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This Integration is part of the SendGrid Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.0.0 and later.

SendGrid provides a cloud-based service that assists businesses with email delivery. It allows companies to track email opens, unsubscribes, bounces, and spam reports. Our SendGrid pack utilize these SendGrid use cases to help you send and manage your emails.

Configure SendGrid in Cortex#

API KeyTrue
From Email IDTrue
From Sender NameTrue


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Send an email.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ToEmailsA CSV list of to email recipients. Make sure To, Cc and Bcc emails are unique.Required
SubjectEmail subject.Required
HtmlBodyhtml content of email.Optional
RawBodyRaw content of email.Optional
ReplyToReply To email.Optional
CategoriesList of categories. For example: cake,pie,baking.Optional
BatchIDAn ID representing a batch of emails to be sent at the same time.Optional
SendAtAn UTC time allowing you to specify when you want your email to be delivered. Delivery cannot be scheduled more than 72 hours in advance. ISO format(UTC timezone): 2021-04-23T12:07:44.Optional
AsmAn object allowing you to specify how to handle unsubscribes. For example: {"group_id": 12345,"groups_to_display":[1,2,3]}.Optional
IPPoolNameThe IP Pool that you would like to send this email from.Optional
ClickTrackingAllows you to track if a recipient clicked a link in your email. For ex: {"enable": "True","enable_text": True}.Optional
GAnalyticsAllows you to enable tracking provided by Google Analytics. For ex: {"enable": "True","utm_campaign": "[NAME OF YOUR REFERRER SOURCE]","utm_content": "[USE THIS SPACE TO DIFFERENTIATE YOUR EMAIL FROM ADS]","utm_medium": "[NAME OF YOUR MARKETING MEDIUM e.g. email]","utm_name": "[NAME OF YOUR CAMPAIGN]","utm_term": "[IDENTIFY PAID KEYWORDS HERE]","utm_source":"[Name of the referrer source]"}.Optional
OpenTrackingAllows you to track if the email was opened by including a single pixel image in the body of the content. When the pixel is loaded, Twilio SendGrid can log that the email was opened. For ex: {"enable": "True","substitution_tag": "%opentrack"}.Optional
SubscriptionTrackingAllows you to insert a subscription management link at the bottom of the text and HTML bodies of your email. If you would like to specify the location of the link within your email, you may use the substitution_tag. For ex: {"enable": "True","html": "If you would like to unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails <% clickhere %>.","substitution_tag": "<%click here%>","text": "If you would like to unsubscribe and stop receiving these emails <% click here %>."}.Optional
BccSettingsBcc email settings. For ex: {"email": "", "enable": True }.Optional
BypassListManagementAllows you to bypass all unsubscribe groups and suppressions to ensure that the email is delivered to every single recipient. Possible values are: True, False.Optional
SandboxModeSandbox Mode allows you to send a test email to ensure that your request body is valid and formatted correctly. Possible values are: True, False.Optional
FooterThe default footer that you would like included on every email. For ex: {"enable": "True","html": "<p>Thanks</br>The SendGrid Team</p>","text": "Thanks,/n The SendGrid Team"}.Optional
SpamCheckSpam Check allows you to test the content of your email for spam. For ex: {"enable": "True","post_to_url": "","threshold": 3}.Optional
HeadersA collection of JSON key/value pairs allowing you to specify handling instructions for your email. You may not overwrite the following headers: x-sg-id, x-sg-eid, received, dkim-signature, Content-Type, Content-Transfer-Encoding, To, From, Subject, Reply-To, CC, BCC. For ex: {"key1":"value1","key2":"value2","key3":"value3"}.Optional
TemplateIDAn email template ID. A template that contains a subject and content โ€” either text or html โ€” will override any subject and content values specified at the personalisations or message level.Optional
CustomArgsValues that are specific to this personalization that will be carried along with the email and its activity data. Substitutions will not be made on custom arguments, so any string that is entered into this parameter will be assumed to be the custom argument that you would like to be used. This field may not exceed 10,000 bytes. For Ex: {"marketing": "true","activationAttempt": "1","customerAccountNumber": "1234"}.Optional
AttachIDsA CSV list of War Room entry IDs that contain files, and are used to attach files to the outgoing email. For example: attachIDs=15@8,19@8.Optional
AttachNamesA CSV list of names of attachments to send. Should be the same number of elements as attachIDs.Optional
BccA CSV list of to email bcc recipients. Make sure To, Cc and Bcc emails are unique.Optional
CcA CSV list of to email cc recipients. Make sure To, Cc and Bcc emails are unique.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Retrieves all of your global email statistics between a given date range.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitThe number of results to return.Optional
offsetThe point in the list to begin retrieving results.Optional
aggregated_byHow to group the statistics. Must be either "day", "week", or "month". Possible values are: day, week, month.Optional
start_dateThe starting date of the statistics to retrieve. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD.Required
end_dateThe end date of the statistics to retrieve. Defaults to today. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD.Optional
headersTable headers to use the human readable output (if none provided, will show all table headers). Available headers: blocks,bounce_drops,bounces,clicks,date,deferred,delivered,invalid_emails,opens,processed,requests,spam_report_drops,spam_reports,unique_clicks,unique_opens,unsubscribe_drops,unsubscribes.Optional

Context Output#

Sendgrid.GlobalEmailStatsunknownList of email statistics day/week/month wise.


Retrieves all of your email statistics for each of your categories.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
start_dateThe starting date of the statistics to retrieve. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD.Required
categoryThe individual category that you want to retrieve statistics for.Required
end_dateThe end date of the statistics to retrieve. Defaults to today. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD.Optional
aggregated_byHow to group the statistics. Must be either "day", "week", or "month". Possible values are: day, week, month.Optional
limitThe number of results to include. default: 500 maximum: 500.Optional
offsetThe number of results to skip.Optional
headersTable headers to use the human readable output (if none provided, will show all table headers). Available headers: blocks,bounce_drops,bounces,clicks,date,deferred,delivered,invalid_emails,opens,processed,requests,spam_report_drops,spam_reports,unique_clicks,unique_opens,unsubscribe_drops,unsubscribes.Optional

Context Output#

Sendgrid.CategoryStatsunknownList of email category statistics day/week/month wise.


Retrieves the total sum of each email statistic for every category over the given date range. By default it returns only 5 categories. Use limit= argument to define the number of categories to return.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
start_dateThe starting date of the statistics to retrieve. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD.Required
end_dateThe end date of the statistics to retrieve. Defaults to today. Must follow format YYYY-MM-DD.Optional
limitThe number of results to return.Optional
aggregated_byHow to group the statistics. Must be either "day", "week", or "month". Possible values are: day, week, month.Optional
sort_by_metricThe metric that you want to sort by. Must be a single metric. default: delivered. Possible values are: blocks, bounce_drops, bounces, clicks, deferred, delivered, invalid_emails, opens, processed, requests, spam_report_drops, spam_reports, unique_clicks, unique_opens, unsubscribe_drops, unsubscribes.Optional
sort_by_directionThe direction you want to sort. Allowed Values: desc, asc default: desc. Possible values are: asc, desc.Optional
offsetThe point in the list to begin retrieving results.Optional
headersTable headers to use the human readable output (if none provided, will show all table headers). Available headers: blocks,bounce_drops,bounces,clicks,date,deferred,delivered,invalid_emails,opens,processed,requests,spam_report_drops,spam_reports,unique_clicks,unique_opens,unsubscribe_drops,unsubscribes.Optional

Context Output#

Sendgrid.AllCategoriesStatsunknownList of all email statistics day/week/month wise.


Retrieves a list of all of your categories.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
categoryAllows you to perform a prefix search on this particular category.Optional
limitThe number of categories to display per page. Default: 50.Optional
offsetThe point in the list that you would like to begin displaying results. Default: 0.Optional

Context Output#

Sendgrid.CategoriesListunknownList of categories.


Generates a new batch ID.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired

Context Output#

Sendgrid.BatchIdunknownReturns a batch id, which can be used manage scheduled sends.


Cancel or pause a scheduled send associated with a batch ID.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
batch_idID to manage multiple scheduled sends.Required
statusThe status of the send you would like to implement. This can be pause or cancel. Possible values are: pause, cancel.Required

Context Output#

Sendgrid.ScheduledSendStatusunknownThe latest status of the scheduled send.


Retrieves all cancelled and paused scheduled send information.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired

Context Output#

Sendgrid.ScheduledSendsunknownList of all paused/cancelled scheduled sends.


Retrieves the cancel/paused scheduled send information for a specific batch id.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
batch_idID to manage multiple scheduled sends.Required

Context Output#

Sendgrid.ScheduledSendunknownList of all paused/cancelled scheduled sends associated with the given batch id.


Update the status of a scheduled send for the given batch id.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
batch_idID to manage multiple scheduled sends.Required
statusThe status of the send you would like to implement. This can be pause or cancel. Possible values are: pause, cancel.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Delete the cancellation/pause of a scheduled send.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
batch_idID to manage multiple scheduled sends.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Retrieves the email activity list associated with the messages matching your query. If no query provided, it returns a list of most recent emails you've sent. NOTE: This Email Activity API returns email list up to last 30 days.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitThe number of messages returned. This parameter must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1000. Default is 10.Required
queryUse the query syntax to filter your email activity. For example: query to get email list for category - "Last Login": query=(Contains(categories,"Last Login")) Document link for query samples:
headersTable headers to use the human readable output (if none provided, will show all table headers). Available headers: clicks_count,from_email,last_event_time,msg_id,opens_count,status,subject,to_email.Optional

Context Output#

Sendgrid.EmailListunknownEmail activity list associated with the messages matching your query.


Retrieves all of your recipient lists. If you don't have any lists, an empty array will be returned.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
page_sizeMaximum number of elements to return. returns 1000 max. default: 100.Optional
page_tokenToken corresponding to a specific page of results, as provided by metadata. default: None.Optional
headersTable headers to use the human readable output (if none provided, will show all table headers). Available headers: id, name, contact_count, _metadata.Optional

Context Output#

Sendgrid.Lists.ResultunknownArray of your contact lists
Sendgrid.Lists.MetadataunknownMetadata of returned set of result


Retrieves a single recipient list.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
list_idID of contact list.Required
contact_sampleSetting the optional parameter contact_sample=true returns the contact_sample in the response body. Up to fifty of the most recent contacts uploaded or attached to a list will be returned, sorted alphabetically, by email address. Default:False. Possible values are: True, False. Default is False.Optional

Context Output#

Sendgrid.ListunknownContact list details


Creates a new contacts list

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
list_nameName for your list.Required

Context Output#

Sendgrid.NewListunknownNewly created List details


Returns the number of contacts on a specific list

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
list_idID of contact list.Required

Context Output#

Sendgrid.ListCountunknownList contact count details


Updates the name of a list

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
list_idID of contact list.Required
updated_list_nameNew name for your list.Required

Context Output#

Sendgrid.updatedListunknownUpdated list details


Deletes a specific list

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
list_idID of contact list or job Id.Required
delete_contactsFlag indicates that all contacts on the list are also to be deleted. default: False. Possible values are: True, False. Default is False.Optional

Context Output#

Sendgrid.DeleteListJobIdunknownJob id of the async job