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Cortex XDR - Cloud IAM User Access Investigation

This Playbook is part of the Cloud Incident Response Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.8.0 and later.

Investigate and respond to Cortex XDR Cloud alerts where a Cloud IAM user`s access key is used suspiciously to access the cloud environment. The following alerts are supported for AWS, Azure, and GCP environments.

  • Penetration testing tool attempt
  • Penetration testing tool activity
  • Suspicious API call from a Tor exit node


This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.


  • Cloud Response - Generic
  • Account Enrichment - Generic v2.1
  • Cloud Credentials Rotation - Generic
  • Cloud IAM Enrichment - Generic


This playbook does not use any integrations.


This playbook does not use any scripts.


  • ip
  • xdr-get-cloud-original-alerts
  • setIncident

Playbook Inputs#

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
alert_idThe alert ID.Optional
autoAccessKeyRemediationWhether to execute the user remediation flow automatically.FalseOptional
autoBlockIndicatorsWhether to block the indicators automatically.FalseOptional
autoUserRemediationWhether to execute the user remediation flow automatically.FalseOptional
credentialsRemediationTypeThe response playbook provides the following remediation actions using AWS, MSGraph Users, GCP and GSuite Admin:

Reset: By entering "Reset" in the input, the playbook will execute password reset.
Supports: AWS, MSGraph Users, GCP and GSuite Admin.

Revoke: By entering "Revoke" in the input, the GCP will revoke the access key, GSuite Admin will revoke the access token and the MSGraph Users will revoke the session.
Supports: GCP, GSuite Admin and MSGraph Users.

Deactivate - By entering "Deactivate" in the input, the playbook will execute access key deactivation.
Supports: AWS.

ALL: By entering "ALL" in the input, the playbook will execute the all remediation actions provided for each CSP.
AWS-accessKeyRemediationTypeChoose the remediation type for the user's access key.

AWS available types:
Disable - for disabling the user's access key.
Delete - for deleting the user's access key.
AWS-userRemediationTypeChoose the remediation type for the user involved.

AWS available types:
Delete - for the user deletion.
Revoke - for revoking the user's credentials.
AWS-newRoleNameThe name of the new role to create if the analyst decides to clone the service account.Optional
AWS-newInstanceProfileNameThe name of the new instance profile to create if the analyst decides to clone the service account.Optional
AWS-roleNameToRestrictIf provided, the role will be attached with a deny policy without the compute instance analysis flow.Optional
shouldCloneSAWhether to clone the compromised SA before putting a deny policy to it.
Azure-userRemediationTypeChoose the remediation type for the user involved.

Azure available types:
Disable - for disabling the user.
Delete - for deleting the user.
GCP-accessKeyRemediationTypeChoose the remediation type for the user's access key.

GCP available types:
Disable - For disabling the user's access key.
Delete - For deleting the user's access key.
GCP-userRemediationTypeChoose the remediation type for the user involved.

GCP available types:
Delete - For deleting the user.
Disable - For disabling the user.

Playbook Outputs#

There are no outputs for this playbook.

Playbook Image#

Cortex XDR - Cloud IAM User Access Investigation