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Resecurity Monitoring

This Integration is part of the Resecurity Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.8.0 and later.

This package allows retrieving asset monitoring results from monitoring tasks that can be configured in Resecurity® CTI and Resecurity® DRM platforms. This integration was integrated and tested with version 1.01 of ResecurityMonitoring

Configure Resecurity Monitoring in Cortex#

Your server URLTrue
API KeyThe API Key to use for connectionTrue
Trust any certificate (not secure)False
Use system proxy settingsFalse


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Retrieve monitoring results from a specific monitor task

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
monitor_task_idMonitor Task ID.Required
pagePage number. The results will be returned only for specified page if param value is not empty.Optional
page_sizePage size. Possible range of values: 1 - 50. Default value is 20.Optional
limitLimit of the records in dataset. Default value is 1000.Optional
modeAffects which results will be included in dataset. Possible values: 1 - only new results, 2 - last results (default value), 3 - all results.Optional

Context Output#

Resecurity.DataBreach.idStringData breach ID
Resecurity.DataBreach.queryStringThe query for which the result was found
Resecurity.DataBreach.detection_dateNumberData breach detection date
Resecurity.DataBreach.emailStringData breach email
Resecurity.DataBreach.usernameStringData breach username
Resecurity.DataBreach.passwordStringData breach password
Resecurity.DataBreach.password_hashStringData breach password hash
Resecurity.DataBreach.saltStringData breach salt
Resecurity.DataBreach.ipStringData breach IP address
Resecurity.DataBreach.source_nameStringData breach source name

Command example#

!resecurity-get-task-monitor-results-data-breaches monitor_task_id=1 limit=2 mode=2

Context Example#

"Resecurity": {
"DataBreach": [
"date": "2016-11-04 21:55:00",
"detection_date": "2023-03-18 13:14:04",
"email": "email@domain.test",
"id": 11192938,
"info": "",
"ip": "",
"password": "",
"password_hash": "71356c329abee63757ecb3f60b5f90be34ab47caa85d41344cea3f9c92f38eea0313bf60650fe2149e4a2e169d492d9b59a71e97d7331d74caa8b054b448cf04",
"query": "domain.test",
"salt": "",
"source_name": "source1",
"username": "JMBStarYT"
"date": "2016-11-30 21:30:00",
"detection_date": "2023-03-18 13:14:04",
"email": "email@domain.test",
"id": 47200407,
"info": "",
"ip": "",
"password": null,
"password_hash": "c2f5c61a8ad5dc1ef8c0478617cac76a",
"query": "domain.test",
"salt": null,
"source_name": "source2",
"username": null

Human Readable Output#

Breaches results from task with ID 1#

2016-11-04 21:55:002023-03-18 13:14:04email@domain.test1119293895.112.168.13871356c329abee63757ecb3f60b5f90be34ab47caa85d41344cea3f9c92f38eea0313bf60650fe2149e4a2e169d492d9b59a71e97d7331d74caa8b054b448cf04domain.testsource1JMBStarYT
2016-11-30 21:30:002023-03-18 13:14:04email@domain.test4720040786.178.141.167c2f5c61a8ad5dc1ef8c0478617cac76adomain.testsource2

Command example#

!resecurity-get-task-monitor-results-data-breaches monitor_task_id=1 page_size=2 page=10 mode=2

Context Example#

"Resecurity": {
"DataBreach": [
"date": "2016-12-07 15:53:00",
"detection_date": "2023-03-18 13:14:04",
"email": "test@test.test",
"id": 361424177,
"info": "",
"ip": "",
"password": "aaaaaa",
"password_hash": null,
"query": "test.test",
"salt": null,
"source_name": "source3",
"username": null
"date": "2016-12-07 15:53:00",
"detection_date": "2023-03-18 13:14:04",
"email": "test@test.test",
"id": 361832967,
"info": "",
"ip": "",
"password": "pppppp",
"password_hash": null,
"query": "test.test",
"salt": null,
"source_name": "source3",
"username": null

Human Readable Output#

Breaches results from task with ID 1#

2016-12-07 15:53:002023-03-18 13:14:04test@test.test361424177aaaaaatest.testsource3
2016-12-07 15:53:002023-03-18 13:14:04test@test.test361832967pppppptest.testsource3