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ServiceNow CMDB

This Integration is part of the ServiceNow Pack.#

ServiceNow CMDB is a service‑centric foundation that proactively analyzes service‑impacting changes, identifies issues, and eliminates outages.

Configure ServiceNow_CMDB in Cortex#

Instance Configuration#

The integration supports two types of authorization:

  1. Basic authorization using username and password.
  2. OAuth 2.0 authorization.

OAuth 2.0 Authorization#

To use OAuth 2.0 authorization, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to your ServiceNow instance and create an endpoint for XSOAR to access your instance (please see Snow OAuth for more information).
  2. Copy the Client Id and Client Secret (press the lock next to the client secret to reveal it) that were automatically generated when creating the endpoint into the Username and Password fields of the instance configuration.
  3. Select the Use OAuth Login checkbox and click Done.
  4. Run the command !servicenow-cmdb-oauth-login from the XSOAR CLI and fill in the username and password of the ServiceNow instance. This step generates and saves to the integration context a refresh token to the ServiceNow instance and is required only the first time after configuring a new instance in the XSOAR platform.
  5. (Optional) Test the created instance by running the !servicenow-cmdb-oauth-test command.


  1. When running the !servicenow-cmdb-oauth-login command, a refresh token is generated and will be used to produce new access tokens after the current access token has expired.
  2. Every time the refresh token expires you will have to run the servicenow-cmdb-oauth-login command again. Hence, we recommend to set the Refresh Token Lifespan field in the endpoint created in step 1 to a long period (can be set to several years).
  3. The grant type used to get an access token is Client credentials. See the Snow documentation for more information.

Using Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)#

MFA can be used both when using basic authorization and OAuth 2.0 authorization, however we strongly recommend using OAuth 2.0 when using MFA. If MFA is enabled for your user, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Google Authenticator application on your mobile device and make note of the number. The number refreshes every 30 seconds.
  2. Enter your username and password, and append the One Time Password (OTP) that you currently see on your mobile device to your password without any extra spaces. For example, if your password is 12345 and the current OTP code is 424 058, enter 12345424058.


  1. When using basic authorization, you will have to update your password with the current OTP every time the current code expires (30 seconds), therefore, we recommend using OAuth 2.0 authorization.
  2. For using OAuth 2.0 see the above instructions. The OTP code should be appended to the password parameter in the !servicenow-cmdb-oauth-login command.
urlServiceNow URL, in the format
credentialsUsername/Client IDTrue
use_oauthUse OAuth LoginFalse
insecureTrust any certificate (not secure)False
proxyUse system proxy settingsFalse


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Query records for a CMDB class.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
classThe name of the class to query.Required
queryAn encoded query string used to filter the results. For more information about querying in ServiceNow, see
limitThe maximum number of results returned per page (default: 50).Optional
offsetThe number of records to exclude from the query (default: 0).Optional

Context Output#

ServiceNowCMDB.ClassStringThe name of CMDB table that was queried.
ServiceNowCMDB.RecordsUnknownA list of all the records that were found in the CMDB table.

Command Example#

!servicenow-cmdb-records-list class=cmdb_ci_linux_server limit=3

Context Example#

"ServiceNowCMDB": {
"Class": "cmdb_ci_linux_server",
"Records": [
"name": "Test Linux Server 2",
"sys_id": "0ad329e3db27901026fca015ca9619fb"
"name": "Update Name Test",
"sys_id": "18295cefdbd0241026fca015ca9619f7"
"name": "new design updated name",
"sys_id": "2a41eb4e1b739810042611b4bd4bcb9d"

Human Readable Output#

Found 3 records for class cmdb_ci_linux_server:#

Test Linux Server 20ad329e3db27901026fca015ca9619fb
Update Name Test18295cefdbd0241026fca015ca9619f7
new design updated name2a41eb4e1b739810042611b4bd4bcb9d


Query attributes and relationship information for a specific record.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
classThe name of the class to query.Required
sys_idThe ID of the record that should be queried.Required
fieldsA comma-separated list of the fields to return for the queried record.Optional
relation_limitThe maximum number of relations returned (default: 50).Optional
relation_offsetThe number of records to exclude from the relations query (default: 0).Optional

Context Output#

ServiceNowCMDB.Record.SysIDStringThe sys_id of the record that was queried.
ServiceNowCMDB.Record.ClassStringThe name of the class from which the record was queried.
ServiceNowCMDB.Record.AttributesUnknownThe attributes that were returned in the response for the queried record.
ServiceNowCMDB.Record.OutboundRelationsUnknownA list of all the outbound relations of the queried record.
ServiceNowCMDB.Record.InboundRelationsUnknownA list of all the inbound relations of the queried record.

Command Example#

!servicenow-cmdb-record-get-by-id class=cmdb_ci_linux_server sys_id=a8decc3f1b9c2410042611b4bd4bcb7d

Context Example#

"ServiceNowCMDB": {
"Record": {
"Attributes": {
"asset": {
"display_value": "Unknown",
"link": "",
"value": "60decc3f1b9c2410042611b4bd4bcb7f"
"asset_tag": "",
"assigned": "",
"assigned_to": "",
"assignment_group": "",
"attributes": "",
"can_print": "false",
"category": "Hardware",
"cd_rom": "false",
"cd_speed": "",
"change_control": "",
"chassis_type": "",
"checked_in": "",
"checked_out": "",
"classification": "Production",
"comments": "",
"company": "",
"correlation_id": "",
"cost": "",
"cost_cc": "USD",
"cost_center": "",
"cpu_core_count": "",
"cpu_core_thread": "",
"cpu_count": "",
"cpu_manufacturer": "",
"cpu_name": "",
"cpu_speed": "",
"cpu_type": "",
"default_gateway": "",
"delivery_date": "",
"department": "",
"discovery_source": "ServiceNow",
"disk_space": "",
"dns_domain": "",
"dr_backup": "",
"due": "",
"due_in": "",
"duplicate_of": "",
"fault_count": "0",
"firewall_status": "Intranet",
"first_discovered": "2020-11-12 06:18:25",
"floppy": "",
"form_factor": "",
"fqdn": "",
"gl_account": "",
"hardware_status": "installed",
"hardware_substatus": "",
"host_name": "",
"install_date": "",
"install_status": "1",
"invoice_number": "",
"ip_address": "",
"justification": "",
"kernel_release": "",
"last_discovered": "2020-11-12 06:18:25",
"lease_id": "",
"location": "",
"mac_address": "",
"maintenance_schedule": "",
"managed_by": "",
"manufacturer": "",
"model_id": {
"display_value": "Unknown",
"link": "",
"value": "4ed329e3db27901026fca015ca9619fc"
"model_number": "",
"monitor": "false",
"name": "Record For README",
"object_id": "",
"operational_status": "1",
"order_date": "",
"os": "",
"os_address_width": "",
"os_domain": "",
"os_service_pack": "",
"os_version": "",
"owned_by": "",
"po_number": "",
"purchase_date": "",
"ram": "",
"schedule": "",
"serial_number": "",
"short_description": "",
"skip_sync": "false",
"start_date": "",
"subcategory": "Computer",
"support_group": "",
"supported_by": "",
"sys_class_name": "cmdb_ci_linux_server",
"sys_class_path": "/!!/!2/!(/!!/!0",
"sys_created_by": "admin",
"sys_created_on": "2020-11-12 06:18:25",
"sys_domain": {
"display_value": "global",
"link": "",
"value": "global"
"sys_domain_path": "/",
"sys_id": "a8decc3f1b9c2410042611b4bd4bcb7d",
"sys_mod_count": "0",
"sys_tags": "",
"sys_updated_by": "admin",
"sys_updated_on": "2020-11-12 06:18:25",
"unverified": "false",
"used_for": "Production",
"vendor": "",
"virtual": "false",
"warranty_expiration": ""
"Class": "cmdb_ci_linux_server",
"InboundRelations": [
"sys_id": "eb3f84331b5c2410042611b4bd4bcbf9",
"target": {
"display_value": "CMS App FLX",
"link": "",
"value": "829e953a0ad3370200af63483498b1ea"
"type": {
"display_value": "Uses::Used by",
"link": "",
"value": "cb5592603751200032ff8c00dfbe5d17"
"OutboundRelations": [],
"SysID": "a8decc3f1b9c2410042611b4bd4bcb7d"

Human Readable Output#

Found the following attributes and relations for record a8decc3f1b9c2410042611b4bd4bcb7d:#


Record For READMEa8decc3f1b9c2410042611b4bd4bcb7d

Inbound Relations#

SysIDTarget Display ValueType Display Value
eb3f84331b5c2410042611b4bd4bcbf9CMS App FLXUses::Used by


Create a record with associated relations and attributes.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
classThe name of the class to add the record to.Required
sourceThe discovery source value. You can see all available values from sys_choice table with query GOTOelementLIKEdiscovery_source^name=cmdb_ci. (default: "ServiceNow").Optional
attributesA comma-separated list of attributes that should be added to the created record. Input format: attribute=value pairs, e.g., "name=test, ram=1024".Required
inbound_relationsA comma-separated list of dictionaries. Each dictionary represents an inbound relation that should be added to the created record.Optional
outbound_relationsA comma-separated list of dictionaries. Each dictionary represents an outbound relation that should be added to the created record.Optional
fieldsA comma-separated list of fields to return for the created record.Optional
relation_limitThe maximum number of relations returned (default: 50).Optional
relation_offsetThe number of records to exclude from the relations query (default: 0).Optional

Context Output#

ServiceNowCMDB.Record.SysIDStringThe sys_id of the record that was created.
ServiceNowCMDB.Record.ClassStringThe name of the class from which the record was created.
ServiceNowCMDB.Record.AttributesUnknownThe attributes that were returned in the response for the created record.
ServiceNowCMDB.Record.OutboundRelationsUnknownA list of all the outbound relations of the created record.
ServiceNowCMDB.Record.InboundRelationsUnknownA list of all the inbound relations of the created record.

Command Example#

!servicenow-cmdb-record-create class=cmdb_ci_linux_server attributes="name=README Record"

Context Example#

"ServiceNowCMDB": {
"Record": {
"Attributes": {
"asset": {
"display_value": "Unknown",
"link": "",
"value": "964098b3db50641026fca015ca9619a8"
"asset_tag": "",
"assigned": "",
"assigned_to": "",
"assignment_group": "",
"attributes": "",
"can_print": "false",
"category": "Hardware",
"cd_rom": "false",
"cd_speed": "",
"change_control": "",
"chassis_type": "",
"checked_in": "",
"checked_out": "",
"classification": "Production",
"comments": "",
"company": "",
"correlation_id": "",
"cost": "",
"cost_cc": "USD",
"cost_center": "",
"cpu_core_count": "",
"cpu_core_thread": "",
"cpu_count": "",
"cpu_manufacturer": "",
"cpu_name": "",
"cpu_speed": "",
"cpu_type": "",
"default_gateway": "",
"delivery_date": "",
"department": "",
"discovery_source": "ServiceNow",
"disk_space": "",
"dns_domain": "",
"dr_backup": "",
"due": "",
"due_in": "",
"duplicate_of": "",
"fault_count": "0",
"firewall_status": "Intranet",
"first_discovered": "2020-11-12 06:24:49",
"floppy": "",
"form_factor": "",
"fqdn": "",
"gl_account": "",
"hardware_status": "installed",
"hardware_substatus": "",
"host_name": "",
"install_date": "",
"install_status": "1",
"invoice_number": "",
"ip_address": "",
"justification": "",
"kernel_release": "",
"last_discovered": "2020-11-12 06:24:49",
"lease_id": "",
"location": "",
"mac_address": "",
"maintenance_schedule": "",
"managed_by": "",
"manufacturer": "",
"model_id": {
"display_value": "Unknown",
"link": "",
"value": "4ed329e3db27901026fca015ca9619fc"
"model_number": "",
"monitor": "false",
"name": "README Record",
"object_id": "",
"operational_status": "1",
"order_date": "",
"os": "",
"os_address_width": "",
"os_domain": "",
"os_service_pack": "",
"os_version": "",
"owned_by": "",
"po_number": "",
"purchase_date": "",
"ram": "",
"schedule": "",
"serial_number": "",
"short_description": "",
"skip_sync": "false",
"start_date": "",
"subcategory": "Computer",
"support_group": "",
"supported_by": "",
"sys_class_name": "cmdb_ci_linux_server",
"sys_class_path": "/!!/!2/!(/!!/!0",
"sys_created_by": "admin",
"sys_created_on": "2020-11-12 06:24:49",
"sys_domain": {
"display_value": "global",
"link": "",
"value": "global"
"sys_domain_path": "/",
"sys_id": "d64098b3db50641026fca015ca9619a7",
"sys_mod_count": "0",
"sys_tags": "",
"sys_updated_by": "admin",
"sys_updated_on": "2020-11-12 06:24:49",
"unverified": "false",
"used_for": "Production",
"vendor": "",
"virtual": "false",
"warranty_expiration": ""
"Class": "cmdb_ci_linux_server",
"InboundRelations": [],
"OutboundRelations": [],
"SysID": "d64098b3db50641026fca015ca9619a7"

Human Readable Output#

Record d64098b3db50641026fca015ca9619a7 was created successfully.#


README Recordd64098b3db50641026fca015ca9619a7


Update a record with the given attributes.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
classThe class name of the record that should be updated.Required
sys_idThe ID of the record that should be updated.Required
sourceThe discovery source value. You can see all available values from sys_choice table with query GOTOelementLIKEdiscovery_source^name=cmdb_ci. (default: "ServiceNow").Optional
attributesA comma-separated list of the attributes that should be updated in the record. Input format: attribute=value pairs, e.g., "name=test,ram=1024".Required
fieldsA comma-separated list of the fields to return for the updated record.Optional
relation_limitThe maximum number of relations returned (default: 50).Optional
relation_offsetThe number of records to exclude from the relations query (default: 0).Optional

Context Output#

ServiceNowCMDB.Record.SysIDStringThe sys_id of the record that was updated.
ServiceNowCMDB.Record.ClassStringThe class name of the updated record.
ServiceNowCMDB.Record.AttributesUnknownThe attributes that were returned in the response for the updated record.
ServiceNowCMDB.Record.OutboundRelationsUnknownA list of all the outbound relations of the updated record.
ServiceNowCMDB.Record.InboundRelationsUnknownA list of all the inbound relations of the updated record.

Command Example#

!servicenow-cmdb-record-update class=cmdb_ci_linux_server sys_id=a8decc3f1b9c2410042611b4bd4bcb7d attributes="name=Update Name README"

Context Example#

"ServiceNowCMDB": {
"Record": {
"Attributes": {
"asset": {
"display_value": "Unknown",
"link": "",
"value": "60decc3f1b9c2410042611b4bd4bcb7f"
"asset_tag": "",
"assigned": "",
"assigned_to": "",
"assignment_group": "",
"attributes": "",
"can_print": "false",
"category": "Hardware",
"cd_rom": "false",
"cd_speed": "",
"change_control": "",
"chassis_type": "",
"checked_in": "",
"checked_out": "",
"classification": "Production",
"comments": "",
"company": "",
"correlation_id": "",
"cost": "",
"cost_cc": "USD",
"cost_center": "",
"cpu_core_count": "",
"cpu_core_thread": "",
"cpu_count": "",
"cpu_manufacturer": "",
"cpu_name": "",
"cpu_speed": "",
"cpu_type": "",
"default_gateway": "",
"delivery_date": "",
"department": "",
"discovery_source": "ServiceNow",
"disk_space": "",
"dns_domain": "",
"dr_backup": "",
"due": "",
"due_in": "",
"duplicate_of": "",
"fault_count": "0",
"firewall_status": "Intranet",
"first_discovered": "2020-11-12 06:18:25",
"floppy": "",
"form_factor": "",
"fqdn": "",
"gl_account": "",
"hardware_status": "installed",
"hardware_substatus": "",
"host_name": "",
"install_date": "",
"install_status": "1",
"invoice_number": "",
"ip_address": "",
"justification": "",
"kernel_release": "",
"last_discovered": "2020-11-12 06:24:53",
"lease_id": "",
"location": "",
"mac_address": "",
"maintenance_schedule": "",
"managed_by": "",
"manufacturer": "",
"model_id": {
"display_value": "Unknown",
"link": "",
"value": "4ed329e3db27901026fca015ca9619fc"
"model_number": "",
"monitor": "false",
"name": "Update Name README",
"object_id": "",
"operational_status": "1",
"order_date": "",
"os": "",
"os_address_width": "",
"os_domain": "",
"os_service_pack": "",
"os_version": "",
"owned_by": "",
"po_number": "",
"purchase_date": "",
"ram": "",
"schedule": "",
"serial_number": "",
"short_description": "",
"skip_sync": "false",
"start_date": "",
"subcategory": "Computer",
"support_group": "",
"supported_by": "",
"sys_class_name": "cmdb_ci_linux_server",
"sys_class_path": "/!!/!2/!(/!!/!0",
"sys_created_by": "admin",
"sys_created_on": "2020-11-12 06:18:25",
"sys_domain": {
"display_value": "global",
"link": "",
"value": "global"
"sys_domain_path": "/",
"sys_id": "a8decc3f1b9c2410042611b4bd4bcb7d",
"sys_mod_count": "1",
"sys_tags": "",
"sys_updated_by": "admin",
"sys_updated_on": "2020-11-12 06:24:53",
"unverified": "false",
"used_for": "Production",
"vendor": "",
"virtual": "false",
"warranty_expiration": ""
"Class": "cmdb_ci_linux_server",
"InboundRelations": [
"sys_id": "eb3f84331b5c2410042611b4bd4bcbf9",
"target": {
"display_value": "CMS App FLX",
"link": "",
"value": "829e953a0ad3370200af63483498b1ea"
"type": {
"display_value": "Uses::Used by",
"link": "",
"value": "cb5592603751200032ff8c00dfbe5d17"
"OutboundRelations": [],
"SysID": "a8decc3f1b9c2410042611b4bd4bcb7d"

Human Readable Output#

Updated record a8decc3f1b9c2410042611b4bd4bcb7d successfully.#


Update Name READMEa8decc3f1b9c2410042611b4bd4bcb7d

Inbound Relations#

SysIDTarget Display ValueType Display Value
eb3f84331b5c2410042611b4bd4bcbf9CMS App FLXUses::Used by


Add a new relation to an existing record.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
classThe class name of the record.Required
sys_idThe ID of the record to which the relations should be added.Required
sourceThe discovery source value. You can see all available values from sys_choice table with query GOTOelementLIKEdiscovery_source^name=cmdb_ci. (default: "ServiceNow").Optional
inbound_relationsA comma-separated list of dictionaries. Each dictionary represents an inbound relation that should be added to the created record.Optional
outbound_relationsA comma-separated list of dictionaries. Each dictionary represents an outbound relation that should be added to the created record.Optional
fieldsA comma-separated list of the fields to return for the record.Optional
relation_limitThe maximum number of relations returned (default: 50).Optional
relation_offsetThe number of records to exclude from the relations query (default: 0).Optional

Context Output#

ServiceNowCMDB.Record.SysIDStringThe sys_id of the record that was updated.
ServiceNowCMDB.Record.ClassStringThe class name of the record.
ServiceNowCMDB.Record.AttributesUnknownThe attributes that were returned in the response for the updated record.
ServiceNowCMDB.Record.OutboundRelationsUnknownA list of all the outbound relations of the record.
ServiceNowCMDB.Record.InboundRelationsUnknownA list of all the inbound relations of the record.

Command Example#

!servicenow-cmdb-record-add-relations class=cmdb_ci_linux_server sys_id=a8decc3f1b9c2410042611b4bd4bcb7d inbound_relations="[{'type': 'cb5592603751200032ff8c00dfbe5d17','target':'829e953a0ad3370200af63483498b1ea','sys_class_name':'cmdb_ci_appl'}]"

Context Example#

"ServiceNowCMDB": {
"Record": {
"Attributes": {
"asset": {
"display_value": "Unknown",
"link": "",
"value": "60decc3f1b9c2410042611b4bd4bcb7f"
"asset_tag": "",
"assigned": "",
"assigned_to": "",
"assignment_group": "",
"attributes": "",
"can_print": "false",
"category": "Hardware",
"cd_rom": "false",
"cd_speed": "",
"change_control": "",
"chassis_type": "",
"checked_in": "",
"checked_out": "",
"classification": "Production",
"comments": "",
"company": "",
"correlation_id": "",
"cost": "",
"cost_cc": "USD",
"cost_center": "",
"cpu_core_count": "",
"cpu_core_thread": "",
"cpu_count": "",
"cpu_manufacturer": "",
"cpu_name": "",
"cpu_speed": "",
"cpu_type": "",
"default_gateway": "",
"delivery_date": "",
"department": "",
"discovery_source": "ServiceNow",
"disk_space": "",
"dns_domain": "",
"dr_backup": "",
"due": "",
"due_in": "",
"duplicate_of": "",
"fault_count": "0",
"firewall_status": "Intranet",
"first_discovered": "2020-11-12 06:18:25",
"floppy": "",
"form_factor": "",
"fqdn": "",
"gl_account": "",
"hardware_status": "installed",
"hardware_substatus": "",
"host_name": "",
"install_date": "",
"install_status": "1",
"invoice_number": "",
"ip_address": "",
"justification": "",
"kernel_release": "",
"last_discovered": "2020-11-12 06:24:53",
"lease_id": "",
"location": "",
"mac_address": "",
"maintenance_schedule": "",
"managed_by": "",
"manufacturer": "",
"model_id": {
"display_value": "Unknown",
"link": "",
"value": "4ed329e3db27901026fca015ca9619fc"
"model_number": "",
"monitor": "false",
"name": "Update Name README",
"object_id": "",
"operational_status": "1",
"order_date": "",
"os": "",
"os_address_width": "",
"os_domain": "",
"os_service_pack": "",
"os_version": "",
"owned_by": "",
"po_number": "",
"purchase_date": "",
"ram": "",
"schedule": "",
"serial_number": "",
"short_description": "",
"skip_sync": "false",
"start_date": "",
"subcategory": "Computer",
"support_group": "",
"supported_by": "",
"sys_class_name": "cmdb_ci_linux_server",
"sys_class_path": "/!!/!2/!(/!!/!0",
"sys_created_by": "admin",
"sys_created_on": "2020-11-12 06:18:25",
"sys_domain": {
"display_value": "global",
"link": "",
"value": "global"
"sys_domain_path": "/",
"sys_id": "a8decc3f1b9c2410042611b4bd4bcb7d",
"sys_mod_count": "1",
"sys_tags": "",
"sys_updated_by": "admin",
"sys_updated_on": "2020-11-12 06:24:53",
"unverified": "false",
"used_for": "Production",
"vendor": "",
"virtual": "false",
"warranty_expiration": ""
"Class": "cmdb_ci_linux_server",
"InboundRelations": [
"sys_id": "b34050bbdb10641026fca015ca961985",
"target": {
"display_value": "CMS App FLX",
"link": "",
"value": "829e953a0ad3370200af63483498b1ea"
"type": {
"display_value": "Uses::Used by",
"link": "",
"value": "cb5592603751200032ff8c00dfbe5d17"
"sys_id": "eb3f84331b5c2410042611b4bd4bcbf9",
"target": {
"display_value": "CMS App FLX",
"link": "",
"value": "829e953a0ad3370200af63483498b1ea"
"type": {
"display_value": "Uses::Used by",
"link": "",
"value": "cb5592603751200032ff8c00dfbe5d17"
"OutboundRelations": [],
"SysID": "a8decc3f1b9c2410042611b4bd4bcb7d"

Human Readable Output#

New relations were added to a8decc3f1b9c2410042611b4bd4bcb7d record successfully.#


Update Name READMEa8decc3f1b9c2410042611b4bd4bcb7d

Inbound Relations#

SysIDTarget Display ValueType Display Value
Uses::Used by,
Uses::Used by


Delete a relation of an existing record.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
classThe class name of the record.Required
sys_idThe ID of the record from which a relation should be deleted.Required
relation_sys_idThe ID of the relation that should be deleted.Required
fieldsA comma-separated list of the fields to return for the record.Optional
relation_limitThe maximum number of relations returned (default: 50).Optional
relation_offsetThe number of records to exclude from the relations query (default: 0).Optional

Context Output#

ServiceNowCMDB.Record.SysIDStringThe sys_id of the record that was updated.
ServiceNowCMDB.Record.ClassStringThe class name of the record.
ServiceNowCMDB.Record.AttributesUnknownThe attributes that were returned in the response for the updated record.
ServiceNowCMDB.Record.OutboundRelationsUnknownA list of all the outbound relations of the record.
ServiceNowCMDB.Record.InboundRelationsUnknownA list of all the inbound relations of the record.

Command Example#

!servicenow-cmdb-record-delete-relations class=cmdb_ci_linux_server relation_sys_id=b376af86dbbf981026fca015ca961981 sys_id=2a41eb4e1b739810042611b4bd4bcb9d

Context Example#

"ServiceNowCMDB": {
"Record": {
"Attributes": {
"asset": {
"display_value": "Unknown",
"link": "",
"value": "964098b3db50641026fca015ca9619a8"
"asset_tag": "",
"assigned": "",
"assigned_to": "",
"assignment_group": "",
"attributes": "",
"can_print": "false",
"category": "Hardware",
"cd_rom": "false",
"cd_speed": "",
"change_control": "",
"chassis_type": "",
"checked_in": "",
"checked_out": "",
"classification": "Production",
"comments": "",
"company": "",
"correlation_id": "",
"cost": "",
"cost_cc": "USD",
"cost_center": "",
"cpu_core_count": "",
"cpu_core_thread": "",
"cpu_count": "",
"cpu_manufacturer": "",
"cpu_name": "",
"cpu_speed": "",
"cpu_type": "",
"default_gateway": "",
"delivery_date": "",
"department": "",
"discovery_source": "ServiceNow",
"disk_space": "",
"dns_domain": "",
"dr_backup": "",
"due": "",
"due_in": "",
"duplicate_of": "",
"fault_count": "0",
"firewall_status": "Intranet",
"first_discovered": "2020-11-12 06:24:49",
"floppy": "",
"form_factor": "",
"fqdn": "",
"gl_account": "",
"hardware_status": "installed",
"hardware_substatus": "",
"host_name": "",
"install_date": "",
"install_status": "1",
"invoice_number": "",
"ip_address": "",
"justification": "",
"kernel_release": "",
"last_discovered": "2020-11-12 06:24:49",
"lease_id": "",
"location": "",
"mac_address": "",
"maintenance_schedule": "",
"managed_by": "",
"manufacturer": "",
"model_id": {
"display_value": "Unknown",
"link": "",
"value": "4ed329e3db27901026fca015ca9619fc"
"model_number": "",
"monitor": "false",
"name": "README Record",
"object_id": "",
"operational_status": "1",
"order_date": "",
"os": "",
"os_address_width": "",
"os_domain": "",
"os_service_pack": "",
"os_version": "",
"owned_by": "",
"po_number": "",
"purchase_date": "",
"ram": "",
"schedule": "",
"serial_number": "",
"short_description": "",
"skip_sync": "false",
"start_date": "",
"subcategory": "Computer",
"support_group": "",
"supported_by": "",
"sys_class_name": "cmdb_ci_linux_server",
"sys_class_path": "/!!/!2/!(/!!/!0",
"sys_created_by": "admin",
"sys_created_on": "2020-11-12 06:24:49",
"sys_domain": {
"display_value": "global",
"link": "",
"value": "global"
"sys_domain_path": "/",
"sys_id": "d64098b3db50641026fca015ca9619a7",
"sys_mod_count": "0",
"sys_tags": "",
"sys_updated_by": "admin",
"sys_updated_on": "2020-11-12 06:24:49",
"unverified": "false",
"used_for": "Production",
"vendor": "",
"virtual": "false",
"warranty_expiration": ""
"Class": "cmdb_ci_linux_server",
"InboundRelations": [],
"OutboundRelations": [],
"SysID": "2a41eb4e1b739810042611b4bd4bcb9d"

Human Readable Output#

Deleted relation b376af86dbbf981026fca015ca961981 successfully from 2a41eb4e1b739810042611b4bd4bcb9d record.#


Update Name README2a41eb4e1b739810042611b4bd4bcb9d


This function should be used once before running any command when using OAuth authorization.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
usernameThe username that should be used for login.Required
passwordThe password that should be used for login.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!servicenow-cmdb-oauth-login username=username password=password

Human Readable Output#

###Logged in successfully. A refresh token was saved to the integration context. This token will be used to generate a new access token once the current one expires.


Test the instance configuration when using OAuth authorization.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#


Human Readable Output#

###Instance Configured Successfully.