RSA Archer v2
RSA Archer Pack.#
This Integration is part of theThe RSA Archer GRC platform provides a common foundation for managing policies, controls, risks, assessments and deficiencies across lines of business.
Configure RSA Archer v2 in CortexNavigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.
Search for RSA Archer v2.
Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.
Parameter Description Required Server URL For example:,, or True API Endpoint Change only if using another API endpoint. True Username True Fetch incidents False Incident type False Trust any certificate (not secure) False Use system proxy settings False Timeout Request timeout value in seconds. Default is 400. False Instance name True User domain False Application ID for fetch True Application date field for fetch The value should be the field name. Default is Date/Time Occurred. True Maximum number of incidents to pull per fetch Default is 10. False First fetch timestamp Time from which to begin fetching incidents in the <number> <time unit>
format. For example: 12 hours, 7 days, 3 months, 1 year.False List of fields from the application to get into the incident A comma-separated list of application field names. For example: Date/Time Occurred,Days Open
.False XML for fetch filtering Additional XML condition element(s) to use when fetching. Using a "DateComparisonFilterCondition" element is not supported. For more information, check the "Limitations" section of the documentation. False Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.
LimitationsThe "XML for fetch filtering" configuration parameter cannot contain "DateComparisonFilterCondition" XML element since it would interfere with the existing fetch date filter. Other types of filtering conditions, such as "TextFilterCondition", are allowed.
Archer customers might know there is an Archer REST API that supports token based authentication. Not all functionality of this integration can be achieved using Archer's REST API, which is why this integration requires credential based authentication.
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI as part of an automation or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
archer-search-applicationsGets application details or list of all applications.
Base Commandarcher-search-applications
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
applicationId | The application ID to get details for. Leave empty to get a list of all applications. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Archer.Application.Guid | String | The application GUID. |
Archer.Application.Id | Number | The unique ID of the application. |
Archer.Application.Status | Number | The application Status. |
Archer.Application.Type | Number | The application type. |
Archer.Application.Name | String | The application name. |
Command Example!archer-search-applications applicationId=75
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Search applications results
Guid Id LanguageId Name Status Type 982fc3be-7c43-4d79-89a1-858ed262b930 75 1 Incidents 1 2
archer-get-application-fieldsGets all application fields by application ID.
Base Commandarcher-get-application-fields
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
applicationId | The application ID to get the application fields for. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Archer.ApplicationField.FieldId | Number | The unique ID of the field. |
Archer.ApplicationField.FieldName | String | The field name. |
Archer.ApplicationField.FieldType | String | The field type. |
Archer.ApplicationField.LevelID | Number | The field level ID. |
Command Example!archer-get-application-fields applicationId=75
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Application fields
FieldId FieldName FieldType LevelID 296 Incident ID TrackingID 67 297 Date Created First Published 67 298 Last Updated Last Updated Field 67 302 Status Values List 67 303 Date/Time Occurred Date 67 304 Priority Values List 67
archer-get-fieldReturns a mapping from list value name to list value ID.
Base Commandarcher-get-field
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
fieldID | The ID of the field. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Archer.ApplicationField.FieldId | Number | The unique ID of the field. |
Archer.ApplicationField.FieldName | String | The field name. |
Archer.ApplicationField.FieldType | String | The field type. |
Archer.ApplicationField.LevelID | Number | The field level ID. |
Command Example!archer-get-field fieldID=350
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Application field
FieldId FieldName FieldType LevelID 350 Reported to Police Values List 67
archer-get-mapping-by-levelReturns a mapping of fields by level ID.
Base Commandarcher-get-mapping-by-level
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
level | The ID of the level. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Archer.LevelMapping.Id | Number | The unique ID of the field. |
Archer.LevelMapping.Name | String | The field name. |
Archer.LevelMapping.Type | String | The field type. |
Archer.LevelMapping.LevelId | Number | The field level ID. |
Command Example!archer-get-mapping-by-level level=67
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Level mapping for level 67
Id LevelId Name Type 296 67 Incident ID TrackingID 297 67 Date Created First Published 298 67 Last Updated Last Updated Field 302 67 Status Values List
archer-get-recordGets information about a content record in the given application.
Base Commandarcher-get-record
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
contentId | The content record ID. | Required |
applicationId | The application ID. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Archer.Record.Id | Number | The unique ID of the content record. |
Command Example!archer-get-record applicationId=75 contentId=227602
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Record details
Current Status Date/Time Occurred Date/Time Reported Days Open Default Record Permissions Google Map Id Incident Details Incident Result Incident Summary Is BSA (Bank Secrecy Act) reporting required in the US? Notify Incident Owner Override Rejected Submission Status Status Change Supporting Documentation ValuesListIds: 6412
OtherText: null2018-03-23T07:00:00 2018-03-26T10:03:32.243 805.0 UserList:
GroupList: {'Id': 50, 'HasRead': True, 'HasUpdate': True, 'HasDelete': True},
{'Id': 51, 'HasRead': True, 'HasUpdate': False, 'HasDelete': False}Google Map 227602 Incident Details ValuesListIds: 531
OtherText: nullSummary... ValuesListIds: 835
OtherText: nullValuesListIds: 6422
OtherText: nullValuesListIds: 9565
OtherText: nullValuesListIds: 466
OtherText: nullValuesListIds: 156
OtherText: null125
archer-create-recordCreates a new content record in the given application.
Note: When creating a new record, make sure the values are sent through the fieldsToValues argument properly.
- Example for the Values List field type: {"Type": ["Switch"], fieldname: [value1, value2]}
- Example for the Values List field type with OtherText property: {"Patch Type": {"ValuesList": ["Custom Type"], "OtherText": "actuall text"}, field_name_without_other: [value1, value2]}
- Example for the External Links field type: {"Patch URL": [{"value":"github", "link": ""}]}
- Example for the Users/Groups List field type: {"Policy Owner":{"users": [20],"groups": [30]}}
- Example for the Cross- Reference field type: {"Area Reference(s)": [20]}
In other cases the value can be sent as-is.
To determine the appropriate field type value, use the archer-get-application-fields
command with the applicationId
to get the list of all FieldType by FieldName.
Base Commandarcher-create-record
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
applicationId | The application ID. | Required |
fieldsToValues | Record fields in JSON format: { "Name1": Value1, "Name2": Value2 }. Field names are case sensitive. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Archer.Record.Id | Number | The unique ID of the content record. |
Command Example!archer-create-record applicationId=75 fieldsToValues={"Incident Summary":"This is the incident summary","Priority":["High"]}
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputRecord created successfully, record id: 239643
archer-delete-recordDeletes an existing content record in the given application.
Base Commandarcher-delete-record
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
contentId | The ID of the content record to delete. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!archer-delete-record contentId=239642
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputRecord 239642 deleted successfully
archer-update-recordUpdates an existing content record in the given application. Note: When updating a record, make sure the values are sent through the fieldsToValues argument properly. For more details see the archer-create-record description.
Base Commandarcher-update-record
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
applicationId | The application ID. | Required |
fieldsToValues | Record fields in JSON format: { "Name1": Value1, "Name2": Value2 }. Field name is case sensitive | Required |
contentId | The ID of the content record ID. | Required |
levelId | The Level ID to use to update the record. If empty, the command by default takes the first level ID. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!archer-update-record applicationId=75 contentId=239326 fieldsToValues={"Priority":["High"]}
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputRecord 239326 updated successfully
archer-execute-statistic-search-by-reportPerforms statistic search by report GUID.
Base Commandarcher-execute-statistic-search-by-report
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
reportGuid | The report GUID. | Required |
maxResults | Maximum number of pages for the reports. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!archer-execute-statistic-search-by-report maxResults=100 reportGuid=e4b18575-52c0-4f70-b41b-3ff8b6f13b1c
Context Example#
Human Readable Output{ "Groups": { "@count": "3", "Metadata": { "FieldDefinitions": { "FieldDefinition": [ { "@alias": "Classification", "@guid": "769b2548-6a98-49b6-95c5-03e391f0a40e", "@id": "76", "@name": "Classification" }, { "@alias": "Standard_Name", "@guid": "a569fd34-16f9-4965-93b0-889fcb91ba7a", "@id": "1566", "@name": "Standard Name" } ] } }, "Total": { "Aggregate": { "@Count": "1497", "@FieldId": "1566" } } } }
archer-get-reportsGets all reports from Archer.
Base Commandarcher-get-reports
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Examplearcher-get-reports
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
archer-get-search-options-by-guidReturns search criteria by report GUID.
Base Commandarcher-get-search-options-by-guid
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
reportGuid | The report GUID. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!archer-get-search-options-by-guid reportGuid=bce4222c-ecfe-4cef-a556-fe746e959f12
Context Example#
Human Readable Output{ "SearchReport": { "Criteria": { "ModuleCriteria": { "BuildoutRelationship": "Union", "IsKeywordModule": "True", "Module": "421", "SortFields": { "SortField": [ { "Field": "15711", "SortType": "Ascending" }, { "Field": "15683", "SortType": "Ascending" } ] } } }, "DisplayFields": { "DisplayField": [ "15683", "15686", "15687", "15690", "15706", "15711", "15710", "15712", "15713", "15714", "15715", "15716", "15725", "15717", "15718" ] }, "PageSize": "50" } }
archer-reset-cacheResets Archer's integration cache. This cache is maintained in XSOAR based on previous search results and must be cleared when field mappings no longer make sense. Run this command if you change the fields of your Archer application, the Archer v2 integration's settings, or if the target Archer user moves between environments or settings.
Base Commandarcher-reset-cache
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!archer-reset-cache
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
archer-get-valuelistReturns a list of values for a specified field, for example, fieldID=16114. This command only works for value list fields (type 4).
Base Commandarcher-get-valuelist
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
fieldID | The field ID. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Archer.ApplicationField.ValuesList.Id | Number | The field value ID. |
Archer.ApplicationField.ValuesList.IsSelectable | Boolean | Specifies whether you can select the field value. |
Archer.ApplicationField.ValuesList.Name | String | The field value name. |
Command Example!archer-get-valuelist fieldID=302
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Value list for field 302
Id IsSelectable Name 466 true New 467 true Assigned 468 true In Progress 469 true On Hold 470 true Closed
archer-upload-fileUploads a file to Archer. You can associate the file to a record by providing all of the following arguments:
- applicationId
- contentId
- associatedField
Base Commandarcher-upload-file
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
entryId | A comma seperated list of entry IDs of the files in Cortex XSOAR context. | Required |
contentId | The content record ID to update. | Optional |
applicationId | ID of the application which we want to upload the file to. | Optional |
associatedField | Archer field name to associate the file with. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!archer-upload-file entryId=16695@b32fdf18-1c65-43af-8918-7f85a1fab951
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputFile uploaded successfully, attachment ID: 126
archer-get-fileDownloads a file from Archer to Cortex XSOAR War Room context.
Base Commandarcher-get-file
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
fileId | The file ID. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!archer-get-file fileId=125
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
archer-list-usersGets details for a user or a list of all users.
Base Commandarcher-list-users
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
userId | The ID of the user to get details for. Leave empty to get a list of all users. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Archer.User.AccountStatus | String | The account status of the user. |
Archer.User.DisplayName | String | The display name of the user. |
Archer.User.FirstName | String | The first name of the user. |
Archer.User.Id | Number | The unique ID of the user. |
Archer.User.LastLoginDate | Date | The last login date of user. |
Archer.User.LastName | String | The last name of the user. |
Archer.User.MiddleName | String | The middle name of the user. |
Archer.User.UserName | String | The username associated with the account. |
Command Example!archer-list-users
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Users list
AccountStatus DisplayName FirstName Id LastLoginDate LastName MiddleName UserName Locked cash, johnny johnny 202 2018-09-03T07:56:51.027 cash johnnyCash
archer-search-recordsSearch for records inside the given application
Base Commandarcher-search-records
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
applicationId | The ID of the application in which to search for records. | Required |
fieldToSearchOn | The name of the field on which to search. Leave empty to search on all fields. | Optional |
fieldToSearchById | The name of the primary Id field on which to search. Used instead of the fieldToSearchOn argument for searching by the application primary field. | Optional |
searchValue | Search value. Leave empty to search for all. | Optional |
maxResults | Maximum number of results to return from the search (default is 10). | Optional |
fieldsToDisplay | Fields to present in the search results in array format. For example, "Title,Incident Summary". | Optional |
numericOperator | Numeric search operator. Can be "Equals", "NotEqual", "GreaterThan", or "LessThan". | Optional |
dateOperator | Date search operator. Can be "Equals", "DoesNotEqual", "GreaterThan", or "LessThan". | Optional |
fieldsToGet | Fields to fetch from the the application. | Optional |
fullData | Whether to get extended responses with all of the data regarding this search. For example, "fullData=true" | Required |
isDescending | Whether to order by descending order. Possible values are: "true", "false". | Optional |
levelId | The Level ID to use for searching. This argument is relevant when fullData is True. If empty, the command by default takes the first level ID. | Optional |
xmlForFiltering | The raw XML filter condition. For example: "DateComparisonFilterCondition" or "TextFilterCondition" XML element. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Archer.Record | Unknown | The content object. |
Archer.Record.Id | Number | The content record ID. |
Command Example!archer-search-records applicationId=75 fullData=False fieldsToDisplay=`Date/Time Occurred,Days Open` fieldsToGet=`Date/Time Occurred,Days Open` fieldToSearchOn=`Date/Time Occurred` dateOperator=GreaterThan searchValue=2018-06-23T07:00:00Z xmlForFiltering=`<TextFilterCondition><Operator>Contains</Operator><Field name="Incident Priority">456</Field><Value>High</Value></TextFilterCondition>` maxResults=100
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Search records results
Date/Time Occurred Days Open 2018-07-10T08:00:00Z 30
archer-search-records-by-reportSearches records by report GUID.
Base Commandarcher-search-records-by-report
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
reportGuid | The report GUID. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Archer.SearchByReport.ReportGUID | String | The report GUID. |
Archer.SearchByReport.RecordsAmount | Number | The number of records found by the search. |
Archer.SearchByReport.Record | Unknown | The records found by the search. |
Command Example!archer-search-records-by-report reportGuid=bce4222c-ecfe-4cef-a556-fe746e959f12
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Search records by report results
Description Id Procedure Name Threat Category Tracking ID Â test_procedure_0
227528 test_procedure_0 Malware 227528 Â test_procedure_1
227529 test_procedure_1 Malware 227529 test_procedure_2Â
227531 test_procedure_2 Malware 227531 test_procedure_3
227532 test_procedure_3 Malware 227532
archer-print-cachePrints the Archer's integration cache.
Base Commandarcher-print-cache
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!archer-print-cache
Context Example#
Human Readable Output{ "75": [ { "level": 67, "mapping": { "10052": { "FieldId": "10052", "IsRequired": false, "Name": "Related Incidents (2)", "RelatedValuesListId": null, "Type": 23 }, "10172": { "FieldId": "10172", "IsRequired": false, "Name": "Source", "RelatedValuesListId": 1176, "Type": 4 }, "10183": { "FieldId": "10183", "IsRequired": false, "Name": "Is BSA (Bank Secrecy Act) reporting required in the US?", "RelatedValuesListId": 152, "Type": 4 }, "10188": { "FieldId": "10188", "IsRequired": false, "Name": "Batch File Format", "RelatedValuesListId": 1183, "Type": 4 } } } ], "fieldValueList": { "7782": { "FieldId": "7782", "ValuesList": [ { "Id": 6412, "IsSelectable": true, "Name": "New" }, { "Id": 6413, "IsSelectable": true, "Name": "Assigned" }, { "Id": 6414, "IsSelectable": true, "Name": "In Progress" }, { "Id": 6415, "IsSelectable": true, "Name": "On Hold" }, { "Id": 6416, "IsSelectable": true, "Name": "Closed" } ] } } }