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Cortex XDR - Identity Analytics

This Playbook is part of the Cortex XDR by Palo Alto Networks Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.10.0 and later.

The Cortex XDR - Identity Analytics playbook is designed to handle Cortex XDR Identity Analytics alerts and executes the following:


  • Enriches the IP address and the account, providing additional context and information about these indicators.


  • Determines the appropriate verdict based on the data collected from the enrichment phase.


  • Checks for related Cortex XDR alerts to the user by Mitre tactics to identify malicious activity.
  • Checks for specific arguments for malicious usage from Okta using the 'Okta User Investigation' sub-playbook.
  • Checks for specific arguments for malicious usage from Azure using the 'Azure User Investigation' sub-playbook.

Verdict Handling:

  • Handles malicious alerts by initiating appropriate response actions, including blocking malicious IP addresses and revoking or clearing user's sessions.
  • Handles non-malicious alerts identified during the investigation.

The playbook is used as a sub-playbook in ‘Cortex XDR Alerts Handling v2’.


This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.


  • Azure - User Investigation
  • Cloud Credentials Rotation - Azure
  • Okta - User Investigation
  • Cortex XDR - Get entity alerts by MITRE tactics
  • Block IP - Generic v3
  • Cloud IAM Enrichment - Generic
  • Account Enrichment - Generic v2.1


  • XDR_iocs
  • CortexXDRIR
  • XQLQueryingEngine




  • okta-clear-user-sessions
  • xdr-get-cloud-original-alerts
  • setIncident
  • ip

Playbook Inputs#

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
AlertNameAlert name.Optional
alert_idAlert ID.Optional
IPAddressIP address from the XDR alert.Optional
UsernameUser name.Optional
RelatedAlertsThresholdThis is the minimum threshold for Cortex XDR related alerts, based on MITRE tactics used to identify malicious activity by the user in the last 1 day.
FailedLogonThresholdThis is the minimum threshold for user login failures within the last 1 day.
For example: If this input is set to '30', and the 'Okta - User Investigation' or the 'Azure - User Investigation' sub-playbooks have found 31 failed login attempts - It will classify this behavior as malicious activity.
The default value is '30'.
OktaSuspiciousActivitiesThresholdThis is the minimum threshold for suspicious Okta activity events by the user in the last 1 day.
For example: If this input is set to '5', and the 'Okta - User Investigation' sub-playbooks have found 6 events of suspicious activity by the user - It will classify this behavior as malicious activity.
The default value is '5'.
AutoRemediationWhether to execute the remediation flow automatically.
Possible values are: "True" and "False".
IAMRemediationTypeThe response playbook provides the following remediation actions using MSGraph Users:

Reset: By entering "Reset" in the input, the playbook will execute password reset.

Revoke: By entering "Revoke" in the input, the playbook will revoke the user's session.

ALL: By entering "ALL" in the input, the playbook will execute the reset password and revoke session tasks.
FWAutoCommitThis input determines whether to commit the configuration automatically on PAN-OS devices and other FWs.
Yes - Commit automatically.
No - Commit manually.
UserVerificationPossible values: True/False. Default: True.
Whether to provide user verification for blocking those IPs.

False - No prompt will be displayed to the user.
True - The server will ask the user for blocking verification and will display the blocking list.
InternalRangeA list of internal IP ranges to check IP addresses against. The list should be provided in CIDR notation, separated by commas. An example of a list of ranges would be: ",," (without quotes). If a list is not provided, will use the default list provided in the IsIPInRanges script (the known IPv4 private address ranges).lists.PrivateIPsOptional

Playbook Outputs#

There are no outputs for this playbook.

Playbook Image#

Cortex XDR - Identity Analytics