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Local Analysis alert Investigation

This Playbook is part of the Core - Investigation and Response Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.6.0 and later.

When an unknown executable, DLL, or macro attempts to run on a Windows or Mac endpoint, the Cortex XDR agent uses local analysis to determine if it is likely to be malware. Local analysis uses a static set of pattern-matching rules that inspect multiple file features and attributes, and a statistical model that was developed with machine learning on WildFire threat intelligence.

Investigative Actions:

Investigate the executed process image and verify if it is malicious using:

  • XDR trusted signers
  • VT trusted signers
  • VT detection rate

Response Actions

The playbook's first response action is a containment plan that is based on the initial data provided within the alert. In that phase, the playbook will execute:

  • Auto block indicators
  • Auto file quarantine
  • Manual endpoint isolation

When the playbook executes, it checks for additional activity using the Endpoint Investigation Plan playbook, and another phase, which includes containment and eradication, is executed.

This phase will execute the following containment actions:

  • Manual block indicators
  • Manual file quarantine
  • Auto endpoint isolation

And the following eradication actions:

  • Manual process termination
  • Manual file deletion
  • Manual reset of the user’s password

External resources:

Malware Protection Flow


This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.


  • Handle False Positive Alerts
  • Enrichment for Verdict
  • Ticket Management - Generic
  • Eradication Plan
  • Wildfire Detonate and Analyze File
  • Containment Plan
  • Endpoint Investigation Plan
  • Recovery Plan


  • CortexCoreIR


  • UnzipFile
  • GetTime


  • core-report-incorrect-wildfire
  • core-retrieve-file-details
  • internal-wildfire-get-report
  • closeInvestigation
  • setParentIncidentFields
  • core-retrieve-files

Playbook Inputs#

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
GraywareAsMalwareWhether to treat Grayware verdict as Malware.FalseOptional
AutoContainmentSetting this input will impact both Containment Plan sub-playbooks. Without setting this input, the default values are True for the first occurrence and False for the second.
Whether to execute automatically or manually the containment plan tasks:
* Isolate endpoint
* Block indicators
* Quarantine file
* Disable user
AutoEradicationWhether to execute automatically or manually the eradication plan tasks:
* Terminate process
* Delete file
* Reset the user's password
FileRemediationShould be either 'Quarantine' or 'Delete'.QuarantineOptional
AutoRecoveryWhether to execute the Recovery playbook.FalseOptional
AutoCloseAlertWhether to close the alert automatically or manually, after an analyst's review.FalseOptional
ShouldRescanBenignWhether to rescan (Using WildFire detonate file) benign files.TrueOptional
ShouldManualReviewFPWhether to ask for a manual review before false positive handling. Should be True or FalseFalseOptional
SHA256The SHA256 hash of the file to respond to. Decided by the DT expression wether it's the initiator or the target file SHA256.alertOptional
PathThe path of the file to respond to. Decided by the DT expression wether it's the initiator or the target file path.alertOptional
QueryThe query for searching previous alerts based on the file we want to respond to. Decided by the If-Then-Else expression wether it's the initiator or the target file.alertOptional
ShouldOpenTicketWhether to open a ticket automatically in a ticketing system. (True/False).FalseOptional
serviceNowShortDescriptionA short description of the ticket.XSIAM Incident ID - ${parentIncidentFields.incident_id}Optional
serviceNowImpactThe impact for the new ticket. Leave empty for ServiceNow default impact.Optional
serviceNowUrgencyThe urgency of the new ticket. Leave empty for ServiceNow default urgency.Optional
serviceNowSeverityThe severity of the new ticket. Leave empty for ServiceNow default severity.Optional
serviceNowTicketTypeThe ServiceNow ticket type. Options are "incident", "problem", "change_request", "sc_request", "sc_task", or "sc_req_item". Default is "incident".Optional
serviceNowCategoryThe category of the ServiceNow ticket.Optional
serviceNowAssignmentGroupThe group to which to assign the new ticket.Optional
ZendeskPriorityThe urgency with which the ticket should be addressed. Allowed values are "urgent", "high", "normal", or "low".Optional
ZendeskRequesterThe user who requested this ticket.Optional
ZendeskStatusThe state of the ticket. Allowed values are "new", "open", "pending", "hold", "solved", or "closed".Optional
ZendeskSubjectThe value of the subject field for this ticket.XSIAM Incident ID - ${parentIncidentFields.incident_id}Optional
ZendeskTagsThe array of tags applied to this ticket.Optional
ZendeskTypeThe type of this ticket. Allowed values are "problem", "incident", "question", or "task".Optional
ZendeskAssigneThe agent currently assigned to the ticket.Optional
ZendeskCollaboratorsThe users currently CC'ed on the ticket.Optional
descriptionThe ticket description.${parentIncidentFields.description}. ${parentIncidentFields.xdr_url}Optional
addCommentPerEndpointWhether to append a new comment to the ticket for each endpoint in the incident. Possible values: True/False.Optional
CommentToAddComment for the ticket.${}. Alert ID: ${}Optional

Playbook Outputs#

There are no outputs for this playbook.

Playbook Image#

Local Analysis alert Investigation