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Prisma Access

This Integration is part of the Palo Alto Networks - Strata Cloud Manager Pack.#

Prisma Access Integration#

Integrate with Prisma Access to monitor the status of the Service, alert and take actions. The integration uses both the Panorama XML API and SSH into the PAN-OS CLI.

Common parameters#

The Server Host or IP parameter is required by both.

SSH connection#

The following commands require the SSH access to be configured:

  • prisma-access-active-users
  • prisma-access-cli-command
  • prisma-access-query

The SSH connection requires the SSH Credentials for CLI, Password and SSH Port are provided.

SSH credentials should be your username and password for the PAN-OS CLI - they can be tested using a standalone SSH client to verify that you are able to connect to the CLI on the SSH port.

API connection#

The following commands require the API access to be configured:

  • prisma-access-logout-user

The API connection requires the API Port and API Key parameters as well as a Device Group or Vsys.

This integration was integrated and tested with version 9.0.7 of Prisma Access

Configure Prisma Access in Cortex#

serverServer Host or IP (e.g., or
portAPI Port (e.g 443)False
keyAPI KeyFalse
insecureTrust any certificate (not secure)False
proxyUse system proxy settingsFalse
device_groupDevice group - Panorama instances only (write shared for Shared location)False
vsysVsys - Firewall instances onlyFalse
sshportSSH PortFalse
UsernameSSH Credentials for CLIFalse


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Force logout a specific user from Prisma Access

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
userUsername to logout. (Without domain name - e.g. jsmith)Required
domainDomain name of the user to logout.Required
computerComputer name to logout.Required
tenant_nameThe tenant name.Optional
Context Output#
PrismaAccess.LogoutUserunknownLogoutUser command results
Command Example#

!prisma-access-logout-user user="jsmith" domain="acme" computer="jsmithPC"


Run a query via the Prisma Access CLI

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
queryQuery to run. Example input: querystring limit=2000 action getGPaaSLast90DaysUniqueUsersRequired
Context Output#
PrismaAccess.QueryResultsunknownQuery results
Command Example#

!prisma-access-query query="querystring limit=2 action getGPaaSActiveUsers"

prisma-access-cli-command (deprecated)#

Run a custom CLI command on Prisma Access

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
cmdCLI command to run (e.g. debug plugins cloud_services gpcs query querystring limit=9000 action getGPaaSLast90DaysUniqueUsers)Required
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!prisma-access-cli-command cmd="show system info | match hostname"

prisma-access-active-users (deprecated)#

Query currently active users.

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitMaximum number of entries to return. Default is 20.Optional
Context Output#
PrismaAccess.ActiveUsersunknownActive Users on Prisma Access
Command Example#

!prisma-access-active-users limit=10