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This Integration is part of the Uptycs Pack.#


Uptycs combines the open source universal agent, osquery, with a scalable security analytics platform for fleet visibility, intrusion detection, vulnerability monitoring and compliance. Uptycs deploys osquery to your entire infrastructure, regardless of operating system mix or hosting environment, collects, and stores system state data. Uptycs will stream that data over secure TLS protocol, storing it in your unique instance, and continuously monitoring for suspicious activity. Integrated third party feeds of known malware, threats and over 170,000 indicators of compromise (IOCs) further enhance threat visibility. Finally, take action with real-time alerts, dashboards and reports packaged for multiple security protocols.

The Cortex XSOAR-Uptycs integration connects to the Uptycs backend via the Uptycs API. The integration allows the use of Uptycs data in existing workflows. Features include fetching and handling alerts, threat investigation, posting new threat sources, setting tags on assets, and the ability to run arbitrary SQL queries against your Uptycs database or in real-time against registered endpoints.

Uptycs Playbook#

  1. Uptycs - Bad IP Incident and Uptycs - Outbound Connection to Threat IOC Incident Get details about connections which have been opened to known bad IP addresses, including process and parent process information, IP addresses, ports, sockets, and the source of the threat intelligence.

Use Cases#

  • Incident investigation
  • Fetch and handle alerts
  • Monitor asset activity
  • Audit and compliance
  • Vulnerability management
  • Mac EDR

Configure Uptycs on Cortex XSOAR#

How to get an API Key and API Secret#

In order to create an instance of the integration, you need to download a user API key and secret from your Uptycs account.

  1. Go to your Uptycs environment.
  2. Navigate to Configuration > Users.
  3. In the User API key section, click download.
    The downloaded file will have all the information necessary to create the instance.


  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.
  2. Search for Uptycs.
  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.
    • Name: a textual name for the integration instance.
    • API key
    • API secret
    • API domain: the domain found in your API key file as well as the Top Level Domain for your Uptycs stack (example: if your Uptycs' stack URL is "" then your API key file will say "mystack" in the domain field. You would then put "" in the API domain field when configuring your integration instance).
    • API Customer ID
    • Fetch incidents
    • Incident type
    • Trust any certificate (unsecure)
    • Use system proxy
    • First fetch since
  4. Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.

Fetched Incidents Data#

The Cortex XSOAR-Uptycs integration creates incients from Uptycs alerts using the Uptycs API


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.

  1. uptycs-get-assets
  2. uptycs-run-query
  3. uptycs-get-alerts
  4. uptycs-get-alert-rules
  5. uptycs-get-event-rules
  6. uptycs-get-events
  7. uptycs-get-process-open-sockets
  8. uptycs-get-process-information
  9. uptycs-get-process-child-processes
  10. uptycs-get-processes
  11. uptycs-get-process-open-files
  12. uptycs-set-alert-status
  13. uptycs-set-asset-tag
  14. uptycs-get-user-information
  15. uptycs-get-threat-indicators
  16. uptycs-get-threat-sources
  17. uptycs-get-threat-vendors
  18. uptycs-get-parent-information
  19. uptycs-post-threat-source
  20. uptycs-get-users
  21. uptycs-get-asset-groups
  22. uptycs-get-user-asset-groups
  23. uptycs-get-threat-indicator
  24. uptycs-get-threat-source
  25. uptycs-get-process-events
  26. uptycs-get-process-event-information
  27. uptycs-get-socket-events
  28. uptycs-get-parent-event-information
  29. uptycs-get-socket-event-information
  30. uptycs-get-asset-tags
  31. uptycs-get-saved-queries
  32. uptycs-run-saved-query
  33. uptycs-post-saved-query
  34. uptycs-get-carves
  35. uptycs-get-carves-link
  36. uptycs-get-carves-download-file
  37. uptycs-get-asset-with-id
  38. uptycs-get-tag
  39. uptycs-get-tags
  40. uptycs-delete-tag
  41. uptycs-create-lookuptable
  42. uptycs-post-lookuptable-data
  43. uptycs-edit-lookuptable
  44. uptycs-get-lookuptable
  45. uptycs-get-lookuptables
  46. uptycs-delete-lookuptable
  47. uptycs-delete-assets-tag

1. uptycs-get-assets#

return assets enrolled with Uptycs

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_group_idOnly return assets which are a member of this asset groupOptional
host_name_isOnly return assets with this hostname. Do not use arguments "host_name_is" and "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
host_name_likeOnly return assets with this string in the hostname. Use this to find a selection of assets with similar hostnames. Do not use arguments "host_name_is" and "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
limitLimit the number of entries returned. Use -1 to return all entries (may run slow or cause a time out).Optional
osOnly return assets with this type of operating system.Optional
asset_idOnly return the asset with this unique asset idOptional
Context Output#
Uptycs.Assets.idstringUptycs asset id
Uptycs.Assets.created_atdateTime asset was enrolled with Uptycs
Uptycs.Assets.host_namestringHostname in Uptycs DB
Uptycs.Assets.osstringos installed on asset (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X)
Uptycs.Assets.os_versionstringos version
Uptycs.Assets.last_activity_atdateLast activity
Uptycs.Assets.deleted_atdateTime asset was unenrolled from Uptycs
Uptycs.Assets.osquery_versionstringCurrent version of osquery installed on the asset
Command Example#

uptycs-get-assets os="Mac OS X/Apple OS X/macOS" limit=1

Context Example#
"Uptycs.Assets": [
"status": "active",
"last_enrolled_at": "2019-07-19 14:47:27.485",
"os_version": "10.14.5",
"osquery_version": "",
"created_at": "2018-09-25 16:38:16.440",
"longitude": -97.822,
"os_flavor": "darwin",
"host_name": "kyle-mbp-work",
"latitude": 37.751,
"last_activity_at": "2019-07-19 17:02:41.704",
"os": "Mac OS X",
"id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"location": "United States"
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Assets#

984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669bkyle-mbp-workMac OS X10. 17:02:41.704

2. uptycs-run-query#

enter a SQL query to run against your Uptycs database. A list of tables can be found at, or by using the query "select * from information_schema.tables"

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
queryThis is the query that will be run. Queries should be written for a SQLite database. For example, "SELECT * FROM processes" returns the entire table named "processes".Required
query_typeThe query can be run globally (returns results for entire history stored in Uptycs DB) or real-time (returns results for queries run on endpoints at the time of query execution)Required
asset_idrealtime queries only This argument should be used when one wants to run a realtime query on a particular asset.Optional
host_name_isrealtime queries only Only return assets with this hostnameOptional
host_name_likerealtime queries only . Only return assets with this string in the hostname.Optional
Context Output#
Uptycs.QueryResultsunknownResults of executed query
Command Example#

uptycs-run-query query="SELECT * FROM process_open_sockets LIMIT 10" query_type=global host_name_like="uptycs-osquery-"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.QueryResults": [
"protocol": 6,
"family": 2,
"upt_counter": 20595,
"pid": 11,
"upt_asset_id": "a4991bf9-13e3-026b-7b46-af192746d556",
"upt_hostname": "uptycs-osquery-d4trq",
"local_port": 45864,
"upt_asset_tags": null,
"upt_hash": "1752f1a2-f773-5812-b611-577ee662b889",
"state": "ESTABLISHED",
"upt_asset_group_id": null,
"upt_time": "2019-04-18 02:37:09.000",
"local_address": "",
"upt_added": false,
"upt_server_time": null,
"remote_address": "",
"fd": 14,
"upt_asset_group_name": null,
"path": "",
"upt_day": 20190418,
"socket": 127377813,
"upt_epoch": 0,
"remote_port": 443,
"net_namespace": "4026532943"
"protocol": 6,
"family": 2,
"upt_counter": 20595,
"pid": 11,
"upt_asset_id": "a4991bf9-13e3-026b-7b46-af192746d556",
"upt_hostname": "uptycs-osquery-d4trq",
"local_port": 45864,
"upt_asset_tags": null,
"upt_hash": "70dce553-3bca-5701-834c-8f2b94afd8f3",
"state": "CLOSE_WAIT",
"upt_asset_group_id": null,
"upt_time": "2019-04-18 02:37:09.000",
"local_address": "",
"upt_added": true,
"upt_server_time": null,
"remote_address": "",
"fd": 14,
"upt_asset_group_name": null,
"path": "",
"upt_day": 20190418,
"socket": 127377813,
"upt_epoch": 0,
"remote_port": 443,
"net_namespace": "4026532943"
"protocol": 6,
"family": 2,
"upt_counter": 1267,
"pid": 11,
"upt_asset_id": "a4991bf9-13e3-026b-7b46-af192746d556",
"upt_hostname": "uptycs-osquery-d4trq",
"local_port": 34164,
"upt_asset_tags": null,
"upt_hash": "f8d24a1b-15d5-5c41-9994-2f70920fdc39",
"state": "CLOSE_WAIT",
"upt_asset_group_id": null,
"upt_time": "2019-04-18 20:52:05.000",
"local_address": "",
"upt_added": false,
"upt_server_time": null,
"remote_address": "",
"fd": 14,
"upt_asset_group_name": null,
"path": "",
"upt_day": 20190418,
"socket": 128588161,
"upt_epoch": 0,
"remote_port": 443,
"net_namespace": "4026532943"
"protocol": 6,
"family": 2,
"upt_counter": 1267,
"pid": 11,
"upt_asset_id": "a4991bf9-13e3-026b-7b46-af192746d556",
"upt_hostname": "uptycs-osquery-d4trq",
"local_port": 34754,
"upt_asset_tags": null,
"upt_hash": "0603bdcc-8e90-58d9-831e-8adb3ca35358",
"state": "ESTABLISHED",
"upt_asset_group_id": null,
"upt_time": "2019-04-18 20:52:05.000",
"local_address": "",
"upt_added": true,
"upt_server_time": null,
"remote_address": "",
"fd": 14,
"upt_asset_group_name": null,
"path": "",
"upt_day": 20190418,
"socket": 128594058,
"upt_epoch": 0,
"remote_port": 443,
"net_namespace": "4026532943"
"protocol": 6,
"family": 2,
"upt_counter": 1024,
"pid": 2545,
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"upt_hostname": "kyle-mbp-work",
"local_port": 61925,
"upt_asset_tags": null,
"upt_hash": "754d2272-caf2-5d56-8638-984d7392e7f2",
"state": "ESTABLISHED",
"upt_asset_group_id": null,
"upt_time": "2019-04-18 15:26:49.000",
"local_address": "",
"upt_added": false,
"upt_server_time": null,
"remote_address": "",
"fd": 186,
"upt_asset_group_name": null,
"path": "",
"upt_day": 20190418,
"socket": 0,
"upt_epoch": 0,
"remote_port": 443,
"net_namespace": null
"protocol": 6,
"family": 2,
"upt_counter": 1024,
"pid": 2545,
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"upt_hostname": "kyle-mbp-work",
"local_port": 61934,
"upt_asset_tags": null,
"upt_hash": "ce103524-0f5f-5aea-abad-b8529620b7bf",
"state": "ESTABLISHED",
"upt_asset_group_id": null,
"upt_time": "2019-04-18 15:26:49.000",
"local_address": "",
"upt_added": false,
"upt_server_time": null,
"remote_address": "",
"fd": 191,
"upt_asset_group_name": null,
"path": "",
"upt_day": 20190418,
"socket": 0,
"upt_epoch": 0,
"remote_port": 443,
"net_namespace": null
"protocol": 6,
"family": 2,
"upt_counter": 1024,
"pid": 854,
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"upt_hostname": "kyle-mbp-work",
"local_port": 61573,
"upt_asset_tags": null,
"upt_hash": "c2f00244-9fa4-5c47-a49b-9bd0390d169f",
"state": "ESTABLISHED",
"upt_asset_group_id": null,
"upt_time": "2019-04-18 15:26:49.000",
"local_address": "",
"upt_added": false,
"upt_server_time": null,
"remote_address": "",
"fd": 33,
"upt_asset_group_name": null,
"path": "",
"upt_day": 20190418,
"socket": 0,
"upt_epoch": 0,
"remote_port": 443,
"net_namespace": null
"protocol": 6,
"family": 2,
"upt_counter": 1024,
"pid": 2545,
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"upt_hostname": "kyle-mbp-work",
"local_port": 61919,
"upt_asset_tags": null,
"upt_hash": "0439a9f5-130d-5ff4-a8df-d72275e4b9e2",
"state": "ESTABLISHED",
"upt_asset_group_id": null,
"upt_time": "2019-04-18 15:26:49.000",
"local_address": "",
"upt_added": false,
"upt_server_time": null,
"remote_address": "",
"fd": 54,
"upt_asset_group_name": null,
"path": "",
"upt_day": 20190418,
"socket": 0,
"upt_epoch": 0,
"remote_port": 443,
"net_namespace": null
"protocol": 6,
"family": 2,
"upt_counter": 1024,
"pid": 854,
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"upt_hostname": "kyle-mbp-work",
"local_port": 61573,
"upt_asset_tags": null,
"upt_hash": "fe0218c2-b337-5198-ac9c-a1f8784a2c08",
"state": "ESTABLISHED",
"upt_asset_group_id": null,
"upt_time": "2019-04-18 15:26:49.000",
"local_address": "",
"upt_added": false,
"upt_server_time": null,
"remote_address": "",
"fd": 62,
"upt_asset_group_name": null,
"path": "",
"upt_day": 20190418,
"socket": 0,
"upt_epoch": 0,
"remote_port": 443,
"net_namespace": null
"protocol": 6,
"family": 2,
"upt_counter": 1024,
"pid": 854,
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"upt_hostname": "kyle-mbp-work",
"local_port": 61939,
"upt_asset_tags": null,
"upt_hash": "6194c89c-171c-55c8-9355-5b53a4a28a5a",
"state": "ESTABLISHED",
"upt_asset_group_id": null,
"upt_time": "2019-04-18 15:26:49.000",
"local_address": "",
"upt_added": true,
"upt_server_time": null,
"remote_address": "",
"fd": 7,
"upt_asset_group_name": null,
"path": "",
"upt_day": 20190418,
"socket": 0,
"upt_epoch": 0,
"remote_port": 443,
"net_namespace": null
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Query Result#

622059511a4991bf9-13e3-026b-7b46-af192746d556uptycs-osquery-d4trq458641752f1a2-f773-5812-b611-577ee662b889ESTABLISHED2019-04-18 02:37:09.00010.8.0.29false18.213.163.112142019041812737781304434026532943
622059511a4991bf9-13e3-026b-7b46-af192746d556uptycs-osquery-d4trq4586470dce553-3bca-5701-834c-8f2b94afd8f3CLOSE_WAIT2019-04-18 02:37:09.00010.8.0.29true18.213.163.112142019041812737781304434026532943
62126711a4991bf9-13e3-026b-7b46-af192746d556uptycs-osquery-d4trq34164f8d24a1b-15d5-5c41-9994-2f70920fdc39CLOSE_WAIT2019-04-18 20:52:05.00010.8.0.29false18.213.163.112142019041812858816104434026532943
62126711a4991bf9-13e3-026b-7b46-af192746d556uptycs-osquery-d4trq347540603bdcc-8e90-58d9-831e-8adb3ca35358ESTABLISHED2019-04-18 20:52:05.00010.8.0.29true18.213.163.112142019041812859405804434026532943
6210242545984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669bkyle-mbp-work61925754d2272-caf2-5d56-8638-984d7392e7f2ESTABLISHED2019-04-18 15:26:49.000192.168.1.161false18.213.163.1121862019041800443
6210242545984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669bkyle-mbp-work61934ce103524-0f5f-5aea-abad-b8529620b7bfESTABLISHED2019-04-18 15:26:49.000192.168.1.161false18.213.163.1121912019041800443
621024854984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669bkyle-mbp-work61573c2f00244-9fa4-5c47-a49b-9bd0390d169fESTABLISHED2019-04-18 15:26:49.000192.168.1.161false149.96.6.118332019041800443
6210242545984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669bkyle-mbp-work619190439a9f5-130d-5ff4-a8df-d72275e4b9e2ESTABLISHED2019-04-18 15:26:49.000192.168.1.161false18.213.163.112542019041800443
621024854984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669bkyle-mbp-work61573fe0218c2-b337-5198-ac9c-a1f8784a2c08ESTABLISHED2019-04-18 15:26:49.000192.168.1.161false149.96.6.118622019041800443
621024854984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669bkyle-mbp-work619396194c89c-171c-55c8-9355-5b53a4a28a5aESTABLISHED2019-04-18 15:26:49.000192.168.1.161true149.96.6.11872019041800443

3. uptycs-get-alerts#

return alerts from Uptycs DB

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
alert_idUnique Uptycs alert id which will retrieve a specific alert. Use this argument without any other arguments.Optional
asset_idOnly return assets with this asset id. Do not use arguments "asset_id", "host_name_is" or "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
codeAlert code to specify which types of alerts you would like to retrieveOptional
host_name_isOnly return assets with this hostname. Do not use arguments "host_name_is" and "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
host_name_likeOnly return assets with this string in the hostname. Use this to find a selection of assets with similar hostnames. Do not use arguments "host_name_is" and "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
limitLimit the number of entries returned. Use -1 to return all entries (may run slow or cause a time out).Optional
start_windowBeginning of window to search for open connections. Format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.000", for example, March 15, 2019 at 1:52:36 am would be written as "2019-03-15 01:52:36.000".Optional
end_windowEnd of window to search for open connections. Format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.000", for example, March 15, 2019 at 1:52:36 am would be written as "2019-03-15 01:52:36.000".Optional
time_agoSpecifies how far back you want to look. Format examples: 2 hours, 4 minutes, 6 month, 1 day, etc.Optional
valueVaries for different alerts. For example, a Bad IP alert would have the IP address as the value. A program crash alert would have the name of the program which crashed as the value.Optional
Context Output#
Uptycs.Alerts.descriptionstringDescription of alert
Uptycs.Alerts.upt_asset_idstringUptycs asset ID
Uptycs.Alerts.codestringAlert code in Uptycs DB
Uptycs.Alerts.severitystringThe severity of the alert
Uptycs.Alerts.alert_timedateTime alert was created at
Uptycs.Alerts.valuestringSpecific problem which caused an alert. It may be an IP address, a program that crashed, a file with a file hash known to be malware, etc.
Uptycs.Alerts.host_namestringHostname for the asset which fired the alert
Uptycs.Alerts.idstringunique Uptycs id for a particular alert
Uptycs.Alerts.threat_indicator_idstringunique Uptycs id that identifies the threat indicator which triggered this alert
Uptycs.Alerts.threat_source_namestringname of the source of the threat indicator that triggered this alert
Uptycs.Alerts.pidnumberpid of the process which was responsible for firing the alert
Command Example#

uptycs-get-alerts limit=1 time_ago="30 days"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.Alerts": [
"status": "open",
"code": "OSX_CRASHES",
"description": "Crash",
"threat_source_name": "No threat source for this alert",
"severity": "medium",
"created_at": "2019-07-02 11:41:25.915",
"pid": 437,
"updated_at": "2019-07-02 11:41:25.915",
"value": "Amazon Music Helper",
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"threat_indicator_id": "No threat indicator for this alert",
"alert_time": "2019-07-02 11:41:22.000",
"host_name": "kyle-mbp-work",
"key": "identifier",
"assigned_to": null,
"metadata": "{\"type\":\"application\",\"pid\":437,\"path\":\"/Applications/Amazon Music Helper\",\"crash_path\":\"/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Amazon Music Helper_2019-06-02-103630_Kyles-MacBook-Pro.crash\",\"parent\":1,\"responsible\":\"Amazon Music Helper [437]\",\"exception_type\":\"EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)\",\"identifier\":\"Amazon Music Helper\"}",
"id": "0049641c-1645-4b98-830f-7f1ce783bfcc",
"grouping": "OS X Crashes"
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Alerts:#

984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669bkyle-mbp-workOS X Crashes2019-07-02 11:41:22.000CrashAmazon Music HelpermediumNo threat indicator for this alertNo threat source for this alert

4. uptycs-get-alert-rules#

retrieve a list of alert rules

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitLimit the number of entries returned. Use -1 to return all entries (may run slow or cause a time out).Optional
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

uptycs-get-alert-rules limit=1

Context Example#
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Alert Rules#

Bad Domain AlertBad Domain AlertBad Domaintrue2019-06-19T08:17:04.892ZBAD_DOMAIN

5. uptycs-get-event-rules#

retrieve a list of event rules

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitLimit the number of entries returned. Use -1 to return all entries (may run slow or cause a time out).Optional
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

uptycs-get-event-rules limit=1

Context Example#
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Event Rules#

Bad domainMalicious domain resolveddefaulttrue2019-06-19T08:17:05.115ZBAD_DOMAIN

6. uptycs-get-events#

return events from Uptycs DB

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_idOnly return assets with this asset id. Do not use arguments "asset_id", "host_name_is" or "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
codeEvent code to specify which types of events you would like to retrieveOptional
host_name_isOnly return assets with this hostname. Do not use arguments "host_name_is" and "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
host_name_likeOnly return assets with this string in the hostname. Use this to find a selection of assets with similar hostnames. Do not use arguments "host_name_is" and "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
limitLimit the number of entries returned. Use -1 to return all entries (may run slow or cause a time out).Optional
start_windowBeginning of window to search for open connections. Format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.000", for example, March 15, 2019 at 1:52:36 am would be written as "2019-03-15 01:52:36.000".Optional
end_windowEnd of window to search for open connections. Format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.000", for example, March 15, 2019 at 1:52:36 am would be written as "2019-03-15 01:52:36.000".Optional
time_agoSpecifies how far back you want to look. Format examples: 2 hours, 4 minutes, 6 month, 1 day, etc.Optional
Context Output#
Uptycs.Events.descriptionstringDescription of event
Uptycs.Events.asset_idstringUptycs asset ID
Uptycs.Events.codestringEvent code in Uptycs DB
Uptycs.Events.created_atdateTime event was created at
Uptycs.Events.idstringUptycs event id for this particular event
Uptycs.Events.host_namestringHostname for the assets this event occurred on
Uptycs.Events.groupingstringGroup that this event belongs to
Uptycs.Events.valuestringThe value will be different for different types of events. It is that which triggered the event. For example, a Bad IP connection will have the IP address here, and a program crash will have the name of the program that crashed here.
Uptycs.Events.severitystringThe severity of the event
Command Example#

uptycs-get-events limit=10 time_ago="30 days"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.Events": [
"code": "OSX_CRASHES",
"description": "Crash",
"event_time": "2019-07-07 13:03:11.000",
"severity": "medium",
"created_at": "2019-07-07 13:03:16.000",
"value": "mediaremoted",
"upt_asset_id": "a9bf504c-6bdc-5e56-8c8e-efeec2b1497d",
"host_name": "brandons-mini.fios-router.home",
"key": "identifier",
"metadata": "{\"type\":\"application\",\"pid\":11895,\"path\":\"/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MediaRemote.framework/Support/mediaremoted\",\"crash_path\":\"/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mediaremoted_2019-06-09-101301_Brandons-Mac-mini.crash\",\"parent\":1,\"responsible\":\"mediaremoted [11895]\",\"exception_type\":\"EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)\"}",
"id": "8c99676b-02b6-4806-a1d8-a8dff3c55d1e",
"grouping": "OS X Crashes"
"code": "OSX_CRASHES",
"description": "Crash",
"event_time": "2019-07-02 11:41:22.000",
"severity": "medium",
"created_at": "2019-07-02 11:41:25.000",
"value": "Amazon Music Helper",
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"host_name": "kyle-mbp-work",
"key": "identifier",
"metadata": "{\"type\":\"application\",\"pid\":437,\"path\":\"/Applications/Amazon Music Helper\",\"crash_path\":\"/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Amazon Music Helper_2019-06-02-103630_Kyles-MacBook-Pro.crash\",\"parent\":1,\"responsible\":\"Amazon Music Helper [437]\",\"exception_type\":\"EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)\"}",
"id": "19237e6f-b5b4-4ec7-b0dc-6b6b011f1038",
"grouping": "OS X Crashes"
"code": "OSX_CRASHES",
"description": "Crash",
"event_time": "2019-06-27 09:26:25.000",
"severity": "medium",
"created_at": "2019-06-27 09:26:31.000",
"value": "Amazon Music Helper",
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"host_name": "kyle-mbp-work",
"key": "identifier",
"metadata": "{\"type\":\"application\",\"pid\":437,\"path\":\"/Applications/Amazon Music Helper\",\"crash_path\":\"/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Amazon Music Helper_2019-06-02-103630_Kyles-MacBook-Pro.crash\",\"parent\":1,\"responsible\":\"Amazon Music Helper [437]\",\"exception_type\":\"EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)\"}",
"id": "7d9e815a-4739-4608-936f-f0cfa5968e3d",
"grouping": "OS X Crashes"
"code": "OSX_CRASHES",
"description": "Crash",
"event_time": "2019-06-27 09:26:25.000",
"severity": "medium",
"created_at": "2019-06-27 09:26:31.000",
"value": "osqueryd",
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"host_name": "kyle-mbp-work",
"key": "identifier",
"metadata": "{\"type\":\"application\",\"pid\":11602,\"path\":\"/usr/local/bin/osqueryd\",\"crash_path\":\"/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/osqueryd_2019-05-27-195843_Kyles-MacBook-Pro.crash\",\"parent\":11596,\"responsible\":\"osqueryd [11602]\",\"exception_type\":\"EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)\"}",
"id": "d066187e-18a7-4ff1-8e9a-7e87346391dc",
"grouping": "OS X Crashes"
"code": "OSX_CRASHES",
"description": "Crash",
"event_time": "2019-06-27 00:08:17.000",
"severity": "medium",
"created_at": "2019-06-27 00:08:22.000",
"value": "mediaremoted",
"upt_asset_id": "a9bf504c-6bdc-5e56-8c8e-efeec2b1497d",
"host_name": "brandons-mini.fios-router.home",
"key": "identifier",
"metadata": "{\"type\":\"application\",\"pid\":11895,\"path\":\"/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MediaRemote.framework/Support/mediaremoted\",\"crash_path\":\"/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mediaremoted_2019-06-09-101301_Brandons-Mac-mini.crash\",\"parent\":1,\"responsible\":\"mediaremoted [11895]\",\"exception_type\":\"EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)\"}",
"id": "c3838f00-2358-46ef-a558-4417cce2e59e",
"grouping": "OS X Crashes"
"code": "OSX_CRASHES",
"description": "Crash",
"event_time": "2019-06-25 15:19:08.000",
"severity": "medium",
"created_at": "2019-06-25 15:19:22.000",
"value": "Amazon Music Helper",
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"host_name": "kyle-mbp-work",
"key": "identifier",
"metadata": "{\"type\":\"application\",\"pid\":437,\"path\":\"/Applications/Amazon Music Helper\",\"crash_path\":\"/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Amazon Music Helper_2019-06-02-103630_Kyles-MacBook-Pro.crash\",\"parent\":1,\"responsible\":\"Amazon Music Helper [437]\",\"exception_type\":\"EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)\"}",
"id": "7e1a3764-31ed-49cc-9cd0-23159d3d40c0",
"grouping": "OS X Crashes"
"code": "OSX_CRASHES",
"description": "Crash",
"event_time": "2019-06-25 15:19:08.000",
"severity": "medium",
"created_at": "2019-06-25 15:19:22.000",
"value": "osqueryd",
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"host_name": "kyle-mbp-work",
"key": "identifier",
"metadata": "{\"type\":\"application\",\"pid\":11602,\"path\":\"/usr/local/bin/osqueryd\",\"crash_path\":\"/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/osqueryd_2019-05-27-195843_Kyles-MacBook-Pro.crash\",\"parent\":11596,\"responsible\":\"osqueryd [11602]\",\"exception_type\":\"EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)\"}",
"id": "6ece8d0b-7498-46e5-b8f0-d14773c96aa2",
"grouping": "OS X Crashes"
"code": "OSX_CRASHES",
"description": "Crash",
"event_time": "2019-06-24 19:25:30.000",
"severity": "medium",
"created_at": "2019-06-24 19:25:35.000",
"value": "mediaremoted",
"upt_asset_id": "a9bf504c-6bdc-5e56-8c8e-efeec2b1497d",
"host_name": "brandons-mini.fios-router.home",
"key": "identifier",
"metadata": "{\"type\":\"application\",\"pid\":11895,\"path\":\"/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MediaRemote.framework/Support/mediaremoted\",\"crash_path\":\"/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/mediaremoted_2019-06-09-101301_Brandons-Mac-mini.crash\",\"parent\":1,\"responsible\":\"mediaremoted [11895]\",\"exception_type\":\"EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)\"}",
"id": "8c14a1a5-0f86-4a50-a4ca-973a83003482",
"grouping": "OS X Crashes"
"code": "OSX_CRASHES",
"description": "Crash",
"event_time": "2019-06-23 22:23:49.000",
"severity": "medium",
"created_at": "2019-06-23 22:23:51.000",
"value": "Amazon Music Helper",
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"host_name": "kyle-mbp-work",
"key": "identifier",
"metadata": "{\"type\":\"application\",\"pid\":437,\"path\":\"/Applications/Amazon Music Helper\",\"crash_path\":\"/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Amazon Music Helper_2019-06-02-103630_Kyles-MacBook-Pro.crash\",\"parent\":1,\"responsible\":\"Amazon Music Helper [437]\",\"exception_type\":\"EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)\"}",
"id": "26464fa2-6dc2-4e01-9b0f-f7d57b9d1b3d",
"grouping": "OS X Crashes"
"code": "OSX_CRASHES",
"description": "Crash",
"event_time": "2019-06-23 22:23:49.000",
"severity": "medium",
"created_at": "2019-06-23 22:23:51.000",
"value": "osqueryd",
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"host_name": "kyle-mbp-work",
"key": "identifier",
"metadata": "{\"type\":\"application\",\"pid\":11602,\"path\":\"/usr/local/bin/osqueryd\",\"crash_path\":\"/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/osqueryd_2019-05-27-195843_Kyles-MacBook-Pro.crash\",\"parent\":11596,\"responsible\":\"osqueryd [11602]\",\"exception_type\":\"EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)\"}",
"id": "3a0f7ef8-9c3e-4267-8fbc-cc148e0edc9b",
"grouping": "OS X Crashes"
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Events#

brandons-mini.fios-router.homeOS X Crashes2019-07-07 13:03:11.000Crashmediaremotedmedium
kyle-mbp-workOS X Crashes2019-07-02 11:41:22.000CrashAmazon Music Helpermedium
kyle-mbp-workOS X Crashes2019-06-27 09:26:25.000CrashAmazon Music Helpermedium
kyle-mbp-workOS X Crashes2019-06-27 09:26:25.000Crashosquerydmedium
brandons-mini.fios-router.homeOS X Crashes2019-06-27 00:08:17.000Crashmediaremotedmedium
kyle-mbp-workOS X Crashes2019-06-25 15:19:08.000CrashAmazon Music Helpermedium
kyle-mbp-workOS X Crashes2019-06-25 15:19:08.000Crashosquerydmedium
brandons-mini.fios-router.homeOS X Crashes2019-06-24 19:25:30.000Crashmediaremotedmedium
kyle-mbp-workOS X Crashes2019-06-23 22:23:49.000CrashAmazon Music Helpermedium
kyle-mbp-workOS X Crashes2019-06-23 22:23:49.000Crashosquerydmedium

7. uptycs-get-process-open-sockets#

find processes which opened a socket

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_idOnly return assets with this asset id. Do not use arguments "asset_id", "host_name_is" or "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
host_name_isOnly return assets with this hostname. Do not use arguments "host_name_is" and "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
host_name_likeOnly return assets with this string in the hostname. Use this to find a selection of assets with similar hostnames. Do not use arguments "host_name_is" and "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
ipIP address which process opened a socket to.Optional
limitLimit the number of entries returned. Use -1 to return all entries (may run slow or cause a time out).Optional
start_windowBeginning of window to search for open sockets. Format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.000", for example, March 15, 2019 at 1:52:36 am would be written as "2019-03-15 01:52:36.000".Optional
end_windowEnd of window to search for open sockets. Format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.000", for example, March 15, 2019 at 1:52:36 am would be written as "2019-03-15 01:52:36.000".Optional
timeExact time at which the socket was opened.Optional
time_agoSpecifies how far back you want to look. Format examples: 2 hours, 4 minutes, 6 month, 1 day, etc.Optional
Context Output#
Uptycs.Sockets.pidnumberpid of process which opened a connection to a specified IP
Uptycs.Sockets.upt_hostnamestringhostname of the asset which ran the specified process
Uptycs.Sockets.upt_timedatetime at which the connection was opened
Uptycs.Sockets.pathstringfile path to the process being run
Uptycs.Sockets.local_addressstringlocal IP for specified connection
Uptycs.Sockets.remote_addressstringremote IP for specified connection
Uptycs.Sockets.local_portnumberlocal port for specified connection
Uptycs.Sockets.remote_portnumberremote port for specified connection
Uptycs.Sockets.upt_asset_idstringasset id for asset which ran the specified process
Uptycs.Sockets.socketnumbersocket used to open the connection
Uptycs.Sockets.familynumbernetwork protocol
Uptycs.Sockets.statestringstate of the connection
Uptycs.Sockets.protocolnumbertransport protocol
Command Example#

uptycs-get-process-open-sockets limit=1

Context Example#
"Uptycs.Sockets": [
"protocol": 6,
"socket": 0,
"family": 2,
"local_port": 54755,
"remote_port": 443,
"pid": 704,
"remote_address": "",
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"upt_time": "2019-07-19 17:03:31.000",
"state": "ESTABLISHED",
"upt_hostname": "kyle-mbp-work",
"path": null,
"local_address": ""
Human Readable Output#


kyle-mbp-work704192.168.86.6169.147.92.122019-07-19 17:03:31.000547554430

8. uptycs-get-process-information#

get information for a particular process

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_idOnly return assets with this asset id. Do not use arguments "asset_id" and "host_name_is" at the same time.Optional
host_name_isHostname for asset which spawned the specified process.Optional
pidpid for the process.Required
timeTime that the specified process was spawned.Required
Context Output#
Uptycs.Proc.pidnumberpid for the process
Uptycs.Proc.upt_hostnamestringhostname for asset which spawned the specified process
Uptycs.Proc.upt_asset_idstringasset id for asset which spawned the specified process
Uptycs.Proc.parentnumberpid for the parent process
Uptycs.Proc.upt_add_timedatetime that the process was spawned
Uptycs.Proc.upt_remove_timedatetime that the process was removed
Uptycs.Proc.pathstringpath to the process binary
Uptycs.Proc.namestringname of the process
Uptycs.Proc.cmdlinestringcomplete argv of the process
Uptycs.Proc.pgroupnumberprocess group
Uptycs.Proc.cwdstringprocess current working directory
Command Example#

uptycs-get-process-information asset_id="984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b" pid=5119 time="2019-01-29 17:05:07.000"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.Proc": [
"name": "VBoxHeadless",
"parent": 484,
"upt_add_time": "2019-01-29 16:14:27.000",
"pid": 5119,
"upt_remove_time": "2019-01-29 19:21:31.000 UTC",
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"cmdline": "/Applications/ --comment vagrant_default_1535385658307_92120 --startvm 11742093-a8fa-4189-a88c-afc4cb7c70a6 --vrde config",
"upt_hostname": "kyle-mbp-work",
"pgroup": 5119,
"path": "/Applications/",
"cwd": "/Applications",
"upt_day": 20190129
Human Readable Output#

Process information#

kyle-mbp-work4845119VBoxHeadless/Applications/ --comment vagrant_default_1535385658307_92120 --startvm 11742093-a8fa-4189-a88c-afc4cb7c70a6 --vrde config

9. uptycs-get-process-child-processes#

get all the child processes for a given parent process

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_idOnly return assets with this asset_id. Do not use arguments "asset_id" and "host_name_is" at the same time.Optional
host_name_ishostname for the asset which executed these processes.Optional
limitLimit the number of entries returned. Use -1 to return all entries (may run slow or cause a time out).Optional
parentThe pid for which all child processes will be foundRequired
parent_start_timetime at which the parent process was spawnedRequired
parent_end_timetime at which the parent process was killed, if it exists.Optional
Context Output#
Uptycs.Children.pidnumberpid of a child process
Uptycs.Children.upt_asset_idstringasset id for asset which this process was run on
Uptycs.Children.upt_hostnamestringhostname for asset which spawned the specified process
Uptycs.Children.upt_add_timedatetime that the process was spawned
Uptycs.Children.upt_remove_timedatetime that the process was removed
Uptycs.Children.pathstringpath to the process binary
Uptycs.Children.parentnumberparent pid
Uptycs.Children.namestringname of the process
Uptycs.Children.cmdlinestringcomplete argv for the process
Uptycs.Children.pgroupnumberprocess group
Uptycs.Children.cwdstringprocess current working directory
Command Example#

uptycs-get-process-child-processes asset_id="984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b" parent=484 parent_start_time="2019-01-28 14:16:58.000" parent_end_time="2019-01-29 19:21:31.000"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.Children": [
"name": "VBoxHeadless",
"parent": 484,
"upt_add_time": "2019-01-29 16:14:27.000",
"pid": 5119,
"upt_remove_time": "2019-01-29 19:21:31.000 UTC",
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"cmdline": "/Applications/ --comment vagrant_default_1535385658307_92120 --startvm 11742093-a8fa-4189-a88c-afc4cb7c70a6 --vrde config",
"upt_hostname": "kyle-mbp-work",
"pgroup": 5119,
"path": "/Applications/",
"cwd": "/Applications",
"upt_day": 20190129
"name": "VirtualBoxVM",
"parent": 484,
"upt_add_time": "2019-01-29 16:00:17.000",
"pid": 5008,
"upt_remove_time": "2019-01-29 16:13:55.000 UTC",
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"cmdline": "/Applications/ --comment vagrant_default_1535385658307_92120 --startvm 11742093-a8fa-4189-a88c-afc4cb7c70a6 --no-startvm-errormsgbox",
"upt_hostname": "kyle-mbp-work",
"pgroup": 5008,
"path": "/Applications/",
"cwd": "/Applications",
"upt_day": 20190129
"name": "VirtualBoxVM",
"parent": 484,
"upt_add_time": "2019-01-29 15:58:10.000",
"pid": 5002,
"upt_remove_time": "2019-01-29 16:00:17.000 UTC",
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"cmdline": "/Applications/ --comment basevm_centos_7_orig --startvm 58264539-0e7a-418f-91be-365aa0f20854 --no-startvm-errormsgbox",
"upt_hostname": "kyle-mbp-work",
"pgroup": 5002,
"path": "/Applications/",
"cwd": "/Applications",
"upt_day": 20190129
"name": "VirtualBoxVM",
"parent": 484,
"upt_add_time": "2019-01-29 15:55:32.000",
"pid": 4994,
"upt_remove_time": "2019-01-29 15:57:38.000 UTC",
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"cmdline": "/Applications/ --comment vagrant_default_1535385658307_92120 --startvm 11742093-a8fa-4189-a88c-afc4cb7c70a6 --no-startvm-errormsgbox",
"upt_hostname": "kyle-mbp-work",
"pgroup": 4994,
"path": "/Applications/",
"cwd": "/Applications",
"upt_day": 20190129
"name": "VirtualBoxVM",
"parent": 484,
"upt_add_time": "2019-01-28 17:00:39.000",
"pid": 3448,
"upt_remove_time": "2019-01-28 22:27:17.000 UTC",
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"cmdline": "/Applications/ --comment ova-31822- --startvm d7414d11-5764-4583-aeb6-94e5527c851c --no-startvm-errormsgbox",
"upt_hostname": "kyle-mbp-work",
"pgroup": 3448,
"path": "/Applications/",
"cwd": "/Applications",
"upt_day": 20190128
Human Readable Output#

Child processes of a specified pid#

kyle-mbp-work5119VBoxHeadless/Applications/ --comment vagrant_default_1535385658307_92120 --startvm 11742093-a8fa-4189-a88c-afc4cb7c70a6 --vrde config2019-01-29 16:14:27.000
kyle-mbp-work5008VirtualBoxVM/Applications/ --comment vagrant_default_1535385658307_92120 --startvm 11742093-a8fa-4189-a88c-afc4cb7c70a6 --no-startvm-errormsgbox2019-01-29 16:00:17.000
kyle-mbp-work5002VirtualBoxVM/Applications/ --comment basevm_centos_7_orig --startvm 58264539-0e7a-418f-91be-365aa0f20854 --no-startvm-errormsgbox2019-01-29 15:58:10.000
kyle-mbp-work4994VirtualBoxVM/Applications/ --comment vagrant_default_1535385658307_92120 --startvm 11742093-a8fa-4189-a88c-afc4cb7c70a6 --no-startvm-errormsgbox2019-01-29 15:55:32.000
kyle-mbp-work3448VirtualBoxVM/Applications/ --comment ova-31822- --startvm d7414d11-5764-4583-aeb6-94e5527c851c --no-startvm-errormsgbox2019-01-28 17:00:39.000

10. uptycs-get-processes#

find processes which are running or have run on a registered Uptycs asset

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_idOnly return assets with this asset id. Do not use arguments "asset_id", "host_name_is" or "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
host_name_isOnly return assets with this hostname. Do not use arguments "host_name_is" and "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
host_name_likeOnly return assets with this string in the hostname. Use this to find a selection of assets with similar hostnames. Do not use arguments "host_name_is" and "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
limitLimit the number of entries returned. Use -1 to return all entries (may run slow or cause a time out).Optional
start_windowBeginning of window to search for open connections. Format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.000", for example, March 15, 2019 at 1:52:36 am would be written as "2019-03-15 01:52:36.000".Optional
end_windowEnd of window to search for open connections. Format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.000", for example, March 15, 2019 at 1:52:36 am would be written as "2019-03-15 01:52:36.000".Optional
timeExact time at which the process was spawned.Optional
time_agoSpecifies how far back you want to look. Format examples: 2 hours, 4 minutes, 6 month, 1 day, etc.Optional
Context Output#
Uptycs.Process.pidnumberpid for a particular process
Uptycs.Process.parentnumberpid for the parent of a particular process
Uptycs.Process.upt_asset_idstringuptycs asset id for the asset which is running (or ran) the process
Uptycs.Process.upt_hostnamestringhost name for the asset which is running (or ran) the process
Uptycs.Process.upt_timedatetime at which the process was spawned
Uptycs.Process.namestringname of the process
Uptycs.Process.pathstringpath to the process binary
Uptycs.Process.cmdlinestringcomeplete argv for the process
Uptycs.Process.pgroupnumberprocess group
Uptycs.Process.cwdstringprocess current working directory
Command Example#

uptycs-get-processes limit=1

Context Example#
"Uptycs.Process": [
"name": "SCHelper",
"parent": 1,
"upt_time": "2019-07-19 07:29:32.000",
"pid": 60051,
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"cmdline": "/System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/Versions/A/Helpers/SCHelper",
"upt_hostname": "kyle-mbp-work",
"pgroup": 60051,
"path": "/System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/Versions/A/Helpers/SCHelper",
"cwd": "/"
Human Readable Output#


kyle-mbp-work60051SCHelper/System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/Versions/A/Helpers/SCHelper2019-07-19 07:29:32.0001/System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/Versions/A/Helpers/SCHelper

11. uptycs-get-process-open-files#

find processes which have opened files

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_idOnly return assets with this asset id. Do not use arguments "asset_id", "host_name_is" or "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
host_name_isOnly return assets with this hostname. Do not use arguments "host_name_is" and "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
host_name_likeOnly return assets with this string in the hostname. Use this to find a selection of assets with similar hostnames. Do not use arguments "host_name_is" and "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
limitLimit the number of entries returned. Use -1 to return all entries (may run slow or cause a time out).Optional
start_windowBeginning of window to search for open connections. Format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.000", for example, March 15, 2019 at 1:52:36 am would be written as "2019-03-15 01:52:36.000".Optional
end_windowEnd of window to search for open connections. Format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.000", for example, March 15, 2019 at 1:52:36 am would be written as "2019-03-15 01:52:36.000".Optional
timeExact time at which the process was spawned.Optional
time_agoSpecifies how far back you want to look. Format examples: 2 hours, 4 minutes, 6 month, 1 day, etc.Optional
Context Output#
Uptycs.Files.pidnumberpid for the process which opened a file
Uptycs.Files.fdnumberprocess specific file descriptor number
Uptycs.Files.upt_asset_idstringUptycs asset id for the the asset on which the file was opened
Uptycs.Files.upt_hostnamestringHost name for the asset on which the file was opened
Uptycs.Files.upt_timedatetime at which the file was opened
Uptycs.Files.pathstringfilesystem path of the file descriptor
Command Example#

uptycs-get-process-open-files limit=1

Context Example#
"Uptycs.Files": [
"pid": 30143,
"upt_asset_id": "a4991bf9-13e3-026b-7b46-af192746d556",
"upt_hostname": "uptycs-osquery-mhntm",
"fd": 35,
"upt_time": "2019-07-19 17:00:38.000",
"path": "/var/osquery/osquery.db/001951.log"
Human Readable Output#

Process which has opened a file#

uptycs-osquery-mhntm30143/var/osquery/osquery.db/001951.log352019-07-19 17:00:38.000

12. uptycs-set-alert-status#

Set the status of an alert to new, assigned, resolved, or closed

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
alert_idUptycs alert id used to identify a particular alertRequired
statusStatus of the alert can be new, assigned, resolved, or closedRequired
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

uptycs-set-alert-status alert_id="9cb18abd-2c9a-43a8-988a-0601e9140f6c" status=assigned

Context Example#
"Uptycs.AlertStatus": {
"status": "assigned",
"updatedAt": "2019-07-19T17:07:27.447Z",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedByAdmin": true,
"updatedBy": "B schmoll",
"id": "9cb18abd-2c9a-43a8-988a-0601e9140f6c",
"createdAt": "2019-02-22T21:13:21.238Z"
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Alert Status#


13. uptycs-set-asset-tag#

Sets a tag on a particular asset

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_idUptycs asset id for the asset that the tag should be set onRequired
tag_keyTag key that will be set on the assetRequired
tag_valueTag value that will be set on the assetOptional
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

uptycs-set-asset-tag asset_id="984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b" tag_key="Uptycs" tag_value="work laptop"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.AssetTags": {
"hostName": "kyle-mbp-work",
"tags": [
"Uptycs=work laptop",
"owner=Uptycs office",
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Asset Tag#

kyle-mbp-workUptycs=work laptop,
owner=Uptycs office,

14. uptycs-get-user-information#

get info for an Uptycs user

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
user_idUnique Uptycs id for the userRequired
Context Output#
Uptycs.UserInfo.idstringunique Uptycs id for the user
Uptycs.UserInfo.namestringUptycs user's name
Uptycs.UserInfo.emailstringUptycs user's email address
Command Example#

uptycs-get-user-information user_id="33436e24-f30f-42d0-8438-d948be12b5af"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.UserInfo": {
"userObjectGroups": [
"userId": "33436e24-f30f-42d0-8438-d948be12b5af",
"updatedBy": null,
"objectGroupId": "106eef5e-c3a6-44eb-bb3d-1a2087cded3d",
"customerId": "e8213ef3-ef92-460e-a542-46dccd700c16",
"object_group_id": "106eef5e-c3a6-44eb-bb3d-1a2087cded3d",
"createdBy": null,
"updatedAt": "2018-09-24T17:24:45.606Z",
"id": "e10d6fbb-366c-4b89-86b3-89a1cd4ee83c",
"createdAt": "2018-09-24T17:24:45.606Z"
"userRoles": {
"admin": {
"description": "Default admin role",
"updatedBy": null,
"custom": false,
"createdBy": null,
"updatedAt": "2019-06-19T08:15:49.286Z",
"id": "01b8ce5d-c93a-41a6-ba63-2e26c7d2cd79",
"hidden": false,
"permissions": [
"customerId": "e8213ef3-ef92-460e-a542-46dccd700c16",
"createdAt": "2018-09-24T17:24:41.194Z",
"name": "admin"
"email": "",
"name": "B schmoll",
"id": "33436e24-f30f-42d0-8438-d948be12b5af"
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs User Information#

B schmollgoo@test.com33436e24-f30f-42d0-8438-d948be12b5af

15. uptycs-get-threat-indicators#

get Uptycs threat indicators

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
indicatorthe specific indicator you wish to search for. This can be an IP address, a Bad Domain, etc. as well ass any indicators you have added.Optional
limitLimit the number of entries returned. Use -1 to return all entries (may run slow or cause a time out).Optional
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

uptycs-get-threat-indicators limit=1

Context Example#
"Uptycs.ThreatIndicators": [
"indicator": "",
"description": "",
"threatId": "b3f44b34-f6a1-46bc-88f1-9755e3ac1a65",
"indicatorType": "IPv4",
"createdAt": "2019-07-19T16:44:17.511Z",
"id": "8e54f94c-469a-4737-9eef-4e650a93ab58",
"isActive": true
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Threat Indicators#


16. uptycs-get-threat-sources#

get Uptycs threat sources

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitLimit the number of entries returned. Use -1 to return all entries (may run slow or cause a time out).Optional
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

uptycs-get-threat-sources limit=1

Context Example#
"Uptycs.ThreatSources": [
"name": "AlienVault Open Threat Exchange Malicious Domains and IPs",
"url": "4533da856e43f06ee00bb5f1adf170a0ce5cacaca5992ab1279733c2bdd0a88c",
"enabled": true,
"custom": false,
"lastDownload": "2019-05-13T01:00:05.934Z",
"createdAt": "2019-05-12T01:01:04.154Z",
"description": "A feed of malicious domains and IP addresses"
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Threat Sources#

AlienVault Open Threat Exchange Malicious Domains and IPsA feed of malicious domains and IP addresses4533da856e43f06ee00bb5f1adf170a0ce5cacaca5992ab1279733c2bdd0a88ctruefalse2019-05-12T01:01:04.154Z2019-05-13T01:00:05.934Z

17. uptycs-get-threat-vendors#

get Uptycs threat vendors

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitLimit the number of entries returned. Use -1 to return all entries (may run slow or cause a time out).Optional
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#


Context Example#
"Uptycs.ThreatVendors": [
"name": "Bschmoll Inc.-Threats",
"url": null,
"updatedAt": "2018-11-20T19:15:05.611Z",
"customerId": "e8213ef3-ef92-460e-a542-46dccd700c16",
"numThreats": null,
"numIocs": null,
"lastDownload": null,
"id": "42b9220c-7e29-4fd8-9cf7-9f811e851f8e",
"createdAt": "2018-11-20T19:15:05.611Z",
"description": null
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Threat Vendors#

2018-11-20T19:15:05.611Ze8213ef3-ef92-460e-a542-46dccd700c1642b9220c-7e29-4fd8-9cf7-9f811e851f8e2018-11-20T19:15:05.611ZBschmoll Inc.-Threats

18. uptycs-get-parent-information#

get the parent process information for a particular child process

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_idOnly return assets with this asset id. Do not use arguments "asset_id" and "host_name_is" at the same time.Optional
child_add_timeTime that the specified process was spawned.Required
host_name_isHostname for asset which spawned the specified process.Optional
parentpid for the parent process.Required
Context Output#
Uptycs.Parent.pidnumberpid of the process (this is the same number as the input argument 'parent')
Uptycs.Parent.upt_hostnamestringhostname for asset which spawned the specified process
Uptycs.Parent.upt_asset_idstringasset id for asset which spawned the specified process
Uptycs.Parent.parentnumberpid for the parent process (this is the parent of the input argument 'parent')
Uptycs.Parent.upt_add_timedatetime that the process was spawned
Uptycs.Parent.upt_remove_timedatetime that the process was removed
Uptycs.Parent.namestringname of the process
Uptycs.Parent.pathstringpath to the process binary
Uptycs.Parent.cmdlinestringcomplete argv for the process
Uptycs.Parent.pgroupnumberprocess group
Uptycs.Parent.cwdstringprocess current working directory
Command Example#

uptycs-get-parent-information asset_id="984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b" child_add_time="2019-01-29 16:14:27.000" parent=484

Context Example#
"Uptycs.Parent": [
"name": "VBoxSVC",
"parent": 1,
"upt_add_time": "2019-01-28 14:16:58.000",
"pid": 484,
"upt_remove_time": "2019-01-29 19:21:31.000 UTC",
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"cmdline": "/Applications/ --auto-shutdown",
"upt_hostname": "kyle-mbp-work",
"pgroup": 484,
"path": "/Applications/",
"cwd": "/Applications",
"upt_day": 20190128
Human Readable Output#

Parent process information#

kyle-mbp-work1484VBoxSVC/Applications/ --auto-shutdown

19. uptycs-post-threat-source#

post a new threat source to your threat sources in Uptycs

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
descriptionA short description for the threat sourceRequired
entry_identry_id for the file with threat information. This file should be uploaded to Cortex XSOAR in the Playground War Room using the paperclip icon next to the CLI.Required
filenameThe name of the file being uploadedRequired
nameThe name for the threat sourceRequired
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

uptycs-post-threat-source name="testThreatSources" description="testing Uptycs API" entry_id="4322@27d41dbb-9676-4408-88bf-51193334caf7" filename="threatSourcesTest.csv"

Context Example#
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Posted Threat Source

20. uptycs-get-users#

get a list of Uptycs users

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitLimit the number of entries returned. Use -1 to return all entries (may run slow or cause a time out).Optional
Context Output#
Uptycs.Users.idstringunique Uptycs id for the user
Uptycs.Users.namestringUptycs user's name
Uptycs.Users.emailstringUptycs user's email address
Uptycs.Users.createdAtdatedatetime this user was added
Uptycs.Users.updatedAtdatelast time this user was updated
Uptycs.Users.adminbooleantrue if this user has admin privileges, false otherwise
Uptycs.Users.activebooleantrue if this user is currently active, false otherwise
Command Example#

uptycs-get-users limit=1

Context Example#
"Uptycs.Users": [
"name": "B schmoll",
"admin": true,
"id": "33436e24-f30f-42d0-8438-d948be12b5af",
"updatedAt": "2018-09-25T16:10:28.140Z",
"active": true,
"email": "",
"createdAt": "2018-09-24T17:24:38.635Z"
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Users#

B schmollgoo@test.com33436e24-f30f-42d0-8438-d948be12b5aftruetrue2018-09-24T17:24:38.635Z2018-09-25T16:10:28.140Z

21. uptycs-get-asset-groups#

get Uptycs asset groups

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitLimit the number of entries returned. Use -1 to return all entries (may run slow or cause a time out).Optional
Context Output#
Uptycs.AssetGroups.idstringunique Uptycs id for a particular object group
Uptycs.AssetGroups.custombooleantrue if this is a custom asset group, false otherwise
Uptycs.AssetGroups.createdAtdatedatetime the group was created
Uptycs.AssetGroups.updatedAtdatedatetime the group was last updated
Command Example#


Context Example#
"Uptycs.AssetGroups": [
"name": "assets",
"description": "Default asset group",
"custom": false,
"updatedAt": "2018-09-24T17:24:45.604Z",
"id": "106eef5e-c3a6-44eb-bb3d-1a2087cded3d",
"createdAt": "2018-09-24T17:24:45.604Z",
"objectType": "ASSET"
"name": "enrolling",
"description": "Enrolling asset group",
"custom": false,
"updatedAt": "2018-09-24T17:24:45.601Z",
"id": "a73353c1-1b27-4eea-9a7c-d2f946cca030",
"createdAt": "2018-09-24T17:24:45.601Z",
"objectType": "ASSET"
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Users#

106eef5e-c3a6-44eb-bb3d-1a2087cded3dassetsDefault asset groupASSETfalse2018-09-24T17:24:45.604Z2018-09-24T17:24:45.604Z
a73353c1-1b27-4eea-9a7c-d2f946cca030enrollingEnrolling asset groupASSETfalse2018-09-24T17:24:45.601Z2018-09-24T17:24:45.601Z

22. uptycs-get-user-asset-groups#

get a list of users in a particular asset group

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_group_idreturn a list of users with access to this asset groupRequired
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

uptycs-get-user-asset-groups asset_group_id="106eef5e-c3a6-44eb-bb3d-1a2087cded3d"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.UserGroups": {
"B schmoll": {
"email": "",
"id": "33436e24-f30f-42d0-8438-d948be12b5af"
"Mike Boldi": {
"email": "",
"id": "e43b0119-8d23-4ea2-9fd9-3a9ff14fc195"
"Milan Shah": {
"email": "",
"id": "89d26aa4-f0a8-48d9-a174-ce5285d9dd60"
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs User Asset Groups#

B schmollMike BoldiMilan Shah
id: 33436e24-f30f-42d0-8438-d948be12b5af
id: e43b0119-8d23-4ea2-9fd9-3a9ff14fc195
id: 89d26aa4-f0a8-48d9-a174-ce5285d9dd60

23. uptycs-get-threat-indicator#

retrieve information about a specific threat indicator using a unique threat indicator id

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
indicator_idunique Uptycs id which identifies a specific threat indicatorRequired
Context Output#
Uptycs.ThreatIndicator.threat_source_idstringunique Uptycs id which identifies the source of this specific threat indicator
Uptycs.ThreatIndicator.threat_vendor_idstringunique Uptycs id which identifies the vendor of this specific threat source
Uptycs.ThreatIndicator.indicatorTypestringtype of threat indicator (IPv4, domain,...)
Uptycs.ThreatIndicator.indicatorstringthreat indicator
Uptycs.ThreatIndicator.createdAtdatedatetime the threat indicator was created
Uptycs.ThreatIndicator.threadIdstringunique id for the group of threat indicators this thread indicator belongs to
Uptycs.ThreatIndicator.idstringunique id for this particular threat indicator
Command Example#

uptycs-get-threat-indicator indicator_id="0ab619bb-cfe0-4db0-8a31-0a71fcc2a362"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.ThreatIndicator": {
"indicator": "",
"description": "",
"threatId": "60e2e9eb-f756-4a4d-a85d-55aa8167d59d",
"threat_source_name": "test-bad-ips",
"threat_vendor_id": "42b9220c-7e29-4fd8-9cf7-9f811e851f8e",
"indicatorType": "IPv4",
"createdAt": "2019-01-10T21:25:49.280Z",
"updatedAt": "2019-01-10T21:25:49.280Z",
"threat_source_id": "c67d0821-f2f2-44ee-b3a8-a0bae5b04e55",
"id": "0ab619bb-cfe0-4db0-8a31-0a71fcc2a362",
"isActive": true
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Threat Indicator#


24. uptycs-get-threat-source#

retrieve information about a specific threat source

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
threat_source_idunique Uptycs id for the threat source you wish to retriveRequired
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

uptycs-get-threat-source threat_source_id="20ee2177-4fdc-4070-a046-945048373dd1"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.ThreatSources": {
"name": "Debian Linux vulnerabilities",
"url": "",
"enabled": true,
"custom": false,
"lastDownload": null,
"createdAt": "2018-09-14T18:43:54.832Z",
"description": "Debian Linux vulnerabilities"
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Threat Sources#

Debian Linux vulnerabilitiesDebian Linux vulnerabilities

25. uptycs-get-process-events#

find process events which are running or have run on a registered Uptycs asset

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_idOnly return assets with this asset id. Do not use arguments "asset_id", "host_name_is" or "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
host_name_isOnly return assets with this hostname. Do not use arguments "host_name_is" and "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
host_name_likeOnly return assets with this string in the hostname. Use this to find a selection of assets with similar hostnames. Do not use arguments "host_name_is" and "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
limitLimit the number of entries returned. Use -1 to return all entries (may run slow or cause a time out).Optional
start_windowBeginning of window to search for open connections. Format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.000", for example, March 15, 2019 at 1:52:36 am would be written as "2019-03-15 01:52:36.000".Optional
end_windowEnd of window to search for open connections. Format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.000", for example, March 15, 2019 at 1:52:36 am would be written as "2019-03-15 01:52:36.000".Optional
timeExact time at which the process was spawned.Optional
time_agoSpecifies how far back you want to look. Format examples: 2 hours, 4 minutes, 6 month, 1 day, etc.Optional
Context Output#
Uptycs.ProcessEvents.pidnumberpid for a particular process
Uptycs.ProcessEvents.parentnumberpid for the parent of a particular process
Uptycs.ProcessEvents.upt_asset_idstringuptycs asset id for the asset which is running (or ran) the process
Uptycs.ProcessEvents.upt_hostnamestringhost name for the asset which is running (or ran) the process
Uptycs.ProcessEvents.upt_timedatetime at which the process was spawned
Uptycs.ProcessEvents.pathstringpath to the process binary
Uptycs.ProcessEvents.cmdlinestringcomeplete argv for the process
Uptycs.ProcessEvents.cwdstringprocess current working directory
Command Example#

uptycs-get-process-events limit=1

Context Example#
"Uptycs.ProcessEvents": [
"parent": 60065,
"pid": 60067,
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"cmdline": "/usr/sbin/spctl --status ",
"upt_hostname": "kyle-mbp-work",
"upt_time": "2019-07-19 09:29:47.000",
"path": "/usr/sbin/spctl",
"cwd": null
Human Readable Output#

Process events#

kyle-mbp-work60067/usr/sbin/spctl2019-07-19 09:29:47.00060065/usr/sbin/spctl --status

26. uptycs-get-process-event-information#

get information for a particular process event

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_idOnly return assets with this asset id. Do not use arguments "asset_id" and "host_name_is" at the same time.Optional
host_name_isHostname for asset which spawned the specified process.Optional
pidpid for the process.Required
timeTime that the specified process was spawned.Required
Context Output#
Uptycs.ProcEvent.pidnumberpid for the process
Uptycs.ProcEvent.upt_hostnamestringhostname for asset which spawned the specified process
Uptycs.ProcEvent.upt_asset_idstringasset id for asset which spawned the specified process
Uptycs.ProcEvent.parentnumberpid for the parent process
Uptycs.ProcEvent.upt_timedatetime that the process was spawned
Uptycs.ProcEvent.pathstringpath to the process binary
Uptycs.ProcEvent.cmdlinestringcomeplete argv for the process
Uptycs.ProcEvent.cwdstringprocess current working directory
Command Example#

uptycs-get-process-event-information asset_id="984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b" pid=3318 time="2019-02-28 18:43:04.000"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.ProcEvent": [
"parent": 1,
"pid": 3318,
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"cmdline": "xpcproxy 3266 ",
"upt_hostname": "kyle-mbp-work",
"upt_time": "2019-02-28 18:43:04.000",
"path": "/dev/console",
"cwd": null
Human Readable Output#

Process event information#

kyle-mbp-work13318/dev/consolexpcproxy 3266

27. uptycs-get-socket-events#

find processes which opened a socket

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_idOnly return assets with this asset id. Do not use arguments "asset_id", "host_name_is" or "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
host_name_isOnly return assets with this hostname. Do not use arguments "host_name_is" and "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
host_name_likeOnly return assets with this string in the hostname. Use this to find a selection of assets with similar hostnames. Do not use arguments "host_name_is" and "host_name_like" at the same time.Optional
ipIP address which process opened a socket to.Optional
limitLimit the number of entries returned. Use -1 to return all entries (may run slow or cause a time out).Optional
start_windowBeginning of window to search for open sockets. Format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.000", for example, March 15, 2019 at 1:52:36 am would be written as "2019-03-15 01:52:36.000".Optional
end_windowEnd of window to search for open sockets. Format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.000", for example, March 15, 2019 at 1:52:36 am would be written as "2019-03-15 01:52:36.000".Optional
timeExact time at which the socket was opened.Optional
time_agoSpecifies how far back you want to look. Format examples: 2 hours, 4 minutes, 6 month, 1 day, etc.Optional
Context Output#
Uptycs.SocketEvents.pidnumberpid of process which opened a connection to a specified IP
Uptycs.SocketEvents.upt_hostnamestringhostname of the asset which ran the specified process
Uptycs.SocketEvents.upt_timedatetime at which the connection was opened
Uptycs.SocketEvents.pathstringfile path to the process being run
Uptycs.SocketEvents.local_addressstringlocal IP for specified connection
Uptycs.SocketEvents.remote_addressstringremote IP for specified connection
Uptycs.SocketEvents.local_portnumberlocal port for specified connection
Uptycs.SocketEvents.remote_portnumberremote port for specified connection
Uptycs.SocketEvents.upt_asset_idstringasset id for asset which ran the specified process
Uptycs.SocketEvents.socketnumbersocket used to open the connection
Uptycs.SocketEvents.familynumbernetwork protocol
Uptycs.SocketEvents.actionstringtype of socket event (accept, connect, or bind)
Uptycs.SocketEvents.protocolnumbertransfer protocol
Command Example#

uptycs-get-socket-events limit=1 remote_address=""

Context Example#
"Uptycs.SocketEvents": [
"protocol": null,
"socket": null,
"family": 2,
"local_port": 47873,
"remote_port": null,
"pid": 89,
"remote_address": "",
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"upt_time": "2019-07-19 09:29:52.000",
"upt_hostname": "kyle-mbp-work",
"path": null,
"action": "connect",
"local_address": ""
Human Readable Output#

Socket events#

kyle-mbp-work890. 09:29:52.00047873connect

28. uptycs-get-parent-event-information#

find information for parent process events which are running or have run on a registered Uptycs assert

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_idOnly return assets with this asset id. Do not use arguments "asset_id" and "host_name_is" at the same time.Optional
child_add_timeTime that the specified process was spawned.Required
host_name_isHostname for asset which spawned the specified process.Optional
parentpid for the parent process.Required
Context Output#
Uptycs.ParentEvent.pidnumberpid of the process (this is the same number as the input argument 'parent')
Uptycs.ParentEvent.upt_hostnamestringhostname for asset which spawned the specified process
Uptycs.ParentEvent.upt_asset_idstringasset id for asset which spawned the specified process
Uptycs.ParentEvent.parentnumberpid for the parent process (this is the parent of the input argument 'parent')
Uptycs.ParentEvent.upt_timedatetime that the process was spawned
Uptycs.ParentEvent.pathstringpath to the parent process binary
Uptycs.ParentEvent.cmdlinestringcomplete argv for the parent process
Uptycs.ParentEvent.cwdstringparent process current working cirectory
Command Example#

uptycs-get-parent-event-information child_add_time="2019-05-07 12:24:34.000" parent=9347 host_name_is="kyle-mbp-work"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.ParentEvent": [
"parent": 75,
"pid": 9347,
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"cmdline": "/sbin/mount -t hfs -o -u=99,-g=99,-m=755,nodev,noowners,nosuid,owners,nobrowse,-t=4m /dev/disk2s2 /Volumes/Time Machine Backups ",
"upt_hostname": "kyle-mbp-work",
"upt_time": "2019-05-07 12:24:34.000",
"path": "/sbin/mount",
"cwd": null
Human Readable Output#

Parent process event information#

kyle-mbp-work759347/sbin/mount/sbin/mount -t hfs -o -u=99,-g=99,-m=755,nodev,noowners,nosuid,owners,nobrowse,-t=4m /dev/disk2s2 /Volumes/Time Machine Backups

29. uptycs-get-socket-event-information#

get information for a particular socket event

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_idOnly return assets with this asset id. Do not use arguments "asset_id" and "host_name_is" at the same time.Optional
host_name_isHostname for asset which spawned the specified process.Optional
ipIP address which process opened a socket to.Required
timeTime that the specified connection was opened.Required
Context Output#
Uptycs.SocketEvents.pidnumberpid of process which opened a connection to a specified IP
Uptycs.SocketEvents.upt_hostnamestringhostname of the asset which ran the specified process
Uptycs.SocketEvents.upt_timedatetime at which the connection was opened
Uptycs.SocketEvents.pathstringfile path to the process being run
Uptycs.SocketEvents.local_addressstringlocal IP for specified connection
Uptycs.SocketEvents.remote_addressstringremote IP for specified connection
Uptycs.SocketEvents.local_portnumberlocal port for specified connection
Uptycs.SocketEvents.remote_portnumberremote port for specified connection
Uptycs.SocketEvents.upt_asset_idstringasset id for asset which ran the specified process
Uptycs.SocketEvents.actionstringtype of socket event (accept, connect, or bind)
Uptycs.SocketEvents.familynumbernetwork protocol
Uptycs.SocketEvents.socketnumbersocket used to open the connection
Uptycs.SocketEvents.protocolnumbertransfer protocol
Command Example#

uptycs-get-socket-event-information ip="" time="2019-03-18 14:34:31.000"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.SocketEvent": [
"protocol": null,
"socket": "",
"family": 2,
"local_port": 47873,
"remote_port": null,
"pid": 16570,
"remote_address": "",
"upt_asset_id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"upt_time": "2019-03-18 14:34:31.000",
"upt_hostname": "kyle-mbp-work",
"path": null,
"action": "connect",
"local_address": ""
Human Readable Output#

Socket event information#

kyle-mbp-work165700. 14:34:31.00047873connect

30. uptycs-get-asset-tags#

Retrieve a list of tags for a particular asset

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_idUptycs asset id for the asset you are looking for.Required
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

uptycs-get-asset-tags asset_id="984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.AssetTags": [
"Uptycs=work laptop",
"owner=Uptycs office",
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Asset Tags for asset id: 984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b#

Uptycs=work laptop
owner=Uptycs office

31. uptycs-get-saved-queries#

Retrieve a saved query or list of all saved queries

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitlimit the number of entries returnedOptional
query_idOnly return the query with this unique idOptional
nameOnly return the query with this nameOptional
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

uptycs-get-saved-queries name="test_saved_query"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.SavedQueries": [
"seedId": "fec83a16-7c2a-4c9e-8621-7f030a14dfa4",
"updatedAt": "2019-05-10T19:07:46.480Z",
"query": "select * from upt_assets limit 1",
"viewConfig": null,
"id": "16de057d-6f69-46b0-80d0-46cb9348c8fe",
"createdAt": "2019-05-10T19:07:46.480Z",
"deleted_at": null,
"resultView": "TABLE",
"custom": true,
"shared": true,
"customerId": "e8213ef3-ef92-460e-a542-46dccd700c16",
"type": "default",
"assetView": "LIST",
"description": "this is a test query",
"deletedAt": null,
"createdBy": "33436e24-f30f-42d0-8438-d948be12b5af",
"updatedBy": "33436e24-f30f-42d0-8438-d948be12b5af",
"name": "test_saved_query",
"executionType": "global",
"parameters": null,
"deletedBy": null,
"grouping": "\"\""
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Saved Queries#

test_saved_querythis is a test queryselect * from upt_assets limit 1global""16de057d-6f69-46b0-80d0-46cb9348c8fe

32. uptycs-run-saved-query#

Run a saved query

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameThe name of the query you want to runOptional
query_idThe unique id for the query you want to runOptional
asset_idrealtime queries only This argument should be used when one wants to run a realtime query on a particular asset.Optional
host_name_isrealtime queries only Only return assets with this hostnameOptional
host_name_likerealtime queries only . Only return assets with this string in the hostname.Optional
variable_argumentsIf your saved query has variable arguments, write them here in a json format where the key is the name of the variable argument and value is the value you want to use for this particular query.Optional
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

uptycs-run-saved-query name="test_saved_query"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.RunQuery": [
"city_id": "6ee1f7ef-ad7d-46b1-9f74-384299c90830",
"updated_at": "2018-09-25 16:14:28.898",
"hardware_vendor": "Dell Inc.",
"disabled": false,
"os_key": "windows_10.0",
"deleted_at": null,
"id": "4c4c4544-0044-3910-8033-c8c04f5a4832",
"os_version": "10.0.14393",
"osquery_version": "",
"gateway": "",
"hardware_model": "PowerEdge T30",
"cpu_brand": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1225 v5 @ 3.30GHz",
"live": false,
"location": "United States",
"latitude": 37.751,
"host_name": "caol",
"status": "active",
"last_enrolled_at": "2018-09-25 16:14:28.863",
"description": null,
"object_group_id": "106eef5e-c3a6-44eb-bb3d-1a2087cded3d",
"last_activity_at": "2018-09-26 17:03:16.187",
"os": "Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter",
"created_at": "2018-09-25 16:14:28.881",
"longitude": -97.822,
"memory_mb": 16250,
"logical_cores": 4,
"os_flavor": "windows",
"cores": 4,
"hardware_serial": "HD93ZH2"
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Query Results#

6ee1f7ef-ad7d-46b1-9f74-384299c908302018-09-25 16:14:28.898Dell Inc.false2018-09-25 16:14:28.86350.79.168.117Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1225 v5 @ 3.30GHz3.2.6.15-Uptycs4c4c4544-0044-3910-8033-c8c04f5a4832PowerEdge T3010.0.14393falseUnited States37.751caolactivewindows_10.0106eef5e-c3a6-44eb-bb3d-1a2087cded3d2018-09-26 17:03:16.187HD93ZH22018-09-25 16:14:28.881-97.822162504windows4Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter

33. uptycs-post-saved-query#

Save a query to the Uptycs DB

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
descriptionA short description for the queryOptional
execution_typeThe type of query (global or realtime).Required
nameThe name for the query. This should be unique to this query.Required
queryThe query which will be savedRequired
typeType of issue the query addresses.Optional
groupingAdd the query to a group of queries.Optional
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

uptycs-post-saved-query name="process_query" query="select * from processes where name=:name limit 1" execution_type=global description="This is a test query with a variable argument for the column 'name’"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.PostedQuery": {
"links": [
"href": "/api/customers/e8213ef3-ef92-460e-a542-46dccd700c16/queries/cc40b97a-46ab-4392-9f58-c4659e8ef4c1",
"rel": "self"
"href": "/api/customers/e8213ef3-ef92-460e-a542-46dccd700c16/queries",
"rel": "parent"
"updatedAt": "2019-07-19T17:52:18.476Z",
"query": "select * from processes where name=:name limit 1",
"viewConfig": null,
"id": "cc40b97a-46ab-4392-9f58-c4659e8ef4c1",
"createdAt": "2019-07-19T17:52:18.476Z",
"seedId": "9a6dfb16-695a-43c2-ac15-201cbd8040f8",
"resultView": "TABLE",
"custom": true,
"shared": true,
"customerId": "e8213ef3-ef92-460e-a542-46dccd700c16",
"type": "default",
"assetView": "LIST",
"description": "This is a test query with a variable argument for the column 'name\u2019",
"deletedAt": null,
"createdBy": "33436e24-f30f-42d0-8438-d948be12b5af",
"updatedBy": "33436e24-f30f-42d0-8438-d948be12b5af",
"name": "process_query",
"executionType": "global",
"parameters": null,
"deletedBy": null,
"grouping": "\"\""
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Posted Query#

process_querydefaultThis is a test query with a variable argument for the column 'name’select * from processes where name=:name limit 1global""true

34. uptycs-get-carves#

Get the list of carves file from a specific path.

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
pathRetrieve carves from a specific pathOptional
Context Output#
Uptycs.Carves.idstringUptycs id of the carved file
Uptycs.Carves.assetIdstringUptycs id of the asset
Uptycs.Carves.pathstringFile path to the carved file
Uptycs.Carves.createdAtdateTime at which the file was carved
Uptycs.Carves.updatedAtdateTime at which the carve was updated
Uptycs.Carves.statusstringStatus of carve in Uptycs database
Uptycs.Carves.assetHostNamestringHostname in the Uptycs database
Uptycs.Carves.offsetnumberCarved file size offset
Uptycs.Carves.lengthnumberCarved file size length
Uptycs.Carves.deletedUserNamenumberDeleted user name
Uptycs.Carves.deleted_atnumberTime at which the carve was deleted
Command Example#

uptycs-get-carves path="/etc/"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.Carves": [
"id": "e037cb0b-e9b0-4061-8966-5d3404cef9f6",
"assetId": "2fb29ec9-5c16-4021-af7c-65528fead280",
"path": "/etc/hosts",
"createdAt": "2023-05-19T06:58:12.304Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-05-19T06:58:13.576Z",
"status": "FINISHED",
"assetHostName": "uptycs-testhost",
"offset": 0,
"length": 197,
"deletedUserName": null,
"deletedAt": null
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Carves#


35. uptycs-get-carves-link#

Get the url of a carved file using uuid

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
carve_iduuid of a specific carved file. Get the id from the list of carves with the command uptycs-get-carves.Required
Context Output#
Uptycs.CarvesLink.urlstringurl of the carved file
Command Example#

uptycs-get-carves-link carve_id="e037cb0b-e9b0-4061-8966-5d3404cef9f6"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.CarvesLink.url": ""
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Carves#


36. uptycs-get-carves-download-file#

Download a carved file using uuid

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
carve_iduuid of a specific carved file to download. Get the id from the list of carves with the command uptycs-get-carves.Required
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

uptycs-get-carves-download-file carve_id="e037cb0b-e9b0-4061-8966-5d3404cef9f6"

Context Example#

There is no context output for this command.

Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Carves file download#

Uploaded file: e037cb0b-e9b0-4061-8966-5d3404cef9f6.tar

37. uptycs-get-asset-with-id#

Get an Uptycs asset details.

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_idUptycs asset id. Get the id from the list of assets with the command uptycs-get-assets.Required
Context Output#
Uptycs.Asset.hostNamestringHostname in Uptycs DB
Uptycs.Asset.locationstringHost location
Uptycs.Asset.gatewaystringGateway ip
Uptycs.Asset.cpuBrandstringCpu brand
Uptycs.Asset.hardwareModelstringHardware model
Uptycs.Asset.hardwareVendorstringHardware vendor
Uptycs.Asset.coresnumberNumber of cores
Uptycs.Asset.logicalCoresnumberNumber of logical cores
Uptycs.Asset.memoryMbnumberMemory in mb
Uptycs.Asset.osstringos installed on asset (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X)
Uptycs.Asset.osVersionstringos version
Uptycs.Asset.osFlavorstringos flavor
Uptycs.Asset.osKeystringos key
Uptycs.Asset.osqueryVersionstringUptycs osquery version
Uptycs.Asset.statusstringstatus of host
Uptycs.Asset.archstringHost cpu architecture
Uptycs.Asset.agentVersionstringUptycs agent version
Uptycs.Asset.quarantinedStatusstringUptycs agent quarantine status
Uptycs.Asset.osDisplaystringos version detailed info
Uptycs.Asset.tagsstringUptycs asset tags
Uptycs.Asset.disabledbooleanAsset disabled status
Uptycs.Asset.objectGroupIdstringUptycs object group id
Uptycs.Asset.lastEnrolledAtdateLast enrolled at time
Uptycs.Asset.livebooleanAsset live status
Command Example#

uptycs-get-asset-with-id asset_id="984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.Asset": [
"status": "active",
"live": true,
"disabled": false,
"quarantinedStatus": false,
"tags": "assets,macos,darwin",
"lastEnrolledAt": "2019-07-19 14:47:27.485",
"osVersion": "10.14.5",
"osqueryVersion": "3.x.x.x-Uptycs",
"agentVersion": "5.x.x.x-Uptycs",
"created_at": "2018-09-25 16:38:16.440",
"osFlavor": "darwin",
"hostName": "kyle-mbp-work",
"gateway": "x.y.z.a",
"os": "Mac OS X",
"osKey": "darwin_10.14.5",
"objectGroupId": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"cpuBrand": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2686 v4 @ 2.30GHz",
"hardwareModel": "HVM domU",
"hardwareVendor": "Xen",
"cores": 2,
"logicalCores": 2,
"memoryMb": 8192,
"arch": "x86_64",
"osDisplay": "macOS 10.14.5",
"location": "United States"
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Assets#

activetruefalsefalseassets,macos,darwin2019-07-19 14:47:27.48510.14.53.x.x.x-Uptycs5.x.x.x-Uptycs2018-09-25 16:38:16.440darwinkyle-mbp-workx.y.z.aMac OS Xdarwin_10.14.5984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669bIntel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2686 v4 @ 2.30GHzHVM domUec272101-e5c1-58b2-f847-c439abdadcf4Xen228192x86_64macOS 10.14.5United States

38. uptycs-get-tag#

Return Uptycs asset tag details

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
tag_idUptycs tag id. Get the id from the list of tags with the command uptycs-get-tags.Required
Context Output#
Uptycs.tag.tagstringTag name in Uptycs DB
Uptycs.tag.resourceTypestringTag resource type
Uptycs.tag.seedIdstringUptycs seed id
Uptycs.tag.keystringTag key
Uptycs.tag.valuestringTag value
Uptycs.tag.flagProfileIdstringUptycs flag profile id
Uptycs.tag.customProfileIdstringUptycs custom profile id
Uptycs.tag.complianceProfileIdstringUptycs compliance profile id
Uptycs.tag.processBlockRuleIdstringUptycs process block rule id
Uptycs.tag.dnsBlockRuleIdstringUptycs dns block rule id
Uptycs.tag.windowsDefenderPreferenceIdstringWindows Defender Preference Id
Uptycs.tag.createdBystringId of creator
Uptycs.tag.updatedBystringId of last modifier
Uptycs.tag.createdAtdateCreated at time
Uptycs.tag.updatedAtdateUpdated at time
Uptycs.tag.statusstringStatus of tag
Uptycs.tag.sourcestringSource of tag
Uptycs.tag.systembooleanStatus of system
Uptycs.tag.custombooleanStatus of custom
Uptycs.tag.tagRuleIdstringUptycs tag rule id
Command Example#

uptycs-get-tag tag_id="984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.tag": [
"tag": "asset-group=Asset test 1",
"resourceType": "asset",
"seedId": "14e579e4-3661-4bd6-ace3-082cf6fc4ec5",
"key": "asset-group",
"value": "Asset test 1",
"flagProfileId": "5d894e7c-5606-4380-8711-123ee2a7d96c",
"customProfileId": null,
"complianceProfileId": null,
"processBlockRuleId": "ec272101-e5c1-58b2-f847-c439abdadcf4",
"dnsBlockRuleId": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"windowsDefenderPreferenceId": null,
"createdBy": "testuser",
"updatedBy": "testuser",
"createdAt": "2019-07-19 14:47:27.485",
"updatedAt": "2019-07-19 14:47:27.485",
"status": "active",
"source": "direct",
"system": false,
"custom": false,
"tagRuleId": null
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs tag#

asset-group=Asset test 1asset14e579e4-3661-4bd6-ace3-082cf6fc4ec5asset-groupAsset test 15d894e7c-5606-4380-8711-123ee2a7d96cec272101-e5c1-58b2-f847-c439abdadcf4984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669btestusertestuser2019-07-19 14:47:27.4852019-07-19 14:47:27.485activedirectfalsefalse

39. uptycs-get-tags#

Return a list of Uptycs asset tags with details.

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
keyUptycs tag keyOptional
valueUptycs tag valueOptional
Context Output#
Uptycs.tags.idstringTag id in Uptycs DB
Uptycs.tags.tagstringTag name in Uptycs DB
Uptycs.tags.resourceTypestringTag resource type
Uptycs.tags.seedIdstringUptycs seed id
Uptycs.tags.keystringUptycs tag key
Uptycs.tags.valuestringUptycs tag value
Uptycs.tags.flagProfileIdstringUptycs flag profile id
Uptycs.tags.customProfileIdstringUptycs custom profile id
Uptycs.tags.complianceProfileIdstringUptycs compliance profile id
Uptycs.tags.processBlockRuleIdstringUptycs process block rule id
Uptycs.tags.dnsBlockRuleIdstringUptycs dns block rule id
Uptycs.tags.windowsDefenderPreferenceIdstringWindows Defender Preference Id
Uptycs.tags.createdBystringId of tag creator
Uptycs.tags.updatedBystringId of last modifier
Uptycs.tags.createdAtdateCreated at time
Uptycs.tags.updatedAtdateUpdated at time
Uptycs.tags.statusstringstatus of tag
Uptycs.tags.sourcestringsource of tag
Uptycs.tags.systembooleansystem status
Uptycs.tags.custombooleancustom status
Uptycs.tags.tagRuleIdstringUptycs tag rule id
Command Example#

uptycs-get-tags key="asset-group"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.tags": [
"tag": "asset-group=Asset test 1",
"resourceType": "asset",
"seedId": "14e579e4-3661-4bd6-ace3-082cf6fc4ec5",
"key": "asset-group",
"value": "Asset test 1",
"flagProfileId": "5d894e7c-5606-4380-8711-123ee2a7d96c",
"customProfileId": null,
"complianceProfileId": null,
"processBlockRuleId": "ec272101-e5c1-58b2-f847-c439abdadcf4",
"dnsBlockRuleId": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"windowsDefenderPreferenceId": null,
"createdBy": "testuser",
"updatedBy": "testuser",
"createdAt": "2019-07-19 14:47:27.485",
"updatedAt": "2019-07-19 14:47:27.485",
"status": "active",
"source": "direct",
"system": false,
"custom": false,
"tagRuleId": null
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs tags#

asset-group=Asset test 1asset14e579e4-3661-4bd6-ace3-082cf6fc4ec5asset-groupAsset test 15d894e7c-5606-4380-8711-123ee2a7d96cec272101-e5c1-58b2-f847-c439abdadcf4984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669btestusertestuser2019-07-19 14:47:27.4852019-07-19 14:47:27.485activedirectfalsefalse

40. uptycs-delete-tag#

Delete an Uptycs asset tag

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
tag_idDelete the tag matching this id. Get the id from the list of tags with the command uptycs-get-tags.Required
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

uptycs-delete-tag tag_id="14e579e4-3661-4bd6-ace3-082cf6fc4ec5"

Context Example#
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs deleted tag#

Uptycs Deleted tag

41. uptycs-create-lookuptable#

Create a new Uptycs lookup table.

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameName of a lookup tableRequired
id_fieldId field for the table. An identifier (ID) from the JSON/CSV file you want to upload. Select an ID based on the context of lookup data. For example, a domain lookup ID can be domain, or a port lookup ID can be port. This ID must be the same as defined in the JSON file to be uploaded, otherwise Uptycs does not capture the JSON data. This field is case sensitive and cannot be edited after a lookup table is saved.Required
descriptionDescription of a lookup table.Optional
filenameThe name of the file being uploaded. This file should be uploaded to Cortex XSOAR in the Playground War Room using the paperclip icon next to the CLI.Required
Context Output#
Uptycs.lookuptable.idstringId of lookup table in Uptycs DB
Uptycs.lookuptable.namestringName of the created lookup table
Command Example#

uptycs-create-lookuptable name="test_table" id_field="remote_address" description="look up table with remote address"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.lookuptable": [
"id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"name": "test_table"
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs create lookup table#


42. uptycs-post-lookuptable-data#

Update csv data for a look up table.

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
table_idLook up table id. Get the id from the list of tables with the command uptycs-get-lookuptables.Required
filenameThe name of the file being uploaded. This file should be uploaded to Cortex XSOAR in the Playground War Room using the paperclip icon next to the CLI.Required
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

uptycs-post-lookuptable-data table_id="984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b" filename="lookuptable.csv"

Context Example#
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs Posted lookup table data

43. uptycs-edit-lookuptable#

Edit an Uptycs lookup table

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
table_idLook up table id. Get the id from the list of tables with the command uptycs-get-lookuptables.Required
nameName of a lookup table.Optional
descriptionA lookup table description.Optional
activeEnable or disable the table with a boolean flag of true or false.Optional
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

uptycs-edit-lookuptable table_id="984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b" name="test_table_new" description="look up table with remote address"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.lookuptable": [
"active": true,
"createdAt": "2023-04-21T08:27:20.888Z",
"createdBy": "f976bda8-d5dc-468f-8283-20d5368352e2",
"customerId": "b1c3b08c-eedd-4b94-8ba0-9ca322401016",
"dataLookupTable": null,
"description": "look up table with remote address",
"fetchRowsquery": "SELECT id_field_value,data FROM upt_lookup_rows WHERE lookup_table_id = '984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b'",
"forRuleEngine": true,
"id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"idField": "remote_address",
"name": "test_table_new",
"rowCount": 24,
"seedId": null,
"updatedAt": "2023-04-25T04:11:04.664Z",
"updatedBy": "f976bda8-d5dc-468f-8283-20d5368352e2"
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs edit lookup table#

TRUE2023-04-21T08:27:20.888Zf976bda8-d5dc-468f-8283-20d5368352e2b1c3b08c-eedd-4b94-8ba0-9ca322401016nullnullSELECT id_field_value,data FROM upt_lookup_rows WHERE lookup_table_id = '3fdb051b-b38b-4792-9daa-0a88ba4fae53'TRUE3fdb051b-b38b-4792-9daa-0a88ba4fae53remote_addressTest 124null2023-04-25T04:11:04.664Zf976bda8-d5dc-468f-8283-20d5368352e2

44. uptycs-get-lookuptable#

Get an Uptycs lookup table details

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
table_idId of table in Uptycs DB. Get the id from the list of tables with the command uptycs-get-lookuptables.Required
Context Output#
Uptycs.lookuptable.seedIdstringUptycs seed id
Uptycs.lookuptable.namestringLook up table name
Uptycs.lookuptable.descriptionstringDescription of the table
Uptycs.lookuptable.activebooleanActive status of the table
Uptycs.lookuptable.idFieldstringUptycs id field
Uptycs.lookuptable.rowCountnumberRow count of table
Uptycs.lookuptable.forRuleEnginebooleanStatus of flag forRuleEngine
Uptycs.lookuptable.createdBystringId of creator
Uptycs.lookuptable.updatedBystringId of last modifier
Uptycs.lookuptable.createdAtdateCreated at time
Uptycs.lookuptable.updatedAtdateUpdated at time
Uptycs.lookuptable.dataLookupTablestringData look up table name
Uptycs.lookuptable.fetchRowsquerystringQuery used to fetch rows
Command Example#

uptycs-get-lookuptable table_id="984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b"

Context Example#
"Uptycs.lookuptable": [
"active": true,
"createdAt": "2023-04-21T08:27:20.888Z",
"createdBy": "f976bda8-d5dc-468f-8283-20d5368352e2",
"customerId": "b1c3b08c-eedd-4b94-8ba0-9ca322401016",
"dataLookupTable": null,
"description": "look up table with remote address",
"fetchRowsquery": "SELECT id_field_value,data FROM upt_lookup_rows WHERE lookup_table_id = '984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b'",
"forRuleEngine": true,
"id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"idField": "remote_address",
"name": "test_table_new",
"rowCount": 24,
"seedId": null,
"updatedAt": "2023-04-25T04:11:04.664Z",
"updatedBy": "f976bda8-d5dc-468f-8283-20d5368352e2"
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs look up tables#

TRUE2023-04-21T08:27:20.888Zf976bda8-d5dc-468f-8283-20d5368352e2b1c3b08c-eedd-4b94-8ba0-9ca322401016nullnullSELECT id_field_value,data FROM upt_lookup_rows WHERE lookup_table_id = '3fdb051b-b38b-4792-9daa-0a88ba4fae53'TRUE3fdb051b-b38b-4792-9daa-0a88ba4fae53remote_addressTest 124null2023-04-25T04:11:04.664Zf976bda8-d5dc-468f-8283-20d5368352e2

45. uptycs-get-lookuptables#

Get List of Uptycs lookup table details

Base Command#



There are no arguments for this command.

Context Output#
Uptycs.lookuptable.idstringUptycs id of look up table
Uptycs.lookuptable.seedIdstringUptycs seed id
Uptycs.lookuptable.namestringLook up table name
Uptycs.lookuptable.descriptionstringDescription of the table
Uptycs.lookuptable.activebooleanActive status of the table
Uptycs.lookuptable.idFieldstringUptycs id field
Uptycs.lookuptable.rowCountnumberRow count of table
Uptycs.lookuptable.forRuleEnginebooleanStatus of flag forRuleEngine
Uptycs.lookuptable.createdBystringId of creator
Uptycs.lookuptable.updatedBystringId of last modifier
Uptycs.lookuptable.createdAtdateCreated at time
Uptycs.lookuptable.updatedAtdateUpdated at time
Uptycs.lookuptable.dataLookupTablestringData look up table name
Uptycs.lookuptable.fetchRowsquerystringQuery used to fetch rows
Command Example#


Context Example#
"Uptycs.lookuptables": [
"active": true,
"createdAt": "2023-04-21T08:27:20.888Z",
"createdBy": "f976bda8-d5dc-468f-8283-20d5368352e2",
"customerId": "b1c3b08c-eedd-4b94-8ba0-9ca322401016",
"dataLookupTable": null,
"description": "look up table with remote address",
"fetchRowsquery": "SELECT id_field_value,data FROM upt_lookup_rows WHERE lookup_table_id = '984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b'",
"forRuleEngine": true,
"id": "984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b",
"idField": "remote_address",
"name": "test_table_new",
"rowCount": 24,
"seedId": null,
"updatedAt": "2023-04-25T04:11:04.664Z",
"updatedBy": "f976bda8-d5dc-468f-8283-20d5368352e2"
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs look up tables#

TRUE2023-04-21T08:27:20.888Zf976bda8-d5dc-468f-8283-20d5368352e2b1c3b08c-eedd-4b94-8ba0-9ca322401016nullnullSELECT id_field_value,data FROM upt_lookup_rows WHERE lookup_table_id = '3fdb051b-b38b-4792-9daa-0a88ba4fae53'TRUE3fdb051b-b38b-4792-9daa-0a88ba4fae53remote_addressTest 124null2023-04-25T04:11:04.664Zf976bda8-d5dc-468f-8283-20d5368352e2

46. uptycs-delete-lookuptable#

Delete an Uptycs lookup table

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
table_idTable id in Uptycs DB. Get the id from the list of tables with the command uptycs-get-lookuptables.Required
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

uptycs-delete-lookuptable table_id="984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b"

Context Example#
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs deleted lookuptable#

Uptycs Deleted lookuptable

47. uptycs-delete-assets-tag#

Disassociate an asset with a tag

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
tag_idDisassociate the tag matching this id with the given asset_id. Get the id from the list of tags with the command uptycs-get-tags.Required
asset_idDisassociate the asset matching this asset id with the given tag_id. Get the id from the list of asset with the command uptycs-get-assets.Required
Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

uptycs-delete-asset-tag tag_id="14e579e4-3661-4bd6-ace3-082cf6fc4ec5" asset_id="984d4a7a-9f3a-580a-a3ef-2841a561669b"

Context Example#
Human Readable Output#

Uptycs delete assets tag#

Uptycs disassociated assets tags

Additional Information#

In order to create an instance of the integration, a user API key and secret must be downloaded from the users Uptycs account. After signing in, navigate to Configuration->Users. At the bottom left of the screen you will see a window labeled "User API key". Click download. The downloaded file will have all the information necessary to create the instance.

Known Limitations#

While the Cortex XSOAR-Uptycs integration provides multiple commands with which to access the Uptycs backend, not all features are supported. In particular, configuration changes are best made using the Uptycs UI. Many of the commands have a limit set to reduce the number of rows returned from a query or api call. The limit can be raised, or turned off, however, this may cause the queries take longer to return and potentially return large numbers of rows. When writing queries, it can sometimes be easier to test using the Uptycs UI rather than the integration.