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Detonate File - ThreatGrid v2

This Playbook is part of the Cisco Secure Malware Analytics Pack.#

Detonate one or more files using the ThreatGrid integration. This playbook returns relevant reports to the War Room and file reputations to the context data. The detonation supports the following file types - EXE, DLL, JAR, JS, PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, XLS, PPT, PPTX, XML, ZIP, VBN, SEP, XZ, GZ, BZ2, TAR, MHTML, SWF, LNK, URL, MSI, JTD, JTT, JTDC, JTTC, HWP, HWT, HWPX, BAT, HTA, PS1, VBS, WSF, JSE, VBE, CHM


This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.


This playbook does not use any sub-playbooks.


  • ThreatGridv2


  • Set


  • threat-grid-sample-upload

Playbook Inputs#

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
FileFile object of the file to detonate.FileRequired

Playbook Outputs#

File.TypeFile type e.g. "PE"string
File.SizeFile Sizenumber
File.ExtensionFile Extensionstring

Playbook Image#

Detonate File - ThreatGrid