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Sekoia XDR

This Integration is part of the SekoiaXDR Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.10.0 and later.

Fetch alerts and events from SEKOIA.IO XDR. To use this integration, please create an API Key with the appropriate permissions. This integration was integrated and tested with version 1.0 of Sekoia XDR.

Configure Sekoia XDR on Cortex XSOAR#

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.

  2. Search for Sekoia XDR.

  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.

    API keyTrue
    API KeyTrue
    Server URL (i.e.
    Trust any certificate (not secure)False
    Use system proxy settingsFalse
    Fetch incidentsFalse
    Incident typeFalse
    First fetch timestamp (<sign + or -><number><time unit>, e.g., -7d, -1h)True
    Maximum incidents to fetch per interval.By default the max_fetch is set to 10True
    Incidents Fetch IntervalFalse
    Alerts status.Filter alerts to fetch by status. You can write and press enter to insert new types.False
    Alerts types.Filter alerts to fetch by types. You can write and press enter to insert new types.False
    Alerts urgency levels ( "MINurgency,MAXurgency". i.e: 80,100 ).Filter alerts by their urgency levels. Use the format "MINurgency, MAXurgency"False
    Fetch modeIf there's no max_fetch it will fetch 10 incidents by default.True
    Replace "dots" in event field names with another character.Replacing dots in events will make names look pretty good for usersTrue
    Events fields to exclude from the events search result.These are the names of the headers presented in the events table. If the header is not in the dropdown list write it and press enter.False
    Include assets information in the alerts when fetching.When selected, it includes the assets information in the alert when fetched from Sekoia.
    And also If there's no max_fetch it will fetch 10 incidents by default.
    Include kill chain information in the alerts when fetching.When selected, it includes the kill chain information in the alert when fetched from Sekoia.
    And also If there's no max_fetch it will fetch 10 incidents by default.
    Timezone ( TZ format )This will be used to present dates in the appropiate timezones, used for comment timestamps, etc.True
  4. Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Command to retrieve a list of Alerts from Sekoia XDR.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitThe number of alerts to return. The allowed range is 1-100, default is 20. Default is 20.Optional
statusMatch alerts by their status name (separated by commas). Possible values are: Pending, Acknowledged, Ongoing, Rejected, Closed.Optional
created_atFilter alerts by their creation dates, starting date followed by ending date, i.e: "-3d,now" , "-1w,now" or "2023-01-15,2023-01-17".Optional
updated_atFilter alerts by their update dates starting date followed by ending date, i.e: "-3d,now" , "-1w,now" or "2023-01-15,2023-01-17".Optional
urgencyFilter alerts by their urgencies range in the following format: "MINurgency,MAXurgency". i.e: 80,100.Optional
Alerts typeMatch alerts by their categories (separated by commas). Possible values are: spam, ddos, outage, phishing, unauthorized-use-of-resources, unauthorised-information-access, appscan, scanner, brute-force, exploit.Optional
sort_bySort the alerts by any information. Possible values are: created_at, updated_at, target, urgency, status. Default is created_at.Optional

Context Output#

SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.updated_atunknownThe time at which the alert was updated.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.updated_byunknownThe user who last updated the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.uuidunknownThe unique identifier of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.titleunknownThe title of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.time_to_respondunknownThe time it took to respond to the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.short_idunknownThe short identifier of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.community_uuidunknownThe unique identifier of the community associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.kill_chain_short_idunknownThe short identifier of the kill chain associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.number_of_unseen_commentsunknownThe number of unseen comments on the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.updated_by_typeunknownThe type of user who last updated the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.sourceunknownThe source of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.alert_type.valueunknownThe type of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.alert_type.categoryunknownThe category type of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.time_to_acknowledgeunknownThe time it took to acknowledge the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.stixunknownThe STIX data associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.first_seen_atunknownThe time the alert was first seen.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.ttps.typeunknownThe type of the TTP associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.ttps.nameunknownThe name of the TTP associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.ttps.idunknownThe unique identifier of the TTP associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.ttps.descriptionunknownThe description of the TTP associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.adversaries.typeunknownThe type of the adversary associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.adversaries.nameunknownThe name of the adversary associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.adversaries.idunknownThe unique identifier of the adversary associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.adversaries.descriptionunknownThe description of the adversary associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.time_to_ingestunknownThe time it took to ingest the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.targetunknownThe target of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.time_to_resolveunknownThe time it took to resolve the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.created_atunknownThe time at which the alert was created.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.last_seen_atunknownThe time at which the alert was last seen.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.assetsunknownThe assets associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.rule.severityunknownThe severity level of the rule that triggered the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.rule.typeunknownThe type of rule that triggered the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.rule.uuidunknownThe unique identifier of the rule that triggered the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.rule.nameunknownThe name of the rule that triggered the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.rule.descriptionunknownThe description of the rule that triggered the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.rule.patternunknownThe pattern of the rule that triggered the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.similarunknownThe number of similar alerts to this one.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.status.nameunknownThe name of the status of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.status.descriptionunknownThe description of the status of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.status.uuidunknownThe unique identifier of the status of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.urgency.criticityunknownThe level of criticity of the urgency of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.urgency.current_valueunknownThe current value of the urgency of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.urgency.severityunknownThe severity level of the urgency of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.urgency.displayunknownThe display of the urgency of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.urgency.valueunknownThe value of the urgency of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.created_byunknownThe user who created the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.number_of_total_commentsunknownThe total number of comments on the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.time_to_detectunknownThe time it took to detect the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.entity.nameunknownThe name of the entity associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.entity.uuidunknownThe unique identifier of the entity associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.created_by_typeunknownThe type of user who created the alert.
SekoiaXDR.ListAlerts.detailsunknownThe details of the alert.


Command to retrieve a specific alert by uuid or short_id from Sekoia XDR.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idThe uuid or short_id of the alert to retrieve from sekoia-xdr-list-alerts or from sekoia plateform. i.e: "f5dcb81c-8d81-4332-9f1e-f119a1b31217" or "ALUnyZCYZ9Ga".Required

Context Output#

SekoiaXDR.Alert.short_idstringShort ID of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Alert.titlestringTitle of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Alert.urgencystringurgency of the alert.


Command to create an event search job on Sekoia XDR, after this execute "sekoia-xdr-status-events-query" to see the status of the query job and "sekoia-xdr-results-events-query" to retrieve the results..

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
earliest_timeValid formats <sign + or -><number><time unit> or ISO 8601 e.g -3d, -2w, -7d, 2023-01-15T00:00:00Z.Required
lastest_timeValid formats <sign + or -><number><time unit> or ISO 8601 e.g +3d, +2w, now, 2023-01-15T00:00:00Z.Required
queryThe query to use, i.e: "alert_short_ids:ALUnyZCYZ9Ga".Optional
max_last_eventsMaximum number of listed events.Optional

Context Output#

SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.uuidunknownThe unique identifier for the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.termunknownThe search term associated with the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.started_atunknownThe time at which the event started.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.short_histogram.casesunknownThe number of cases associated with the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.short_histogram.totalunknownThe total number of events associated with the search term.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.short_histogram.alertsunknownThe number of alerts associated with the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.short_histogram.earliest_timeunknownThe earliest time associated with the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.short_histogram.lengthunknownThe length of the histogram for the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.created_byunknownThe user who created the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.expiredunknownA boolean indicating whether the event has expired.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.latest_timeunknownThe latest time associated with the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.expiration_dateunknownThe date on which the event will expire.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.created_atunknownThe time at which the event was created.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.statusunknownThe status of the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.view_uuidunknownThe unique identifier for the view associated with the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.canceled_atunknownThe time at which the event was canceled.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.only_eternalunknownA boolean indicating whether the event is only eternal.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.results_ttlunknownThe time-to-live for the event results.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.canceled_byunknownThe user who canceled the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.term_langunknownThe language of the search term associated with the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.ended_atunknownThe time at which the event ended.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.earliest_timeunknownThe earliest time associated with the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.max_last_eventsunknownThe maximum number of events to include in the results.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.canceled_by_typeunknownThe type of the user who canceled the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.totalunknownThe total number of events associated with the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.created_by_typeunknownThe type of the user who created the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.community_uuidsunknownThe list of community UUIDs associated with the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.filters.fieldunknownThe field associated with the filter.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.filters.valueunknownThe value associated with the filter.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.filters.operatorunknownThe operator used in the filter.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.filters.excludedunknownIndicates whether the filter is excluded or not.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Query.filters.disabledunknownIndicates whether the filter is disabled or not.


Command to query the status of the search job on Sekoia XDR.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
uuidUUID of the query executed previously with the "sekoia-xdr-query-events" command.Required

Context Output#

SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.uuidunknownThe unique identifier for the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.termunknownThe term associated with the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.started_atunknownThe time at which the event started.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.short_histogram.casesunknownThe number of cases associated with the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.short_histogram.totalunknownThe total number of events associated with the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.short_histogram.alertsunknownThe number of alerts associated with the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.short_histogram.earliest_timeunknownThe earliest time associated with the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.short_histogram.lengthunknownThe length associated with the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.created_byunknownThe user who created the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.expiredunknownWhether the event is expired.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.latest_timeunknownThe latest time associated with the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.expiration_dateunknownThe date when the event expires.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.created_atunknownThe time when the event was created.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.statusunknownThe current status of the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.view_uuidunknownThe view associated with the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.canceled_atunknownThe time when the event was canceled.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.only_eternalunknownWhether only eternal events are associated with the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.results_ttlunknownThe time-to-live for the event results.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.canceled_byunknownThe user who canceled the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.term_langunknownThe language associated with the term for the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.ended_atunknownThe time when the event ended.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.earliest_timeunknownThe earliest time associated with the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.max_last_eventsunknownThe maximum number of events to retrieve.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.canceled_by_typeunknownThe type of user who canceled the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.totalunknownThe total number of events associated with the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.created_by_typeunknownThe type of user who created the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.community_uuids[0]unknownThe community associated with the event.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.filters.fieldunknownThe field used for filtering events.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.filters.fieldunknownThe field used in the filter.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.filters.valueunknownThe value of the filter.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.filters.operatorunknownThe operator used in the filter.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.filters.excludedunknownA boolean indicating whether the filter is excluded or not.
SekoiaXDR.Events.Status.filters.disabledunknownA boolean indicating whether the filter is disabled or not.


Command to retrieve the events from the search job "sekoia-xdr-execute-events-query" previously done on Sekoia XDR.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
uuidUUID from response of the query executed previously with the "sekoia-xdr-query-events" command.Required

Context Output#

SekoiaXDR.Events.ResultsunknownThe outputs are different for each event, they will be output inside SekoiaXDR.Events.Results.


Command to search and retrieve the events from an alert. This is a combination of 3 commands: sekoia-xdr-events-execute-query, sekoia-xdr-events-status-query and sekoia-xdr-events-results-query.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
earliest_timeValid formats <sign + or -><number><time unit> or ISO 8601 e.g -3d, -2w, -7d, 2023-01-15T00:00:00Z.Required
lastest_timeValid formats <sign + or -><number><time unit> or ISO 8601 e.g +3d, +2w, now, 2023-01-15T00:00:00Z.Required
queryThe query to use, i.e: "alert_short_ids:ALUnyZCYZ9Ga".Optional
max_last_eventsMaximum number of listed events.Optional
exclude_infoIndicate if there is any information you want to exclude from the results of the events. i.e: original.message, message,, etc. These are the names of the headers presented in the table. If the header you want to exclude is not in the list write it and press enter. Possible values are: original.message, message, __event_id,, alert_short_ids, client.address, client.ip,, customer.community_name, customer.community_uuid,, customer.intake_key, customer.intake_name, customer.intake_uuid, ecs.version,,, entity.uuid, event.created, event.dialect, event.dialect_uuid,, event.outcome, http.request.method, http.request.referrer, related.ip,, sekoiaio.activity.client.type, sekoiaio.customer.community_name, sekoiaio.customer.community_uuid,,,, sekoiaio.entity.uuid, sekoiaio.intake.dialect, sekoiaio.intake.dialect_uuid, sekoiaio.intake.key,, sekoiaio.intake.parsing_status, sekoiaio.intake.uuid, timestamp, url.domain, url.original, url.path, url.port, url.query, url.registered_domain, url.scheme, url.subdomain, url.top_level_domain, user_agent.original.Optional
job_uuidThe job UUID to retrieve query results.Optional

Context Output#

SekoiaXDR.Events.ResultsunknownThe outputs are different for each event, they will be output inside SekoiaXDR.Events.Results.


Command to update the status of a specific Alert by uuid or short_id.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idThe uuid or short_id of the alert to retrieve from sekoia-xdr-list-alerts or from sekoia plateform. i.e: "f5dcb81c-8d81-4332-9f1e-f119a1b31217" or "ALUnyZCYZ9Ga".Required
statusThe status you want to apply. (Acknowledged, Rejected, Ongoing, Closed)). Possible values are: Acknowledged, Rejected, Ongoing, Closed.Required
commentComment to describe why the alert status has changed.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Command to post comments to alerts in Sekoia XDR.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idThe uuid or short_id of the alert to retrieve from sekoia-xdr-list-alerts command. i.e: "f5dcb81c-8d81-4332-9f1e-f119a1b31217" or "ALUnyZCYZ9Ga".Required
commentContent of the comment to be posted on the alert.Required
authorAuthor of the comment.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Command to get all the comments from an alert in Sekoia XDR.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idThe uuid or short_id of the alert to retrieve from sekoia-xdr-list-alerts command or from sekoia plateform. i.e: "f5dcb81c-8d81-4332-9f1e-f119a1b31217" or "ALUnyZCYZ9Ga".Required

Context Output#

SekoiaXDR.Comments.totalunknownThe total number of items in the comments.
SekoiaXDR.Comments.items.dateunknownThe date at which the comment was created.
SekoiaXDR.Comments.items.created_byunknownThe user who created the comment.
SekoiaXDR.Comments.items.uuidunknownThe unique identifier for the comment.
SekoiaXDR.Comments.items.contentunknownThe content of the comment.
SekoiaXDR.Comments.items.created_by_typeunknownThe type of the user who created the comment.
SekoiaXDR.Comments.items.unseenunknownIndicates whether the comment has been seen by the user.
SekoiaXDR.Comments.items.authorunknownThe author of the comment.


Command to get the possible transitions of status on the alert.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idThe uuid or short_id of the alert to retrieve from sekoia-xdr-list-alerts command or from sekoia plateform. i.e: "f5dcb81c-8d81-4332-9f1e-f119a1b31217" or "ALUnyZCYZ9Ga".Required

Context Output#

SekoiaXDR.StatusTransitions.actions.nameunknownThe name of the action.
SekoiaXDR.StatusTransitions.actions.descriptionunknownThe description of the action.
SekoiaXDR.StatusTransitions.actions.idunknownThe ID of the action.


Command to retrieve the cases related to an Alert from Sekoia XDR. If a case_id is given, returns the information about it, and if not it will give all cases in this alert.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
alert_idThe uuid or short_id of the alert to retrieve from sekoia-xdr-list-alerts command or from sekoia plateform. i.e: "f5dcb81c-8d81-4332-9f1e-f119a1b31217" or "ALUnyZCYZ9Ga".Required
case_idThe short_id of the case to retrieve from sekoia plateform or from this command without case_is param i.e: "CAQNurTJM8q2".Optional

Context Output#

SekoiaXDR.Cases.updated_atunknownThe time at which the case was updated.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.updated_byunknownThe user who updated the case.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.uuidunknownThe unique identifier of the case.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.titleunknownThe title of the case.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.priorityunknownThe priority level of the case.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.short_idunknownThe short ID of the case.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.community_uuidunknownThe unique identifier of the community to which the case belongs.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.updated_by_typeunknownThe type of user who updated the case.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.first_seen_atunknownThe time at which the case was first seen.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.number_of_commentsunknownThe number of comments on the case.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.updated_atunknownThe time at which the alert was updated.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.updated_byunknownThe user who updated the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.uuidunknownThe unique identifier of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.titleunknownThe title of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.time_to_respondunknownThe time it took to respond to the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.short_idunknownThe short ID of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.community_uuidunknownThe unique identifier of the community to which the alert belongs.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.kill_chain_short_idunknownThe short ID of the kill chain.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.number_of_unseen_commentsunknownThe number of unseen comments on the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.updated_by_typeunknownThe type of user who updated the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.sourceunknownThe source of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.alert_type.valueunknownThe type of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.alert_type.categoryunknownThe category type of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.time_to_acknowledgeunknownThe time it took to acknowledge the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.stixunknownThe STIX data of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.first_seen_atunknownThe time at which the alert was first seen.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.ttps.typeunknownThe type of TTP associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.ttps.nameunknownThe name of the TTP associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.ttps.idunknownThe ID of the TTP associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.ttps.descriptionunknownThe description of the TTP associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.adversaries.typeunknownThe type of adversary associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.adversaries.nameunknownThe name of the adversary associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.adversaries.idunknownThe ID of the adversary associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.adversaries.descriptionunknownThe description of the adversary associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.time_to_ingestunknownThe time it took to ingest the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.targetunknownThe target of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.time_to_resolveunknownThe time it took to resolve the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.created_atunknownThe time at which the alert was created.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.last_seen_atunknownThe time at which the alert was last seen.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.assetsunknownThe assets associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.rule.severityunknownThe severity level of the rule associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.rule.typeunknownThe type of rule associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.rule.uuidunknownThe unique identifier of the rule associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.rule.nameunknownThe name of the rule associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.rule.descriptionunknownThe description of the rule associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.rule.patternunknownThe pattern of the rule associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.similarunknownThe number of similar alerts.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.status.nameunknownThe name of the status of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.status.descriptionunknownThe description of the status of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.status.uuidunknownThe unique identifier of the status of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.urgency.criticityunknownThe level of criticality of the urgency of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.urgency.current_valueunknownThe current value of the urgency of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.urgency.severityunknownThe severity level of the urgency of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.urgency.displayunknownThe display value of the urgency of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.urgency.valueunknownThe value of the urgency of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.created_byunknownThe user who created the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.number_of_total_commentsunknownThe total number of comments on the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.time_to_detectunknownThe time it took to detect the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.entity.nameunknownThe name of the entity associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.entity.uuidunknownThe unique identifier of the entity associated with the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.created_by_typeunknownThe type of user who created the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.alerts.detailsunknownThe details of the alert.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.number_of_alertsunknownThe number of alerts in the case.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.created_atunknownThe time at which the case was created.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.last_seen_atunknownThe time at which the case was last seen.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.statusunknownThe status of the case.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.descriptionunknownThe description of the case.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.status_uuidunknownThe unique identifier of the status of the case.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.created_byunknownThe user who created the case.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.tagsunknownThe tags associated with the case.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.created_by_typeunknownThe type of user who created the case.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.subscribers.avatar_uuidunknownThe unique identifier of the avatar of the subscriber.
SekoiaXDR.Cases.subscribers.typeunknownThe type of subscriber.


Get an asset by its UUID from Sekoia XDR.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_uuidUUID of the asset to get, the UUID should appear with "sekoia-xdr-list-assets" if that alert have assets related, example: "d4cc3b05-a78d-4f29-b27c-c637d86fa03a".Required

Context Output#

SekoiaXDR.Asset.ownersunknownThe owners of the asset.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.category.types.descriptionunknownThe description of the category type of the asset.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.category.types.nameunknownThe name of the category type of the asset.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.category.types.uuidunknownThe UUID of the category type of the asset.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.category.descriptionunknownThe description of the category of the asset.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.category.nameunknownThe name of the category of the asset.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.category.uuidunknownThe UUID of the category of the asset.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.created_atunknownThe time at which the asset was created.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.keys.valueunknownThe value of the keys of the asset.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.keys.nameunknownThe name of the keys of the asset.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.keys.uuidunknownThe UUID of the keys of the asset.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.attributes.valueunknownThe value of the attributes of the asset.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.attributes.nameunknownThe name of the attributes of the asset.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.attributes.uuidunknownThe UUID of the attributes of the asset.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.updated_atunknownThe time at which the asset was updated.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.asset_type.descriptionunknownThe description of the asset type.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.asset_type.nameunknownThe name of the asset type.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.asset_type.uuidunknownThe UUID of the asset type.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.criticity.valueunknownThe criticality value of the asset.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.criticity.displayunknownThe display value of the criticality of the asset.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.descriptionunknownThe description of the asset.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.community_uuidunknownThe UUID of the community of the asset.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.nameunknownThe name of the asset.
SekoiaXDR.Asset.uuidunknownThe UUID of the asset.


Command to retrieve a list of Assets from Sekoia XDR.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitLimit a number of items. Default is 10.Optional
assets_typeType of assets to list (computer, network, etc).Optional

Context Output#

SekoiaXDR.Assets.totalunknownThe total number of items in the response.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.owners.0unknownThe ID of the owner of the asset.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.category.types.0.descriptionunknownThe description of the type of the asset category.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.category.types.0.nameunknownThe name of the type of the asset category.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.category.types.0.uuidunknownThe UUID of the type of the asset category.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.category.descriptionunknownThe description of the asset category.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.category.nameunknownThe name of the asset category.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.category.uuidunknownThe UUID of the asset category.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.created_atunknownThe time at which the asset was created.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.keys.0.valueunknownThe value of the asset key.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.keys.0.nameunknownThe name of the asset key.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.keys.0.uuidunknownThe UUID of the asset key.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.attributes.0.valueunknownThe value of the asset attribute.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.attributes.0.nameunknownThe name of the asset attribute.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.attributes.0.uuidunknownThe UUID of the asset attribute.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.updated_atunknownThe time at which the asset was last updated.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.asset_type.descriptionunknownThe description of the asset type.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.asset_type.nameunknownThe name of the asset type.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.asset_type.uuidunknownThe UUID of the asset type.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.criticity.valueunknownThe numeric value of the asset criticality.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.criticity.displayunknownThe display value of the asset criticality.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.descriptionunknownThe description of the asset.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.community_uuidunknownThe UUID of the community to which the asset belongs.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.nameunknownThe name of the asset.
SekoiaXDR.Assets.items.0.uuidunknownThe UUID of the asset.


Command to get information about a user in Sekoia XDR. Used also in the command !sekoia-xdr-get-comments to have the name of the persons who made the comments.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
user_uuidUUID of the user, you get it from sekoia-xdr-get-comments for example. But make sure that created_by_type field is user.Required

Context Output#

SekoiaXDR.User.creator.descriptionunknownThe description of the creator.
SekoiaXDR.User.creator.nameunknownThe name of the creator.
SekoiaXDR.User.creator.uuidunknownThe UUID of the creator.
SekoiaXDR.User.updated_atunknownThe time at which the object was last updated.
SekoiaXDR.User.created_byunknownThe UUID of the user who created the object.
SekoiaXDR.User.total_membersunknownThe total number of members in the community.
SekoiaXDR.User.subcommunitiesunknownThe UUIDs of the subcommunities.
SekoiaXDR.User.parent_community_uuidunknownThe UUID of the parent community.
SekoiaXDR.User.applications.descriptionunknownThe description of the application.
SekoiaXDR.User.applications.nameunknownThe name of the application.
SekoiaXDR.User.applications.uuidunknownThe UUID of the application.
SekoiaXDR.User.is_parentunknownWhether the community is a parent community.
SekoiaXDR.User.nameunknownThe name of the community.
SekoiaXDR.User.members.uuidunknownThe UUID of the member.
SekoiaXDR.User.members.created_atunknownThe time at which the member was created.
SekoiaXDR.User.members.user.firstnameunknownThe first name of the user associated with the member.
SekoiaXDR.User.members.user.mfa_enabledunknownWhether multi-factor authentication is enabled for the user associated with the member.
SekoiaXDR.User.members.user.uuidunknownThe UUID of the user associated with the member.
SekoiaXDR.User.members.user.company_nameunknownThe company name of the user associated with the member.
SekoiaXDR.User.members.user.lastnameunknownThe last name of the user associated with the member.
SekoiaXDR.User.members.user.created_atunknownThe time at which the user associated with the member was created.
SekoiaXDR.User.members.user.picture_modeunknownThe picture mode of the user associated with the member.
SekoiaXDR.User.members.user.last_activityunknownThe last activity time of the user associated with the member.
SekoiaXDR.User.members.user.updated_atunknownThe time at which the user associated with the member was last updated.
SekoiaXDR.User.members.user.auth_providerunknownThe authentication provider of the user associated with the member.
SekoiaXDR.User.members.user.emailunknownThe email address of the user associated with the member.
SekoiaXDR.User.members.user.invitation_v2.emailunknownThe email address for the invitation associated with the user associated with the member.
SekoiaXDR.User.members.nameunknownThe name of the member.
SekoiaXDR.User.members.updated_atunknownThe time at which the member was last updated.
SekoiaXDR.User.members.status_changed_atunknownThe time at which the status of the member was last changed.
SekoiaXDR.User.members.statusunknownThe status of the member.
SekoiaXDR.User.session_timeoutunknownThe session timeout for the community.
SekoiaXDR.User.is_mfa_enforcedunknownWhether multi-factor authentication is enforced for the community.
SekoiaXDR.User.uuidunknownThe UUID of the community.
SekoiaXDR.User.created_atunknownThe time at which the community was created.
SekoiaXDR.User.picture_modeunknownThe picture mode for the community.
SekoiaXDR.User.homepage_urlunknownThe homepage URL for the community.
SekoiaXDR.User.created_by_typeunknownThe type of the user who created the community.
SekoiaXDR.User.disable_inactive_avatarsunknownWhether inactive avatars are disabled for the community.
SekoiaXDR.User.descriptionunknownThe description of the community.


Command to add attributes to an asset in Sekoia XDR.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_uuidUUID of the asset to get, the UUID should appear with "sekoia-xdr-list-assets" if that alert have assets related, example: "d4cc3b05-a78d-4f29-b27c-c637d86fa03a".Required
nameThe name of attributes.Required
valueThe value of attributes.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Command to add keys to an asset in Sekoia XDR.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_uuidUUID of the asset to get, the UUID should appear with "sekoia-xdr-list-assets" if that alert have assets related, example: "d4cc3b05-a78d-4f29-b27c-c637d86fa03a".Required
nameThe name of the key to be added.Required
valueThe value of the key to be added.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Command to retrieve the definition of a Cyber Kill Chain Step.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
kill_chain_uuidUUID or short_id of the kill chain the UUID should appear with "sekoia-xdr-list-alerts".Required

Context Output#

SekoiaXDR.KillChain.stix_nameunknownThe name of the STIX object.
SekoiaXDR.KillChain.descriptionunknownThe description of the STIX object.
SekoiaXDR.KillChain.nameunknownThe common name of the STIX object.
SekoiaXDR.KillChain.uuidunknownThe unique identifier of the STIX object.
SekoiaXDR.KillChain.short_idunknownThe short identifier of the STIX object.
SekoiaXDR.KillChain.order_idunknownThe order identifier of the STIX object.


Command to remove an attribute from an asset in Sekoia XDR. Note: use !sekoia-xdr-get-asset to find the attribute_uuid to delete.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_uuidUUID of the asset, the UUID should appear with "sekoia-xdr-list-assets" if that alert have assets related, example: "d4cc3b05-a78d-4f29-b27c-c637d86fa03a".Required
attribute_uuidUUID of the attribute to delete. Note: use !sekoia-xdr-get-asset to find the attribute_uuid to delete.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Command to remove a key from an asset in Sekoia XDR. Note: use !sekoia-xdr-get-asset to find the key_uuid to delete.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_uuidUUID of the asset, the UUID should appear with "sekoia-xdr-list-assets" if that alert have assets related, example: "d4cc3b05-a78d-4f29-b27c-c637d86fa03a".Required
key_uuidUUID of the key to remove. Note: use !sekoia-xdr-get-asset to find the key_uuid to delete.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Command that performs a HTTP request to Sekoia using the integration authentication configured.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
methodMethod to use with the http request (GET,POST,etc). Default is GET.Required
url_sufixThe URL suffix after, i.e. /v1/sic/alerts/ or /v1/asset-management/assets/.Required
parametersQuery parameters, i.e. limit -> 10 , match['status_name'] -> Ongoing.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


To troubleshoot possible issues with the SEKOIA XDR integration, consider the following steps:

  • Debug Mode:
    • In your integration instance, enable the Debug option.
    • Navigate to Settings > About > Troubleshooting > Download logs to download the logs. Analyzing these logs can provide valuable insights into any issues.

Additional documentation#

The following documentation can be useful to understand the integration:

Post process scriptsAdittional information for post process scripts
Sekoia XDR documentationSekoia XDR Documentation
Rest API DocumentationSekoia XDR API Documentation