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Cortex XDR - First SSO Access - Set Verdict

This Playbook is part of the Cortex XDR by Palo Alto Networks Pack.#


Use Cortex XDR - Identity Analytics instead.

Deprecated. Use Cortex XDR - Identity Analytics instead. This playbook determines the alert’s verdict based on the results of multiple checks. By default, if at least two of the checks' results are true, the verdict is set to malicious. else if only one check's results are true, the verdict is set to suspicious. If none of the conditions is true, the verdict is set to non-malicious. It is possible to change the threshold value of the inputs to change the sensitivity of the verdict.


This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.


This playbook does not use any sub-playbooks.


This playbook does not use any integrations.


  • SetGridField
  • SetMultipleValues
  • Set


  • setIncident

Playbook Inputs#

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
FailedlogonUserThresholdThis is the minimum threshold for failed login attempts by the user.
example: If this input is set to '30', and the playbook has found 31 failed login attempts - It will classify this check as suspicious activity.
FailedlogonFromASNThresholdThis is the minimum threshold for failed login attempts from ASN.
example: If this input is set to '20', and the playbook has found 21 failed login attempts from ASN - It will classify this check as suspicious activity.
XDRRelatedAlertsThresholdThis is the minimum threshold for XDR related alerts based on user activity to identify suspicious activity.
example: If this input is set to '3', and the playbook has found 4 XDR related alerts - It will classify this check as suspicious activity.
MaliciousVerdictThresholdThe 'Malicious verdict' threshold to determine a malicious verdict.
Should be Greater than the "SuspiciousVerdictThreshold" input.
SuspiciousVerdictThresholdThe 'Suspicious verdict' threshold to determine a suspicious verdict.
Should be lower than the "MaliciousVerdictThreshold" input.
AlertNameAlert Name.Optional
NumOfFailedLogonASNThe number of failed logins from the ASN.Optional
RelatedCampaignCampaign related to the indicator.Optional
NumOfXDRAlertsThe number of XDR alerts for the user.Optional
NumOfFailedLogonThe number of failed logins.Optional
NumOfOktaSuspiciousUserAgentThe number of suspicious user agents from Okta.Optional
NumOfOktaSuspiciousActivitiesThe number of suspicious activities for the user from Okta.Optional
PermanentCountryTrue if the user works from a permanent country from Okta. Otherwise, false.Optional
XDRRiskyUserUsernames of users that were found as risky by Cortex XDR.PaloAltoNetworksXDR.RiskyUser.idOptional
XDRRiskyHostHostnames that were found as risky by Cortex

Playbook Outputs#

VerdictThe verdict based on the results of multiple checks.unknown

Playbook Image#

Cortex XDR - First SSO Access - Set Verdict