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Netskope Event Collector

This Integration is part of the Netskope Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.8.0 and later.

This is the default integration for this content pack when configured by the Data Onboarder in Cortex XSIAM.

Configure Netskope Event Collector in Cortex#

Server URLTrue
API tokenTrue
Trust any certificate (not secure)False
Use system proxy settingsFalse
Max events per fetchThe maximum amount of events to retrieve per each event type. For more information about event types see the help section.False

Fetch Events Limitation#

The collector can handle up to 35K events per minute on average.


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Returns events extracted from SaaS traffic and or logs.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitThe maximum number of alerts to return (maximum value - 10000).Optional
should_push_eventsSet this argument to True in order to create events, otherwise the command will only display them.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!netskope-get-events limit=1

Context Example#

"Netskope": {
"Event": [
"_category_id": "8",
"_correlation_id": "c66ef426-b403-4be5-8052-05d2c81ed321",
"_ef_received_at": 1658102836562,
"_event_id": "bd1074e2-fcbc-4c02-98f1-357aeb57f6c8",
"_forwarded_by": "service-event-forwarder",
"_gef_src_dp": "NL-AAA",
"_id": "23a372c433381a6a11798123",
"_insertion_epoch_timestamp": 1658102843,
"_raw_event_inserted_at": 1658102836720,
"_service_identifier": "service-test",
"access_method": "API Connector",
"acked": "false",
"action": "anomaly_detection",
"activity": "Login Successful",
"alert": "yes",
"alert_id": "62d4a3c35b8bdd69ad5e1234",
"alert_name": "Alert Name",
"alert_type": "test",
"anomalyData": {
"_t": "CategoricalModeling",
"binCount": 6,
"convergenceFactor": 0.9863013699,
"featureValue": "",
"histo": [
"bin": "",
"count": 205
"bin": "",
"count": 30
"bin": "",
"count": 1
"modelId": "test",
"observationCount": 0,
"percentileThresholdCount": 6,
"probability": 0,
"sampleCount": 438,
"scope": "User"
"anomaly_type": "test-type",
"app": "Microsoft Office 365 Sharepoint Online",
"appcategory": "Collaboration",
"category": "Collaboration",
"cci": 91,
"ccl": "excellent",
"count": 1,
"createdTime": "2022-07-18 00:05:23.321000",
"event_type": "alert",
"instance_id": "test-instance",
"organization_unit": "test",
"other_categories": [],
"score": 75,
"severity": "Low",
"site": "Microsoft Office 365 Sharepoint Sites",
"src_country": "PH",
"src_geoip_src": 2,
"src_latitude": 456.789,
"src_location": "Test",
"src_longitude": 123.456,
"src_region": "Province of Somewhere",
"src_zipcode": "1234",
"srcip": "",
"timestamp": "2022-07-17T23:48:52.000Z",
"traffic_type": "CloudApp",
"type": "nspolicy",
"ur_normalized": "",
"user": "",
"userkey": "",
"windowId": 1658016000000
"_category_id": "8",
"_correlation_id": "57e53633-3eb9-4055-9e84-07de4c367347",
"_ef_received_at": 1656449549192,
"_event_id": "7dc94895-fe14-456d-b9c8-0a7f0dac5064",
"_forwarded_by": "service-event-forwarder",
"_gef_src_dp": "ABCD",
"_id": "9f806593aa4385e4fc14865c",
"_insertion_epoch_timestamp": 1656449557,
"_raw_event_inserted_at": 1656449549850,
"_service_identifier": "service-introspection",
"_session_begin": 1,
"access_method": "API Connector",
"activity": "Login Successful",
"alert": "no",
"app": "Microsoft Office 365 Sharepoint Online",
"app_activity": "UserLoggedIn",
"app_session_id": 6162799428773683,
"appcategory": "Collaboration",
"browser": "unknown",
"category": "Collaboration",
"cci": 91,
"ccl": "excellent",
"count": 1,
"device": "Other",
"dst_latitude": "",
"dst_longitude": "",
"event_type": "application",
"from_user": "",
"instance_id": "some-instance",
"netskope_activity": "False",
"object": "",
"object_id": "",
"object_type": "User",
"organization_unit": "test",
"os": "unknown",
"other_categories": [],
"site": "Microsoft Office 365 Sharepoint Sites",
"src_country": "PH",
"src_geoip_src": 2,
"src_latitude": 456,
"src_location": "test",
"src_longitude": 123,
"src_region": "Province of Test",
"src_zipcode": "1234",
"srcip": "",
"timestamp": "2022-06-28T16:59:15.000Z",
"traffic_type": "CloudApp",
"type": "nspolicy",
"ur_normalized": "",
"user": "",
"userip": "",
"userkey": ""
"_id": "efac69202c964c91fd59bcb9",
"_insertion_epoch_timestamp": 1658331170,
"audit_log_event": "Client Disable Request Submitted",
"ccl": "unknown",
"count": 1,
"event_type": "audit",
"organization_unit": "test",
"severity_level": 1,
"supporting_data": {
"data_type": "hostname",
"data_values": "HAMRGBCNX147"
"timestamp": "2022-07-20T15:27:50.000Z",
"type": "admin_audit_logs",
"ur_normalized": "",
"user": ""
"_correlation_id": "5f3e3987-115c-4fed-9c5e-f69e184069af",
"_ef_received_at": 1657742097188,
"_event_id": "bd3de3e3-378e-4e01-ba8d-a5d72565bde7",
"_forwarded_by": "msg-relayer",
"_gef_src_dp": "IN-AAA1",
"_id": "e03cf756afc2a707666fcbc0",
"_insertion_epoch_timestamp": 1657742104,
"_raw_event_inserted_at": 1657742097698,
"_service_identifier": "service-npa",
"_tenant_id": "test-tenant",
"access_method": "Client",
"action": "allow",
"app": "[CS SEG's]",
"appcategory": "n/a",
"category": "",
"cci": 0,
"ccl": "unknown",
"client_bytes": 1593,
"client_packets": 13,
"count": 1,
"device": "Windows",
"dsthost": "",
"dstip": "",
"dstport": 443,
"end_time": "2022-07-13T19:53:02+00:00",
"event_type": "network",
"hostname": "L-101861180",
"ip_protocol": "TCP",
"netskope_pop": "IN-AAA1",
"network_session_id": "12345678",
"num_sessions": 1,
"numbytes": 2387,
"organization_unit": "test",
"os": "Windows",
"os_version": "10.0 (2009)",
"policy": "Netskope Private Apps Allowed",
"protocol": "Http",
"protocol_port": "TCP:443",
"publisher_cn": "abcd1234",
"publisher_name": "test",
"server_bytes": 794,
"server_packets": 11,
"session_duration": 23461,
"site": "",
"srcip": "",
"srcport": 447,
"start_time": "2022-07-13T19:52:51+00:00",
"timestamp": "2022-07-13T19:54:57.000Z",
"total_packets": 24,
"traffic_type": "PrivateApp",
"tunnel_id": "1150",
"tunnel_type": "NPA",
"tunnel_up_time": 23461,
"type": "network",
"ur_normalized": "",
"user": "",
"userip": "",
"userkey": ""

Human Readable Output#

Events List:#

IdTimestampTypeAccess MethodAppTraffic Type
23a372c433381a6a117981232022-07-17T23:48:52.000ZnspolicyAPI ConnectorMicrosoft Office 365 Sharepoint OnlineCloudApp
9f806593aa4385e4fc14865c2022-06-28T16:59:15.000ZnspolicyAPI ConnectorMicrosoft Office 365 Sharepoint OnlineCloudApp
e03cf756afc2a707666fcbc02022-07-13T19:54:57.000ZnetworkClient[CS SEG's]PrivateApp