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This Integration is part of the Nessus Pack.#


Returns the scan list

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
foldersHeadersThe table's headers to be shown by order.Optional
scansHeadersThe table's headers to be shown by order.Optional

Context Output#

NessusScan.UUIDunknownThe uuid for the scan.
NessusScan.NameunknownThe name of the scan.
NessusScan.StatusunknownThe status of the scan.
NessusScan.FolderIDunknownThe unique id of the folder housing the scan.
NessusScan.IDunknownThe unique id of the scan.
NessusScan.UserPermissionsunknownThe sharing permissions for the scan.
NessusScan.CreationDateunknownThe creation date for the scan in unixtime.
NessusScan.LastModificationDateunknownThe last modification date for the scan in unixtime.
NessusScan.TypeunknownThe type of scan (local, remote, or agent).
NessusScan.PolicyunknownThe policy if the scan.
NessusFolder.UnreadCountunknownThe number of unread scans in the folder.
NessusFolder.CustomunknownThe custom status of the folder (1 or 0).
NessusFolder.DefaultTagunknownWhether or not the folder is the default (1 or 0).
NessusFolder.TypeunknownThe type of the folder (main, trash, custom).
NessusFolder.NameunknownThe name of the folder.
NessusFolder.IDunknownThe unique id of the folder.


Launches a new vulnerability scan

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
scanIdThe Scan ID (use command list-scans to get possible scan ID's).Required
targetsIf specified, these targets will be scanned instead of the default. Value can be single host or of comma separated targets.Optional

Context Output#

ScanUUIDunknownThe uuid of the launched scan.


Returns details for the given scan

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
scanIdThe Scan ID (use command list-scans to get possible scan ID's).Required
historyIdThe history_id of the historical data that should be returned.Optional
tablesThe tables to be shown by order.Optional

Context Output#

NessusScan.UUIDunknownThe uuid for the scan.
NessusScan.NameunknownThe name of the scan.
NessusScan.StatusunknownThe status of the scan.
NessusScan.FolderIDunknownThe unique id of the folder housing the scan.
NessusScan.IDunknownThe unique id of the scan.
NessusScan.UserPermissionsunknownThe sharing permissions for the scan.
NessusScan.CreationDateunknownThe creation date for the scan in unixtime.
NessusScan.LastModificationDateunknownThe last modification date for the scan in unixtime.
NessusScan.TypeunknownThe type of scan (local, remote, or agent).
NessusScan.PolicyunknownThe policy if the scan.
NessusScan.Endpoint.IDunknownThe unique id of the host.
NessusScan.Endpoint.IndexunknownThe index for the host.
NessusScan.Endpoint.HostnameunknownThe overall severity rating of the host.
NessusScan.Endpoint.ProgressunknownThe scan progress of the host.
NessusScan.Endpoint.CriticalunknownThe percentage of critical findings on the host.
NessusScan.Endpoint.HighunknownThe percentage of high findings on the host.
NessusScan.Endpoint.MediumunknownThe percentage of medium findings on the host.
NessusScan.Endpoint.LowunknownThe percentage of low findings on the host.
NessusScan.Endpoint.InfounknownThe percentage of info findings on the host.
NessusScan.Endpoint.TotalChecksConsideredunknownThe total number of checks considered on the host.
NessusScan.Endpoint.NumChecksConsideredunknownThe number of checks considered on the host.
NessusScan.Endpoint.ScanProgressTotalunknownThe total scan progress for the host.
NessusScan.Endpoint.ScanProgressCurrentunknownThe current scan progress for the host.
NessusScan.Endpoint.ScoreunknownThe overall score for the host.
NessusScan.Vulnerability.PluginIDunknownThe unique id of the vulnerability plugin.
NessusScan.Vulnerability.PluginNameunknownThe name of the vulnerability plugin.
NessusScan.Vulnerability.PluginFamilyunknownThe parent family of the vulnerability plugin.
NessusScan.Vulnerability.CountunknownThe number of vulnerabilities found.
NessusScan.Vulnerability.VulnerabilityIndexunknownThe index of the vulnerability plugin.
NessusScan.Vulnerability.SeverityIndexunknownThe severity index order of the plugin.
NessusScan.Note.TitleunknownThe title of the note.
NessusScan.Note.MessageunknownThe specific message of the note.
NessusScan.Note.SevirityunknownThe severity of the note.
NessusScan.Filter.NameunknownThe short name of the filter.
NessusScan.Filter.ReadableNameunknownThe long name of the filter.
NessusScan.Filter.OperatorsunknownThe comparison options for the filter.
NessusScan.Filter.TypeunknownThe input type for the filter.
NessusScan.Filter.ReadableRegestunknownThe input placeholder for the filter.
NessusScan.Filter.RegexunknownThe input regex values for the filter.
NessusScan.Filter.OptionsunknownOther input options for the filter.
NessusScan.History.IDunknownThe unique id of the historical data.
NessusScan.History.UUIDunknownThe uuid of the historical data.
NessusScan.History.OwnerIDunknownThe unique id of the owner of the scan.
NessusScan.History.StatusunknownThe status of the historical data.
NessusScan.History.CreationDateunknownThe creation date for the historical data in unixtime.
NessusScan.History.LastModification_dateunknownThe last modification date for the historical data in unixtime.
NessusScan.Remediations.RemediationsunknownRemedy to vulnerabilites found during the scan.
NessusScan.Remediations.NumHostsunknownNumber of hosts of Remediations
NessusScan.Remediations.NumCVEsunknownNumber of CVE's
NessusScan.Remediations.NumImpactedHostsunknownNumber of impacted hosts
NessusScan.Remediations.NumRemediatedCVEsunknownNumber of Remediated CVE's


Returns details for the given host.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
scanIdThe Scan ID (use command list-scans to get possible scan ID's).Required
historyIdThe history_id of the historical data that should be returned.Optional
hostIdThe id of the host to retrieve.Required

Context Output#

Endpoint.IDunknownThe unique id of the host.
Endpoint.IndexunknownThe index for the host.
Endpoint.HostnameunknownThe overall severity rating of the host.
Endpoint.ProgressunknownThe scan progress of the host.
Endpoint.CriticalunknownThe percentage of critical findings on the host.
Endpoint.HighunknownThe percentage of high findings on the host.
Endpoint.MediumunknownThe percentage of medium findings on the host.
Endpoint.LowunknownThe percentage of low findings on the host.
Endpoint.InfounknownThe percentage of info findings on the host.
Endpoint.TotalChecksConsideredunknownThe total number of checks considered on the host.
Endpoint.NumChecksConsideredunknownThe number of checks considered on the host.
Endpoint.ScanProgressTotalunknownThe total scan progress for the host.
Endpoint.ScanProgressCurrentunknownThe current scan progress for the host.
Endpoint.ScoreunknownThe overall score for the host.


Export the given scan (Nessus, HTML, PDF, CSV, or DB format)

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
scanIdThe Scan ID (use command list-scans to get possible scan ID's).Required
historyIdThe history_id of the historical data that should be returned.Optional
formatscan report file format (nessus, csv, html, db, pdf).Required
passwordThe password used to encrypt database exports (*Required when exporting as DB).Optional
chaptersThe chapters to include in the export (expecting a semi-colon delimited string comprised of some combination of the following options: vuln_hosts_summary, vuln_by_host, compliance_exec, remediations, vuln_by_plugin, compliance).Optional

Context Output#

ScanReportIDunknownID of the scan report.


Download an exported scan

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
scanIdThe Scan ID (use command list-scans to get possible scan ID's).Required
fileIdThe id of the file to download (result from command export-scan).Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Creates a new scan

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
editorThe uuid for the editor template to use.Required
nameThe name of the scan.Required
descriptionThe description of the scan.Optional
policyIdThe unique id of the policy to use(number).Optional
folderIdThe unique id of the destination folder for the scan(number).Optional
scannerIdThe unique id of the scanner to use(number).Optional
scheduleIf true, the schedule for the scan is enabled(true/false).Required
launchWhen to launch the scan. (i.e. ON_DEMAND, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY).Optional
startTimeThe starting time and date for the scan (i.e. YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS).Optional
rulesExpects a semi-colon delimited string comprised of three values. The frequency (FREQ=ONCE or DAILY or WEEKLY or MONTHLY or YEARLY), the interval (INTERVAL=1 or 2 or 3 ... x), and the days of the week (BYDAY=SU,MO,TU,WE,TH,FR,SA). To create a scan that runs every three weeks on Monday Wednesday and Friday the string would be 'FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=3;BYDAY=MO,WE,FR'.Optional
timeZoneThe timezone for the scan schedule.Optional
targetsThe list of targets to scan, Value can be single host or of comma separated targets.Required
emailsA comma separated list of accounts who will recieve the email summary report.Optional
aclsAn array containing permissions to apply to the scan.Optional
fileTargetsThe name of a file containing the list of targets to scan.Optional

Context Output#

NessusScan.UUIDunknownThe uuid for the scan.
NessusScan.NameunknownThe name of the scan.
NessusScan.StatusunknownThe status of the scan.
NessusScan.FolderIDunknownThe unique id of the folder housing the scan.
NessusScan.IDunknownThe unique id of the scan.
NessusScan.UserPermissionsunknownThe sharing permissions for the scan.
NessusScan.CreationDateunknownThe creation date for the scan in unixtime.
NessusScan.LastModificationDateunknownThe last modification date for the scan in unixtime.
NessusScan.TypeunknownThe type of scan (local, remote, or agent).
NessusScan.PolicyunknownThe policy if the scan.


Returns all scan editors template list

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Check the file status of an exported scan

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
scanIdThe Scan ID (use command list-scans to get possible scan ID's).Required
fileIdThe id of the file to download (result from command export-scan).Required

Context Output#

NessusScan.ScanReportStatusunknownThe status of the scan report.


Get scan status by scan id

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
scanIdThe Scan ID (use command list-scans to get possible scan ID's).Required

Context Output#

NessusScan.StatusunknownThe status of the scan report.