Cortex XDR - XCloud Cryptojacking
Cloud Incident Response Pack.#
This Playbook is part of theSupported versions
Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.5.0 and later.
Investigates a Cortex XDR incident containing a Cloud Cryptojacking related alert. The playbook supports AWS, Azure, and GCP and executes the following:
- Cloud enrichment:
- Collects info about the involved resources
- Collects info about the involved identities
- Collects info about the involved IPs
- Verdict decision tree
- Verdict handling:
- Handle False Positives
- Handle True Positives
- Cloud Response - Generic sub-playbook.
- Notifies the SOC if a malicious verdict was found
DependenciesThis playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.
Sub-playbooks- Cortex XDR - XCloud Cryptojacking - Set Verdict
- Cortex XDR - Cloud Enrichment
- Cloud Credentials Rotation - Generic
- Cloud Response - Generic
IntegrationsThis playbook does not use any integrations.
Scripts- IncreaseIncidentSeverity
Commands- send-mail
- setIncident
- xdr-get-cloud-original-alerts
- xdr-update-incident
- xdr-get-incident-extra-data
- closeInvestigation
Playbook InputsName | Description | Default Value | Required |
SOCEmailAddress | The SOC email address to use for the alert status notification. | Optional | |
requireAnalystReview | Whether to require an analyst review after the alert remediation. | True | Optional |
incident_id | The incident ID. | Optional | |
alert_id | The alert ID. | Optional | |
cloudProvider | The cloud service provider involved. | PaloAltoNetworksXDR.OriginalAlert.event.cloud_provider | Optional |
ResolveIP | Determines whether to convert the IP address to a hostname using a DNS query (True/ False). | True | Optional |
InternalRange | A list of internal IP ranges to check IP addresses against. For IP Enrichment - Generic v2 playbook. | lists.PrivateIPs | Optional |
autoBlockIndicators | Whether to block the indicators automatically. | False | Optional |
autoAccessKeyRemediation | Whether to execute the user remediation flow automatically. | False | Optional |
autoResourceRemediation | Whether to execute the resource remediation flow automatically. | False | Optional |
autoUserRemediation | Whether to execute the user remediation flow automatically. | False | Optional |
credentialsRemediationType | The response playbook provides the following remediation actions using AWS, MSGraph Users, GCP and GSuite Admin: Reset: By entering "Reset" in the input, the playbook will execute password reset. Supports: AWS, MSGraph Users, GCP and GSuite Admin. Revoke: By entering "Revoke" in the input, the GCP will revoke the access key, GSuite Admin will revoke the access token and the MSGraph Users will revoke the session. Supports: GCP, GSuite Admin and MSGraph Users. Deactivate - By entering "Deactivate" in the input, the playbook will execute access key deactivation. Supports: AWS. ALL: By entering "ALL" in the input, the playbook will execute the all remediation actions provided for each CSP. | Reset | Optional |
AWS-accessKeyRemediationType | Choose the remediation type for the user's access key. AWS available types: Disable - for disabling the user's access key. Delete - for the user's access key deletion. | Disable | Optional |
AWS-resourceRemediationType | Choose the remediation type for the instances created. AWS available types: Stop - for stopping the instances. Terminate - for terminating the instances. | Stop | Optional |
AWS-userRemediationType | Choose the remediation type for the user involved. AWS available types: Delete - for the user deletion. Revoke - for revoking the user's credentials. | Revoke | Optional |
AWS-newRoleName | The name of the new role to create if the analyst decides to clone the service account. | Optional | |
AWS-newInstanceProfileName | The name of the new instance profile to create if the analyst decides to clone the service account. | Optional | |
AWS-roleNameToRestrict | If provided, the role will be attached with a deny policy without the compute instance analysis flow. | Optional | |
shouldCloneSA | Whether to clone the compromised SA before putting a deny policy to it. True/False | True | Optional |
Azure-resourceRemediationType | Choose the remediation type for the instances created. Azure available types: Poweroff - for shutting down the instances. Delete - for deleting the instances. | Poweroff | Optional |
Azure-userRemediationType | Choose the remediation type for the user involved. Azure available types: Disable - for disabling the user. Delete - for deleting the user. | Disable | Optional |
GCP-accessKeyRemediationType | Choose the remediation type for the user's access key. GCP available types: Disable - For disabling the user's access key. Delete - For the deleting user's access key. | Disable | Optional |
GCP-resourceRemediationType | Choose the remediation type for the instances created. GCP available types: Stop - For stopping the instances. Delete - For deleting the instances. | Stop | Optional |
GCP-userRemediationType | Choose the remediation type for the user involved. GCP available types: Delete - For deleting the user. Disable - For disabling the user. | Disable | Optional |
Playbook OutputsThere are no outputs for this playbook.