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Zendesk v2

This Integration is part of the Zendesk Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.6.0 and later.

Some changes have been made that might affect your existing content. If you are upgrading from a previous of this integration, see Breaking Changes.

Configure Zendesk v2 in Cortex#

Server URL (e.g.,
Username (or '<username>/token' when using API key).example '' when using the password, or '' when using an API key.True
Password/API keyTrue
Fetch incidentsFalse
Incident Mirroring DirectionSelects which direction you want the incidents mirrored. You can mirror **Incoming** only (from Zendesk to Cortex XSOAR), **Outgoing** only (from Cortex XSOAR to Zendesk), or both **Incoming And Outgoing**.False
Close mirrored incidentsIf true, XSOAR will mirror also the ticket closeing.False
Mirror tagsComment and files that will be marked with this tag will be pushed into Zendesk.False
Ticket Field to Fetch byDuplications might accrue when choosing 'updated-at'True
Ticket types to fetchFalse
Fetch tickets status filterFalse
Fetch tickets priority filterFalse
Fetch tickets query filterFalse
Maximum number of incidents per fetchFalse
First fetch timestamp (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days)False
Incidents Fetch IntervalFalse
Incident typeFalse
Use system proxy settingsFalse
Trust any certificate (not secure)False
(The test does not ensure sufficient permissions for all integration commands.)


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.

Required permissions#

This integration enables executing commands with different permission levels. See the commands' descriptions for more information on the required permission. To learn more on Zendesk roles refer to: Understanding Zendesk Support user roles About team member product roles and access


Gets the specified user's data. Required permissions: Admins, Agents and Light Agents.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
user_idThe user's ID to retrieve.Optional
user_nameThe user's name.
Required permissions to use this argument: Agents .
external_idThe user's unique identifier from another system.Optional
roleThe user's role. Possible values are: end_user, agent, admin.Optional
limitMaximum number of results to return. Default is 50.Optional
page_sizeThe page size (used for pagination).Optional
page_numberThe page number (used for pagination).Optional

Context Output#

Zendesk.User.activebooleanFalse if the user has been deleted.
Zendesk.User.aliasstringAn alias displayed to end users.
Zendesk.User.chat_onlybooleanWhether the user is a chat-only agent.
Zendesk.User.created_atdateThe time the user was created.
Zendesk.User.custom_role_idnumberA custom role if the user is an agent on the Enterprise plan or above.
Zendesk.User.default_group_idnumberThe ID of the user's default group.
Zendesk.User.detailsstringAny details you want to store about the user, such as an address.
Zendesk.User.external_idstringA unique identifier from another system.
Zendesk.User.emailstringThe user's primary email address.
Zendesk.User.iana_time_zonestringThe time zone for the user.
Zendesk.User.idnumberThe user's ID.
Zendesk.User.last_login_atstringThe last time the user signed in to Zendesk Support.
Zendesk.User.localestringThe user's locale.
Zendesk.User.moderatorbooleanWhether the user has forum moderation capabilities.
Zendesk.User.namestringThe user's name.
Zendesk.User.notesstringAny notes you want to store about the user.
Zendesk.User.only_private_commentsbooleanTrue if the user can only create private comments.
Zendesk.User.organization_idnumberThe ID of the user's organization.
Zendesk.User.organizationstringThe name of the user's organization.
Zendesk.User.phonestringThe user's primary phone number.
Zendesk.User.remote_photo_urlstringA URL pointing to the user's profile picture.
Zendesk.User.report_csvbooleanWhether the user can access the CSV report on the Search tab of the Reporting page in the Support admin interface.
Zendesk.User.restricted_agentbooleanWhether the agent has any restrictions; false for admins and unrestricted agents, true for other agents.
Zendesk.User.rolestringThe user's role. Possible values are "end-user", "agent", or "admin".
Zendesk.User.role_typestringThe user's role type.
Zendesk.User.sharedbooleanWhether the user is shared from a different Zendesk Support instance.
Zendesk.User.shared_agentbooleanWhether the user is a shared agent from a different Zendesk Support instance.
Zendesk.User.shared_phone_numberbooleanWhether the phone number is shared.
Zendesk.User.signaturestringThe user's signature.
Zendesk.User.suspendedbooleanWhether the agent is suspended. Tickets from suspended users are also suspended, and these users cannot sign in to the end user portal.
Zendesk.User.tagsstringThe user's tags. Only present if your account has user tagging enabled.
Zendesk.User.ticket_restrictionstringSpecifies which tickets the user has access to. Possible values are: "organization", "groups", "assigned", "requested", null.
Zendesk.User.time_zonestringThe user's time zone.
Zendesk.User.two_factor_auth_enabledbooleanWhether two factor authentication is enabled.
Zendesk.User.updated_atstringThe time the user was last updated.
Zendesk.User.verifiedbooleanWhether any of the user's identities is verified.


Creates a new Zendesk user. Required permissions: Agents, with restrictions on certain actions.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameThe user's name.Required
emailThe user's primary email address.Required
roleThe user's role. Possible values are "end-user", "agent", or "admin". Possible values are: end_user, agent, admin.Required
role_typeThe user's role type. Possible values are: custom_agent, light_agent, chat_agent, chat_agent_contributor, admin, billing_admin.Optional
verifiedWhether to mark the user's email as verified. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional
tagsA comma-separated list of users' tags.Optional
phoneThe user's primary phone number.Optional
organization_nameThe name of the user's organization.Optional
organization_idThe ID of the user's organization.Optional
notesAny notes you want to store about the user.Optional
detailsAny details you want to store about the user, such as an address.Optional
external_idA unique identifier from another system.Optional
localeThe user's locale.Optional
aliasAn alias displayed to end users.Optional
default_group_idThe ID of the user's default group.Optional
custom_role_idA custom role if the user is an agent on the Enterprise plan or above.Optional
identitiesUsers external identities (JSON-formatted argument) e.g., [{"type": "email", "value": ""}, {"type": "twitter", "value": "tester84"}].Optional
user_fieldsValues of custom fields in the user's profile (json formated field).Optional
check_if_user_existsCheck if the user already exists (Will fail if the user exists already or will update a user's existing data). Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional

Context Output#

Zendesk.User.activebooleanfalse if the user has been deleted.
Zendesk.User.aliasstringAn alias displayed to end users.
Zendesk.User.chat_onlybooleanWhether or not the user is a chat-only agent.
Zendesk.User.created_atdateThe time the user was created.
Zendesk.User.custom_role_idnumberA custom role if the user is an agent on the Enterprise plan or above.
Zendesk.User.default_group_idnumberThe ID of the user's default group.
Zendesk.User.detailsstringAny details you want to store about the user, such as an address.
Zendesk.User.external_idstringA unique identifier from another system.
Zendesk.User.emailstringThe user's primary email address.
Zendesk.User.iana_time_zonestringThe time zone for the user.
Zendesk.User.idnumberThe user's ID.
Zendesk.User.last_login_atstringThe last time the user signed in to Zendesk Support.
Zendesk.User.localestringThe user's locale.
Zendesk.User.moderatorbooleanWhether the user has forum moderation capabilities.
Zendesk.User.namestringThe user's name.
Zendesk.User.notesstringAny notes you want to store about the user.
Zendesk.User.only_private_commentsbooleanTrue if the user can only create private comments.
Zendesk.User.organization_idnumberThe ID of the user's organization.
Zendesk.User.organizationstringThe name of the user's organization.
Zendesk.User.phonestringThe user's primary phone number.
Zendesk.User.remote_photo_urlstringA URL pointing to the user's profile picture.
Zendesk.User.report_csvbooleanWhether the user can access the CSV report on the Search tab of the Reporting page in the Support admin interface.
Zendesk.User.restricted_agentbooleanWhether the agent has any restrictions; false for admins and unrestricted agents, true for other agents.
Zendesk.User.rolestringThe user's role. Possible values are "end-user", "agent", or "admin".
Zendesk.User.role_typestringThe user's role type.
Zendesk.User.sharedbooleanWhether the user is shared from a different Zendesk Support instance.
Zendesk.User.shared_agentbooleanWhether the user is a shared agent from a different Zendesk Support instance.
Zendesk.User.shared_phone_numberbooleanWhether the phone number is shared.
Zendesk.User.signaturestringThe user's signature.
Zendesk.User.suspendedbooleanWhether the agent is suspended. Tickets from suspended users are also suspended, and these users cannot sign in to the end user portal.
Zendesk.User.tagsstringThe user's tags. Only present if your account has user tagging enabled.
Zendesk.User.ticket_restrictionstringSpecifies which tickets the user has access to. Possible values are: "organization", "groups", "assigned", "requested", null.
Zendesk.User.time_zonestringThe user's time zone.
Zendesk.User.two_factor_auth_enabledbooleanWhether two factor authentication is enabled.
Zendesk.User.updated_atstringThe time the user was last updated.
Zendesk.User.verifiedbooleanWhether any of the user's identities is verified.


Update user data. Required permissions: Agents, with restrictions on certain actions.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
user_idThe user ID to update.Required
nameThe user's name.Optional
roleThe user's role. Possible values are "end-user", "agent", or "admin". Possible values are: end_user, agent, admin.Optional
role_typeThe user's role type. Possible values are: custom_agent, light_agent, chat_agent, chat_agent_contributor, admin, billing_admin.Optional
verifiedWhether to mark the user email as verified (the added email). Possible values are: true, false.Optional
suspendedWhether the user is suspended. Possible values are: true, false.Optional
tagsThe user's tags.Optional
emailSecondary email to add.Optional
phoneThe user's primary phone number.Optional
organization_nameThe name of the user's organization.Optional
organization_idThe ID of the user's organization.Optional
notesAny notes you want to store about the user.Optional
detailsAny details you want to store about the user, such as an address.Optional
external_idA unique identifier from another system.Optional
localeThe user's locale.Optional
aliasAn alias displayed to end users.Optional
default_group_idThe ID of the user's default group.Optional
custom_role_idA custom role if the user is an agent on the Enterprise plan or above.Optional
identitiesUsers external identities (JSON-formatted argument) e.g., [{"type": "email", "value": ""}, {"type": "twitter", "value": "tester84"}].Optional
user_fieldsValues of custom fields in the user's profile (JSON-formatted field).Optional

Context Output#

Zendesk.User.activebooleanFalse if the user has been deleted.
Zendesk.User.aliasstringAn alias displayed to end users.
Zendesk.User.chat_onlybooleanWhether the user is a chat-only agent.
Zendesk.User.created_atdateThe time the user was created.
Zendesk.User.custom_role_idnumberA custom role if the user is an agent on the Enterprise plan or above.
Zendesk.User.default_group_idnumberThe ID of the user's default group.
Zendesk.User.detailsstringAny details you want to store about the user, such as an address.
Zendesk.User.external_idstringA unique identifier from another system.
Zendesk.User.emailstringThe user's primary email address.
Zendesk.User.iana_time_zonestringThe time zone for the user.
Zendesk.User.idnumberThe user's ID.
Zendesk.User.last_login_atstringThe last time the user signed in to Zendesk Support.
Zendesk.User.localestringThe user's locale.
Zendesk.User.moderatorbooleanWhether the user has forum moderation capabilities.
Zendesk.User.namestringThe user's name.
Zendesk.User.notesstringAny notes you want to store about the user.
Zendesk.User.only_private_commentsbooleanTrue if the user can only create private comments.
Zendesk.User.organization_idnumberThe ID of the user's organization.
Zendesk.User.organizationstringThe name of the user's organization.
Zendesk.User.phonestringThe user's primary phone number.
Zendesk.User.remote_photo_urlstringA URL pointing to the user's profile picture.
Zendesk.User.report_csvbooleanWhether the user can access the CSV report on the Search tab of the Reporting page in the Support admin interface.
Zendesk.User.restricted_agentbooleanIf the agent has any restrictions; false for admins and unrestricted agents, true for other agents.
Zendesk.User.rolestringThe user's role. Possible values are "end-user", "agent", or "admin".
Zendesk.User.role_typestringThe user's role type.
Zendesk.User.sharedbooleanWhether the user is shared from a different Zendesk Support instance.
Zendesk.User.shared_agentbooleanWhether the user is a shared agent from a different Zendesk Support instance.
Zendesk.User.shared_phone_numberbooleanWhether the phone number is shared.
Zendesk.User.signaturestringThe user's signature.
Zendesk.User.suspendedbooleanWhether the agent is suspended. Tickets from suspended users are also suspended, and these users cannot sign in to the end user portal.
Zendesk.User.tagsstringThe user's tags. Only present if your account has user tagging enabled.
Zendesk.User.ticket_restrictionstringSpecifies which tickets the user has access to. Possible values are: "organization", "groups", "assigned", "requested", null
Zendesk.User.time_zonestringThe user's time zone.
Zendesk.User.two_factor_auth_enabledbooleanWhether two factor authentication is enabled.
Zendesk.User.updated_atstringThe time the user was last updated.
Zendesk.User.verifiedbooleanWhether any of the user's identities is verified.


Delete a user. Required permissions: Admins.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
user_idThe ID of the user to delete.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Get organization's data. Required permissions: Agents, with certain restrictions. If the agent has a custom agent role that restricts the agent's access to only users in their own organization, a 403 Forbidden error is returned. See Creating custom agent roles in Zendesk help.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
organization_idThe ID of a specific organization.
Required permissions: Admins, Agents.
limitMaximum number of results to return. Default is 50.Optional
page_sizeThe page size (used for pagination).Optional
page_numberThe page number (used for pagination).Optional

Context Output#

Zendesk.Organization.created_atdateThe time the organization was created.
Zendesk.Organization.detailsstringAny details about the organization, such as the address.
Zendesk.Organization.domain_namesstringDomain names associated with this organization.
Zendesk.Organization.external_idstringA unique external ID to associate organizations to an external record.
Zendesk.Organization.group_idnumberNew tickets from users in this organization are automatically put in this group.
Zendesk.Organization.idnumberThe organization ID.
Zendesk.Organization.namestringThe name of the organization.
Zendesk.Organization.notesstringAny notes you have about the organization.
Zendesk.Organization.shared_commentsbooleanEnd users in this organization are able to see each other's comments on tickets.
Zendesk.Organization.shared_ticketsbooleanEnd users in this organization are able to see each other's tickets.
Zendesk.Organization.tagsstringThe tags of the organization.
Zendesk.Organization.updated_atdateThe time of the last update of the organization.
Zendesk.Organization.urlstringThe API URL of this organization.


List Zendesk tickets. Required permissions: Agents.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
queryQuery to search for tickets. For more information about the search syntax, see .Optional
ticket_idThe ID of a specific ticket.Optional
filterFilter tickets for which the specified user is relevant. Possible values are: assigned, requested, ccd, followed, recent.Optional
user_idThe agent ID associated with tickets filtered.Optional
sortThe order of the retrieved tickets. Possible values are: id_asc, status_asc, updated_at_asc, id_desc, status_desc, updated_at_desc.Optional
limitMaximum number of results to return. Default is 50.Optional
page_sizeThe page size (used for pagination).Optional
page_numberThe page number (used for pagination).Optional

Context Output#

Zendesk.Ticket.allow_attachmentsbooleanWhether the agents have permission to attachments to a comment.
Zendesk.Ticket.allow_channelbackbooleanFalse if channelback is disabled, true otherwise. Only applicable for channels framework ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.assigneestringThe agent currently assigned to the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.assignee_idnumberThe ID of the agent currently assigned to the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.collaboratorsstringThe users currently CC'ed on the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.collaborator_idsnumberThe ID of the users currently CC'ed on the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.created_atdateThe ticket creation time.
Zendesk.Ticket.descriptionstringThe ticket description.
Zendesk.Ticket.due_atdateIf this is a ticket of type "task" it has a due date. Due date format uses ISO 8601 format.
Zendesk.Ticket.email_ccsstringThe agents or end users currently CC'ed on the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.email_cc_idsnumberThe ID of the agents or end users currently CC'ed on the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.external_idstringAn ID you can use to link Zendesk Support tickets to local records.
Zendesk.Ticket.followersstringThe agents currently following the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.follower_idsnumberThe ID of the user who is currently following the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.followup_idsnumberThe IDs of the followups created from this ticket. IDs are only visible once the ticket is closed.
Zendesk.Ticket.forum_topic_idnumberThe topic in the Zendesk Web portal this ticket originated from, if any.
Zendesk.Ticket.group_idnumberThe ID of the group this ticket is assigned to.
Zendesk.Ticket.has_incidentsbooleanTrue if a ticket is a problem type and has one or more incidents linked to it. Otherwise, the value is false.
Zendesk.Ticket.idnumberThe ticket ID.
Zendesk.Ticket.is_publicbooleanTrue if any comments are public, false otherwise.
Zendesk.Ticket.organizationstringThe organization of the requester.
Zendesk.Ticket.organization_idnumberThe ID of the organization of the requester.
Zendesk.Ticket.prioritystringThe urgency with which the ticket should be addressed.
Zendesk.Ticket.problem_idnumberFor tickets of type "incident", the ID of the problem the incident is linked to.
Zendesk.Ticket.raw_subjectstringThe dynamic content placeholder, if present, or the "subject" value, if not.
Zendesk.Ticket.recipientstringThe original recipient email address of the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.requesterstringThe user who requested this ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.requester_idnumberThe ID of the user who requested this ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.satisfaction_ratingunknownThe satisfaction rating of the ticket, if it exists, or the state of satisfaction, "offered" or "unoffered".
Zendesk.Ticket.sharing_agreement_idsnumberThe IDs of the sharing agreements used for this ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.statusstringThe state of the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.subjectstringThe value of the subject field for this ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.submitterstringThe user who submitted the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.submitter_idnumberThe ID of the user who submitted the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.tagsstringThe array of tags applied to this ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.typestringThe type of this ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.updated_atdateWhen this ticket was last updated.
Zendesk.Ticket.urlstringThe API URL of this ticket.


Create a new zendesk ticket. Required permissions: Agents.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
subjectThe subject of this ticket.Required
typeThe type of this ticket. Possible values are: problem, incident, question, task.Required
requesterThe user who requested this ticket.Required
assignee_emailThe email address of the agent to assign the ticket to.Optional
collaboratorsUsers to add as CC's when creating a ticket.Optional
descriptionThe ticket description.Required
recipientThe original recipient email address of the ticket.Optional
statusThe state of the ticket. Possible values are: new, open, pending, hold, solved, closed.Optional
priorityThe urgency with which the ticket should be addressed. Possible values are: urgent, high, normal, low. Default is normal.Optional
due_atIf this is a ticket of type "task" it has a due date. Due date format uses ISO 8601 format.Optional
email_ccsAn array of agents or end users email CCs to add or delete from the ticket. Default is add.\nThe format is '562624,562625:put,'.Optional
external_idAn ID you can use to link Zendesk Support tickets to local records.Optional
forum_topic_idThe topic in the Zendesk Web portal this ticket originated from, if any.Optional
followersAn array of agent followers to add or delete from the ticket. Default is add.\nThe format is '562624,562625:put,'.Optional
group_idThe group this ticket is assigned to.Optional
organization_idThe organization of the requester.Optional
problem_idFor tickets of type "incident", the ID of the problem the incident is linked to.Optional
tagsThe tags applied to this ticket.Optional
via_followup_source_idThe ID of a closed ticket when creating a follow-up ticket.Optional
custom_fieldsCustom fields for the ticket (this is a JSON-formatted argument, see:
brand_idEnterprise only. The ID of the brand this ticket is associated with.Optional
commentA comment to add to the ticket.Optional
html_commentAn HTML comment to add to the ticket.Optional
publictrue if a public comment; false if an internal note. The initial value set on ticket creation persists for any additional comment unless you change it. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true.Optional

Context Output#

Zendesk.Ticket.allow_attachmentsbooleanWhether the agents have permission to add attachments to a comment.
Zendesk.Ticket.allow_channelbackbooleanFalse if channelback is disabled, true otherwise. Only applicable for channels framework ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.assigneestringThe agent currently assigned to the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.assignee_idnumberThe ID of the agent currently assigned to the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.collaboratorsstringThe users currently CC'ed on the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.collaborator_idsnumberThe ID of the users currently CC'ed on the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.created_atdateThe ticket creation time.
Zendesk.Ticket.descriptionstringThe ticket description.
Zendesk.Ticket.due_atdateIf this is a ticket of type "task" it has a due date. Due date format uses ISO 8601 format.
Zendesk.Ticket.email_ccsstringThe agents or end users currently CC'ed on the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.email_cc_idsnumberThe ID of the agents or end users currently CC'ed on the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.external_idstringAn ID you can use to link Zendesk Support tickets to local records.
Zendesk.Ticket.followersstringThe agents currently following the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.follower_idsnumberThe ID of the user who is currently following the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.followup_idsnumberThe IDs of the followups created from this ticket. IDs are only visible once the ticket is closed.
Zendesk.Ticket.forum_topic_idnumberThe topic in the Zendesk Web portal this ticket originated from, if any.
Zendesk.Ticket.group_idnumberThe ID of the group this ticket is assigned to.
Zendesk.Ticket.has_incidentsbooleanTrue if a ticket is a problem type and has one or more incidents linked to it. Otherwise, the value is false.
Zendesk.Ticket.idnumberThe ticket ID.
Zendesk.Ticket.is_publicbooleanTrue if any comments are public, false otherwise.
Zendesk.Ticket.organizationstringThe organization of the requester.
Zendesk.Ticket.organization_idnumberThe ID of the organization of the requester.
Zendesk.Ticket.prioritystringThe urgency with which the ticket should be addressed.
Zendesk.Ticket.problem_idnumberFor tickets of type "incident", the ID of the problem the incident is linked to.
Zendesk.Ticket.raw_subjectstringThe dynamic content placeholder, if present, or the "subject" value, if not.
Zendesk.Ticket.recipientstringThe original recipient email address of the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.requesterstringThe user who requested this ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.requester_idnumberThe ID of the user who requested this ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.satisfaction_ratingunknownThe satisfaction rating of the ticket, if it exists, or the state of satisfaction, "offered" or "unoffered".
Zendesk.Ticket.sharing_agreement_idsnumberThe IDs of the sharing agreements used for this ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.statusstringThe state of the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.subjectstringThe value of the subject field for this ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.submitterstringThe user who submitted the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.submitter_idnumberThe ID of the user who submitted the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.tagsstringThe array of tags applied to this ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.typestringThe type of this ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.updated_atdateWhen this ticket was last updated.
Zendesk.Ticket.urlstringThe API URL of this ticket.


Updates a Zendesk ticket. Required permissions: Agents.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ticket_idThe ID of the ticket to update.Required
subjectThe subject of this ticket.Optional
typeThe type of this ticket. Possible values are: problem, incident, question, task.Optional
requesterThe user who requested this ticket.Optional
assignee_emailThe email address of the agent to assign the ticket to.Optional
collaboratorsUsers to add as CCs when creating a ticket.Optional
commentA comment to add to the ticket.Optional
html_commentAn HTML comment to add to the ticket.Optional
publictrue if a public comment; false if an internal note. The initial value set on ticket creation persists for any additional comment unless you change it. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true.Optional
recipientThe original recipient email address of the ticket.Optional
statusThe state of the ticket. Possible values are: open, pending, hold, solved, closed.Optional
priorityThe urgency with which the ticket should be addressed. Possible values are: urgent, high, normal, low.Optional
due_atIf this is a ticket of type "task" it has a due date. Due date format uses ISO 8601 format.Optional
email_ccsAn array of agents or end users email CC's to add or delete from the ticket. Default is add.\nThe format is '562624,562625:put,'.Optional
external_idAn ID you can use to link Zendesk Support tickets to local records.Optional
followersAn array of agent followers to add or delete from the ticket. Default is add.\nThe format is '562624,562625:put,'.Optional
group_idThe ID of the group this ticket is assigned to.Optional
organizationThe ID of the organization of the requester.Optional
problem_idFor tickets of type "incident", the ID of the problem the incident is linked to.Optional
tagsThe tags applied to this ticket.Optional
custom_fieldsCustom fields for the ticket (this is a JSON-formatted argument see:
brand_idEnterprise only. The ID of the brand this ticket is associated with.Optional

Context Output#

Zendesk.Ticket.allow_attachmentsbooleanWhether the agents have permission to attachments to a comment.
Zendesk.Ticket.allow_channelbackbooleanFalse if channelback is disabled, true otherwise. Only applicable for channels framework ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.assigneestringThe agent currently assigned to the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.collaboratorsstringThe users currently CC'ed on the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.collaborator_idsnumberThe ID of the users currently CC'ed on the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.created_atdateThe ticket creation time.
Zendesk.Ticket.descriptionstringThe ticket description.
Zendesk.Ticket.due_atdateIf this is a ticket of type "task" it has a due date. Due date format uses ISO 8601 format.
Zendesk.Ticket.email_ccsstringThe agents or end users currently CC'ed on the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.email_cc_idsnumberThe ID of the agents or end users currently CC'ed on the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.external_idstringAn ID you can use to link Zendesk Support tickets to local records.
Zendesk.Ticket.followersstringThe agents currently following the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.follower_idsnumberThe ID of the user who is currently following the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.followup_idsnumberThe IDs of the followups created from this ticket. Ids are only visible once the ticket is closed.
Zendesk.Ticket.forum_topic_idnumberThe topic in the Zendesk Web portal this ticket originated from, if any.
Zendesk.Ticket.group_idnumberThe group this ticket is assigned to.
Zendesk.Ticket.has_incidentsbooleanTrue if a ticket is a problem type and has one or more incidents linked to it. Otherwise, the value is false.
Zendesk.Ticket.idnumberThe ticket ID.
Zendesk.Ticket.is_publicbooleanTrue if any comments are public, false otherwise.
Zendesk.Ticket.organizationstringThe organization of the requester.
Zendesk.Ticket.prioritystringThe urgency with which the ticket should be addressed.
Zendesk.Ticket.problem_idnumberFor tickets of type "incident", the ID of the problem the incident is linked to.
Zendesk.Ticket.raw_subjectstringThe dynamic content placeholder, if present, or the "subject" value, if not.
Zendesk.Ticket.recipientstringThe original recipient email address of the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.requesterstringThe user who requested this ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.satisfaction_ratingunknownThe satisfaction rating of the ticket, if it exists, or the state of satisfaction, "offered" or "unoffered".
Zendesk.Ticket.sharing_agreement_idsnumberThe IDs of the sharing agreements used for this ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.statusstringThe state of the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.subjectstringThe value of the subject field for this ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.submitterstringThe user who submitted the ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.tagsstringThe array of tags applied to this ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.typestringThe type of this ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.updated_atdateWhen this ticket was last updated.
Zendesk.Ticket.urlstringThe API URL of this ticket.


Delete ticket. Required permissions: Admins, Agents with permission to delete tickets. Agent delete permissions are set in Support. See Deleting tickets in the Zendesk Support Help Center.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ticket_idThe ID of the ticket to delete.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


List comments for a given ticket. Required permissions: Agents.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ticket_idThe ID of the ticket to list comments.Required
limitMaximum number of results to return. Default is 50.Optional
page_sizeThe page size (used for pagination).Optional
page_numberThe page number (used for pagination).Optional

Context Output#

Zendesk.Ticket.Comment.attachments.content_typestringThe content type of the image. Example value: "image/png".
Zendesk.Ticket.Comment.attachments.content_urlstringA full URL where the attached image file can be downloaded.
Zendesk.Ticket.Comment.attachments.deletedbooleanIf true, the attachment has been deleted.
Zendesk.Ticket.Comment.attachments.file_namestringThe name of the file.
Zendesk.Ticket.Comment.attachments.heightstringThe height of the image file in pixels.
Zendesk.Ticket.Comment.attachments.idnumberThe ID of the attachment.
Zendesk.Ticket.Comment.attachments.inlinebooleanIf true, the attachment is excluded from the attachment list and the attachment's URL can be referenced within the comment of a ticket.
Zendesk.Ticket.Comment.attachments.mapped_content_urlstringThe URL the attachment image file has been mapped to.
Zendesk.Ticket.Comment.attachments.sizenumberThe size of the image file in bytes.
Zendesk.Ticket.Comment.attachments.urlstringA URL to access the attachment details.
Zendesk.Ticket.Comment.attachments.widthstringThe width of the image file in pixels.
Zendesk.Ticket.Comment.audit_idnumberThe ID of the ticket audit record.
Zendesk.Ticket.Comment.authorstringThe comment author.
Zendesk.Ticket.Comment.bodystringThe comment string.
Zendesk.Ticket.Comment.created_atdateThe time the comment was created.
Zendesk.Ticket.Comment.html_bodystringThe comment formatted as HTML.
Zendesk.Ticket.Comment.idnumberThe comment ID.
Zendesk.Ticket.Comment.metadataunknownSystem information (web client, IP address, etc.) and comment flags, if any.
Zendesk.Ticket.Comment.plain_bodystringThe comment as plain text.
Zendesk.Ticket.Comment.publicbooleanTrue if a public comment, false if an internal note.
Zendesk.Ticket.Comment.typestringComment or VoiceComment.


Attach file to ticket. Required permissions: End users.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ticket_idThe ID of the ticket where the file should be uploaded.Required
file_idThe file entry ID.Required
commentThe comment body for the attached file.Required
filenameThe filename to upload. Default is the original filename.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Get attachment. Required permissions: Admins.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
attachment_idThe ID of attachment to retrieve.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Search in Zendesk.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
queryThe query for the search.Required
page_numberThe page number (used for pagination).Optional
page_sizeThe page size (used for pagination).Optional
limitMaximum number of results to return. Default is 50.Optional

Context Output#

Zendesk.SearchunknownThe search results.


List all available articles. Required permissions: Agents, End users, Anonymous users.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
article_idThe ID of a specific article to retrieve.Optional
localeThe locale that the article is displayed in.Optional
limitMaximum number of results to return. Default is 50.Optional
page_sizeThe page size (used for pagination).Optional
page_numberThe page number (used for pagination).Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Clears the Zendesk integration cache.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Get remote data from a remote incident. Note that this method will not update the current incident. It's used for debugging purposes.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
idThe remote incident ID.Required
lastUpdateUTC timestamp in seconds. The incident is only updated if it was modified after the last update time. Default is 0.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Returns the list of fields for an incident type.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Get the list of incidents that were modified since the last update. Note that this method is used for debugging purposes. get-modified-remote-data is used as part of a Mirroring feature, which is available since version 6.1.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
lastUpdateDate string representing the local time. The incident is only returned if it was modified after the last update time.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Updates local incident changes in the remote incident. This method is only used for debugging purposes and will not update the current incident.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Get group's users. Allowed for: Admins, Agents and Light Agents.

Note: In case the group_id does not exist, the command will return all users.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
group_idThe ID of a specific group.Required
limitMaximum number of results to return. Default is 50.Optional
page_sizeThe page size (used for pagination).Optional
page_numberThe page number (used for pagination).Optional

Context Output#

Zendesk.UserGroup.activeBooleanFalse if the user has been deleted.
Zendesk.UserGroup.aliasStringAn alias displayed to end users.
Zendesk.UserGroup.created_atDateThe time the user was created.
Zendesk.UserGroup.custom_role_idNumberA custom role if the user is an agent on the Enterprise plan or above.
Zendesk.UserGroup.default_group_idNumberThe ID of the user's default group.
Zendesk.UserGroup.detailsStringAny details you want to store about the user, such as an address.
Zendesk.UserGroup.emailStringThe user's primary email address.
Zendesk.UserGroup.external_idStringA unique identifier from another system.
Zendesk.UserGroup.iana_time_zoneStringThe time zone for the user.
Zendesk.UserGroup.idNumberThe user's ID.
Zendesk.UserGroup.last_login_atDateThe last time the user signed in to Zendesk Support.
Zendesk.UserGroup.localeStringThe user's locale.
Zendesk.UserGroup.locale_idNumberThe user's locale ID.
Zendesk.UserGroup.moderatorBooleanWhether the user has forum moderation capabilities.
Zendesk.UserGroup.nameStringThe user's name.
Zendesk.UserGroup.notesStringAny notes you want to store about the user.
Zendesk.UserGroup.only_private_commentsBooleanTrue if the user can only create private comments.
Zendesk.UserGroup.organization_idNumberThe ID of the user's organization.
Zendesk.UserGroup.phoneStringThe user's primary phone number.
Zendesk.UserGroup.photoStringA URL pointing to the user's profile picture.
Zendesk.UserGroup.report_csvBooleanWhether the user can access the CSV report on the Search tab of the Reporting page in the Support admin interface.
Zendesk.UserGroup.restricted_agentBooleanWhether the agent has any restrictions; false for admins and unrestricted agents, true for other agents.
Zendesk.UserGroup.roleStringThe user's role. Possible values are "end-user", "agent", or "admin".
Zendesk.UserGroup.role_typeNumberThe user's role type.
Zendesk.UserGroup.sharedBooleanWhether the user is shared from a different Zendesk Support instance.
Zendesk.UserGroup.shared_agentBooleanWhether the user is a shared agent from a different Zendesk Support instance.
Zendesk.UserGroup.shared_phone_numberBooleanWhether the phone number is shared.
Zendesk.UserGroup.signatureStringThe user's signature.
Zendesk.UserGroup.suspendedBooleanWhether the agent is suspended. Tickets from suspended users are also suspended, and these users cannot sign in to the end user portal.
Zendesk.UserGroup.tagsUnknownThe user's tags. Only present if your account has user tagging enabled.
Zendesk.UserGroup.ticket_restrictionUnknownSpecifies which tickets the user has access to. Possible values are: "organization", "groups", "assigned", "requested", null.
Zendesk.UserGroup.time_zoneStringThe user's time zone.
Zendesk.UserGroup.two_factor_auth_enabledUnknownWhether two factor authentication is enabled.
Zendesk.UserGroup.updated_atDateThe time the user was last updated.
Zendesk.UserGroup.urlStringThe URL that points to the user's API record.
Zendesk.UserGroup.user_fieldsUnknownThe user fields as shown in the Zendesk user interface.
Zendesk.UserGroup.verifiedBooleanWhether any of the user's identities is verified.

Command example#

!zendesk-group-user-list group_id=12345 limit=1

Context Example#

"Zendesk": {
"UserGroup": [
"active": true,
"alias": "",
"created_at": "2022-03-27T08:42:06Z",
"custom_role_id": 4678497517981,
"default_group_id": 4678483739805,
"details": "",
"email": "",
"external_id": null,
"iana_time_zone": "Asia/Jerusalem",
"id": 1908275070333,
"last_login_at": "2023-05-31T11:13:41Z",
"locale": "en-US",
"locale_id": 1,
"moderator": true,
"name": "Admin",
"notes": "",
"only_private_comments": false,
"organization_id": 4678483740317,
"phone": null,
"photo": null,
"report_csv": true,
"restricted_agent": false,
"role": "admin",
"role_type": 4,
"shared": false,
"shared_agent": false,
"shared_phone_number": null,
"signature": "",
"suspended": false,
"tags": [],
"ticket_restriction": null,
"time_zone": "Asia/Jerusalem",
"two_factor_auth_enabled": null,
"updated_at": "2023-05-31T11:13:41Z",
"url": "https://some-url/api/v2/users/1908275070333.json",
"user_fields": {},
"verified": true

Human Readable Output#

Zendesk Group Users:#



Get Zendesk groups. Allowed for: Admins, Agents.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
limitMaximum number of results to return. Default is 50.Optional
page_sizeThe page size (used for pagination).Optional
page_numberThe page number (used for pagination).Optional

Context Output#

Zendesk.Group.created_atDateThe time the group was created.
Zendesk.Group.defaultBooleanIf the group is the default one for the account.
Zendesk.Group.deletedBooleantrue if the group is deleted false otherwise.
Zendesk.Group.descriptionStringThe description of the group.
Zendesk.Group.idNumberThe group ID.
Zendesk.Group.is_publicBooleanIf true, the group is public. If false, the group is private. You can't change a private group to a public group.
Zendesk.Group.nameStringThe name of the group.
Zendesk.Group.updated_atDateThe time of the last update of the group.
Zendesk.Group.urlStringThe API URL of the group.

Command example#

!zendesk-group-list limit=1

Context Example#

"Zendesk": {
"Group": [
"created_at": "2023-06-06T07:44:20Z",
"default": false,
"deleted": false,
"description": "This is a group for testing",
"id": 11395818128925,
"is_public": true,
"name": "Test Group",
"updated_at": "2023-06-06T07:44:20Z",
"url": "https://some-url/api/v2/groups/11395818128925.json"

Human Readable Output#

Zendesk groups:#

11395818128925Test Grouptrue2023-06-06T07:44:20Z2023-06-06T07:44:20Z

Incident Mirroring#

You can enable incident mirroring between Cortex XSOAR incidents and Zendesk v2 corresponding events (available from Cortex XSOAR version 6.0.0). To set up the mirroring:

  1. Enable Fetching incidents in your instance configuration.

  2. In the Mirroring Direction integration parameter, select in which direction the incidents should be mirrored:

    NoneTurns off incident mirroring.
    IncomingAny changes in Zendesk v2 events (mirroring incoming fields) will be reflected in Cortex XSOAR incidents.
    OutgoingAny changes in Cortex XSOAR incidents will be reflected in Zendesk v2 events (outgoing mirrored fields).
    Incoming And OutgoingChanges in Cortex XSOAR incidents and Zendesk v2 events will be reflected in both directions.
  3. Optional: Check the Close Mirrored XSOAR Incident integration parameter to close the Cortex XSOAR incident when the corresponding event is closed in Zendesk v2.

Newly fetched incidents will be mirrored in the chosen direction. However, this selection does not affect existing incidents.

Important Notes:

  • To ensure the mirroring works as expected, mappers are required, both for incoming and outgoing, to map the expected fields in Cortex XSOAR and Zendesk v2.
  • Required permissions: Admins