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NIST - Lessons Learned

This Playbook is part of the NIST Pack.#

This playbook assists in processing an incident after it occurs and facilitates the lessons learned stage, as described in the ‘Handling an Incident’ section of NIST - Computer Security Incident Handling Guide.


This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.


This playbook does not use any sub-playbooks.


This playbook does not use any integrations.


This playbook does not use any scripts.


This playbook does not use any commands.

Playbook Inputs#

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
DataCollectionUse a data collection task to answer lessons learned questions based on NIST. Specify 'True' to automatically send the communication task, and 'False' to prevent it.TrueOptional
EmailEmail address to which to send the questions.Optional

Playbook Outputs#

NIST - Lessons Learned.Answers.0Answer to communication task.shortText
NIST - Lessons Learned.Answers.1Answer to communication task.shortText
NIST - Lessons Learned.Answers.2Answer to communication task.shortText
NIST - Lessons Learned.Answers.3Answer to communication task.shortText
NIST - Lessons Learned.Answers.4Answer to communication task.shortText
NIST - Lessons Learned.Answers.5Answer to communication task.shortText
NIST - Lessons Learned.Answers.6Answer to communication task.shortText
NIST - Lessons Learned.Answers.7Answer to communication task.shortText
NIST - Lessons Learned.Answers.8Answer to communication task.shortText
NIST - Lessons Learned.Answers.nameProvided username or email addressunknown

Playbook Image#
