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Trend Micro Cloud App Security

This Integration is part of the Trend Micro Cloud App Security Pack.#

Use Trend Micro Cloud App Security integration to protect against ransomware, phishing, malware, and unauthorized transmission of sensitive data for cloud applications, such as Microsoft 365, Box, Dropbox, Google G Suite and Salesforce.

Configure TrendMicro Cloud App Security in Cortex#

serviceURLService URLTrue
isFetchFetch incidentsFalse
serviceService event to fetchFalse
event_typeEvent type to fetchFalse
max_fetchMaximum number of incidents per fetchFalse
first_fetchFirst fetch timeFalse
insecureTrust any certificate (not secure)False
proxyUse system proxy settingsFalse


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Retrieves security event logs of services.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
serviceName of the protected service whose logs you want to retrieve. Can be: "exchange", "sharepoint", "onedrive", "dropbox", "box", "googledrive", "gmail", "teams", or "exchangeserver".Required
event_typeType of the security event whose logs you want to retrieve. Can be: "securityrisk", "virtualanalyzer", "ransomware", or "dlp".Required
startThe start time to retrieve logs, using the date and time format ISO 8601. For example, 2020-08-01T02:31:20Z or in human-readable format. For example, "in 1 day" or "3 weeks ago".
The request retrieves logs within a maximum of 72 hours before the request is sent.
If a start time is added, the request retrieves all from the start time.
If a start and end time are added, the request retrieves logs within the configured duration.
If start and end times are not added, the request retrieves logs within 5 minutes before the request is sent.
endThe end time to retrieve logs, using the date and time format ISO 8601. For example, 2020-08-01T02:31:20Z or in human-readable format. For example, "in 1 day" or "3 weeks ago".
The request retrieves logs within a maximum of 72 hours before request is sent.
If an end time is added, the request retrieves logs within five minutes before the end time.
If start and end are added, the request retrieves logs within the configured duration. Ensure the end time is no earlier than the start time.
If the start and end times are not added, the request retrieves logs within 5 minutes before the request is sent.
limitThe maximum number of log items to display. Default is 50 and Maximum is 500.Optional
next_linkThe URL for the results page if the total number of log items in a previous request exceeds the specified limit. When the maximum log items exceeds the limit, a URL is specified in the response. To retrieve the remaining log items, use the URL from the response.Optional

Context Output#

TrendMicroCAS.Events.last_log_item_generation_timeDateThe time and date when the last log item in the current request was generated.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.next_linkStringURL for the follow-up request if the requested logs exceed the specified limit to display at a time. Use this URL to form a second request.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.eventStringThe type of the requested security event.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.log_item_idStringThe ID of a log item.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.actionStringThe action that Cloud App Security took after detecting the security event.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.action_resultStringThe result of the action.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.affected_userStringThe Mailbox that received an email message triggering the security event, or the user account that uploaded or modified a file triggering the security event.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.detected_byStringThe technology or method through which the email message or file triggering the security event was detected.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.detection_timeDateThe time and date when the security event was detected.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.locationStringThe location where the security event was detected.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.log_item_idStringThe ID of the log item.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.mail_message_delivery_timeDateThe time and date when the email message triggering the security event was sent.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.mail_message_file_nameStringThe name of the email attachment that triggered the security event.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.mail_message_idStringThe ID of the email message that triggered the security event.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.mail_message_recipientStringThe Email address of the recipient.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.mail_message_senderStringThe Email address of the sender.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.mail_message_subjectStringThe subject of the email message that triggered the security event.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.mail_message_submit_timeDateThe time and date when the email message triggering the security event was received.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.file_nameStringThe name of the file that triggered the security event.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.file_upload_timeDateThe time and date when the file triggering the security event was uploaded.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.risk_levelStringThe web reputation risk level assigned to the analyzed URL that triggered the security event.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.scan_typeStringA real-time scan or manual scan that detected the security event.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.security_risk_nameStringThe name of the security risk detected.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.triggered_policy_nameStringThe name of a configured policy that was violated.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.triggered_security_filterStringThe name of the security filter that detected the security event.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.virus_nameStringThe name of the detected virus.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.file_sha1StringThe SHA-1 hash value of the file that triggered the security event.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.detection_typeStringThe type of the suspicious object that triggered the security event.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.ransomware_nameStringThe name of the detected ransomware.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.message.triggered_dlp_templateStringThe details of the compliance template that was violated to trigger the security event.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.security_events.serviceStringThe name of the requested service.
TrendMicroCAS.Events.traceIdStringThe randomly generated ID to trace the request.

Command Example#

!trendmicro-cas-security-events-list service=onedrive event_type=securityrisk start="1 day"

Context Example#

"TrendMicroCAS": {
"Events": [
"event": "security_risk_scan",
"log_item_id": "b4f632b3-f797-45cb-aa28-207e6aa58a8d",
"message": {
"action": "Quarantine",
"action_result": "success",
"affected_user": "",
"detected_by": "",
"detection_time": "2020-08-09T21:12:16.000Z",
"file_name": "20170813_125133.jpg",
"file_upload_time": "2020-08-09T09:11:58.000Z",
"location": "",
"log_item_id": "b4f632b3-f797-45cb-aa28-207e6aa58a8d",
"risk_level": "",
"scan_type": "Real-time scan",
"security_risk_name": "20170813_125133.jpg",
"triggered_policy_name": "Default OneDrive Policy ATP",
"triggered_security_filter": "File Blocking"
"service": "OneDrive"
"event": "security_risk_scan",
"log_item_id": "e80363c5-29c8-4b0f-a3d0-748bc6bae263",
"message": {
"action": "Quarantine",
"action_result": "success",
"affected_user": "",
"detected_by": "",
"detection_time": "2020-08-09T21:12:42.000Z",
"file_name": "20180802_144154.jpg",
"file_upload_time": "2020-08-09T09:12:19.000Z",
"location": "",
"log_item_id": "e80363c5-29c8-4b0f-a3d0-748bc6bae263",
"risk_level": "",
"scan_type": "Real-time scan",
"security_risk_name": "20180802_144154.jpg",
"triggered_policy_name": "Default OneDrive Policy ATP",
"triggered_security_filter": "File Blocking"
"service": "OneDrive"
"event": "security_risk_scan",
"log_item_id": "89d50aab-0c34-4ffd-8497-62fbc1d51048",
"message": {
"action": "Quarantine",
"action_result": "success",
"affected_user": "",
"detected_by": "",
"detection_time": "2020-08-09T21:12:46.000Z",
"file_name": "20180807190412.JPG",
"file_upload_time": "2020-08-09T09:12:23.000Z",
"location": "",
"log_item_id": "89d50aab-0c34-4ffd-8497-62fbc1d51048",
"risk_level": "",
"scan_type": "Real-time scan",
"security_risk_name": "20180807190412.JPG",
"triggered_policy_name": "Default OneDrive Policy ATP",
"triggered_security_filter": "File Blocking"
"service": "OneDrive"

Human Readable Output#

securityrisk events in onedrive#



Searches for email messages in mailboxes, matching search criteria.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
mailboxThe Email address of the mailbox for which to search.
A non-prefix wildcard is supported. For example, or
lastndaysThe number of days (n × 24 hours) before the request is sent to search.
Do not configure lastndays and start/end at the same time.
startThe start time to search for email messages using the date and time format ISO 8601. For example, 2020-08-01T02:31:20Z or in human-readable format. For example, "in 1 day" or "3 weeks ago".
The request searches email messages according to the following settings:
If both start and end are not added, the request searches email messages within seven days (7 × 24 hours) before the request was sent.
If both start and end are added, the request searches email messages within this configured duration. Ensure the end time is no earlier than the start time.
If only start is added, the request searches email messages within seven days (7 × 24 hours) after the start time.
If only end is added, the request searches email messages within seven days (7 × 24 hours) before the end time.
Do not configure lastndays and start/end at the same time.
endThe end time to search for email messages using the date and time format ISO 8601. For example, 2020-08-01T02:31:20Z or in human-readable format. For example, "in 1 day" or "3 weeks ago".
Cloud App Security saves the meta information of email messages for 90 days.
The request searches email messages according to the following settings:
If both start and end are not added, the request searches email messages within seven days (7 × 24 hours) before the request was sent.
If both start and end are added, the request searches email messages within this duration. Ensure the end time is no earlier than the start time.
If only start is added, the request searches email messages within seven days (7 × 24 hours) after the start time.
If only end is added, the request searches email messages within seven days (7 × 24 hours) before the end time.
Do not configure lastndays and start/end at the same time.
subjectThe subject of email messages for which to search. Use double quotes to search for an exact phrase, for example, "messageA messageB"
otherwise a partial match based on the phrase is performed. For example,
a search is performed on a subject containing messageA, or messageB, or messageA message B.
file_sha1The SHA-1 hash value of the attachment file for which to search.Optional
file_nameThe name of the attachment file for which to search, with or without a filename extension. A non-prefix wildcard is supported. For example, me*ssage.Optional
file_extensionThe filename extension of attachment files for which to search without a period ".". A non-prefix wildcard is supported. For example, do*Optional
urlThe URL contained in an email body or in an attachment for which to search. Type the
full URL.
senderThe email address of the sender for which to search. Type the full email address. A non-prefix wildcard is supported. For example, u*
recipientThe email address of the recipient for which to search. Type the full email address. A non-prefix wildcard is supported. For example, u*
message_idThe Internet message ID of the email message for which to search. Can be obtained from Microsoft Graph API or EWS API.Optional
source_ipThe Source IP address, with or without a subnet mask, of the email message to search. For example, xx.yy.zz.ww or xx.yy.zz.ww/16.Optional
source_domainThe Source domain of email messages for which to search. Type a complete domain name. A non-prefix wildcard is supported. For example, gm*
limitThe maximum number of email messages to display. Maximum is 1,000 email messages. If not specified, default is 20.Optional
next_linkThe URL for the results page if the total number of email messages in a previous request exceeds the specified limit. When the maximum limit has been exceeded, a URL is specified in the response. To retrieve the remaining email messages, use the URL from the response.Optional

Context Output#

TrendMicroCAS.EmailSweep.next_linkStringURL for the follow-up request if the requested email messages exceed the specified limit to display at a time. Use this URL to form a second request.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailSweep.traceIdStringThe randomly generated ID to trace the request.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailSweep.value.mail_attachments.file_sha1StringThe SHA-1 hash value of the attachment file.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailSweep.value.mail_attachments.file_nameStringThe name of the attachment file.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailSweep.value.mail_internet_headers.HeaderNameStringThe Internet header name of the email address.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailSweep.value.mail_internet_headers.ValueStringThe email address of the sender.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailSweep.value.mail_message_delivery_timeDateThe time and date when the email message was sent.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailSweep.value.mail_message_idStringThe Internet message ID of the email message.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailSweep.value.mail_message_recipientStringA list of recipient email addresses of the email message.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailSweep.value.mail_message_senderStringThe email address of the sender.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailSweep.value.mail_message_subjectStringThe subject of the email message.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailSweep.value.mail_unique_idStringThe ID of the email message.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailSweep.value.mail_urlsStringThe URL contained in the email body or attachment.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailSweep.value.mailboxStringThe mailbox which contains the email message.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailSweep.value.source_domainStringThe source domain of the email message.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailSweep.value.source_ipStringThe source IP address of the email message.

Command Example#

!trendmicro-cas-email-sweep lastndays=2 limit=2

Context Example#

"TrendMicroCAS": {
"EmailSweep": {
"current_link": "",
"next_link": "",
"traceId": "3bedba23-c4da-47ba-a924-e6eec02d6110",
"value": [
"mail_attachments": [
"file_name": "report_Investigation_Summary_1596856796810442162.pdf",
"file_sha1": "53d27b284b324be18b2241f80cbc9ee4efd4684c"
"mail_internet_headers": [
"HeaderName": "From",
"Value": "Build Tests <>"
"HeaderName": "Return-Path",
"Value": ""
"HeaderName": "Authentication-Results",
"Value": "spf=none (sender IP is\r\n;; dkim=none (message not\r\n signed) header.d=none;; dmarc=none action=none\r\n header.from=int;compauth=softpass reason=201"
"mail_message_delivery_time": "2020-08-08T03:20:53.000Z",
"mail_message_id": "<>",
"mail_message_recipient": [
"mail_message_sender": "",
"mail_message_subject": "Demisto Incident Summary Report",
"mail_urls": [],
"mailbox": "",
"source_domain": "",
"source_ip": ""
"mail_attachments": [],
"mail_internet_headers": [
"HeaderName": "From",
"Value": ""
"HeaderName": "Return-Path",
"Value": ""
"mail_message_delivery_time": "2020-08-08T04:27:11.000Z",
"mail_message_id": "<>",
"mail_message_recipient": [
"mail_message_sender": "",
"mail_message_subject": "Test mail from Demisto",
"mail_urls": [],
"mailbox": "",
"source_domain": "",
"source_ip": ""

Human Readable Output#

Search Results#

2020-08-08T03:20:53.000Z0d25a1993958467e92fe6243427e9c92@WIN-MICMSOEE1BU.demisto.intbuildtests@demisto.intDemisto Incident Summary mail from


Takes action on a batch of specified user accounts, such as disabling users accounts, requesting multi-factor authentication, and requesting to reset a password for users accounts. Relevant for office365 exchange only.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
action_typeAction to take on a user's account. Can be:
"ACCOUNT_DISABLE": Disables a user's account.
"ACCOUNT_ENABLE_MFA": Enforces a user to perform a multi-factor authentication before being forced to change their password.
"ACCOUNT_RESET_PASSWORD": Requests to reset the password for a user's account.
NOTE: Before using ACCOUNT_ENABLE_MFA and ACCOUNT_RESET_PASSWORD, you need to assign the Administrator role to Cloud App Security.
For more information, see
account_user_emailComma separated email addresses to take action.Required

Context Output#

TrendMicroCAS.UserTakeAction.action_typeStringThe type of the action.
TrendMicroCAS.UserTakeAction.account_user_emailStringThe list of user accounts for the action.
TrendMicroCAS.UserTakeAction.batch_idStringThe unique ID of the API request, including all actions to take on user accounts specified within this request.
TrendMicroCAS.UserTakeAction.traceIdStringRandomly generated ID to uniquely trace the request.

Command Example#

!trendmicro-cas-user-take-action action_type=ACCOUNT_DISABLE

Context Example#

"TrendMicroCAS": {
"UserTakeAction": {
"account_user_email": [
"action_type": "ACCOUNT_DISABLE",
"batch_id": "84266eaa-fe0b-4071-855d-423317a4c139",
"traceId": "fb8aacbb-c6ab-4f99-825f-3a6f266cff15"

Human Readable Output#

Action: ACCOUNT_DISABLE on users: [''] was initiated#



Takes action on a batch of specified email messages, such as deleting and quarantining email messages. Relevant for office365 exchange only.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
action_typeThe action to take on an email message, such as delete or quarantine. Can be:
mailboxThe email address of an email message for which to take action.Required
mail_message_idThe Internet message ID of an email message for which to take action.
To retrieve the ID, use the "trendmicro-cas-email-sweep" command.
mail_unique_idThe unique ID of an email message for which to take action.
To retrieve the ID, use the "trendmicro-cas-email-sweep" command.
mail_message_delivery_timeThe time and date when an email message sent
To retrieve the information, use the "trendmicro-cas-email-sweep" command.

Context Output#

TrendMicroCAS.EmailTakeAction.action_typeStringThe type of action taken on an email message.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailTakeAction.batch_idStringThe unique ID of the API request.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailTakeAction.mailboxStringThe email address to take action.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailTakeAction.traceIdStringRandomly generated ID to trace the request.

Command Example#

!trendmicro-cas-email-take-action action_type=MAIL_DELETE mail_message_delivery_time=2020-08-08T03:20:53.000Z mail_message_id=<> mail_unique_id=AAMkAGY3OTQyMzMzLWYxNjktNDE0My05NmZhLWQ5MGY1YjIyNzBkNABGAAAAAACYCKjWAnXBTrnhgWJCcLX7BwDrxRwRjq-zTrN6vWSzK4OWAAAAAAEMAADrxRwRjq-zTrN6vWSzK4OWAAOn2KLJAAA=

Context Example#

"TrendMicroCAS": {
"EmailTakeAction": {
"action_type": "MAIL_DELETE",
"batch_id": "73534edc-011b-4318-a8ca-942af948434e",
"mailbox": "",
"traceId": "63c5ee4e-ec52-4124-9052-852e9f894f33"

Human Readable Output#

Action: MAIL_DELETE on mailbox: was initiated#



Queries the results of actions taken on a user's account.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
batch_idThe unique ID of the action taken. Retrieve the ID from the "trendmicro-cas-email-take-action" command.Optional
startThe start time to retrieve action results within a time period, using the date and time format ISO 8601. For example, 2020-08-01T02:31:20Z or in human-readable format. For example, "in 1 day" or "3 weeks ago".
If using start, end is required.
endThe end time to retrieve action results within a time period, using the date and time format ISO 8601. For example, 2020-08-01T02:31:20Z or in human-readable format. For example, "in 1 day" or "3 weeks ago".
If using end, start is required. Ensure the end time is not earlier than the start time.
limitThe Maximum number of action results to display. Default (and maximum) is 500.Optional

Context Output#

TrendMicroCAS.UserActionResult.account_providerStringThe supplier of the protected service.
TrendMicroCAS.UserActionResult.account_user_emailStringThe email address on which the action was taken.
TrendMicroCAS.UserActionResult.action_executed_atDateThe time and date when the action was processed.
TrendMicroCAS.UserActionResult.action_idStringThe unique ID of a threat mitigation task.
TrendMicroCAS.UserActionResult.action_requested_atDateThe time and date when the API request was received.
TrendMicroCAS.UserActionResult.action_typeStringThe action taken on a user's account.
TrendMicroCAS.UserActionResult.batch_idStringThe unique ID of a Threat Mitigation API request.
TrendMicroCAS.UserActionResult.error_codeNumberThe result code of the action.
TrendMicroCAS.UserActionResult.error_messageStringThe string of the result code. For example, 0: success.
TrendMicroCAS.UserActionResult.serviceStringThe name of the protected service.
TrendMicroCAS.UserActionResult.statusStringThe status of the action. Can be: "Created": The API request was received. "Executing": The action is executing. "Success": The action was successful. "Skipped": The action was skipped. "Failed": The action failed.

Command Example#

!trendmicro-cas-user-action-result-query batch_id=e9397872-9f6c-4c92-9bdc-45cc7fefaa86

Context Example#

"TrendMicroCAS": {
"UserActionResult": {
"account_provider": "office365",
"account_user_email": "",
"action_executed_at": "2020-08-09T23:27:15.620Z",
"action_id": "56222d76-5a49-4b73-aadd-7e8e439c7f10",
"action_requested_at": "2020-08-09T23:27:12.216Z",
"action_type": "ACCOUNT_DISABLE",
"batch_id": "e9397872-9f6c-4c92-9bdc-45cc7fefaa86",
"error_code": -999,
"error_message": "graph api exception, message=One or more errors occurred.",
"service": "exchange",
"status": "Failed"

Human Readable Output#

Action Result#

56222d76-5a49-4b73-aadd-7e8e439c7f10FailedACCOUNT_DISABLEser@onmicrosoft.com2020-08-09T23:27:15.620Zgraph api exception, message=One or more errors occurred.


Queries the results of actions taken for email messages.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
batch_idThe unique ID of the action taken. Retrieve the ID from the "trendmicro-cas-email-take-action" command.Optional
startThe start time to retrieve action results within a time period, using the date and time format ISO 8601. For example, 2020-08-01T02:31:20Z or in human-readable format. For example, "in 1 day" or "3 weeks ago".
If using start, end is required.
endThe end time to retrieve action results within a time period, using the date and time format ISO 8601. For example, 2020-08-01T02:31:20Z or in human-readable format. For example, "in 1 day" or "3 weeks ago".
If using end, start is required. Ensure the end time is not earlier than the start time.
limitThe maximum number of action results to display. Default (and maximum) is 500.Optional

Context Output#

TrendMicroCAS.EmailActionResult.account_providerStringThe supplier of the protected service.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailActionResult.account_user_emailStringThe email address on which the action was taken.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailActionResult.action_executed_atDateThe time and date when the action was processed.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailActionResult.action_idStringThe unique ID of a threat mitigation task.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailActionResult.action_requested_atDateThe time and date when the API request was received.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailActionResult.action_typeStringThe action taken on an email message.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailActionResult.batch_idStringThe unique ID of a Threat Mitigation API request.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailActionResult.error_codeNumberThe result code of the action.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailActionResult.error_messageStringThe string of the result code. For example, 0: success.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailActionResult.serviceStringThe name of the protected service,
TrendMicroCAS.EmailActionResult.statusStringThe status of the action. Can be: "Created": The API request was received. "Executing": The action is executing. "Success": The action was successful. "Skipped": The action was skipped. "Failed": The action failed.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailActionResult.mail_unique_idStringThe unique ID of an email message on which an action was taken.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailActionResult.mail_message_idStringThe Internet message ID of an email message on which an action was taken.
TrendMicroCAS.EmailActionResult.mailboxStringThe email address of an email message on which an action was taken.

Command Example#

!trendmicro-cas-email-action-result-query batch_id=c3fba8cb-3736-4208-bf8b-a09e1aea9d9f

Context Example#

"TrendMicroCAS": {
"EmailActionResult": {
"account_provider": "office365",
"account_user_email": "",
"action_executed_at": "2020-08-09T23:25:13.973Z",
"action_id": "1c46ef63-04d8-46dc-a17d-653223c40728",
"action_requested_at": "2020-08-09T23:25:12.943Z",
"action_type": "MAIL_DELETE",
"batch_id": "c3fba8cb-3736-4208-bf8b-a09e1aea9d9f",
"error_code": 0,
"error_message": "",
"mail_message_id": "<>",
"mailbox": "",
"service": "exchange",
"status": "Success"

Human Readable Output#

Action Result#



Retrieves all blocked senders, URLs, and SHA-1 hash values that have been configured to quarantine Exchange Online email messages.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

TrendMicroCAS.BlockedList.filehashesStringA list of blocked configured SHA-1 hash values.
TrendMicroCAS.BlockedList.sendersStringA list of configured blocked senders.
TrendMicroCAS.BlockedList.urlsStringA list of blocked configured URLs.

Command Example#


Context Example#

"TrendMicroCAS": {
"BlockedList": {
"filehashes": [
"senders": [
"urls": [

Human Readable Output#

Blocked List#



Adds or removes senders, URLs, SHA-1 hash values to or from blocked lists. You must specify one of senders, urls, or filehashes.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
action_typeThe type of the action to take. Can be: "create", to add to the blocked lists, or
"delete", to remove from the blocked lists.
sendersComma separated email addresses from which the email message is sent to update.Optional
urlsComma separated URLs included in an email message to update.Optional
filehashesComma separated SHA-1 hash values of an email attachment to update.Optional

Context Output#

TrendMicroCAS.BlockedList.filehashesStringA list of blocked SHA-1 hash values.
TrendMicroCAS.BlockedList.sendersStringA list of blocked senders.
TrendMicroCAS.BlockedList.urlsStringA list of blocked URLs.

Command Example#

!trendmicro-cas-blocked-lists-update action_type=create, filehashes=f3cdddb37f6a933d6a256bd98b4bc703a448c621,

Context Example#

"TrendMicroCAS": {
"BlockedList": {
"filehashes": [
"senders": [
"urls": [

Human Readable Output#

Add rules successfully.#
