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Set Team Members

This Playbook is part of the Team Management Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.0.0 and later.

This playbook will accept a CSV of usernames and / or a CSV of role names (of which to enumerate for usernames) to add to the incidents team members.

The playbook will determine the existing owner and ensure that they are replaced as the owner once complete.


This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.


This playbook does not use any sub-playbooks.


This playbook does not use any integrations.


  • AssignAnalystToIncident
  • EnumerateRoles
  • Set


This playbook does not use any commands.

Playbook Inputs#

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
usernamesA CSV of usernames to add to the team of the incident.Optional
rolesA CSV of role names to enumerate for usernames to add to the team of the incident.Optional

Playbook Outputs#

There are no outputs for this playbook.

Playbook Image#

![Set Team Members]image