Zabbix Pack.#
This Integration is part of theAllow integration with Zabbix api
Zabbix Playbook#
Configure Zabbix on Cortex XSOAR- Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.
- Search for Zabbix.
- Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.
- Name: a textual name for the integration instance.
- Url
- Credentials
- Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.
Fetched Incidents Data#
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
- zabbix-execute-command
- zabbix-hostgroup-get
- zabbix-host-get
- zabbix-trigger-get
- zabbix-event-get
1. zabbix-execute-commandExecute command on Zabbix API
Base Commandzabbix-execute-command
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
method | Method to call on Zabbix API | Required |
params | JSON with params to send with call | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Zabbix.Execute | Unknown | result |
Command Example#
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
zabbix-execute-commandauto_compress | available | description | disable_until | error | errors_from | flags | host | hostid | ipmi_authtype | ipmi_available | ipmi_disable_until | ipmi_error | ipmi_errors_from | ipmi_password | ipmi_privilege | ipmi_username | jmx_available | jmx_disable_until | jmx_error | jmx_errors_from | lastaccess | maintenance_from | maintenance_status | maintenance_type | maintenanceid | name | proxy_address | proxy_hostid | snmp_available | snmp_disable_until | snmp_error | snmp_errors_from | status | templateid | tls_accept | tls_connect | tls_issuer | tls_psk | tls_psk_identity | tls_subject |
1 | 2 | 1588621755 | Get value from agent failed: cannot connect to [[]:10050]: [111] Connection refused | 1585321618 | 0 | Zabbix server | 10084 | -1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Zabbix server | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
2. zabbix-hostgroup-getGet host groups
Base Commandzabbix-hostgroup-get
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
params_graphids | Return only host groups that contain hosts or templates with the given graphs. | Optional |
params_groupids | Return only host groups with the given host group IDs. | Optional |
params_hostids | Return only host groups that contain the given hosts. | Optional |
params_maintenanceids | Return only host groups that are affected by the given maintenances. | Optional |
params_monitored_hosts | Return only host groups that contain monitored hosts. | Optional |
params_real_hosts | Return only host groups that contain hosts. | Optional |
params_templated_hosts | Return only host groups that contain templates. | Optional |
params_templateids | Return only host groups that contain the given templates. | Optional |
params_triggerids | Return only host groups that contain hosts or templates with the given triggers. | Optional |
params_with_applications | Return only host groups that contain hosts with applications. | Optional |
params_with_graphs | Return only host groups that contain hosts with graphs. | Optional |
params_with_hosts_and_templates | Return only host groups that contain hosts or templates. | Optional |
params_with_httptests | Return only host groups that contain hosts with web checks. | Optional |
params_with_items | Return only host groups that contain hosts or templates with items. | Optional |
params_with_monitored_httptests | Return only host groups that contain hosts with enabled web checks. | Optional |
params_with_monitored_items | Return only host groups that contain hosts or templates with enabled items. | Optional |
params_with_monitored_triggers | Return only host groups that contain hosts with enabled triggers. All of the items used in the trigger must also be enabled. | Optional |
params_with_simple_graph_items | Return only host groups that contain hosts with numeric items. | Optional |
params_with_triggers | Return only host groups that contain hosts with triggers. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Zabbix.Hostgroup.groupid | string | ID of the host group | | string | Name of the host group |
Zabbix.Hostgroup.flags | number | Origin of the host group |
Zabbix.Hostgroup.internal | number | Whether the group is used internally by the system. |
Command Example#
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
zabbix-hostgroup-getflags | groupid | internal | name |
0 | 4 | 0 | Zabbix servers |
3. zabbix-host-getGet hosts
Base Commandzabbix-host-get
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
params_groupids | Return only hosts that belong to the given groups. | Optional |
params_applicationids | Return only hosts that have the given applications. | Optional |
params_dserviceids | Return only hosts that are related to the given discovered services. | Optional |
params_graphids | Return only hosts that have the given graphs. | Optional |
params_hostids | Return only hosts with the given host IDs. | Optional |
params_httptestids | Return only hosts that have the given web checks. | Optional |
params_interfaceids | Return only hosts that use the given interfaces. | Optional |
params_itemids | Return only hosts that have the given items. | Optional |
params_maintenanceids | Return only hosts that are affected by the given maintenances. | Optional |
params_monitored_hosts | Return only monitored hosts. | Optional |
params_proxy_hosts | Return only proxies. | Optional |
params_proxyids | Return only hosts that are monitored by the given proxies. | Optional |
params_templated_hosts | Return both hosts and templates. | Optional |
params_templateids | Return only hosts that are linked to the given templates. | Optional |
params_triggerids | Return only hosts that have the given triggers. | Optional |
params_with_items | Return only hosts that have items. | Optional |
params_with_applications | Return only hosts that have applications. | Optional |
params_with_graphs | Return only hosts that have graphs. | Optional |
params_with_httptests | Return only hosts that have web checks. | Optional |
params_with_monitored_httptests | Return only hosts that have enabled web checks. | Optional |
params_with_monitored_items | Return only hosts that have enabled items. | Optional |
params_with_monitored_triggers | Return only hosts that have enabled triggers. All of the items used in the trigger must also be enabled. | Optional |
params_with_simple_graph_items | Return only hosts that have items with numeric type of information. | Optional |
params_with_triggers | Return only hosts that have triggers. | Optional |
params_withInventory | Return only hosts that have inventory data. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Zabbix.Host.hostid | string | ID of the host. | | string | Technical name of the host. |
Zabbix.Host.available | number | Availability of Zabbix agent. |
Zabbix.Host.description | string | Description of the host. |
Zabbix.Host.disable_until | date | The next polling time of an unavailable Zabbix agent. |
Zabbix.Host.error | string | Error text if Zabbix agent is unavailable. |
Zabbix.Host.errors_from | date | Time when Zabbix agent became unavailable. |
Zabbix.Host.flags | number | Origin of the host. |
Zabbix.Host.inventory_mode | number | (writeonly) Host inventory population mode. |
Zabbix.Host.ipmi_authtype | number | IPMI authentication algorithm. |
Zabbix.Host.ipmi_available | number | Availability of IPMI agent. |
Zabbix.Host.ipmi_disable_until | date | The next polling time of an unavailable IPMI agent. |
Zabbix.Host.ipmi_error | string | Error text if IPMI agent is unavailable. |
Zabbix.Host.ipmi_errors_from | date | Time when IPMI agent became unavailable. |
Zabbix.Host.ipmi_password | string | IPMI password. |
Zabbix.Host.ipmi_privilege | number | IPMI privilege level. |
Zabbix.Host.ipmi_username | string | IPMI username. |
Zabbix.Host.jmx_available | number | Availability of JMX agent. |
Zabbix.Host.jmx_disable_until | date | The next polling time of an unavailable JMX agent. |
Zabbix.Host.jmx_error | string | Error text if JMX agent is unavailable. |
Zabbix.Host.jmx_errors_from | date | Time when JMX agent became unavailable. |
Zabbix.Host.maintenance_from | date | Starting time of the effective maintenance. |
Zabbix.Host.maintenance_status | number | Effective maintenance status. |
Zabbix.Host.maintenance_type | number | Effective maintenance type. |
Zabbix.Host.maintenanceid | string | ID of the maintenance that is currently in effect on the host. | | string | Visible name of the host. |
Zabbix.Host.proxy_hostid | string | ID of the proxy that is used to monitor the host. |
Zabbix.Host.snmp_available | number | Availability of SNMP agent. |
Zabbix.Host.snmp_disable_until | date | The next polling time of an unavailable SNMP agent. |
Zabbix.Host.snmp_error | string | Error text if SNMP agent is unavailable. |
Zabbix.Host.snmp_errors_from | date | Time when SNMP agent became unavailable. |
Zabbix.Host.status | number | Status and function of the host. |
Zabbix.Host.tls_connect | number | Connections to host. |
Zabbix.Host.tls_accept | number | Connections from host. |
Zabbix.Host.tls_issuer | string | Certificate issuer. |
Zabbix.Host.tls_subject | string | Certificate subject. |
Zabbix.Host.tls_psk_identity | string | PSK identity. Required if either tls_connect or tls_accept has PSK enabled. |
Zabbix.Host.tls_psk | string | The preshared key, at least 32 hex digits. Required if either tls_connect or tls_accept has PSK enabled. |
Command Example#
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
zabbix-host-getauto_compress | available | description | disable_until | error | errors_from | flags | host | hostid | ipmi_authtype | ipmi_available | ipmi_disable_until | ipmi_error | ipmi_errors_from | ipmi_password | ipmi_privilege | ipmi_username | jmx_available | jmx_disable_until | jmx_error | jmx_errors_from | lastaccess | maintenance_from | maintenance_status | maintenance_type | maintenanceid | name | proxy_address | proxy_hostid | snmp_available | snmp_disable_until | snmp_error | snmp_errors_from | status | templateid | tls_accept | tls_connect | tls_issuer | tls_psk | tls_psk_identity | tls_subject |
1 | 2 | 1588621755 | Get value from agent failed: cannot connect to [[]:10050]: [111] Connection refused | 1585321618 | 0 | Zabbix server | 10084 | -1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Zabbix server | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
4. zabbix-trigger-getGet triggers
Base Commandzabbix-trigger-get
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
params_triggerids | Return only triggers with the given IDs. | Optional |
params_groupids | Return only triggers that belong to hosts from the given host groups. | Optional |
params_templateids | Return only triggers that belong to the given templates. | Optional |
params_hostids | Return only triggers that belong to the given hosts. | Optional |
params_itemids | Return only triggers that contain the given items. | Optional |
params_applicationids | Return only triggers that contain items from the given applications. | Optional |
params_functions | Return only triggers that use the given functions. | Optional |
params_group | Return only triggers that belong to hosts from the host group with the given name. | Optional |
params_host | Return only triggers that belong to host with the given name. | Optional |
params_inherited | If set to true return only triggers inherited from a template. | Optional |
params_templated | If set to true return only triggers that belong to templates. | Optional |
params_monitored | Return only enabled triggers that belong to monitored hosts and contain only enabled items. | Optional |
params_active | Return only enabled triggers that belong to monitored hosts. | Optional |
params_maintenance | If set to true return only enabled triggers that belong to hosts in maintenance. | Optional |
params_withUnacknowledgedEvents | Return only triggers that have unacknowledged events. | Optional |
params_withAcknowledgedEvents | Return only triggers with all events acknowledged. | Optional |
params_withLastEventUnacknowledged | Return only triggers with the last event unacknowledged. | Optional |
params_skipDependent | Skip triggers in a problem state that are dependent on other triggers. Note that the other triggers are ignored if disabled, have disabled items or disabled item hosts. | Optional |
params_lastChangeSince | Return only triggers that have changed their state after the given time (use timestamp format). | Optional |
params_lastChangeTill | Return only triggers that have changed their state before the given time (use timestamp format). | Optional |
params_only_true | Return only triggers that have recently been in a problem state. | Optional |
params_min_severity | Return only triggers with severity greater or equal than the given severity. | Optional |
params_evaltype | Rules for tag searching. | Optional |
params_tags | Return only triggers with given tags. Exact match by tag and case-sensitive or case-insensitive search by tag value depending on operator value. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Zabbix.Trigger.triggerid | string | ID of the trigger. |
Zabbix.Trigger.description | string | Name of the trigger. |
Zabbix.Trigger.expression | string | Reduced trigger expression. |
Zabbix.Trigger.comments | string | Additional description of the trigger. |
Zabbix.Trigger.error | string | Error text if there have been any problems when updating the state of the trigger. |
Zabbix.Trigger.flags | number | Origin of the trigger. |
Zabbix.Trigger.lastchange | date | Time when the trigger last changed its state. |
Zabbix.Trigger.priority | number | Severity of the trigger. |
Zabbix.Trigger.state | number | State of the trigger. |
Zabbix.Trigger.status | number | Whether the trigger is enabled or disabled. |
Zabbix.Trigger.templateid | string | ID of the parent template trigger. |
Zabbix.Trigger.type | number | Whether the trigger can generate multiple problem events. |
Zabbix.Trigger.url | string | URL associated with the trigger. |
Zabbix.Trigger.value | number | Whether the trigger is in OK or problem state. |
Zabbix.Trigger.recovery_mode | number | OK event generation mode. |
Zabbix.Trigger.recovery_expression | string | Reduced trigger recovery expression. |
Zabbix.Trigger.correlation_mode | number | OK event closes. |
Zabbix.Trigger.correlation_tag | string | Tag for matching. |
Zabbix.Trigger.manual_close | number | Allow manual close. |
Command Example#
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
zabbix-trigger-getcomments | correlation_mode | correlation_tag | description | error | expression | flags | lastchange | manual_close | priority | recovery_expression | recovery_mode | state | status | templateid | triggerid | type | url | value |
0 | Zabbix agent on {HOST.NAME} is unreachable for 5 minutes | {12900}=1 | 0 | 1585321941 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 10047 | 13491 | 0 | 1 |
5. zabbix-event-getGet events
Base Commandzabbix-event-get
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
params_eventids | Return only events with the given IDs. | Optional |
params_groupids | Return only events created by objects that belong to the given host groups. | Optional |
params_hostids | Return only events created by objects that belong to the given hosts. | Optional |
params_objectids | Return only events created by the given objects. | Optional |
params_applicationids | Return only events created by objects that belong to the given applications. Applies only if object is trigger or item. | Optional |
params_source | Return only events with the given type. | Optional |
params_object | Return only events created by objects of the given type. | Optional |
params_acknowledged | If set to true return only acknowledged events. | Optional |
params_suppressed | true - return only suppressed events; | Optional |
params_severities | Return only events with given event severities. Applies only if object is trigger. | Optional |
params_evaltype | Rules for tag searching. | Optional |
params_tags | Return only events with given tags. Exact match by tag and case-insensitive search by value and operator. | Optional |
params_eventid_from | Return only events with IDs greater or equal to the given ID. | Optional |
params_eventid_till | Return only events with IDs less or equal to the given ID. | Optional |
params_time_from | Return only events that have been created after or at the given time (use timestamp format). | Optional |
params_time_till | Return only events that have been created before or at the given time (use timestamp format). | Optional |
params_problem_time_from | Returns only events that were in the problem state starting with problem_time_from. Applies only if the source is trigger event and object is trigger. Mandatory if problem_time_till is specified (use timestamp format). | Optional |
params_problem_time_till | Returns only events that were in the problem state until problem_time_till. Applies only if the source is trigger event and object is trigger. Mandatory if problem_time_from is specified (use timestamp format). | Optional |
params_value | Return only events with the given values. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Zabbix.Event.eventid | string | ID of the event. |
Zabbix.Event.source | number | Type of the event. |
Zabbix.Event.object | number | Type of object that is related to the event. |
Zabbix.Event.objectid | string | ID of the related object. |
Zabbix.Event.acknowledged | number | Whether the event has been acknowledged. |
Zabbix.Event.clock | date | Time when the event was created. |
Zabbix.Event.ns | number | Nanoseconds when the event was created. | | string | Resolved event name. |
Zabbix.Event.value | number | State of the related object. |
Zabbix.Event.severity | number | Event current severity. |
Zabbix.Event.r_eventid | string | Recovery event ID |
Zabbix.Event.c_eventid | string | ID of the event that was used to override (close) current event under global correlation rule. See correlationid to identify exact correlation rule. |
Zabbix.Event.correlationid | string | ID of the correlation rule that generated closing of the problem. |
Zabbix.Event.userid | string | User ID if the event was manually closed. |
Zabbix.Event.suppressed | number | Whether the event is suppressed. |
Command Example!zabbix-event-get params_time_from="1583020800"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
zabbix-event-getacknowledged | c_eventid | clock | correlationid | eventid | name | ns | object | objectid | r_eventid | severity | source | suppressed | userid | value |
0 | 0 | 1585321941 | 0 | 12 | Zabbix agent on Zabbix server is unreachable for 5 minutes | 248457478 | 0 | 13491 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
0 | 0 | 1585589604 | 0 | 13 | Zabbix task manager processes more than 75% busy | 554931714 | 0 | 13560 | 15 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
0 | 0 | 1585589664 | 0 | 15 | Zabbix task manager processes more than 75% busy | 596351852 | 0 | 13560 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Additional InformationUsing execute_command you can do anything available on Zabbix API.
You can use the oficcial API documentation on
Known LimitationsNo current known limitations
TroubleshootingVerify if the user has the necessary permissions to execute the operation