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PAT HelpdeskAdvanced

This Integration is part of the PAT Helpdesk Advanced Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.9.0 and later.

Improve the effectiveness of your service provision and resources, and the quality of your IT department. This integration was integrated and tested with version 11.2.3 of PATHelpdeskAdvanced.

Configure PAT HelpdeskAdvanced in Cortex#

PAT Helpdesk URLTrue
Trust any certificate (not secure)False
Use system proxy settingsFalse


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Create a new ticket.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
object_type_idThe object type ID for the ticket.Required
ticket_status_idThe status ID for the ticket. Use hda-list-ticket-statuses to get a list of status IDs.Required
ticket_priority_idThe priority ID for the ticket. Use hda-list-ticket-priorities to get a list of priority IDs.Required
object_descriptionThe description of the object.Optional
ticket_classification_idThe classification ID for the ticket.Optional
ticket_type_idThe type ID for the ticket.Optional
contact_idThe contact ID for the ticket.Optional
subjectThe subject for the ticket.Optional
problemThe problem description for the ticket.Optional
siteThe site for the ticket.Optional

Context Output#

HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.AccountIDstringThe account ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.AssetCategoryIDstringThe asset category ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.AssetIDstringThe asset ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.AssignedUserGroupIDstringThe assigned user group ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.AssignedUserIDstringThe assigned user ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.AssignedUserOrGroupIDstringThe assigned user or group ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.BilledTokensstringThe billed tokens of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.BusinessFunctionIDstringThe business function ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.C12stringThe C12 field of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.C13stringThe C13 field of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.C134CstringThe C134C field of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.C14stringThe C14 field of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.C15stringThe C15 field of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.CalendarIDstringThe calendar ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.ClosedByUserIDstringThe ID of the user who closed the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.ClosureDatestringThe closure date of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.ContactIDstringThe contact ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.CostCenterIDstringThe cost center ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.CustomerContractIDstringThe customer contract ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.DatedateThe date of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.DefaultSolutionIDstringThe default solution ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.EstimatedTaskDurationstringThe estimated task duration of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.EstimatedTaskStartDatestringThe estimated task start date of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.ExpirationDatedateThe expiration date of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.FirstUpdateUserIDstringThe ID of the user who first updated the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.FullTextstringThe full text of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.IDstringThe ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.ImpactIDstringThe impact ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.IsNewbooleanWhether the ticket is new or not.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.KnownIssuestringThe known issue field of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.LanguageIDstringThe language ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.LastExpirationDatedateThe last expiration date of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.LastExpirationIDstringThe last expiration ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.LocationIDstringThe location ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.MailBoxIDstringThe mailbox ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.NextExpirationDatestringThe next expiration date of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.NextExpirationIDstringThe next expiration ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.ObjectDescriptionstringThe object description of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.ObjectEntitystringThe object entity of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.ObjectTypeIDstringThe object type ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.OwnerUserGroupIDstringThe owner user group ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.OwnerUserIDstringThe owner user ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.ParentRecurringTicketIDstringThe parent recurring ticket ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.ParentTicketIDstringThe parent ticket ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.ProblemstringThe problem field of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.ProblemHTMLstringThe problem field in HTML format of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.RemoteIDstringThe remote ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.ScorestringThe score of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.ServiceIDstringThe service ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.SitestringThe site of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.SiteUnReadstringWhether the ticket is unread for the site.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.SolicitsstringWhether the ticket solicits feedback.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.SolutionHTMLstringThe solution in HTML format of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.SourceMailBoxIDstringThe source mailbox ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.SubjectstringThe subject of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.SupplierIDstringThe supplier ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.TagstringThe tag of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.TaskEffortstringThe task effort of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.TemplateTicketIDstringThe template ticket ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.TicketClassificationIDstringThe ticket classification ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.TicketCodestringThe ticket code of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.TicketPriorityIDstringThe ticket priority ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.TicketSolutionIDstringThe ticket solution ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.TicketSourceIDstringThe ticket source ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.TicketStatusIDstringThe ticket status ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.TicketTypeIDstringThe ticket type ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.UnReadstringWhether the ticket is unread.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.UrgencyIDstringThe urgency ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.UserIDstringThe user ID of the ticket.

Command example#

!hda-create-ticket object_type_id=T2 ticket_priority_id=P4 ticket_status_id=S3

Context Example#

"HelpdeskAdvanced": {
"Ticket": {
"data": {
"AccountID": "",
"AssetCategoryID": "",
"AssetID": "",
"AssignedUserGroupID": "",
"AssignedUserID": "S00000C",
"AssignedUserOrGroupID": "S00000C",
"BilledTokens": 0,
"BusinessFunctionID": "",
"C12": null,
"C13": null,
"C134C": null,
"C14": null,
"C15": null,
"CalendarID": "",
"ClosedByUserID": "",
"ClosureDate": null,
"ContactID": "",
"CostCenterID": "",
"CustomerContractID": "",
"Date": "2023-10-04T07:45:09Z",
"DefaultSolutionID": "",
"EstimatedTaskDuration": 0,
"EstimatedTaskStartDate": null,
"ExpirationDate": "2023-10-04T15:45:00Z",
"FirstUpdateUserID": "S00000C",
"FullText": "",
"ID": "12345678C",
"ImpactID": "",
"IsNew": false,
"KnownIssue": false,
"LanguageID": "0",
"LastExpirationDate": "2998-12-31T23:00:00Z",
"LastExpirationID": "",
"LocationID": "",
"MailBoxID": "DEF_MBOX",
"NextExpirationDate": "2998-12-31T23:00:00Z",
"NextExpirationID": "",
"ObjectDescription": "12345678C: ",
"ObjectEntity": "Incident",
"ObjectTypeID": "T2",
"OwnerUserGroupID": "G66C",
"OwnerUserID": "S00000C",
"ParentRecurringTicketID": "",
"ParentTicketID": "",
"Problem": "",
"ProblemHTML": "",
"RemoteID": "",
"Score": 0,
"ServiceID": "",
"Site": null,
"SiteUnRead": true,
"Solicits": 0,
"SolutionHTML": "",
"SourceMailBoxID": "DEFAULT",
"Subject": "",
"SupplierID": "",
"Tag": "",
"TaskEffort": 0,
"TemplateTicketID": "",
"TicketClassificationID": "INC",
"TicketCode": "",
"TicketPriorityID": "P4",
"TicketSolutionID": "",
"TicketSourceID": "",
"TicketStatusID": "S3",
"TicketTypeID": "T2",
"UnRead": true,
"UrgencyID": "",
"UserID": ""
"requestToken": "token",
"result": {
"code": "0",
"desc": "",
"parameters": null,
"subcode": null
"success": true,
"total": 1

Human Readable Output#

Ticket Created#

Object DescriptionObject EntityTicket Classification IDIs NewExpiration DateFirst Update User IDOwner User IDDateAssigned User ID


List tickets.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ticket_idThe ID of the ticket to retrieve.Optional
filterFilters to apply to the ticket list.Optional
pageThe page number to retrieve.Optional
page_sizeThe number of tickets per page.Optional
limitThe maximum number of tickets to return. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.AccountIDstringThe account ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.AssetIDstringThe asset ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.BilledTokensstringThe billed tokens of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.CalendarIDstringThe calendar ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.ClosureDatestringThe closure date of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.ContactIDstringThe contact ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.CustomerContractIDstringThe customer contract ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.DatestringThe date of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.EstimatedTaskDurationstringThe estimated task duration of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.EstimatedTaskStartDatestringThe estimated task start date of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.ExpirationDatestringThe expiration date of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.FirstUpdateUserIDstringThe ID of the user who first updated the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.IDstringThe ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.KnownIssuestringThe known issue field of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.LanguageIDstringThe language ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.LastExpirationDatestringThe last expiration date of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.LocationIDstringThe location ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.MailBoxIDstringThe mailbox ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.NextExpirationDatestringThe next expiration date of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.NextExpirationIDstringThe next expiration ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.OwnerUserIDstringThe owner user ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.ProblemstringThe problem field of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.ProblemHTMLstringThe problem field in HTML format of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.ScorestringThe score of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.ServiceIDstringThe service ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.SiteUnReadstringWhether the ticket is unread for the site.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.SolicitsstringWhether the ticket solicits feedback.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.SolutionstringThe solution of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.SolutionHTMLstringThe solution in HTML format of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.SubjectstringThe subject of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.SupplierIDstringThe supplier ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.TaskEffortstringThe task effort of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.TicketClassificationIDstringThe ticket classification ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.TicketTypeIDstringThe ticket type ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.UrgencyIDstringThe urgency ID of the ticket.

Command example#


Context Example#

"HelpdeskAdvanced": {
"Ticket": [
"AccountID": "C00C",
"AssetID": null,
"BilledTokens": 0,
"CalendarID": null,
"ClosureDate": "2019-04-28T07:04:19Z",
"ContactID": "S24007C",
"CustomerContractID": null,
"Date": "2019-04-25T07:03:48Z",
"EstimatedTaskDuration": 0,
"EstimatedTaskStartDate": null,
"ExpirationDate": "2019-04-28T15:03:00Z",
"FirstUpdateUserID": "S00000C",
"ID": "10000000C",
"KnownIssue": false,
"LanguageID": 5,
"LastExpirationDate": "2019-04-29T10:00:00Z",
"LocationID": "F3C",
"MailBoxID": "DEF_MBOX",
"NextExpirationDate": "2019-04-29T10:00:00Z",
"NextExpirationID": "244C",
"OwnerUserID": "S00000C",
"Problem": "Problem",
"ProblemHTML": "<p>Problem</p>",
"Score": 0,
"ServiceID": "S000X",
"SiteUnRead": null,
"Solicits": null,
"Solution": null,
"SolutionHTML": null,
"Subject": "Problem",
"SupplierID": null,
"TaskEffort": null,
"TicketClassificationID": "INC",
"TicketTypeID": "T4",
"UrgencyID": "U2"

Human Readable Output#


Ticket IDSubjectSolutionDateService IDProblemContact IDOwner User IDAccount ID


Add an attachment to a ticket.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ticket_idThe ticket ID to retrieve details for.Required
entry_idThe file entry ID to attach.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


List attachments for a ticket.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ticket_idThe ticket ID to retrieve details for.Required
limitThe maximum number of tickets to return. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.BlobIDstringThe blob ID of the attachment.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.ContentTypestringThe content type of the attachment.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.DescriptionstringThe description of the attachment.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.EmailIDstringThe email ID of the attachment.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.FileNamestringThe file name of the attachment.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.FirstUpdatestringThe date and time when the attachment was first updated.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.FirstUpdateUserIDstringThe ID of the user who first uploaded the attachment.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.IDstringThe ID of the attachment.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.IsNewstringIndicates whether the attachment is new.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.KBSizestringThe size of the attachment in KB.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.LastUpdatestringThe date and time when the attachment was last updated.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.LastUpdateUserIDstringThe ID of the user who last updated the attachment.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.NotestringAny additional notes about the attachment.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.ObjectDescriptionstringThe description of the object the attachment is associated with.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.ObjectEntitystringThe object entity of the attachment.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.ObjectTypeIDstringThe object type ID of the attachment.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.OwnerUserIDstringThe owner user ID of the attachment.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.ParentObjectstringThe parent object the attachment is associated with.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.ParentObjectIDstringThe ID of the parent object the attachment is associated with.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.RemoteIDstringThe remote ID of the attachment.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.SitestringThe site ID the attachment is associated with.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.TicketIDstringThe ticket ID the attachment is associated with.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Ticket.Attachment.UniqueIDstringA unique ID for the attachment.

Command example#

!hda-list-ticket-attachments ticket_id=A0000001C

Context Example#

"HelpdeskAdvanced": {
"Ticket": {
"Attachment": [
"BlobID": "A0000000C",
"ContentType": "text/plain",
"Description": "test.txt",
"EmailID": "",
"FileName": "test.txt",
"FirstUpdate": null,
"FirstUpdateUserID": "S00000C",
"ID": "A0000000C",
"IsNew": false,
"KBSize": 0,
"LastUpdate": "2023-09-29T08:30:04Z",
"LastUpdateUserID": "",
"Note": "",
"ObjectDescription": "test.txt",
"ObjectEntity": "Attachment",
"ObjectTypeID": "DEFAULT",
"OwnerUserID": "",
"ParentObject": "Incident",
"ParentObjectID": "A0000001C",
"RemoteID": "",
"Site": null,
"TicketID": "A0000001C",
"UniqueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Human Readable Output#

Attachments of A0000001C#

File NameLast UpdateDescriptionObject DescriptionFirst Update User IDObject EntityContent Type


Add a comment to a ticket.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ticket_idThe ticket ID to retrieve details for.Required
commentThe comment text.Required
site_visibleWhether the ticket is visible to the customer site. Possible values are: True, False. Default is False.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!hda-add-ticket-comment comment="here be comment" site_visible=True ticket_id=A0000001C

Human Readable Output#

Comment was succesfully added to A0000001C


List ticket statuses.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitThe maximum number of statuses to return. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketStatus.IDNumberThe status ID.
HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketStatus.NameStringThe status name.

Command example#


Context Example#

"HelpdeskAdvanced": {
"TicketStatus": [
"Description": "New",
"ID": "S1"
"Description": "Other",
"ID": "S10"

Human Readable Output#




Change the status of a ticket.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ticket_idThe ID of the ticket to change status for.Required
status_idThe ID of the status to change the ticket to.Required
noteAn optional note to add with the status change.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!hda-change-ticket-status status_id=S2 ticket_id=1111111111C note=testing debug-mode=true

Human Readable Output#

Changed status of ticket 1111111111C to S2 successfully.


List ticket priorities.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ticket_idThe ID of the ticket to change status for.Required

Context Output#

HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketPriority.IDNumberThe priority ID.
HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketPriority.NameStringThe priority name.


Get ticket history.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ticket_idThe ID of the ticket to change status for.Required

Context Output#

HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketHistory.TicketIDstringThe ticket ID associated with the history entry.
HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketHistory.AccountIDstringThe account ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketHistory.AttachmentsstringList of attachments for the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketHistory.AutEmailCounterstringThe AUT email counter.
HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketHistory.ContactIDstringThe contact ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketHistory.Data.CommentstringThe comment text.
HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketHistory.Data.DatestringThe date of the history entry.
HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketHistory.Data.FromstringThe user who made the change.
HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketHistory.Data.FromIDstringThe ID of the user who made the change.
HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketHistory.Data.ProblemstringThe problem associated with the history entry.
HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketHistory.Data.TostringThe user/team the ticket was assigned to.
HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketHistory.Data.ToIDstringThe ID of the user/team the ticket was assigned to.
HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketHistory.ExternalActionstringThe external action associated with the history entry.
HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketHistory.FullNamestringThe full name of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketHistory.HistoryIDstringThe ID of the history entry.
HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketHistory.OperationDescriptionstringThe description of the operation.
HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketHistory.OperationTypeIDstringThe type ID of the operation.
HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketHistory.UpdateDatedateThe date the ticket was last updated.
HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketHistory.UserIDstringThe user ID of the ticket.
HelpdeskAdvanced.TicketHistory.UsernamestringThe username associated with the ticket.

Command example#

!hda-get-ticket-history ticket_id=1111111C

Context Example#

"HelpdeskAdvanced": {
"TicketHistory": {
"AccountID": "",
"Attachments": null,
"TicketID": "1111111C",
"AutEmailCounter": 0,
"ContactID": "",
"Data": {
"Comment": "testing",
"From": "Solved",
"FromID": "S6",
"To": "In Progress",
"ToID": "S2"
"ExternalAction": false,
"FullName": "John Doe",
"HistoryID": 5667526,
"OperationDescription": "Status change",
"OperationTypeID": 20,
"UpdateDate": "2023-10-04T07:45:35Z",
"UserID": "S00000C",
"Username": "username"

Human Readable Output#

Ticket History: 1111111C#

Update DateTicket IDOperation Type IDOperation Description
2023-10-04T07:45:35Z1111111CStatus change


List users.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
user_idThe ID of the user to retrieve details for.Optional
pageThe page number.Optional
page_sizeThe number of users to return per page.Optional
limitThe maximum number of users to return per page. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

HelpdeskAdvanced.User.IDstringThe user ID.
HelpdeskAdvanced.User.EmailstringThe user's email address.
HelpdeskAdvanced.User.FirstNamestringThe user's first name.
HelpdeskAdvanced.User.LastNamestringThe user's last name.
HelpdeskAdvanced.User.PhonestringThe user's phone number.

Command example#


Context Example#

"HelpdeskAdvanced": {
"User": [
"EMail": "",
"FirstName": null,
"ID": "#GUEST#",
"LastName": "Guest",
"Phone": null

Human Readable Output#

PAT HelpDeskAdvanced Users#

PhoneIDFirst NameLast NameE Mail


List groups.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
group_idThe ID of the group to retrieve details for.Optional
pageThe page number.Optional
page_sizeThe number of groups to return per page.Optional
limitThe maximum number of groups to return per page. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

HelpdeskAdvanced.Group.IDstringThe group ID.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Group.ObjectTypeIDstringThe object type ID of the group.
HelpdeskAdvanced.Group.DescriptionstringThe group description.

Command example#


Context Example#

"HelpdeskAdvanced": {
"Group": [
"Description": "Example",
"ID": "G000C",
"ObjectTypeID": "65"

Human Readable Output#

PAT HelpDeskAdvanced Groups#

Group IDDescriptionObject Type ID