Health Check - Collect Log Bundle
System Diagnostics and Health Check Pack.#
This Playbook is part of theSupported versions
Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.9.0 and later.
Collect Log bundle and parse data
Holding the default Thresholds: { "LargeInvestigations": { "numberofincidentswithmorethan500entries": 300, "numberofincidentsbiggerthan10mb": 1, "numberofincidentsbiggerthan1mb": 300 }, "LargeInputsOutputs": { "numberofincidentsIObiggerthan10mb": 1, "numberofincidentsIObiggerthan1mb": 10 }, "Indicators": { "relatedIndicatorCount": 100 }, "CPU": { "CPUHighUsage": 90, "CPULowUsage": 30, "CPUMediumUsage": 70 }, "Disk": { "DiskUsageHigh": 90, "DiskUsageMedium": 80, "DiskUsageLow": 70, "DiskUsageDailyIncrease": 2 }, "Docker": { "DockerContainerCPUUsage": 10, "DockerContainerRAMUsage": 10 }, "DB": { "FSPartitionsMedium": 12, "FSPartitionsLow": 6 }, "Playbooks": { "CustomPlaybookLength": 30, "CustomPlaybookSetIncidentCount": 4, "CustomPlaybookDeprecatedScriptIds": [ "Sleep", "EmailAskUser" ] }, "Incidents": { "NumberOfDroppedIncidents": 2000 } }
DependenciesThis playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.
Sub-playbooksThis playbook does not use any sub-playbooks.
IntegrationsThis playbook does not use any integrations.
Scripts- PrintErrorEntry
- HealthCheckUnpack
Commands- core-api-download
Playbook InputsThere are no inputs for this playbook.
Playbook OutputsThere are no outputs for this playbook.
Playbook Image