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Venafi TLS Protect

This Integration is part of the Venafi Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.9.0 and later.

Retrieves information about certificates stored in Venafi.

Configure Venafi TLS Protect on Cortex XSOAR#

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.

  2. Search for Venafi TLS Protect.

  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.

    Server URL (e.g.,
    User NameTrue
    Client IDTrue
    Trust any certificate (not secure)False
    Use system proxy settingsFalse
  4. Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Gets Venafi certificates query. All dates are in 2016-11-12T00:00:00.0000000Z format. For additional field information, see: and

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
CreatedOnThe date on which the certificated was created. Specify YYYY-MM-DD or the ISO 8601 format.Optional
CreatedOnGreaterFind certificates created after this date. Specify YYYY-MM-DD or the ISO 8601 format.Optional
CreatedOnLessFind certificates created before this date. Specify YYYY-MM-DD or the ISO 8601 format.Optional
DisabledInclude only certificates that are enabled 0 or disabled 1.Optional
InErrorWhether to include only certificates that are in an error state (1) or not in an error state (0).Optional
ValidationStateValidation state. Possible values are: Blank, Success, Failure.Optional
ManagementTypeManagement type. Possible values are: Unassigned, Monitoring, Enrollment, Provisioning.Optional
NameName of the certificate object.Optional
NetworkValidationDisabledWhether to include only certificates with network validation disabled (1) or enabled (0).Optional
ParentDnThe full path to the parent of the object in Trust Protection Platform (e.g., \VED\Policy\Engineering,\VED\Policy\HR).Optional
ParentDnRecursiveThe specific folder from which to retrieve certificates. (The subfolders will also be scanned.) Accepts a single value.Optional
PendingWorkflowWhether to include only certificates that are pending workflow resolution (have an outstanding workflow ticket).Optional
StageComma-separated list of stages in the certificate lifecycle. Will retrieve certificates at one or more of the stages.Optional
StageGreaterFind certificates with a stage greater than the specified stage (does not include specified stage).Optional
StageLessStage before which to retrieve certificates.Optional
ValidationDisabledWhether to include only certificates with validation disabled (1) or enabled (0).Optional
CFind certificates by Country attribute of Subject DN.Optional
CNFind certificates by Common name attribute of Subject DN.Optional
IssuerFind certificates by issuer. Use the CN ,O, L, S, and C values from the certificate request. Surround the complete value within double quotes ("). If a value already has double quotes, escape them with a second set of double quotes. For example, OU=""(c) 2020 Entrust, Inc. - for authorized use only"".Optional
KeyAlgorithmAlgorithm for the public key in the certificate (e.g., RSA, DSA).Optional
KeySizeComma-separated list of the bit size of the public key in the certificate (e.g., 2048).Optional
KeySizeGreaterThe size for which the public key size is greater than.Optional
KeySizeLessThe size for which the public key size is less than.Optional
LFind certificates by Locality/City attribute of Subject Distinguished Name (SDN).Optional
OFind certificates by Organization attribute of Subject DN.Optional
SFind certificates by State/Province attribute of Subject DN.Optional
SerialSerial number of the certificate.Optional
SignatureAlgorithmThe algorithm used to sign the certificate (e.g., SHA1RSA).Optional
ValidFromDate on which the certificate was issued (e.g., 2015- 10-08T19:15:35.6431456Z or 2015-10-08).Optional
ValidToDate on which the certificate expires (e.g., 2015-10- 08T19:15:35.6431456Z or 2015-10-08).Optional
ValidToGreaterDate after which the certificates expire.Optional
ValidToLessDate before which the certificates expire.Optional
LimitThe maximum number of certificates to return. Default value = 50.Optional

Context Output#

Venafi.Certificate.CreatedOndateThe exact date and time when the certificate object was created.
Venafi.Certificate.DNstringThe DN of the certificate.
Venafi.Certificate.NamestringThe name of the certificate.
Venafi.Certificate.ParentDNstringThe full path to the parent of the object in Trust Protection Platform.
Venafi.Certificate.SchemaClassstringThe class name of the certificate object.
Venafi.Certificate.IDstringThe certificate object GUID.
Venafi.Certificate.X509dictionaryEnrolled or issued certificate information: CN, Issuer, KeyAlgorithm, KeySize, SANS, Serial, Subject, Thumbprint, ValidFrom, ValidTo.


Uses a certificate GUID to extract more details from the certificate store.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
guidThe ID of the certificate. Get certificates ID by running the command “venafi-get-certificates”.Required

Context Output#

Venafi.Certificate.IDstringThe certificate object GUID.
Venafi.Certificate.ParentDNstringThe full path to the parent of the object in Trust Protection Platform.
Venafi.Certificate.CreatedOndateThe exact date and time when the Certificate object was created.
Venafi.Certificate.DNstringThe DN of the certificate.
Venafi.Certificate.NamestringThe name of the certificate.
Venafi.Certificate.SchemaClassstringThe class name of the certificate object.
Venafi.Certificate.ApproverstringAn array of one or more users or groups who are certificate approvers.
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateAuthorityDNstringThe CA template that is required for certificate renewal.
Venafi.Certificate.ContactstringAn array of one or more users or groups who receive event notifications. The events notify people about certificate expiration and validation failures.
Venafi.Certificate.DescriptionstringCertificate description.
Venafi.Certificate.ManagedBystringCertificate manager.
Venafi.Certificate.ManagementTypestringThe level of management that the Trust Protection Platform applies to the certificate.
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.AIAKeyIdentifierstringAuthority key identifier.
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.IssuerstringThe CN, O, L, S, and C values from the certificate request.
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.SerialstringThe unique serial number that the CA assigned to the certificate.
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.SubjectstringThe CN, O, L, S, and C values from the certificate request.
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.ThumbprintstringThe SHA1 thumbprint hash of the certificate.
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.ValidFromstringCertificate validation start date.
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.ValidTostringCertificate validation end time.
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.AIACAIssuerURLarrayAvailable only when the certificate was issued by a well-configured CA. An array of Authority Information Access (AIA). Shows the CA issuer link and the CA's certificate details. May also include Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) information about revocation.
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.CNstringThe Common Name attribute of Subject Distinguished Name (DN).
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.EnhancedKeyUsagestringThe PKI Server Authentication object identifier (OID).
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.KeyAlgorithmstringThe algorithm for the public key.
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.KeySizestringOnly available for RSA certificates. The bit size of the public key.
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.KeyUsagestringA list of Key Usage extension values that describe the purpose of the public key.
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.OUstringAn array of Organization Units or names.
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.PublicKeyHashstringThe public key hash string. Available only when the certificate has a private key.
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.SKIKeyIdentifierstringThe generated Subject Key Identifier (SKI).
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.SignatureAlgorithmstringThe signature algorithm for signing the certificate.
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.SignatureAlgorithmOIDstringThe Signature Object ID for signing the certificate.
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.StoreAddedstringThe Date Time stamp when the private key was added to the store.
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.SubjectAltNameDNSstringAn array of Domain Name System (DNS) SANs.
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.SubjectAltNameEmailstringAn array of Email SANs. Based on RFC 822.
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.SubjectAltNameOtherNameUPNstringAn array of User Principal Name (UPN) SANs.
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.SubjectAltNameIPAddressstringAn array of IP address SANs.
Venafi.Certificate.CertificateDetails.SubjectAltNameURIstringAn array of Uniform Resource Indicator (URI) SANs.
Venafi.Certificate.CreatedBystringThe object that initiated enrollment or provisioning changes. The default is Web SDK.
Venafi.Certificate.OriginstringFilter by origin.
Venafi.Certificate.ProcessingDetailsdictionaryAbsent when the certificate is not currently processing in the Trust Protection Platform lifecycle: InError, InProcess, Stage, Status, TicketDN.
Venafi.Certificate.RenewalDetailsdictionaryA list of certificate renewal information.
Venafi.Certificate.ValidationDetailsdictionaryA list of host identity information and the overall certificate validation state result. If no validation occurred, only the lastvalidationstateupdate field appears. All other validationdetails fields are absent.