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Trend Micro CAS - Indicators Hunting

This Playbook is part of the Trend Micro Cloud App Security Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.5.0 and later.

In this playbook, the 'trendmicro-cas-email-sweep' command is used to automatically hunt for and detect IOCs within email messages protected by Cloud App Security (CAS).

Note that multiple search values should be separated by commas only (without spaces or any special characters).

Supported IOCs for this playbook:

  • IP Addresses
  • CIDR
  • File Name
  • File Type
  • SHA1
  • URL
  • Domain
  • Email Addresses

Separate searches are conducted for each type of indicator in the playbook.


This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.


This playbook does not use any sub-playbooks.


  • TrendMicro Cloud App Security


  • IsIntegrationAvailable
  • SetAndHandleEmpty


  • trendmicro-cas-email-sweep

Playbook Inputs#

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
IPAddressA single or multiple IP address to search for within TrendMicro CAS logs. Used for both source and destination IP addresses

Separate multiple search values by commas only (without spaces or any special characters).
CIDRA single or multiple IP ranges to search for within TrendMicro CAS logs. Used for both source and destination IP addresses.

Separate multiple search values by commas only (without spaces or any special characters).
URLDomainSingle or multiple URLs and/or domains to search for within TrendMicro CAS logs.

Separate multiple search values by commas only (without spaces or any special characters).
FileNameSingle or multiple file names to search for within TrendMicro CAS logs.

Separate multiple search values by commas only (without spaces or any special characters).
FileTypeA single or multiple file types to search for within TrendMicro CAS logs.

Separate multiple search values by commas only (without spaces or any special characters).
SHA1Single or multiple SHA1 file hashes to search for within TrendMicro CAS logs.

Separate multiple search values by commas only (without spaces or any special characters).
EmailAddressA single or multiple email addresses to search for within TrendMicro CAS logs. Used for both recipient and sender email addresses.

Separate multiple search values by commas only (without spaces or any special characters).
subjectFilter messages that should be retrieved from the TrendMicro CAS based on the email subject (string).

Use double quotes to search for an exact phrase, for example, "messageA messageB"
otherwise, a partial match based on the phrase is performed. For example,
a search is performed on a subject containing messageA, or messageB, or messageA message B.

Separate multiple search values by commas only (without spaces or any special characters).
startThe start date and time from which you would like to retrieve messages from TrendMicro CAS.
Use ISO 8601 time format, e.g. 2020-08-01T02:31:20Z, or 'human-readable' data, such as 1 day ago or 3 weeks ago.

For a complete time range, specify 'end' as well.
If 'start' is not specified messages will be retrieved from TrendMicro CAS within seven days before the end time. In the absence of 'start' and 'end' inputs, the default value is 'last seven days' is set.

Do not configure 'lastndays' and 'start' or 'end' at the same time.
endThe end date and time specify the period of time in which messages should be retrieved from TrendMicro CAS.
Use ISO 8601 time format, e.g. 2020-08-01T02:31:20Z, or 'human-readable' data, such as 1 day ago or 3 weeks ago.

For a complete time range, specify 'start' as well.
If 'end' is not specified messages will be retrieved from TrendMicro CAS within seven days after the start time. In the absence of 'start' and 'end' inputs, the default value is 'last seven days' is set.

Do not configure 'lastndays' and 'start' or 'end' at the same time.
lastndaysThe number of days (n × 24 hours) before the request is sent to be examined.

An alternative filter to the 'start' and 'end' inputs. This filter specifies a time range that will determine the period of time in which messages should be retrieved from TrendMicro CAS.

Do not configure 'lastndays' and 'start' or 'end' at the same time.
limitThe maximum number of email messages to display. The maximum number of messages is 1,000. If not specified, a default value of 20 will be used.Optional
next_linkThe URL for the results page if the total number of email messages in a previous request exceeds the specified limit.

When the maximum limit has been exceeded, a URL is specified in the response. To retrieve the remaining email messages, use the URL from the response.

Playbook Outputs#

TrendMicroCAS.HuntingResults.valueEmail message objects and fields that were retrieved from TrendMicro CAS.string
TrendMicroCAS.HuntingResults.value.mail_message_delivery_timeThe time and date when the email message was sent.number
TrendMicroCAS.HuntingResults.value.mail_message_idThe Internet message ID of the email message.string
TrendMicroCAS.HuntingResults.value.mail_unique_idThe ID of the email message.string
TrendMicroCAS.HuntingResults.value.mailboxThe mailbox which contains the email message.string
TrendMicroCAS.HuntingResults.value.source_ipThe source IP address of the email message.string
TrendMicroCAS.HuntingResults.value.source_domainThe source domain of the email message.string
TrendMicroCAS.HuntingResults.value.mail_urlsThe URL contained in the email body or attachment.string
TrendMicroCAS.HuntingResults.value.mail_message_subjectThe subject of the email message.string
TrendMicroCAS.HuntingResults.value.mail_message_senderThe email address of the sender.string
TrendMicroCAS.HuntingResults.value.mail_message_recipientA list of recipient email addresses of the email message.string
TrendMicroCAS.HuntingResults.value.mail_internet_headers.ValueSender's email address as displayed in the email header.string
TrendMicroCAS.HuntingResults.value.mail_attachmentsEmail attachment objects that were retrieved from TrendMicro CAS.string
TrendMicroCAS.HuntingResults.value.mail_attachments.file_sha1The SHA-1 hash value of the attachment file.string
TrendMicroCAS.HuntingResults.value.mail_attachments.file_nameThe name of the attachment file.string

Playbook Image#

Trend Micro CAS - Indicators Hunting