This Integration is part of the Zimperium Pack.#
Zimperium is a mobile security platform that generates alerts based on anomalous or unauthorized activities detected on a user's mobile device. This integration was integrated and tested with version 4.24 of Zimperium
Configure Zimperium in Cortex#
Parameter | Description | Required |
url | Server URL (e.g. https://domain.zimperium.com ) | True |
api_key | API Key | True |
isFetch | Fetch incidents | False |
fetch_query | Fetch Query. e.g, severity==CRITICAL | False |
max_fetch | Max fetch | False |
fetch_time | First fetch timestamp (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days, 3 months, 1 year) | False |
incidentType | Incident type | False |
insecure | Trust any certificate (not secure) | False |
proxy | Use system proxy settings | False |
You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
Search events.
Base Command#
Argument Name | Description | Required |
query | Search events query. | Optional |
verbose | Retrieve event full details. | Optional |
size | Maximum number of events to retrieve in each page. Default is 10. | Optional |
page | Page number. | Optional |
Context Output#
Path | Type | Description |
Zimperium.Events.appName | String | Application name. |
Zimperium.Events.bssid | String | Network BSSID. |
Zimperium.Events.bundleId | String | Bundle ID. |
Zimperium.Events.country | String | Event country. |
Zimperium.Events.customerContactName | String | Customer contact name. |
Zimperium.Events.customerContactPhone | String | Customer contact phone. |
Zimperium.Events.customerId | String | Customer ID. |
Zimperium.Events.deviceHash | String | Device hash. |
Zimperium.Events.deviceId | string | Device ID. |
Zimperium.Events.deviceModel | String | Device model. |
Zimperium.Events.deviceTime | String | Device time. |
Zimperium.Events.eventDetail | Unknown | Event additional details. |
Zimperium.Events.eventFullName | String | Event full name. |
Zimperium.Events.eventId | String | Event ID. |
Zimperium.Events.eventName | String | Event name. |
Zimperium.Events.eventState | String | Event state. |
Zimperium.Events.eventStateCode | Number | Event status code. |
Zimperium.Events.eventVector | String | Device or network attack vector. |
Zimperium.Events.firstName | String | First name of the phone owner. |
Zimperium.Events.lastName | String | Last name of the phone owner. |
Zimperium.Events.middleName | String | Middle name of the phone owner. |
Zimperium.Events.incidentSummary | String | Incident summary. |
Zimperium.Events.lastSeenTime | Date | Event last seen time. |
Zimperium.Events.locationDetail | String | Location details. |
Zimperium.Events.latitude | String | Latitude of the phone. |
Zimperium.Events.longitude | String | Longitude of the phone. |
Zimperium.Events.mdmId | String | MD ID. |
Zimperium.Events.mitigatedDate | Date | Mitigated date of the phone. |
Zimperium.Events.osType | String | OS type of the phone. |
Zimperium.Events.osVersion | String | OS version of the phone. |
Zimperium.Events.persistedTime | Date | Persisted time of the event. |
Zimperium.Events.queuedTime | Date | Queued time of the event. |
Zimperium.Events.severity | String | Severity of the event. |
Zimperium.Events.ssid | String | Network SSID. |
Zimperium.Events.tag1 | String | User pre-defined Zimperium tag. |
Zimperium.Events.tag2 | String | User pre defined Zimperium tag. |
Zimperium.Events.typeDesc | String | Event type description. |
Zimperium.Events.userEmail | String | Email address of the phone user. |
Zimperium.Events.userPhoneNumber | String | Phone number of the phone user. |
Zimperium.Events.zdid | String | Zimperium device ID. |
Zimperium.Events.zipsVersion | String | zIPS version where the event occurred. |
Command Example#
!zimperium-events-search query="severity==LOW;eventName==THREAT_DETECTED;osType==Android"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Number of events found: 1.#
eventId eventName eventState incidentSummary severity persistedTime 7fb73a12-4be1-4b91-be33-60f3e580c689 THREAT_DETECTED Pending Device is dormant. It is recommended to contact the user to reactivate the app. LOW 2020-06-06 02:05:57 +0000
Search users.
Base Command#
Argument Name | Description | Required |
query | The query to search for users. | Optional |
Search users by email address. | Optional | |
size | Maximum number of users to retrieve in each page. Default is 10. | Optional |
page | Page number. | Optional |
Context Output#
Path | Type | Description |
Zimperium.Users.activationTokenUrl | String | Activation token that is used to activate zIPS. |
Zimperium.Users.agreedToTerms | bool | Whether the user completed enrollment. |
Zimperium.Users.alias | String | User alias. |
Zimperium.Users.createdDate | Date | User created date. |
Zimperium.Users.dateJoined | Date | User joined date. |
Zimperium.Users.email | String | User email address. |
Zimperium.Users.firstName | String | User first name. |
Zimperium.Users.lastLogin | Date | User last login date. |
Zimperium.Users.lastName | String | User last name. |
Zimperium.Users.middleName | String | User middle name. |
Zimperium.Users.lastSyncFromMdm | Date | Last time the user synced from MDM, e.g., AirWatch, Mobile Iron, etc. |
Zimperium.Users.lastZconsoleLogin | Date | User last login to the Zimperium console. |
Zimperium.Users.modifiedDate | Date | User modified date. |
Zimperium.Users.objectId | String | User object ID. |
Zimperium.Users.passwordExpirationDate | Date | Use password expiration date. |
Zimperium.Users.phoneNumber | String | User phone number. |
Zimperium.Users.phoneNumberVerified | bool | Whether the user phone number is verified. |
Zimperium.Users.pwdRecoveryRequest | bool | Whether the user requested password recovery. |
Zimperium.Users.role | Number | User role. |
Zimperium.Users.roles.roleId | Number | User role ID. |
Zimperium.Users.signupSteps | Number | User sign-up steps. |
Zimperium.Users.staff | bool | Whether the user is a staff member. |
Zimperium.Users.status | Number | User status. |
Zimperium.Users.superuser | bool | Whether the user is a superuser. |
Zimperium.Users.syncedFromMdm | bool | Whether the user is synced from MDM, e.g., AirWatch, Mobile Iron, etc. |
Zimperium.Users.termsVersion | String | User terms version. |
Command Example#
!zimperium-users-search size=3 page=0
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Number of users found: 5. More users are available in the next page.#
objectId alias firstName lastName 3d588112-6467-4c2d-932a-b728f866163d paxsoar-rbaqodbmqad6dr53qmx0jvl2ze5v02pw Fname Lname test@gmail.com 437c8d9f-e9c2-44a0-bd8d-5cebd5cd8162 paxsoar-kz9qvdnvedqnkkkrgdvrobr3pkagmlovaoz3vo0dkp Hema Halliyal hhalliyal@paloaltonetworks.com 109e9873-29a4-49f3-bcf1-fd24ec634517 paxsoar-9ok5bgx3o8ax6vd8xk9rrq6x25v5ml808djrvwb94e A Krupnik akrupnik@paloaltonetworks.com
Retrieves details for a single user by object ID.
Base Command#
Argument Name | Description | Required |
object_id | Object ID. | Required |
Context Output#
Path | Type | Description |
Zimperium.Users.activationTokenUrl | String | Activation token that is used to activate zIPS. |
Zimperium.Users.agreedToTerms | Number | Whether the user completed enrollment. |
Zimperium.Users.alias | String | User alias. |
Zimperium.Users.createdDate | Date | User created date. |
Zimperium.Users.dateJoined | Date | User joined date. |
Zimperium.Users.email | String | User email address. |
Zimperium.Users.firstName | String | User first name. |
Zimperium.Users.lastName | String | User last name. |
Zimperium.Users.middleName | String | User middle name. |
Zimperium.Users.lastLogin | Date | User last login date. |
Zimperium.Users.lastSyncFromMdm | Unknown | Last time the user synced from MDM, e.g., AirWatch, Mobile Iron, etc. |
Zimperium.Users.lastZconsoleLogin | Date | User last login to the Zimperium console. |
Zimperium.Users.modifiedDate | Date | User last modified date. |
Zimperium.Users.objectId | String | User object ID. |
Zimperium.Users.passwordExpirationDate | Date | Use password expiration date. |
Zimperium.Users.phoneNumber | String | User phone number. |
Zimperium.Users.phoneNumberVerified | bool | Whether the user phone number is verified. |
Zimperium.Users.pwdRecoveryRequest | bool | Whether the user requested password recovery. |
Zimperium.Users.role | Number | User role. |
Zimperium.Users.roles.roleId | Number | User role ID. |
Zimperium.Users.signupSteps | Number | User sign-up steps. |
Zimperium.Users.staff | bool | Whether the user is a staff member. |
Zimperium.Users.status | Number | User status. |
Zimperium.Users.superuser | bool | Whether the user is a superuser. |
Zimperium.Users.syncedFromMdm | bool | Whether the user is synced from MDM, e.g., AirWatch, Mobile Iron, etc. |
Zimperium.Users.termsVersion | String | User terms version. |
Command Example#
!zimperium-user-get-by-id object_id=a045723f-5d3b-46f6-915a-fcbd42752aa0
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
objectId alias firstName lastName a045723f-5d3b-46f6-915a-fcbd42752aa0 paxsoar-mb11mz8o7mgne39eybezl8qngzen7bbg3ywld0lxqa Z Support paxsoar.support@zimperium.com
Search devices.
Base Command#
Argument Name | Description | Required |
query | Search devices query. | Optional |
size | Maximum number of users to retrieve in each page. Default is 10. | Optional |
page | Page number. | Optional |
Context Output#
Path | Type | Description |
Zimperium.Devices.appName | String | Application name. |
Zimperium.Devices.bundleId | String | Bundle ID. |
Zimperium.Devices.country | String | Device country. |
Zimperium.Devices.countryCode | String | Device country code. |
Zimperium.Devices.createdAt | Date | Created time of the device. |
Zimperium.Devices.deviceGroupName | String | Device group name. |
Zimperium.Devices.deviceHash | String | Device hash. |
Zimperium.Devices.deviceId | String | Device ID. |
Zimperium.Devices.email | String | Email address associated to the device. |
Zimperium.Devices.externalTrackingId1 | String | User pre-defined Zimperium tag. |
Zimperium.Devices.externalTrackingId2 | String | User pre-defined Zimperium tag. |
Zimperium.Devices.firstName | String | Device owner first name. |
Zimperium.Devices.lastName | String | Device owner last name. |
Zimperium.Devices.middleName | String | Device owner middle name. |
Zimperium.Devices.lastSeen | Date | Device last seen. |
Zimperium.Devices.mdmId | String | MDM ID, e.g., AirWatch, Mobile Iron. |
Zimperium.Devices.model | String | Device model. |
Zimperium.Devices.operatorAlpha | String | Name of the mobile operator. |
Zimperium.Devices.osBuild | String | OS build. |
Zimperium.Devices.osSecurityPatch | String | OS security patch. |
Zimperium.Devices.osType | String | OS type of the phone. |
Zimperium.Devices.osUpgradeable | bool | Whether the OS is upgradable. |
Zimperium.Devices.osVersion | String | OS version. |
Zimperium.Devices.osVulnerable | bool | Whether the OS is vulnerable. |
Zimperium.Devices.phoneNumber | String | Device phone number. |
Zimperium.Devices.processor | String | Device processor. |
Zimperium.Devices.riskPosture | String | Device risk. |
Zimperium.Devices.riskPostureCode | Number | Device risk code. |
Zimperium.Devices.status | String | Device status. |
Zimperium.Devices.statusCode | Number | Device status code. |
Zimperium.Devices.systemToken | String | Device system token. |
Zimperium.Devices.type | String | Device type. |
Zimperium.Devices.updatedDate | Date | Device updated date. |
Zimperium.Devices.userId | String | User ID of the device owner. |
Zimperium.Devices.version | String | Device version. |
Zimperium.Devices.vulnerabilities | String | Device vulnerabilities. |
Zimperium.Devices.zdid | String | Device ZD ID. |
Zimperium.Devices.zipsDistributionVersion | String | zIPS distribution version. |
Zimperium.Devices.zipsVersion | String | zIPS version. |
Command Example#
!zimperium-devices-search query="osType==Android"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Number of devices found: 1.#
deviceId zdid deviceHash model osType osVersion updatedDate 198280699673142 c728a9f1-dbcc-4b0f-84b2-5dc07e80b6e5 d3a5f56726ea39341ca19a534b8d5bc0cac07484b3032148857118f31b72bf01 SM-G900H Android 4.4.2 2020-07-07 02:28:47 UTC
Retrieves details for a single device.
Base Command#
Argument Name | Description | Required |
device_id | Device ID. | Optional |
zdid | Zimperium ID. | Optional |
Context Output#
Path | Type | Description |
Zimperium.Devices.appName | String | Application name. |
Zimperium.Devices.bundleId | String | Bundle ID. |
Zimperium.Devices.country | String | Device country. |
Zimperium.Devices.countryCode | String | Device country code. |
Zimperium.Devices.createdAt | Date | Created time of the device. |
Zimperium.Devices.deviceGroupName | String | Device group name. |
Zimperium.Devices.deviceHash | String | Device hash. |
Zimperium.Devices.deviceId | String | Device ID. |
Zimperium.Devices.email | String | Email address associated to the device. |
Zimperium.Devices.externalTrackingId1 | String | User pre-defined Zimperium tag. |
Zimperium.Devices.externalTrackingId2 | String | User pre-defined Zimperium tag. |
Zimperium.Devices.firstName | String | Device owner first name. |
Zimperium.Devices.lastName | String | Device owner last name. |
Zimperium.Devices.middleName | String | Device owner middle name. |
Zimperium.Devices.lastSeen | Date | Device last seen time. |
Zimperium.Devices.mdmId | String | MDM ID. e.g: AirWatch, Iron Mobile. |
Zimperium.Devices.model | String | Device model. |
Zimperium.Devices.operatorAlpha | String | Name of the mobile operator. |
Zimperium.Devices.osBuild | String | OS build. |
Zimperium.Devices.osSecurityPatch | String | OS security patch. |
Zimperium.Devices.osType | String | OS type of the phone. |
Zimperium.Devices.osUpgradeable | bool | Whether the OS is upgradable. |
Zimperium.Devices.osVersion | String | OS version. |
Zimperium.Devices.osVulnerable | bool | Whether the OS is vulnerable. |
Zimperium.Devices.phoneNumber | String | Phone number. |
Zimperium.Devices.processor | String | Device processor. |
Zimperium.Devices.riskPosture | String | Device risk. |
Zimperium.Devices.riskPostureCode | Number | Device risk code. |
Zimperium.Devices.status | String | Device status. |
Zimperium.Devices.statusCode | Number | Device status code. |
Zimperium.Devices.systemToken | String | Device system token. |
Zimperium.Devices.type | String | Device type. |
Zimperium.Devices.updatedDate | Date | Device updated date. |
Zimperium.Devices.userId | String | Device owner user ID. |
Zimperium.Devices.version | String | Device version. |
Zimperium.Devices.vulnerabilities | String | Device vulnerabilities. |
Zimperium.Devices.zdid | String | Device ZD ID. |
Zimperium.Devices.zipsDistributionVersion | String | zIPS distribution version. |
Zimperium.Devices.zipsVersion | String | zIPS version. |
Command Example#
!zimperium-device-get-by-id zdid=2a086e00-32f3-4c03-90b2-b9fd4ea836e5
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Device :#
deviceId zdid updatedDate deviceHash c3e39cf6-97aa-38df-86eb-60a8a2cafbc1 2a086e00-32f3-4c03-90b2-b9fd4ea836e5 2020-07-13 12:20:52 UTC f5b42533a5cd2e4452a954b62a5bbab7ac2147d5bf1ade726a48f1f1d111c9
Retrieves devices from Greater than Last Updated.
Base Command#
Argument Name | Description | Required |
from_last_update | <number> <time unit>, e.g., 7 days, 3 months, 1 year | Optional |
exclude_deleted | Whether to exclude deleted devices. Default is True. | Optional |
size | Number of devices to retrieve in each page. | Optional |
page | Page number. | Optional |
Context Output#
Path | Type | Description |
Zimperium.Devices.appName | String | Application name. |
Zimperium.Devices.bundleId | String | Bundle ID. |
Zimperium.Devices.country | String | Device country. |
Zimperium.Devices.countryCode | String | Device country code. |
Zimperium.Devices.createdAt | Date | Created time of the device. |
Zimperium.Devices.deviceGroupName | String | Device group name. |
Zimperium.Devices.deviceHash | String | Device hash. |
Zimperium.Devices.deviceId | String | Device ID. |
Zimperium.Devices.email | String | Email associated to the device. |
Zimperium.Devices.externalTrackingId1 | String | User pre defined Zimperium Tag. |
Zimperium.Devices.externalTrackingId2 | String | User pre defined Zimperium Tag. |
Zimperium.Devices.firstName | String | Device owner first name. |
Zimperium.Devices.lastName | String | Device owner last name. |
Zimperium.Devices.middleName | String | Device owner middle name. |
Zimperium.Devices.lastSeen | Date | Device last seen time. |
Zimperium.Devices.mdmId | String | MDM ID, e.g., AirWatch, Mobile Iron. |
Zimperium.Devices.model | String | Device model. |
Zimperium.Devices.operatorAlpha | String | Name of the mobile operator. |
Zimperium.Devices.osBuild | String | OS build. |
Zimperium.Devices.osSecurityPatch | String | OS security patch. |
Zimperium.Devices.osType | String | OS type of the phone. |
Zimperium.Devices.osUpgradeable | bool | Whether the OS is upgradable. |
Zimperium.Devices.osVersion | String | OS version. |
Zimperium.Devices.osVulnerable | bool | Whether the OS is vulnerable. |
Zimperium.Devices.phoneNumber | String | Phone number. |
Zimperium.Devices.processor | String | Device processor. |
Zimperium.Devices.riskPosture | String | Device risk. |
Zimperium.Devices.riskPostureCode | Number | Device risk code. |
Zimperium.Devices.status | String | Device status. |
Zimperium.Devices.statusCode | Number | Device status code. |
Zimperium.Devices.systemToken | String | Device system token. |
Zimperium.Devices.type | String | Device type. |
Zimperium.Devices.updatedDate | Date | Device updated date. |
Zimperium.Devices.userId | String | Device owner user ID. |
Zimperium.Devices.version | String | Device version. |
Zimperium.Devices.vulnerabilities | String | Device vulnerabilities. |
Zimperium.Devices.zdid | String | Device ZD ID. |
Zimperium.Devices.zipsDistributionVersion | String | zIPS distribution version. |
Zimperium.Devices.zipsVersion | String | zIPS version. |
Command Example#
!zimperium-devices-get-last-updated from_last_update="1 month"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Number of devices found: 2.#
deviceId zdid model osType osVersion updatedDate deviceHash 198280699673142 c728a9f1-dbcc-4b0f-84b2-5dc07e80b6e5 SM-G900H Android 4.4.2 2020-07-07 02:28:47 UTC d3a5f56726ea39341ca19a534b8d5bc0cac07484b3032148857118f31b72bf01 c3e39cf6-97aa-38df-86eb-60a8a2cafbc1 2a086e00-32f3-4c03-90b2-b9fd4ea836e5 2020-07-13 12:20:52 UTC f5b42533a5cd2e4452a954b62a5bbab7ac2147d5bf1ade726a48f1f1d111c9
Retrieves application classification.
Base Command#
Argument Name | Description | Required |
app_name | Application name. | Optional |
app_hash | Application hash. | Optional |
Context Output#
Path | Type | Description |
Zimperium.Application.classification | String | Application classification. |
Zimperium.Application.deviceCount | Number | Application device count. |
Zimperium.Application.hash | String | Application hash. |
Zimperium.Application.metadata | Unknown | Application metadata. |
Zimperium.Application.modifiedDate | Date | Application modified date. |
Zimperium.Application.name | String | Application name. |
Zimperium.Application.namespace | String | Application name space. |
Zimperium.Application.objectId | String | Application object ID. |
Zimperium.Application.privacyEnum | Number | Application privacy enum. |
Zimperium.Application.privacyRisk | String | Application privacy risk. |
Zimperium.Application.processState | String | Application process state. |
Zimperium.Application.score | Number | Application score (0 to 100). 0 is the best, 100 is the worst. |
Zimperium.Application.securityEnum | Number | Application security enum. |
Zimperium.Application.securityRisk | String | Application security risk. |
Zimperium.Application.systemToken | String | System token. |
Zimperium.Application.type | Number | Application type. |
Zimperium.Application.version | String | Application version. |
Command Example#
!zimperium-app-classification-get app_name=Duo
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
objectId hash name version classification score privacyEnum securityEnum ebdfed24-951e-45f5-845a-2c163c53fc47 85525e9c1fd30a20848812e417f3bb1a Duo 91.0.315322534.DR91_RC03 Legitimate 0.0 1 1 02a0ed2d-b22f-4b25-834f-232c7e1b4914 f26cf1135f9d2ea60532a5a13c6fbed5 Duo 91.0.314224792.DR91_RC01 Legitimate 0.0 1 1
Gets a report.
Base Command#
Argument Name | Description | Required |
bundle_id | Bundle ID. | Optional |
itunes_id | iTunes ID. | Optional |
app_hash | Application hash. | Optional |
platform | Application platform. | Optional |
Context Output#
Path | Type | Description |
Zimperium.Reports.app_analysis.analysis | Unknown | Application analysis data. |
Zimperium.Reports.behavior.count_sms | Number | The number of SMS messages. |
Zimperium.Reports.behavior.network.http_requests | Unknown | Network related data. |
Zimperium.Reports.behavior.telephony | Unknown | Standard permissions of the application. |
Zimperium.Reports.certificate.app_signature | String | Application signature. |
Zimperium.Reports.certificate.serial_number_app_instances | Number | Application serial number. |
Zimperium.Reports.certificate.serial_number_risk_score | Number | Application risk score. |
Zimperium.Reports.distribution | Unknown | Related distribution data. |
Zimperium.Reports.md5 | String | Application md5 hash. |
Zimperium.Reports.risk_profile.detection_rate | String | Detection rate of the application. |
Zimperium.Reports.risk_profile.intell_privacy | String | Privacy intelligence. |
Zimperium.Reports.risk_profile.intell_security | String | Security intelligence. |
Zimperium.Reports.risk_profile.overall_risk | String | Overall risk. |
Zimperium.Reports.risk_profile.privacy.Category | String | Privacy category |
Zimperium.Reports.risk_profile.privacy.Risk Level | String | Privacy risk level. |
Zimperium.Reports.risk_profile.privacy.desc | String | Privacy description. |
Zimperium.Reports.risk_profile.privacy_risk | Number | Privacy risk. |
Zimperium.Reports.risk_profile.security.Category | String | Security category. |
Zimperium.Reports.risk_profile.security.Risk Level | String | Security risk level. |
Zimperium.Reports.risk_profile.security.desc | String | Security description. |
Zimperium.Reports.risk_profile.security_risk | Number | Security risk. |
Zimperium.Reports.threats.detected | Number | Threats detected. |
Zimperium.Reports.threats.detected_skip | Number | Number of Skipped detected threats. |
Zimperium.Reports.threats.status | String | Threats status. |
Zimperium.Reports.threats.total | Number | Total threats. |
Command Example#
!zimperium-report-get app_hash=f26cf1135f9d2ea60532a5a13c6fbed5
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
behavior md5 threats sms: network: {"http_requests": null} count_sms: 0 telephony: null broadcast_receivers: f26cf1135f9d2ea60532a5a13c6fbed5 total: null status: Waiting in the queue detected: null scan_details: detected_skip: 0
Checks the reputation of an app in Zimperium.
Base Command#
Argument Name | Description | Required |
file | The MD5 hash of the file. | Optional |
Context Output#
Path | Type | Description |
DBotScore.Vendor | String | The vendor used to calculate the score. |
DBotScore.Score | Number | The actual score. |
DBotScore.Type | String | The indicator type. |
DBotScore.Indicator | String | The indicator that was tested. |
File.MD5 | String | MD5 hash of the file. |
File.SHA1 | String | SHA1 hash of the file. |
File.SHA256 | String | SHA256 hash of the file. |
File.Malicious.Vendor | String | For malicious files, the vendor that made the decision. |
Command Example#
!file file=85525e9c1fd30a20848812e417f3bb1a using-brand=Zimperium
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Hash 85525e9c1fd30a20848812e417f3bb1a reputation:#
objectId hash name version classification score privacyEnum securityEnum ebdfed24-951e-45f5-845a-2c163c53fc47 85525e9c1fd30a20848812e417f3bb1a Duo 91.0.315322534.DR91_RC03 Legitimate 0.0 1 1