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Cortex ASM - ASM Alert

This Playbook is part of the Cortex Attack Surface Management Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.10.0 and later.

This playbook handles ASM alerts by enriching asset information and providing a means of remediating the issue directly or through contacting service owners.


This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.


  • Cortex ASM - Detect Service
  • Cortex ASM - Email Notification
  • Cortex ASM - Enrichment
  • Cortex ASM - Instant Message
  • Cortex ASM - Jira Notification
  • Cortex ASM - Remediation
  • Cortex ASM - Remediation Guidance
  • Cortex ASM - Remediation Path Rules
  • Cortex ASM - ServiceNow Notification


This playbook does not use any integrations.


  • DeleteContext
  • GenerateASMReport
  • GridFieldSetup


  • closeInvestigation
  • send-mail
  • setAlert

Playbook Inputs#

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
OwnerNotificationSubjectSubject of the notification (email or ticket) sent to potential service owner.A new security risk was identified on an external service owned by your teamRequired
OwnerNotificationBodyBody of the notification (email or ticket) sent to potential service owner.Infosec identified a security risk on an external service potentially owned by your team: ${}<br><br>

Description: ${alert.details}

NotificationTicketTypeThe ticket type used by ticketing systems. The default is "incident" because ticketing systems such as ServiceNow and Cherwell use it as default.incidentRequired
RemediationNotificationSubjectSubject of the notification (email or ticket) sent to the service owner after remediation.A new security risk was addressed on an external service owned by your teamRequired
RemediationNotificationHTMLBodyBody of the notification (email or ticket) sent to the service owner after remediation.<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
Infosec identified a security risk on an external service potentially owned by your
<b>Alert Details:</b> ${alert.details}<br>
<b>Action Taken:</b> ${alert.asmremediation.[0].action}<br>
<b>Action Outcome:</b> ${alert.asmremediation.[0].outcome}<br>
BypassDevCheckDetermine whether to bypass the Dev Check in automated remediation criteria:

Set to "True" if you want to bypass. Default is "False".
AcceptedRiskDsComma-separated list of instance/VM IDs that are considered an accepted risk and that should be closed.Optional
AcceptedRiskProjectsComma-separated list of projects numbers that are considered an accepted risk and that should be closed. For example, a list of GCP projects and AWS accounts.Optional
AcceptedRiskOtherComma-separated list of other items that are considered an accepted risk and that should be closed. For example, a list of folders numbers in GCP and subscription IDs in Azure.Optional
JiraProjectKeyThe Jira project key to associate with the issue.Required
AWSAssumeRoleNameIf assuming roles for AWS, this is the name of the role to assume (should be the same for all organizations).Optional
InstantMessageChannelChannel to send instant messages for notification purposes. For Slack, this will be the channel ID.Optional

Playbook Outputs#

There are no outputs for this playbook.

Playbook Image#

Cortex ASM - ASM Alert