Get User Devices by Username - Generic
Common Playbooks Pack.#
This Playbook is part of theSupported versions
Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.8.0 and later.
This playbook retrieves information on all of the associated user devices, based on the user's username.
In order to get a generic output, the following information on all of the retrieved devices will be saved under the UserDevices
context key:
- Name
- Serial Number
- ID
- Model
- MAC Address
- OS
- Integration
Note that not all of the supported integrations will be able to retrieve this information.
Supported integrations:
- jamf v2
- Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
- Cortex XDR IR
- ServiceNow v2
- Google Workspace (Gsuite)
- Active Directory Query v2.
DependenciesThis playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.
Sub-playbooksThis playbook does not use any sub-playbooks.
Integrations- ServiceNow v2
- Cortex XDR - IR
- jamf v2
- Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection
Scripts- SetAndHandleEmpty
- SetMultipleValues
- IsIntegrationAvailable
Commands- gsuite-mobiledevice-list
- jamf-get-mobile-device-by-match
- ad-get-user
- microsoft-atp-get-user-machines
- servicenow-query-computers
- core-get-endpoints
- jamf-get-mobile-device-by-id
- servicenow-query-users
- jamf-get-computer-by-match
- xdr-get-endpoints
- jamf-get-computer-by-id
Playbook InputsName | Description | Default Value | Required |
Username | The username of the user. | Optional | |
GsuiteCustomerID | If using Google Workspace, a customer ID is needed. | Optional | |
CustomADAttribute | A custom Active Directory attribute. In case there is a custom attribute in Active Directory which stores the name of the computer assigned to the user in the user object, it would be fetched. | Optional |
Playbook OutputsPath | Description | Type |
GSuite.MobileDevices | Gsuite mobile devices. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects | A list of mobile device objects. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.kind | The type of the API resource. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.etag | ETag of the resource. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.resourceId | The unique ID the API service uses to identify the mobile device. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.deviceId | The serial number for a Google Sync mobile device. For Android and iOS devices, this is a software-generated unique identifier. | unknown | | A list of the owner's usernames. | unknown | | A list of the owner's email addresses. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.model | The mobile device's model name. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.os | The mobile device's operating system. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.type | The type of mobile device. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.status | The mobile device's status. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.hardwareId | The IMEI/MEID unique identifier for Android hardware. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.firstSync | The date and time the mobile device was initially synchronized with the policy settings in the Admin console. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.lastSync | The date and time the mobile device was last synchronized with the policy settings in the Admin console. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.userAgent | Information about the mobile device such as the operating system version. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.serialNumber | The mobile device's serial number. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.imei | The mobile device's IMEI number. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.meid | The mobile device's MEID number. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.wifiMacAddress | The mobile device's MAC address on Wi-Fi networks. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.networkOperator | Mobile device mobile or network operator. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.defaultLanguage | The default locale used on the mobile device. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.managedAccountIsOnOwnerProfile | Boolean indicating if this account is on the owner/primary profile. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.deviceCompromisedStatus | The compromised device status. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.buildNumber | The mobile device's operating system build number. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.kernelVersion | The mobile device's kernel version. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.basebandVersion | The mobile device's baseband version. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.unknownSourcesStatus | Unknown sources enabled or disabled on the mobile device. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.adbStatus | Whether adb (USB debugging) is enabled on the mobile device. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.developerOptionsStatus | Whether developer options are enabled on the mobile device. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.otherAccountsInfo | A list of accounts added on the device. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.supportsWorkProfile | Work profile supported on the mobile device. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.manufacturer | Mobile device manufacturer. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.releaseVersion | Mobile device release version. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.securityPatchLevel | Mobile device security patch level. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.brand | Mobile device brand. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.bootloaderVersion | Mobile device bootloader version. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.hardware | Mobile device hardware. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.encryptionStatus | Mobile device encryption status. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.devicePasswordStatus | Mobile device password status. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.privilege | DM agent permission. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.applications | Mobile device applications. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.applications.packageName | The application's package name. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.applications.displayName | The application's display name. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.applications.versionName | The application's version name. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.applications.versionCode | The application's version code. | unknown |
GSuite.MobileDevices.MobileListObjects.applications.permission | The list of permissions of this application. | unknown |
JAMF.Computer | Computer object. | unknown | | The computer ID. | unknown | | The computer name. | unknown |
JAMF.Computer.udid | The computer UDID. | unknown |
JAMF.Computer.serial_number | The computer serial number. | unknown |
JAMF.Computer.mac_address | The computer MAC address. | unknown |
JAMF.Computer.alt_mac_address | The computer alt MAC address. | unknown |
JAMF.Computer.asset_tag | The computer asset tag. | unknown |
JAMF.Computer.bar_code_1 | The computer barcode 1. | unknown |
JAMF.Computer.bar_code_2 | The computer barcode 2. | unknown |
JAMF.Computer.username | The computer username. | unknown |
JAMF.Computer.realname | The computer real name. | unknown | | The computer email address. | unknown |
JAMF.Computer.email_address | The computer email address. | unknown | | The computer room. | unknown |
JAMF.Computer.position | The computer position. | unknown |
JAMF.Computer.building | The computer building. | unknown |
JAMF.Computer.building_name | The computer building name. | unknown |
JAMF.Computer.department | The computer department. | unknown |
JAMF.Computer.department_name | The computer department name. | unknown |
JAMF.MobileDevice | Mobile device object. | unknown | | The mobile device ID. | unknown | | The mobile device name. | unknown |
JAMF.MobileDevice.udid | The mobile device UDID. | unknown |
JAMF.MobileDevice.serial_number | The mobile device serial number. | unknown |
JAMF.MobileDevice.mac_address | The mobile device MAC address. | unknown |
JAMF.MobileDevice.wifi_mac_address | The mobile device WI-FI MAC address. | unknown |
JAMF.MobileDevice.username | The mobile device username. | unknown |
JAMF.MobileDevice.realname | The mobile device real name. | unknown | | The mobile device user email address. | unknown |
JAMF.MobileDevice.email_address | The mobile device user email address. | unknown | | The mobile device room. | unknown |
JAMF.MobileDevice.position | The mobile device position. | unknown |
JAMF.MobileDevice.building | The mobile device building. | unknown |
JAMF.MobileDevice.building_name | The mobile device building name. | unknown |
JAMF.MobileDevice.department | The mobile device department. | unknown |
JAMF.MobileDevice.department_name | The mobile device department name. | unknown |
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Endpoint.endpoint_id | The endpoint ID. | unknown |
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Endpoint.endpoint_name | The endpoint name. | unknown |
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Endpoint.endpoint_type | The endpoint type. | unknown |
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Endpoint.endpoint_status | The status of the endpoint. | unknown |
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Endpoint.os_type | The endpoint OS type. | unknown |
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Endpoint.ip | A list of IP addresses. | unknown |
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Endpoint.users | A list of users. | unknown |
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Endpoint.domain | The endpoint domain. | unknown |
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Endpoint.alias | The endpoint's aliases. | unknown |
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Endpoint.first_seen | First seen date/time in Epoch (milliseconds). | unknown |
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Endpoint.last_seen | Last seen date/time in Epoch (milliseconds). | unknown |
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Endpoint.content_version | Content version. | unknown |
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Endpoint.installation_package | Installation package. | unknown |
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Endpoint.active_directory | Active directory. | unknown |
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Endpoint.install_date | Install date in Epoch (milliseconds). | unknown |
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Endpoint.endpoint_version | Endpoint version. | unknown |
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Endpoint.is_isolated | Whether the endpoint is isolated. | unknown |
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Endpoint.group_name | The name of the group to which the endpoint belongs. | unknown |
PaloAltoNetworksXDR.Endpoint.count | Number of endpoints returned. | unknown |
Endpoint.Hostname | The hostname that is mapped to this endpoint. | unknown |
Endpoint.ID | The unique ID within the tool retrieving the endpoint. | unknown |
Endpoint.IPAddress | The IP address of the endpoint. | unknown |
Endpoint.Domain | The domain of the endpoint. | unknown |
Endpoint.OS | The endpoint's operation system. | unknown |
Endpoint.Status | The endpoint's status. | unknown |
Endpoint.IsIsolated | The endpoint's isolation status. | unknown |
Endpoint.MACAddress | The endpoint's MAC address. | unknown |
Endpoint.Vendor | The integration name of the endpoint vendor. | unknown |
MicrosoftATP.UserMachine.Username | The username. | unknown |
MicrosoftATP.UserMachine.Machines.ID | The machine ID. | unknown |
MicrosoftATP.UserMachine.Machines.ComputerDNSName | The machine DNS name. | unknown |
MicrosoftATP.UserMachine.Machines.FirstSeen | The first date and time the machine was observed by Microsoft Defender ATP. | unknown |
MicrosoftATP.UserMachine.Machines.LastSeen | The last date and time the machine was observed by Microsoft Defender ATP. | unknown |
MicrosoftATP.UserMachine.Machines.OSPlatform | The operating system platform. | unknown |
MicrosoftATP.UserMachine.Machines.OSVersion | The operating system version. | unknown |
MicrosoftATP.UserMachine.Machines.OSProcessor | The operating system processor. | unknown |
MicrosoftATP.UserMachine.Machines.LastExternalIPAddress | The last IP through which the machine accessed the internet. | unknown |
MicrosoftATP.UserMachine.Machines.OSBuild | The operating system build number. | unknown |
MicrosoftATP.UserMachine.Machines.HealthStatus | The machine health status. | unknown |
MicrosoftATP.UserMachine.Machines.RBACGroupID | The machine RBAC group ID. | unknown |
MicrosoftATP.UserMachine.Machines.RBACGroupName | The machine RBAC group name. | unknown |
MicrosoftATP.UserMachine.Machines.RiskScore | The machine risk score. | unknown |
MicrosoftATP.UserMachine.Machines.ExposureLevel | The machine exposure level. | unknown |
MicrosoftATP.UserMachine.Machines.IsAADJoined | True if machine is AAD joined, False otherwise. | unknown |
MicrosoftATP.UserMachine.Machines.AADDeviceID | The AAD device ID. | unknown |
MicrosoftATP.UserMachine.Machines.MachineTags | Set of machine tags. | unknown |
MicrosoftATP.v.Machines.LastIPAddress | The last IP on the machine. | unknown |
ServiceNow.Computer.ID | Computer system ID. | unknown |
ServiceNow.Computer.AssetTag | Computer asset tag. | unknown |
ServiceNow.Computer.Name | Computer name. | unknown |
ServiceNow.Computer.DisplayName | Computer display name. | unknown |
ServiceNow.Computer.SupportGroup | Computer support group. | unknown |
ServiceNow.Computer.OperatingSystem | Computer operating system. | unknown |
ServiceNow.Computer.Company | Computer company system ID. | unknown |
ServiceNow.Computer.AssignedTo | Computer assigned to user system ID. | unknown |
ServiceNow.Computer.State | Computer state. | unknown |
ServiceNow.Computer.Cost | Computer cost. | unknown |
ServiceNow.Computer.Comments | Computer comments. | unknown |
UserDevices | Devices retrieved by this playbook. | unknown |
UserDevices.Name | Devices names retrieved by this playbook. | unknown |
UserDevices.SerialNumber | Devices serial numbers retrieved by this playbook. | unknown |
UserDevices.ID | Devices IDs retrieved by this playbook. | unknown |
UserDevices.Model | Devices models retrieved by this playbook. | unknown |
UserDevices.OS | Devices operating systems retrieved by this playbook. | unknown |
UserDevices.Integration | The integration which retrieved the devices. | unknown |
UserDevices.MACAddress | Devices MAC address retrieved by this playbook. | unknown |