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Nutanix Hypervisor

This Integration is part of the Nutanix Hypervisor Pack.#

Nutanix Hypervisor abstracts and isolates the VMs and their programs from the underlying server hardware, enabling a more efficient use of physical resources, simpler maintenance and operations, and reduced costs. This integration was integrated and tested with version v2 of Nutanix.

Configure Nutanix Hypervisor on Cortex XSOAR#

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.

  2. Search for Nutanix Hypervisor.

  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.

    Server URL(e.g.,\)True
    Fetch incidentsFalse
    Incident typeFalse
    Incidents Fetch IntervalFalse
    Maximum number of incidents per fetchThe maximum number of incidents to fetch each time.False
    Alert Status FiltersFetches incidents by the status filters given. For example, if acknowledged is true, then only alerts that have been acknowledged will be fetched. If 'Auto Resolved' or 'Not Auto Resolved' is selected, then by default also 'Resolved' will be set.False
    Alert type IDsComma-separated list of alert type IDs. Fetches alerts whose type ID matches an alert_type_id in the alert_type_ids list. For example, alert 'Alert E-mail Failure' has type ID A111066. If alert_type_ids = 'A111066', only alerts of 'Alert E-mail Failure' will be displayed.False
    Impact TypesComma-separated list of impact types. Fetch alerts whose impact type matches an impact type in Impact Types list. For example, alert 'Incorrect NTP Configuration' has impact type 'SystemIndicator'. If Impact Types = 'SystemIndicator', only alerts with impact type 'SystemIndicator', such as 'Incorrect NTP Configuration' will be displayed.False
    First fetch timestampformat: <number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days.False
    Trust any certificate (not secure)False
    Use system proxy settingsFalse
  4. Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.

Available Alert Type IDs, Impact Types, and Entity Types#

Alert Policies contains the list of all possible alerts in the system, and their ID, impact type, and entity type. In order to check the optional values for these entities:

  1. Go to your Nutanix UI and navigate to the Alerts screen. (Can be found under the second tab in the top left corner, see image below)
  2. Navigate to the Alert Policies tab on the left sidebar. You should see the following screen: Nutanix Alert Policy
  • ID is the alert type ID filter parameter for fetching alerts, or the argument for the nutanix-hypervisor-alerts-list command.
  • Impact Type is the impact type filter parameter for fetching alerts, or the argument for the nutanix-hypervisor-alerts-list command.


The following commands require cluster admin or higher permissions. (Found in Nutanix Settings in the Users And Roles category.)

  • nutanix-hypervisor-vm-powerstatus-change
  • nutanix-hypervisor-alert-acknowledge
  • nutanix-hypervisor-alert-resolve
  • nutanix-hypervisor-alerts-acknowledge-by-filter
  • nutanix-hypervisor-alerts-resolve-by-filter


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Gets the list of physical hosts configured in the cluster.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
filterThe filters used to define the hosts to retrieve. Nutanix filters can be one of the fields returned in the response by the Nutanix GET hosts API call. Some of the fields in the response are not supported. Known filters that the Nutanix service supports are: host_nic_ids, host_gpus, storage_tier, das-sata.usage_bytes, storage.capacity_bytes, storage.logical_usage_bytes, storage_tier.das-sata.capacity_bytes, storage.usage_bytes. You can try to enter your own filters, but if Nutanix does not support the filter, an error will be thrown specifying that the filter is invalid. Each filter is written in the following format: filter_name==filter_value or filter_name!=filter_value. Possible combinations of OR (using comma ',') and AND (using semicolon ';'), for example, storage.capacity_bytes==2;host_nic_ids!=35,host_gpus==x, are parsed by Nutanix as follows: Return all hosts s.t (storage.capacity_bytes == 2 AND host_nic_ids != 35) OR host_gpus == x.Optional
pagePage number in the query response. Default is 1.Optional
limitMaximum number of physical hosts to retrieve. Possible values are 1-1000. Default is 50.Optional
verboseReceive extended information from Nutanix about hosts. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional

Context Output#

NutanixHypervisor.Host.service_vmidStringService virtual machine ID.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.uuidStringHost UUID.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.nameStringHost name.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.service_vmexternal_ipStringService virtual machine external IP.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.service_vmnat_ipStringService virtual machine network address translation IP.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.service_vmnat_portNumberService virtual machine network address translation port.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.oplog_disk_pctNumberOplog disk pct.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.oplog_disk_sizeDateOplog disk size.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.hypervisor_keyStringHypervisor key.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.hypervisor_addressStringHypervisor address.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.hypervisor_usernameStringHypervisor username.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.hypervisor_passwordStringHypervisor password.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.backplane_ipStringBackplane IP.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.controller_vm_backplane_ipStringController virtual machine backplane IP.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.rdma_backplane_ipsUnknownRemote directory memory access backplane IPs.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.management_server_nameStringManagement server name.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.ipmi_addressStringIntelligent platform management interface address.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.ipmi_usernameStringIntelligent platform management interface username.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.ipmi_passwordStringIntelligent platform management interface password.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.monitoredBooleanWhether the host is monitored.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.position.ordinalNumberHost ordinal position.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.position.nameStringHost's position name.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.position.physical_positionStringPhysical position. Allowed values are [C, L, R, TL, TR, BL, BR]. Values are abbreviations for [Center, Left, Right, Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right].
NutanixHypervisor.Host.serialStringHost serial ID.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.block_serialStringHost block serial ID.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.block_modelStringHost block model.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.block_model_nameStringBlock model name.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.block_locationStringBlock location.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.host_maintenance_mode_reasonStringHost maintenance reason, if host is in maintenance.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.hypervisor_stateStringHost's hypervisor state.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.acropolis_connection_stateStringAcropolis connection status.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.metadata_store_statusStringMetadata store status.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.metadata_store_status_messageStringMetadata store status message.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.stateStringHost state.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.removal_statusStringHost removal status.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.vzone_nameStringVirtual zone name.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.cpu_modelStringCPU model.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.num_cpu_coresNumberNumber of CPU cores.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.num_cpu_threadsNumberNumber of CPU threads.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.num_cpu_socketsNumberNumber of CPU sockets.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.hypervisor_full_nameStringHost's hypervisor full name.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.hypervisor_typeStringHypervisor's type.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.num_vmsNumberHost number of virtual machines.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.boot_time_in_usecsNumberBoot time in epoch time.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.boot_timedateBoot time in epoch time.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.is_degradedBooleanWhether the host is degraded.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.is_secure_bootedBooleanWhether the host is secure booted.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.is_hardware_virtualizedBooleanWhether the hardware is virtualized.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.failover_cluster_fqdnStringFailover cluster fully qualified domain name.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.failover_cluster_node_stateStringFailover cluster node state.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.reboot_pendingBooleanWhether reboot is pending.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.default_vm_locationStringDefault virtual machine location.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.default_vm_storage_container_idStringDefault virtual machine storage container ID.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.default_vm_storage_container_uuidStringDefault virtual machine storage container UUID.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.default_vhd_locationStringDefault virtual hard disk location.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.default_vhd_storage_container_idStringDefault virtual hard disk storage container ID.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.default_vhd_storage_container_uuidStringDefault virtual hard disk storage container UUID.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.bios_versionStringBIOS version.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.bios_modelStringBIOS model.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.bmc_versionStringBMC version.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.bmc_modelStringBMC model.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.hba_firmwares_listUnknownHost bus adapter firmware list.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.cluster_uuidStringHost's cluster UUID.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.has_csrBooleanWhether the host has a certificate signing request.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.host_gpusUnknownHost's GPUs.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.gpu_driver_versionStringHost GPU driver version.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.host_typeStringHost type.
NutanixHypervisor.Host.host_in_maintenance_modeBooleanWhether the host is in maintenance mode.

Command Example#

!nutanix-hypervisor-hosts-list filter="num_vms==2" limit=3 page=1

Context Example#

"NutanixHypervisor": {
"Host": {
"boot_time": "2020-11-22T14:13:52.399817+00:00",
"boot_time_in_usecs": 1606054432399817,
"cluster_uuid": "asra1631-a234-zxd1-aa23-azxr124z23aq",
"controller_vm_backplane_ip": "",
"cpu_model": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4216 CPU @ 2.10GHz",
"has_csr": false,
"host_type": "HYPER_CONVERGED",
"hypervisor_address": "",
"hypervisor_full_name": "Nutanix 20190916.321",
"hypervisor_key": "",
"hypervisor_type": "kKvm",
"hypervisor_username": "root",
"is_degraded": false,
"is_hardware_virtualized": false,
"is_secure_booted": false,
"management_server_name": "",
"monitored": true,
"name": "NTNX-386a5fb4-A",
"num_cpu_cores": 8,
"num_cpu_sockets": 2,
"num_cpu_threads": 8,
"num_vms": 2,
"reboot_pending": false,
"serial": "59bc015e-a22d-41ab-9ce2-a96164955e9q",
"service_vmexternal_ip": "",
"service_vmid": "asra1631-a234-zxd1-aa23-azxr124z23aq::2",
"state": "NORMAL",
"uuid": "59bc015e-a22d-41ab-9ce2-a96164955e9q",
"vzone_name": ""

Human Readable Output#

Nutanix Hosts List#

falseHYPER_CONVERGED59bc015e-a22d-41ab-9ce2-a96164955e9q2020-11-22T14:13:52.399817+00:00kKvm2Nutanix 20190916.321root59bc015e-a22d-41ab-9ce2-a96164955e9q192.168.1.1112false192.168.1.111truefalseNORMAL8NTNX-386a5fb4-Aasra1631-a234-zxd1-aa23-azxr124z23aq::2192.168.1.111falseasra1631-a234-zxd1-aa23-azxr124z23aqfalse192.168.1.111Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4216 CPU @ 2.10GHz8192.168.1.1111606054432399817


Gets a list of virtual machines.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
filterRetrieve virtual machines that matches the filters given. . Nutanix filters can be one of the field returned in the response by nutanix GET VMs API call. Some of the fields in the response are not supported. Known filters Nutanix service supports are: machine_type, power_state, ha_priority, uefi_boot. You can try to enter your own filter, but if Nutanix does not support the filter, an error will be thrown specifying the filter is invalid. Each filter is written in the following way: filter_name==filter_value or filter_name!=filter_value. Possible combinations of OR (using comma ',') and AND (using semicolon ';'), for Example: machine_type==pc;power_state!=off,ha_priority==0 is parsed by Nutanix the following way: Return all virtual machines s.t (machine type == pc AND power_state != off) OR ha_priority == 0.Optional
limitMaximum number of virtual machines to retrieve. Default is 50.Optional
offsetThe offset to start retrieving virtual machines.Optional

Context Output#

NutanixHypervisor.VM.affinity.policyStringAffinity policy.
NutanixHypervisor.VM.affinity.host_uuidsStringList of host UUIDs of the affinity.
NutanixHypervisor.VM.allow_live_migrateBooleanWhether the virtual machine allows live migration.
NutanixHypervisor.VM.gpus_assignedBooleanWhether the virtual machine has GPUs assigned.
NutanixHypervisor.VM.boot.uefi_bootBooleanWhether the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface boots.
NutanixHypervisor.VM.ha_priorityNumberHigh availability priority.
NutanixHypervisor.VM.host_uuidStringHost UUID of the virtual machine.
NutanixHypervisor.VM.memory_mbNumberThe memory size in megabytes.
NutanixHypervisor.VM.nameStringThe name of the virtual machine.
NutanixHypervisor.VM.num_cores_per_vcpuNumberNumber of cores per vCPU.
NutanixHypervisor.VM.num_vcpusNumberNumber of vCPUs.
NutanixHypervisor.VM.power_stateStringThe virtual machine current power state.
NutanixHypervisor.VM.timezoneStringThe virtual machine time zone.
NutanixHypervisor.VM.uuidStringThe UUID of the virtual machine.
NutanixHypervisor.VM.vm_features.AGENT_VMBooleanWhether the virtual machine has the AGENT VM feature.
NutanixHypervisor.VM.vm_features.VGA_CONSOLEBooleanWhether the virtual machine has the VGA CONSOLE feature.
NutanixHypervisor.VM.vm_logical_timestampNumberThe logical timestamp of the virtual machine.
NutanixHypervisor.VM.machine_typeStringThe machine type of the virtual machine.

Command Example#

!nutanix-hypervisor-vms-list filter="machine_type==pc,power_state!=off" length=3 offset=0

Context Example#

"NutanixHypervisor": {
"VM": {
"affinity": {
"host_uuids": [
"policy": "AFFINITY"
"allow_live_migrate": false,
"boot": {
"uefi_boot": false
"gpus_assigned": false,
"ha_priority": 0,
"host_uuid": "59bc015e-a22d-41ab-9ce2-a96164955e9q",
"machine_type": "pc",
"memory_mb": 4096,
"name": "CentOS7_Test",
"num_cores_per_vcpu": 2,
"num_vcpus": 2,
"power_state": "on",
"timezone": "UTC",
"uuid": "16c3d845-dc54-4fb1-bfc8-7671dd230967",
"vm_features": {
"AGENT_VM": false,
"vm_logical_timestamp": 243

Human Readable Output#

Nutanix Virtual Machines List#



Sets the power state of a virtual machine. If the virtual machine is being powered on and no host is specified, the host with the most available CPU and memory will be chosen. Note that such a host may not be available. If the virtual machine is being power cycled, a different host can be specified to start it on. The command returns a task UUID that can be monitored by the nutanix-hypervisor-task-results-get command.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
vm_uuidID of the virtual machine to change its power status. Virtual machine ID is the 'uuid' field returned for by command 'nutanix-hypervisor-vms-list'.Required
host_uuidThe UUID of the host to be used to run the virtual machine if the virtual machine is transitioned with 'ON' or 'POWERCYCLE'. Host ID is the 'uuid' field returned for by command 'nutanix-hypervisor-hosts-list'.Optional
transitionThe new power state to which you want to transfer the virtual machine to. Possible values are: ON, OFF, POWERCYCLE, RESET, PAUSE, SUSPEND, RESUME, SAVE, ACPI_SHUTDOWN, ACPI_REBOOT.Required

Context Output#

NutanixHypervisor.VMPowerStatus.task_uuidStringThe task UUID returned by Nutanix service for the power status change request. With this task UUID the task status can be monitored by using the nutanix-hypervisor-task-results-get command.

Command Example#

!nutanix-hypervisor-vm-powerstatus-change vm_uuid=16c3d845-dc54-4fb1-bfc8-7671dd230967 transition=ON

Context Example#

"NutanixHypervisor": {
"VMPowerStatus": {
"task_uuid": "7f522fb2-1b19-491a-ab49-763f48be8712"

Human Readable Output#




Returns the results of given tasks. If a task is not ready, its status will be returned.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
task_idsComma-separated list of the task IDs to get results to. Task ID is the 'task_uuid' field returned for by command 'nutanix-hypervisor-vm-powerstatus-change'.Required

Context Output#

NutanixHypervisor.Task.timed_outBooleanIndicates if a timeout occurred during the poll request from Nutanix.
NutanixHypervisor.Task.uuidStringThe task UUID.
NutanixHypervisor.Task.meta_request.method_nameStringThe name of the method performed for this task.
NutanixHypervisor.Task.meta_response.error_codeNumberThe error code returned for the task.
NutanixHypervisor.Task.meta_response.error_detailStringThe error details if the error code was not 0.
NutanixHypervisor.Task.create_time_usecsNumberThe time the task was created in epoch time.
NutanixHypervisor.Task.create_timedateThe time task was created in epoch.
NutanixHypervisor.Task.start_time_usecsNumberThe start time of the task in epoch time.
NutanixHypervisor.Task.start_timedateThe start time of the task in epoch time.
NutanixHypervisor.Task.complete_time_usecsNumberThe completion time of the task in epoch time.
NutanixHypervisor.Task.complete_timedateThe completion time of the task in epoch time.
NutanixHypervisor.Task.last_updated_time_usecsNumberThe last update of the task in epoch time.
NutanixHypervisor.Task.last_updateddateThe last update of the task in epoch time.
NutanixHypervisor.Task.entity_list.entity_idStringID of the entity.
NutanixHypervisor.Task.entity_list.entity_typeStringType of the entity.
NutanixHypervisor.Task.entity_list.entity_nameStringThe name of the entity.
NutanixHypervisor.Task.operation_typeStringOperation type of the task.
NutanixHypervisor.Task.messageStringTask message.
NutanixHypervisor.Task.percentage_completeNumberCompletion percentage of the task.
NutanixHypervisor.Task.progress_statusStringProgress status of the task, for example, Succeeded, Failed, etc.
NutanixHypervisor.Task.subtask_uuid_listStringThe list of the UUIDs of the subtasks for this task.
NutanixHypervisor.Task.cluster_uuidStringThe UUID of the cluster.

Command Example#

!nutanix-hypervisor-task-results-get task_ids=072f64d8-c737-4230-a1ec-199b449b9795

Context Example#

"NutanixHypervisor": {
"Task": {
"cluster_uuid": "asra1631-a234-zxd1-aa23-azxr124z23aq",
"complete_time": "2021-02-03T15:51:26.579757+00:00",
"complete_time_usecs": 1612367486579757,
"create_time": "2021-02-03T15:51:26.346257+00:00",
"create_time_usecs": 1612367486346257,
"entity_list": [
"entity_id": "16c3d845-dc54-4fb1-bfc8-7671dd230967",
"entity_type": "VM"
"last_updated": "2021-02-03T15:51:26.579757+00:00",
"last_updated_time_usecs": 1612367486579757,
"message": "",
"meta_request": {
"method_name": "VmChangePowerState"
"meta_response": {
"error_code": 0
"operation_type": "VmChangePowerState",
"percentage_complete": 100,
"progress_status": "Succeeded",
"start_time": "2021-02-03T15:51:26.376685+00:00",
"start_time_usecs": 1612367486376685,
"subtask_uuid_list": [
"uuid": "072f64d8-c737-4230-a1ec-199b449b9795"

Human Readable Output#

Nutanix Hypervisor Tasks Status#

asra1631-a234-zxd1-aa23-azxr124z23aq2021-02-03T15:51:26.579757+00:0016123674865797572021-02-03T15:51:26.346257+00:001612367486346257{'entity_id': '16c3d845-dc54-4fb1-bfc8-7671dd230967', 'entity_type': 'VM'}2021-02-03T15:51:26.579757+00:001612367486579757method_name: VmChangePowerStateerror_code: 17
error_detail: Cannot complete request in state InvalidVmState: Cannot complete request in state On


Gets the list of alerts generated in the cluster that matches the filters. Nutanix fetches the latest alerts created if there are more than the defined maximum number of alerts.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
start_timeThe start date in ISO date format, epoch time or time range(<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days). Only alerts that were created on or after the specified date/time will be retrieved. If no time zone is specified, UTC time zone will be used.Optional
end_timeThe end date in ISO date format, epoch time or time range(<number&> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days). Only alerts that were created on or before the specified date/time will be retrieved. If no time zone is specified, UTC time zone will be used.Optional
resolvedIf true, retrieves alerts that have been resolved. If false, retrieves alerts that have not been resolved. Possible values are: true, false.Optional
auto_resolvedIf true, retrieves alerts that have been resolved, and were auto_resolved. If false, retrieves alerts that have been resolved, and were not auto_resolved. Possible values are: true, false.Optional
acknowledgedIf true, retrieves alerts that have been acknowledged. If false, retrieves alerts that have not been acknowledged. Possible values are: true, false.Optional
severityComma-separated list of the severity levels of the alerts to retrieve. Possible values are: CRITICAL, WARNING, INFO, AUDIT.Optional
alert_type_idsComma-separated list of alert type IDs. Will retrieve alerts whose type ID matches an alert_type_id in the alert_type_ids list. For example, alert 'Alert E-mail Failure' has type id of A111066. Given alert_type_ids= 'A111066', only alerts of 'Alert E-mail Failure' will be retrieved.Optional
impact_typesComma-separated list of impact types. Possible values: Availability, Capacity, Configuration, Performance, and System Indicator. Will retrieve alerts whose impact type matches an impact types in the impact_types list. For example, alert 'Incorrect NTP Configuration' has impact type 'SystemIndicator'. Given impact_types ='SystemIndicator',only alerts with impact type 'SystemIndicator', such as 'Incorrect NTP Configuration' will be retrieved. Possible values are: Availability, Capacity, Configuration, Performance, System Indicator.Optional
entity_typesComma-separated list of entity types. Will retrieve alerts whose entity_type matches an entity_type in the entity_types list. For details, see the Nutanix README. If the Nutanix service cannot recognize the entity type, it returns a 404 error.Optional
pagePage number in the query response. Default is 1.Optional
limitMaximum number of physical hosts to retrieve. Possible values are 1-1000. Default is 50.Optional
verboseReceive extended information from Nutanix about alerts. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional

Context Output#

NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.idStringID of the alert.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.alert_type_uuidStringUUID of the type of the alert.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.check_idStringThe check ID of the alert.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.resolvedBooleanWhether the alert was resolved.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.auto_resolvedBooleanWhether the alert was auto resolved.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.acknowledgedBooleanWhether the alert was acknowledged.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.service_vmidStringService virtual machine ID of the alert.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.node_uuidStringNode UUID.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.created_time_stamp_in_usecsNumberThe time the alert was created in epoch time.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.created_timedateThe time alert was created in epoch time.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.last_occurrence_time_stamp_in_usecsNumberThe time of the last occurrence of the alert in epoch time.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.last_occurrencedateThe time of the last occurrence of the alert in epoch time.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.cluster_uuidStringThe cluster UUID of the alert.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.originating_cluster_uuidStringThe originating cluster UUID of the alert.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.severityStringThe severity of the alert.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.impact_typesStringThe impact types of the alert.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.classificationsStringThe classifications of the alert.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.acknowledged_by_usernameStringThe username of whom acknowledged the alert, if the alert was acknowledged by a user.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.messageStringAlert message.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.detailed_messageStringAlert detailed message.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.alert_titleStringAlert title.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.operation_typeStringAlert operation type.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.acknowledged_time_stamp_in_usecsNumberThe time the alert was acknowledged in epoch time.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.acknowledged_timedateThe time the alert was acknowledged in epoch time.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.resolved_time_stamp_in_usecsNumberThe time the alert was resolved in epoch time.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.resolved_timedateThe time alert was resolved in epoch time.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.resolved_by_usernameStringThe username whom resolved the alert, if the alert was resolved by a user.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.user_definedBooleanWhether the alert user was defined.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.affected_entities.entity_typeStringAffected entity type.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.affected_entities.entity_type_display_nameStringThe entity type display name of the affected entities.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.affected_entities.entity_nameStringThe entity display name of the affected entities.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.affected_entities.uuidStringThe affected entity UUID.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.affected_entities.idStringThe affected entity ID.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.context_typesStringAlert context types.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.context_valuesStringAlert context values.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.alert_details.metric_details.comparison_operatorStringComparison operator used in the metric.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.alert_details.metric_details.condition_typeStringCondition type of the alert by metric. Can be: STATIC, THRESHOLD, ANOMALY, SAFETY_ZONE.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.alert_details.metric_details.data_typeStringData type used in the metric. Can be: LONG, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN, STRING.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.alert_details.metric_details.metric_categoryStringMetric category.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.alert_details.metric_details.metric_display_nameStringMetric display name.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.alert_details.metric_details.metric_nameStringMetric name.
NutanixHypervisor.Alerts.alert_details.metric_details.metric_value_detailsUnknownMetric value details.

Command Example#

!nutanix-hypervisor-alerts-list acknowledged=true auto_resolved=true resolved=true start_time=2018-12-31T21:34:54 limit=4

Context Example#

"NutanixHypervisor": {
"Alerts": [
"acknowledged": true,
"acknowledged_by_username": "N/A",
"acknowledged_time": "2020-11-25T15:28:02.804764+00:00",
"acknowledged_time_stamp_in_usecs": 1606318082804764,
"affected_entities": [
"entity_type": "host",
"id": "2",
"uuid": "59bc015e-a22d-41ab-9ce2-a96164955e9q"
"alert_title": "{vm_type} time not synchronized with any external servers.",
"alert_type_uuid": "A3026",
"auto_resolved": true,
"check_id": "asra1631-a234-zxd1-aa23-azxr124z23aq::3026",
"classifications": [
"cluster_uuid": "asra1631-a234-zxd1-aa23-azxr124z23aq",
"created_time": "2020-11-22T14:31:14.675609+00:00",
"created_time_stamp_in_usecs": 1606055474675609,
"detailed_message": "",
"id": "4b12dc84-2a77-4b3a-a40a-2dc47c919caa",
"impact_types": [
"last_occurrence": "2020-11-22T14:31:14.675609+00:00",
"last_occurrence_time_stamp_in_usecs": 1606055474675609,
"message": "The {vm_type} is not synchronizing time with any external servers. {alert_msg}",
"node_uuid": "59bc015e-a22d-41ab-9ce2-a96164955e9q",
"operation_type": "kCreate",
"originating_cluster_uuid": "asra1631-a234-zxd1-aa23-azxr124z23aq",
"resolved": true,
"resolved_by_username": "N/A",
"resolved_time": "2020-11-25T15:28:02.804758+00:00",
"resolved_time_stamp_in_usecs": 1606318082804758,
"service_vmid": "asra1631-a234-zxd1-aa23-azxr124z23aq::2",
"severity": "kWarning",
"user_defined": false
"acknowledged": true,
"acknowledged_by_username": "N/A",
"acknowledged_time": "2020-11-25T15:28:02.851718+00:00",
"acknowledged_time_stamp_in_usecs": 1606318082851718,
"affected_entities": [
"entity_type": "host",
"id": "2",
"uuid": "59bc015e-a22d-41ab-9ce2-a96164955e9q"
"alert_title": "Incorrect NTP Configuration",
"alert_type_uuid": "A103076",
"auto_resolved": true,
"check_id": "asra1631-a234-zxd1-aa23-azxr124z23aq::103076",
"classifications": [
"cluster_uuid": "asra1631-a234-zxd1-aa23-azxr124z23aq",
"created_time": "2020-11-22T14:31:14.619018+00:00",
"created_time_stamp_in_usecs": 1606055474619018,
"detailed_message": "",
"id": "1c63dcd9-3b36-45a6-8991-d28cc661c861",
"impact_types": [
"last_occurrence": "2020-11-22T14:31:14.619018+00:00",
"last_occurrence_time_stamp_in_usecs": 1606055474619018,
"message": "{alert_msg}",
"node_uuid": "59bc015e-a22d-41ab-9ce2-a96164955e9q",
"operation_type": "kCreate",
"originating_cluster_uuid": "asra1631-a234-zxd1-aa23-azxr124z23aq",
"resolved": true,
"resolved_by_username": "N/A",
"resolved_time": "2020-11-25T15:28:02.851706+00:00",
"resolved_time_stamp_in_usecs": 1606318082851706,
"service_vmid": "asra1631-a234-zxd1-aa23-azxr124z23aq::2",
"severity": "kWarning",
"user_defined": false

Human Readable Output#

Nutanix Alert List#

Configuration16060554746756092020-11-22T14:31:14.675609+00:00kWarning1606318082804764trueN/AN/A16060554746756092020-11-25T15:28:02.804764+00:00asra1631-a234-zxd1-aa23-azxr124z23aq::3026{vm_type} time not synchronized with any external servers.asra1631-a234-zxd1-aa23-azxr124z23aq::24b12dc84-2a77-4b3a-a40a-2dc47c919caaControllerVMtrue2020-11-25T15:28:02.804758+00:002020-11-22T14:31:14.675609+00:00A3026kCreateasra1631-a234-zxd1-aa23-azxr124z23aqThe {vm_type} is not synchronizing time with any external servers. {alert_msg}59bc015e-a22d-41ab-9ce2-a96164955e9qfalseasra1631-a234-zxd1-aa23-azxr124z23aqtrue1606318082804758
SystemIndicator16060554746190182020-11-22T14:31:14.619018+00:00kWarning1606318082851718trueN/AN/A16060554746190182020-11-25T15:28:02.851718+00:00asra1631-a234-zxd1-aa23-azxr124z23aq::103076Incorrect NTP Configurationasra1631-a234-zxd1-aa23-azxr124z23aq::21c63dcd9-3b36-45a6-8991-d28cc661c861Clustertrue2020-11-25T15:28:02.851706+00:002020-11-22T14:31:14.619018+00:00A103076kCreateasra1631-a234-zxd1-aa23-azxr124z23aq{alert_msg}59bc015e-a22d-41ab-9ce2-a96164955e9qfalseasra1631-a234-zxd1-aa23-azxr124z23aqtrue1606318082851706


Acknowledges the alert with the specified alert_id.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
alert_idThe ID of the alert to acknowledge. Alert ID is the 'id' field returned for alerts by command 'nutanix-hypervisor-alerts-list'.Required

Context Output#

NutanixHypervisor.AcknowledgedAlerts.idStringID of the alert to be acknowledged.
NutanixHypervisor.AcknowledgedAlerts.successfulBooleanWhether the alert was acknowledged successfully.
NutanixHypervisor.AcknowledgedAlerts.messageStringThe message returned by the acknowledge task.

Command Example#

!nutanix-hypervisor-alert-acknowledge alert_id=da53aaa3-8c29-4b68-9f27-e0927ca694ce

Context Example#

"NutanixHypervisor": {
"AcknowledgedAlerts": {
"id": "da53aaa3-8c29-4b68-9f27-e0927ca694ce",
"message": null,
"successful": true

Human Readable Output#




Resolves the alert with the specified alert_id. Alert ID is the 'id' field returned for alerts by command 'nutanix-hypervisor-alerts-list'

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
alert_idThe ID of the alert to resolve.Required

Context Output#

NutanixHypervisor.ResolvedAlerts.idStringID of the alert to be resolved.
NutanixHypervisor.ResolvedAlerts.successfulBooleanWhether the alert was resolved successfully.
NutanixHypervisor.ResolvedAlerts.messageStringThe message returned by the resolve task.

Command Example#

!nutanix-hypervisor-alert-resolve alert_id=da53aaa3-8c29-4b68-9f27-e0927ca694ce

Context Example#

"NutanixHypervisor": {
"ResolvedAlerts": {
"id": "da53aaa3-8c29-4b68-9f27-e0927ca694ce",
"message": null,
"successful": true

Human Readable Output#




Acknowledges alerts using a filter.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
start_timeThe start date in ISO date format, epoch time or time range(<number>; <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days). Only alerts that were created on or after the specified date/time will be acknowledged. If no time zone is specified, UTC time zone will be used.Optional
end_timeThe end date in ISO date format, epoch time or time range(<number> <time unit>;', e.g., 12 hours, 7 days). Only alerts that were created on or before the specified date/time will be acknowledged. If no time zone is specified, UTC time zone will be used.Optional
severityComma-separated list of the severity levels of the alerts to resolve. Possible values are: CRITICAL, WARNING, INFO, AUDIT.Optional
impact_typesComma-separated list of impact types. Will acknowledge alerts whose impact type matches an impact types in the impact_types list. For example, alert 'Incorrect NTP Configuration' has impact type 'SystemIndicator'. Given impact_types ='SystemIndicator', only alerts with impact type 'SystemIndicator', such as 'Incorrect NTP Configuration' will be acknowledged.Optional
entity_typesComma-separated list of entity types. Will retrieve alerts whose entity_type matches an entity_type in the entity_types list. For more details see Nutanix README. If Nutanix service cannot recognize the entity type, it returns a 404 error.Optional
limitMaximum number of alerts to acknowledge. Nutanix does not have a maximum for the limit, but a very high limit will cause a read timeout exception. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

NutanixHypervisor.AcknowledgedFilterAlerts.num_successful_updatesNumberThe number of the successful alerts acknowledged.
NutanixHypervisor.AcknowledgedFilterAlerts.num_failed_updatesNumberThe number of the failed alerts to acknowledge.
NutanixHypervisor.AcknowledgedFilterAlerts.alert_status_list.idStringID of the status of the alert.
NutanixHypervisor.AcknowledgedFilterAlerts.alert_status_list.successfulBooleanWhether acknowledgement for this task was successful.
NutanixHypervisor.AcknowledgedFilterAlerts.alert_status_list.messageStringMessage returned by the acknowledge operation.

Command Example#

!nutanix-hypervisor-alerts-acknowledge-by-filter end_time=2021-12-22T13:14:15 entity_types=Host severity=WARNING

Context Example#

"NutanixHypervisor": {
"AcknowledgedFilterAlerts": {
"num_failed_updates": 0,
"num_successful_updates": 0

Human Readable Output#




Resolves alerts using a filter.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
start_timeThe start date in ISO date format, epoch time or time range(<number> <time unit>', e.g., 12 hours, 7 days). Only alerts that were created on or after the specified date/time will be resolved. If no time zone is specified, UTC time zone will be used.Optional
end_timeThe end date in ISO date format, epoch time or time range(<number> <time unit>', e.g., 12 hours, 7 days). Only alerts that were created on or before the specified date/time will be resolved. If no time zone is specified, UTC time zone will be used.Optional
severityComma-separated list of the severity levels of the alerts to resolve. Possible values are: CRITICAL, WARNING, INFO, AUDIT.Optional
impact_typesComma-separated list of impact types. Will resolve alerts whose impact type matches an impact types in the impact_types list. For example, alert 'Incorrect NTP Configuration' has impact type 'SystemIndicator'. Given impact_types = 'SystemIndicator', only alerts with impact type 'SystemIndicator', such as 'Incorrect NTP Configuration' will be resolved.Optional
entity_typesComma-separated list of entity types. Will resolve alerts whose entity_type matches an entity_type in the entity_types list. For more details see Nutanix README. If Nutanix service cannot recognize the entity type, it returns a 404 error.Optional
limitMaximum number of alerts to resolve. Nutanix does not have a maximum for the limit, but a very high limit value will cause a read timeout exception. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

NutanixHypervisor.ResolvedFilterAlerts.num_successful_updatesNumberThe number of successful alerts resolved.
NutanixHypervisor.ResolvedFilterAlerts.num_failed_updatesNumberThe number of failed alerts to resolve.
NutanixHypervisor.ResolvedFilterAlerts.alert_status_list.idStringID of the status of the alert.
NutanixHypervisor.ResolvedFilterAlerts.alert_status_list.successfulBooleanWhether the resolution for this task was successful.
NutanixHypervisor.ResolvedFilterAlerts.alert_status_list.messageStringMessage returned by the resolve operation.

Command Example#

!nutanix-hypervisor-alerts-resolve-by-filter limit=2 impact_types=SystemIndicator entity_types=VM

Context Example#

"NutanixHypervisor": {
"ResolvedFilterAlerts": {
"num_failed_updates": 0,
"num_successful_updates": 0

Human Readable Output#

