OctoxLabs Pack.#
This Integration is part of theSupported versions
Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.0.0 and later.
Octox Labs Cyber Security Asset Management platform This integration was integrated and tested with version 4.5.0 of OctoxLabs
Configure OctoxLabs in CortexParameter | Description | Required |
IP | Your Octox Labs Platform IP | True |
API Key | Your Octox Labs API Key. (https://github.com/octoxlabs/py-octoxlabs\#getting-started\) | True |
HTTPS Proxy | Your HTTPS Proxy URL | False |
No Verify | Don't Verify SSL | False |
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
octoxlabs-get-adaptersFetch octoxlabs all adapters
Base Commandoctoxlabs-get-adapters
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.Adapters.count | Number | Adapters count |
OctoxLabs.Adapters.results.id | Number | Adapter id |
OctoxLabs.Adapters.results.name | String | Adapter name |
OctoxLabs.Adapters.results.slug | String | Adapter slug |
OctoxLabs.Adapters.results.description | String | Adapter description |
OctoxLabs.Adapters.results.groups | Unknown | List<string> Adapter groups |
OctoxLabs.Adapters.results.beta | Boolean | Adapter is beta? |
OctoxLabs.Adapters.results.status | Number | Adapter status |
OctoxLabs.Adapters.results.hr_status | String | Adapter human readable status |
octoxlabs-get-connectionsFetch octoxlabs connections
Base Commandoctoxlabs-get-connections
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
page | Page number. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.Connections.count | Number | Connections count |
OctoxLabs.Connections.results.id | Number | Connection id |
OctoxLabs.Connections.results.adapter_id | Number | Connection adapter id |
OctoxLabs.Connections.results.adapter_name | String | Connection adapter name |
OctoxLabs.Connections.results.name | String | Connection name |
OctoxLabs.Connections.results.status | Boolean | Connection status |
OctoxLabs.Connections.results.description | String | Connection description |
OctoxLabs.Connections.results.enabled | Boolean | Connection is enabled? |
octoxlabs-get-discoveriesFetch octoxlabs discoveries
Base Commandoctoxlabs-get-discoveries
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
page | Page number. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.Discoveries.count | Number | Total discovery count |
OctoxLabs.Discoveries.results.id | Number | Discovery id |
OctoxLabs.Discoveries.results.start_time | String | Discovery start time |
OctoxLabs.Discoveries.results.end_time | String | Discovery end time |
OctoxLabs.Discoveries.results.status | Number | Discovery status |
OctoxLabs.Discoveries.results.hr_status | String | Discovery human readable status |
OctoxLabs.Discoveries.results.progress | Number | Discovery progress |
octoxlabs-get-last-discoveryGet last success discovery
Base Commandoctoxlabs-get-last-discovery
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.Discovery.id | Number | Last discovery id |
OctoxLabs.Discovery.start_time | String | Last discovery start time |
OctoxLabs.Discovery.end_time | String | Last discovery end time |
OctoxLabs.Discovery.status | Number | Last discovery status |
OctoxLabs.Discovery.hr_status | String | Last discovery human readable status |
OctoxLabs.Discovery.progress | Number | Last discovery progress |
octoxlabs-search-devicesSearch in your devices
Base Commandoctoxlabs-search-devices
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
query | Query. | Optional |
fields | Fields. | Optional |
page | Page. | Optional |
size | Size. | Optional |
discovery_id | Specific Discovery Id. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.Devices.count | Number | Total devices count |
OctoxLabs.Devices.results | Unknown | List<Dict> Device information |
octoxlabs-get-deviceFetch your device
Base Commandoctoxlabs-get-device
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
hostname | Your device hostname. | Required |
discovery_id | Your device at specific discovery. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.Device | Unknown | <Dict> Octoxlabs Device |
octoxlabs-get-queriesFetch your queries
Base Commandoctoxlabs-get-queries
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
page | Query list page. | Optional |
search | Search text. | Optional |
size | Query list size. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.Queries.count | Number | Queries count |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.id | Number | Query id |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.name | String | Query name |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.text | String | Query text |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.tags | Unknown | List<str> Query tags |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.count | Number | Query device count |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.is_public | Boolean | Query is public? |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.created_at | String | Query created at |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.updated_at | String | Query updated at |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.username | String | Query creator |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.is_temporary | Boolean | Query is temporary |
octoxlabs-get-query-by-idFetch your queries by id
Base Commandoctoxlabs-get-query-by-id
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
query_id | Query id. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.id | Number | Query id |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.name | String | Query name |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.text | String | Query text |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.tags | Unknown | List<str> Query tags |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.count | Number | Query device count |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.is_public | Boolean | Query is public? |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.created_at | String | Query created at |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.updated_at | String | Query updated at |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.username | String | Query creator |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.is_temporary | Boolean | Query is temporary |
octoxlabs-get-query-by-nameFetch your queries by id
Base Commandoctoxlabs-get-query-by-name
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
query_name | Query name. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.id | Number | Query id |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.name | String | Query name |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.text | String | Query text |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.tags | Unknown | List<str> Query tags |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.count | Number | Query device count |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.is_public | Boolean | Query is public? |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.created_at | String | Query created at |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.updated_at | String | Query updated at |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.username | String | Query creator |
OctoxLabs.Queries.results.is_temporary | Boolean | Query is temporary |
octoxlabs-get-user-by-usernameFetch your Users by username
Base Commandoctoxlabs-get-user-by-username
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
username | User username. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.User.results.id | Number | User id. |
OctoxLabs.User.results.email | String | User email. |
OctoxLabs.User.results.username | String | User username. |
OctoxLabs.User.results.name | String | User name. |
OctoxLabs.User.results.first_name | String | User first name |
OctoxLabs.User.results.last_name | String | User last name |
OctoxLabs.User.results.is_active | Boolean | User is active |
OctoxLabs.User.results.is_ldap | Boolean | User is ldap |
OctoxLabs.Users.results.groups | Unknown | List<Dict> User groups |
octoxlabs-get-groupsFetch your Groups
Base Commandoctoxlabs-get-groups
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
page | Group list page. | Optional |
search | Search text. | Optional |
size | Group list size. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.Groups.count | Number | Groups count. |
OctoxLabs.Groups.results.id | Number | Group id. |
OctoxLabs.Groups.results.name | String | Group name. |
OctoxLabs.Groups.results.users_count | Number | Group users count. |
octoxlabs-get-companiesFetch your Companies
Base Commandoctoxlabs-get-companies
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
page | Company list page. | Optional |
search | Search text. | Optional |
size | Company list size. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.Companies.count | Number | Companies count. |
OctoxLabs.Companies.results.id | Number | Company id. |
OctoxLabs.Companies.results.name | String | Company name. |
OctoxLabs.Companies.results.domain | String | Company domain. |
OctoxLabs.Companies.results.is_active | Boolean | Company is active. |
octoxlabs-get-domain-by-domain-nameFetch your Domain by Domain name.
Base Commandoctoxlabs-get-domain-by-domain-name
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
domain_name | Domain name. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.Domain.results.id | Number | Domain id. |
OctoxLabs.Domain.results.domain | String | Domain domain. |
OctoxLabs.Domain.results.tenant_name | String | Domain tenant name. |
OctoxLabs.Domain.results.tenant | Number | Domain tenant. |
octoxlabs-get-company-by-idFetch your Company by id.
Base Commandoctoxlabs-get-company-by-id
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
company_id | Company id. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.Company.results.id | Number | Company id. |
OctoxLabs.Company.results.name | String | Company name. |
OctoxLabs.Company.results.domain | String | Company domain. |
OctoxLabs.Company.results.is_active | Boolean | Company is active. |
octoxlabs-get-permissionsFetch your Permissions
Base Commandoctoxlabs-get-permissions
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
page | Permission list page. | Optional |
search | Search text. | Optional |
size | Permission list size. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.Permissions.count | Number | Permissions count. |
OctoxLabs.Permissions.results.id | Number | Permission id. |
OctoxLabs.Permissions.results.name | String | Permission name. |
OctoxLabs.Permissions.results.app | String | Permission app. |
octoxlabs-get-domainsFetch your Domains
Base Commandoctoxlabs-get-domains
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
page | Domain list page. | Optional |
search | Search text. | Optional |
size | Domain list size. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.Domains.count | Number | Domains count. |
OctoxLabs.Domains.results.id | Number | Domain id. |
OctoxLabs.Domains.results.domain | String | Domain domain. |
OctoxLabs.Domains.results.tenant_name | String | Domain tenant name. |
OctoxLabs.Domains.results.tenant | Number | Domain tenant. |
octoxlabs-get-domain-by-idFetch your Domain by id.
Base Commandoctoxlabs-get-domain-by-id
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
domain_id | Domain id. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.Domain.results.id | Number | Domain id. |
OctoxLabs.Domain.results.domain | String | Domain domain. |
OctoxLabs.Domain.results.tenant_name | String | Domain tenant name. |
OctoxLabs.Domain.results.tenant | Number | Domain tenant. |
octoxlabs-get-company-by-nameFetch your Company by name.
Base Commandoctoxlabs-get-company-by-name
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
company_name | Company name. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.Company.count | Number | Companies count. |
OctoxLabs.Company.results.id | Number | Company id. |
OctoxLabs.Company.results.name | String | Company name. |
OctoxLabs.Company.results.domain | String | Company domain. |
OctoxLabs.Company.results.is_active | Boolean | Company is active. |
octoxlabs-get-usersFetch your Users
Base Commandoctoxlabs-get-users
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
page | User list page. | Optional |
search | Search text. | Optional |
size | User list size. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.Users.count | Number | Users count. |
OctoxLabs.Users.results.id | Number | User id. |
OctoxLabs.Users.results.email | String | User email. |
OctoxLabs.Users.results.username | String | User username. |
OctoxLabs.Users.results.name | String | User name. |
OctoxLabs.Users.results.first_name | String | User first name |
OctoxLabs.Users.results.last_name | String | User last name |
OctoxLabs.Users.results.is_active | Boolean | User is active |
OctoxLabs.Users.results.is_ldap | Boolean | User is ldap |
OctoxLabs.Users.results.groups | Unknown | List<Dict> User groups |
octoxlabs-get-user-by-idFetch your User by id
Base Commandoctoxlabs-get-user-by-id
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
user_id | User id. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.User.results.id | Number | User id. |
OctoxLabs.User.results.email | String | User email. |
OctoxLabs.User.results.username | String | User username. |
OctoxLabs.User.results.name | String | User name. |
OctoxLabs.User.results.first_name | String | User first name |
OctoxLabs.User.results.last_name | String | User last name |
OctoxLabs.User.results.is_active | Boolean | User is active |
OctoxLabs.User.results.is_ldap | Boolean | User is ldap |
OctoxLabs.User.results.groups | Unknown | List<Dict> User groups |
octoxlabs-search-scroll-usersSearch in your users.
Base Commandoctoxlabs-search-scroll-users
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
query | Query. | Optional |
fields | Fields. | Optional |
size | Size. (Default: 50). | Optional |
discovery_id | Specific Discovery Id. | Optional |
scroll_id | Specific Scroll Id. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.ScrolledUsers.count | Number | Total users count. |
OctoxLabs.ScrolledUsers.scroll_id | String | Specific Scroll Id |
OctoxLabs.ScrolledUsers.results | Unknown | List Users information. |
octoxlabs-get-application-detailFetch your application.
Base Commandoctoxlabs-get-application-detail
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
application_id | Your application id. | Required |
discovery_id | Your device at specific discovery. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.Application | Unknown | <Dict> Octoxlabs Application. |
octoxlabs-search-scroll-avmSearch in your AVM.
Base Commandoctoxlabs-search-scroll-avm
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
query | Query. | Optional |
size | Size. | Optional |
discovery_id | Specific Discovery Id. | Optional |
scroll_id | Specific Scroll Id. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.ScrolledAVM.count | Number | Total vulnerabilities count. |
OctoxLabs.ScrolledAVM.scroll_id | String | Specific Scroll Id |
OctoxLabs.ScrolledAVM.results | Unknown | List Vulnerability information. |
octoxlabs-search-scroll-devicesSearch in your devices.
Base Commandoctoxlabs-search-scroll-devices
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
query | Query. | Optional |
fields | Fields. | Optional |
size | Size. (Default: 50). | Optional |
discovery_id | Specific Discovery Id. | Optional |
scroll_id | Specific Scroll Id. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.ScrolledDevices.count | Number | Total devices count. |
OctoxLabs.ScrolledDevices.scroll_id | String | Specific Scroll Id |
OctoxLabs.ScrolledDevices.results | Unknown | List Device information. |
octoxlabs-search-applicationsSearch in your Applications
Base Commandoctoxlabs-search-applications
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
query | Query. | Optional |
fields | Fields. | Optional |
page | Page. (Default: 1). | Optional |
size | Size. (Default: 50). | Optional |
discovery_id | Specific Discovery Id. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.Applications.count | Number | Total applications count. |
OctoxLabs.Applications.results | Unknown | List Application information. |
octoxlabs-search-avmSearch in your AVM
Base Commandoctoxlabs-search-avm
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
query | Query. | Optional |
fields | Fields. | Optional |
page | Page. (Default: 1). | Optional |
size | Size. (Default: 50). | Optional |
discovery_id | Specific Discovery Id. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.AVM.count | Number | Total vulnerabilities count. |
OctoxLabs.AVM.results | Unknown | List Vulnerability information. |
octoxlabs-search-scroll-applicationsSearch in your applications.
Base Commandoctoxlabs-search-scroll-applications
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
query | Query. | Optional |
fields | Fields. | Optional |
size | Size. (Default: 50). | Optional |
discovery_id | Specific Discovery Id. | Optional |
scroll_id | Specific Scroll Id. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.ScrolledApplications.count | Number | Total applications count. |
OctoxLabs.ScrolledApplications.scroll_id | String | Specific Scroll Id |
OctoxLabs.ScrolledApplications.results | Unknown | List Application information. |
octoxlabs-get-user-inventory-detailFetch your user.
Base Commandoctoxlabs-get-user-inventory-detail
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
username | Your user username. | Required |
discovery_id | Your device at specific discovery. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.UserInv | Unknown | <Dict> Octoxlabs User. |
octoxlabs-search-users-inventorySearch in your User Inventory.
Base Commandoctoxlabs-search-users-inventory
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
query | Query. | Optional |
fields | Fields. | Optional |
page | Page. (Default: 1). | Optional |
size | Size. (Default: 50). | Optional |
discovery_id | Specific Discovery Id. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OctoxLabs.UserInventory.count | Number | Total users count. |
OctoxLabs.UserInventory.results | Unknown | List User information. |