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Cortex XDR - Get entity alerts by MITRE tactics CTF

This Playbook is part of the Capture The Flag - 01 Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 8.2.0 and later.

This playbook is part of the Cortex XDR by Palo Alto Networks’ pack. This playbook searches alerts related to specific entities from Cortex XDR, on a given timeframe, based on MITRE tactics. Note: The playbook's inputs enable manipulating the execution flow. Read the input descriptions for details.


This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.


This playbook does not use any sub-playbooks.


  • CortexXDRIRCTF


  • CountArraySize


  • xdr-get-alerts-ctf

Playbook Inputs#

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
HuntReconnaissanceTechniquesSet to True to hunt for identified alerts with MITRE Reconnaissance techniques.TrueOptional
HuntInitialAccessTechniquesSet to True to hunt for identified alerts with MITRE Initial Access techniques.TrueOptional
HuntExecutionTechniquesSet to True to hunt for identified alerts with MITRE Execution techniques.TrueOptional
HuntPersistenceTechniquesSet to True to hunt for identified alerts with MITRE Persistence techniques.TrueOptional
HuntPrivilegeEscalationTechniquesSet to True to hunt for identified alerts with MITRE Privilege Escalation techniques.TrueOptional
HuntDefenseEvasionTechniquesSet to True to hunt for identified alerts with MITRE Defense Evasion techniques.TrueOptional
HuntDiscoveryTechniquesSet to True to hunt for identified alerts with MITRE Discovery techniques.TrueOptional
HuntLateralMovementTechniquesSet to True to hunt for identified alerts with MITRE Lateral Movement techniques.TrueOptional
HuntCollectionTechniquesSet to True to hunt for identified alerts with MITRE Collection techniques .TrueOptional
HuntCnCTechniquesSet to True to hunt for identified alerts with MITRE Command and Control techniques.TrueOptional
HuntImpactTechniquesSet to True to hunt for identified alerts with MITRE Impact techniques.TrueOptional
HuntCredentialAccessTechniquesSet to True to hunt for identified alerts with MITRE Credential Access techniques.Optional
timeRangeA time range to execute the hunting in.
The input should be in the following format:
* 1 day
* 2 minutes
* 4 hours
* 8 days
2 hoursOptional
RunAllWhether to run all the sub-tasks for Mitre Tactics.Optional
EntityTypeEntity type to search on xdr-get-alerts custom filters.Optional
entityIDEntity value.Optional

Playbook Outputs#

PaloAltoNetworksXDR.AlertAlerts found.unknown
ArraySizeArray size.unknown

Playbook Image#

Cortex XDR - Get entity alerts by MITRE tactics CTF