Symantec Data Loss Prevention v2
Symantec Data Loss Prevention Pack.#
This Integration is part of theSupported versions
Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.0.0 and later.
Symantec Data Loss Prevention enables you to discover, monitor and protect your sensitive corporate information. This integration was integrated and tested with Symantec Data Loss Prevention version 15.7 RESTful API.
Check Symantec DLP 15.7 API docs
Some changes have been made that might affect your existing content. If you are upgrading from a previous of this integration, see Breaking Changes.
Configure Symantec Data Loss Prevention v2 in CortexParameter | Description | Required |
Enforce Server (e.g. | True | |
Username | True | |
Password | True | |
First fetch timestamp (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days) | False | |
Fetch limit | Max fetch limit is 50 | False |
Fetch incidents from type | If not selected, fetches all incident types. | False |
Incident Status ID | The status ID of the incidents. To get the status IDs, run the `symantec-dlp-list-incident-status` command. | False |
Incident Severity | If not selected, fetches high and medium incidents. | False |
Trust any certificate (not secure) | False | |
Use system proxy settings | False | |
Fetch incidents | False | |
Incident type | False |
Fetch IncidentsThe integration fetches incidents in the order they were created. Note that incident IDs may not be fetched in order, due to creation time differences.
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
symantec-dlp-list-incidentsReturns a list of incidents.
Base Commandsymantec-dlp-list-incidents
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
creation_date | The earliest time from which to get incidents. Supports ISO (e.g 2021-12-28T00:00:00Z) and free text (e.g. '2 days'). | Optional |
status_id | The status ID of the incidents. To get status IDs, run the symantec-dlp-list-incident-status command. | Optional |
severity | The severity of the incidents. Possible values are: Info, Low, Medium, High. | Optional |
incident_type | The incident type. Possible values are: Network, Discover, Endpoint. | Optional |
limit | The limit for number of incidents listed per page. Default is 50. | Optional |
page | The page number you would like to view. Each page contains page_size values. Must be used along with page_size. Default is 1. | Optional |
page_size | The number of results per page to display. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
SymantecDLP.Incident.ID | Number | The ID of the Incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.messageType | String | Indicates the Symantec DLP product component that generated the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.messageSource | String | The localized label that corresponds to the Symantec DLP product that generated the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.detectionServerId | Number | The ID of the detection server that created the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.policyVersion | Number | The version of the policy. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.matchCount | Number | Indicates the number of detection rule matches in the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.policyId | Number | The ID of the policy. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.creationDate | Date | The creation date of the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.detectionDate | Date | The detection date of the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.severity | String | The severity of the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.messageTypeId | Number | The ID of the message type. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.incidentStatusId | Number | The status ID of the incident. |
Command example!symantec-dlp-list-incidents limit=2 severity=High incident_type=Network creation_date="4 days"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Symantec DLP incidents results
ID Severity Status Creation Date Incident Type Message Type Policy ID Match Count 4044 High 1 2022-03-27T03:23:52.315 NETWORK HTTP 2 3 4043 High 1 2022-03-27T03:23:52.299 NETWORK HTTP 41 2
symantec-dlp-get-incident-detailsReturns details of the specified incident.
Base Commandsymantec-dlp-get-incident-details
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
incident_id | Incident ID for which to retrieve details. | Required |
custom_attributes | This argument can get the following values: all - All custom attributes are needed none - None of the custom attributes are needed specific attributes - A comma-separated list of custom attribute names. For example: ca1,ca2,ca3 custom attribute group name - A comma-separated list of custom attribute group names. For example: cag1, cag2, cag3. This value retrieves all custom attributes in the mentioned group. The value "none" is default. Possible values are: all, none, specific attributes, custom attribute group name. Default is none. | Optional |
custom_data | A comma-separated list of custom attribute names or custom attribute group names. For example: item1,item2,item3. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
SymantecDLP.Incident.ID | Number | The ID of the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.policyVersion | Number | The version of the policy. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.attachmentInfo.componentType | Number | The ID of the type of the message component that generated the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.attachmentInfo.messageComponentName | String | The name of the file or attachment that generated the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.attachmentInfo.messageComponentId | Number | The ID of the message component that generated the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.attachmentInfo.wasCracked | Boolean | Indicates if the message component that generated the incident was cracked. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.attachmentInfo.documentFormat | String | The file format of the message component that generated the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.attachmentInfo.mimeType | String | The standard mime type of the message component that generated the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.attachmentInfo.originalSize | Number | The size, in bytes, of the file or attachment that generated the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.messageSubject | String | The subject of the message that caused the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.policyName | String | The name of the policy. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.policyGroupName | String | The name of the policy group. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.policyGroupId | Number | The ID of the policy group of the policy that was violated. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.messageSource | String | The localized label that corresponds to the Symantec DLP product that generated the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.messageId | Number | The ID of the message that caused the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.messageOriginatorID | Number | The ID of the sender or originator of the message that caused the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.matchCount | Number | The total number of policy violation matches produced by policies for this incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.creationDate | Date | The creation date of the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.isBlockedStatusSuperseded | Boolean | Specifies whether the incident response was superseded by another response. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.detectionServerName | String | The name of the detection server that created the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.networkSenderPort | Number | The port number on the host from which network traffic originated. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.messageType | String | Indicates the Symantec DLP product component that generated the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.policyId | Number | The ID of the policy. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.detectionDate | Date | The detection date of the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.messageTypeId | Number | The ID of the message type. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.detectionServerId | Number | The ID of the detection server or cloud detector that created the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.messageDate | Date | The date and time that the network message that caused the incident originated. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.senderIPAddress | String | The IP address of the sender. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.endpointMachineIpAddress | String | The IP address of the endpoint machine. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.recipientInfo.recipientType | Number | The type of the recipient. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.recipientInfo.recipientPort | Number | The port of the recipient. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.recipientInfo.recipientDomain | String | The domain of the recipient. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.recipientInfo.recipientIdentifier | String | The identifier of the recipient. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.recipientInfo.recipientIPAddress | String | The IP address of the recipient. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.recipientInfo.recipientUrl | String | The URL address of the recipient. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.networkSenderIdentifier | String | The name and/or IP address of the user who caused the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.isHidingNotAllowed | Boolean | Indicates if incident hiding is not allowed for the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.incidentStatusName | String | The status of the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.dataOwnerEmail | String | The email of the data owner. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.dataOwnerName | String | The name of the data owner. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.severity | Number | The severity of the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.incidentStatusId | Number | The status ID of the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.isHidden | Boolean | The hidden state of the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.preventOrProtectStatusId | Number | The remediation status ID. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.CustomAttribute.Name | String | The name of the custom attribute. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.CustomAttribute.Value | String | The value of the custom attribute. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.CustomAttribute.Index | Number | The index of the custom attribute. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.fileCreateDate | Date | The date and time the file was created. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.discoverServer | String | The name of the file share, server, or SQL database that was scanned. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.fileAccessDate | Date | The date and time the file was last accessed. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.discoverTargetName | String | The name of the Discover scan target. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.discoverRepositoryLocation | String | The location, file location, or other path to the resource which generated the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.discoverScanId | Number | The ID of the Discover scan. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.discoverContentRootPath | String | The full path on the file share, server, or SQL database that was scanned. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.discoverMillisSinceFirstSeen | Number | The time from the first incident generated, by the same policy on the same file, or resource using Discover detection, up to the detection time of the current incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.isBlockedStatusSuperseded | Boolean | Specifies whether the incident response was superseded by another response. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.messageAclEntries.principal | String | The principal of the entry. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.messageAclEntries.aclType | String | The type of resource the access control list applies to. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.messageAclEntries.permission | String | The permission of the entry. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.messageAclEntries.grantDeny | String | Whether access is allowed or not. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.discoverTargetId | Number | The ID of the Discover scan target. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.discoverScanStartDate | Date | The date and time that the Discover scan started. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.discoverName | String | The name of the file or resource that caused the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.fileOwner | String | The owner of the file at the time the incident was created. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.discoverUrl | String | The URL of the resource scanned. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.endpointFilePath | String | The file system path of the file that violated the policy. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.endpointApplicationPath | String | The path to the application that caused the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.endpointVolumeName | String | The name of the local drive where the incident occurred. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.domainUserName | String | The domain and user name associated with the incident. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.fileCreatedBy | String | The name of the user who created the file. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.fileModifiedBy | String | The name of the user who last modified the file. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.endpointDeviceInstanceId | String | The ID to specifically identify an endpoint computer. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.endpointFileName | String | The name of the file that violated the policy. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.endpointConnectionStatus | String | The location of the endpoint computer, on or off the corporate network. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.endpointMachineIpAddress | String | The IP address of the computer on which the incident occurred, if the computer is in the corporate network. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.endpointMachineName | String | The name of the computer on which the incident occurred. |
SymantecDLP.Incident.endpointApplicationName | String | The name of the application that caused the incident. |
Command example!symantec-dlp-get-incident-details incident_id=1 custom_attributes="custom attribute group name" custom_data="att group2"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Symantec DLP incident 1 details
Status Creation Date Detection Date Incident Type Policy Name Policy Group Name Detection Server Name Message Type Message Source Data Owner Name Data Owner Email Custom Attributes 1 2021-12-20T13:25:46.103 2021-12-20T13:25:27.56 NETWORK Network Test policy Detection - Network monitor HTTP NETWORK test123 - name: att group2
- name: kjv
value: test
symantec-dlp-update-incidentUpdates the details of a specific incident.
Base Commandsymantec-dlp-update-incident
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
incident_ids | The incident IDs to update. | Required |
data_owner_email | The data owner email. | Optional |
data_owner_name | The data owner name. | Optional |
note | The note to be added. | Optional |
incident_status_id | The status ID to update. Run the symantec-dlp-list-incident-status command to get the status ID. | Optional |
remediation_status_name | The remediation status name of an incident. | Optional |
remediation_location | The remediation location of the incident. Values can be user-defined. | Optional |
severity | The severity level of the incident. Possible values are: Info, Low, Medium, High. | Optional |
custom_attributes | The custom attributes to update. To get the custom attribute details, run the symantec-dlp-get-incident-details command with the custom_attributes=all command.Format: {columnIndex}:{newValue} For example, 1:update, 4:att. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!symantec-dlp-update-incident incident_ids=1,2 severity=Medium custom_attributes=4:test
Human Readable OutputSymantec DLP incidents: ['1', '2'] were updated
symantec-dlp-list-incident-statusReturns a list of the custom status values defined in the Symantec DLP deployment.
Base Commandsymantec-dlp-list-incident-status
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Number | The ID of the status. | | String | The name of the status. |
Command example!symantec-dlp-list-incident-status
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Symantec DLP incidents status
Id Name 1 incident.status.New 42 Escalated 21 In Process 43 False Positive 44 Configuration Error 45 Resolved 61 Custom status
symantec-dlp-get-incident-historyReturns the history of the specified incident.
Base Commandsymantec-dlp-get-incident-history
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
incident_id | The incident ID. | Required |
limit | The limit of the incident history list per page. Default is 50. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
SymantecDLP.IncidentHistory.incidentHistoryDate | String | The date of the incident history. |
SymantecDLP.IncidentHistory.dlpUserName | String | The name of the user. |
SymantecDLP.IncidentHistory.incidentHistoryAction | String | The action of the incident history. |
SymantecDLP.IncidentHistory.incidentHistoryDetail | String | The incident history detail. |
SymantecDLP.IncidentHistory.policyGroupId | Number | The ID of the policy group. |
SymantecDLP.IncidentHistory.detectionServerName | String | The name of the detection server that created the incident. |
SymantecDLP.IncidentHistory.incidentHistoryId | Number | The ID of the incident history. |
SymantecDLP.IncidentHistory.messageSource | String | The localized label that corresponds to the Symantec DLP product that generated the incident. |
SymantecDLP.IncidentHistory.messageDate | String | The date of the message. |
SymantecDLP.IncidentHistory.ID | Number | The ID of the incident. |
Command example!symantec-dlp-get-incident-history limit=6 incident_id=2
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Symantec DLP Incident 2 history results
DLP User Name History Date Incident History Action Administrator 2021-12-20T13:25:46.197 SET_STATUS Administrator 2021-12-20T13:25:27.576 MESSAGE_NOT_RETAINED Administrator 2021-12-20T13:25:27.576 SET_SEVERITY Administrator 2021-12-20T13:25:27.576 DETECTED
symantec-dlp-list-remediation-statusReturns a list of the remediation status values defined in the Symantec DLP deployment.
Base Commandsymantec-dlp-list-remediation-status
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | Number | The ID of the remediation status. | | String | The name of the remediation status. |
Command example!symantec-dlp-list-remediation-status
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Incidents remediation status results
symantec-dlp-get-incident-original-messageFetches the original message from an incident. Requires SDLP 15.8.
Base Commandsymantec-dlp-get-incident-original-message
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
incident_id | The incident ID. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
InfoFile.EntryID | String | The EntryID of the original message file. |
InfoFile.Extension | String | The extension of the original message file. |
InfoFile.Name | String | The name of the original message file. |
InfoFile.Info | String | The info of the original message file. |
InfoFile.Size | Number | The size of the original message file. |
InfoFile.Type | String | The type of the original message file. |
Command example!symantec-dlp-get-incident-original-message incident_id=1
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
symantec-dlp-get-report-filtersRetrieves the filter criteria for a saved search in the Enforce console by report ID. Requires SDLP 16.0.
Base Commandsymantec-dlp-get-report-filters
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
report_id | Report ID for which to retrieve filters. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
SymantecDLP.ReportFilter | Unknown | The filter criteria for a saved search in the Enforce console. |
Command example!symantec-dlp-get-report-filters report_id=1
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputReturned results for report id 1
Returns details for all SDLP users from the Enforce console. Requires SDLP 16.0.
Base Commandsymantec-dlp-list-users
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
SymantecDLP.Users | Unknown | List of SDLP users and details. |
Command example!symantec-dlp-list-users
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Symantec DLP Users
Accountdisabled Emailaddress Roles Userid Username no API Web 1 User1
symantec-dlp-get-sender-recipient-patternReturns a sender/recipient pattern. Requires SDLP 16.0.
Base Commandsymantec-dlp-get-sender-recipient-pattern
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
pattern_id | Pattern ID for which to retrieve pattern details. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
SymantecDLP.SenderRecipientPattern | Unknown | Sender/recipient pattern returned from the Enforce console. |
Command example!symantec-dlp-get-sender-recipient-pattern pattern_id=1
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
XSOAR Sender Block Example
description id ipAddresses modifiedBy modifiedDate name ruleType userPatterns demo 1, 343
name: AdminUsername05/16/23 12:20 PM XSOAR Sender Block Example 4 domain-jsmith,
symantec-dlp-list-sender-recipient-patternsReturns a list of all sender/recipient patterns from the Enforce console. Requires SDLP 16.0.
Base Commandsymantec-dlp-list-sender-recipient-patterns
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
SymantecDLP.Patterns | Unknown | The list of all sender/recipient patterns returned from the Enforce console. |
Command example!symantec-dlp-list-sender-recipient-patterns
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Sender/Recipient Patterns
description id ipAddresses modifiedBy modifiedDate name ruleType userPatterns demo 1, 343
name: AdminUsername05/16/23 12:20 PM XSOAR Sender Block Example 4 domain-jsmith,
symantec-dlp-update-sender-patternUpdates a sender pattern in the Enforce console. Requires SDLP 16.0.
Base Commandsymantec-dlp-update-sender-pattern
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
pattern_id | ID number of the pattern to update. | Required |
ips | Comma-separated list of IP addresses for the pattern. Note: These IP values will replace the existing values in the pattern. | Optional |
users | Comma-separated list of emails, Windows names, or screen names for the pattern. Note: These user values will replace the existing values in the pattern. | Optional |
name | Name of the sender pattern. Note: This value will change the name of the pattern if different from the existing name. | Required |
description | Description of the sender pattern. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
SymantecDLP.SenderUpdate | Unknown | Results of updating the sender pattern from the Enforce Console. |
Command example!symantec-dlp-update-sender-pattern pattern_id=1 name="XSOAR Sender Block Example" description="demo"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Sender Pattern Update Results
description id ipAddresses modifiedBy modifiedDate name ruleType userPatterns demo 1, 343
name: AdminUsername05/16/23 12:20 PM XSOAR Sender Block Example 4 domain-jsmith,
symantec-dlp-update-recipient-patternUpdates a recipient pattern in the Enforce console. Requires SDLP 16.0.
Base Commandsymantec-dlp-update-recipient-pattern
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
pattern_id | ID number of the pattern to update. | Required |
ips | Comma-separated list of IP addresses for the pattern. Note: These IP values will replace the existing values in the pattern. | Optional |
emails | Comma-separated list of emails for the pattern. Note: These email values will replace the existing values in the pattern. | Optional |
domains | Comma-separated list of domains for the pattern. Note: These domain values will replace the existing values in the pattern. | Optional |
name | Name of the sender pattern. Note: This value will change the name of the pattern if different from the existing name. | Required |
description | Description of the sender pattern. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
SymantecDLP.RecipientUpdate | Unknown | Results of updating the recipient pattern from the Enforce Console. |
Command example!symantec-dlp-update-recipient-pattern pattern_id=1 name="XSOAR Recipient Edit Test" description="updated from XSOAR for demo"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Sender Pattern Update Results
description emailAddresses id ipAddresses modifiedBy modifiedDate name ruleType urlDomains updated from XSOAR for demo,
test2@gmail.com1, 343
name: AdminUsername05/16/23 12:18 PM XSOAR Recipient Edit Test 2,
symantec-dlp-get-message-bodyReturns the message body from the Enforce console by incident ID. Requires SDLP 16.0.
Base Commandsymantec-dlp-get-message-body
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
incident_id | The incident ID. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
SymantecDLP.MessageBody | Unknown | Message body for the incident returned by the Enforce console. |
Command example!symantec-dlp-get-message-body incident_id=1
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputMessage body for incident 1 written to context data
Breaking changes from the previous version of this integration - Symantec Data Loss Prevention v2#
The following commands were removed in this version:- symantec-dlp-incident-binaries
- symantec-dlp-incident-violations
- symantec-dlp-list-custom-attributes
The following arguments were removed in this version:In the symantec-dlp-update-incident command:
- incident_id - this argument was replaced by incident_ids.
- note_time
- status
- custom_attribute_name - this argument was replaced by custom_attributes.
- custom_attribute_value - this argument was replaced by custom_attributes.
- remediation_status - this argument was replaced by remediation_status_name.
The behavior of the following arguments was changed:In the symantec-dlp-update-incident command: custom_attribute_name and custom_attribute_value are now used in custom_attributes. incident_id argument are now called incident_ids and can get a list of incident IDs to update.
The following outputs were removed in this version:In the symantec-dlp-get-incident-details command:
- SymantecDLP.Incident.LongID
- SymantecDLP.Incident.StatusCode - this output was replaced by SymantecDLP.Incident.incidentStatusId.
- SymantecDLP.Incident.CreationDate - this output was replaced by SymantecDLP.Incident.creationDate.
- SymantecDLP.Incident.DetectionDate - this output was replaced by SymantecDLP.Incident.detectionDate.
- SymantecDLP.Incident.Severity - this output was replaced by SymantecDLP.Incident.severity.
- SymantecDLP.Incident.MessageSource - this output was replaced by SymantecDLP.Incident.messageSource.
- SymantecDLP.Incident.MessageSourceType - this output was replaced by SymantecDLP.Incident.messageType.
- SymantecDLP.Incident.MessageType - this output was replaced by SymantecDLP.Incident.messageType.
- SymantecDLP.Incident.MessageTypeID - this output was replaced by SymantecDLP.Incident.messageTypeId.
- SymantecDLP.Incident.Policy.Name - this output was replaced by SymantecDLP.Incident.policyName.
- SymantecDLP.Incident.Policy.Version - this output was replaced by SymantecDLP.Incident.policyVersion.
- SymantecDLP.Incident.Policy.Label
- SymantecDLP.Incident.Policy.ID - this output was replaced by SymantecDLP.Incident.policyId.
- SymantecDLP.Incident.BlockedStatus
- SymantecDLP.Incident.MatchCount - this output was replaced by SymantecDLP.Incident.matchCount.
- SymantecDLP.Incident.RuleViolationCount
- SymantecDLP.Incident.DetectionServer - this output was replaced by SymantecDLP.Incident.detectionServerName.
- SymantecDLP.Incident.DataOwner.Name - this output was replaced by SymantecDLP.Incident.dataOwnerName.
- SymantecDLP.Incident.DataOwner.Email - this output was replaced by SymantecDLP.Incident.dataOwnerEmail.
- SymantecDLP.Incident.EventDate
- SymantecDLP.Incident.ViolatedPolicyRule.Name
- SymantecDLP.Incident.ViolatedPolicyRule.ID
- SymantecDLP.Incident.OtherViolatedPolicy.Name
- SymantecDLP.Incident.OtherViolatedPolicy.Version
- SymantecDLP.Incident.OtherViolatedPolicy.Label
- SymantecDLP.Incident.OtherViolatedPolicy.ID
Additional Considerations for this versionThere is an issue with DLP API where some incidents get a 401 error. For these incidents, the missing data is returned. From the Network incident layout, in the description field, you can see information about this issue.