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This Integration is part of the Rapid7 - AppSec Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.9.0 and later.

Rapid7 AppSec integration allows the management of applications vulnerabilities and scans. This integration was integrated and tested with version 1 of rapid7appsec.

Configure Rapid7AppSec in Cortex#

Server URLTrue
Use system proxy settingsFalse
Trust any certificate (not secure)False
API KeyTrue


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Update the severity or The status of the vulnerability.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
vulnerability_idThe ID of the vulnerability (use app-sec-vulnerability-list to get all vulnerability IDs).Required
severityThe severity of the vulnerability. Possible values are: Safe, Informational, Low, Medium, High.Optional
statusThe status of the vulnerability. Possible values are: Unreviewed, False Positive, Verified, Ignored, Remediated, Duplicate.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!app-sec-vulnerability-update vulnerability_id=1111 severity=High

Human Readable Output#

Vulnerability "1111" was successfully updated.


List vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities are aspects of your app that can make it susceptible to attackers. If a vulnerability_id is given, the command will return the information about that specific vulnerability.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
vulnerability_idThe vulnerability ID to get. If using this argument, the pagination arguments are not relevant.Optional
pagePage number of paginated results. Minimum value: 1.Optional
page_sizeThe number of items per page. Maximum value: 1000.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to retrieve. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

Rapid7AppSec.Vulnerability.idStringThe ID of the vulnerability.
Rapid7AppSec.Vulnerability.app_idStringThe ID of the app of the vulnerability (use app-sec-app-list to get more information about the app).
Rapid7AppSec.Vulnerability.root_cause_urlStringThe vulnerability root cause URL. For example:
Rapid7AppSec.Vulnerability.root_cause_methodStringThe vulnerability root cause method. For example: GET.
Rapid7AppSec.Vulnerability.root_cause_parameterStringThe vulnerability root cause parameter. For example: password.
Rapid7AppSec.Vulnerability.severityStringThe severity of the vulnerability.
Rapid7AppSec.Vulnerability.statusStringThe status of the vulnerability.
Rapid7AppSec.Vulnerability.first_discoveredDateThe date the vulnerability was first discovered.
Rapid7AppSec.Vulnerability.last_discoveredDateThe date the vulnerability was last discovered.
Rapid7AppSec.Vulnerability.newly_discoveredBooleanWhether the vulnerability is newly discovered.
Rapid7AppSec.Vulnerability.Variances.idStringThe ID of the vulnerability variance.
Rapid7AppSec.Vulnerability.Variances.original_exchange.idStringThe ID of the original exchange. Original exchange contains the request and the response of the variance.
Rapid7AppSec.Vulnerability.Variances.original_exchange.requestStringThe request details.
Rapid7AppSec.Vulnerability.Variances.original_exchange.responseStringThe response details.
Rapid7AppSec.Vulnerability.Variances.module_idStringThe module ID. Module ID is a reference to the Model Type that related to the vulnerability (use app-sec-module-list to get more information about the module).
Rapid7AppSec.Vulnerability.Variances.attack_idStringThe attack ID. The attack ID is a reference to the attack that is related to the model type (use app-sec-attack-get or app-sec-attack-documentation-get to get more information about the attack).
Rapid7AppSec.Vulnerability.Variances.messageStringThe attack variance message.
Rapid7AppSec.Vulnerability.Variances.proofStringThe attack variance proof.
Rapid7AppSec.Vulnerability.Variances.proof_descriptionStringThe attack variance proof description.
Rapid7AppSec.Vulnerability.vector_stringStringA compressed textual representation of the values used to derive the CVSS score.
Rapid7AppSec.Vulnerability.vulnerability_scoreNumberThe vulnerability CVSS Score.

Command example#

!app-sec-vulnerability-list limit=1

Context Example#

"Rapid7AppSec": {
"Vulnerability": {
"Variances": [
"attack_id": "1111",
"id": "1111",
"message": "The form action points to an HTTP site",
"module_id": "1111",
"original_exchange_id": "1111",
"original_exchange_request": "test",
"proof": "",
"proof_description": "The form action points to an HTTP site"
"app_id": "1111",
"first_discovered": "2023-07-24T13:40:07.64407",
"id": "1111",
"insight_ui_url": "test",
"last_discovered": "2023-09-07T07:11:59.108573",
"newly_discovered": false,
"root_cause_method": "GET",
"root_cause_url": "http://test/user/password",
"severity": "HIGH",
"status": "UNREVIEWED",
"vector_string": "1111",
"vulnerability_score": 2.8

Human Readable Output#


IdApp IdRoot Cause UrlSeverityStatusFirst DiscoveredLast DiscoveredNewly DiscoveredVulnerability Score


List the history of changes for a vulnerability.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
vulnerability_idThe ID of the vulnerability for which to display the history (use app-sec-vulnerability-list to get all vulnerability IDs).Required

Context Output#

Rapid7AppSec.VulnerabilityHistory.vulnerability_idStringThe ID of the vulnerability.
Rapid7AppSec.VulnerabilityHistory.idStringThe ID of the vulnerability history.
Rapid7AppSec.VulnerabilityHistory.create_timeDateThe time the vulnerability was created.
Rapid7AppSec.VulnerabilityHistory.source_typeStringThe vulnerability source type.
Rapid7AppSec.VulnerabilityHistory.source_idStringThe ID of the vulnerability source.
Rapid7AppSec.VulnerabilityHistory.Changes.fieldStringThe vulnerability change's field.
Rapid7AppSec.VulnerabilityHistory.Changes.previous_valueStringThe vulnerability previous value.
Rapid7AppSec.VulnerabilityHistory.Changes.new_valueStringThe vulnerability new value.

Command example#

!app-sec-vulnerability-history-list vulnerability_id=1111

Context Example#

"Rapid7AppSec": {
"VulnerabilityHistory": {
"Changes": [
"field": "SEVERITY",
"new_value": "HIGH",
"previous_value": "MEDIUM"
"create_time": "2023-09-10T10:20:29.202337",
"id": "1111",
"source_id": "1111",
"source_type": "USER",
"vulnerability_id": "1111"

Human Readable Output#

Vulnerability History#

Vulnerability IdIdCreate TimeSource IdSource TypeChanges
111111112023-09-10T10:20:29.2023371111USER{'field': 'SEVERITY', 'previous_value': 'MEDIUM', 'new_value': 'HIGH'}


Create a new vulnerability comment. A vulnerability comment is a resource that allows users to add context to the vulnerability.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
vulnerability_idThe ID of the vulnerability for which to create a comment (use app-sec-vulnerability-list to get all vulnerability IDs).Required
comment_contentThe content of the vulnerability comment.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!app-sec-vulnerability-comment-create vulnerability_id=1111 comment_content="test"

Human Readable Output#

Vulnerability Comment was successfully added to vulnerability "1111".


Update an existing vulnerability comment.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
vulnerability_idThe ID of the vulnerability for which to update a comment (use app-sec-vulnerability-list to get all vulnerability IDs).Required
comment_idThe ID of the Comment to update (use app-sec-vulnerability-comment-list to get all comment IDs).Required
comment_contentThe new content of the vulnerability comment.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!app-sec-vulnerability-comment-update vulnerability_id=1111 comment_id=1111 comment_content="test2"

Human Readable Output#

Vulnerability Comment "1111" was successfully updated.


Delete an existing vulnerability comment.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
vulnerability_idThe ID of the vulnerability for which to delete a comment (use app-sec-vulnerability-list to get all vulnerability IDs).Required
comment_idThe ID of the comment to delete (use app-sec-vulnerability-comment-list to get all comment IDs).Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!app-sec-vulnerability-comment-delete vulnerability_id=1111 comment_id=1111

Human Readable Output#

Vulnerability Comment "1111" was successfully deleted.


List the vulnerability comments. If a comment_id is given, the command will return the information about the specific comment.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
vulnerability_idThe ID of the vulnerability for which to get comments (use app-sec-vulnerability-list to get all vulnerability IDs).Required
comment_idThe ID of the comment to get (use app-sec-vulnerability-comment-list to get all vulnerability comment IDs).Optional

Context Output#

Rapid7AppSec.VulnerabilityComment.vulnerability_idStringThe ID of the vulnerability.
Rapid7AppSec.VulnerabilityComment.idStringThe ID of the comment.
Rapid7AppSec.VulnerabilityComment.author_idStringThe ID of the author who created the comment.
Rapid7AppSec.VulnerabilityComment.last_update_author_idStringThe ID of the author who last updated the comment.
Rapid7AppSec.VulnerabilityComment.contentStringThe comment content attached to the vulnerability.
Rapid7AppSec.VulnerabilityComment.create_timeDateThe date the comment was created.
Rapid7AppSec.VulnerabilityComment.update_timeDateThe date the comment was updated.

Command example#

!app-sec-vulnerability-comment-list vulnerability_id=1111

Context Example#

"Rapid7AppSec": {
"VulnerabilityComment": [
"author_id": "1111",
"content": "test",
"create_time": "2023-09-10T10:20:38.784939",
"id": "1111",
"last_update_author_id": "1111",
"update_time": "2023-09-10T10:20:38.784939",
"vulnerability_id": "1111"
"author_id": "1111",
"content": "test",
"create_time": "2023-09-10T10:23:19.119359",
"id": "1111",
"last_update_author_id": "1111",
"update_time": "2023-09-10T10:23:19.119359",
"vulnerability_id": "1111"

Human Readable Output#

Vulnerability Comment#

ContentIdVulnerability IdAuthor IdCreate TimeUpdate Time


Get the metadata of an attack. AppSec can attempt multiple variations of the same attack on a URL to ensure the security of your applications against a variety of attacks.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
module_idThe ID of the module of the attack (use app-sec-vulnerability-list in order to get the module ID of vulnerability).Required
attack_idThe ID of the attack (use app-sec-vulnerability-list in order to get the attack ID of vulnerability).Required

Context Output#

Rapid7AppSec.Attack.idStringThe ID of the attack.
Rapid7AppSec.Attack.module_idStringThe ID of the attack module.
Rapid7AppSec.Attack.typeStringThe type of the attack.
Rapid7AppSec.Attack.classStringThe class of the attack.
Rapid7AppSec.Attack.descriptionStringDescription about the attack.

Command example#

!app-sec-attack-get module_id=1111 attack_id=1111

Context Example#

"Rapid7AppSec": {
"Attack": {
"class": "Best Practice",
"description": "test.",
"id": "1111",
"module_id": "1111",
"type": "CSPHeaders"

Human Readable Output#

Attack metadata#

IdModule IdTypeClassDescription
11111111CSPHeadersBest Practicetest.


Get the documentation of an attack. The documentation contains the references and description about the attack and recommendations for handling it.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
module_idThe ID of the module of the attack (use app-sec-vulnerability-list in order to get the module ID of vulnerability).Required
attack_idThe ID of the attack (use app-sec-vulnerability-list in order to get the attack ID of vulnerability).Required

Context Output#

Rapid7AppSec.AttackDocumentation.idStringThe ID of the attack.
Rapid7AppSec.Attack.module_idStringThe ID of the attack module.
Rapid7AppSec.AttackDocumentation.referencesStringThe attack reference type and link.
Rapid7AppSec.AttackDocumentation.descriptionStringThe attack documentation description.
Rapid7AppSec.AttackDocumentation.recommendationStringThe attack documentation recommendation.

Command example#

!app-sec-attack-documentation-get module_id=1111 attack_id=1111

Context Example#

"Rapid7AppSec": {
"AttackDocumentation": {
"description": "test.",
"id": "1111",
"module_id": "1111",
"recommendation": "test.",
"references": {
"test3": "test3",
"test2": "test2",
"test": "test"

Human Readable Output#

Attack Documentation#

Module IdIdReferencesDescriptionRecommendation
11111111test2: test
test: test
test3: test


Submit a new scan. A scan encapsulates all the information for a single execution of the criteria defined in the provided scan configuration.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
scan_config_idThe ID of the scan configuration (use app-sec-scan-config-list to get all scan config IDs).Required
scan_typeThe type of the scan. Incremental scans reference the crawl map of the previous scan to identify and attack only new and updated code. Validation/ Verification scans automatically change the vulnerability status depending on whether the vulnerability was found, not found, or unknown when run against the parent_scan_id. Regular scans are designed to crawl all URLs listed in the scan config and provide in-depth results that are relevant to your needs. Possible values are: Regular, Verification, Incremental, Validation. Default is Regular.Optional
parent_scan_idThe ID of the parent scan. Relevant when scant_type=Validation/ Verification. The parent scan ID is the scan that will be updated (in case vulnerability statuses have changed) after submitting the scan. (use app-sec-scan-list to get all scan IDs).Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!app-sec-scan-submit scan_config_id=1111

Human Readable Output#

Scan was successfully submitted.


Get any current scan action. Scan actions values are: "PAUSE", "RESUME", "STOP", "AUTHENTICATE", and "CANCEL". Relevant when the scan is Running and when the scan is on an action (Scan is on an action when moving between statuses. For example: After submitting a new action, the scan has an action before the new status is updated).

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
scan_idThe scan ID to get the action (use app-sec-scan-list to get all scan IDs).Required

Context Output#

Rapid7AppSec.Scan.idStringThe ID of the scan.
Rapid7AppSec.Scan.actionStringThe scan action. Scan actions values are: "PAUSE", "RESUME", "STOP", "AUTHENTICATE", and "CANCEL".

Command example#

!app-sec-scan-action-get scan_id=1111

Context Example#

"Rapid7AppSec": {
"Scan": {
"action": "RESUME",
"id": "1111"

Human Readable Output#




Submit a new scan action. Scan actions values are: "PAUSE", "RESUME", "STOP", "AUTHENTICATE", and "CANCEL". Relevant when the scan status is Running. In case the action is Stop/ Cancel, the status of the scan should be Queued/ Pending/ Running/ Provisioning.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
scan_idThe scan ID to submit the action (use app-sec-scan-list to get all scan IDs).Required
actionThe action to submit. Possible values are: Pause, Resume, Stop, Authenticate, Cancel.Required
interval_in_secondsThe interval in seconds between each poll. Default is 30.Optional
timeout_in_secondsThe timeout in seconds until polling ends. Default is 600.Optional
first_runFirst polling run. Default is 0.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Delete a scan. The scan must be FAILED or marked as FutureObsolete to be deleted.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
scan_idThe scan ID to delete (use app-sec-scan-list to get all scan IDs).Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!app-sec-scan-delete scan_id=1111

Human Readable Output#

Scan "1111" was successfully deleted.


List scans. Scans attack the URLs in your app to identify behaviors that could be exploited by attackers. The specific attack types, URLs, and many other options are set in the scan configuration. If a scan_id is given, the command will return the information about the specific scan.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
scan_idThe scan ID to get. If using this argument, the pagination arguments are not relevant.Optional
pagePage number of paginated results. Minimum value: 1.Optional
page_sizeThe number of items per page. Maximum value: 1000.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to retrieve. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

Rapid7AppSec.Scan.idStringThe ID of the scan.
Rapid7AppSec.Scan.app_idStringThe ID of the app that is related to the scan.
Rapid7AppSec.Scan.scan_config_idStringThe ID of the scan configuration.
Rapid7AppSec.Scan.submitter_typeStringThe type of the submitter of the scan. The values are: USER or ORGANIZATION.
Rapid7AppSec.Scan.submitter_idStringThe ID of the submitter of the scan.
Rapid7AppSec.Scan.submit_timeDateThe submit time.
Rapid7AppSec.Scan.completion_timeDateThe completion time.
Rapid7AppSec.Scan.statusStringThe scan status. For example: COMPLETE or FAILED.
Rapid7AppSec.Scan.failure_reasonStringThe failure reason (In case the scan was failed).
Rapid7AppSec.Scan.scan_typeStringThe scan type. The values are: REGULAR, VERIFICATION, INCREMENTAL, VALIDATION.

Command example#

!app-sec-scan-list limit=1

Context Example#

"Rapid7AppSec": {
"Scan": {
"app_id": "1111",
"completion_time": "2023-09-07T07:12:57.372961",
"id": "1111",
"scan_config_id": "1111",
"scan_type": "VERIFICATION",
"status": "COMPLETE",
"submit_time": "2023-09-07T06:58:18.724285",
"submitter_id": "1111",
"submitter_type": "USER",
"validation_parent_scan_id": "1111"

Human Readable Output#

Scan list#

IdStatusScan TypeSubmit TimeCompletion TimeApp IdScan Config IdSubmitter IdValidation Parent Scan Id


List the engine events from a scan. These logs typically capture specific events that occur during the scanning process.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
scan_idThe scan ID for which to get the engine events (use app-sec-scan-list to get all scan IDs).Required

Context Output#

Rapid7AppSec.EngineEvent.scan_idStringThe ID of the scan.
Rapid7AppSec.EngineEvent.Event.timeDateThe time of the event.
Rapid7AppSec.EngineEvent.Event.eventStringDescription about the event.

Command example#

!app-sec-scan-engine-event-list scan_id=1111

Context Example#

"Rapid7AppSec": {
"EngineEvent": {
"Event": [
"event": "Initializing Scan",
"time": "2023-09-06T14:00:24"
"event": "Engine Version: (64-bit)",
"time": "2023-09-06T14:00:24"
"scan_id": "1111"

Human Readable Output#

Engine Event#

2023-09-06T14:00:24Initializing Scan
2023-09-06T14:00:24Engine Version: (64-bit)


List the platform events from a scan. Platform logs are broader in scope and usually cover various activities and events related to the platform hosting the security scanning tool.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
scan_idThe scan ID for which to get the platform events (use app-sec-scan-list to get all scan IDs).Required

Context Output#

Rapid7AppSec.PlatformEvent.scan_idStringThe ID of the scan.
Rapid7AppSec.PlatformEvent.Event.timeDateThe time of the event.
Rapid7AppSec.PlatformEvent.Event.eventStringDescription about the event.

Command example#

!app-sec-scan-platform-event-list scan_id=1111

Context Example#

"Rapid7AppSec": {
"PlatformEvent": {
"Event": [
"event": "Gathering Seed URLs from app",
"time": "2023-09-06T13:51:55.236413"
"event": "Gathering Seed URLs from scan config",
"time": "2023-09-06T13:51:55.242736"
"scan_id": "1111"

Human Readable Output#

Platform Event#

2023-09-06T13:51:55.236413Gathering Seed URLs from app
2023-09-06T13:51:55.242736Gathering Seed URLs from scan config


Get real-time details of the execution of a scan (for example: Coverage, Attack, and Network details).

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
scan_idThe scan ID for which to get the platform events (use app-sec-scan-list to get all scan IDs).Required

Context Output#

Rapid7AppSec.ExecutionDetail.idStringThe ID of the scan.
Rapid7AppSec.ExecutionDetail.logged_inBooleanWhether the scan succeeded to log in to the app (in case the scan should log in).
Rapid7AppSec.ExecutionDetail.links_in_queueNumberThe number of links in the queue.
Rapid7AppSec.ExecutionDetail.links_crawledNumberThe number of links crawled.
Rapid7AppSec.ExecutionDetail.attacks_in_queueNumberThe number of attacks in the queue.
Rapid7AppSec.ExecutionDetail.attackedNumberThe number of attacks attempted.
Rapid7AppSec.ExecutionDetail.vulnerableNumberThe number of vulnerabilities.
Rapid7AppSec.ExecutionDetail.requestsNumberThe number of network requests.
Rapid7AppSec.ExecutionDetail.failed_requestsNumberThe number of failed network requests.
Rapid7AppSec.ExecutionDetail.network_speedNumberThe network speed.
Rapid7AppSec.ExecutionDetail.drip_delayNumberThe the delay enforced (in milliseconds) between requests to not overload a target web server.

Command example#

!app-sec-scan-execution-details-get scan_id=1111

Context Example#

"Rapid7AppSec": {
"ExecutionDetail": {
"attacked": 8860,
"attacks_in_queue": 0,
"drip_delay": 0,
"failed_requests": 0,
"id": "1111",
"links_crawled": 151,
"links_in_queue": 0,
"logged_in": false,
"network_speed": 215687,
"requests": 2049,
"vulnerable": 328

Human Readable Output#

Execution Detail#

IdLogged InLinks In QueueLinks CrawledAttacks In QueueAttackedVulnerableRequestsFailed RequestsNetwork SpeedDrip Delay


List the scan configuration. A scan configuration defines all the necessary information required to perform a scan of an app. If a scan_config_id is given, the command will return the information about the specific scan configuration. Mainly used to submit scans.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
scan_config_idThe scan config ID to get. If using this argument, the pagination arguments are not relevant.Optional
pagePage number of paginated results. Minimum value: 1.Optional
page_sizeThe number of items per page. Maximum value: 1000.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to retrieve. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

Rapid7AppSec.ScanConfig.idStringThe ID of the scan configuration.
Rapid7AppSec.ScanConfig.nameStringThe name of the scan configuration.
Rapid7AppSec.ScanConfig.app_idStringThe ID of the app that is related to the scan configuration (use app-sec-app-list to get all app IDs).
Rapid7AppSec.ScanConfig.attack_template_idStringThe ID of the attack template that is related to the scan configuration (use app-sec-attack-template-list to get more information about the attack template).
Rapid7AppSec.ScanConfig.incrementalBooleanWhether incremental scanning is enabled.
Rapid7AppSec.ScanConfig.assignment_typeStringThe type of the assignment. For example: ENGINE_GROUP.
Rapid7AppSec.ScanConfig.assignment_idStringThe ID of the assignment (supported for On-Premise engines) (use app-sec-engine-group-list to get more information about the assignment ID).
Rapid7AppSec.ScanConfig.assignment_environmentStringThe environment of the assignment. Values can be CLOUD and ON_PREMISE.

Command example#

!app-sec-scan-config-list limit=1

Context Example#

"Rapid7AppSec": {
"ScanConfig": {
"app_id": "1111",
"assignment_environment": "CLOUD",
"assignment_type": "ENGINE_GROUP",
"attack_template_id": "1111",
"id": "1111",
"incremental": false,
"name": "All Attack Modules (No Auth)"

Human Readable Output#

Scan Config list#

IdNameApp IdIncrementalAttack Template IdAssignment TypeAssignment Environment
1111All Attack Modules (No Auth)1111false1111ENGINE_GROUPCLOUD


List apps. An app owns scan configurations, schedules, scans, and vulnerabilities. Mainly used to understand vulnerabilities and scan configuration outputs. If an app_id is given, the command will return the information about the specific app.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
app_idThe app ID to get. In case of using this argument, the pagination arguments are not relevant.Optional
pagePage number of paginated results. Minimum value: 1.Optional
page_sizeThe number of items per page. Maximum value: 1000.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to retrieve. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

Rapid7AppSec.App.idStringThe ID of the app.
Rapid7AppSec.App.nameStringThe name of the app.

Command example#

!app-sec-app-list limit=1

Context Example#

"Rapid7AppSec": {
"App": {
"id": "1111",
"name": "test"

Human Readable Output#

App list#



List the modules. If a module_id is given, the command will return the information about the specific module. Mainly used to understand the vulnerability outputs.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
module_idThe module ID to get.Optional

Context Output#

Rapid7AppSec.Module.idStringThe ID of the module.
Rapid7AppSec.Module.nameStringThe name of the module.
Rapid7AppSec.Module.descriptionStringDescription about the module.

Command example#

!app-sec-module-list limit=1

Context Example#

"Rapid7AppSec": {
"Module": [
"description": "test..",
"id": "1111",
"name": "Brute Force (Form Auth)"
"description": "Check for OpenSSL Heartbleed Vulnerability",
"id": "1111",
"name": "Heartbleed Check"

Human Readable Output#


1111Brute Force (Form Auth)test..
1111Heartbleed CheckCheck for OpenSSL Heartbleed Vulnerability


List the attack templates. An attack template describes if and how attacks should be executed during the execution of a scan. Mainly used to understand the scan configuration outputs. If an attack_template_id is given, the command will return the information about the specific attack.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
attack_template_idThe attack template ID to get. If using this argument, the pagination arguments are not relevant.Optional
pagePage number of paginated results. Minimum value: 1.Optional
page_sizeThe number of items per page. Maximum value: 1000.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to retrieve. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

Rapid7AppSec.AttackTemplate.idStringThe ID of the module.
Rapid7AppSec.AttackTemplate.nameStringThe name of the module.
Rapid7AppSec.AttackTemplate.system_definedStringWhether the attack template was defined by the system.
Rapid7AppSec.AttackTemplate.browser_encoding_enabledStringA flag that is used to enforce browser encoding on all attacks.
Rapid7AppSec.AttackTemplate.attack_prioritizationStringThe attack prioritization type. The values are: SEQUENTIAL, SMART, and RANDOMIZED.
Rapid7AppSec.AttackTemplate.advanced_attacks_enabledStringA flag to enable advanced attacks.

Command example#

!app-sec-attack-template-list limit=1

Context Example#

"Rapid7AppSec": {
"AttackTemplate": {
"advanced_attacks_enabled": false,
"attack_prioritization": "SMART",
"browser_encoding_enabled": false,
"id": "1111",
"name": "All API Modules",
"system_defined": true

Human Readable Output#

Attack Template list#

IdNameSystem DefinedBrowser Encoding EnabledAttack PrioritizationAdvanced Attacks Enabled
1111All API ModulestruefalseSMARTfalse


List the engines. An engine encapsulates the state and high-level attributes of the components which may be installed and running on a specific on-premise host. If an engine_id is given, the command will return the information about the specific engine.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
engine_idThe engine ID to get. If using this argument, the pagination arguments are not relevant.Optional
pagePage number of paginated results. Minimum value: 1.Optional
page_sizeThe number of items per page. Maximum value: 1000.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to retrieve. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

Rapid7AppSec.Engine.idStringThe ID of the engine.
Rapid7AppSec.Engine.nameStringThe name of the engine.
Rapid7AppSec.Engine.engine_group_idStringThe ID of the engine group.
Rapid7AppSec.Engine.failure_reasonStringFailure reason (in case it failed).
Rapid7AppSec.Engine.statusStringThe engine status.
Rapid7AppSec.Engine.auto_upgradeStringWhether the engine is auto upgraded.
Rapid7AppSec.Engine.latest_versionStringWhether the engine has the latest version.
Rapid7AppSec.Engine.upgradeableStringWhether the engine is upgradeable.

Command example#

!app-sec-engine-list limit=1

Context Example#

"Rapid7AppSec": {
"Engine": {
"auto_upgrade": true,
"engine_group_id": "1111",
"id": "1111",
"latest_version": false,
"name": "engine-test",
"upgradeable": false

Human Readable Output#


IdNameEngine Group IdLatest VersionUpgradeableAuto Upgrade


List the engine groups. An engine group is a resource which defines a container for a logical grouping of engines and therefore the purpose of assigning scans to one of those engines. Mainly used to understand the scan configuration outputs. If an engine_group_id is given, the command will return the information about the specific engine group.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
engine_group_idThe engine group ID to get. If using this argument, the pagination arguments are not relevant.Optional
pagePage number of paginated results. Minimum value: 1.Optional
page_sizeThe number of items per page. Maximum value: 1000.Optional
limitThe maximum number of records to retrieve. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

Rapid7AppSec.EngineGroup.idStringThe ID of the engine group.
Rapid7AppSec.EngineGroup.nameStringThe name of the engine group.
Rapid7AppSec.EngineGroup.descriptionStringDescription about the engine group.

Command example#

!app-sec-engine-group-list limit=1

Context Example#

"Rapid7AppSec": {
"EngineGroup": {
"description": "string",
"id": "1111",
"name": "string"

Human Readable Output#

Engine Group#
