnerability.SeverityIndex | unknown | The severity index order of the plugin. |
NessusScan.Note.Title | unknown | The title of the note. |
NessusScan.Note.Message | unknown | The specific message of the note. |
NessusScan.Note.Sevirity | unknown | The severity of the note. |
NessusScan.Filter.Name | unknown | The short name of the filter. |
NessusScan.Filter.ReadableName | unknown | The long name of the filter. |
NessusScan.Filter.Operators | unknown | The comparison options for the filter. |
NessusScan.Filter.Type | unknown | The input type for the filter. |
NessusScan.Filter.ReadableRegest | unknown | The input placeholder for the filter. |
NessusScan.Filter.Regex | unknown | The input regex values for the filter. |
NessusScan.Filter.Options | unknown | Other input options for the filter. |
NessusScan.History.ID | unknown | The unique id of the historical data. |
NessusScan.History.UUID | unknown | The uuid of the historical data. |
NessusScan.History.OwnerID | unknown | The unique id of the owner of the scan. |
NessusScan.History.Status | unknown | The status of the historical data. |
NessusScan.History.CreationDate | unknown | The creation date for the historical data in unixtime. |
NessusScan.History.LastModification_date | unknown | The last modification date for the historical data in unixtime. |
NessusScan.Remediations.Remediations | unknown | Remedy to vulnerabilites found during the scan. |
NessusScan.Remediations.NumHosts | unknown | Number of hosts of Remediations |
NessusScan.Remediations.NumCVEs | unknown | Number of CVE's |
NessusScan.Remediations.NumImpactedHosts | unknown | Number of impacted hosts |
NessusScan.Remediations.NumRemediatedCVEs | unknown | Number of Remediated CVE's |
nessus-scan-host-detailsReturns details for the given host.
Base Commandnessus-scan-host-details
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
scanId | The Scan ID (use command list-scans to get possible scan ID's). | Required |
historyId | The history_id of the historical data that should be returned. | Optional |
hostId | The id of the host to retrieve. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Endpoint.ID | unknown | The unique id of the host. |
Endpoint.Index | unknown | The index for the host. |
Endpoint.Hostname | unknown | The overall severity rating of the host. |
Endpoint.Progress | unknown | The scan progress of the host. |
Endpoint.Critical | unknown | The percentage of critical findings on the host. |
Endpoint.High | unknown | The percentage of high findings on the host. |
Endpoint.Medium | unknown | The percentage of medium findings on the host. |
Endpoint.Low | unknown | The percentage of low findings on the host. |
Endpoint.Info | unknown | The percentage of info findings on the host. |
Endpoint.TotalChecksConsidered | unknown | The total number of checks considered on the host. |
Endpoint.NumChecksConsidered | unknown | The number of checks considered on the host. |
Endpoint.ScanProgressTotal | unknown | The total scan progress for the host. |
Endpoint.ScanProgressCurrent | unknown | The current scan progress for the host. |
Endpoint.Score | unknown | The overall score for the host. |
nessus-scan-exportExport the given scan (Nessus, HTML, PDF, CSV, or DB format)
Base Commandnessus-scan-export
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
scanId | The Scan ID (use command list-scans to get possible scan ID's). | Required |
historyId | The history_id of the historical data that should be returned. | Optional |
format | scan report file format (nessus, csv, html, db, pdf). | Required |
password | The password used to encrypt database exports (*Required when exporting as DB). | Optional |
chapters | The chapters to include in the export (expecting a semi-colon delimited string comprised of some combination of the following options: vuln_hosts_summary, vuln_by_host, compliance_exec, remediations, vuln_by_plugin, compliance). | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
ScanReportID | unknown | ID of the scan report. |
nessus-scan-report-downloadDownload an exported scan
Base Commandnessus-scan-report-download
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
scanId | The Scan ID (use command list-scans to get possible scan ID's). | Required |
fileId | The id of the file to download (result from command export-scan). | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
nessus-scan-createCreates a new scan
Base Commandnessus-scan-create
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
editor | The uuid for the editor template to use. | Required |
name | The name of the scan. | Required |
description | The description of the scan. | Optional |
policyId | The unique id of the policy to use(number). | Optional |
folderId | The unique id of the destination folder for the scan(number). | Optional |
scannerId | The unique id of the scanner to use(number). | Optional |
schedule | If true, the schedule for the scan is enabled(true/false). | Required |
launch | When to launch the scan. (i.e. ON_DEMAND, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY). | Optional |
startTime | The starting time and date for the scan (i.e. YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS). | Optional |
rules | Expects a semi-colon delimited string comprised of three values. The frequency (FREQ=ONCE or DAILY or WEEKLY or MONTHLY or YEARLY), the interval (INTERVAL=1 or 2 or 3 ... x), and the days of the week (BYDAY=SU,MO,TU,WE,TH,FR,SA). To create a scan that runs every three weeks on Monday Wednesday and Friday the string would be 'FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=3;BYDAY=MO,WE,FR'. | Optional |
timeZone | The timezone for the scan schedule. | Optional |
targets | The list of targets to scan, Value can be single host or of comma separated targets. | Required |
emails | A comma separated list of accounts who will recieve the email summary report. | Optional |
acls | An array containing permissions to apply to the scan. | Optional |
fileTargets | The name of a file containing the list of targets to scan. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
NessusScan.UUID | unknown | The uuid for the scan. |
NessusScan.Name | unknown | The name of the scan. |
NessusScan.Status | unknown | The status of the scan. |
NessusScan.FolderID | unknown | The unique id of the folder housing the scan. |
NessusScan.ID | unknown | The unique id of the scan. |
NessusScan.UserPermissions | unknown | The sharing permissions for the scan. |
NessusScan.CreationDate | unknown | The creation date for the scan in unixtime. |
NessusScan.LastModificationDate | unknown | The last modification date for the scan in unixtime. |
NessusScan.Type | unknown | The type of scan (local, remote, or agent). |
NessusScan.Policy | unknown | The policy if the scan. |
nessus-get-scans-editorsReturns all scan editors template list
Base Commandnessus-get-scans-editors
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
nessus-scan-export-statusCheck the file status of an exported scan
Base Commandnessus-scan-export-status
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
scanId | The Scan ID (use command list-scans to get possible scan ID's). | Required |
fileId | The id of the file to download (result from command export-scan). | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
NessusScan.ScanReportStatus | unknown | The status of the scan report. |
nessus-scan-statusGet scan status by scan id
Base Commandnessus-scan-status
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
scanId | The Scan ID (use command list-scans to get possible scan ID's). | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
NessusScan.Status | unknown | The status of the scan report. |