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Proofpoint TAP - Event Enrichment

This Playbook is part of the Proofpoint TAP Pack.#

This playbook enriches Proofpoint Targeted Attack Protection (TAP) incidents with forensic evidence. By utilizing the 'proofpoint-get-forensics' command, the playbook retrieves forensic evidence based on the campaign ID and threat ID detected in the Proofpoint TAP incidents.


This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.


This playbook does not use any sub-playbooks.


  • Proofpoint TAP v2
  • ProofpointTAP_v2


  • Print
  • SetAndHandleEmpty
  • PrintErrorEntry


  • proofpoint-get-campaign
  • proofpoint-get-forensics

Playbook Inputs#

There are no inputs for this playbook.

Playbook Outputs#

Proofpoint.CampaignRetrieved Campaign objectsstring
Proofpoint.Campaign.infoThe campaign information - ID,name, description, startDate, and notable.string
Proofpoint.Campaign.actorsA list of actor objects.string
Proofpoint.Campaign.familiesA list of family objects.string
Proofpoint.Campaign.malwareA list of malware objects.string
Proofpoint.Campaign.techniquesA list of technique objects.string
Proofpoint.Campaign.brandsA list of brand objects.string
Proofpoint.Campaign.campaignMembersA list of campaign member objects.string
Proofpoint.ReportRetrieved Report object identifiesstring
Proofpoint.Report.IDThe ID of the report.string
Proofpoint.Report.TypeThe threat type. Can be: "attachment", "url", or "hybrid".string
Proofpoint.Report.ScopeWhether the report scope covers a campaign or an individual threat.string
Proofpoint.Report.AttachmentAttachments evidence type objects retrieved from Proofpoint TAP.string
Proofpoint.Report.Attachment.TimeThe relative time at which the evidence was observed during
Proofpoint.Report.Attachment.MaliciousWhether the evidence was used to reach a malicious verdict.string
Proofpoint.Report.Attachment.DisplayA friendly display string.string
Proofpoint.Report.Attachment.SHA256The SHA256 hash of the attachment's contents.string
Proofpoint.Report.Attachment.MD5The MD5 hash of the attachment's contents.string
Proofpoint.Report.Attachment.BlacklistedOptional. Whether the file was block listed.string
Proofpoint.Report.Attachment.OffsetOptional. The offset in bytes where the malicious content was found.string
Proofpoint.Report.Attachment.SizeOptional. The size in bytes of the attachment's contents.string
Proofpoint.Report.Attachment.Platform.NameThe name of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.Attachment.Platform.OSThe operating system of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.Attachment.Platform.VersionThe version of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.CookieCookies evidence type objects retrieved from Proofpoint TAP.string
Proofpoint.Report.Cookie.TimeThe relative time at which the evidence was observed during
Proofpoint.Report.Cookie.MaliciousWhether the evidence was used to reach a malicious verdict.string
Proofpoint.Report.Cookie.DisplayA friendly display string.string
Proofpoint.Report.Cookie.ActionWhether the cookie was set or deleted.string
Proofpoint.Report.Cookie.DomainThe domain that set the cookie.string
Proofpoint.Report.Cookie.KeyThe name of the cookie being set or deleted.string
Proofpoint.Report.Cookie.ValueOptional. The content of the cookie being set.string
Proofpoint.Report.Cookie.Platform.NameName of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.Cookie.Platform.OSThe operating system of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.Cookie.Platform.VersionThe version of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.DNSDNS evidence type objects retrieved from Proofpoint TAP.string
Proofpoint.Report.DNS.TimeThe relative time at which the evidence was observed during
Proofpoint.Report.DNS.MaliciousWhether the evidence was used to reach a malicious verdict.string
Proofpoint.Report.DNS.DisplayA friendly display string.string
Proofpoint.Report.DNS.HostThe hostname being resolved.string
Proofpoint.Report.DNS.CNamesOptional. An array of CNames, which were associated with the hostname.string
Proofpoint.Report.DNS.IPOptional. An array of IP addresses that were resolved to the hostname.string
Proofpoint.Report.DNS.NameServersOptional. The nameservers responsible for the hostname's domain.string
Proofpoint.Report.DNS.NameServersListOptional. The nameservers responsible for the hostnames.string
Proofpoint.Report.DNS.Platform.NameThe name of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.DNS.Platform.OSThe operating system of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.DNS.Platform.VersionThe version of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.DropperDroppers evidence type objects retrieved from Proofpoint TAP.string
Proofpoint.Report.Dropper.TimeThe relative time at which the evidence was observed during
Proofpoint.Report.Dropper.MaliciousWhether the evidence was used to reach a malicious verdict.string
Proofpoint.Report.Dropper.DisplayA friendly display string.string
Proofpoint.Report.Dropper.PathThe location of the dropper file.string
Proofpoint.Report.Dropper.URLOptional. The name of the static rule inside the sandbox that identified the dropper.string
Proofpoint.Report.Dropper.RuleOptional. The URL the dropper contacted.string
Proofpoint.Report.Dropper.Platform.NameThe name of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.Dropper.Platform.OSThe operating system of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.Dropper.Platform.VersionThe version of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.FileFiles evidence type objects retrieved from Proofpoint TAP.string
Proofpoint.Report.File.TimeThe relative time at which the evidence was observed during
Proofpoint.Report.File.MaliciousWhether the evidence was used to reach a malicious verdict.string
Proofpoint.Report.File.DisplayA friendly display string.string
Proofpoint.Report.File.PathOptional. The location of the file operated on.string
Proofpoint.Report.File.ActionOptional. The filesystem call made (create, modify, or delete).string
Proofpoint.Report.File.RuleOptional. The name of the static rule inside the sandbox that identified the suspicious file.string
Proofpoint.Report.File.SHA256Optional. The SH256 hash of the file's contents.string
Proofpoint.Report.File.MD5Optional. The MD5 hash of the file's contents.string
Proofpoint.Report.File.SizeOptional. The size in bytes of the file's contents.string
Proofpoint.Report.File.Platform.NameThe name of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.File.Platform.OSThe operating system of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.File.Platform.VersionThe version of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.IDSIDS evidence type objects retrieved from Proofpoint TAP.string
Proofpoint.Report.IDS.TimeThe relative time at which the evidence was observed during
Proofpoint.Report.IDS.MaliciousWhether the evidence was used to reach a malicious verdict.string
Proofpoint.Report.IDS.DisplayA friendly display string.string
Proofpoint.Report.IDS.NameThe friendly name of the IDS rule that observed the malicious traffic.string
Proofpoint.Report.IDS.SignatureIDThe identifier of the IDS rule that observed the malicious traffic.string
Proofpoint.Report.IDS.Platform.NameThe name of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.IDS.Platform.OSThe operating system of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.IDS.Platform.VersionThe version of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.MutexMutex evidence type objects retrieved from Proofpoint TAP.string
Proofpoint.Report.Mutex.TimeThe relative time at which the evidence was observed during
Proofpoint.Report.Mutex.MaliciousWhether the evidence was used to reach a malicious verdict.string
Proofpoint.Report.Mutex.DisplayA friendly display string.string
Proofpoint.Report.Mutex.NameThe name of the mutex.string
Proofpoint.Report.Mutex.PathOptional. The path to the process which spawned the mutex.string
Proofpoint.Report.Mutex.Platform.NameThe name of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.Mutex.Platform.OSThe operating system of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.Mutex.Platform.VersionThe version of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.NetworkNetwork evidence type objects retrieved from Proofpoint TAP.string
Proofpoint.Report.Network.TimeThe relative time at which the evidence was observed during
Proofpoint.Report.Network.MaliciousWhether the evidence was used to reach a malicious verdict.string
Proofpoint.Report.Network.DisplayA friendly display string.string
Proofpoint.Report.Network.ActionThe type of network activity being initiated (connect or listen).string
Proofpoint.Report.Network.IPThe remote IP address being contacted.string
Proofpoint.Report.Network.PortThe remote IP port being contacted.string
Proofpoint.Report.Network.TypeThe protocol being used (tcp or udp).string
Proofpoint.Report.Network.Platform.NameThe name of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.Network.Platform.OSThe operating system of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.Network.Platform.VersionThe version of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.ProcessProcesses evidence type objects retrieved from Proofpoint TAP.string
Proofpoint.Report.Process.TimeThe relative time at which the evidence was observed during
Proofpoint.Report.Process.MaliciousWhether the evidence was used to reach a malicious verdict.string
Proofpoint.Report.Process.DisplayA friendly display string.string
Proofpoint.Report.Process.ActionThe action performed on the process. Relevant when create is produced.string
Proofpoint.Report.Process.PathThe location of the executable that spawned the process.string
Proofpoint.Report.Process.Platform.NameThe name of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.Process.Platform.OSThe operating system of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.Process.Platform.VersionThe version of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.RegistryRegistry evidence type objects retrieved from Proofpoint TAP.string
Proofpoint.Report.Registry.TimeThe relative time at which the evidence was observed during
Proofpoint.Report.Registry.MaliciousWhether the evidence was used to reach a malicious verdict.string
Proofpoint.Report.Registry.DisplayA friendly display string.string
Proofpoint.Report.Registry.NameOptional. The name of the registry entry being created or set.string
Proofpoint.Report.Registry.ActionThe registry change made (create or set).string
Proofpoint.Report.Registry.KeyThe location of the registry key being modified.string
Proofpoint.Report.Registry.ValueOptional. The contents of the key being created or set.string
Proofpoint.Report.Registry.Platform.NameThe name of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.Registry.Platform.OSThe operating system of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.Registry.Platform.VersionThe version of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.URLURL evidence type objects retrieved from Proofpoint TAP.string
Proofpoint.Report.URL.TimeThe relative time at which the evidence was observed during
Proofpoint.Report.URL.MaliciousWhether the evidence was used to reach a malicious verdict.string
Proofpoint.Report.URL.DisplayA friendly display string.string
Proofpoint.Report.URL.URLThe URL which was observed.string
Proofpoint.Report.URL.BlacklistedOptional. Whether the URL appeared on a block list.boolean
Proofpoint.Report.URL.SHA256Optional. The SHA256 hash of the file downloaded from the URL.string
Proofpoint.Report.URL.MD5Optional. The MD5 hash of the file downloaded from the URL.string
Proofpoint.Report.URL.SizeOptional. The size in bytes of the file retrieved from the URL.string
Proofpoint.Report.URL.HTTPStatusOptional. The HTTP status code that was produced when our sandbox visited the URL.string
Proofpoint.Report.URL.IPOptional. The IP address that was resolved to the hostname by the sandbox.string
Proofpoint.Report.URL.Platform.NameThe name of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.URL.Platform.OSThe operating system of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.URL.Platform.VersionThe version of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.BehaviorBehavior evidence type objects retrieved from Proofpoint TAP.string
Proofpoint.Report.Behavior.TimeThe relative time at which the evidence was observed during
Proofpoint.Report.Behavior.MaliciousWhether the evidence was used to reach a malicious verdict.string
Proofpoint.Report.Behavior.DisplayA friendly display string.string
Proofpoint.Report.Behavior.URLThe URL that was observed.string
Proofpoint.Report.Behavior.PathThe location of the executable which spawned the behavior.string
Proofpoint.Report.Behavior.Platform.NameThe name of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.Behavior.Platform.OSThe operating system of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.Behavior.Platform.VersionThe version of the platform.string
Proofpoint.Report.ScreenshotScreenshot evidence type objects retrieved from Proofpoint TAP.string
Proofpoint.Report.Screenshot.TimeThe relative time at which the evidence was observed during
Proofpoint.Report.Screenshot.MaliciousWhether the evidence was used to reach a malicious verdict.string
Proofpoint.Report.Screenshot.DisplayA friendly display string.string
Proofpoint.Report.Screenshot.URLThe URL hosting the screenshot image.string

Playbook Image#

Proofpoint TAP - Event Enrichment