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This Integration is part of the Netcraft Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.10.0 and later.

Netcraft takedown, submission and screenshot management.

Use Cases#

  1. Verify the incident image of the reported URL.
  2. Authorize takedowns.
  3. Escalate takedowns.
  4. Track takedowns.
  5. Submit a report - email, file, URL.
  6. Take a screenshot of the email, file or URL.
  7. Fetch incidents from attacks.

Configure Netcraft on Cortex XSOAR#

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.

  2. Search for Netcraft.

  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.

    Takedown Server URLThe URL to use for the Takedown Service.True
    Submission Server URLThe URL to use for the Submission Service.True
    API KeyThe API key associated with the Netcraft account.True
    RegionThe default region to use with the Takedown Service.True
    Fetch incidentsFalse
    Incident typeFalse
    Maximum number of incidents per fetchFalse
    First fetch timeTrue
    Incidents Fetch IntervalFalse
    Trust any certificate (not secure)False
    Use system proxy settingsFalse
  4. Click Test to validate the URLs, API Key, and connection.


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Report a new attack or authorize an existing attack in the Takedown Service. If a takedown for the attack already exists in the Netcraft system it will be authorized, otherwise, a new takedown will be added and authorized.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
attackThe digital location of the attack to take down, e.g., a phishing URL, or a fraudulent email address.Required
commentThe reason for the report, such as a description of the attack.Required
brandThe brand to report the takedown under. If no brand is specified, the brand of the provided "region" will be used.Optional
attack_typeThe type of attack being reported.
Run the command "netcraft-attack-type-list" to get the list of available types, use the "Name" field of the type for this argument.
. Default is phishing_url.
inactiveSet to "true" if the attack is not currently active.
This will place the takedown directly into the "Inactive (Monitoring)" status, which can be used to monitor suspicious sites.
. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.
force_authIf set to true, Netcraft will be authorized to start the takedown as soon as the report has been processed.
If set to false, the takedown will only be authorized if you have automatic authorization enabled for the given attack type, or if the takedown is manually authorized later through the web interface.
. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true.
malwareShould be set to true if the reported content contains or is related to a computer virus.
This is used to determine the correct attack type in the case where the attack_type argument has not been provided.
. Possible values are: true, false.
suspected_fraud_domainShould be set to true if you believe that the domain name has been registered as part of the fraud.
This will ensure that the registrar is contacted to seek suspension of the domain name.
. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.
passwordThe password to extract any archived evidence provided via the evidence argument, if necessary.Optional
entry_idEntry ID of the evidence file uploaded to Cortex XSOAR. If a password is needed for the file, it can be provided with the "password" argument.Optional
phishkit_fetch_urlThe URL where the phishkit archive was found.
This parameter is required for attacks of type "phishkit_email".
phishkit_phish_urlThe URL of the phishing attack which uses the referenced phishkit.
This parameter is required for attacks of type "phishkit_email" and/or "phishkit_archive".
customer_labelA free-text field which can be used to keep track of particular attacks.Optional
tagsA comma-separated list of tags to apply to the attack.Optional
regionThe name of the region to create a takedown under.
If not provided, the region specified in the instance configuration will be used.

Context Output#

Netcraft.Takedown.idStringThe ID of the takedown. (this key will only appear if the takedown has been created and verified).

Command example#

!netcraft-attack-report attack="" comment="Very malicious" attack_type="phishing_url" inactive="true" customer_label="Test Playbook run" tags="coronavirus"

Context Example#

"Netcraft": {
"Takedown": {
"id": "45492113"

Human Readable Output#

Netcraft attack reported#

Report statusTakedown IDResponse code
The attack was submitted to Netcraft successfully.45492113TD_OK


Get a list of takedown objects. Netcraft has a limit of 1,000,000 objects returned within a 24 hour period (moving time window) per email address.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idFilter to the takedown with the specified ID.Optional
statusesFilter to takedowns that are currently in the given status. Multiple values may be provided as a comma-separated list. Possible values are: unverified, inactive_monitoring, verified, contacted_hosting, contacted_police, contacted_upstream, resolved_monitoring, resolved, stale, invalid.Optional
urlFilter by URL, email, hostname, domain or IP.Optional
false_positiveWhether to filter to takedowns which have been incorrectly marked as malicious. Possible values are: true, false.Optional
ipFilter to attacks that are hosted on the given IPv4 address, or within the given IPv4 CIDR range. Note that partial IP addresses will not be matched.Optional
id_beforeFilter to takedowns that were submitted before the specified takedown ID.Optional
id_afterFilter to takedowns that were submitted after the specified takedown
ID. When using this argument we recommend that you also set the "sort" argument
to Id to ensure that no results are missed.
date_fromFilter to takedowns that were submitted on or after the date/time
provided. Values should be supplied as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" in UTC format. If no time
information is provided, the system will default to YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00. Relative
date/time formats are also supported, for example "5 days ago"",_and "monday
this week".
date_toFilter to takedowns that were submitted on or before the date/time
provided. Values should be supplied as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" in UTC format. If no time
information is provided, the system will default to "YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00". Relative
date/time formats are also supported, for example "5 days ago", and "monday this week".
reporter_emailFilter to takedowns that were reported by the given user.Optional
report_sourceFilter to takedowns that were reported through the given mechanism. Possible values are: Interface, Phishing Feed, Referer, Forensic, Api, Email Feed, Fraud Detection.Optional
attack_typesFilter to takedowns of the given attack type. Multiple values may be provided as a comma-separated list.
Run the command "netcraft-attack-type-list" to get the list of available types, use the "Name" field of the type for this argument.
auth_givenFilter based on whether and by who the takedown has been authorized. Possible values are: Yes, Yes Customer, Yes Netcraft, No.Optional
escalatedFilter based on whether and by who the takedown has been escalated. Possible values are: Yes, Yes Customer, Yes Netcraft, No.Optional
sortThe key that the list of takedowns should be sorted by. Possible values are: Auth Given, Customer Label, Date Submitted, Hoster, Id, Ip, Language, Last Updated, Registrar, Status. Default is Status.Optional
sort_directionThe direction to sort takedowns in with the key specified in the "sort" argument. Possible values are: asc, desc. Default is asc.Optional
limitThe maximum number of takedowns to return. The max value is 100,000. Default is 50.Optional
all_resultsWhether to retrieve all takedowns that match the filters.
If true, the "limit" argument will be ignored. The maximum takedowns returned in one call is 100,000.
. Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.
regionThe name of the region for which to list takedowns.
If not provided, the region specified in the instance configuration will be used.

Context Output#

Netcraft.Takedown.idStringThe ID of the takedown.
Netcraft.Takedown.group_idStringThe ID of the group that the takedown belongs to. Can potentially be the same ID, or empty if there is no group.
Netcraft.Takedown.attack_urlStringThe location of the attack being taken down. This field contains a canonicalized value. See the reported_url field for the exact location that was reported to takedown.
Netcraft.Takedown.reported_urlStringThe location of the attack as reported to takedown. See the attack_url field for the formatted location of the attack being taken down.
Netcraft.Takedown.ipStringThe IPv4 address of the attack.
Netcraft.Takedown.country_codeStringISO country code of the advertised hosting location.
Netcraft.Takedown.date_submittedDateThe date and time that the takedown was reported, in UTC format.
Netcraft.Takedown.last_updatedDateThe date and time of the last action taken on the takedown, in UTC format.
Netcraft.Takedown.regionStringThe name of the area that the takedown resides in.
Netcraft.Takedown.target_brandStringThe name of the brand being targeted by the attack.
Netcraft.Takedown.authgivenBooleanIndicates whether the takedown has been authorized.
Netcraft.Takedown.hostStringThe name of the company responsible for the IP address.
Netcraft.Takedown.registrarStringThe name of the registrar responsible for the domain name used in the attack.
Netcraft.Takedown.customer_labelStringA custom field which may be provided along with the takedown report.
Netcraft.Takedown.date_authedDateThe date and time that the takedown was authorized, in UTC.
Netcraft.Takedown.stop_monitoring_dateDateThe date and time that the takedown system stopped monitoring the attack, in UTC format. If the attack is still being monitored, an empty string is given.
Netcraft.Takedown.domainStringThe domain of the URL or email address being taken down. This will be blank for an attack with no domain name.
Netcraft.Takedown.languageStringThe language used in the attack (if it can be determined).
Netcraft.Takedown.date_first_actionedDateThe date and time of the first action taken by Netcraft after the takedown was reported, in UTC format. This is calculated as the first time that the takedown was moved out of the "unverified" status.
Netcraft.Takedown.escalatedBooleanIndicates whether the takedown has been escalated.
Netcraft.Takedown.first_contactDateThe date and time that the takedown first entered a contacted state, in UTC format.
Netcraft.Takedown.first_inactiveDateThe date and time that the takedown first entered the inactive (monitoring) state in UTC format.
Netcraft.Takedown.is_redirectStringWhether or not the attack redirects to another location. Possible values: "final" - the attack is the final destination of another redirect. "redirect" - the attack redirects to another location. "no_redirect" - the attack does not redirect.
Netcraft.Takedown.attack_typeStringThe type of attack being taken down.
Netcraft.Takedown.certificateUnknownHTTPS certificate details for the hostname. The structure of the returned data is the output of PHP's "openssl_x509_parse" function with the additional keys spki_sha256 and spki_sha1. (See\).
Netcraft.Takedown.certificate.spki_sha256UnknownThe SHA-256 hash of the Subject Public Key Info structure in the certificate.
Netcraft.Takedown.certificate.spki_sha1UnknownThe SHA-1 hash of the Subject Public Key Info structure in the certificate.
Netcraft.Takedown.deceptive_domain_scoreStringThe deceptive domain score of the domain. E.g., for the URL, this value will contain the deceptive domain score for
Netcraft.Takedown.domain_risk_ratingStringA score from 0 to 10 which represents the risk that the domain is hosting a malicious website. E.g., for the URL, this value will contain the risk rating for "". This score is distinct from the "deceptive domain score", and takes a range of factors into account, such as the reputation of the hosting provider, age of the domain name, search engine rankings and more.
Netcraft.Takedown.final_outageStringThe duration (hh:mm:ss) between when the takedown was authorized, and the final time that the attack went offline (final_resolved - date_authed).
Netcraft.Takedown.final_resolvedDateThe date and time that the attack went offline for the final time, in UTC format.
Netcraft.Takedown.first_outageDateThe duration (hh:mm:ss) between when the takedown was authorized, and the first time that the attack went offline (first_resolved - date_authed).
Netcraft.Takedown.first_resolvedDateThe date and time that the attack first went offline, in UTC format.
Netcraft.Takedown.fwd_ownerStringThe owner of the forward DNS infrastructure.
Netcraft.Takedown.has_phishing_kitBooleanIndicates whether the takedown has an associated phishing kit.
Netcraft.Takedown.hostnameStringThe full hostname of the URL or email address being taken down. This will be blank for attacks with no hostname.
Netcraft.Takedown.hostname_ddss_scoreStringThe deceptive domain score of the hostname. E.g., For the URL, this value will contain the deceptive domain score for
Netcraft.Takedown.evidence_urlStringA URL for the public incident report for this attack.
Netcraft.Takedown.domain_attackStringWhether or not the domain name used in the attack is believed to be fraudulent. Possible values (non exhaustive): "all" - All attacks. "yes" - There is a high confidence that the domain name is fraudulent. The domain registrar will be contacted, and the webmaster will not be contacted. "yes_low_confidence" - The domain is likely fraudulent. The domain registrar will be contacted, and the webmaster will still be contacted. "no" - The domain name is not believed to be fraudulent. This is likely a compromised site.
Netcraft.Takedown.false_positiveBooleanIndicates whether the reported content was incorrectly flagged as malicious.
Netcraft.Takedown.hostname_attackStringWhether or not the hostname used in the attack is believed to be fraudulent. Possible values (non exhaustive): "all" - All attacks. "yes" - There is a high confidence that the hostname is fraudulent. The certificate authority will be contacted. "yes_low_confidence" - The hostname is likely fraudulent. "no" - The hostname is not believed to be fraudulent. This is likely a compromised site.
Netcraft.Takedown.malware_categoryStringThe category of malware detected. Only set for malware attack types. May be empty if category cannot be determined.
Netcraft.Takedown.malware_familyStringThe family of malware detected. Only set for malware attack types. May be empty if family cannot be determined.
Netcraft.Takedown.phishing_kit_hashUnknownThe SHA-1 hashes of all phishing kits available for download that are related to this takedown.
Netcraft.Takedown.report_sourceStringThe method through which the takedown was submitted.
Netcraft.Takedown.reporterStringPerson/account that submitted the takedown. This will be the email address of the user, or "netcraft" for any reports made by Netcraft.
Netcraft.Takedown.rev_ownerStringThe owner of the reverse DNS infrastructure.
Netcraft.Takedown.reverse_dnsStringThe output of a reverse DNS lookup on the IP of the attack.
Netcraft.Takedown.certificate_revokedStringIf the SSL certificate has been revoked, then the date this was detected (in UTC format) is returned, else "Not revoked" is returned.
Netcraft.Takedown.screenshot_urlStringThe URL(s) at which a screenshot of the attack can be found. When returning a single URL as a string (the default behaviour) the returned URL will be the best guess of the screenshot which displays the live attack. When returning multiple URLs, the list will be sorted by the time the screenshot was requested, with the earliest first.
Netcraft.Takedown.status_change_uptimeStringThe total duration (hh:mm:ss) that the attack was available for after authorization, as determined by the takedown status changes. i.e. the total amount of time since authorization that an attack was not in the resolved or resolved (monitoring) state.'.
Netcraft.Takedown.statusStringThe status of the takedown. Possible values: "Unverified" - The report has not yet been verified as fraudulent by Netcraft. "Inactive (Monitoring)" - The attack went offline before Netcraft was authorized to start the takedown process, and is being monitored in case it returns. "Verified" - The report has been verified as fraudulent, but no takedown notices have been sent. "Contacted Hosting" - Takedown notices have been sent to the hosting provider. "Contacted Police" - The takedown has been escalated to local law enforcement. "Contacted Upstream" - The takedown has been escalated to the organization providing connectivity to the hosting provider. "Monitoring" - The attack is offline, as it is being monitored in case it returns. "Resolved" - The attack has been offline for 7 consecutive days, and is no longer being monitored. "Stale" - The attack went offline before Netcraft was authorized to start the takedown process, and is no longer being monitored. "Invalid" - The report is not a valid takedown target.
Netcraft.Takedown.tagsStringList of tags applied to the group.
Netcraft.Takedown.targeted_urlStringThe URL which this attack is masquerading as, e.g., the URL of the legitimate login form that a phishing attack is targeting.
Netcraft.Takedown.site_risk_ratingStringA score from 0 to 10 which represents the risk that the hostname is hosting a malicious website. E.g., For the URL, this value will contain the risk rating for
Netcraft.Takedown.whois_serverStringThe WHOIS data for the takedown.
Netcraft.Takedown.authorization_sourceStringThe source of authorization for the takedown. will be blank if the takedown has not been authorized. Possible values: "customer" "netcraft".
Netcraft.Takedown.escalation_sourceStringThe source of escalation for the takedown. Will be blank if the takedown has not been escalated. Possible values: "customer" "netcraft".
Netcraft.Takedown.restart_dateStringThe latest date and time, in UTC format, that the takedown was restarted, i.e., went from the "resolved (monitoring)" status to a contacted status. Will be empty if the takedown had never been restarted.
Netcraft.Takedown.gsb_block_statusUnknownAn array of objects containing the Google Safe Browsing block status on all platforms (iOS, Android and Desktop). Will be an empty array if the takedown is not a Phishing URL takedown, or if Netcraft hasn't tested the GSB block status for the takedown.
Netcraft.Takedown.gsb_first_blockedUnknownAn array of objects containing the first time that the URL was seen blocked in Google Safe Browsing (GSB) by Netcraft. Will be an empty array if the URL was not seen blocked by GSB on any platform.
Netcraft.Takedown.managedBooleanIndicates whether the takedown is being performed under the managed service.
Netcraft.Takedown.date_escalatedDateThe date and time that the takedown entered the managed state, in UTC format.
Netcraft.Takedown.logged_credential_injectionsStringAn array of objects containing the type and value of each marked account injection associated with the takedown.
Netcraft.Takedown.whois_dataStringThe WHOIS data for the takedown.

Command example#

!netcraft-takedown-list attack_types="coronavirus" date_from="last week" date_to="yesterday" escalated="No" limit="3"

Context Example#

"Netcraft": {
"Takedown": [
"attack_type": "survey_scam",
"attack_url": "",
"authgiven": "0",
"authorization_source": "",
"certificate": {
"spki_sha1": "a1a15014c6b818bad729ee738a63e2ea9518a1a1",
"spki_sha256": "a1a12eaa37f2f3eb1046a195d73a1a112015967afa18948c431514f20671a1a1",
"certificate_revoked": "Not revoked",
"country_code": "us",
"customer_label": "",
"customer_tag": "",
"date_authed": "",
"date_escalated": "",
"date_first_actioned": "",
"date_submitted": "2023-09-19 19:05:21 UTC",
"deceptive_domain_score": "0.00",
"domain": "",
"domain_attack": "yes",
"domain_risk_rating": "1",
"escalated": "0",
"escalation_source": "",
"evidence_url": "",
"false_positive": false,
"final_outage": "",
"final_resolved": "",
"first_contact": "",
"first_inactive": "",
"first_outage": "",
"first_resolved": "",
"fwd_owner": "[unknown]",
"group_id": "45535862",
"gsb_block_status": [],
"gsb_first_blocked": [],
"has_phishing_kit": "0",
"host": "Cloudflare",
"hostname": "",
"hostname_attack": "no",
"hostname_ddss_score": "0.00",
"id": "45535866",
"ip": "",
"is_redirect": "no_redirect",
"language": "english",
"last_updated": "2023-09-19 19:27:06 UTC",
"malware_category": "",
"malware_family": "",
"managed": false,
"phishing_kit_hash": [],
"region": "paloalto-xsoar-test",
"registrar": "Internet Domain Service BS Corp.",
"report_source": "Phishing Feed",
"reported_url": "",
"reporter": "netcraft",
"restart_date": "",
"rev_owner": "",
"reverse_dns": "",
"screenshot_url": "",
"site_risk_rating": "1",
"status": "Verified",
"status_change_uptime": "",
"stop_monitoring_date": "",
"tags": [],
"target_brand": "Cortex XSOAR",
"targeted_url": "",
"whois_server": ""
"attack_type": "fake_shop",
"attack_url": "",
"authgiven": "0",
"authorization_source": "",
"certificate": {
"spki_sha1": "a1a15014c6b818bad729ee738a63e2ea9518a1a1",
"spki_sha256": "a1a12eaa37f2f3eb1046a195d73a1a112015967afa18948c431514f20671a1a1",
"certificate_revoked": "Not revoked",
"country_code": "ca",
"customer_label": "",
"customer_tag": "",
"date_authed": "",
"date_escalated": "",
"date_first_actioned": "",
"date_submitted": "2023-09-19 04:34:18 UTC",
"deceptive_domain_score": "0.00",
"domain": "",
"domain_attack": "yes",
"domain_risk_rating": "10",
"escalated": "0",
"escalation_source": "",
"evidence_url": "",
"false_positive": false,
"final_outage": "",
"final_resolved": "",
"first_contact": "",
"first_inactive": "2023-09-19 12:18:20 UTC",
"first_outage": "",
"first_resolved": "",
"fwd_owner": "[unknown]",
"group_id": "45510294",
"gsb_block_status": [],
"gsb_first_blocked": [],
"has_phishing_kit": "0",
"host": "",
"hostname": "",
"hostname_attack": "yes",
"hostname_ddss_score": "0.00",
"id": "45510294",
"ip": "",
"is_redirect": "no_redirect",
"language": "english",
"last_updated": "2023-09-19 12:50:53 UTC",
"malware_category": "",
"malware_family": "",
"managed": false,
"phishing_kit_hash": [],
"region": "paloalto-xsoar-test",
"registrar": " Pte. Ltd.",
"report_source": "Phishing Feed",
"reported_url": "",
"reporter": "netcraft",
"restart_date": "",
"rev_owner": "",
"reverse_dns": "",
"screenshot_url": "",
"site_risk_rating": "10",
"status": "Verified",
"status_change_uptime": "",
"stop_monitoring_date": "",
"tags": [
"target_brand": "Cortex XSOAR",
"targeted_url": "",
"whois_server": ""
"attack_type": "fake_shop",
"attack_url": "",
"authgiven": "0",
"authorization_source": "",
"certificate": {
"spki_sha1": "a1a15014c6b818bad729ee738a63e2ea9518a1a1",
"spki_sha256": "a1a12eaa37f2f3eb1046a195d73a1a112015967afa18948c431514f20671a1a1",
"certificate_revoked": "Not revoked",
"country_code": "za",
"customer_label": "",
"customer_tag": "",
"date_authed": "",
"date_escalated": "",
"date_first_actioned": "",
"date_submitted": "2023-09-19 00:36:25 UTC",
"deceptive_domain_score": "0.00",
"domain": "",
"domain_attack": "yes",
"domain_risk_rating": "6",
"escalated": "0",
"escalation_source": "",
"evidence_url": "",
"false_positive": false,
"final_outage": "",
"final_resolved": "",
"first_contact": "",
"first_inactive": "",
"first_outage": "",
"first_resolved": "",
"fwd_owner": "",
"group_id": "45502344",
"gsb_block_status": [],
"gsb_first_blocked": [],
"has_phishing_kit": "0",
"host": "Fibergrid Group",
"hostname": "",
"hostname_attack": "yes",
"hostname_ddss_score": "0.00",
"id": "45502434",
"ip": "",
"is_redirect": "redirect",
"language": "english",
"last_updated": "2023-09-19 00:52:01 UTC",
"malware_category": "",
"malware_family": "",
"managed": false,
"phishing_kit_hash": [],
"region": "paloalto-xsoar-test",
"registrar": ", Inc.",
"report_source": "Phishing Feed",
"reported_url": "",
"reporter": "netcraft",
"restart_date": "",
"rev_owner": "",
"reverse_dns": "",
"screenshot_url": "",
"site_risk_rating": "6",
"status": "Verified",
"status_change_uptime": "",
"stop_monitoring_date": "",
"tags": [
"target_brand": "Cortex XSOAR",
"targeted_url": "",
"whois_server": ""

Human Readable Output#

Netcraft Takedowns#

IDAuthBrandAttack TypeStatusAttack URLDate ReportedLast UpdatedDate AuthorizedDate EscalatedFirst Inactive (Monitoring)First Resolved
45535866falseCortex XSOARsurvey_scamVerified 19:05:21 UTC2023-09-19 19:27:06 UTCN/AN/AN/AN/A
45510294falseCortex XSOARfake_shopVerified 04:34:18 UTC2023-09-19 12:50:53 UTCN/AN/A2023-09-19 12:18:20 UTCN/A
45502434falseCortex XSOARfake_shopVerified 00:36:25 UTC2023-09-19 00:52:01 UTCN/AN/AN/AN/A


Update one or more fields related to a takedown.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
takedown_idThe ID of the takedown to update.Required
customer_labelA free-text field which can be used to keep track of particular attacks.Optional
descriptionThe reason for the report, such as a description of the attack.Optional
brandThe brand to move the takedown under.Optional
suspected_fraud_domainShould be set to true if it is believed that the domain name has been registered as part of the fraud. This will ensure that the registrar is contacted to seek suspension of the domain name. Possible values are: true, false.Optional
suspected_fraud_hostnameShould be set to true if it is believed that the hostname has been created as part of the fraud. This will ensure that the certificate issuer is contacted to seek revocation of any certificates for the hostname. Possible values are: true, false.Optional
add_tagsA comma-separated list of tags to add to the takedown group.Optional
remove_tagsA comma-separated list of tags to remove from the takedown group.
Removing a tag from a group which already doesn't have that tag is permitted.
However, including the same tag in both "add_tags" and "remove_tags" will return an error.
regionThe name of the region to move the takedown under.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!netcraft-takedown-update add_tags="smishing,fake-shop-logo" remove_tags="coronavirus" takedown_id=45492113

Human Readable Output#

Takedown successfully updated.#

Takedown ID


Escalate an automated takedown to a managed takedown. Only attacks that are in an authorized state can be escalated. The minimum access level required to escalate is "Escalator". Note that escalating a takedown may cost one or more Netcraft managed credits.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
takedown_idThe ID of the automated takedown to escalate.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!netcraft-takedown-escalate takedown_id=45470682

Human Readable Output#

Takedown successfully escalated.#

Takedown ID


Add a new note to an existing takedown.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
takedown_idThe ID of the takedown to add the note to.Required
note_textThe contents of the new note.Required
notifyWhen set to true, the note will also be raised to Netcraft's operations team for further investigation.
This should be set if you require a Netcraft staff member to read and respond to your note.
. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true.

Context Output#

Netcraft.TakedownNote.note_idNumberThe ID of the note added to the takedown.

Command example#

!netcraft-takedown-note-create note_text="important not" notify="false" takedown_id=45470682

Context Example#

"Netcraft": {
"TakedownNote": {
"note_id": 1394724283

Human Readable Output#

Note successfully added to takedown.#

Note IDTakedown ID


Retrieve details of notes that have been added to takedowns.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
takedown_idFilter to notes that have been added to the takedown with the given ID.Optional
author_mailFilter to notes that were created by the user with the given username.
Notes that were created by Netcraft can be found by filtering to "Netcraft".
all_resultsWhether to retrieve all notes that match the filters. If set to false, only 50 will be returned. Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional

Context Output#

Netcraft.TakedownNote.note_idNumberThe unique identifier for the note.
Netcraft.TakedownNote.takedown_idStringThe ID of the takedown that the note belongs to.
Netcraft.TakedownNote.group_idStringThe ID of the takedown group that this note belongs to. This will only be set if the note has been attached to all takedowns in the group, otherwise this field will have a value of "0".
Netcraft.TakedownNote.timeDateThe date and time that the note was created.
Netcraft.TakedownNote.authorStringThe username of the account that created the note. Notes added by Netcraft will show as "Netcraft".
Netcraft.TakedownNote.noteStringThe contents of the note.

Command example#

!netcraft-takedown-note-list all_results="true" takedown_id=45470682

Context Example#

"Netcraft": {
"TakedownNote": [
"author": "",
"group_id": 0,
"note": "Takedown escalated from automated to managed",
"note_id": 1394719264,
"takedown_id": 45470682,
"time": "2023-09-21 08:08:52"
"author": "",
"group_id": 45470682,
"note": "important not",
"note_id": 1394724283,
"takedown_id": 45470682,
"time": "2023-09-21 08:23:56"

Human Readable Output#

Takedown Notes#

Note IDTakedown IDGroup IDTimeAuthorNote
13947192644547068202023-09-21 08:08:52reporter@socteam.comTakedown escalated from automated to managed
139472428345470682454706822023-09-21 08:23:56reporter@socteam.comimportant not


Get information on the attack types that are available under a given region.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
automatedFilter to attack types where automated takedowns are available. Possible values are: true, false.Optional
auto_escalationFilter to attack types which you have chosen to escalate to managed takedowns after the configured escalation period. Possible values are: true, false.Optional
auto_authorizeFilter to attack types which you have chosen to automatically authorize takedowns against. Possible values are: true, false.Optional
regionThe name of the region to create a takedown under.
If not provided, the region specified in the instance configuration will be used.
all_resultsWhether to retrieve all attack types that match the filters. If set to false, only 50 will be returned. Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional

Context Output#

Netcraft.AttackType.nameStringThe unique string identifier for the attack type.
Netcraft.AttackType.display_nameStringThe human-readable name of the attack type.
Netcraft.AttackType.base_typeStringThe unique string identifier for the top-level parent type of this attack type.
Netcraft.AttackType.descriptionStringA short description of the attack type.
Netcraft.AttackType.automatedBooleanIndicates whether or not automated takedowns are available for this attack type.
Netcraft.AttackType.auto_escalationBooleanIndicates whether or not you have chosen to automatically escalate takedowns under this type to managed takedowns after the configured escalation period.
Netcraft.AttackType.auto_authorizeBooleanIndicates whether or not you have chosen to automatically authorize takedowns under this type.

Command example#

!netcraft-attack-type-list all_results="false" automated=true

Context Example#

"Netcraft": {
"AttackType": [
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "url",
"description": "The URL for a webpage which impersonates your company in an attempt to trick users into submitting their login details. Usually the URL is linked to in an email sent to your users.",
"display_name": "Phishing URL",
"name": "phishing_url"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "url",
"description": "The URL of a webpage which receives user's details from a HTML attachment sent to users via email.",
"display_name": "Phishing Dropsite",
"name": "dropsite"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "url",
"description": "The URL for a fraudulent mobile application, found on a mobile application store, that is targeting your customers.",
"display_name": "Fake Mobile App",
"name": "fake_mobile_app"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "url",
"description": "A URL from which a phishing kit archive can be downloaded. A phishing kit is an archive containing all the files necessary for a phishing attack, it is usually uploaded and extracted on a server by the phisher to launch an attack.",
"display_name": "Phishkit Archive",
"name": "phishkit_archive"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "url",
"description": "",
"display_name": "Malware Infrastructure URL",
"name": "malware_c2"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "url",
"description": "A URL used as the Command and Control Centre (C2) for a malware binary.",
"display_name": "Malware Command and Control Centre",
"name": "malware_c2_c2"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "url",
"description": "A URL used to distribute a malicious binary.",
"display_name": "Malware Distribution URL",
"name": "malware_c2_distribution"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "url",
"description": "A URL used to collect payments from victims of malware attacks, specifically ransomware.",
"display_name": "Malware Payment URL",
"name": "malware_c2_payment"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "url",
"description": "A URL for a Facebook page which is maliciously infringing on your trademark.",
"display_name": "Facebook Brand Infringement",
"name": "facebook_brand_infringement"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "url",
"description": "A URL for an Instagram profile which is maliciously infringing on your trademark.",
"display_name": "Instagram Brand Infringement",
"name": "instagram_brand_infringement"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "url",
"description": "A URL to a LinkedIn company listing which is maliciously infringing on your trademark.",
"display_name": "LinkedIn Brand Infringement",
"name": "linkedin_brand_infringement"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "url",
"description": "A URL to a Twitter account which is maliciously infringing on your trademark.",
"display_name": "Twitter Brand Infringement",
"name": "twitter_brand_infringement"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "url",
"description": "A URL for a YouTube channel or video which is maliciously infringing on your trademark.",
"display_name": "YouTube Brand Infringement",
"name": "youtube"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "url",
"description": "A URL to a Skype profile which is maliciously infringing on your trademark.",
"display_name": "Skype Brand Infringement",
"name": "skype_brand_infringement"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "url",
"description": "A URL to a Telegram user or channel which is maliciously infringing on your trademark.",
"display_name": "Telegram Brand Infringement",
"name": "telegram_brand_infringement"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "url",
"description": "A URL to a Weibo page which is maliciously infringing on your trademark.",
"display_name": "Weibo Brand Infringement",
"name": "weibo_brand_infringement"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "url",
"description": "A URL to a Pinterest profile or pin which is maliciously infringing on your trademark.",
"display_name": "Pinterest Brand Infringement",
"name": "pinterest_brand_infringement"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "url",
"description": "A URL for a TikTok account which is maliciously infringing on your trademark.",
"display_name": "TikTok Brand Infringement",
"name": "tiktok_brand_infringement"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "url",
"description": "A URL for a WhatsApp phone number which is maliciously infringing on your trademark.",
"display_name": "WhatsApp Brand Infringement",
"name": "whatsapp_brand_infringement"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "url",
"description": "A Google Adwords advert which redirects to a phishing webpage.",
"display_name": "Google Adwords",
"name": "adwords"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "url",
"description": "A Bing advert which redirects to a phishing webpage.",
"display_name": "Bing Ad",
"name": "bing_ad"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "malware_c2_ip",
"description": "An IP address and port being used to conduct a malware attack.",
"display_name": "Malware C2 IP",
"name": "malware_c2_ip"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "malware_c2_ip",
"description": "A email server IP identified during the analysis of a malware binary. Possibly used for exfiltrating data.",
"display_name": "Malware SMTP C2",
"name": "malware_c2_mailserver"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "email",
"description": "An email address involved in carrying out an Advance Fee Fraud scam. Advance fee fraud is when fraudsters target victims to make advance or upfront payments for goods, services and/or financial gains that do not materialise.",
"display_name": "Advance Fee Fraud",
"name": "advance_fee_fraud"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "server",
"description": "The IP address of a email server which is sending phishing emails that contain a link to a phishing website.",
"display_name": "Phishing URL Mail Server",
"name": "sends_phishing_url"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "server",
"description": "The IP address of a email server which is sending emails that contain a link to a website which is serving malware.",
"display_name": "Malware URL Mail Server",
"name": "sends_malware_url"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "server",
"description": "The IP address of a email server which is sending emails that contain a malicious attachment which infects a victim's computer with malware.",
"display_name": "Malware Attachment Mail Server",
"name": "sends_malware_attachments"
"auto_authorize": true,
"auto_escalation": false,
"automated": true,
"base_type": "server",
"description": "The IP address of a email server which is sending Advance Fee Fraud emails. Advance fee fraud is when fraudsters target victims to make advance or upfront payments for goods, services and/or financial gains that do not materialise.",
"display_name": "Advance Fee Fraud Mail Server",
"name": "sends_advance_fee_fraud"

Human Readable Output#

Netcraft Attack Types#

NameDisplay NameBase TypeDescriptionAutomatedAuto EscalationAuto Authorize
phishing_urlPhishing URLurlThe URL for a webpage which impersonates your company in an attempt to trick users into submitting their login details. Usually the URL is linked to in an email sent to your users.truefalsetrue
dropsitePhishing DropsiteurlThe URL of a webpage which receives user's details from a HTML attachment sent to users via email.truefalsetrue
fake_mobile_appFake Mobile AppurlThe URL for a fraudulent mobile application, found on a mobile application store, that is targeting your customers.truefalsetrue
phishkit_archivePhishkit ArchiveurlA URL from which a phishing kit archive can be downloaded. A phishing kit is an archive containing all the files necessary for a phishing attack, it is usually uploaded and extracted on a server by the phisher to launch an attack.truefalsetrue
malware_c2Malware Infrastructure URLurltruefalsetrue
malware_c2_c2Malware Command and Control CentreurlA URL used as the Command and Control Centre (C2) for a malware binary.truefalsetrue
malware_c2_distributionMalware Distribution URLurlA URL used to distribute a malicious binary.truefalsetrue
malware_c2_paymentMalware Payment URLurlA URL used to collect payments from victims of malware attacks, specifically ransomware.truefalsetrue
facebook_brand_infringementFacebook Brand InfringementurlA URL for a Facebook page which is maliciously infringing on your trademark.truefalsetrue
instagram_brand_infringementInstagram Brand InfringementurlA URL for an Instagram profile which is maliciously infringing on your trademark.truefalsetrue
linkedin_brand_infringementLinkedIn Brand InfringementurlA URL to a LinkedIn company listing which is maliciously infringing on your trademark.truefalsetrue
twitter_brand_infringementTwitter Brand InfringementurlA URL to a Twitter account which is maliciously infringing on your trademark.truefalsetrue
youtubeYouTube Brand InfringementurlA URL for a YouTube channel or video which is maliciously infringing on your trademark.truefalsetrue
skype_brand_infringementSkype Brand InfringementurlA URL to a Skype profile which is maliciously infringing on your trademark.truefalsetrue
telegram_brand_infringementTelegram Brand InfringementurlA URL to a Telegram user or channel which is maliciously infringing on your trademark.truefalsetrue
weibo_brand_infringementWeibo Brand InfringementurlA URL to a Weibo page which is maliciously infringing on your trademark.truefalsetrue
pinterest_brand_infringementPinterest Brand InfringementurlA URL to a Pinterest profile or pin which is maliciously infringing on your trademark.truefalsetrue
tiktok_brand_infringementTikTok Brand InfringementurlA URL for a TikTok account which is maliciously infringing on your trademark.truefalsetrue
whatsapp_brand_infringementWhatsApp Brand InfringementurlA URL for a WhatsApp phone number which is maliciously infringing on your trademark.truefalsetrue
adwordsGoogle AdwordsurlA Google Adwords advert which redirects to a phishing webpage.truefalsetrue
bing_adBing AdurlA Bing advert which redirects to a phishing webpage.truefalsetrue
malware_c2_ipMalware C2 IPmalware_c2_ipAn IP address and port being used to conduct a malware attack.truefalsetrue
malware_c2_mailserverMalware SMTP C2malware_c2_ipAn email server IP identified during the analysis of a malware binary. Possibly used for exfiltrating data.truefalsetrue
advance_fee_fraudAdvance Fee FraudemailAn email address involved in carrying out an Advance Fee Fraud scam. Advance fee fraud is when fraudsters target victims to make advance or upfront payments for goods, services and/or financial gains that do not materialise.truefalsetrue
sends_phishing_urlPhishing URL Mail ServerserverThe IP address of an email server which is sending phishing emails that contain a link to a phishing website.truefalsetrue
sends_malware_urlMalware URL Mail ServerserverThe IP address of an email server which is sending emails that contain a link to a website which is serving malware.truefalsetrue
sends_malware_attachmentsMalware Attachment Mail ServerserverThe IP address of an email server which is sending emails that contain a malicious attachment which infects a victim's computer with malware.truefalsetrue
sends_advance_fee_fraudAdvance Fee Fraud Mail ServerserverThe IP address of an email server which is sending Advance Fee Fraud emails. Advance fee fraud is when fraudsters target victims to make advance or upfront payments for goods, services and/or financial gains that do not materialise.truefalsetrue


Get basic information about a submissions.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
submission_uuidGet a specific submission. If provided, all the others arguments will be ignored and an extensive report will be returned.Optional
date_startFilter submissions by start date. Use UTC format or plain English for example "5 days ago".Optional
date_endFilter submissions by end date. Use UTC format or plain English for example "5 days ago".Optional
source_nameFilter the submissions by source.Optional
stateThe state of the submissions. Note, in the case of a misclassification, a submission may be assigned a higher-severity state several days after its initial classification. Possible values are: Processing, No Threats, Suspicious, Malicious.Optional
submission_reasonFilter the submissions by words contained in the submission reason.Optional
submitter_emailFilter the submissions by submitter email.Optional
limitThe number of submissions to return. Default is 50.Optional
page_sizeThe number of submissions to return per page. The maximum is 1000.Optional
next_tokenThe UUID denoting the first submission to return, as given by the response of the previous run of this command under the context key "Netcraft.SubmissionNextToken".Optional
pollingUse Cortex XSOAR built-in polling to wait for the report to be processed. Default is false.Optional
interval_in_secondsIndicates the time in seconds until the polling sequence times out. Default is 30.Optional
timeoutIndicates how long to wait between command executions (in seconds). Default is 600.Optional
hide_polling_outputwhether to hide the output of the polling on each run, should always be "true". Default is True.Optional
ignore_404Whether to ignore 404 responses from the API. Used when creating a submission as Netcraft may not have updated the system yet.Optional

Context Output#

Netcraft.Submission.dateNumberThe UNIX timestamp of the submission.
Netcraft.Submission.source_nameStringThe name of the source of this submission.
Netcraft.Submission.stateStringThe state of the submission. One of "processing", "no threats", "suspicious" or "malicious". Note, in the case of a misclassification, a submission may be assigned a higher-severity state several days after its initial classification.
Netcraft.Submission.submitter_emailStringThe email address of the reporter of the submission.
Netcraft.Submission.uuidStringThe unique identifier of the submission.
Netcraft.Submission.submitter_uuidStringThe unique identifier of the submitter. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is *not* provided.
Netcraft.Submission.classification_log.dateNumberA UNIX timestamp of when this state change occurred. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.classification_log.from_stateStringThe state the submission moved out of. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.classification_log.to_stateStringThe state the submission moved into. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.filesStringAn API URL to get details about the files associated with this submission. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.has_cryptocurrency_addressesBooleanWhether the submission contains cryptocurrency addresses. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.has_filesBooleanWhether the submission contains files. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.has_issuesBooleanWhether the submission contains issues. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.has_mailBooleanWhether the submission has an email. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.has_phone_numbersBooleanWhether the submission contains phone numbers. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.has_urlsBooleanWhether the submission contains URLs. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.is_archivedBooleanWhether the submission has been archived. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.last_updateNumberA UNIX timestamp of when this submission was last updated. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.mailStringAn API URL to get details about the email associated with this submission. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.mail_stateStringThe state of the email in the submission. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.original_source.nameStringThe name of the submission source. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.original_source.typeStringThe type of submission source. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.pendingBooleanWhether the submission is still pending. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.reasonStringThe optional reason for this submission. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.source.typeStringThe type of submission source. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.source.uuidStringThe UUID of the source. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.state_counts.filesUnknownAn object containing the amount of files in each state, where the key is the state and the value is the amount. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.state_counts.urlsUnknownAn object containing the amount of URLs in each state, where the key is the state and the value is the amount. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.tags.nameStringThe name of the tag. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.tags.descriptionStringThe tag's description. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.urlsStringAn API URL to get details about the URLs associated with this submission. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.warnings.linkStringA link to further information about the warning. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.Submission.warnings.warningStringThe warning. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is provided.
Netcraft.SubmissionNextTokenStringThe submission UUID to provide as the "next_token" argument in a subsequent request for pagination. Will be null if the end of the submissions has been reached. This key appears only if the "submission_uuid" argument is *not* provided.

Command example#

!netcraft-submission-list submission_uuid=RUxOzbo2OGfEAaq5G3vsAsdUqDh7wa70

Context Example#

"Netcraft": {
"Submission": {
"classification_log": [
"date": 1695130047,
"from_state": "processing",
"to_state": "no threats"
"date": 1695129915,
"files": "",
"has_cryptocurrency_addresses": false,
"has_files": true,
"has_issues": false,
"has_mail": false,
"has_phone_numbers": false,
"has_urls": false,
"is_archived": false,
"last_update": 1695130047,
"mail": "",
"mail_state": "processing",
"original_source": {
"name": "",
"type": "web"
"pending": false,
"reason": null,
"source": {
"type": "email"
"source_name": "Palo Alto Networks",
"state": "no threats",
"state_counts": {
"files": {
"no threats": 1
"urls": {}
"submitter_email": "",
"tags": [],
"urls": "",
"uuid": "RUxOzbo2OGfEAaq5G3vsAsdUqDh7wa70",
"warnings": []

Human Readable Output#

Netcraft Submissions#

Submission UUIDSubmission DateSubmitter EmailStateSource
RUxOzbo2OGfEAaq5G3vsAsdUqDh7wa702023-09-19 13:25:15+00:00reporter@socteam.comno threatsPalo Alto Networks


Report files to Netcraft for analysis.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
reporter_emailThe reporter's email address, to which the result of Netcraft's analysis will be sent.Required
file_contentA base64 encoded string of the file. To report multiple files, upload the files to Cortex XSOAR and provide the file entry IDs in the "entry_id" argument. Max 10 files per submission, with a maximum combined file size of 20MiB.Optional
file_nameThe name of the file. To report multiple files, upload the files to Cortex XSOAR and provide the file entry IDs in the "entry_id" argument.
entry_idA comma-separated list of Cortex XSOAR file entry IDs to report. Max 10 files per submission, with a maximum combined file size of 20MiB. The arguments "file_content" and "file_name" can be used for reporting a single file.Optional
reasonThe reason the file is considered malicious. Should be less than 1000 characters.Optional
pollingUse Cortex XSOAR built-in polling to wait for the report to be processed. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true.Optional
interval_in_secondsIndicates how long to wait between command executions (in seconds) when the 'polling' argument is true. Minimum value is 10 seconds. Default is 30.Optional
timeoutIndicates the time in seconds until the polling sequence times out. Default is 600.Optional

Context Output#

Netcraft.Submission.dateNumberThe UNIX timestamp of the submission.
Netcraft.Submission.source_nameStringThe name of the source of this submission.
Netcraft.Submission.stateStringThe state of the submission. One of "processing", "no threats", "suspicious" or "malicious". Note, in the case of a misclassification, a submission may be assigned a higher-severity state several days after its initial classification.
Netcraft.Submission.submitter_emailStringThe email address of the reporter of the submission.
Netcraft.Submission.uuidStringThe unique identifier of the submission.
Netcraft.Submission.classification_log.dateNumberA UNIX timestamp of when this state change occurred.
Netcraft.Submission.classification_log.from_stateStringThe state the submission moved out of.
Netcraft.Submission.classification_log.to_stateStringThe state the submission moved into.
Netcraft.Submission.filesStringAn API URL to get details about the files associated with this submission.
Netcraft.Submission.has_cryptocurrency_addressesBooleanWhether the submission contains cryptocurrency addresses.
Netcraft.Submission.has_filesBooleanWhether the submission contains files.
Netcraft.Submission.has_issuesBooleanWhether the submission contains issues.
Netcraft.Submission.has_mailBooleanWhether the submission has an email.
Netcraft.Submission.has_phone_numbersBooleanWhether the submission contains phone numbers.
Netcraft.Submission.has_urlsBooleanWhether the submission contains URLs.
Netcraft.Submission.is_archivedBooleanWhether the submission has been archived.
Netcraft.Submission.last_updateNumberA UNIX timestamp of when this submission was last updated.
Netcraft.Submission.mailStringAn API URL to get details about the email associated with this submission.
Netcraft.Submission.mail_stateStringThe state of the email in the submission.
Netcraft.Submission.original_source.nameStringThe name of the submission source.
Netcraft.Submission.original_source.typeStringThe type of submission source.
Netcraft.Submission.pendingBooleanWhether the submission is still pending.
Netcraft.Submission.reasonStringThe optional reason for this submission.
Netcraft.Submission.source.typeStringThe type of submission source.
Netcraft.Submission.source.uuidStringThe UUID of the source.
Netcraft.Submission.state_counts.filesUnknownAn object containing the amount of files in each state, where the key is the state and the value is the amount.
Netcraft.Submission.state_counts.urlsUnknownAn object containing the amount of URLs in each state, where the key is the state and the value is the amount.
Netcraft.Submission.tags.nameStringThe name of the tag.
Netcraft.Submission.tags.descriptionStringThe tag's description.
Netcraft.Submission.urlsStringAn API URL to get details about the URLs associated with this submission.
Netcraft.Submission.warnings.linkStringA link to further information about the warning.
Netcraft.Submission.warnings.warningStringThe warning.

Command example#

!netcraft-file-report-submit file_content="a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1" file_name="malicious.txt" interval_in_seconds="15" polling="true" reason="the file may be malicious" reporter_email=""

Context Example#

"Netcraft": {
"Submission": {
"classification_log": [],
"date": 1695129915,
"files": "",
"has_cryptocurrency_addresses": false,
"has_files": true,
"has_issues": false,
"has_mail": false,
"has_phone_numbers": false,
"has_urls": false,
"is_archived": false,
"last_update": 1695130047,
"mail": "",
"mail_state": "processing",
"original_source": {
"name": "",
"type": "web"
"pending": false,
"reason": null,
"source": {
"type": "email"
"source_name": "Palo Alto Networks",
"state": "no threats",
"state_counts": {
"files": {
"no threats": 1
"urls": {}
"submitter_email": "",
"tags": [],
"urls": "",
"uuid": "RUxOzbo2OGfEAaq5G3vsAsdUqDh7wa70",
"warnings": []

Human Readable Output#

Submission pending:

Netcraft Submissions#

Submission UUIDSubmission DateSubmitter EmailStateSource
RUxOzbo2OGfEAaq5G3vsAsdUqDh7wa702023-09-19 13:25:15+00:00reporter@socteam.comno threatsPalo Alto Networks


Get basic information about a submission's files. When a submission is archived this command will return an error with the message "this submission has been archived".

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
submission_uuidThe submission's unique identifier. Submission UUIDs can be obtained by running the command "netcraft-submission-list".Required
pageThe page number of file records to retrieve (used for pagination) starting from 1. The page size is defined by the "page_size" argument.Optional
page_sizeThe number of file records per page to retrieve (used for pagination). The page number is defined by the "page" argument.Optional
limitThe maximum number of file records to retrieve. If "page_size" is defined, this argument is ignored. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

Netcraft.SubmissionFile.file_stateStringThe classification state of the file. One of "processing", "no threats" or "malicious.".
Netcraft.SubmissionFile.filenameStringThe name of the file.
Netcraft.SubmissionFile.has_screenshotBooleanWhether the file has a screenshot associated with it.
Netcraft.SubmissionFile.hashStringThe hash of the file.
Netcraft.SubmissionFile.classification_log.dateNumberA UNIX timestamp of when this state change occurred.
Netcraft.SubmissionFile.classification_log.from_stateStringThe state the entity moved out of.
Netcraft.SubmissionFile.classification_log.to_stateStringThe state the entity moved into.

Command example#

!netcraft-submission-file-list limit="50" submission_uuid=RUxOzbo2OGfEAaq5G3vsAsdUqDh7wa70

Context Example#

"Netcraft": {
"SubmissionFile": {
"classification_log": [],
"file_state": "no threats",
"filename": "",
"has_screenshot": false,
"hash": "77fb7e37d57adddf4071f946cbd2a3dc"

Human Readable Output#

Submission Files#

1695129341388_Netcraft.py77fb7e37d57adddf4071f946cbd2a3dcno threats


Get a screenshot for a file associated with a submission.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
submission_uuidThe unique identifier of the submission from which to retrieve a file screenshot. Submission UUIDs can be obtained by running the command "netcraft-submission-list".Required
file_hashThe file's hash. Submission file hashes can be obtained by running the command "netcraft-submission-file-list".Required

Context Output#

InfoFile.SizenumberThe size of the screenshot in bytes.
InfoFile.NamestringThe name of the screenshot.
InfoFile.EntryIDstringThe War Room entry ID of the screenshot.
InfoFile.InfostringThe format and encoding of the screenshot.
InfoFile.TypestringThe type of the screenshot.
InfoFile.ExtensionstringThe file extension of the screenshot.

Command example#

!netcraft-file-screenshot-get file_hash=77fb7e37d57adddf4071f946cbd2a3dc submission_uuid=RUxOzbo2OGfEAaq5G3vsAsdUqDh7wa70

Context Example#

"InfoFile": {
"EntryID": "1743@9dfe60aa-7485-4813-822a-03de171d38cb",
"Extension": "png",
"Info": "image/png",
"Name": "file_screenshot_77fb7e37d57adddf4071f946cbd2a3dc.png",
"Size": 4584,
"Type": "JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01"

Human Readable Output#

Returned file: file_screenshot_77fb7e37d57adddf4071f946cbd2a3dc.png Download


Report email messages to Netcraft for analysis. The email will be examined for malicious attachments and URLs. Optionally, emails can be encrypted before upload. If an email is encrypted before upload, it should be encrypted with AES-256-CBC, for example using OpenSSL. The email must be provided using either the "message" or "entry_id" arguments.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
reporter_emailThe reporter's email address, to which the result of Netcraft's analysis will be sent.Required
messageEither a plain text string of the malicious email in MIME format or if the "password" argument is provided, a base64 encoded AES-256-CBC encrypted email in MIME format. Max message size is 20MiB.Optional
entry_idEntry ID of an EML file uploaded to Cortex XSOAR. Max message size is 20MiB.Optional
passwordThe password used to encrypt/decrypt the MIME email provided with the "message" argument. Should not be provided if the email is not encrypted.Optional
pollingUse Cortex XSOAR built-in polling to wait for the report to be processed. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true.Optional
interval_in_secondsIndicates how long to wait between command executions (in seconds) when the 'polling' argument is true. Minimum value is 10 seconds. Default is 30.Optional
timeoutIndicates the time in seconds until the polling sequence times out. Default is 600.Optional

Context Output#

Netcraft.Submission.dateNumberThe UNIX timestamp of the submission.
Netcraft.Submission.source_nameStringThe name of the source of this submission.
Netcraft.Submission.stateStringThe state of the submission. One of "processing", "no threats", "suspicious" or "malicious". Note, in the case of a misclassification, a submission may be assigned a higher-severity state several days after its initial classification.
Netcraft.Submission.submitter_emailStringThe email address of the reporter of the submission.
Netcraft.Submission.uuidStringThe unique identifier of the submission.
Netcraft.Submission.classification_log.dateNumberA UNIX timestamp of when this state change occurred.
Netcraft.Submission.classification_log.from_stateStringThe state the submission moved out of.
Netcraft.Submission.classification_log.to_stateStringThe state the submission moved into.
Netcraft.Submission.filesStringAn API URL to get details about the files associated with this submission.
Netcraft.Submission.has_cryptocurrency_addressesBooleanWhether the submission contains cryptocurrency addresses.
Netcraft.Submission.has_filesBooleanWhether the submission contains files.
Netcraft.Submission.has_issuesBooleanWhether the submission contains issues.
Netcraft.Submission.has_mailBooleanWhether the submission has an email.
Netcraft.Submission.has_phone_numbersBooleanWhether the submission contains phone numbers.
Netcraft.Submission.has_urlsBooleanWhether the submission contains URLs.
Netcraft.Submission.is_archivedBooleanWhether the submission has been archived.
Netcraft.Submission.last_updateNumberA UNIX timestamp of when this submission was last updated.
Netcraft.Submission.mailStringAn API URL to get details about the email associated with this submission.
Netcraft.Submission.mail_stateStringThe state of the email in the submission.
Netcraft.Submission.original_source.nameStringThe name of the submission source.
Netcraft.Submission.original_source.typeStringThe type of submission source.
Netcraft.Submission.pendingBooleanWhether the submission is still pending.
Netcraft.Submission.reasonStringThe optional reason for this submission.
Netcraft.Submission.source.typeStringThe type of submission source.
Netcraft.Submission.source.uuidStringThe UUID of the source.
Netcraft.Submission.state_counts.filesUnknownAn object containing the amount of files in each state, where the key is the state and the value is the amount.
Netcraft.Submission.state_counts.urlsUnknownAn object containing the amount of URLs in each state, where the key is the state and the value is the amount.
Netcraft.Submission.tags.nameStringThe name of the tag.
Netcraft.Submission.tags.descriptionStringThe tag's description.
Netcraft.Submission.urlsStringAn API URL to get details about the URLs associated with this submission.
Netcraft.Submission.warnings.linkStringA link to further information about the warning.
Netcraft.Submission.warnings.warningStringThe warning.

Command example#

!netcraft-email-report-submit message="""From:
Subject: Example email
Date: Tue, 01 Jan 2019 00:00:00 +0000
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Example email body with URL.
""" reporter_email=""

Context Example#

"Netcraft": {
"Submission": {
"classification_log": [],
"date": 1695129915,
"files": "",
"has_cryptocurrency_addresses": false,
"has_files": true,
"has_issues": false,
"has_mail": true,
"has_phone_numbers": false,
"has_urls": true,
"is_archived": false,
"last_update": 1695130047,
"mail": "",
"mail_state": "processing",
"original_source": {
"name": "",
"type": "web"
"pending": false,
"reason": null,
"source": {
"type": "email"
"source_name": "Palo Alto Networks",
"state": "no threats",
"state_counts": {
"files": {
"no threats": 1
"urls": {}
"submitter_email": "",
"tags": [],
"urls": "",
"uuid": "RUxOzbo2OGfEAaq5G3vsAsdUqDh7wa70",
"warnings": []

Human Readable Output#

Submission pending:

Netcraft Submissions#

Submission UUIDSubmission DateSubmitter EmailStateSource
RUxOzbo2OGfEAaq5G3vsAsdUqDh7wa702023-09-19 13:25:15+00:00reporter@socteam.comno threatsPalo Alto Networks


Get basic information about a submission's email. When a submission is archived this command will return an error with the message "this submission has been archived".

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
submission_uuidThe submission's unique identifier. Submission UUIDs can be obtained by running the command "netcraft-submission-list".Required

Context Output#

Netcraft.SubmissionMail.classification_log.dateNumberA unix timestamp of when this state change occurred.
Netcraft.SubmissionMail.classification_log.from_stateStringThe state the entity moved out of.
Netcraft.SubmissionMail.classification_log.to_stateStringThe state the entity moved into.
Netcraft.SubmissionMail.fromStringThe email addresses of the email senders.
Netcraft.SubmissionMail.hashStringThe MD5 hash of the email associated with this submission.
Netcraft.SubmissionMail.reply_toStringThe email addresses that reply messages of the email were sent to.
Netcraft.SubmissionMail.stateStringThe classification state of the email. One of "processing", "no threats" or "malicious".
Netcraft.SubmissionMail.subjectStringThe subject of the email submitted.
Netcraft.SubmissionMail.toStringThe email addresses of the email recipients.

Command example#

!netcraft-submission-mail-get submission_uuid=bavSyjpYf4HpO7KlYzu6Z32FkHcXbZpT

Context Example#

"Netcraft": {
"SubmissionMail": {
"classification_log": [
"date": 1694095036,
"from_state": "processing",
"to_state": "no threats"
"from": [
"has_screenshot": 1,
"hash": "6fabfd92d854588b9f5295aacc561782",
"reply_to": [],
"state": "no threats",
"subject": "Example email",
"tags": [],
"to": [

Human Readable Output#

Submission Mails#

Example emailfraudster@example.comexample@netcraft.comno threats


Get a screenshot for the email associated with a submission.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
submission_uuidThe unique identifier of the submission from which to retrieve an email screenshot. Submission UUIDs can be obtained by running the command "netcraft-submission-list".Required

Context Output#

InfoFile.SizenumberThe size of the screenshot in bytes.
InfoFile.NamestringThe name of the screenshot.
InfoFile.EntryIDstringThe War Room entry ID of the screenshot.
InfoFile.InfostringThe format and encoding of the screenshot.
InfoFile.TypestringThe type of the screenshot.
InfoFile.ExtensionstringThe file extension of the screenshot.

Command example#

!netcraft-mail-screenshot-get submission_uuid=bavSyjpYf4HpO7KlYzu6Z32FkHcXbZpT

Context Example#

"InfoFile": {
"EntryID": "1743@9dfe60aa-7485-4813-822a-03de171d38cb",
"Extension": "png",
"Info": "image/png",
"Name": "mail_screenshot_bavSyjpYf4HpO7KlYzu6Z32FkHcXbZpT.png",
"Size": 4584,
"Type": "JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01"

Human Readable Output#

Returned file: email_screenshot_bavSyjpYf4HpO7KlYzu6Z32FkHcXbZpT.png Download


Report URLs to Netcraft for analysis.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
reporter_emailThe reporter's email address, to which the result of Netcraft's analysis will be sent.Required
urlsA comma-separated list of URLs to report. Up to 1,000 URLs per submission are permitted.Required
reasonThe reason the URLs are considered malicious. Should be less than 10,000 characters.Optional
pollingUse Cortex XSOAR built-in polling to wait for the report to be processed. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true.Optional
interval_in_secondsIndicates how long to wait between command executions (in seconds) when the 'polling' argument is true. Minimum value is 10 seconds. Default is 30.Optional
timeoutIndicates the time in seconds until the polling sequence times out. Default is 600.Optional

Context Output#

Netcraft.Submission.dateNumberThe UNIX timestamp of the submission.
Netcraft.Submission.source_nameStringThe name of the source of this submission.
Netcraft.Submission.stateStringThe state of the submission. One of "processing", "no threats", "suspicious" or "malicious". Note, in the case of a misclassification, a submission may be assigned a higher-severity state several days after its initial classification.
Netcraft.Submission.submitter_emailStringThe email address of the reporter of the submission.
Netcraft.Submission.uuidStringThe unique identifier of the submission.
Netcraft.Submission.classification_log.dateNumberA UNIX timestamp of when this state change occurred.
Netcraft.Submission.classification_log.from_stateStringThe state the submission moved out of.
Netcraft.Submission.classification_log.to_stateStringThe state the submission moved into.
Netcraft.Submission.filesStringAn API URL to get details about the files associated with this submission.
Netcraft.Submission.has_cryptocurrency_addressesBooleanWhether the submission contains cryptocurrency addresses.
Netcraft.Submission.has_filesBooleanWhether the submission contains files.
Netcraft.Submission.has_issuesBooleanWhether the submission contains issues.
Netcraft.Submission.has_mailBooleanWhether the submission has an email.
Netcraft.Submission.has_phone_numbersBooleanWhether the submission contains phone numbers.
Netcraft.Submission.has_urlsBooleanWhether the submission contains URLs.
Netcraft.Submission.is_archivedBooleanWhether the submission has been archived.
Netcraft.Submission.last_updateNumberA unix timestamp of when this submission was last updated.
Netcraft.Submission.mailStringAn API URL to get details about the email associated with this submission.
Netcraft.Submission.mail_stateStringThe state of the email in the submission.
Netcraft.Submission.original_source.nameStringThe name of the submission source.
Netcraft.Submission.original_source.typeStringThe type of submission source.
Netcraft.Submission.pendingBooleanWhether the submission is still pending.
Netcraft.Submission.reasonStringThe optional reason for this submission.
Netcraft.Submission.source.typeStringThe type of submission source.
Netcraft.Submission.source.uuidStringThe UUID of the source.
Netcraft.Submission.state_counts.filesUnknownAn object containing the amount of files in each state, where the key is the state and the value is the amount.
Netcraft.Submission.state_counts.urlsUnknownAn object containing the amount of URLs in each state, where the key is the state and the value is the amount.
Netcraft.Submission.tags.nameStringThe name of the tag.
Netcraft.Submission.tags.descriptionStringThe tag's description.
Netcraft.Submission.urlsStringAn API URL to get details about the URLs associated with this submission.
Netcraft.Submission.warnings.linkStringA link to further information about the warning.
Netcraft.Submission.warnings.warningStringThe warning.

Command example#

!netcraft-file-report-submit file_content="a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1" file_name="malicious.txt" interval_in_seconds="15" polling="true" reason="the file may be malicious" reporter_email=""

Context Example#

"Netcraft": {
"Submission": {
"classification_log": [],
"date": 1695129915,
"files": "",
"has_cryptocurrency_addresses": false,
"has_files": true,
"has_issues": false,
"has_mail": false,
"has_phone_numbers": false,
"has_urls": false,
"is_archived": false,
"last_update": 1695130047,
"mail": "",
"mail_state": "processing",
"original_source": {
"name": "",
"type": "web"
"pending": false,
"reason": null,
"source": {
"type": "email"
"source_name": "Palo Alto Networks",
"state": "no threats",
"state_counts": {
"files": {
"no threats": 1
"urls": {}
"submitter_email": "",
"tags": [],
"urls": "",
"uuid": "RUxOzbo2OGfEAaq5G3vsAsdUqDh7wa70",
"warnings": []

Human Readable Output#

Submission pending:

Netcraft Submissions#

Submission UUIDSubmission DateSubmitter EmailStateSource
RUxOzbo2OGfEAaq5G3vsAsdUqDh7wa702023-09-19 13:25:15+00:00reporter@socteam.comno threatsPalo Alto Networks


Get basic information about a submission's URLs. When a submission is archived this command will return an error with the message "this submission has been archived".

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
submission_uuidThe submission's unique identifier. Submission UUIDs can be obtained by running the command "netcraft-submission-list".Required
pageThe page number of URLs to retrieve (used for pagination). The page size is defined by the "page_size" argument.Optional
page_sizeThe number of URLs per page to retrieve (used for pagination). The page number is defined by the "page" argument.Optional
limitThe maximum number of URLs to retrieve. If "page_size" is defined, this argument is ignored. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

Netcraft.SubmissionURL.urlStringThe URL reported.
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.url_stateStringThe state of the URL. One of "processing", "no threats", "unavailable", "malicious", "rejected", or "suspicious".
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.classification_log.dateNumberA UNIX timestamp of when this state change occurred.
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.classification_log.from_stateStringThe state the entity moved out of.
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.classification_log.to_stateStringThe state the entity moved into.
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.country_codeStringThe country code this hostname resolved to.
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.file_hashStringIf the URL was found in a file that was submitted or an email attachment, this field contains the MD5 hash of that file.
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.hostnameStringThe hostname of the URL.
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.incident_report_urlStringA link to the incident report detailing the attack hosted by the URL. This will only exist if Netcraft is performing takedown action.
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.ipStringThe IP address this hostname resolved to.
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.reasonStringThe reason this URL is believed to be malicious.
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.screenshots.hashStringA hash of the screenshot provided.
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.screenshots.typeStringThe type of screenshot. One of "gif" or "png".
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.sources.file_hashStringIf this URL originated in a file, this is the hash of the file.
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.sources.file_nameStringIf this URL originated in a file, this is the filename.
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.sources.sourceStringThe name of a source this URL was found in.
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.sources.source_idNumberThe part of the email the URL was found in, if applicable. Either 1 for the body of the email, or 2 for an attachment to the email.
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.tags.descriptionStringThe tag's description.
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.tags.nameStringThe name of the tag.
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.tags.submitter_tagNumberThe submitter of the tag, 1 is for user, 0 is for Netcraft.
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.takedown_linkStringA link to the takedown associated with the URL.
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.takedown_url_idNumberThe ID for the URL in takedown.
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.url_classification_reasonStringThe reason for a URL classification.
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.url_takedown_stateStringThe progress of Netcraft's takedown action against the URL. One of "not injected", "not started", "in progress" or "resolved".
Netcraft.SubmissionURL.uuidStringThe UUID of the URL.

Command example#

!netcraft-submission-url-list limit="50" page="2" page_size="2" submission_uuid=bavSyjpYf4HpO7KlYzu6Z32FkHcXbZpT

Human Readable Output#

Submission URLs#

UUIDURLHostnameClassificationURL Classification Log
46b1921f9b4e4b34b547bdf20c0c0263 date: 1000000000
from_state: processing
to_state: no threats


Download associated screenshots for a specified URL.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
submission_uuidThe unique identifier of the submission from which to retrieve a URL screenshot. Submission UUIDs can be obtained by running the command "netcraft-submission-list".Required
url_uuidThe URL's UUID. Submission URL UUIDs can be obtained by running the command "netcraft-submission-url-list".Required
screenshot_hashAn MD5 hash of the URL's screenshot. Submission URL screenshot hashes can be obtained by running the command "netcraft-submission-url-list".Required

Context Output#

InfoFile.SizenumberThe size of the screenshot in bytes.
InfoFile.NamestringThe name of the screenshot.
InfoFile.EntryIDstringThe War Room entry ID of the screenshot.
InfoFile.InfostringThe format and encoding of the screenshot.
InfoFile.TypestringThe type of the screenshot.
InfoFile.ExtensionstringThe file extension of the screenshot.

Command example#

!netcraft-url-screenshot-get screenshot_hash="06f8715ba1b1ca5dee4af05e98bbc63a" submission_uuid="0qQt98P04o0qk46UXveNsCHhUN7zLopY" url_uuid="BZqSBm5i4KIoCq6TItXLWKZwGAm3nN08"

Context Example#

"InfoFile": {
"EntryID": "1743@9dfe60aa-7485-4813-822a-03de171d38cb",
"Extension": "png",
"Info": "image/png",
"Name": "url_screenshot_06f8715ba1b1ca5dee4af05e98bbc63a.png",
"Size": 4584,
"Type": "JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01"

Human Readable Output#

Returned file: url_screenshot_06f8715ba1b1ca5dee4af05e98bbc63a.png Download