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Content Update Manager

This Playbook is part of the XSOAR Content Update Notifications Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.0.0 and later.

This playbook is part of the Content Management pack.


This playbook checks for any available content updates for selected installed content packs and notifies users via e-mail or Slack. It also contains an auto-update flow that lets users decide via playbook inputs or communication tasks if they want to trigger an auto-update process to install all updates that were found.


The content update flow can be triggered in one of the following ways.

  • Manually trigger by: 1) Creating a new incident with the type Content Update Manager. 2) Inserting the pack names you want to check and update. 3) Inserting one of the following: Email/ Slack username/ Slack channel to get notified in the process and choose whether to trigger the auto-update flow.
  • Configure a Cortex XSOAR job using Jobs.

Configuration & Dependencies#

  • GetServerURL pack - This is a mandatory dependency for the Content Update Manager playbook to run properly. You must install the GetServerURL pack through the XSOAR marketplace. No further configuration is required for this pack.
  • Core REST API - This is a mandatory dependency for the Content Update Manager playbook to run properly.
  • Send Notifications - Configure an email gateway integration or the Slack messaging integration to get notifications about the content update process.


Content Version Check - This playbook is a part of the Content Update Manager playbook flow, and it checks whether the installed content is updated to its latest version.


  • Core REST API
  • Scripts
  • GetServerURL
  • CollectPacksData
  • MarketplacePackInstaller


  • core-api-get
  • Set
  • setIncident
  • closeInvestigation

Playbook Inputs#

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
notificationemailProvides semi-colon delimited e-mail addresses for the new content notifications. Note: You must have an installed and configured integration that supports the send-mail command.incident.contentupdatemanageremailOptional
slackuserProvides a Slack username for the new content notifications. Note: You must have an installed and configured Slack integration.incident.contentupdatemanagerslackusernameOptional
slackchannelProvides a Slack channel for the new content notifications. Note: You must have an installed and configured Slack integration. Also, make sure the Cortex XSOAR application has access to this channel.incident.contentupdatemanagerslackchannelOptional
packsA CSV of packs to monitor.incident.contentupdatemanagerpackselectionRequired
auto_updateEstablishes whether to automatically update the content packs if there are available updates or wait for an analyst's approval or the manual update process. Specify 'Yes' for auto-update or 'No' for manual update.No default valueOptional

Playbook Outputs#

There are no outputs for this playbook.

Playbook Image#
