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Cortex XDR - Endpoint Investigation

This Playbook is part of the Cortex XDR by Palo Alto Networks Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.5.0 and later.

This playbook is part of the 'Malware Investigation And Response' pack. For more information, refer to This playbook handles all the endpoint investigation actions available with Cortex XSOAR, including the following tasks:

  • Pre-defined MITRE Tactics

  • Host fields (Host ID)

  • Attacker fields (Attacker IP, External host)

  • MITRE techniques

  • File hash (currently, the playbook supports only SHA256)

    Note: The playbook inputs enable manipulating the execution flow; read the input descriptions for details.


This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.


This playbook does not use any sub-playbooks.


  • CortexXDRIR


This playbook does not use any scripts.


  • xdr-get-alerts

Playbook Inputs#

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
HuntReconnaissanceTechniquesSet to True to hunt for identified alerts with MITRE Reconnaissance techniques.TrueOptional
HuntInitialAccessTechniquesSet to True to hunt for identified alerts with MITRE Access techniques.TrueOptional
HuntExecutionTechniquesSet to True to hunt for identified alerts with MITRE Execution techniques.TrueOptional
HuntPersistenceTechniquesSet to True to hunt for identified alerts with MITRE Persistence techniques.TrueOptional
HuntPrivilegeEscalationTechniquesSet to True to hunt for identified alerts with MITRE Privilege Escalation techniques.TrueOptional
HuntDefenseEvasionTechniquesSet to True to hunt for identified alerts with MITRE Defense Evasion techniques.TrueOptional
HuntDiscoveryTechniquesSet to True to hunt for identified alerts with MITRE Discovery techniques.TrueOptional
HuntLateralMovementTechniquesSet to True to hunt for identified alerts with MITRE Lateral Movement techniques.TrueOptional
HuntCollectionTechniquesSet to True to hunt for MITRE Collection techniques identified alerts.TrueOptional
HuntCnCTechniquesSet to True to hunt for identified alerts with MITRE Command and Control techniques.TrueOptional
HuntImpactTechniquesSet to True to hunt for identified alerts with MITRE Impact techniques.TrueOptional
HuntAttackerSet to True to hunt the attacker IP address or external host name.Optional
HuntByTechniqueSet to True to hunt by a specific MITRE technique.Optional
HuntByHostSet to True to hunt by the endpoint ID. The agentID input must be provided as well.Optional
HuntByFileBoolean. Set to True to hunt by a specific file hash.
Supports SHA256.
agentIDThe agent ID.incident.agentsidOptional
attackerRemoteIPThe IP address of the attacker. The 'HuntAttacker' inputs should also be set to True.Optional
attackerExternalHostThe external host used by the attacker. The 'HuntAttacker' inputs should also be set to True.Optional
mitreTechniqueIDA MITRE technique identifier. The 'HuntByTechnique' inputs should also be set to True.Optional
FileSHA256The file SHA256. The 'HuntByFile' inputs should also be set to True.File.SHA256Optional
timeRangeA time range to execute the hunting in.
The input should be in the following format:
* 1 day ago
* 2 minutes ago
* 4 hours ago
* 8 days ago
2 hours agoOptional
RunAllWhether to run all the sub-tasks for Mitre Tactics.TrueOptional

Playbook Outputs#

PaloAltoNetworksXDR.AlertAlerts retrieved from Cortex XDRstring
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Alert.internal_idThe unique ID of the alert.string
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Alert.source_insert_tsThe detection timestampdate
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Alert.alert_nameThe name of the alert.string
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Alert.severityThe severity of the alert.string
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Alert.alert_categoryThe category of the alert.string
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Alert.alert_action_statusThe alert action. Possible values.

DETECTED: detected
DETECTED_0: detected (allowed the session)
DOWNLOAD: detected (download)
DETECTED_19: detected (forward)
POST_DETECTED: detected (post detected)
PROMPT_ALLOW: detected (prompt allow)
DETECTED_4: detected (raised an alert)
REPORTED: detected (reported)
REPORTED_TRIGGER_4: detected (on write)
SCANNED: detected (scanned)
DETECTED_23: detected (sinkhole)
DETECTED_18: detected (syncookie sent)
DETECTED_21: detected (wildfire upload failure)
DETECTED_20: detected (wildfire upload success)
DETECTED_22: detected (wildfire upload skip)
DETECTED_MTH: detected (xdr managed threat hunting)
BLOCKED_25: prevented (block)
BLOCKED: prevented (blocked)
BLOCKED_14: prevented (block-override)
BLOCKED_5: prevented (blocked the url)
BLOCKED_6: prevented (blocked the ip)
BLOCKED_13: prevented (continue)
BLOCKED_1: prevented (denied the session)
BLOCKED_8: prevented (dropped all packets)
BLOCKED_2: prevented (dropped the session)
BLOCKED_3: prevented (dropped the session and sent a tcp reset)
BLOCKED_7: prevented (dropped the packet)
BLOCKED_16: prevented (override)
BLOCKED_15: prevented (override-lockout)
BLOCKED_26: prevented (post detected)
PROMPT_BLOCK: prevented (prompt block)
BLOCKED_17: prevented (random-drop)
BLOCKED_24: prevented (silently dropped the session with an icmp unreachable message to the host or application)
BLOCKED_9: prevented (terminated the session and sent a tcp reset to both sides of the connection)
BLOCKED_10: prevented (terminated the session and sent a tcp reset to the client)
BLOCKED_11: prevented (terminated the session and sent a tcp reset to the server)
BLOCKED_TRIGGER_4: prevented (on write)
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Alert.alert_action_status_readableThe alert action.string
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Alert.alert_descriptionThe alert description.string
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Alert.agent_ip_addressesThe host IP.string
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Alert.agent_hostnameThe host name.string
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Alert.mitre_tactic_id_and_nameThe MITRE attack tactic.string
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Alert.mitre_technique_id_and_nameThe MITRE attack technique.string
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Alert.starredWhether the alert is starred or not.string

Playbook Image#

Cortex XDR - Endpoint Investigation