ACTI Create Report-Indicator Associations
Accenture CTI v2 Pack.#
This Playbook is part of theDeprecated
No available replacement.
- NOTE: This playbook is deprecated.
- This sub-playbook makes the connections between ACTI indicators (from ACTI Indicator API) and ACTI intelligence reports (from ACTI Report API) that have pulled into an XSOAR incident via the Enrich Incidents with Indicators and Enrich Incidents with Intelligence Reports sub-playbooks.
- This sub-playbook cannot be integrated into generic XSOAR playbooks and playbooks from other vendors by itself. It is dependent upon the Enrich Incidents with Indicators and Enrich Incidents with Intelligence Reports sub-playbooks.
DependenciesThis playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.
Sub-playbooksThis playbook does not use any sub-playbooks.
IntegrationsThis playbook does not use any integrations.
Scripts- GetIndicatorDBotScore
- Exists
- CreateIndicatorRelationship
CommandsThis playbook does not use any commands.
Playbook InputsName | Description | Default Value | Required |
IP | The extracted IP address. | ${IP.Address} | Optional |
IA | The Intelligence Alert associated with the indicator. | ${intelligence_alerts} | Optional |
IR | The Intelligence Report associated with the indicator. | ${intelligence_reports} | Optional |
URL | The extracted URL. | ${URL.Data} | Optional |
Domain | The extracted Domain. | ${Domain.Name} | Optional |
MFam | The Malware Family associated with the indicator. | acti_malware_family_uuid | Optional |
TA | The Threat Actor associated with the indicator. | acti_threat_actors_uuid | Optional |
TG | The Threat Group associated with the indicator. | acti_threat_groups_uuid | Optional |
TC | The Threat Campaign associated with the indicator. | acti_threat_campaigns_uuid | Optional |
Playbook OutputsThere are no outputs for this playbook.