Palo Alto Networks Threat Vault (Deprecated)
Threat Vault by Palo Alto Networks Pack.#
This Integration is part of theDeprecated
Use Threat Vault v2 instead.
Use the Palo Alto Networks Threat Vault to research the latest threats (vulnerabilities/exploits, viruses, and spyware) that Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewalls can detect and prevent. TIM customers that upgraded to version 6.2 or above, can have the API Key pre-configured in their main account so no additional input is needed. To use this feature, upgrade your license so it includes the license key.
Configure Palo Alto Networks Threat Vault in CortexParameter | Description | Required |
api_key | API Key | True |
insecure | Trust any certificate (not secure) | False |
proxy | Use system proxy settings | False |
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
threatvault-antivirus-signature-getGets the antivirus signature.
Base Commandthreatvault-antivirus-signature-get
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
sha256 | The SHA256 hash of the antivirus signature. | Optional |
signature_id | The signature ID of the antivirus. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Bool | Whether the antivirus signature is active. |
ThreatVault.Antivirus.category | String | The category of the antivirus signature. |
ThreatVault.Antivirus.createTime | String | The time the antivirus signature was created. |
ThreatVault.Antivirus.release | Unknown | The release details of the antivirus signature. |
ThreatVault.Antivirus.sha256 | String | The sha256 hash of the antivirus signature. |
ThreatVault.Antivirus.signatureId | Number | The ID of the antivirus signature. |
ThreatVault.Antivirus.signatureName | String | The name of the antivirus signature. |
Command Example!threatvault-antivirus-signature-get signature_id=93534285
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
active createTime release sha256 signatureId signatureName true 2010-10-01 10:28:57 (UTC) wildfire: {"latestReleaseVersion": 0, "firstReleaseVersion": 0}
antivirus: {"latestReleaseVersion": 0, "firstReleaseVersion": 334, "firstReleaseTime": "2010-10-03 15:04:58 UTC"}7a520be9db919a09d8ccd9b78c11885a6e97bc9cc87414558254cef3081dccf8,
9e12c5cdb069f74487c11758e732d72047b72bedf4373aa9e3a58e8e158380f893534285 Worm/Win32.autorun.crck
fileChecks the reputation of an antivirus in Threat Vault.
Base Commandfile
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
file | The SHA256 hash of the antivirus signature. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
DBotScore.Vendor | String | The vendor used to calculate the score. |
DBotScore.Score | Number | The actual score. |
DBotScore.Type | String | The indicator type. |
DBotScore.Indicator | String | The indicator that was tested. |
File.MD5 | String | The MD5 hash of the file. |
File.SHA1 | String | The SHA1 hash of the file. |
File.SHA256 | String | The SHA256 hash of the file. |
File.Malicious.Vendor | String | For malicious files, the vendor that made the decision. |
Command Example!file file= 7a520be9db919a09d8ccd9b78c11885a6e97bc9cc87414558254cef3081dccf8
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
WildFire File Report
FileType MD5 SHA256 Size Status PE 7e8d3744c0a06d3c7ca7f6dbfce3d576 7a520be9db919a09d8ccd9b78c11885a6e97bc9cc87414558254cef3081dccf8 117760 Completed
threatvault-dns-signature-get-by-idGets the DNS signature. For more information about getting the IDs, see:
Base Commandthreatvault-dns-signature-get-by-id
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
dns_signature_id | The ID of the DNS signature. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Bool | Whether the DNS signature is active. |
ThreatVault.DNS.category | String | The category of the DNS signature. |
ThreatVault.DNS.createTime | String | The time the DNS signature was created. |
ThreatVault.DNS.domainName | String | The domain name of the DNS signature. |
ThreatVault.DNS.release | Unknown | The release details of the DNS signature. |
ThreatVault.DNS.signatureId | Number | The ID of the DNS signature. |
ThreatVault.DNS.signatureName | String | The name of the DNS signature. |
Command Example!threatvault-dns-signature-get-by-id signature_id=325235352
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputDNS signature was not found. Please try with a different dns_signature_id.
threatvault-antispyware-signature-get-by-idGets the antispyware signature. For more information about getting the IDs, see:
Base Commandthreatvault-antispyware-signature-get-by-id
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
signature_id | ID of the antispyware signature. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
ThreatVault.AntiSpyware.firstReleaseVersion | Number | The first released version of the antispyware. |
ThreatVault.AntiSpyware.signatureName | String | The name of the antispyware signature. |
ThreatVault.AntiSpyware.firstReleaseTime | AntiSpyware | The time the antispyware was first released. |
ThreatVault.AntiSpyware.vendor | String | The antispyware vendor. |
ThreatVault.AntiSpyware.latestReleaseTime | String | The latest release time of the antispyware. |
ThreatVault.AntiSpyware.metadata | Unknown | The metadata of the antispyware. |
ThreatVault.AntiSpyware.signatureType | String | The signature type of the antispyware. |
ThreatVault.AntiSpyware.cve | String | The status of the antispyware CVE. |
ThreatVault.AntiSpyware.status | String | The status of the antispyware. |
ThreatVault.AntiSpyware.signatureId | Number | The antispyware signature ID. |
ThreatVault.AntiSpyware.latestReleaseVersion | Number | The latest released version of the antispyware. |
Command Example!threatvault-antispyware-signature-get-by-id signature_id=10001
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Anti Spyware Signature:
signatureId signatureName signatureType status firstReleaseTime latestReleaseTime 10001 Autorun User-Agent Traffic spyware released 2011-05-23 UTC 2020-11-06 UTC
threatvault-ip-geo-getGet the IP address geolocation.
Base Commandthreatvault-ip-geo-get
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
ip | The IP address to search. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
ThreatVault.IP.CountryCode | String | The country code. |
ThreatVault.IP.CountryName | String | The country name. |
ThreatVault.IP.ipAddress | String | The IP address. |
Command Example!threatvault-ip-geo-get ip=
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
IP location:
countryCode countryName ipAddress US United States
ipCheck IP location.
Base Commandip
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
ip | IP address to query, e.g., !ip | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
IP.Address | String | The IP address. |
IP.Geo.Country | String | The country of the IP address. |
DBotScore.Vendor | String | The vendor used to calculate the score. |
DBotScore.Score | Number | The actual score. |
DBotScore.Type | String | The indicator type. |
DBotScore.Indicator | String | The indicator that was tested. |
Command Example!ip ip=
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
IP location:
countryCode countryName ipAddress AU Australia
threatvault-antivirus-signature-searchInitiates an antivirus signature search.
Base Commandthreatvault-antivirus-signature-search
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
signature_name | The signature name to search. | Required |
from | From which signature to return results. Default is 0. | Optional |
to | To which signature to return results. Default is from plus 10. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
ThreatVault.Search.search_request_id | String | The ID that was searched. |
ThreatVault.Search.status | String | The status of the search. |
Command Example!threatvault-antivirus-signature-search signature_name=Worm/Win32.autorun.crck
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Antivirus Signature Search:
from search_request_id search_type status to 0 5d10d1f1-2191-11eb-8c3b-396ee8360b80 panav submitted 10
threatvault-dns-signature-searchInitiates a DNS signature search.
Base Commandthreatvault-dns-signature-search
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
signature_name | The signature name to search. | Optional |
domain_name | The domain name to search. | Optional |
from | From which signature to return results. Default is 0. | Optional |
to | To which signature to return results. Default is from plus 10. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
ThreatVault.Search.search_request_id | String | The ID to search. |
ThreatVault.Search.status | String | The status of the search. |
Command Example!threatvault-dns-signature-search
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
DNS Signature Search:
from search_request_id search_type status to 0 5a2e4b67-2191-11eb-aaa0-476a91ad21a0 dns submitted 10
threatvault-antispyware-signature-searchInitiates an antispyware signature search.
Base Commandthreatvault-antispyware-signature-search
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
signature_name | The signature name to search. | Optional |
vendor | The vendor name to search. | Optional |
cve | The CVE name to search. | Optional |
from | From which signature to return results. Default is 0. | Optional |
to | To which signature to return results. Default is from plus 10. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
ThreatVault.Search.search_request_id | String | The ID to search. |
ThreatVault.Search.status | String | The status of the search. |
Command Example!threatvault-antispyware-signature-search cve=CVE-2015-8650
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Anti Spyware Signature Search:
from search_request_id search_type status to 0 5bb4285c-2191-11eb-b288-43f099eed11d ips submitted 10
threatvault-signature-search-resultsInitiates an antispyware signature search.
Base Commandthreatvault-signature-search-results
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
search_request_id | The ID to search. | Required |
search_type | Search type. "ips" for antispyware, "dns" for DNS, and "panav" for antivirus. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
ThreatVault.Search.search_request_id | String | The ID that was searched. |
ThreatVault.Search.status | String | The status of the search. |
ThreatVault.Search.page_count | Number | The number of results returned in this specific search. |
ThreatVault.Search.total_count | Number | The number of results available for this specific search. |
ThreatVault.Search.search_type | String | The search type. Can be either "ips", "dns". or "panav". |
ThreatVault.Searchf.signatures | Unknown | A list of all the signatures found for this specific search. |
Command Example!threatvault-signature-search-results search_type=dns search_request_id=8e9e2289-218f-11eb-b876-aba382af19b4
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Signature search are showing 10 of 5385 results:
signatureId signatureName domainName category 44101494
malware 45245562
malware 60834054
malware 60834216
malware 63218626
malware 69081944
malware 70722314
malware 82194404
malware 83804135
malware 84099818