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This Integration is part of the Pack.#

Use integration to perform scans on suspected urls and see their reputation.

Configure on Cortex XSOAR

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services .
  2. Search for
  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.
    • Name : a textual name for the integration instance.
    • Server URL (e.g. )
    • API Key (needed only for submitting URLs for scanning)
    • Scan Visibility : Determines the visibility level of the scan. This will override the 'public submissions' setting.
    • Source Reliability. Reliability of the source providing the intelligence data. (The default value is C - Fairly reliable)
    • Trust any certificate (not secure)
    • Use system proxy settings
    • URL Threshold. Minimum number of positive results from to consider the URL malicious.
    • User Agent : User Agent used during scans with this integration.
  4. Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.

  1. Search for indicators: urlscan-search
  2. (Deprecated) Submit a URL: urlscan-submit
  3. Submit a URL (specify the "using" argument): url

1. Search for indicators

Search for an indicator that is related to previous scans.

Notice: Submitting indicators using this command might make the indicator data publicly available. See the vendor’s documentation for more details.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
searchParameter Enter a parameter to search as a string (IP, File name, sha256, url, domain) Required
searchType Allows querying multiple search parameters Optional
Context Output
Path Description
URLScan.URL Bad URLs found
URLScan.Domain Domain of the URL scanned
URLScan.ASN ASN of the URL scanned
URLScan.IP IP of the url scanned
URLScan.ScanID Scan ID for the URL scanned
URLScan.ScanDate Latest scan date for the URL
URLScan.Hash SHA-256 of file scanned
URLScan.FileName Filename of the file scanned
URLScan.FileSize File size of the file scanned
URLScan.FileType File type of the file scanned
Command Example

!urlscan-search searchParameter=

!urlscan-search searchType=advanced searchParameter="filename:logo.png AND date:>now-24h"

2. (Deprecated) Submit a URL directly to

Submits a URL to

This command is deprecated, but will still work if it is used in a playbook.

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
url URL to scan Required
timeout How many seconds to wait to the scan id result. Default is 30 seconds. Optional
public Will the submission be public or private Optional
useragent User Agent used to perform scans Optional
scan_visibility The submission visibility. If specified, overrides the 'public' parameter Optional
Context Output
Path Description
URLScan.URLs URLs related to the scanned URL
URLScan.RelatedIPs IPs related to the scanned URL
URLScan.RelatedASNs ASNs related to the scanned URL
URLScan.Countries Countries associated with the scanned URL
URLScan.relatedhashes IOCs found for the scanned URL
URLScan.Subdomains Associated subdomains for the url scanned
URLScan.ASN ASN of the URL scanned
URLScan.Data URL of the file found
URLScan.Malicious.Vendor Vendor reporting the malicious indicator for the file
URLScan.Malicious.Description Description of the malicious indicator
URLScan.File.Hash SHA256 of file found
URLScan.File.FileName File name of file found
URLScan.File.FileType File type of the file found
URLScan.File.Hostname URL where the file was found
URLScan.Certificates Certificates found for the scanned URL
Command Example

!urlscan-submit url=

3. Submit a URL (specify using

Submit a URL to scan and specify the using argument as

Base Command


Argument Name Description Required
url URL to scan Required
timeout How many seconds to wait for the scan ID result. Default is 30 seconds. Optional
public Whether the submission will be public or private Optional
retries Number of retries if the API rate limit is reached. This argument is optional, but if you specify this argument, you need to specify the wait argument. Optional
wait Time interval (in seconds) between retries, if the API rate limit is reached. This argument is optional, but if you specify the retries argument, you need to specify this argument. Optional
useragent User Agent used to perform scans Optional
scan_visibility The submission visibility. If specified, overrides the 'public' parameter Optional
use_url_as_name Whether to use the URL as the screenshot name. Default is false which sets screenshot name to screenshot.png Optional
Context Output
Path Description
URLScan.URLs URLs related to the scanned URL
URLScan.RelatedIPs IPs related to the URL scanned
URLScan.RelatedASNs ASNs related to the scanned URL
URLScan.Countries Countries associated with the scanned URL
URLScan.relatedhashes IOCs found for the scanned URL
URLScan.Subdomains Associated sub-domains for the scanned URL
URLScan.ASN ASN of the scanned URL
URLScan.Data URL of the file found
URLScan.Malicious.Vendor Vendor reporting the malicious indicator for the file
URLScan.Malicious.Description Description of the malicious indicator
URLScan.File.Hash SHA-256 of file found
URLScan.File.FileName File name of file found
URLScan.File.FileType File type of the file found
URLScan.File.Hostname URL where the file was found
URLScan.Certificates Certificates found for the scanned URL
URLScan.RedirectedURLS Redirected URLs from the URL scanned
URLScan.EffectiveURL Effective URL of the original URL
URL.FeedRelatedIndicators.value Indicators that are associated with the URL.
URL.FeedRelatedIndicators.type The type of the indicators that are associated with the URL.
URL.Geo.Country The URL country.
URL.ASOwner The URL AS owner.
URL.Tags Tags that are associated with the URL.
Command Example

!url url= using=""