QRadar Indicator Hunting V2
IBM QRadar Pack.#
This Playbook is part of theThe Playbook queries QRadar SIEM for indicators such as file hashes, IP addresses, domains, or urls.
DependenciesThis playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.
Sub-playbooksThis playbook does not use any sub-playbooks.
Integrations- QRadar_v3
Scripts- IsIPInRanges
- Set
- SetAndHandleEmpty
Commands- qradar-assets-list
- qradar-search-retrieve-events
Playbook InputsName | Description | Default Value | Required |
MD5 | MD5 hash file or an array of hashes to search. | Optional | |
QradarMD5Field | MD5 field to search in QRadar. If none are specified, the search will use a payload contains filter. | Optional | |
SHA1 | SHA1 hash file or an array of hashes to search. | Optional | |
QradarSHA1Field | SHA1 field to search in QRadar. If none are specified, the search will use a payload contains filter. | Optional | |
SHA256 | SHA256 hash file or an array of hashes to search. | Optional | |
QradarSHA256Field | SHA256 field to search in QRadar. If none are specified, the search will use a payload contains filter. | Optional | |
IPAddress | Source or destination IP to search. Can be a single address or an array of addresses. | Optional | |
QradarIPfield | IP field to search in QRadar. If none are specified, the search will use sourceip or destinationip (combined). | sourceip,destinationip | Optional |
URLDomain | Domain or Url can be single or an array of domain/urls to search. By default the LIKE clause is used. | Optional | |
QradarURLDomainField | URL/Domain field to search in QRadar. If none are specified, the search will use a payload contains filter. | Optional | |
TimeFrame | Time frame as used in AQL Examples can be LAST 7 DAYS START '2019-09-25 15:51' STOP '2019-09-25 17:51' For more examples review IBM's AQL documentation. | LAST 7 DAYS | Optional |
InternalRange | A list of internal IP ranges to check IP addresses against. The comma-separated list should be provided in CIDR notation. For example, a list of ranges would be: ",," (without quotes). | lists.PrivateIPs | Optional |
InvestigationIPFields | The values of these QRadar fields will be used for the playbook IP addresses outputs. | sourceip,destinationip | Required |
InvestigationUserFields | The values of these QRadar fields will be used for the playbook user name outputs. | username | Required |
Playbook OutputsPath | Description | Type |
QRadar.DetectedUsers | Users detected based on the username field in your search. | string |
QRadar.DetectedInternalIPs | Internal IP addresses detected based on fields and inputs in your search. | string |
QRadar.DetectedExternalIPs | External IP addresses detected based on fields and inputs in your search. | string |
QRadar.DetectedInternalHosts | Internal host names detected based on hosts in your assets table. Note that the data accuracy depends on how the Asset mapping is configured in QRadar. | string |
QRadar.DetectedExternalHosts | External host names detected based on hosts in your assets table. Note that the data accuracy depends on how the Asset mapping is configured in QRadar. | string |