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VirusTotal - Premium (API v3)

This Integration is part of the VirusTotal Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 5.5.0 and later.

Use the premium API capabilities of VirusTotal to analyze retro hunts, read live hunt notifications, and download files from VirusTotal. The differences between VirusTotal's Public API and Premium API can be found in the VirusTotal v3 API documentation.

This integration was integrated and tested with VirusTotal - Premium (API v3)

Use Cases#

  • Fetch live hunt notifications as incidents.
  • Use retro hunt to analyze files with custom YARA rule.
  • Download suspicious files from VirusTotal for further analysis.
  • Group several files from VirusTotal into a password-protected ZIP file.
  • Get a PCAP file generated from VirusTotal's sandbox for further analysis.

Configure VirusTotal - Premium (API v3) in Cortex#

Fetch incidentsFalse
Incident typeFalse
Maximum number of incidents per fetchFalse
First fetch timestamp (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days) or a date or epoch timestamp.False
Tag: The ruleset's name or the identifier for the YARA rule matching the file to fetch its notifications. Leave blank to fetch all.False
Trust any certificate (not secure)False
Use system proxy settingsFalse

Acquire API Key#

Your API key can be found in your VirusTotal account user menu. Your API key carries all your privileges, so keep it secure and don't share it with anyone.

Fetch Incidents#

Fetch incidents will fetch livehunt notifications of the given ruleset or identifier. As an example, you can fetch incidents that were created by the CyberGate ruleset by using the "cybergate" tag. The scope of the rule-set should be narrowed to catch only indicators that you want to analyze by a playbook. Defining a broad rule-set will cause the integration to create multiple redundant incidents.

VirusTotal - Private API compatibility#

The following 2 commands appear in both the VirusTotal - Private API and VirusTotal Premium - (API v3) integrations.

  • vt-private-search-file
  • vt-private-download-file
  • It is recommended to use these commands in the VirusTotal Premium - (API v3) integration.
  • For all other commands, you should use the VirusTotal - Private API integration.

Report commands alternatives / Enrichment#

To enrich indicators, you can use the VirusTotal (API v3) integration reputation commands.


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Downloads file from VirusTotal

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
hashSHA-256, SHA-1 or MD5 identifying the file.Required

Context Output#

FileUnknownThe file details command results.
File.NameStringThe full file name (including the file extension).
File.EntryIDStringThe ID for locating the file in the War Room.
File.SizeNumberThe size of the file in bytes.
File.MD5StringThe MD5 hash of the file.
File.SHA1StringThe SHA1 hash of the file.
File.SHA256StringThe SHA256 hash of the file.
File.SHA512StringThe SHA512 hash of the file.
File.ExtensionStringThe file extension. For example: "xls".
File.TypeStringThe file type, as determined by libmagic (same as displayed in file entries).

Command Example#

!vt-private-download-file hash=0f555ed56bb78c5511f4e488cd37f24d1425fcfa

Context Example#

"File": {
"EntryID": "siaXc5aYZGhuDY3iZVZtTg@2c18b8c3-8f96-458e-8849-39fc741e78fa",
"Info": "image/png",
"MD5": "49a3d343611a87c510e6ec692bb4fd72",
"Name": "616a0f7baca32f253bd7836ed743319e556f2dfdd0fac5e6a0b371f9a34d5f79-vt-file",
"SHA1": "0f555ed56bb78c5511f4e488cd37f24d1425fcfa",
"SHA256": "616a0f7baca32f253bd7836ed743319e556f2dfdd0fac5e6a0b371f9a34d5f79",
"SHA512": "8fbebc03aac2a0c0869597d4496c366674ee0f232dec7d9459adb8b8c3273f6644e0d2c9a90933c1e0120746131bc82be3d96ad5f7a722bdd2f8e99543a3c904",
"SSDeep": "192:XIFt+lLuT9Qk9iw7AOMOAHz2tsO/FgNO7sXbqXi765r2pB:ct+Bk9MOMBHz2tZGN4Y6M",
"Size": 7633,
"Type": "PNG image data, 240 x 165, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced"


Creates a password-protected ZIP file containing files from VirusTotal.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
fileA commma separated list of hashes (SHA-256, SHA-1, or MD5) for the files included in the ZIP.Required
passwordA password to protect the zip.Optional

Context Output#

VirusTotal.Zip.idStringID of the zip
VirusTotal.Zip.typeStringType of the ID (zip_file)
VirusTotal.Zip.links.selfStringSelf link to file
VirusTotal.Zip.attributes.files_errorNumberThe number of files resulted in error
VirusTotal.Zip.attributes.files_okNumberThe number of files resulted in success zipped.
VirusTotal.Zip.attributes.progressNumberProgress of the zipping command in percentage.
VirusTotal.Zip.attributes.statusStringThe status of the zip process. "finished" is the state when finished.

Command Example#

!vt-private-zip-create file=e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855,275a021bbfb6489e54d471899f7db9d1663fc695ec2fe2a2c4538aabf651fd0f password=apassword

Context Example#

"VirusTotal": {
"Zip": {
"attributes": {
"files_error": 0,
"files_ok": 0,
"progress": 0,
"status": "starting"
"id": "6268237216776192",
"links": {
"self": ""
"type": "zip_file"

Human Readable Output#

The request to create the ZIP was submitted successfully!#



Retrieve information about a ZIP file.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
zip_idA zip ID. Can be retrieved from the output of vt-private-zip-create.Required

Context Output#

VirusTotal.Zip.idStringID of the zip
VirusTotal.Zip.typeStringType of the ID (zip_file)
VirusTotal.Zip.links.selfStringSelf link to file
VirusTotal.Zip.attributes.files_errorNumberThe number of files resulted in error
VirusTotal.Zip.attributes.files_okNumberThe number of files resulted in success zipped.
VirusTotal.Zip.attributes.progressNumberProgress of the zipping command in percentage.
VirusTotal.Zip.attributes.statusStringThe status of the zip process. "finished" is the state when finished.

Command Example#

!vt-private-zip-get zip_id=5548746369433600

Context Example#

"VirusTotal": {
"Zip": {
"attributes": {
"files_error": 0,
"files_ok": 3,
"progress": 1,
"status": "finished"
"id": "5548746369433600",
"links": {
"self": ""
"type": "zip_file"

Human Readable Output#

ZIP creation status is "finished"


Download a ZIP file.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
zip_idA zip ID. Can be retrieved from the output of vt-private-zip-create.Required

Context Output#

FileUnknownThe file details command results.
File.NameStringThe full file name (including the file extension).
File.EntryIDStringThe ID for locating the file in the War Room.
File.SizeNumberThe size of the file in bytes.
File.MD5StringThe MD5 hash of the file.
File.SHA1StringThe SHA1 hash of the file.
File.SHA256StringThe SHA256 hash of the file.
File.SHA512StringThe SHA512 hash of the file.
File.ExtensionStringThe file extension. For example: "xls".
File.TypeStringThe file type, as determined by libmagic (same as displayed in file entries).

Command Example#

!vt-private-zip-download zip_id=5548746369433600


Extracted PCAP from a sandbox analysis.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
report_idSandbox report ID. Can be aquired from vt-file-sandbox-report.Required

Context Output#

FileUnknownThe file details command results.
File.NameStringThe full file name (including the file extension).
File.EntryIDStringThe ID for locating the file in the War Room.
File.SizeNumberThe size of the file in bytes.
File.MD5StringThe MD5 hash of the file.
File.SHA1StringThe SHA1 hash of the file.
File.SHA256StringThe SHA256 hash of the file.
File.SHA512StringThe SHA512 hash of the file.
File.ExtensionStringThe file extension. For example: "xls".
File.TypeStringThe file type, as determined by libmagic (same as displayed in file entries).

Command Example#

!vt-private-file-sandbox-pcap report_id="699ec052ecc898bdbdafea0027c4ab44c3d01ae011c17745dd2b7fbddaa077f3_VirusTotal Jujubox"


Search for files.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
querySearch query.Required
limitMaximum number of results. Default is 10.Optional
orderThe order value can be sorted depends on the query type. See documentation.
cursorContinuation cursor.Optional
descriptors_onlyWhether to return full object information or just object descriptors. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional
extended_dataWhether to return full data information. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional

Context Output#

VirusTotal.IntelligenceSearch.attributes.last_analysis_stats.harmlessNumbernumber of reports saying that is harmless.
VirusTotal.IntelligenceSearch.attributes.last_analysis_stats.maliciousNumbernumber of reports saying that is malicious
VirusTotal.IntelligenceSearch.attributes.last_analysis_stats.suspiciousNumbernumber of reports saying that is suspicious.
VirusTotal.IntelligenceSearch.attributes.last_analysis_stats.undetectedNumbernumber of reports saying that is undetected.
VirusTotal.IntelligenceSearch.attributes.last_analysis_stats.timeoutNumbernumber of timeouts when analysing this URL/file.
VirusTotal.IntelligenceSearch.attributes.reputationNumberfile's score calculated from all votes posted by the VirusTotal community.
VirusTotal.IntelligenceSearch.attributes.last_modification_dateNumberdate when the object itself was last modified. UTC timestamp.
VirusTotal.IntelligenceSearch.attributes.total_votes.harmlessNumbernumber of positive votes.
VirusTotal.IntelligenceSearch.attributes.total_votes.maliciousNumbernumber of negative votes.
VirusTotal.IntelligenceSearch.typeStringThe type of the indicator (ip_address, domain, url, file)
VirusTotal.IntelligenceSearch.idStringID of the indicator
VirusTotal.IntelligenceSearch.links.selfStringLink to the response

Command Example#

!vt-private-intelligence-search query=699ec052ecc898bdbdafea0027c4ab44c3d01ae011c17745dd2b7fbddaa077f3

Context Example#

"VirusTotal": {
"IntelligenceSearch": {
"attributes": {
"authentihash": "249ffc3cf7a9e7e8970089eb468262484bc9dd197bd0eab49469bb4a31b16776",
"capabilities_tags": [],
"creation_date": 1516090519,
"dot_net_assembly": {
"assembly_data": {
"buildnumber": 7,
"culture": "",
"flags": 0,
"flags_text": "afPA_None",
"hashalgid": 32772,
"majorversion": 17,
"minorversion": 18,
"name": "Po160118",
"pubkey": "",
"revisionnumber": 0
"assembly_flags": 3,
"assembly_name": "Po160118.exe",
"clr_meta_version": "1.1",
"clr_version": "v4.0.30319",
"entry_point_rva": 32856,
"entry_point_token": 100663315,
"external_assemblies": {
"Microsoft.VisualBasic": {
"version": ""
"System": {
"version": "4.0"
"mscorlib": {
"version": "4.0"
"manifest_resource": [
"metadata_header_rva": 274480,
"resources_va": 241622,
"streams": {
"#Blob": {
"chi2": 91925.3125,
"entropy": 3.741455316543579,
"md5": "406538c401776a3398e3f350249889ff",
"size": 1944
"#GUID": {
"chi2": 240,
"entropy": 4,
"md5": "e6777e9fe14ccf9d6f246304551050d2",
"size": 16
"#Strings": {
"chi2": 20380.203125,
"entropy": 4.854885101318359,
"md5": "47bd71fae4b150ff3a0484c3bfaa7977",
"size": 1724
"#US": {
"chi2": 10436212,
"entropy": 3.9474689960479736,
"md5": "3a0604a1944e85f1b38d3e9ca3e42a70",
"size": 163116
"#~": {
"chi2": 78347.59375,
"entropy": 4.5347442626953125,
"md5": "5134507689ba5ca0af57836ecfad8923",
"size": 1616
"strongname_va": 0,
"tables_present": 19,
"tables_present_map": "f0909a21557L",
"tables_rows_map": "1267050130403702f0000d000205500900001003000012320",
"tables_rows_map_log": "4765758864556454454",
"type_definition_list": [
"namespace": "System.Reflection",
"type_definitions": [
"dot_net_guids": {
"mvid": "746a48dd-5234-4945-aa08-2ebddca5a942"
"downloadable": true,
"exiftool": {
"AssemblyVersion": "assemlyVersion",
"CharacterSet": "Unicode",
"CodeSize": "435200",
"Comments": "Comverse Technology Kopl",
"CompanyName": "Comverse Technology",
"EntryPoint": "0x6c2ce",
"FileDescription": "Comverse Technology",
"FileFlagsMask": "0x003f",
"FileOS": "Win32",
"FileSubtype": "0",
"FileType": "Win32 EXE",
"FileTypeExtension": "exe",
"FileVersion": "file version",
"FileVersionNumber": "file version",
"ImageFileCharacteristics": "Executable, 32-bit",
"ImageVersion": "0.0",
"InitializedDataSize": "25088",
"InternalName": "Po160118.exe",
"LanguageCode": "Neutral",
"LegalCopyright": "(c) 2015Comverse Technology",
"LinkerVersion": "11.0",
"MIMEType": "application/octet-stream",
"MachineType": "Intel 386 or later, and compatibles",
"OSVersion": "4.0",
"ObjectFileType": "Executable application",
"OriginalFileName": "Po160118.exe",
"PEType": "PE32",
"ProductName": "Comverse Technology Cemp Kopl",
"ProductVersion": "file version",
"ProductVersionNumber": "file version",
"Subsystem": "Windows GUI",
"SubsystemVersion": "4.0",
"TimeStamp": "2018:01:16 08:15:19+00:00",
"UninitializedDataSize": "0"
"first_seen_itw_date": 1516269526,
"first_submission_date": 1516098585,
"last_analysis_date": 1616590701,
"last_analysis_stats": {
"confirmed-timeout": 0,
"failure": 0,
"harmless": 0,
"malicious": 51,
"suspicious": 0,
"timeout": 0,
"type-unsupported": 5,
"undetected": 19
"last_modification_date": 1616598130,
"last_submission_date": 1614668707,
"magic": "PE32 executable for MS Windows (GUI) Intel 80386 32-bit Mono/.Net assembly",
"main_icon": {
"dhash": "ce92b2b2f2321e0a",
"raw_md5": "e96f5b5bf8d769b31cf1d0c4a77bc0e8"
"md5": "2b294b3499d1cce794badffc959b7618",
"meaningful_name": "Po160118.exe",
"names": [
"reputation": 0,
"sha1": "9aa826795798948e8058e3ff1342d81d5d8ee4fa",
"sha256": "699ec052ecc898bdbdafea0027c4ab44c3d01ae011c17745dd2b7fbddaa077f3",
"signature_info": {
"comments": "Comverse Technology Kopl",
"copyright": "(c) 2015Comverse Technology",
"description": "Comverse Technology",
"file version": "file version",
"internal name": "Po160118.exe",
"original name": "Po160118.exe",
"product": "Comverse Technology Cemp Kopl"
"size": 460800,
"ssdeep": "12288:5qIrEFD09leQEA49darfr3/2AbitnVYE96ltR:5AFD1A498H2D",
"tags": [
"times_submitted": 41,
"tlsh": "T106A4063C2DEA602BF2B2EF718BD47597E9DAB6733635585A1482030AC513983EEC153D",
"total_votes": {
"harmless": 0,
"malicious": 0
"trid": [
"file_type": "Generic CIL Executable (.NET, Mono, etc.)",
"probability": 72.5
"type_description": "Win32 EXE",
"type_extension": "exe",
"type_tag": "peexe",
"unique_sources": 23,
"vhash": "24503665151e06161z22"
"id": "699ec052ecc898bdbdafea0027c4ab44c3d01ae011c17745dd2b7fbddaa077f3",
"links": {
"self": ""
"type": "file"

Human Readable Output#


type_description: Win32 EXE699ec052ecc898bdbdafea0027c4ab44c3d01ae011c17745dd2b7fbddaa077f3


Search for files.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
queryFile search query. For example, query="type:peexe size:90kb+ positives:5+ behaviour:'taskkill'".Required
fullResponseReturn all of the results, note that it can be thousands of results. Prefer not to use in playbooks. The default value is "false". Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional

Context Output#

VirusTotal.SearchFile.SearchResultstringThe hashes of files that fit the query
VirusTotal.SearchFile.QuerystringOriginal search query

Command Example#

!vt-private-search-file query="type:peexe size:90kb+ positives:5+ behaviour:'taskkill'"

Human Readable Output#

Found hashes for query: "type:peexe size:90kb+ positives:5+ behaviour:'taskkill'"#

Found hashes


Retrieve VT Hunting livehunt rulesets.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idRuleset identifier. Can be retreived from the vt-private-livehunt-rules-list command.Required

Context Output#

VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.nameStringThe rule's name
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.modification_dateNumberlast modification date as UTC timestamp.
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.rulesStringrule file contents
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.enabledBooleanwhether it's enabled or not
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.creation_dateNumberCreation date as UTC timestamp.
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.rule_namesStringcontains the names of all rules in the ruleset.
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.limitNumbermax number of notifications that will be generated by the ruleset in a 24h period. If a match is found, number of generated hunting notifications in the last 24h is looked up and if it's greater than this limit, that match is ignored.
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.number_of_rulesNumberNumber of rules presented in the set
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.typeStringThe type of the entry (hunting_ruleset)
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.idDateID of the ruleset
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.links.selfStringLink to the ruleset

Command Example#

!vt-private-livehunt-rules-get-by-id id=6360290934161408

Human Readable Output#

Livehunt Ruleset 5950298890469376#

A rule namefalsefoobar


Retrieve VT Hunting livehunt rulesets.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
filterReturn the rulesets matching the given criteria only.Optional
limitMaximum number of results. Default is 10.Optional
orderSort order. Possible values are: name-, creation_date-, modification_date-, name+, creation_date+, modification_date+.Optional
cursorContinuation cursor.Optional
enabledShould list only enabled or disabled rules. Possible values are: true, false.Optional

Context Output#

VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.nameStringThe rule's name
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.modification_dateNumberlast modification date as UTC timestamp.
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.rulesStringrule file contents
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.enabledBooleanwhether it's enabled or not
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.creation_dateNumbercreation date as UTC timestamp.
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.rule_namesStringcontains the names of all rules in the ruleset.
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.limitNumbermax number of notifications that will be generated by the ruleset in a 24h period. If a match is found, number of generated hunting notifications in the last 24h is looked up and if it's greater than this limit, that match is ignored.
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.number_of_rulesNumberNumber of rules presented in the set
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.typeStringThe type of the entry (hunting_ruleset)
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.idDateID of the ruleset
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.links.selfStringLink to the ruleset

Command Example#

!vt-private-livehunt-rules-list limit=1 enabled=false order="modification_date-"

Context Example#

"VirusTotal": {
"LiveHuntRule": {
"attributes": {
"creation_date": 1617056763,
"enabled": false,
"limit": 100,
"modification_date": 1617056763,
"name": "a new rule",
"notification_emails": [],
"number_of_rules": 1,
"rule_names": [
"rules": "rule foobar { strings: $ = \"foobar\" condition: all of them }"
"id": "5551558908215296",
"links": {
"self": ""
"type": "hunting_ruleset"

Human Readable Output#

VT Hunting Livehunt rulesets#

5551558908215296a new rulefalsefoobar


Create a new VT Hunting Livehunt ruleset.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameName of the rule.Required
yara_ruleThe rule itself.Required
enabledWhatever to enable the rule. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional
notification_emailsA comma-separated list of emails to notify.Optional
limitmax number of notifications that will be generated by the ruleset in a 24h period. If a match is found, number of generated hunting notifications in the last 24h is looked up and if it's greater than this limit, that match is ignored.Optional

Context Output#

VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.nameStringThe rule's name
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.modification_dateNumberlast modification date as UTC timestamp.
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.rulesStringrule file contents
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.enabledBooleanwhether it's enabled or not
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.creation_dateNumbercreation date as UTC timestamp.
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.rule_namesStringcontains the names of all rules in the ruleset.
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.limitNumbermax number of notifications that will be generated by the ruleset in a 24h period. If a match is found, number of generated hunting notifications in the last 24h is looked up and if it's greater than this limit, that match is ignored.
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.number_of_rulesNumberNumber of rules presented in the set
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.typeStringThe type of the entry (hunting_ruleset)
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.idDateID of the ruleset
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.links.selfStringLink to the ruleset

Command Example#

``!vt-private-livehunt-rules-create limit=100 name="a new rule" yara_rule=rule foobar { strings: $ = "foobar" condition: all of them }````

Context Example#

"VirusTotal": {
"LiveHuntRule": {
"attributes": {
"creation_date": 1617056763,
"enabled": false,
"limit": 100,
"modification_date": 1617056763,
"name": "a new rule",
"notification_emails": [],
"number_of_rules": 1,
"rule_names": [
"rules": "rule foobar { strings: $ = \"foobar\" condition: all of them }"
"id": "5551558908215296",
"links": {
"self": ""
"type": "hunting_ruleset"

Human Readable Output#

New rule "a new rule" was created successfully#

5551558908215296a new rule1


Update a VT Hunting Livehunt ruleset.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idRule identifier. Can be retrieved from the vt-private-livehunt-rules-list command.Required
yara_ruleThe rule itself.Optional
enabledWhatever to enable the rule. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional
notification_emailsA comma-separated list of emails to notify.Optional
limitmax number of notifications that will be generated by the ruleset in a 24h period. If a match is found, number of generated hunting notifications in the last 24h is looked up and if it's greater than this limit, that match is ignored.Optional

Context Output#

VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.nameStringThe rule's name
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.modification_dateNumberlast modification date as UTC timestamp.
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.rulesStringrule file contents
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.enabledBooleanwhether it's enabled or not
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.creation_dateNumbercreation date as UTC timestamp.
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.rule_namesStringcontains the names of all rules in the ruleset.
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.limitNumbermax number of notifications that will be generated by the ruleset in a 24h period. If a match is found, number of generated hunting notifications in the last 24h is looked up and if it's greater than this limit, that match is ignored.
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.attributes.number_of_rulesNumberNumber of rules presented in the set
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.typeStringThe type of the entry (hunting_ruleset)
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.idDateID of the ruleset
VirusTotal.LiveHuntRule.links.selfStringLink to the ruleset

Command Example#

!vt-private-livehunt-rules-update id=6360290934161408 enabled=false

Context Example#

"VirusTotal": {
"LiveHuntRule": {
"attributes": {
"creation_date": 1615821390,
"enabled": false,
"limit": 100,
"modification_date": 1617056770,
"name": "a new rule",
"notification_emails": [],
"number_of_rules": 1,
"rule_names": [
"rules": "import \"vt\"\n\nrule new_file_from_china {\n condition:\n == \"CN\"\n}\n"
"id": "6360290934161408",
"links": {
"self": ""
"type": "hunting_ruleset"

Human Readable Output#

Rule "6360290934161408" has been updated!#

6360290934161408a new rule1


Delete a VT Hunting Livehunt ruleset.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idRuleset identifier. Can be retreived from the vt-private-livehunt-rules-list.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!vt-private-livehunt-rules-delete id=5030439520337920

Human Readable Output#

Rule "5030439520337920" was deleted successfully


Retrieve VT Hunting Livehunt notifications.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitMaximum number of notifications to retrieve. Maximum can be up to 40. Default is 10.Optional
from_timeFetch notification from given time. Can be epoch time, a date or time range (3 days, 1 year).Optional
to_timeFetch notification from given time. Can be epoch time or a date.Optional
cursorContinuation cursor.Optional
tagFilter notifications by tag.Optional

Context Output#

VirusTotal.LiveHuntNotification.meta.countNumberNotification count
VirusTotal.LiveHuntNotification.meta.cursorStringThe cursor of the list tags. country of the notification key of the notificaton snippet ID (if exists) the names of all rules in the ruleset. date of the notification in epoch the match was in a subfile or not. of the notification (hunting_notification) ID of the notification link to the notificaton
VirusTotal.LiveHuntNotification.links.selfStringThe link to the current page
VirusTotal.LiveHuntNotification.links.nextStringThe link to the next page

Command Example#

!vt-private-livehunt-notifications-list filter=malicious_executables limit=1

Context Example#

"VirusTotal": {
"LiveHuntNotification": {
"data": [
"attributes": {
"date": 1617025254,
"match_in_subfile": false,
"rule_name": "CyberGate",
"rule_tags": [],
"snippet": "23 23 20 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 F0 DD D1 D1 ## ####@####....\nD9 CE 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 8A 8A 8A 85 *begin_highlight*23*end_highlight* ..####@####....*begin_highlight*#*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23*end_highlight* *begin_highlight*###@####....####*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*40 23 23 23 23 *end_highlight*88 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 DF *begin_highlight*@####*end_highlight*.####@####.\nF9 E9 9C EF F5 EF E8 F9 F1 FD 9C EF F9 EE 7D 9C ..............}.\nFA F3 EE F1 FD E8 FD F8 F3 92 *begin_highlight*23 23 23 23 40 23*end_highlight* ..........*begin_highlight*####@#*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23*end_highlight* *begin_highlight*###....####@####*end_highlight*\nE8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 FA FD F0 ....####@####...\nFA F3 EE F1 FD E8 FD F8 F3 92 23 23 23 23 40 23 ..........####@#\n23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 *begin_highlight*23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23*end_highlight* ###....*begin_highlight*####@####*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 *end_highlight*FA FD F0 *begin_highlight*....####@####*end_highlight*...\nEF F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 20 23 23 23 23 ..####@#### ####\n23 23 23 23 20 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 20 23 #### ####@#### #\n23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 8F 8C *begin_highlight*23 23 23 23 40 23*end_highlight* ###@####..*begin_highlight*####@#*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23*end_highlight* *begin_highlight*###....####@####*end_highlight*\nE8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 ....####@####...\n23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 8F 8C 23 23 23 23 40 23 ###@####..####@#\n23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 *begin_highlight*23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23*end_highlight* ###....*begin_highlight*####@####*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 *end_highlight*E8 EE E9 *begin_highlight*....####@####*end_highlight*...\nF9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 .####@####....##\n23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 ###....####@####\nE8 EE E9 F9 *begin_highlight*23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9*end_highlight* ....*begin_highlight*####@####...*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 *end_highlight*E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 *begin_highlight*.####@####*end_highlight*....##\n23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 ##@####....####@\nE8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 ....####@####...\nF9 *begin_highlight*23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23*end_highlight* .*begin_highlight*####@####....##*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*23 23 40 23 23 23 23 *end_highlight*E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 *begin_highlight*##@####*end_highlight*....####@\n23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 ####....####@###\nE8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 ....####@####...\nF9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 *begin_highlight*23 23*end_highlight* .####@####....*begin_highlight*##*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40*end_highlight* *begin_highlight*##@####....####@*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*23 23 23 23 *end_highlight*E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 *begin_highlight*####*end_highlight*....####@###\nF9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 .####@####....##\n23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 *begin_highlight*23 23 23 23 40*end_highlight* ##@####....*begin_highlight*####@*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23*end_highlight* *begin_highlight*####....####@###*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*23 *end_highlight*E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE *begin_highlight*#*end_highlight*....####@####..\n23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 ##@####....####@\n23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 *begin_highlight*23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23*end_highlight* ####....*begin_highlight*####@###*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 *end_highlight*E8 EE *begin_highlight*#....####@####*end_highlight*..\nE9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 ..####@####....#\n\n...",
"tags": [
"id": "5883562783178752-e3df8c66cef961b7ddcb0d21a4d1eabc-843bdd8f7843fd1f9ce488666dd6cf88e79c6b098e9c9aada96af1d802aab7e2-1617025081",
"links": {
"self": ""
"type": "hunting_notification"
"links": {
"next": "",
"self": ""
"meta": {
"count": 200,

Human Readable Output#

Notifications found:#



Retrieve file objects for VT Hunting Livehunt notifications.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
filterString to search within the hunting notification tags.Optional
cursorContinuation cursor.Optional
limitMaximum number of notifications to retrieve. Default is 10.Optional

Context Output#

VirusTotal.LiveHuntFiles.meta.countNumberTotal file's count.
VirusTotal.LiveHuntFiles.meta.cursorStringCursor of the call the file type. Micro's TLSH hash similarity clustering algorithm value, based on a simple structural feature hash allows you to find similar files. is a program for extracting Exif metadata from different file formats. Metadata shown may vary depending on the file type, and given the nature of Exif metadata, some fields may appear or not. is a utility designed to identify file types from their binary signatures. of file format identification (given as percentage). when possible from the file's metadata. Indicates when it was built or compiled. It can also be faked by malware creators. UTC timestamp.'s score calculated from all votes posted by the VirusTotal community. file names associated with the file. when the object itself was last modified. UTC timestamp. representing the file type. Can be used in vt-private-intelligence-search of times the file has been posted to VirusTotal. of positive votes. of negative votes. size in bytes. file extension. recent date the file was posted to VirusTotal. UTC timestamp. if the file can be downloaded, false otherwise. (use vt-private-file-download to download the file) of the file. file's tags. recent scan date. UTC timestamp. from how many different sources the file has been posted from. when the file was first seen in VirusTotal. UTC timestamp. of the file. of the file. if the file identifier of this app in hex format. of the file's icon. dhash of the file's icon of reports saying that is harmless. of AV engines that don't support that type of file. of reports saying that is suspicious. of AV engines that reach a timeout when analysing that file. of timeouts when analysing this URL/file. of AV engines that fail when analysing that file. of reports saying that is malicious of reports saying that is undetected. most interesting name out of all file's names. of the entry (file) ID to the file notification ID the file is connected to notification's source key tags. rule's ruleset name. notification's source country of the notification the names of all rules in the ruleset. notification snippet ID's ruleset ID. notification date in epch. the match was in a subfile or not.
VirusTotal.LiveHuntFiles.links.selfStringLink to the current apge
VirusTotal.LiveHuntFiles.links.nextStringLink to the next page

Command Example#

!vt-private-livehunt-notifications-files-list limit=1

Context Example#

"VirusTotal": {
"LiveHuntFiles": {
"data": [
"attributes": {
"authentihash": "c97af7168729300235d61fbc405dcc587db11c2596628f514fa2f0a90e74e194",
"bytehero_info": "Trojan.Malware.Obscu.Gen.007",
"capabilities_tags": [],
"creation_date": 708992537,
"crowdsourced_yara_results": [
"author": "Kevin Breen <>",
"description": "Detects CyberGate RAT",
"rule_name": "RAT_CyberGate",
"ruleset_id": "0004c6f3bf",
"ruleset_name": "gen_rats_malwareconfig",
"source": ""
"downloadable": true,
"exiftool": {
"CodeSize": "45568",
"EntryPoint": "0xbbf0",
"FileType": "Win32 EXE",
"FileTypeExtension": "exe",
"ImageFileCharacteristics": "Executable, No line numbers, No symbols, Bytes reversed lo, 32-bit, Bytes reversed hi",
"ImageVersion": "0.0",
"InitializedDataSize": "235520",
"LinkerVersion": "2.25",
"MIMEType": "application/octet-stream",
"MachineType": "Intel 386 or later, and compatibles",
"OSVersion": "4.0",
"PEType": "PE32",
"Subsystem": "Windows GUI",
"SubsystemVersion": "4.0",
"TimeStamp": "1992:06:19 22:22:17+00:00",
"UninitializedDataSize": "0"
"first_submission_date": 1525234132,
"last_analysis_date": 1617025081,
"last_analysis_stats": {
"confirmed-timeout": 0,
"failure": 0,
"harmless": 0,
"malicious": 64,
"suspicious": 0,
"timeout": 0,
"type-unsupported": 5,
"undetected": 6
"last_modification_date": 1617032450,
"last_submission_date": 1525234132,
"magic": "PE32 executable for MS Windows (GUI) Intel 80386 32-bit",
"md5": "be8e1ffca139bcd0513eb9a10e3bcab2",
"meaningful_name": "Warface Repair Assistent.exe",
"names": [
"Warface Repair Assistent.exe"
"reputation": 0,
"sha1": "671e3938fd88a17e7e16045411a678406b751003",
"sha256": "843bdd8f7843fd1f9ce488666dd6cf88e79c6b098e9c9aada96af1d802aab7e2",
"size": 282112,
"ssdeep": "6144:vxJsGLnmpoxDNT/xQphU+jrlgzfuzt91C9NDyWId98HhqbxtHGZA:5JsGap4h/xQp6+tqOYy9zo0T",
"tags": [
"times_submitted": 1,
"tlsh": "T1B754029AB5C1E673C2244EFC5D2981D4B959BD333E3B1897B4ED2F0C897E1829A1C643",
"total_votes": {
"harmless": 0,
"malicious": 0
"trid": [
"file_type": "Win32 Executable (generic)",
"probability": 35.7
"file_type": "Win16/32 Executable Delphi generic",
"probability": 16.4
"file_type": "OS/2 Executable (generic)",
"probability": 16
"file_type": "Generic Win/DOS Executable",
"probability": 15.8
"file_type": "DOS Executable Generic",
"probability": 15.8
"type_description": "Win32 EXE",
"type_extension": "exe",
"type_tag": "peexe",
"unique_sources": 1,
"vhash": "0250866d1c0d5c05156570c3z12z127z2035z13z1fz"
"context_attributes": {
"match_in_subfile": false,
"notification_date": 1617025254,
"notification_id": "5883562783178752-e3df8c66cef961b7ddcb0d21a4d1eabc-843bdd8f7843fd1f9ce488666dd6cf88e79c6b098e9c9aada96af1d802aab7e2-1617025081",
"notification_snippet": "23 23 20 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 F0 DD D1 D1 ## ####@####....\nD9 CE 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 8A 8A 8A 85 *begin_highlight*23*end_highlight* ..####@####....*begin_highlight*#*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23*end_highlight* *begin_highlight*###@####....####*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*40 23 23 23 23 *end_highlight*88 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 DF *begin_highlight*@####*end_highlight*.####@####.\nF9 E9 9C EF F5 EF E8 F9 F1 FD 9C EF F9 EE 7D 9C ..............}.\nFA F3 EE F1 FD E8 FD F8 F3 92 *begin_highlight*23 23 23 23 40 23*end_highlight* ..........*begin_highlight*####@#*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23*end_highlight* *begin_highlight*###....####@####*end_highlight*\nE8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 FA FD F0 ....####@####...\nFA F3 EE F1 FD E8 FD F8 F3 92 23 23 23 23 40 23 ..........####@#\n23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 *begin_highlight*23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23*end_highlight* ###....*begin_highlight*####@####*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 *end_highlight*FA FD F0 *begin_highlight*....####@####*end_highlight*...\nEF F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 20 23 23 23 23 ..####@#### ####\n23 23 23 23 20 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 20 23 #### ####@#### #\n23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 8F 8C *begin_highlight*23 23 23 23 40 23*end_highlight* ###@####..*begin_highlight*####@#*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23*end_highlight* *begin_highlight*###....####@####*end_highlight*\nE8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 ....####@####...\n23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 8F 8C 23 23 23 23 40 23 ###@####..####@#\n23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 *begin_highlight*23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23*end_highlight* ###....*begin_highlight*####@####*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 *end_highlight*E8 EE E9 *begin_highlight*....####@####*end_highlight*...\nF9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 .####@####....##\n23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 ###....####@####\nE8 EE E9 F9 *begin_highlight*23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9*end_highlight* ....*begin_highlight*####@####...*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 *end_highlight*E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 *begin_highlight*.####@####*end_highlight*....##\n23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 ##@####....####@\nE8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 ....####@####...\nF9 *begin_highlight*23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23*end_highlight* .*begin_highlight*####@####....##*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*23 23 40 23 23 23 23 *end_highlight*E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 *begin_highlight*##@####*end_highlight*....####@\n23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 ####....####@###\nE8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 ....####@####...\nF9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 *begin_highlight*23 23*end_highlight* .####@####....*begin_highlight*##*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40*end_highlight* *begin_highlight*##@####....####@*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*23 23 23 23 *end_highlight*E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 *begin_highlight*####*end_highlight*....####@###\nF9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 .####@####....##\n23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 *begin_highlight*23 23 23 23 40*end_highlight* ##@####....*begin_highlight*####@*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23*end_highlight* *begin_highlight*####....####@###*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*23 *end_highlight*E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE *begin_highlight*#*end_highlight*....####@####..\n23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 ##@####....####@\n23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 *begin_highlight*23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23*end_highlight* ####....*begin_highlight*####@###*end_highlight*\n*begin_highlight*23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 *end_highlight*E8 EE *begin_highlight*#....####@####*end_highlight*..\nE9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 ..####@####....#\n\n...",
"notification_source_country": null,
"notification_source_key": null,
"notification_tags": [
"rule_name": "CyberGate",
"rule_tags": [],
"ruleset_id": "5883562783178752",
"ruleset_name": "CyberGate"
"id": "843bdd8f7843fd1f9ce488666dd6cf88e79c6b098e9c9aada96af1d802aab7e2",
"links": {
"self": ""
"type": "file"
"links": {
"next": "",
"self": ""
"meta": {
"count": 200,

Human Readable Output#

Notifications file listed:#

843bdd8f7843fd1f9ce488666dd6cf88e79c6b098e9c9aada96af1d802aab7e2Warface Repair Assistent.exeharmless: 0
type-unsupported: 5
suspicious: 0
confirmed-timeout: 0
timeout: 0
failure: 0
malicious: 64
undetected: 6


Retrieve file objects for VT Hunting Livehunt notifications.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
hashHashes to search within VirusTotal. Will search only hashes and will ignore any other value.Required
cursorContinuation cursor.Optional

Context Output#

VirusTotal.LiveHuntFiles.meta.countNumberTotal file's count.
VirusTotal.LiveHuntFiles.meta.cursorStringCursor of the call the file type. Micro's TLSH hash similarity clustering algorithm value, based on a simple structural feature hash allows you to find similar files. is a program for extracting Exif metadata from different file formats. Metadata shown may vary depending on the file type, and given the nature of Exif metadata, some fields may appear or not. is a utility designed to identify file types from their binary signatures. of file format identification (given as percentage). when possible from the file's metadata. Indicates when it was built or compiled. It can also be faked by malware creators. UTC timestamp.'s score calculated from all votes posted by the VirusTotal community. file names associated with the file. when the object itself was last modified. UTC timestamp. representing the file type. Can be used in vt-private-intelligence-search of times the file has been posted to VirusTotal. of positive votes. of negative votes. size in bytes. file extension. recent date the file was posted to VirusTotal. UTC timestamp. if the file can be downloaded, false otherwise. (use vt-private-file-download to download the file) of the file. file's tags. recent scan date. UTC timestamp. from how many different sources the file has been posted from. when the file was first seen in VirusTotal. UTC timestamp. of the file. of the file. if the file identifier of this app in hex format. of the file's icon. dhash of the file's icon of reports saying that is harmless. of AV engines that don't support that type of file. of reports saying that is suspicious. of AV engines that reach a timeout when analysing that file. of timeouts when analysing this URL/file. of AV engines that fail when analysing that file. of reports saying that is malicious of reports saying that is undetected. most interesting name out of all file's names. of the entry (file) ID to the file notification ID the file is connected to notification's source key tags. rule's ruleset name. notification's source country of the notification the names of all rules in the ruleset. notification snippet ID's ruleset ID. notification date in epch. the match was in a subfile or not.
VirusTotal.LiveHuntFiles.links.selfStringLink to the current apge
VirusTotal.LiveHuntFiles.links.nextStringLink to the next page

Command Example#

!vt-private-livehunt-notifications-files-get-by-hash hash=389647cfa6f2ffd56601f6f18f69e6874d2068486d1c72d19fc5f2a2571eda79

Human Readable Output#

Notifications file listed:#

389647cfa6f2ffd56601f6f18f69e6874d2068486d1c72d19fc5f2a2571eda79/tmp/eml_attach_for_scan/c1726acd63066eeabfb9af65d1e7c3ba.fileharmless: 0
type-unsupported: 12
suspicious: 0
confirmed-timeout: 0
timeout: 1
failure: 1
malicious: 0
undetected: 59


Get a VT Hunting Livehunt ruleset by hunting notification files relationship.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idRule identifier. Can be retrieved from the vt-private-livehunt-rules-list command.Required
cursorContinuation cursor.Optional
limitMaximum number of notifications to retrieve. Default is 10.Optional

Context Output#

VirusTotal.LiveHuntFiles.idStringID of the file
VirusTotal.LiveHuntFiles.typeStringType of the entry (file)

Command Example#

!vt-private-livehunt-rule-list-files id=6393327418376192

Human Readable Output#

Files found by rule 6393327418376192#

notification_id: 6393327418376192-9d90aa797c1c16ea7afac7368c53cc0b-389647cfa6f2ffd56601f6f18f69e6874d2068486d1c72d19fc5f2a2571eda79-1617876439
notification_source_key: 9d712fef
notification_tags: new_file_from_china,
ruleset_name: Chinese Files
notification_source_country: CN
rule_name: new_file_from_china
ruleset_id: 6393327418376192
notification_date: 1617880045
match_in_subfile: false


Get a VT Hunting Livehunt ruleset by hunting notification files relationship.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
filterReturn the jobs matching the given criteria only.Optional
cursorContinuation cursor.Optional
limitMaximum number jobs to retrieve. Default is 10.Optional

Context Output#

VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.statusStringcan be either "starting", "running", "aborting", "aborted" or "finished".
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.finish_dateNumberdate when the Retrohunt job finished
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.rulesStringThe ruleset in the job
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.num_matches_outside_time_rangeNumberMatches outside time range
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.scanned_bytesDateTotal scanned bytes
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.time_range.startNumberStart of job's time range
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.time_range.endNumberEnd of job's time range
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.num_matchesNumberNumber of matches.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.progressNumberThe progress in percentage
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.corpusStringCorpus of the job (main/goodware)
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.creation_dateNumberJob's creation date as UTC timestamp.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.start_dateNumberThe start date of the job in epch.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.typeStringType of the entry (retrohunt_job)
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.idStringID of the retro job.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.links.selfStringLink to the entry

Command Example#

!vt-private-retrohunt-jobs-list limit=1

Context Example#

{"VirusTotal": {
"RetroHuntJob": {
"attributes": {
"corpus": "goodware",
"creation_date": 1617056777,
"num_matches": 0,
"num_matches_outside_time_range": 0,
"progress": 0,
"rules": "rule foobar { strings: $ = \"foobar\" condition: all of them }",
"scanned_bytes": 0,
"status": "starting",
"time_range": {
"end": 1617056776,
"start": 1616797576
"id": "akrupnik_panw-1617056777",
"links": {
"self": ""
"type": "retrohunt_job"

Human Readable Output#

Retrohunt jobs listed:#

akrupnik_panw-1617056777goodwarestartingrule foobar { strings: $ = "foobar" condition: all of them }


Retrieve a retrohunt job.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idJob identifier. Can be acquired from vt-private-retrohunt-jobs-list.Required

Context Output#

VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.statusStringcan be either "starting", "running", "aborting", "aborted" or "finished".
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.finish_dateNumberdate when the Retrohunt job finished
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.rulesStringThe ruleset in the job
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.num_matches_outside_time_rangeNumberMatches outside time range
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.scanned_bytesDateTotal scanned bytes
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.time_range.startNumberStart of job's time range
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.time_range.endNumberEnd of job's time range
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.num_matchesNumberNumber of matches.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.progressNumberThe progress in percentage
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.corpusStringCorpus of the job (main/goodware)
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.creation_dateNumberJob's creation date as UTC timestamp.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.start_dateNumberThe start date of the job in epch.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.typeStringType of the entry (retrohunt_job)
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.idStringID of the retro job.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.links.selfStringLink to the entry

Command Example#

!vt-private-retrohunt-jobs-get-by-id id=akrupnik_panw-1615822819

Context Example#

"VirusTotal": {
"RetroHuntJob": {
"attributes": {
"corpus": "goodware",
"creation_date": 1615822819,
"finish_date": 1615822869,
"num_matches": 0,
"num_matches_outside_time_range": 556,
"progress": 100,
"rules": "rule foobar { strings: $ = \"foobar\" condition: all of them }",
"scanned_bytes": 146897923532,
"start_date": 1615822824,
"status": "finished",
"time_range": {
"end": 1615822818,
"start": 1615563618
"id": "akrupnik_panw-1615822819",
"links": {
"self": ""
"type": "retrohunt_job"

Human Readable Output#

Retrohunt job: akrupnik_panw-1615822819#

status: finished
finish_date: 1615822869
rules: rule foobar { strings: $ = "foobar" condition: all of them }
num_matches_outside_time_range: 556
scanned_bytes: 146897923532
time_range: {"start": 1615563618, "end": 1615822818}
num_matches: 0
progress: 100.0
corpus: goodware
creation_date: 1615822819
start_date: 1615822824
goodware16158228191615822869akrupnik_panw-1615822819self: foobar { strings: $ = "foobar" condition: all of them }1468979235321615822824finishedstart: 1615563618
end: 1615822818


Retrieve matches for a retrohunt job matching file relationship.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idJob identifier. Can be acquired from vt-private-retrohunt-jobs-list.Required
extended_dataWhether to return full data information. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional

Context Output#

VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.type_descriptionStringdescribes the file type.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.tlshStringTrend Micro's TLSH hash
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.vhashStringin-house similarity clustering algorithm value, based on a simple structural feature hash allows you to find similar files.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.exiftoolStringexiftool is a program for extracting Exif metadata from different file formats. Metadata shown may vary depending on the file type, and given the nature of Exif metadata, some fields may appear or not.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.trid.file_typeStringTrID is a utility designed to identify file types from their binary signatures.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.trid.probabilityNumberprobability of file format identification (given as percentage).
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.crowdsourced_yara_results.rule_nameStringcontains the names of all rules in the ruleset.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.crowdsourced_yara_results.descriptionStringmatched rule description.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.crowdsourced_yara_results.authorStringrule author.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.crowdsourced_yara_results.ruleset_idStringVirusTotal's ruleset ID.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.crowdsourced_yara_results.ruleset_nameStringmatched rule's ruleset name.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.crowdsourced_yara_results.match_in_subfileBooleanwhether the match was in a subfile or not.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.crowdsourced_yara_results.sourceStringruleset source.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.creation_dateNumberextracted when possible from the file's metadata. Indicates when it was built or compiled. It can also be faked by malware creators. UTC timestamp.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.namesStringall file names associated with the file.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.last_modification_dateNumberdate when the object itself was last modified. UTC timestamp.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.type_tagStringtag representing the file type. Can be used in vt-private-intelligence-search
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.capabilities_tagsStringlist of representative tags related to the file's capabilities
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.total_votes.harmlessNumbernumber of positive votes.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.total_votes.maliciousNumbernumber of negative votes.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.sizeNumberfile size in bytes.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.authentihashStringsha256 hash used by Microsoft to verify that the relevant sections of a PE image file have not been altered. This specific type of hash is used by Microsoft AppLocker.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.times_submittedNumbernumber of times the file has been posted to VirusTotal.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.last_submission_dateNumbermost recent date the file was posted to VirusTotal. UTC timestamp.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.meaningful_nameStringthe most interesting name out of all file's names.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.downloadableBooleantrue if the file can be downloaded, false otherwise.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.sha256StringSHA-256 of the file
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.type_extensionStringspecifies file extension.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.tagsStringlist of representative tags related to the file's capabilities
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.last_analysis_dateNumberMost recent scan date. UTC timestamp.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.unique_sourcesNumberindicates from how many different sources the file has been posted from.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.first_submission_dateNumberdate when the file was first seen in VirusTotal. UTC timestamp.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.sha1StringSHA-1 of the file
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.magicStringmagic identifier of this app in hex format.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.ssdeepStringSSDeep of the file
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.md5StringMD5 of the file
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.last_analysis_stats.harmlessNumbernumber of reports saying that is harmless.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.last_analysis_stats.type-unsupportedNumbernumber of AV engines that don't support that type of file.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.last_analysis_stats.suspiciousNumbernumber of reports saying that is suspicious.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.last_analysis_stats.confirmed-timeoutNumbernumber of AV engines that reach a timeout when analysing that file.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.last_analysis_stats.timeoutNumbernumber of timeouts when analysing this URL/file.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.last_analysis_stats.failureNumbernumber of AV engines that fail when analysing that file.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.last_analysis_stats.maliciousNumbernumber of reports saying that is malicious
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.last_analysis_stats.undetectedNumbernumber of reports saying that is undetected.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.reputationNumberfile's score calculated from all votes posted by the VirusTotal community.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.sigma_analysis_stats.highNumbernumber of matched high severity rules.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.sigma_analysis_stats.mediumNumbernumber of matched medium severity rules.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.sigma_analysis_stats.criticalNumbernumber of matched critical severity rules.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.attributes.sigma_analysis_stats.lowNumbernumber of matched low severity rules.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.typeStringThe type of the entry (file)
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.idStringID of file
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.links.selfStringA link to the entry
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.context_attributes.rule_nameStringcontains the names of all rules in the ruleset.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJobFiles.context_attributes.match_in_subfileBooleanwhether the match was in a subfile or not.

Command Example#

!vt-private-retrohunt-jobs-get-matching-files id=akrupnik_panw-1610969096

Human Readable Output#

Files matching id "akrupnik_panw-1610969096"#



Create a new retrohunt job.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
rulesThe rules to create.Required
corpusThe "main" corpus is a composition of files sent to VirusTotal during the last few months. The "goodware" corpus is a random selection of ~1.000.000 files from the NSRL that are not detected by any antivirus engine. Possible values are: main, goodware. Default is main.Optional
notification_emailA comma-separated list of emails to notify.Optional
start_timeFetch retrohunt jobs from given time. Can be epoch time, a date or time range (3 days, 1 year).Optional
end_timeFetch retrohunt jobs to given time. Can be epoch time, a date or time range. If start_time supplied and not end_time, end_time will be the current time.Optional

Context Output#

VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.statusStringcan be either "starting", "running", "aborting", "aborted" or "finished".
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.finish_dateNumberdate when the Retrohunt job finished
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.rulesStringThe ruleset in the job
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.num_matches_outside_time_rangeNumberMatches outside time range
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.scanned_bytesDateTotal scanned bytes
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.time_range.startNumberStart of job's time range
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.time_range.endNumberEnd of job's time range
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.num_matchesNumberNumber of matches.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.progressNumberThe progress in percentage
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.corpusStringCorpus of the job (main/goodware)
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.creation_dateNumberJob's creation date as UTC timestamp.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.attributes.start_dateNumberThe start date of the job in epch.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.typeStringType of the entry (retrohunt_job)
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.idStringID of the retro job.
VirusTotal.RetroHuntJob.links.selfStringLink to the entry

Command Example#

!vt-private-retrohunt-jobs-create rules=`rule foobar { strings: $ = "foobar" condition: all of them }` corpus=goodware start_time="3 days"

Context Example#

"VirusTotal": {
"RetroHuntJob": {
"attributes": {
"corpus": "goodware",
"creation_date": 1617056777,
"num_matches": 0,
"num_matches_outside_time_range": 0,
"progress": 0,
"rules": "rule foobar { strings: $ = \"foobar\" condition: all of them }",
"scanned_bytes": 0,
"status": "starting",
"time_range": {
"end": 1617056776,
"start": 1616797576
"id": "akrupnik_panw-1617056777",
"links": {
"self": ""
"type": "retrohunt_job"

Human Readable Output#

Retrohunt job has been successfully created#

akrupnik_panw-1617056777goodwarestartingrule foobar { strings: $ = "foobar" condition: all of them }


Retrieve user's API usage.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idUser ID or API key. If not supplied, will use the API Key configured in the integration.Optional

Context Output#

PathTypeDescription has been used.
VirusTotal.QuotaLimits.cases_creation_monthly.user.allowedNumberquota limit. from which the quota is inherited. has been used. limit. has been used.
VirusTotal.QuotaLimits.intelligence_vtdiff_creation_monthly.user.allowedNumberquota limit. has been used.
VirusTotal.QuotaLimits.monitor_uploaded_files.user.allowedNumberquota limit. has been used.
VirusTotal.QuotaLimits.monitor_uploaded_bytes.user.allowedNumberquota limit. has been used.
VirusTotal.QuotaLimits.monitor_storage_files.user.allowedNumberquota limit. from which the quota is inherited. has been used. limit. has been used.
VirusTotal.QuotaLimits.api_requests_monthly.user.allowedNumberquota limit. from which the quota is inherited. has been used. limit. has been used.
VirusTotal.QuotaLimits.intelligence_downloads_monthly.user.allowedNumberquota limit. from which the quota is inherited. has been used. api requests group's quota limit has been used.
VirusTotal.QuotaLimits.api_requests_hourly.user.allowedDatehourly api requests user's quota limit from which the quota is inherited. has been used. group's quota limit has been used.
VirusTotal.QuotaLimits.intelligence_hunting_rules.user.allowedNumberintelligence_hunting_rules user's quota limit from which the quota is inherited. has been used. limit. has been used.
VirusTotal.QuotaLimits.intelligence_graphs_private.user.allowedNumberquota limit. from which the quota is inherited. has been used. limit. has been used.
VirusTotal.QuotaLimits.api_requests_daily.user.allowedNumberquota limit. has been used.
VirusTotal.QuotaLimits.monitor_storage_bytes.user.allowedNumberquota limit. from which the quota is inherited. has been used. limit. has been used.
VirusTotal.QuotaLimits.intelligence_retrohunt_jobs_monthly.user.allowedNumberquota limit. from which the quota is inherited. has been used. limit. has been used.
VirusTotal.QuotaLimits.intelligence_searches_monthly.user.allowedNumberquota limit.

Command Example#


Context Example#

"VirusTotal": {
"QuotaLimits": {
"api_requests_daily": {
"group": {
"allowed": 30000000,
"inherited_from": "palo_alto_networks",
"used": 535676
"user": {
"allowed": 1000,
"used": 74
"api_requests_hourly": {
"group": {
"allowed": 1800000,
"inherited_from": "palo_alto_networks",
"used": 8712
"user": {
"allowed": 60000000000,
"used": 12
"api_requests_monthly": {
"group": {
"allowed": 1000000000,
"inherited_from": "palo_alto_networks",
"used": 13551234
"user": {
"allowed": 1000000000,
"used": 2564
"cases_creation_monthly": {
"user": {
"allowed": 20,
"used": 0
"intelligence_downloads_monthly": {
"group": {
"allowed": 100000,
"inherited_from": "palo_alto_networks",
"used": 6214
"user": {
"allowed": 0,
"used": 5
"intelligence_graphs_private": {
"group": {
"allowed": 0,
"inherited_from": "palo_alto_networks",
"used": 0
"user": {
"allowed": 0,
"used": 0
"intelligence_hunting_rules": {
"group": {
"allowed": 25,
"inherited_from": "palo_alto_networks",
"used": 1829
"user": {
"allowed": 0,
"used": 3
"intelligence_retrohunt_jobs_monthly": {
"group": {
"allowed": 300,
"inherited_from": "palo_alto_networks",
"used": 163
"user": {
"allowed": 0,
"used": 0
"intelligence_searches_monthly": {
"group": {
"allowed": 100000,
"inherited_from": "palo_alto_networks",
"used": 16328
"user": {
"allowed": 0,
"used": 12
"intelligence_vtdiff_creation_monthly": {
"group": {
"allowed": 100000000,
"inherited_from": "palo_alto_networks",
"used": 23
"user": {
"allowed": 0,
"used": 0
"monitor_storage_bytes": {
"user": {
"allowed": 0,
"used": 0
"monitor_storage_files": {
"user": {
"allowed": 0,
"used": 0
"monitor_uploaded_bytes": {
"user": {
"allowed": 0,
"used": 0
"monitor_uploaded_files": {
"user": {
"allowed": 0,
"used": 0

Human Readable Output#

Monthly quota data: More data can be found in the Context.#

group: {"inherited_from": "palo_alto_networks", "used": 13551234, "allowed": 1000000000}
user: {"used": 2564, "allowed": 1000000000}
user: {"used": 0, "allowed": 20}group: {"inherited_from": "palo_alto_networks", "used": 6214, "allowed": 100000}
user: {"used": 5, "allowed": 0}
group: {"inherited_from": "palo_alto_networks", "used": 163, "allowed": 300}
user: {"used": 0, "allowed": 0}
group: {"inherited_from": "palo_alto_networks", "used": 16328, "allowed": 100000}
user: {"used": 12, "allowed": 0}
group: {"inherited_from": "palo_alto_networks", "used": 23, "allowed": 100000000}
user: {"used": 0, "allowed": 0}