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SecneurX Analysis

This Integration is part of the SecneurX Analysis Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.5.0 and later.

Use SecneurX Analysis pack to provide threat analysts and incident response teams with the advanced malware isolation and inspection environment needed to safely execute advanced malware samples, and understand their behavior. You can use the pack's playbooks to detonate both files and URLs. SecneurX Analysis performs both static and dynamic analysis of advanced threats, including zero day and targeted attacks.

This integration was integrated and tested with version 1.0.0 of SecneurX Analysis

Configure SecneurX Analysis on Cortex XSOAR#

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.

  2. Search for SecneurX Analysis.

  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.

    Server URLInput the url of SecneurX Analysis server.True
    API KeyInput the API key to access the sandbox.True
    Trust any certificate (not secure)False
    Use system proxy settingsFalse
  4. Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Get verdict summary report of the analyzed sample

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
task_uuidInput the Task UUID value obtained as response from submission.Required
pollingUse Cortex XSOAR built-in polling to retrieve the result when it's ready. Default is False.Optional
intervalFrequency that the polling command will run (seconds). Default is set to "30"Optional
timeoutAmount of time to poll before declaring a timeout and resuming the playbook (in seconds). Default is set "600".Optional

Context Output#

SecneurXAnalysis.Verdict.task_uuidStringTask UUID is unique id of analyzed sample
SecneurXAnalysis.Verdict.verdictStringVerdict is summary result of analyzed sample
SecneurXAnalysis.Verdict.sha256StringSHA256 value find from analyzed sample
SecneurXAnalysis.Verdict.file_nameStringFile Name of analyzed sample
SecneurXAnalysis.Verdict.statusStringAnalysis queued sample state
SecneurXAnalysis.Verdict.submission_timeStringAnalysis queued sample submission time value.

Human Readable Output#

|sha256|status|submission_time|task_uuid|url|verdict| | 2323714b7571c9c87e71799499d577126a487ff58177247e5b67a83a866f83a5 | Completed | 2022-07-22 07:37:10 | 2323714b7571c9c87e71799499d577126a487ff58177247e5b67a83a866f83a5-2022-07-22-07-37-10 | | Clean |


Get the list of submitted samples whose status is marked as "Completed"

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
last_hoursOptional. Allows you to specify the number of hours. The value should be as number of hours (e.g. 5) - Lists all the queued samples submitted in the last 5 hrs.Optional
last_countOptional. Allows you to specify the max no.of queued samples to list. The value should be number type (e.g. 50) - Lists the last submitted 50 samples that are queued.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Human Readable Output#

|task_uuid|verdict|file_name|report_available| | ce5869808c1c4e99c7df7122118d06f0b38a7f302d5f5504a419626336156182-2022-07-22-07-45-21 | No Threats | | true |


Get the list of submitted samples that are still in pending state

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
last_hoursOptional. Allows you to specify the number of hours. The value should be as number of hours (e.g. 5) - Lists all the queued samples submitted in the last 5 hrs.Optional
last_countOptional. Allows you to specify the max no.of queued samples to list. The value should be number type (e.g. 50) - Lists the last submitted 50 samples that are queued.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Human Readable Output#

|task_uuid|file_name|status|sha256| | 4f751e74f7d05e6ebc27de36caa03c889b3d6bb57755aacd454bbce63a0da313-2022-07-21-15-28-20 | 4f751e74f7d05e6ebc27de36caa03c889b3d6bb57755aacd454bbce63a0da313 | Analyzing | 4f751e74f7d05e6ebc27de36caa03c889b3d6bb57755aacd454bbce63a0da313 |


Get the status of all the submitted samples

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
last_hoursOptional. Allows you to specify the number of hours. The value should be as number of hours (e.g. 5) - Lists all the queued samples submitted in the last 5 hrs.Optional
last_countOptional. Allows you to specify the max no.of queued samples to list. The value should be number type (e.g. 50) - Lists the last submitted 50 samples that are queued.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Human Readable Output#

|task_uuid|file_name|status|sha256| | ce5869808c1c4e99c7df7122118d06f0b38a7f302d5f5504a419626336156182-2022-07-22-07-45-21 | sample.exe | Completed | ce5869808c1c4e99c7df7122118d06f0b38a7f302d5f5504a419626336156182 | | 2323714b7571c9c87e71799499d577126a487ff58177247e5b67a83a866f83a5-2022-07-22-07-37-10 | sample_2.dll | Completed | 2323714b7571c9c87e71799499d577126a487ff58177247e5b67a83a866f83a5 |


Submit a file for Analysis

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
EntryIDEntry ID value of upload file.Required
PlatformType the OS platform on which the file to be analysed. Default is set to Windows7. Possible values are Windows7, Windows10, Android, Ubuntu.Optional
PriorityType the priority of the sample for analysis. Default is set to Normal. Possible values are High, Normal.Optional
DurationType the duration of the analysis in seconds. Not all malicious programs are active right after the launch. Some of them take time to fully reveal the attack vectors. Default is set to 120. Possible values are 120, 180, 240, 300.Optional
ExtensionIf you want the file for submission to be treated and analysed as a specific file extension, mention it.Optional
RebootReboot the system during the analysis. Default is set to 'False'. Possible values are True, False.Optional
File PasswordIf the file for submission is protected with a user-defined password, please enter the password for our system to open and detonate it.Optional

Context Output#

SecneurXAnalysis.SubmitFile.task_uuidStringTask UUID is unique ID for submitted file. Use this ID for get the report and verdict.
SecneurXAnalysis.SubmitFile.submission_timeStringSubmission Time Created at the time the file was submitted

Human Readable Output#

|task_uuid|submission_time| | 2323714b7571c9c87e71799499d577126a487ff58177247e5b67a83a866f83a5-2022-07-22-07-27-42 | 2022-07-22 07:27:42 |


Submit the URL for Analysis

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
URLInput the URL for analysis.Required
PriorityType the priority of the sample for analysis. Default is set to Normal. Possible values are High, Normal. Possible values are: High, Normal.Optional
DurationType the duration of the analysis in seconds. Not all malicious programs are active right after the launch. Some of them take time to fully reveal the attack vectors. Default is set to 120. Possible values are 120, 180, 240, 300. Possible values are: 120, 180, 240, 300.Optional
RebootReboot the system during the analysis. Default is set to 'False'. Possible values are True, False. Possible values are: True, False.Optional

Context Output#

SecneurXAnalysis.SubmitURL.task_uuidStringTask UUID is the unique ID for the submitted file. Use this ID to get the report.
SecneurXAnalysis.SubmitURL.submission_timeStringSubmission Time Created at the time the file was submitted

Human Readable Output#

|task_uuid|submission_time| | 2323714b7571c9c87e71799499d577126a487ff58177247e5b67a83a866f8fff-2022-07-22-07-12-15 | 2022-07-22 07:12:15 |


Get the detailed report of the analyzed sample.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
task_uuidInput the Task UUID value obtained as response from submission.Required
report_formatMention the output format of the report. The value should be "json" or "html". The default is set to "json". Possible values are: html, json. Default is json.Optional

Context Output#

SecneurXAnalysis.Report.SHA256StringSHA256 value of the analyzed sample
SecneurXAnalysis.Report.PlatformStringPlatform of the analyzed sample
SecneurXAnalysis.Report.VerdictStringSummary result of the analyzed sample
SecneurXAnalysis.Report.TagsStringMore details of the analyzed sample
SecneurXAnalysis.Report.DnsRequestsStringList of DNS data observed in the analyzed sample
SecneurXAnalysis.Report.HttpRequestsStringList of HTTP data observed in the analyzed sample
SecneurXAnalysis.Report.JA3DigestsStringList of JA3 data observed in the analyzed sample
SecneurXAnalysis.Report.ProcessCreatedStringProcess behaviour data observed in the analyzed sample
SecneurXAnalysis.Report.RegistrySetStringList of Registry creations observed in the analyzed sample
SecneurXAnalysis.Report.RegistryDeletedStringList of Registry deletions observed in the analyzed sample
SecneurXAnalysis.Report.FileCreatedStringList of File creations observed in the analyzed sample
SecneurXAnalysis.Report.FileDroppedStringList of File drops observed in the analyzed sample
SecneurXAnalysis.Report.FileDeletedStringList of File deletions observed in the analyzed sample
SecneurXAnalysis.Report.FileModifiedStringList of File changes observed in the analyzed sample
SecneurXAnalysis.Report.IOCStringList of IOC's observed in the analyzed sample
SecneurXAnalysis.Report.StatusStringAnalysis queued sample state


Get the API Key quota usage details.

Base Command#


Context Output#

SecneurXAnalysis.Quota.start_timeStringCreation Time of the API Key
SecneurXAnalysis.Quota.usedIntegerUsed count of API Key
SecneurXAnalysis.Quota.allowedIntegerLimitation count of API Key
SecneurXAnalysis.Quota.scaleStringAPI Key expiration renew scale type
SecneurXAnalysis.Quota.unusedStringUnused count of API Key

Human Readable Output#

| allowed | scale | start_time | unused | used | | 100 | MONTH | 01 Sep 2022 00:00:00 UTC | 60 | 40 |