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Mandiant Automated Defense (Formerly Respond Software)

This Integration is part of the Mandiant Automated Defense Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.0.0 and later.

What is the Respond Analyst/Mandiant Defense Engine?#

Disclaimer: Respond Software was recently acquired by FireEye and has rebranded from the Respond Analyst to the Mandiant Defense Engine. These terms refer to the same product. Most of this integration was written prior to rebranding, and primarily includes references to Respond. This will be updated in the future, at which point this disclaimer will be removed.

Mandiant Defense is the cybersecurity investigation automation solution that connects the dots across disparate cybersecurity data to find real incidents fast. The Mandiant Defense engine is built to accelerate investigations for security operations teams in defense agencies, government bodies, universities, large enterprises, and leading managed service providers to get investigation power at machine speed. Mandiant Defense works with the broadest range of vendors, sensors, threat intelligence and data repositories in the industry to improve detection and response while raising security analyst productivity.

What does this pack do?#

This pack provides a set of commands which can be executed against an instance of the Respond Analyst. The commands allow users to retrieve information from Respond and modify incidents from within XSOAR. Additionally, this integration supports bi-directional mirroring (for XSOAR v6 and above) of

  • incident closure status
  • incident assignee
  • incident feedback and notes
  • incident title
  • incident description

When fetch incidents is enabled, the pack will pull all open incidents from Respond into XSOAR. Each incident in XSOAR will follow the naming convention <Respond Tenant Id>:<Respond Incident Id>

It is worth noting that this pack does not pull in all of the data on each incident in Respond, rather a subset deemed to be most critical and helpful based on customer feedback. There is a link to the Respond incident provided on every corresponding XSOAR incident in case a user needs to retrieve additional information.

Use the Mandiant Automated Defense integration to fetch and update incidents from Mandiant Automated Defense. Mandiant Automated Defense fetches open incidents and updates them every minute. Changes made within XSOAR are reflected in Mandiant Automated Defense platform with bi-directional mirroring capabilities enabled.

Configure Mandiant Automated Defense (Formerly Respond Software) in Cortex#

Incident Mirroring DirectionFalse
Base Urlhttps://&lt;Respond Analyst Server&gt; (either hostname or IP address)True
Trust any certificate (not secure)False
Incident typeFalse
Fetch incidentsFalse
API Tokensteps to generate an API token here -&gt;
Max FetchFalse
First fetch timestamp (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days)False
Incidents Fetch IntervalFalse


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


pull data for a specific incident from MAD. This command will only return an output of the incident data. it does not create a new incident

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
tenant_idID of the Tenant in which the incident resides in Respond.Optional
incident_idRespond incident ID of the incident to retrieve.Required

Context Output#

Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.incidentIdStringID of incident
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.timeGeneratedDatetime incident was created
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.eventCountNumbernumber of events associated with incident
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.firstEventTimeDatetime first event associated with incident occurred
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.lastEventTimeDatetime most recent event associated with incident occurred
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.URLStringURL to incident in Mandiant Advantage platform
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.closeURLStringURL to incident close page in Mandiant Advantage platform
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.titleStringincident title
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.descriptionStringincident description
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.statusStringincident status
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.severityStringincident severity
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.probabilityStringincident probability
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.attackStageStringincident attack stage
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.attackTacticUnknownincident attack tactic
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.assetCriticalityStringincident asset criticiality
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.assetCountNumberincident asset count
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.assets.hostnameStringasset hostname
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.assets.ipaddressStringasset ip address
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.assets.isinternalBooleanasset is internal
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.externalsystems.hostnameStringsystem hostname
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.externalsystems.ipaddressStringsystem ip address
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.externalsystems.isinternalBooleansystem is internal
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.accounts.domainUnknownaccount domain
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.accounts.nameStringaccount name
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.malware.nameStringmalware name
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.malware.typeStringmalware type
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.malware.vendorStringmalware vendor
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.escalationreasons.labelStringescalation reason
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.assignedUsersStringassigned users
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.tenantIdRespondStringtenant id in mandiant
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.tenantIdStringtenant id external
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.respondRemoteIdStringremote id
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.dbotMirrorDirectionStringmirror direction
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.dbotMirrorInstanceStringmirror instance
Mandiant.AutomatedDefense.Incident.ownerStringowner feedback updated id outcome comments


close an incident in Respond and provide feedback on that incident. If the incident is already closed, feedback can still be updated. Additional comments and an updated closure code are viable options for updates on an incident that has already been closed (and on incidents that have not been closed yet as well)

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
tenant_idID of the Tenant in which the incident resides in Respond.Optional
incident_idRespond incident ID of the incident to retrieve.Required
incident_feedbackOutcome of the incident. Confirmed, Non-Actionable, or Inconclusive. This outcome is determined by the analyst who closes the incident. Possible values are: ConfirmedIncident, NonActionable, Inconclusive.Optional
feedback_optional_textadditional feedback information added by analysts. Any specific notes or observations.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


assign a user to a Respond incident

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
incident_idrespond incident id.Required
tenant_idtenant id.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


unassign a user from a Respond incident

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
incident_idincident id.Required
tenant_idtenant id.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Get escalation data associated with incident. In Respond, an 'escalation' is a specific event derived from a cybersecurity telemetry. Escalations are compiled together to form Incidents in Respond.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
tenant_idtenant id.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Incident Mirroring#

You can enable incident mirroring between Cortex XSOAR incidents and Mandiant Automated Defense (Formerly Respond Software) corresponding events (available from Cortex XSOAR version 6.0.0). To set up the mirroring:

  1. Enable Fetching incidents in your instance configuration.

  2. In the Mirroring Direction integration parameter, select in which direction the incidents should be mirrored:

    NoneTurns off incident mirroring.
    IncomingAny changes in Mandiant Automated Defense (Formerly Respond Software) events (mirroring incoming fields) will be reflected in Cortex XSOAR incidents.
    OutgoingAny changes in Cortex XSOAR incidents will be reflected in Mandiant Automated Defense (Formerly Respond Software) events (outgoing mirrored fields).

Newly fetched incidents will be mirrored in the chosen direction. However, this selection does not affect existing incidents. Important Note: To ensure the mirroring works as expected, mappers are required, both for incoming and outgoing, to map the expected fields in Cortex XSOAR and Mandiant Automated Defense (Formerly Respond Software).