OpsGenie v3
OpsGenie Pack.#
This Integration is part of theSupported versions
Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.2.0 and later.
Integration with Atlassian OpsGenie. OpsGenie is a cloud-based service that enables operations teams to manage alerts generated by monitoring tools to ensure the right people are notified, and the problems are addressed in a timely manner. This integration was integrated and tested with OpsGenie.
Some changes have been made that might affect your existing content. If you are upgrading from a previous of this integration, see Breaking Changes.
Configure OpsGenie v3 in CortexParameter | Description | Required |
Server URL (e.g., https://api.opsgenie.com) | True | |
API Token | False | |
Fetch incidents | False | |
First fetch timestamp (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days) | False | |
Max Fetch | False | |
Event types | Fetch only events with selected event types. | False |
Status | Fetch only events with selected status. If query is used, this parameter will be overridden. | False |
Priority | Fetch only events with selected priority. If query is used, this parameter will be overridden. | False |
Tags | Fetch only events with selected tags. If query is used, this parameter will be overridden. | False |
Query | Query parameters will be used as URL encoded values for “query” key. i.e. 'https://api.opsgenie.com/v2/alerts?query=status%3Aopenor%20acknowledged%3Atrue&limit=10&sort=createdAt' | False |
Incident type | False | |
Trust any certificate (not secure) | False | |
Use system proxy settings | False |
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
opsgenie-create-alertCreate an alert in Opsgenie.
Base Commandopsgenie-create-alert
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
message | Alert message. | Required |
alias | Client-defined identifier of the alert. | Optional |
description | Description field of the alert that is generally used to provide detailed information about the alert. | Optional |
responders | Teams/users to whom the alert is routed via notifications. You need to insert it as List of triples - responder_type,value_type,value. The responder_type can be: team, user, escalation or schedule. The value_type can be: id or name. You can retrieve the value from the output of the following commands '!opsgenie-get-teams', '!opsgenie-get-schedules' or '!opsgenie-get-escalations'. For example: schedule,name,test_schedule,user,id,123,team,name,test_team. | Optional |
tags | Comma-separated list of tags to add. | Optional |
priority | Incident priority. Possible values are: P1, P2, P3, P4, P5. Default is P3. | Optional |
source | Display name of the request source. Defaults to IP address of the request sender. | Optional |
note | Additional alert note. | Optional |
details | Comma-separated key=value pairs to use as custom properties of the alert. JSON format is also supported when used within an automation. Examples; details="account=pa,hostname=computer01". | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.Alert.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.Alert.alertId | String | ID of the created alert. |
OpsGenie.Alert.alias | String | Alias of the created alert. |
OpsGenie.Alert.integrationId | String | Integration ID of the created alert. |
OpsGenie.Alert.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.Alert.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.Alert.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.Alert.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.Alert.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
Command Example!opsgenie-create-alert message="Example Message"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
action alertId alias integrationId isSuccess processedAt status success Create 4c4623e3-0b3f-47b7-becd-907d3e51d129-1638366498716 4c4623e3-0b3f-47b7-becd-907d3e51d129-1638366498716 3cc69931-167f-411c-a331-768997c29d2e true 2021-12-01T13:48:18.757Z Created alert true
opsgenie-get-alertsList the current alerts from OpsGenie.
Base Commandopsgenie-get-alerts
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alert-id | The ID of the alert from Opsgenie. | Optional |
sort | Name of the field that the result set will be sorted by. The options are: createdAt, updatedAt, tinyId, alias, message, status, acknowledged, isSeen snoozed, snoozedUntil, count, lastOccurredAt, source, owner, integration.name, integration.type, report.ackTime, report.closeTime, report.acknowledgedBy, report.closedBy. | Optional |
limit | Maximum results to return. Default is 20. | Optional |
offset | Start index of the result set (to apply pagination). Minimum value is 0. Default is 0. | Optional |
status | The status of the alert from Opsgenie. Possible values are: Open, Closed. | Optional |
priority | The priority of the alert from Opsgenie. Possible values are: P1, P2, P3, P4, P5. Default is P3. | Optional |
tags | Comma-separated list of tags. | Optional |
query | URL encoded query parameters. | Optional |
request_id | ID of the polling request. No need to enter a value. | Optional |
paging | The next URL to request. No need to enter a value. | Optional |
result | Result of the previous command. No need to enter a value. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.Alert.acknowledged | Boolean | Whether the alert was acknowledge. |
OpsGenie.Alert.alias | String | Alert alias. |
OpsGenie.Alert.count | Number | Number of alert occurrences. |
OpsGenie.Alert.createdAt | Date | Time the alert was created. |
OpsGenie.Alert.id | String | ID of the alert. |
OpsGenie.Alert.integration.id | String | ID of the integration. |
OpsGenie.Alert.integration.name | String | Integration name. |
OpsGenie.Alert.integration.type | String | Type of the integration. |
OpsGenie.Alert.isSeen | Boolean | Whether the alert was seen. |
OpsGenie.Alert.lastOccurredAt | Date | Time the alert last occurred. |
OpsGenie.Alert.message | String | Alert message. |
OpsGenie.Alert.owner | String | Owner of the alert. |
OpsGenie.Alert.ownerTeamId | String | Team ID of the owner. |
OpsGenie.Alert.priority | String | Alert priority. |
OpsGenie.Alert.responders.id | String | ID of the responders. |
OpsGenie.Alert.responders.type | String | Type of the responders. |
OpsGenie.Alert.seen | Boolean | Whether the alert was seen. |
OpsGenie.Alert.snoozed | Boolean | Whether alert was snoozed. |
OpsGenie.Alert.source | String | Source of the alert. |
OpsGenie.Alert.status | String | Status of the alert. |
OpsGenie.Alert.teams.id | String | ID of the teams associated with the alert. |
OpsGenie.Alert.tinyId | String | Short ID for the alert. |
OpsGenie.Alert.updatedAt | Date | Last time the alert was updated. |
OpsGenie.Alert.report.ackTime | Number | Time the alert was acknowledged. |
OpsGenie.Alert.report.acknowledgedBy | String | User who acknowledged the alert. |
OpsGenie.Alert.report.closeTime | Number | Time the alert was closed. |
OpsGenie.Alert.report.closedBy | String | User who closed the alert. |
Command Example!opsgenie-get-alerts limit=1
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
id createdAt acknowledged count status 4c4623e3-0b3f-47b7-becd-907d3e51d129-1638366498716 2021-12-01T13:48:18.716Z false 1 open
opsgenie-delete-alertDelete an alert from OpsGenie.
Base Commandopsgenie-delete-alert
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alert-id | The ID of the alert from Opsgenie. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.DeletedAlert.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.DeletedAlert.alertId | String | ID of the deleted alert. |
OpsGenie.DeletedAlert.alias | String | Alias of the deleted alert. |
OpsGenie.DeletedAlert.integrationId | String | Integration of the deleted alert. |
OpsGenie.DeletedAlert.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.DeletedAlert.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.DeletedAlert.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.DeletedAlert.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.DeletedAlert.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
Command Example!opsgenie-delete-alert alert-id=69df59c2-41c6-4866-8c03-65c1ecf5417d-1636973048286
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
action alertId alias integrationId isSuccess processedAt status success Delete 3cc69931-167f-411c-a331-768997c29d2e false 2021-12-01T13:48:40.911Z Alert does not exist false
opsgenie-ack-alertAcknowledge an alert in OpsGenie.
Base Commandopsgenie-ack-alert
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alert-id | The ID of the alert from Opsgenie. | Required |
note | Additional alert note. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.AckedAlert.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.AckedAlert.alertId | String | ID of the acknowledged alert. |
OpsGenie.AckedAlert.alias | String | Alias of the acknowledged alert. |
OpsGenie.AckedAlert.integrationId | String | Integration of the acknowledged alert. |
OpsGenie.AckedAlert.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.AckedAlert.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.AckedAlert.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.AckedAlert.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.AckedAlert.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
Command Example!opsgenie-ack-alert alert-id=69df59c2-41c6-4866-8c03-65c1ecf5417d-1636973048286
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
action alertId alias integrationId isSuccess processedAt status success Acknowledge 3cc69931-167f-411c-a331-768997c29d2e false 2021-12-01T13:48:23.374Z Alert does not exist false
opsgenie-close-alertClose an alert in OpsGenie.
Base Commandopsgenie-close-alert
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alert-id | The ID of the alert from Opsgenie. | Required |
note | Additional alert note. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.ClosedAlert.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.ClosedAlert.alertId | String | ID of the closed alert. |
OpsGenie.ClosedAlert.alias | String | Alias of the closed alert. |
OpsGenie.ClosedAlert.integrationId | String | Integration ID of the acknowledged alert. |
OpsGenie.ClosedAlert.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.ClosedAlert.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.ClosedAlert.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.ClosedAlert.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.ClosedAlert.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
Command Example!opsgenie-close-alert alert-id=69df59c2-41c6-4866-8c03-65c1ecf5417d-1636973048286
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
action alertId alias integrationId isSuccess processedAt status success Close 3cc69931-167f-411c-a331-768997c29d2e false 2021-12-01T13:48:38.491Z Alert does not exist false
opsgenie-assign-alertAssign an OpsGenie alert.
Base Commandopsgenie-assign-alert
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alert-id | ID of the Opsgenie alert. | Required |
owner_id | ID of the user to whom the alert will be assigned. Not required if owner_username is present. | Optional |
owner_username | Display name of the request owner. Not required if owner_id is present. | Optional |
note | Additional alert note. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.AssignAlert.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.AssignAlert.alertId | String | ID of assigned Alert |
OpsGenie.AssignAlert.alias | String | Alias of the assigned alert. |
OpsGenie.AssignAlert.integrationId | String | Integration ID of the assigned alert. |
OpsGenie.AssignAlert.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.AssignAlert.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.AssignAlert.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.AssignAlert.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.AssignAlert.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
Command Example!opsgenie-assign-alert alert-id=69df59c2-41c6-4866-8c03-65c1ecf5417d-1636973048286 owner_username=b@g.com
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
action alertId alias integrationId isSuccess processedAt status success Assign 3cc69931-167f-411c-a331-768997c29d2e false 2021-12-01T13:48:24.942Z Alert does not exist false
opsgenie-add-responder-alertAdd a responder to an OpsGenie alert.
Base Commandopsgenie-add-responder-alert
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alert-id | ID of the Opsgenie alert. | Required |
identifierType | Type of the identifier. Possible values are: id, tiny, alias. | Optional |
responders | Team/user to whom the alert is routed via notifications. For now, it can be inserted only one responder at a time. You need to insert it as List of triple - responder_type,value_type,value. The responder_type can be: team or user. The value_type can be: id or name. You can retrieve the value from the output of the following '!opsgenie-get-teams' command. For example: user,id,123 Another example: team,name,test_team. | Required |
note | Additional alert note. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.AddResponderAlert.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.AddResponderAlert.alertId | String | ID of the created alert. |
OpsGenie.AddResponderAlert.alias | String | Alias of the created alert. |
OpsGenie.AddResponderAlert.integrationId | String | Integration ID of the created alert. |
OpsGenie.AddResponderAlert.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.AddResponderAlert.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.AddResponderAlert.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.AddResponderAlert.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.AddResponderAlert.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
Command Example!opsgenie-add-responder-alert alert-id=69df59c2-41c6-4866-8c03-65c1ecf5417d-1636973048286 responders=schedule,name,test_schedule
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
action alertId alias integrationId isSuccess processedAt status success Add Responder 3cc69931-167f-411c-a331-768997c29d2e false 2021-12-01T13:48:26.82Z Alert does not exist false
opsgenie-get-escalationsGet escalations from OpsGenie.
Base Commandopsgenie-get-escalations
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
escalation_id | ID of the escalation. | Optional |
escalation_name | Name of the escalation. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.Escalation.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.Escalation.Id | String | ID of the escalation. |
OpsGenie.Escalation.name | String | Name of the escalation. |
OpsGenie.Escalation.description | String | Description of the escalation. |
OpsGenie.Escalation.ownerTeam | String | Owner team of the escalation. |
OpsGenie.Escalation.rules | String | Rules of the escalation. |
OpsGenie.Escalation.integrationId | String | Integration ID of the escalated alert. |
OpsGenie.Escalation.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.Escalation.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.Escalation.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.Escalation.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.Escalation.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
Command Example!opsgenie-get-escalations
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
OpsGenie Escalations
description id name ownerTeam rules 9a441a8d-2410-43f4-9ef2-f7a265e12b74 Engineering_escalation id: 51d69df8-c40b-439e-9808-e1a78e54f91b
name: Engineering{'condition': 'if-not-acked', 'notifyType': 'default', 'delay': {'timeAmount': 0, 'timeUnit': 'minutes'}, 'recipient': {'type': 'schedule', 'id': '7835aa84-7440-41d5-90bf-92e0045714d5', 'name': 'Engineering_schedule'}},
{'condition': 'if-not-acked', 'notifyType': 'next', 'delay': {'timeAmount': 5, 'timeUnit': 'minutes'}, 'recipient': {'type': 'schedule', 'id': '7835aa84-7440-41d5-90bf-92e0045714d5', 'name': 'Engineering_schedule'}},
{'condition': 'if-not-acked', 'notifyType': 'all', 'delay': {'timeAmount': 10, 'timeUnit': 'minutes'}, 'recipient': {'type': 'team', 'id': '51d69df8-c40b-439e-9808-e1a78e54f91b', 'name': 'Engineering'}}c8a0f950-577c-4da5-894b-1fd463d9f51c Integration Team_escalation id: fbbc3f9a-12f4-4794-9938-7e0a85a06f8b
name: Integration Team{'condition': 'if-not-acked', 'notifyType': 'default', 'delay': {'timeAmount': 0, 'timeUnit': 'minutes'}, 'recipient': {'type': 'schedule', 'id': 'df918339-b999-4878-b69b-3c2c0d508b01', 'name': 'Integration Team_schedule'}},
{'condition': 'if-not-acked', 'notifyType': 'default', 'delay': {'timeAmount': 1, 'timeUnit': 'minutes'}, 'recipient': {'type': 'user', 'id': '154d6425-c120-4beb-a3e6-a66c8c44f61d', 'username': 'dvilenchik@paloaltonetworks.com'}},
{'condition': 'if-not-acked', 'notifyType': 'next', 'delay': {'timeAmount': 5, 'timeUnit': 'minutes'}, 'recipient': {'type': 'schedule', 'id': 'df918339-b999-4878-b69b-3c2c0d508b01', 'name': 'Integration Team_schedule'}},
{'condition': 'if-not-acked', 'notifyType': 'all', 'delay': {'timeAmount': 10, 'timeUnit': 'minutes'}, 'recipient': {'type': 'team', 'id': 'fbbc3f9a-12f4-4794-9938-7e0a85a06f8b', 'name': 'Integration Team'}}
opsgenie-escalate-alertEscalate an OpsGenie alert.
Base Commandopsgenie-escalate-alert
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alert-id | ID of the Opsgenie alert. | Required |
escalation_name | Name of the escalation to which the alert will be escalated. Provide either the ID or name of the escalation. | Optional |
escalation_id | ID of the escalation to which the alert will be escalated. Provide either the ID or name of the escalation. | Optional |
note | Additional alert note. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.EscalateAlert.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.EscalateAlert.id | String | ID of the escalation. |
OpsGenie.EscalateAlert.name | String | Name of the escalation. |
OpsGenie.EscalateAlert.description | String | Description of the escalation. |
OpsGenie.EscalateAlert.integrationId | String | Integration ID of the escalated alert. |
OpsGenie.EscalateAlert.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.EscalateAlert.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.EscalateAlert.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.EscalateAlert.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.EscalateAlert.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
Command Example!opsgenie-escalate-alert alert-id=69df59c2-41c6-4866-8c03-65c1ecf5417d-1636973048286 escalation_id=9a441a8d-2410-43f4-9ef2-f7a265e12b74
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
action alertId alias integrationId isSuccess processedAt status success Escalate 3cc69931-167f-411c-a331-768997c29d2e false 2021-12-01T13:48:31.549Z Alert does not exist false
opsgenie-add-alert-tagAdd tag to the OpsGenie alert.
Base Commandopsgenie-add-alert-tag
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alert-id | ID of the Opsgenie alert. | Required |
tags | Comma-separated list of tags to add to the alert. | Required |
note | Additional alert note. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.AddTagAlert.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.AddTagAlert.alertId | String | ID of the added alert. |
OpsGenie.AddTagAlert.alias | String | Alias of the added alert. |
OpsGenie.AddTagAlert.integrationId | String | Integration ID of the added alert. |
OpsGenie.AddTagAlert.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.AddTagAlert.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.AddTagAlert.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.AddTagAlert.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.AddTagAlert.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
Command Example!opsgenie-add-alert-tag alert-id=69df59c2-41c6-4866-8c03-65c1ecf5417d-1636973048286 tags=1,2,3
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
action alertId alias integrationId isSuccess processedAt status success Add Tags 3cc69931-167f-411c-a331-768997c29d2e false 2021-12-01T13:48:33.376Z Alert does not exist false
opsgenie-remove-alert-tagRemove a tag from the OpsGenie alert.
Base Commandopsgenie-remove-alert-tag
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alert-id | ID of the Opsgenie alert. | Required |
tags | Comma-separated list of tags to remove from the alert. | Required |
note | Additional alert note. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.RemoveTagAlert.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.RemoveTagAlert.alertId | String | ID of the tag removed from the alert. |
OpsGenie.RemoveTagAlert.alias | String | Alias of the removed tag alert. |
OpsGenie.RemoveTagAlert.integrationId | String | Integration ID of the removed tag alert. |
OpsGenie.RemoveTagAlert.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.RemoveTagAlert.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.RemoveTagAlert.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.RemoveTagAlert.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.RemoveTagAlert.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
Command Example!opsgenie-remove-alert-tag alert-id=69df59c2-41c6-4866-8c03-65c1ecf5417d-1636973048286 tags=1,2,3
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
action alertId alias integrationId isSuccess processedAt status success Remove Tags 3cc69931-167f-411c-a331-768997c29d2e false 2021-12-01T13:48:35.606Z Alert does not exist false
opsgenie-get-alert-attachmentsGet the attachments of the alert.
Base Commandopsgenie-get-alert-attachments
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alert-id | ID of the Opsgenie alert. | Required |
attachment_id | Identifier of the attachment. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.Alert.Attachment.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.Alert.Attachment.alertId | String | ID of the alert. |
OpsGenie.Alert.Attachment.alias | String | Alias of the alert. |
OpsGenie.Alert.Attachment.integrationId | String | Integration ID the alert. |
OpsGenie.Alert.Attachment.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.Alert.Attachment.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.Alert.Attachment.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.Alert.Attachment.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.Alert.Attachment.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
Command Example
Human Readable Output#
opsgenie-get-schedulesGet a schedule from OpsGenie.
Base Commandopsgenie-get-schedules
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
schedule_id | ID of the schedule. | Optional |
schedule_name | Name of the schedule. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.Schedule.description | String | Description of the schedule. |
OpsGenie.Schedule.enabled | Boolean | Whether the schedule was enabled. |
OpsGenie.Schedule.id | String | ID of the schedule. |
OpsGenie.Schedule.name | String | Name of the schedule. |
OpsGenie.Schedule.ownerTeam.id | String | ID of the schedule owner. |
OpsGenie.Schedule.ownerTeam.name | String | Name of the schedule owner. |
OpsGenie.Schedule.timezone | String | Timezone of the schedule. |
Command Example!opsgenie-get-schedules
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
OpsGenie Schedule
description enabled id name ownerTeam rotations timezone Schedule when escalation was activated true 5892636c-6183-4788-99d6-6d93b9095194 Escalation Schedule id: fbbc3f9a-12f4-4794-9938-7e0a85a06f8b
name: Integration TeamAsia/Jerusalem true 7835aa84-7440-41d5-90bf-92e0045714d5 Engineering_schedule id: 51d69df8-c40b-439e-9808-e1a78e54f91b
name: EngineeringAsia/Jerusalem 24/7 Shift true df918339-b999-4878-b69b-3c2c0d508b01 Integration Team_schedule id: fbbc3f9a-12f4-4794-9938-7e0a85a06f8b
name: Integration TeamAsia/Jerusalem
opsgenie-get-schedule-overridesGet schedule overrides.
Base Commandopsgenie-get-schedule-overrides
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
schedule_id | ID of the schedule. | Optional |
schedule_name | Name of the schedule. | Optional |
override_alias | Alias of the schedule override. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.Schedule.Override.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.Schedule.Override.alertId | String | ID of the schedule. |
OpsGenie.Schedule.Override.alias | String | Alias of the schedule. |
OpsGenie.Schedule.Override.integrationId | String | Integration ID of the schedule. |
OpsGenie.Schedule.Override.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.Schedule.Override.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.Schedule.Override.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.Schedule.Override.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.Schedule.Override.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
Command Example!opsgenie-get-schedule-overrides schedule_id=5892636c-6183-4788-99d6-6d93b9095194
Human Readable Output#
OpsGenie ScheduleNo entries.
opsgenie-get-on-callGet the on-call users for the provided schedule.
Base Commandopsgenie-get-on-call
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
schedule_id | Schedule ID from which to return on-call users. | Optional |
schedule_name | Name of the schedule from which to return on-call users. | Optional |
starting_date | Start date of the timeline in the following format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ). | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.Schedule.OnCall._parent.enabled | Boolean | Whether this on-call schedule is enabled. |
OpsGenie.Schedule.OnCall._parent.id | String | ID Of the parent on-call schedule. |
OpsGenie.Schedule.OnCall._parent.name | String | Name of parent on-call schedule. |
OpsGenie.Schedule.OnCall.onCallParticipants.id | String | ID of the on-call participant. |
OpsGenie.Schedule.OnCall.onCallParticipants.name | String | Name of the on-call participant. |
OpsGenie.Schedule.OnCall.onCallParticipants.type | String | Type of the on-call participant. |
Command Example!opsgenie-get-on-call schedule_id=5892636c-6183-4788-99d6-6d93b9095194
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
OpsGenie Schedule OnCall
_parent onCallParticipants id: 5892636c-6183-4788-99d6-6d93b9095194
name: Escalation Schedule
enabled: true{'id': '154d6425-c120-4beb-a3e6-a66c8c44f61d', 'name': 'dvilenchik@paloaltonetworks.com', 'type': 'user'}
opsgenie-create-incidentCreate an incident in Opsgenie.
Base Commandopsgenie-create-incident
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
interval_in_seconds | Interval in seconds between each poll. Default is 5. | Optional |
message | Incident message. | Required |
description | Detailed information about the incident. | Optional |
responders | Teams/users to whom the incident is routed via notifications. You need to insert it as List of triples - responder_type,value_type,value. The responder_type can be: team or user. The value_type can be: id or name. You can retrieve the value from the output of the '!opsgenie-get-teams' command. For example: user,id,123,team,name,test_team. | Optional |
tags | Comma-separated list of tags to add. | Optional |
priority | Incident Priority. Possible values are: P1, P2, P3, P4, P5. Default is P3. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.Incident.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.Incident.incidentId | String | ID of the created incident. |
OpsGenie.Incident.integrationId | String | Integration ID of the created alert. |
OpsGenie.Incident.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.Incident.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.Incident.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.Incident.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.Incident.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
Command Example!opsgenie-create-incident message="test" responders=team,name,test_team,team,name,test_team_1
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
action incidentId integrationId isSuccess processedAt status success Create 4ba53100-30dc-47a6-992a-a96df4d1ba20 3cc69931-167f-411c-a331-768997c29d2e true 2021-12-01T13:48:49.133Z Incident created successfully true
opsgenie-delete-incidentDelete an incident from OpsGenie.
Base Commandopsgenie-delete-incident
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
incident_id | The ID of the incident from Opsgenie. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.DeletedIncident.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.DeletedIncident.incidentId | String | ID of the deleted incident. |
OpsGenie.DeletedIncident.integrationId | String | Integration ID of the deleted incident. |
OpsGenie.DeletedIncident.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.DeletedIncident.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.DeletedIncident.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.DeletedIncident.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.DeletedIncident.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
Command Example!opsgenie-delete-incident incident_id=c59086e0-bf2c-44e2-bdfb-ed7747cc126b
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
action incidentId integrationId isSuccess processedAt status success Delete 3cc69931-167f-411c-a331-768997c29d2e false 2021-12-01T13:48:52.534Z false
opsgenie-get-incidentsList the current incidents from OpsGenie.
Base Commandopsgenie-get-incidents
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
incident_id | The ID of the incident from Opsgenie. | Optional |
limit | Maximum number of results to return. Default is 20. | Optional |
offset | Start index of the result set (to apply pagination). Minimum value is 0. Default is 0. | Optional |
status | The status of the alert from Opsgenie. Possible values are: Open, Closed. | Optional |
priority | Incident Priority. Possible values are: P1, P2, P3, P4, P5. Default is P3. | Optional |
tags | Comma-separated list of tags to add. | Optional |
query | URL encoded query parameters. | Optional |
request_id | ID of the polling request. No need to enter a value. | Optional |
paging | The next URL to request. No need to enter a value. | Optional |
result | Result of the previous command. No need to enter a value. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.Incident.count | Number | The number of alert occurrences. |
OpsGenie.Incident.createdAt | Date | Time the alert was created. |
OpsGenie.Incident.incidentId | String | ID of the alert. |
OpsGenie.Incident.integration.id | String | ID of the integration. |
OpsGenie.Incident.integration.name | String | Integration name |
OpsGenie.Incident.integration.type | String | Type of the integration. |
OpsGenie.Incident.message | String | Alert message. |
OpsGenie.Incident.ownerTeam | String | Team ID of the owner. |
OpsGenie.Incident.priority | String | Alert priority. |
OpsGenie.Incident.responders.id | String | ID of the responders. |
OpsGenie.Incident.responders.type | String | Type of the responders. |
OpsGenie.Incident.status | String | Status of the alert. |
OpsGenie.Incident.tinyId | String | Short ID for the alert. |
OpsGenie.Incident.updatedAt | Date | Last updated time for the alert. |
Command Example!opsgenie-get-incidents limit=1
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
id createdAt status 4ba53100-30dc-47a6-992a-a96df4d1ba20 2021-12-01T13:48:49.006Z open
opsgenie-close-incidentClose an incident from OpsGenie.
Base Commandopsgenie-close-incident
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
incident_id | The ID of the incident from Opsgenie. | Required |
note | Additional incident note. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.ClosedIncident.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.ClosedIncident.incidentId | String | ID of the closed incident. |
OpsGenie.ClosedIncident.integrationId | String | Integration ID of the closed incident |
OpsGenie.ClosedIncident.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.ClosedIncident.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.ClosedIncident.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.ClosedIncident.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.ClosedIncident.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
Command Example!opsgenie-close-incident incident_id=c59086e0-bf2c-44e2-bdfb-ed7747cc126b
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
action incidentId integrationId isSuccess processedAt status success Close 3cc69931-167f-411c-a331-768997c29d2e false 2021-12-01T13:48:50.974Z false
opsgenie-resolve-incidentResolve an incident from OpsGenie.
Base Commandopsgenie-resolve-incident
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
incident_id | The ID of the incident from Opsgenie. | Required |
note | Additional incident note. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.ResolvedIncident.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.ResolvedIncident.incidentId | String | ID of the closed incident. |
OpsGenie.ResolvedIncident.integrationId | String | Integration ID of the closed incident. |
OpsGenie.ResolvedIncident.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.ResolvedIncident.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.ResolvedIncident.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.ResolvedIncident.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.ResolvedIncident.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
Command Example!opsgenie-resolve-incident incident_id=b15c7555-d685-4a96-8798-46320618004e
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
action incidentId integrationId isSuccess processedAt status success Resolve 3cc69931-167f-411c-a331-768997c29d2e false 2021-12-01T13:48:57.042Z false
opsgenie-add-responder-incidentAdd a responder to an OpsGenie incident.
Base Commandopsgenie-add-responder-incident
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
incident_id | The ID of the incident from Opsgenie. | Required |
responders | Teams/users to whom the incident is routed via notifications. You need to insert it as list of triples - responder_type,value_type,value. The responder_type can be: team or user. The value_type can be: id or name. You can retrieve the value from the output of the '!opsgenie-get-teams' command. For example: user,id,123,team,name,test_team. | Required |
note | Additional alert note. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.AddResponderIncident.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.AddResponderIncident.incidentId | String | ID of the created incident. |
OpsGenie.AddResponderIncident.integrationId | String | Integration ID of the created incident. |
OpsGenie.AddResponderIncident.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.AddResponderIncident.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.AddResponderIncident.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.AddResponderIncident.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.AddResponderIncident.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
Command Example!opsgenie-add-responder-incident incident_id=577424c1-b03c-4d23-9871-da0d395fea17 responders="team,name,Integration Team"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
action incidentId integrationId isSuccess processedAt status success Add Responder 3cc69931-167f-411c-a331-768997c29d2e false 2021-12-01T13:48:59.193Z Given teams/users already added as responders. false
opsgenie-add-tag-incidentAdd a tag to the OpsGenie incident.
Base Commandopsgenie-add-tag-incident
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
incident_id | The ID of the incident from Opsgenie. | Required |
tags | Comma-separated list of tags to add to the incident. | Required |
note | Additional incident note. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.AddTagIncident.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.AddTagIncident.incidentId | String | ID of the added incident. |
OpsGenie.AddTagIncident.integrationId | String | Integration ID of the added incident. |
OpsGenie.AddTagIncident.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.AddTagIncident.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.AddTagIncident.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.AddTagIncident.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.AddTagIncident.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
Command Example!opsgenie-add-tag-incident incident_id=b15c7555-d685-4a96-8798-46320618004e tags=1,2,3
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
action incidentId integrationId isSuccess processedAt status success Add Tags b15c7555-d685-4a96-8798-46320618004e 3cc69931-167f-411c-a331-768997c29d2e true 2021-12-01T13:49:00.839Z Added tags true
opsgenie-remove-tag-incidentRemove a tag from the OpsGenie alert.
Base Commandopsgenie-remove-tag-incident
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
incident_id | The ID of the incident from Opsgenie. | Required |
tags | Comma-separated list of tags to add to the incident. | Required |
note | Additional incident note. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.RemoveTagIncident.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.RemoveTagIncident.incidentId | String | Incident ID of the remove tag incident. |
OpsGenie.RemoveTagIncident.integrationId | String | Integration ID of the remove tag incident. |
OpsGenie.RemoveTagIncident.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.RemoveTagIncident.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.RemoveTagIncident.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.RemoveTagIncident.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.RemoveTagIncident.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
Command Example!opsgenie-remove-tag-incident incident_id=b15c7555-d685-4a96-8798-46320618004e tags=1,2
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
action incidentId integrationId isSuccess processedAt status success Remove Tags b15c7555-d685-4a96-8798-46320618004e 3cc69931-167f-411c-a331-768997c29d2e true 2021-12-01T13:49:02.53Z Removed tags true
opsgenie-invite-userInvite a user to OpsGenie
Base Commandopsgenie-invite-user
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
username | E-mail address of the user. | True |
fullName | Name of the user | True |
role | Role of user. It may be one of admin, user or the name of a custom role you've created. | True |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.User.Id | String | ID of the User |
OpsGenie.User.name | String | Username of the user |
Command Example!opsgenie-invite-user username=test@example.com fullName="Test XSOAR" role=user
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Id name 3cc69931-167f-411c-a331-768997c29d2e test@example.com
opsgenie-get-teamsGet teams
Base Commandopsgenie-get-teams
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
team_id | The ID of the team from Opsgenie. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.Team.description | String | Team description. |
OpsGenie.Team.id | String | Team ID. |
OpsGenie.Team.links.api | String | Team API links. |
OpsGenie.Team.links.web | String | Team web links. |
OpsGenie.Team.name | String | Team name. |
Command Example!opsgenie-get-teams
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
OpsGenie Team
description id links name Engineering 51d69df8-c40b-439e-9808-e1a78e54f91b web: https://demisto1.app.opsgenie.com/teams/dashboard/51d69df8-c40b-439e-9808-e1a78e54f91b/main
api: https://api.opsgenie.com/v2/teams/51d69df8-c40b-439e-9808-e1a78e54f91bEngineering Integration Team fbbc3f9a-12f4-4794-9938-7e0a85a06f8b web: https://demisto1.app.opsgenie.com/teams/dashboard/fbbc3f9a-12f4-4794-9938-7e0a85a06f8b/main
api: https://api.opsgenie.com/v2/teams/fbbc3f9a-12f4-4794-9938-7e0a85a06f8bIntegration Team
opsgenie-get-requestGet a request in Opsgenie.
Base Commandopsgenie-get-request
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
request_id | The id of the request to get | Required |
request_type | The type of the request to get | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.Alert.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.Alert.alertId | String | ID of the created alert. |
OpsGenie.Alert.alias | String | Alias of the created alert. |
OpsGenie.Alert.integrationId | String | Integration ID of the created alert. |
OpsGenie.Alert.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.Alert.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.Alert.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.Alert.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.Alert.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.Incident.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.Incident.alertId | String | ID of the created alert. |
OpsGenie.Incident.alias | String | Alias of the created alert. |
OpsGenie.Incident.integrationId | String | Integration ID of the created alert. |
OpsGenie.Incident.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.Incident.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.Incident.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.Incident.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.Incident.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
Command Exampleopsgenie-get-request request_id=b79800b2-4378-4249-8677-0bf2332b8a1f request_type=alerts"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
action alertId alias integrationId isSuccess processedAt status success Create 4c4623e3-0b3f-47b7-becd-907d3e51d129-1638366498716 4c4623e3-0b3f-47b7-becd-907d3e51d129-1638366498716 3cc69931-167f-411c-a331-768997c29d2e true 2021-12-01T13:48:18.757Z Created alert true
Breaking changes from the previous version of this integration - OpsGenie v3#
CommandsRemoved the following commands in this version:
- opsgenie-list-alerts - this command was replaced by opsgenie-get-alerts.
- opsgenie-get-alert - this command was replaced by opsgenie-get-alerts.
- opsgenie-get-schedule - this command was replaced by opsgenie-get-schedules.
- opsgenie-list-schedules - this command was replaced by opsgenie-get-schedules.
Arguments- In the opsgenie-get-on-call command, the schedule-id argument was replaced by the schedule_id and schedule_name arguments.
- In the opsgenie-create-alert command, the default value of the priority argument was changed to 'P3'.
OutputsIn the opsgenie-create-alert command the following outputs were replaced:
- OpsGenieV2.CreatedAlert.action - replaced by OpsGenie.Alert.action.
- OpsGenieV2.CreatedAlert.alertId - replaced by OpsGenie.Alert.alertId.
- OpsGenieV2.CreatedAlert.alias - replaced by OpsGenie.Alert.alias.
- OpsGenieV2.CreatedAlert.integrationId - replaced by OpsGenie.Alert.integrationId.
- OpsGenieV2.CreatedAlert.isSuccess - replaced by OpsGenie.Alert.isSuccess.
- OpsGenieV2.CreatedAlert.processedAt - replaced by OpsGenie.Alert.processedAt.
- OpsGenieV2.CreatedAlert.requestId - replaced by OpsGenie.Alert.requestId.
- OpsGenieV2.CreatedAlert.status - replaced by OpsGenie.Alert.status.
- OpsGenieV2.CreatedAlert.success - replaced by OpsGenie.Alert.success.
In the opsgenie-delete-alert command the following outputs were replaced:
- OpsGenieV2.DeletedAlert.action - replaced by OpsGenie.DeletedAlert.action.
- OpsGenieV2.DeletedAlert.alertId - replaced by OpsGenie.DeletedAlert.alertId.
- OpsGenieV2.DeletedAlert.alias - replaced by OpsGenie.DeletedAlert.alias.
- OpsGenieV2.DeletedAlert.integrationId - replaced by OpsGenie.DeletedAlert.integrationId.
- OpsGenieV2.DeletedAlert.isSuccess - replaced by OpsGenie.DeletedAlert.isSuccess.
- OpsGenieV2.DeletedAlert.processedAt - replaced by OpsGenie.DeletedAlert.processedAt.
- OpsGenieV2.DeletedAlert.requestId - replaced by OpsGenie.DeletedAlert.requestId.
- OpsGenieV2.DeletedAlert.status - replaced by OpsGenie.DeletedAlert.status.
- OpsGenieV2.DeletedAlert.success - replaced by OpsGenie.DeletedAlert.success.
In the opsgenie-ack-alert command the following outputs were replaced:
- OpsGenieV2.AckedAlert.action - replaced by OpsGenie.AckedAlert.action.
- OpsGenieV2.AckedAlert.alertId -replaced by OpsGenie.AckedAlert.alertId.
- OpsGenieV2.AckedAlert.alias -replaced by OpsGenie.AckedAlert.alias.
- OpsGenieV2.AckedAlert.integrationId - replaced by OpsGenie.AckedAlert.integrationId.
- OpsGenieV2.AckedAlert.isSuccess - replaced by OpsGenie.AckedAlert.isSuccess.
- OpsGenieV2.AckedAlert.processedAt - replaced by OpsGenie.AckedAlert.processedAt.
- OpsGenieV2.AckedAlert.requestId - replaced by OpsGenie.AckedAlert.requestId.
- OpsGenieV2.AckedAlert.status - replaced by OpsGenie.AckedAlert.status.
- OpsGenieV2.AckedAlert.success - replaced by OpsGenie.AckedAlert.success.
In the opsgenie-get-on-call command the following outputs were replaced:
- OpsGenieV2.OnCall._parent.enabled - replaced by OpsGenie.Schedule.OnCall._parent.enabled.
- OpsGenieV2.OnCall._parent.id - replaced by OpsGenie.Schedule.OnCall._parent.id.
- OpsGenieV2.OnCall._parent.name - replaced by OpsGenie.Schedule.OnCall._parent.name.
- OpsGenieV2.OnCall.onCallParticipants.id - replaced by OpsGenie.Schedule.OnCall.onCallParticipants.id.
- OpsGenieV2.OnCall.onCallParticipants.name - replaced by OpsGenie.Schedule.OnCall.onCallParticipants.name.
- OpsGenieV2.OnCall.onCallParticipants.type - replaced by OpsGenie.Schedule.OnCall.onCallParticipants.type.
In the opsgenie-close-alert command the following outputs were replaced:
- OpsGenieV2.CloseAlert.action - replaced by OpsGenie.ClosedAlert.action.
- OpsGenieV2.CloseAlert.alertId - replaced by OpsGenie.ClosedAlert.alertId.
- OpsGenieV2.CloseAlert.alias - replaced by OpsGenie.ClosedAlert.alias.
- OpsGenieV2.CloseAlert.integrationId - replaced by OpsGenie.ClosedAlert.integrationId.
- OpsGenieV2.CloseAlert.isSuccess - replaced by OpsGenie.ClosedAlert.isSuccess.
- OpsGenieV2.CloseAlert.processedAt - replaced by OpsGenie.ClosedAlert.processedAt.
- OpsGenieV2.CloseAlert.requestId - replaced by OpsGenie.ClosedAlert.requestId.
- OpsGenieV2.CloseAlert.status - replaced by OpsGenie.ClosedAlert.status.
- OpsGenieV2.CloseAlert.success - replaced by OpsGenie.ClosedAlert.success.
opsgenie-get-team-routing-rulesLists team routing rules.
Base Commandopsgenie-get-team-routing-rules
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
team_id | The ID of the team from Opsgenie. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.TeamRoutingRule.name | unknown | Name of the routing rule. |
OpsGenie.TeamRoutingRule.order | unknown | Order of the routing rule. |
OpsGenie.TeamRoutingRule.id | unknown | ID of the routing rule. |
OpsGenie.TeamRoutingRule.timezone | unknown | Timezone of the routing rule. |
OpsGenie.TeamRoutingRule.teamId | unknown | Team ID of the routing rule. |
OpsGenie.TeamRoutingRule.customerId | unknown | Customer ID of the routing rule. |
OpsGenie.TeamRoutingRule.notify.id | unknown | Notify ID of the routing rule. |
OpsGenie.TeamRoutingRule.notify.name | unknown | Notify name of the routing rule. |
OpsGenie.TeamRoutingRule.notify.type | unknown | Notify type of the routing rule. |
opsgenie-get-alert-logsGets logs of an OpsGenie Alert.
Base Commandopsgenie-get-alert-logs
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alert_id | Alert ID. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.AlertLogs.createdAt | String | Time the alert was created. |
OpsGenie.AlertLogs.log | String | Log of the alert. |
OpsGenie.AlertLogs.offset | String | Offset of the alert log. |
OpsGenie.AlertLogs.owner | String | Owner of the alert log. |
OpsGenie.AlertLogs.type | String | Type of the alert log. |
opsgenie-add-alert-noteAdds a note to an OpsGenie Alert.
Base Commandopsgenie-add-alert-note
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alert_id | Alert ID to add the note to. | Required |
note | Alert note to add. | Required |
user | Display name of the request owner. | Optional |
source | Display name of the request source. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.AddAlertNote.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.AddAlertNote.alertId | String | ID of the created alert. |
OpsGenie.AddAlertNote.alias | String | Alias of the created alert. |
OpsGenie.AddAlertNote.integrationId | String | Integration ID of the created alert. |
OpsGenie.AddAlertNote.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.AddAlertNote.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.AddAlertNote.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.AddAlertNote.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.AddAlertNote.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
opsgenie-add-alert-detailsAdds details to an OpsGenie Alert.
Base Commandopsgenie-add-alert-details
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alert_id | Alert ID to add the details to. | Required |
details | Comma-separated key=value pairs to use as custom properties of the alert. JSON format is also supported when used within an automation. Examples; details="account=pa,hostname=computer01". | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
OpsGenie.AddAlertDetails.action | String | Action of this request. |
OpsGenie.AddAlertDetails.alertId | String | ID of the created alert. |
OpsGenie.AddAlertDetails.alias | String | Alias of the created alert. |
OpsGenie.AddAlertDetails.integrationId | String | Integration ID of the created alert. |
OpsGenie.AddAlertDetails.isSuccess | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |
OpsGenie.AddAlertDetails.processedAt | Date | When the request was processed. |
OpsGenie.AddAlertDetails.requestId | String | The ID of the request. |
OpsGenie.AddAlertDetails.status | String | The human readable result of the request. |
OpsGenie.AddAlertDetails.success | Boolean | Whether the request was successful. |