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Msiexec execution of an executable from an uncommon remote location

This Playbook is part of the Cortex Response And Remediation Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 8.8.0 and later.

This playbook addresses the following alerts:

  • Msiexec execution of an executable from an uncommon remote location with a specific port
  • Msiexec execution of an executable from an uncommon remote location without properties

Playbook Stages:


  • Check extracted URL reputation:
    • Determine if the MSI package was installed from a malicious source
    • If the URL is found to be malicious, the playbook will proceed directly to remediation steps


  • Check extracted domain's prevalence and causality process signature status:

    • Evaluate the prevalence of the domain from which the MSI package was downloaded
    • Verify if the causality process (CGO) is signed or unsigned
    • If the domain is found malicious and the causality process is unsigned, the playbook will proceed directly to remediation steps
  • Check for the following related alerts:

    • Local Analysis Malware
    • Mitre Techniques:
      • T1140 - Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information
      • T1059 - Command and Scripting Interpreter
  • Analyze CGO command line for defense evasion techniques:

    • Evaluate the command line for suspicious patterns which indicates attempts to bypass security controls
  • If the command line contains suspicious patterns or related alerts are found, the playbook will proceed directly to remediation steps


  • Terminate causality process
  • Block maliciou URL (Manual approval)
    • Implement URL blocking using PAN-OS through Custom URL Categories
  • Isolate endpoint (Manual approval)


For any response action, you need the following integration:

  • PAN-OS


This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.


  • PAN-OS - Block URL - Custom URL Category


  • CortexCoreIR


  • CommandLineAnalysis
  • SearchIncidentsV2


  • closeInvestigation
  • core-get-IP-analytics-prevalence
  • core-get-domain-analytics-prevalence
  • core-isolate-endpoint
  • core-terminate-causality
  • extractIndicators
  • wildfire-get-verdict

Playbook Inputs#

There are no inputs for this playbook.

Playbook Outputs#

There are no outputs for this playbook.

Playbook Image#

Msiexec execution of an executable from an uncommon remote location