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This Integration is part of the VMware Pack.#

VMware vCenter server is a centralized management application that lets you manage virtual machines and ESXi hosts centrally. This integration was integrated and tested with version 7.03 of VMware

Configure VMware in Cortex#

Server URL (i.e., server URL of the VCenter.True
CredentialsUsername and password used to login into the system.True
insecureTrust any certificate (not secure).True
proxyUse system proxy settings.False

Use Cases#

  • Create and revert to snapshot.
  • Get information regarding virtual machines.
  • Power-on, power-off, suspend, reboot, clone, create, delete, relocate, resigster and unregister virtual machines.


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Returns all virtual machines on a system.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ipList of IPs to filter VMs by.Optional
hostnameHostname to filter VMs by.Optional
nameList of VM names to filter VMs by.Optional
uuidList of UUIDs to filter VMs by.Optional

Context Output#

VMWare.NameStringVM name.
VMWare.Templatebooltrue if template, else false.
VMWare.PathStringPath to VM.
VMWare.GuestStringGuest full name.
VMWare.UUIDStringVM instance UUID.
VMWare.IPStringVM IP address.
VMWare.StateStringVM state (i.e., poweredOn, poweredOff, suspended, HardRebooted).
VMWare.HostNameStringHost name of VM.
VMWare.MACAddressStringMAC address of VM.
VMWare.SnapshotCreateDateStringCreate date of the last snapshot of the VM.
VMWare.SnapshotUUIDStringUUID of the last snapshot of the VM.
VMWare.DeletedBooleanIf set to true, the VM was deleted.

Command Example#


Context Example#

"Guest": "Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)",
"HostName": "ubuntu",
"IP": "",
"MACAddress": "00:50:56:bc:86:ec",
"Name": "UbuntuTest",
"Path": "[datastore1] UbuntuTest/UbuntuTest.vmx",
"State": "poweredOn",
"Template": false,
"UUID": "503ca58b-0821-cf21-fb56-459e55df6d19"

Human Readable Output#

VMware_vCenter_7_Integration_Testfalse[datastore1] VMware_vCenter_7_Integration_Test/VMware_vCenter_7_Integration_Test.vmxOther 3.x or later Linux (64-bit)52535506-77f9-ac98-77d3-63bb537ad7d2192.168.1.141poweredOnlocalhost00:0c:29:d4:ca:14false
VMware_enhancement_test_vmfalse[datastore1] enhancement_test_3/enhancement_test_3.vmxOther (32-bit)503d608e-92a1-358a-9674-2806326527f5poweredOnfalse
CentOS7_VMware_Integration_Testfalse[datastore1] CentOS7_VMware_Integration_Test/CentOS7_VMware_Integration_Test.vmxCentOS 7 (64-bit)503dd190-3c64-493b-38ff-37db4e4ba2ab192.168.1.142poweredOnlocalhost.localdomain00:50:56:bd:25:c42021-09-22 12:09:57.989388+00:00423da02f-c7f4-3cda-a33e-1c85c10e048dfalse
TetsVM1false[datastore1] TetsVM1/TetsVM1.vmxOther (32-bit)503dae8b-afc2-d253-40d5-7e25e05d86f4poweredOnfalse
enhancement test 2false[datastore1] enhancement test 2/enhancement test 2.vmxOther (32-bit)503d4b98-8a62-c31e-239a-fc9480f55d30poweredOfffalse


Powers on a powered-off or suspended virtual machine.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
vm-uuidVM UUID of virtual machine to be powered on.Required

Context Output#

VMWare.UUIDStringVM instance UUID.
VMWare.StateStringVM state (i.e., poweredOn, poweredOff, suspended, HardRebooted).

Command Example#

!vmware-poweron vm-uuid="503ca58b-0821-cf21-fb56-459e55df6d19"

Context Example#

"VMWare": {
"State": "poweredOn",
"UUID": "503ca58b-0821-cf21-fb56-459e55df6d19"

Human Readable Output#

Virtual Machine was powered on successfully.


Powers off a powered-on or suspended virtual machine.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
vm-uuidVM UUID of virtual machine to be powered on.Required

Context Output#

VMWare.UUIDStringVM instance UUID.
VMWare.StateStringVM state (i.e., poweredOn, poweredOff, suspended, HardRebooted).

Command Example#

!vmware-poweroff vm-uuid="503ca58b-0821-cf21-fb56-459e55df6d19"

Context Example#

"VMWare": {
"State": "poweredOff",
"UUID": "503ca58b-0821-cf21-fb56-459e55df6d19"

Human Readable Output#

Virtual Machine was powered off successfully.


Reboots a powered-on virtual machine.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
vm-uuidVM UUID of virtual machine to reboot.Required

Context Output#

VMWare.UUIDStringVM instance UUID.
VMWare.StateStringVM state (i.e., poweredOn, poweredOff, suspended, HardRebooted).

Command Example#

!vmware-hard-reboot vm-uuid="503ca58b-0821-cf21-fb56-459e55df6d19"

Context Example#

"VMWare": {
"State": "HardRebooted",
"UUID": "503ca58b-0821-cf21-fb56-459e55df6d19"

Human Readable Output#

Virtual Machine was rebooted successfully.


Suspends a powered-on virtual machine.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
vm-uuidVM UUID of virtual machine to be suspended.Required

Context Output#

VMWare.UUIDStringVM instance UUID.
VMWare.StateStringVM state (i.e., poweredOn, poweredOff, suspended, HardRebooted).

Command Example#

!vmware-suspend vm-uuid="503ca58b-0821-cf21-fb56-459e55df6d19"

Context Example#

"VMWare": {
"State": "suspended",
"UUID": "503ca58b-0821-cf21-fb56-459e55df6d19"

Human Readable Output#

Virtual Machine was suspended successfully.


Issues a command to the guest operating system asking it to perform a reboot.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
vm-uuidVM UUID of virtual machine to reboot.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!vmware-soft-reboot vm-uuid="503ca58b-0821-cf21-fb56-459e55df6d19"

Human Readable Output#

A request to reboot the guest has been sent.


Creates a VM snapshot.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
vm-uuidVM UUID of virtual machine to take snapshot of.Required
nameSnapshot name.Optional
descriptionSnapshot description.Optional
memorySnapshot the virtual machine's memory. Possible values are: true, false. Default is True.Optional
quiesceQuiesce guest file system (needs VMWare Tools installed). Possible values are: true, false. Default is False.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!vmware-create-snapshot vm-uuid="503ca58b-0821-cf21-fb56-459e55df6d19" name="SnapShotName" description="A daily snapshot of VM" memory=true quiesce=false

Human Readable Output#

Snapshot SnapShotName completed.


Reverts VM to snapshot.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
snapshot-nameSnapshot name to revert to.Required
vm-uuidVM UUID of virtual machine to revert snapshot.Required

Context Output#

VMWare.UUIDStringVM instance UUID.
VMWare.SnapshotStringName of the snapshot reverted to.

Command Example#

!vmware-revert-snapshot vm-uuid="503ca58b-0821-cf21-fb56-459e55df6d19" snapshot-name="SnapShotName"

Context Example#

"VMWare": {
"Snapshot": "Reverted to SnapShotName",
"UUID": "503ca58b-0821-cf21-fb56-459e55df6d19"

Human Readable Output#

Reverted to snapshot SnapShotName successfully.


Gets events of a VM.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
vm-uuidVM UUID of virtual machine to get events of.Required
event-typeType of events to get, given in CSV (i.e., VmGuestRebootEvent,VmGuestShutdownEvent). Default is VmGuestRebootEvent,VmGuestShutdownEvent,VmPoweredOnEvent,VmPoweredOffEvent,VmSuspendedEvent.Optional
start-dateEvent's start date.Optional
end-dateEvent's end date.Optional
userUser name.Optional
limitNumber of events to return. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

VMWareEvents.idStringThe id of the event.
VMWareEvents.EventStringDescription of the event.
VMWareEvents.CreatedTimeStringCreation time of the event.
VMWareEvents.UserNameDateThe user name of the user who triggered the event.

Command Example#

!vmware-get-events vm-uuid=525306-77f9-ac98-77d3-63bb537ad7d2 start-date="2021-12-14T00:00:00" end-date="2021-12-16T00:00:00" user="VSPHERE.TEST"

Context Example#

"VMWareEvenet": [
"CreatedTime": "2021-12-15 09:38:46",
"UserName": "VSPHERE.TEST",
"Event": "Guest OS reboot for Datacenter",
"id": 99973

Human Readable Output#

2021-12-15 09:38:46Guest OS reboot for DatacenterVSPHERE.TEST999


Changes the state of a VM NIC.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
vm-uuidVM UUID of virtual machine to change NIC state.Required
nic-stateNew state of the NIC to be changed. Possible values are: connect, disconnect, delete.Required
nic-numberNumber of the NIC to be changed.Required

Context Output#

VMWare.UUIDStringVM instance UUID.
VMWare.NICStateStringVM NIC state (i.e., connected, disconnected, delete).

Command Example#

!vmware-change-nic-state vm-uuid="503ca58b-0821-cf21-fb56-459e55df6d19" nic-state="disconnected" nic-number=1

Context Example#

"VMWare": {
"NICState": "disconnected",
"UUID": "503ca58b-0821-cf21-fb56-459e55df6d19"

Human Readable Output#

Virtual Machine's NIC was disconnected successfully.


Lists all virtual storage objects attached to the tag.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
categoryThe category to which the tag belongs.Required
tagThe tag to be queried.Required

Context Output#

VMWareTag.TagNameStringThe tag that was queried.
VMwareTag.CategoryStringThe category to which the tag belongs.
VMwareTag.VMStringVM name which the tag attached to.

Command Example#

!vmware-list-vms-by-tag category="Test Category" tag=test

Context Example#

"VMWareTag": [
"Category": "Test Category",
"VM": "CentOS7_VMware_Integration_Test",
"TagName": "test"
"Category": "Test Category",
"VM": "enhancement test 2",
"TagName": "test"
"Category": "Test Category",
"VM": "VMware_enhancement_test_vm",
"TagName": "test"

Human Readable Output#

Test CategorytestIntegration_Test
Test Categorytestenhancement test 2
Test CategorytestVMware_enhancement_test_vm


Creates a new virtual machine in the current folder and attaches it to the specified resource pool. This operation creates a virtual machine, instead of cloning a virtual machine from an existing one.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameDisplay name of the virtual machine.Required
cpu-numNumber of virtual processors in a virtual machine.Required
cpu-allocationResource limits for CPU.Required
memoryResource limits for memory.Required
virtual-memorySize of a virtual machine's memory, in MB.Required
guestldShort guest operating system identifier.Optional
hostThe target host on which the virtual machine will run.Required
folderThe target folder in which the virtual machine will be located.Required
poolThe resource pool to which the virtual machine will be attached.Optional

Context Output#

VMWare.vNameStringVM name.
VMWare.Templatebooltrue if template, else false.
VMWare.PathStringPath to VM.
VMWare.GuestStringGuest full name.
VMWare.UUIDStringVM instance UUID.
VMWare.IPStringVM IP address.
VMWare.StateStringVM state (i.e., poweredOn, poweredOff, suspended, HardRebooted).
VMWare.HostNameStringHost name of VM.
VMWare.MACAddressStringMAC address of VM.
VMWare.SnapshotCreateDateStringCreate date of the last snapshot of the VM.
VMWare.SnapshotUUIDStringUUID of the last snapshot of the VM.
VMWare.DeletedBooleanIf set to true, the VM was deleted.

Command Example#

!vmware-create-vm cpu-allocation=1 cpu-num=1 guest-os-familiy=Windows guest-os-version="Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (64-bit)" host= memory=32 name="test_vm_ui" virtual-memory=32 folder="vm"

Context Example#

"VMWare": [
"MACAddress": "",
"Name": "test_vm_ui",
"Deleted": false,
"IP": " ",
"HostName": " ",
"SnapshotCreateDate": "",
"UUID": "503d-11bc-834e-51a8-51b19a1b6924",
"State": "poweredOff",
"Snapshot": " ",
"Template": false,
"SnapshotUUID": "",
"Path": "[datastore1] test_vm_ui/test_vm_ui.vmx",
"Guest": "Other (32-bit)"

Human Readable Output#

test_vm_uifalse[datastore1] test_vm_ui/test_vm_ui.vmxOther (32-bit)503d9bc9-5c5a-603e-65d9-0fea7b29b9a7poweredOfffalse


Creates a clone of this virtual machine. If the virtual machine is used as a template, this method corresponds to the deploy command.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
uuidThe UUID of the VM to clone.Required
nameThe name of the new virtual machine.Required
folderThe location of the new virtual machine.Required
templateSpecifies whether or not the new virtual machine should be marked as a template.Optional
powerOnSpecifies whether or not the new VirtualMachine should be powered on after creation. Possible values are: true, false. Default is False.Required
datastoreThe datastore where the virtual machine should be located.Optional
hostThe target host for the virtual machine.Optional
poolThe resource pool to which this virtual machine should be attached.Optional

Context Output#

VMWare.NameStringVM name.
VMWare.Templatebooltrue if template, else false.
VMWare.PathStringPath to VM.
VMWare.GuestStringGuest full name.
VMWare.UUIDStringVM instance UUID.
VMWare.IPStringVM IP address.
VMWare.StateStringVM state (i.e., poweredOn, poweredOff, suspended, HardRebooted).
VMWare.HostNameStringHost name of VM.
VMWare.MACAddressStringMAC address of VM.
VMWare.SnapshotCreateDateStringCreate date of the last snapshot of the VM.
VMWare.SnapshotUUIDStringUUID of the last snapshot of the VM.
VMWare.DeletedBooleanIf set to true, the VM was deleted.

Command Example#

!vmware-clone-vm folder=vm name=cloned_vm powerOn=false uuid=603e-65d9-0fea7b29b9a7

Context Example#

"VMWare": [
"MACAddress": "",
"Name": "cloned_vm",
"Deleted": false,
"IP": " ",
"HostName": " ",
"SnapshotCreateDate": "",
"UUID": "e5aa-8fe8-a3faf1191395",
"State": "poweredOff",
"Template": false,
"SnapshotUUID": "",
"Path": "[datastore1] cloned_vm/cloned_vm.vmx",
"Guest": "Other (32-bit)"

Human Readable Output#

cloned_vmfalse[datastore1] cloned_vm/cloned_vm.vmxOther (32-bit)e5aa-8fe8-a3faf1191395poweredOfffalse


Relocates a virtual machine to the location specified.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
datastoreThe datastore where the virtual machine should be located. If not specified, the current datastore is used.Optional
folderThe folder where the virtual machine should be located.Required
hostThe target host for the virtual machine.Optional
poolThe resource pool to which this virtual machine should be attached.Optional
serviceThe service endpoint of vCenter where the virtual machine should be located. If not specified, the current vCenter service is used.Optional
profileStorage profile requirement for Virtual Machine's home directory.Optional
priorityThe task priorityץ. Possible values are: defaultPriority, highPriority, lowPriority.Required
uuidThe UUID of the VM to relocate.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!vmware-relocate-vm folder=enhancement_check priority=defaultPriority uuid=e5aa-8fe8-a3faf1191395

Human Readable Output#

Virtual Machine was relocated successfully.


Destroys this object, deleting its contents and removing it from its parent folder (if any).

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
uuidThe UUID of the VM to delete.Required

Context Output#

VMWare.UUIDStringVM instance UUID.
VMWare.DeletedStringIf set to true, the VM was deleted.

Command Example#

!vmware-delete-vm uuid=503d537f-a8d0-e5aa-8fe8-a3faf1191395

Human Readable Output#

Virtual Machine was deleted successfully.


Adds an existing virtual machine to the folder.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
pathA datastore path to the virtual machine.Required
nameThe name to be assigned to the virtual machine.Required
hostThe target host on which the virtual machine will run.Required
asTemplateFlag to specify whether or not the virtual machine should be marked as a template. Possible values are: true, false. Default is False.Optional
folderFolder to register the VM to.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!vmware-register-vm path="[datastore1] test_vm_ui/test_vm_ui.vmx" folder=vm host= name=rgistered_vm asTemplate=false

Human Readable Output#

Virtual Machine was registered successfully.


emoves this virtual machine from the inventory without removing any of the virtual machine's files on disk.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
uuidThe UUID of the VM to remove.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!vmware-unregister-vm uuid=503d9bc9-5c5a-603e-65d9-0fea7b29b9a7

Human Readable Output#

Virtual Machine was unregistered successfully.