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Skyhigh Security

This Integration is part of the Skyhigh Security SSE Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.5.0 and later.

Additional information#

Skyhigh Security is a cloud-based, multi-tenant service that enables Cloud Discovery and Risk Monitoring, Cloud Usage Analytics, Cloud Access and Control. This integration was integrated and tested with version 1 of Skyhigh Security.

API limitations#

Do to API limitations, keep in mind that over time the integration can start to work more slowly. The solution is to restart the last-run.

Configure Skyhigh Security in Cortex#

Base URL (e.g.,
PasswordThe username and password to use for the connectionTrue
Maximum number of incidents to fetch every time. Default is 50. Maximum is 500.False
First fetch in timestamp format (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days). Default is 3 days.False
Trust any certificate (not secure)False
Use system proxy settingsFalse


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Retrieves a list of incidents in ascending time modified order.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitMaximum number of items that will be returned within a single response. Maximum is 500. If the limit value exceeds the 500 maximum, it will not be flagged as an error but will also not increase results. Default is 50.Optional
pagePagination support for use with a large “limit” value.Optional
page_sizePagination support for use with a large “limit” value. The maximum is 500.Optional
start_timeFor time arguments use the ISO-8601 standard - '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' or relative time (last X days). Default is 3 days.Optional
end_timeFor time arguments use the ISO-8601 standard - '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' or relative time (last X days).Optional
actor_idsThe actor IDs of the incidents to retrieve.Optional
service_namesThe service names of the incidents to retrieve.Optional
incident_typesThe type of the incidents to retrieve. Possible values are: Alert, Threat.Optional
categoriesThe categories of the incidents to retrieve. When defining the categories argument the incident_types argument is ignored. Possible values are: Access, Admin, Audit, CompromisedAccount, Data, InsiderThreat, Policy, PrivilegeAccess, Vulnerability.Optional

Context Output#

SkyhighSecurity.IncidentUnknownThe incident's metadata.

Command example#

!skyhigh-security-incident-query limit="3" start_time="3 days"

Context Example#

"SkyhighSecurity": {
"Incident": [
"activityNames": [],
"actorId": "NOT AVAILABLE",
"actorIdType": "USER",
"incidentGroup": "Alert.Policy.CloudAccess",
"incidentGroupId": null,
"incidentId": "CAP-111111",
"incidentRiskScore": 10,
"incidentRiskSeverity": "high",
"incidentRiskSeverityId": 2,
"information": {
"contentItemCreatedOn": "2022-07-01T19:13:53.075Z",
"contentItemId": "UNKNOWN",
"contentItemName": "/css/webfonts/office365icons.eot?",
"contentItemType": "REQUEST",
"device": {
"application": {
"type": "application",
"user_agent": "Chrome"
"device_type": "Desktop",
"ip": "",
"os": {
"platform": "Windows",
"type": "os"
"eventId": "222222",
"lastExecutedResponseLabel": "Block Access",
"policyId": 333333,
"policyName": "Block downloads to unmanaged devices",
"userAttributes": {}
"instanceId": 444444,
"instanceName": "zengel",
"responses": ["Block Access"],
"serviceNames": ["Microsoft Office 365 and OneDrive"],
"significantlyUpdatedAt": "2022-07-01T19:13:57.053Z",
"status": "new",
"timeCreated": "2022-07-01T19:13:53.075Z",
"timeModified": "2022-07-01T19:13:57.053Z"
"activityNames": [],
"actorId": "NOT AVAILABLE",
"actorIdType": "USER",
"incidentGroup": "Alert.Policy.CloudAccess",
"incidentGroupId": null,
"incidentId": "CAP-555555",
"incidentRiskScore": 3,
"incidentRiskSeverity": "low",
"incidentRiskSeverityId": 0,
"information": {
"contentItemCreatedOn": "2022-07-02T02:38:16.706Z",
"contentItemId": "UNKNOWN",
"contentItemName": "/",
"contentItemType": "REQUEST",
"device": {
"application": {
"type": "application",
"user_agent": "Unknown"
"device_type": "Unknown",
"ip": "",
"os": {
"platform": "Unknown",
"type": "os"
"eventId": "666666",
"lastExecutedResponseLabel": "Allow Access",
"policyId": 777777,
"policyName": "allow successfactors",
"userAttributes": {}
"instanceId": 888888,
"instanceName": "ZengelBiz",
"responses": ["Allow Access"],
"serviceNames": ["SAP - SuccessFactors HXM Suite"],
"significantlyUpdatedAt": "2022-07-02T02:38:18.682Z",
"status": "new",
"timeCreated": "2022-07-02T02:38:16.706Z",
"timeModified": "2022-07-02T02:38:18.682Z"
"activityNames": [],
"actorId": "NOT AVAILABLE",
"actorIdType": "USER",
"incidentGroup": "Alert.Policy.CloudAccess",
"incidentGroupId": null,
"incidentId": "CAP-999999",
"incidentRiskScore": 3,
"incidentRiskSeverity": "low",
"incidentRiskSeverityId": 0,
"information": {
"contentItemCreatedOn": "2022-07-02T02:38:16.888Z",
"contentItemId": "UNKNOWN",
"contentItemName": "/",
"contentItemType": "REQUEST",
"device": {
"application": {
"type": "application",
"user_agent": "Unknown"
"device_type": "Unknown",
"ip": "",
"os": {
"platform": "Unknown",
"type": "os"
"eventId": "144304",
"lastExecutedResponseLabel": "Allow Access",
"policyId": 777777,
"policyName": "allow successfactors",
"userAttributes": {}
"instanceId": 888888,
"instanceName": "ZengelBiz",
"responses": ["Allow Access"],
"serviceNames": ["SAP - SuccessFactors HXM Suite"],
"significantlyUpdatedAt": "2022-07-02T02:38:19.202Z",
"status": "new",
"timeCreated": "2022-07-02T02:38:16.888Z",
"timeModified": "2022-07-02T02:38:19.202Z"

Human Readable Output#

Skyhigh Security Incidents#

Alert SeverityIncident IDService NameStatusTime (UTC)User Name
highCAP-111111Microsoft Office 365 and OneDrivenew2022-07-01T19:13:53.075ZNOT AVAILABLE
lowCAP-555555SAP - SuccessFactors HXM Suitenew2022-07-02T02:38:16.706ZNOT AVAILABLE
lowCAP-999999SAP - SuccessFactors HXM Suitenew2022-07-02T02:38:16.888ZNOT AVAILABLE


Update status of single/multiple incidents.

Note! For multiple IDs, a single status will be applied for all IDs e.g., 123, 456, 789 >> change status to >> closed.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
incident_idsThe incidents IDs that should be updated.Required
statusThe new status of the incidents. Possible values are: new, opened, false positive, resolved, suppressed, archived.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!skyhigh-security-incident-status-update incident_ids=CAP-114044 status=archived

Human Readable Output#

Status updated for user


Fetches activities for a given anomaly ID.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
anomaly_idThe anomaly ID from where to retrieve the activities. Only for incidents of type anomaly (ANO-123).Required

Context Output#

SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.timeStampStringThe timestamp of the anomaly activity.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.actionNameStringThe action name.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.asnNameStringThe ASN name of an activity.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.cityStringThe city where the anomaly activity occurred.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.collabGroupStringThe collaboration group for the anomaly activity.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.countNumberThe number of anomalies detected.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.countryStringThe country of the anomaly activity.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.deviceManagedBooleanWhether the anomaly activity is managed by the device or not.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.directoryStringThe directory of the anomaly activity.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.downloadBytesNumberThe number of bytes downloaded by the anomaly activity.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.eventCountNumberThe number of anomalies detected.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.fileFolderPathStringThe file folder path for the anomaly activity.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.fileNameStringThe file name of the anomaly activity.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.fileSharingEnabledBooleanWhether the CASB file sharing is enabled or not.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.fileSizeNumberThe file size of the anomaly activity.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.fileTypeStringThe file type of the anomaly activity.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.geoOrgNameV1StringThe geo organization name.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.httpMethodStringThe HTTP method used by the anomaly activity.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.instanceIdStringThe instance ID for the anomaly activity.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.isSourceTrustedBooleanWhether the anomaly activity source is trusted or not.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.networkTypeStringThe network type for the anomaly.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.objectTypeStringThe object type for the anomaly activity.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.operationStringThe operation type.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.proxyDescriptionStringThe proxy description for the anomaly activity.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.proxyTypeStringThe proxy type for the anomaly activity.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.regionStringThe region where the anomaly activity occurred.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.serviceNameStringThe name of the service.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.siteUrlStringThe URL of the CASB's site.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.sourceIPIPThe IP address of the source IP.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.sourceIdentifierStringThe source identifier for the anomaly activity.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.targetIdStringThe target ID for the anomaly activity.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.targetTypeStringThe anomaly activity type.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.tenantIdNumberThe tenant ID for the anomaly activity.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.threatCategoryStringThe threat category for the anomaly activity.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.trustEntityStringThe trust entity for the anomaly activity.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.trustReasonStringThe trust reason of the anomaly activity.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.uploadBytesNumberThe number of bytes uploaded.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.urlStringThe URL of the anomaly activity.
SkyhighSecurity.AnomalyActivity.userStringThe user who triggered the anomaly.


List existing policy dictionaries.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitMaximum number of policies that will be returned within a single response. Default is 50.Optional
pagePagination support for use with a large “limit” value.Optional
page_sizePagination support for use with a large “limit” value.Optional
nameThe name of the policies to retrieve.Optional

Context Output#

SkyhighSecurity.Dictionaries.IDNumberThe ID for the dictionary.
SkyhighSecurity.Dictionaries.LastModifiedStringThe date the dictionary was last modified.
SkyhighSecurity.Dictionaries.NameStringThe name of the dictionary.

Command example#

!skyhigh-security-policy-dictionary-list limit="3"

Context Example#

"SkyhighSecurity": {
"dictionaries": [
"ID": 121212,
"LastModified": "2022-07-04T14:02:03.000+0000",
"Name": "(Default) Internal Domains"
"ID": 131313,
"LastModified": "2020-04-15T13:08:09.000+0000",
"Name": "Access Whitelist Users"
"ID": 141414,
"LastModified": "2021-07-14T12:22:37.000+0000",
"Name": "Allowed Geo"

Human Readable Output#

List of Skyhigh Security Policies#

IDLast ModifiedName
1212122022-07-04T14:02:03.000+0000(Default) Internal Domains
1313132020-04-15T13:08:09.000+0000Access Whitelist Users
1414142021-07-14T12:22:37.000+0000Allowed Geo


Adds new content to an existing policy dictionary.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
dictionary_idThe dictionary where to set the policy.Required
nameA name for the new key-value which will be added in the dictionary.Required
contentThe value to be set in the dictionary for the given key-name. Multiple values can be separated by commas.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!skyhigh-security-policy-dictionary-update dictionary_id="121212" name="(Default) Internal Domains" content=","

Human Readable Output#

Dictionary id: 121212 was updated.