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XSOAR Engineer Training

This Integration is part of the XSOAR Engineer Training Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.9.0 and later.

The XSOAR Engineer Training (XET) integration provides sample data to fetch events into Cortex XSOAR, and commands to build playbooks around.

Use for training purposes only. This integration was integrated and tested with versions 6.9+ and 8.3 of XSOAR.

Configure XSOAR Engineer Training in Cortex#

Fetch incidentsFalse
Incident typeFalse
Incidents Fetch IntervalFalse


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Fetches events from the XSOAR Engineer Training (XET) integration.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#


Human Readable Output#

Training Events#

42182023-10-04T21:30:06Z10.8.8.8m@xsoar.localurl blocked;WOW64;rv:27.0)Gecko/20100101Firefox/27.0


Retrieves detailed information about a user account. The user can be specified by username, email address, or as an Active Directory Distinguished Name (DN).

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
dnThe Distinguished Name of the user in which to return information.Optional
usernameQueries users by the samAccountName attribute.Optional
emailQueries by the user's email address.Optional

Context Output#

ActiveDirectory.Users.dnunknownThe Distinguished Name of the user.
ActiveDirectory.Users.displayNameunknownThe display name of the user.
ActiveDirectory.Users.nameunknownThe common name of the user.
ActiveDirectory.Users.sAMAccountNameunknownThe sAMAccountName of the user.
ActiveDirectory.Users.userAccountControlunknownThe account control flag of the user.
ActiveDirectory.Users.mailunknownThe email address of the user.
ActiveDirectory.Users.managerunknownThe manager of the user.
ActiveDirectory.Users.memberOfunknownGroups for which the user is a member.
Account.DisplayNameunknownThe display name of the user.
Account.GroupsunknownGroups for which the user is a member.
Account.ManagerunknownThe manager of the user.
Account.IDunknownThe Distinguished Name of the user.
Account.UsernameunknownThe samAccountName of the user.
Account.EmailunknownThe email address of the user.

Command example#

!xet-ad-get-user email=""

Context Example#

"Account": {
"DisplayName": [
"James Bond"
"Email": [
"Groups": [
"ID": "CN=James Bond,CN=Users,DC=xsoar,DC=local",
"Manager": [
"Type": "AD",
"Username": [
"ActiveDirectory": {
"Users": {
"displayName": [
"James Bond"
"dn": "CN=James Bond,CN=Users,DC=xsoar,DC=local",
"mail": [
"manager": [
"memberOf": [
"name": [
"James Bond"
"sAMAccountName": [
"userAccountControl": [

Human Readable Output#

Active Directory - Get Users#

James BondCN=James Bond,CN=Users,DC=xsoar,,CN=Users,DC=xsoar,DC=localCN=Agents,CN=Users,DC=xsoar,DC=localJames BondXSOAR007512


Expires the password of an Active Directory user.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
usernameThe username (samAccountName) of the user to modify.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!xet-ad-expire-password username="XSOAR007"

Human Readable Output#

Expired password successfully


Sets a new password for an Active Directory user.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
usernameThe username of the account to disable (sAMAccountName).Required
passwordThe password to set for the user.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!xet-ad-set-new-password username="XSOAR007" password="bondjamesbond"

Human Readable Output#

User password successfully set


Searches the simulated SIEM for events.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
queryThe query to execute against the SIEM.Required
result_typeType of result to return for this SIEM integration. Possible values are: email, hosts.Optional

Context Output#

SIEM.ResultunknownThe results of the SIEM search. The results are a JSON array, in which each item is a SIEM event.

Command example#

!xet-siem-search query="host:crossiscoming81"

Human Readable Output#

SIEM Search results for query: host:crossiscoming81#

No entries.


Send an email. (Doesn't actually send an email.)

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
toWho to send the fake email to.Required
bodyThe body of the fake email that we are not actually sending.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!xet-send-mail to="" body="shaken or stirred?"

Human Readable Output#

XSOAR Engineer Training: fake email notification not sent